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Page 1: Conditionals

Збірник граматичних вправ

з теми:

“Types of Conditionals” з досвіду роботи учителя англійської мови

Деснянської гімназії

Петеліної Н.М..

Десна 2013

Page 2: Conditionals

As a rule,English grammarians distinguish three types of conditional


The First Conditional

I. The first conditional is used:

1)To describe a possible,likely to happen future events and its concequences or result:e.g.If it starts to rain,we’ll play inside.

If you drink this milk,I’ll read you a book.

2)To give advice:e.g.If you give up smoking,you’ll feel yourself better.

3)To warn,promise or threaten:e.g.If you’re not at home at six,I’ll eat without you.

“UNLESS”can replace “IF…NOT” to add emphases:

e.g.If you don’t go now,you’ll miss the train.=Unless you go now,you’ll miss the train.

II.The future tense is used in the main clause but not in the first conditional.

IF is followed by a present form(simple or continuous)

I Conditional clause form Main clause


e.g.If you go/are going to the office,I’ll go with you.

The conditional can go after the main clause:e.g. You’ll be better,if you

tell him the truth.

“WILL/WON’T” can be replaced by certain models (may,can,might,sho-

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uld,going to ,the imperatives)e.g.If it rains ,we may go to the cinema.

If it rains,we are not going out tonight.


I.Complete these sentences with a suitable condition.

1.If------------------,I’ll go to bed.

2.If------------------,I’ll be slim and fit.

3.If-------------------,I’ll be very happy.

4.If-------------------,I’ll earn a lot of money.

5.If-------------------,I’ll have an interesting life.

6.If-------------------,I’ll be famous.

7.If Ipass all my exams,--------

8.If I win the lottery,--------

9.If it’s sunny tomorrow,--------

10.If I have a free afternoon,--------

II.Choose the correct answer.

1.If she will pass/passes her driving test,she will take/takes us out in the car on Saturday.

2.Simon will be/is very happy if he will get/gets a new job.

3.What will you do/do you do if John won’t invite/doesn’t invite you to his party?

4.I will be/am angry if Sarah won’t get /doesn’t get here on time?

5.If it will rain/rains on Friday evening,we won’t go/don’t go to the barbeque.

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III.Write down two parts into one sentence.

e.g.Get up earlier/catch the train-If you get up earlier you’ll catch the train.

1.You need anything/I get it for you.(If you need anything I’ll get it for you.)

2.Not be raining/go swimming.(If it isn’t raining we’ll go swimming.)

3.Have a boat/never live on land.(If I have a boat I’ll never live on land.)

4.Not the right size/bring it back.(If it isn’t the right size I’ll bring it back.)

5.Don’t phone home/worry.(If you don’t phone home they’ll worry.)

IV.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1.What(you/do) if it (rain)tomorrow?

2.If she(not study)she (not pass)her exams.

3.If (you/have)time this summer,where (you/go)?

4.I(buy)that computer if I (have)enough money next month.

5.(you/go)next weekend if (not have to)study?

6.If I(not see)Jany this afternoon,I(phone)her later.

7.If I(have)a party next Saturday,I(invite)all the students of my class.

8.You(get)better soon if you(drink)milk with honey.

9.If we(go out)for a meal,we(go)to the new Italian restaurant.

10.If I(have)a coffee before I go to bed ,I(not be) able to sleep.

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The Second Conditional

The second conditional is used:

1)To talk about hypothetical but possible situations reffering to the past or future e.g.If I had a stall I would have to pay taxes.

2)To talk about totally imaginary or impossible

situations(in present or future)and their results e.g.If I were a man I’d

probably be more aggressive.

3)To give advice e.g.If I were you I’d get a full time job.

“WERE” can be used instead of “WAS” in formal English and

particularly in the phrase”If I were you”e.g.If I were you I’d take a


II Conditional clause Main clause

If+Past Simple

e.g.If I had a cold


I’d put on a pullover


I.Complete the sentences:

1)I’d be very miserable if-------

2)I’d be terrified if-------

3)I’d leave the country if-------

4)I’d be very happy if-------

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5)If I couldn’t cook I’d------

6)If I hadn’t a car I’d-------

7)If I had the money I’d------

II.Make up sentences answering the questions:

a)What would you do if…

1)someone followed you down a dark street?

2)you saw the furniture moving on its own?

3)you were trapped in a lift?

4)you ran out of patrol miles away from anywhere?

5)you heard someone shouting for help?

6)you were offered a job in Great Britain?

7)you saw a strange light in the sky which looked like a flying saucer?

8)you were late for an appointment?

9)someone you had never seen before said”I love you”?

b)On what condition you would do the following:

1)shout for help?

2)steal food from a shop?

3)ring up the fire brigade?

4)borrow money?

5)knock at your neighbor’s door at the midnight?

III.Match the sentence beginning 1-8 with the ends(a-h).Use First and Second Conditionals.

1)If I see Mark,

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2)If they have enough money next month,

3)If I watched a horror film on my own at night,

4)If we go out for a meal,

5)If I have a coffee before I go to bed,

6)If they had more money,

7)If we went to the restaurant,

8)If you phoned Simon,

a)I wouldn’t be able to sleep after.

b)they would buy a new car.

c)I’ll tell him you phoned.

d)what would you say to him?

e)we’ll go to the new Italian restaurant.

f)I’d have pasta and pizza. I love them both!

g)they’ll go on holiday to China.

h)I won’t be able to sleep, I’ll be wide awake.

IV.First or Second Conditional?Write sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1)I live in Scotland. If I (live) in France, I would(learn) French.

2)I f I (be ) you,I (not go )to the party.I really don’t think it’s a good idea.

3)I usually see John in the afternoon.I (give) him your message If I(see) him later.

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4)Don’t worry. I(help)you with your chemistry homework if you(not understand)it. I’m good at chemistry.

5)I(buy)a new computer if I(have)enough money. Unfortunately I’ve got only &50 !

6)I’m saving up at the moment. If I(have) enough money at the end of the year, I(buy) a CD player.

7)The weather’s been very good recently. If it(be)good at the weekend, we(go) to the mountains.

8)I(do) more sport if I(have) more free time, but I’m extremely busy at the moment.

The Third Conditional

The Third Conditional is used:

1)to imagine consequences of the things that didn’t happen in the past:

e.g. If you’d park on a meter, you wouldn’t have to pay the fine.

Conditional clause Main clause If+Past Perfect would+Present Perfect

e.g.If there hadn’t been a queue at the bank,I’d have got back before she caught me.

“Might/could have “ are used instead of “would have”if the consequences is less definite.

e.g.If you had asked me earlier I might have been able to help.

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I.Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1)They would have had a church wedding if there had been any relatives to invite.

2)If Columbus had stayed in Italy, he wouldn’t have discovered America.

3)If nobody had invented the wheels there wouldn’t been any cars.

4)If he had done his homework, he wouldn’t have had to stay in while the others were playing.

5)If they hadn’t had the record player on so loudly, their neighbors wouldn’t have complained.

II.Complete the sentences using the appropriate form of the verb:

1)If I had known he was there I/go/to see him.

2)If I had known you wanted that book I/try/to get it for you.

3)If she hadn’t eaten so much yesterday she/feel not/sick.

4)If only he had read the notice “strictly no bathing” he/not drown.

5)If they have read the news they/know/there was a strike.

III.Complete the sentences:

1)If I had been born in England---------

2)If I had been a genius---------

3)If I had studied harder when I was younger----------

4)If I had been to the USA last summer----------

5)If my parents had been richer----------

6)If I had started using the computer when I was eight---------

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7)If I had studied Chinese at school---------

8)If she had only known the truth----------

9)If he hadn’t met her last year--------

I,II and III Conditionals in contrast

Complete the sentences using theI,II,III Conditionals.

1)If you/come/to my party next Saturday I/be able/to introduce you to my new friends.

2)It’s a pity you didn’t come on Saturday.If you /come/we/have/a great time together.

3)What you/do if you/see Johnny Depp in the supermarket?

4)If Peter and Sarah/not live/so far away, we/visit/them more often.

5)Mark/go out/tomorrow night if he/not have to/study for the exam on Friday.

6)If you/listen/to me, you/not make/so many mistakes.

7)Mary didn’t work hard for the exams. If she /work/harder, she/pass/


8)If you/phone/me yesterday,I/tell/you the news.

9)I’m sure my teacher/know/if my brother/do/my homework for me.

10)If I/not like/living in the city,I/not live/in the centre of London.

Zero Conditional

Zero Conditional is used to describe rules and situations where one event always follows the other:

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e.g. If you freeze water, it turns to ice.

If you are kind to others, they are kind to you.

If you eat a lot of chocolate, you put on weight.

Conditional clause Main clause

If+Present Simple, Present Simple


I.Match the sentence beginnings(1-8) with the ends(a-h).

1)If you have a problem, a)if you don’t give it water.

2)A plant dies, b)if you do some exercise every day.

3)If you have a camera on your mobile, c)you can send photos.

4)If you heat water, d)I talk to my friends about it.

5)You should take up a new hobby, e) if they win a basketball match.

6)You don’t feel so tired or f)you should go to the doctor’s.


7)If you feel ill, g)if you’re bored.

8)Jane and Sarah always feel good, h)it boils.

II.Complete the sentences with the correctform of the verbs in the box.

Use the Zero Conditional.

Make,run,stay,eat,not have,travel,be(x2),not eat,want,speak,not like.

1)if I-----hungry, I----something.

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2)If I -----any money, I-----at home and watch video or listen to music.

3)If you-----a phone call after 8pm,it-----cheaper.

4)If you-----Spanish, you can------to a lot of different countries.

5)If my dog------to play, it------round in circles. It’s very funny.

6)if you-----cold foods, you should ------ice-cream.

III.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Zero Conditional.

1) You (should/drink)a lot of water, if you(do)some sport on a hot day.

2) If Jamie (be) happy, he always (sing) a lot.

3) If you (not understand) something ,you(should/talk) to your teacher.

4) I (listen) to some good music if I (feel) sad.

5) You (can/send) e-mails if you(have) a multimedia mobile.

6) If I(not sleep)enough, I (get) very tired.

7) You(should/study) hard if you(want) to do well in the exams.

8)If Alex (not eat) regularly, he(get) very bad-tempered!

IV.Correct the mistakes in the Zero and First conditional centences.Rewrite the sentences correctly.

1)If you will have a computer at home, you can play this game.

e.g. If you have a computer at home, you can play this game.2)I will ask Jim to dance if I will see him at the disco.

3)I always spend a lot of money if I will go shopping with my sister.

4)If will heat ice,it turns to water.

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5)If the weather is good tomorrow, I go walking in the mountains.

6)If you will like watching sports on television, you should try the new sports channel.

Proverbs with ConditionalsNo weather's ill if the wind be still.

When the wind blows from the west, fish bite best. When it blows from the east, fish bite least.

If March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb.

If bees stay at home, rain will soon come, if they fly away, fine will be the day.

If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have.

If you try to please all you will please none.

If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.

If at first you don’t succeed try, try and try again.

If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well.

If life deals you lemons make lemonade.

If you can’t be good, be careful.

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Використана література

1. Methodological work on the topic “Conditionals”Киреєва М.М..

Англійська мова та література №8,2009.

2. New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate/Upper-Intermediate Language Powerbooks.

3. Ю.Голіцинський «Збірник граматичних вправ»