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Configuring Asterisk PBX with Lync Server 2010 in home lab 1 1 Integrating Asterisk FreePBX with Lync Server 2010 Author: Baaskar R

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Configuring Asterisk PBX with Lync Server 2010 in home lab



Integrating Asterisk FreePBX with Lync Server 2010

Author: Baaskar R

Configuring Asterisk PBX with Lync Server 2010 in home lab



Integrating Asterisk FreePBX with Lync Server 2010 ............................................................................................ 1

AsteriskNow package Source ....................................................................................................................... 3

Installing AsteriskNow .................................................................................................................................. 3

Configure AsteriskNow ................................................................................................................................. 3

Add Extensions ......................................................................................................................................... 3

Lync Stress Tool Incoming call Extension ................................................................................................. 4

Add SIP Trunk ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Add Inbound Routes ................................................................................................................................. 7

Add Outbound Route ............................................................................................................................... 8

Configure PSTN Gateway in Lync Server 2010 ............................................................................................. 8

Create Dial Plan, Voice Policy and Trunk Configuration ........................................................................... 9

Testing / Troubleshooting the Configuration ............................................................................................. 12

AsteriskNow Configuration .................................................................................................................... 12

Configuring Asterisk PBX with Lync Server 2010 in home lab



AsteriskNow package Source Download the latest AsteriskNow 2.0.2 Here

Installing AsteriskNow Boot the VM with AsteriskNOW-2.0.2-x86_64-DVD.iso image

In the Setup options, type 1 and press Enter (By Default, the installation would continue with Option

1. Option 1 installs AsteriskNow with FreePBX GUI)

Follow the install wizard, installation wiill complete without the any interruption

Login to the server as root and password provided during the installation

Configure AsteriskNow Type Setup to configure Network configuration

Make sure you provide proper gateway and DNS server IP addresses

Reboot the server using command shutdown –r now

Now, Login to AsteriskNow web GUI using http://X.X.X.X ( IP address of AsteriskNow server)

Default user name and password for Web GUI is admin

Add Extensions Click Extension and select Generic SIP Device and Click Submit

Type the User Extension and Display Name as shown below. I have extensions starting with 2 and

XXX digits, example 2000.

Under Device Options, enter the secret (password for the user extension)

Configuring Asterisk PBX with Lync Server 2010 in home lab



Click Submit

Note: I am not configuring Voice mail or DID number for now so have not configured remaining sections in

the Extension tab.

Lync Stress Tool Incoming call Extension Need to create extension “0000” with different target routing to handle all the Incoming calls genrated from

Lync stress tool and via Mediation server to PBX system. Follow the steps below:

Under FreePBX main Console, Click Applications -> Select Generic SIP Device -> Click Submit

Add following information as in the below screenshot:

Configuring Asterisk PBX with Lync Server 2010 in home lab



Add Extension as 0000 and Secret – as0000

Under Optional Destionations -> No Answer, select Feature Code Admin and Directory#

Type “1” in the CID Prefix; As shown below:

Leave remaining options to Default.

Add SIP Trunk Click Connectivity and Select Trunks

In the Right side of the window, click Add Trunk - > SIP Trunk

In General Settings, under Trunk Name, provide name for your SIP Trunk

Configuring Asterisk PBX with Lync Server 2010 in home lab



Under Outgoing Settings,type values as in screenshot below:

Click Submit Changes.

Configuring Asterisk PBX with Lync Server 2010 in home lab



Brief description of Outgoing Settings (Peer details):

host= ; IP address of the Lync Mediation Server or Front-End Server

if Mediation server is collated.

transport=tcp,udp ; Trasmission protocol add both TCP and UDP

port=5068 ; Listening port of Mediation Server or Collated Front-End


type=friend ; Friend variable indicates Host allows both incoming &

outgoing calls and messages

context=from-internal ; Default context generated by FreePBX GUI

qualify=yes ; Yes allows Asterisk server to check if Peer (Lync Server) is

still Online

insecure=invite ; Do not require authentication of incoming INVITEs

Add Inbound Routes Click Connectivity -> Inbound Route

In Description Field: Provide name for the incoming Route

In Set Destination, select Trunks and then select SIP Trunk created earlier.

Configuring Asterisk PBX with Lync Server 2010 in home lab



Click Submit

Add Outbound Route In Route name, Enter a name

In Set Patterns that will use this Route, enter 7XXX (I planned to assign 7XXX series for Lync

extensions hence, this pattern will allow all the extensions dailed with starting 7 and followed by 3

digits will get routed to SIP Trunk)

In Trunk Sequence for Matches Routes. Select SIP Trunk created earlier

Click Submit Changes

This ends the configuration of AsteriskNow.

Configure PSTN Gateway in Lync Server 2010 Open the Lync Topology Builder and download the deployed topology

In the section PSTN Gateway, right click New PSTN Gateway

Enter AsteriskNow IP address

Type Listening Port as 5060

Configuring Asterisk PBX with Lync Server 2010 in home lab



Under SIP Transport Protocol, select TCP and click OK

Right Click PSTN Gateway newly added in the Topology, publish the topology.

Create Dial Plan, Voice Policy and Trunk Configuration First, lets create dial plan and assign the PSTN Gateway , voice policy to dial plan.

Open the Lync Control Panel, click on Voice Routing

Under Dial Plan, double click, Global

Now under Normalization Rules, click New and enter values similar to below screenshot:

Configuring Asterisk PBX with Lync Server 2010 in home lab



I have imcoming calls from Asterisk PBX to Lync with 7XXX extensions, creating normalization rules to check

starting digit as 7 and add “+” infront of 7XXX extension to make the dialed number as e.164 format.

Click Ok twice. In the main Dial Plan main window, select Global and click Commit and select Commit


Now Click on Voice Policy

Click on Voice Policy and downlob click Global

In Associated PSTN Usages, click New

Enter the name for Voice Policy

In Assoicated Routes, click New

Under Name section, Enter Name

Click Add and enter 7 (my Lync extentions starts with 7)

Under Associated gateways, click Add and select PSTN listed

CLick Ok 3 times to come back to main window

Select GLobal and select Commit - > Commit All

Click on Trunk Configuration

Double click Global

Under Assoicated Transliation Rules, Click new

Under Name field, Enter Name

Add remaining as per screenshot.

This rule is created for allowing outgoing call from Lync, Normalization is required for outgoing calls. For

examples, Lync client will dial out 3000 as +3000. Normalizatin rule is created to remove "+" and send 3000

to PBX system

CLick OK twice

Select Global and Commit All.

Configuring Asterisk PBX with Lync Server 2010 in home lab



Configuration of Lync Policies to handle Lync Stress Tool Outgoing Calls

Note: You need to remove the above rule “Call from Lync to PSTN” and add below rule to make Lync Server

work for Stress tool. To check the End to End Connectivity, don’t create the rule below yet.

To handle the outgoing call (Number +14250000000) from Lync Stress tool and route it to PBX system, create

addition Rule in the Trunk Configuration as below:

Configuring Asterisk PBX with Lync Server 2010 in home lab



This ends the Lync configuration.

Configure 3CX Softphone & add Extension

Download and install 3CX latest version from Here

Open the 3CX soft phone and Right on the Display Screen

Select Accounts and Click New

Add the information as shown in the screenshot below:

Note: You need to create Extension 0000 in the Asterisk PBX system before configuring 3CX softphone.

Testing / Troubleshooting the Configuration

AsteriskNow Configuration 1. To test the connectivity between AsteriskNow and Lync Mediation Server

[root@pbx ~]# telnet <IP address of Lync Mediation Server> 5068

If result shows “Not Connected” then Lync Mediation Server is not listening on port 5068.

Check your Lync topology on what port is configured for Lync Mediation Listening Port (Don’t get

confused with PSTN Gateway listening Port)

Go to Lync mediation server and open Command Prompt, type Netstat –a This gives all listening

ports and respective IP address of Mediation Server.

2. Check AsteriskNow service running

[root@pbx ~]# service asterisk status

asterisk (pid 4652) is running...

Configuring Asterisk PBX with Lync Server 2010 in home lab




[root@pbx ~]# /etc/init.d/asterisk status asterisk (pid 4652) is running...

3. How to enable debugging in AsteriskNow

[root@pbx ~]# asterisk –r

[root@pbx ~]# sip set debug on

If you want to enable debug on specific peer then follow below command:

[root@pbx ~]# sip set debug peer <peername>

To List Peer names added in your PBX:

[root@pbx ~]# sip show peers

4. Check SIP peers and SIP Trunk status and registration in AsteriskNow

[root@pbx ~]# sip show peers

[root@pbx ~]# sip show registry