confirmation class 2006 confirmation class. lesson 4: god created and cares for his world

Confirmation Class 2006 Confirmation Class

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Confirmation Class2006


INTRODUCTIONWhat is a creed?Creed = a statement telling what we believe or trust inThe Three Main Christian Creeds:Apostles: written to give a brief summary of main bible teachings.Nicene: written to defend the teaching that Jesus is God.Athanasian: written to defend the teaching of the Triune God.God made the world and everything in it.



2. By His almighty Word

3. In six normal days

4. All things were very goodGenesis 1:3,6,9,14Genesis 1:5,8Genesis 1:31Genesis 1:1

Big bang pict

What is Evolution?6Devil had to come up with a way for the earth to create itself soCreationists Timeline:6000 years ago (4000 BC) Creation2400 BCFloodEvolutionists Time Line:20,000,000,000 years agoBig BangIn the beginning GOD...In the beginningDIRT...7I dont know where God came from

Evolutionists dont know where dirt came from

In the beginning God or in the beginning dirt

Earth Forms4,600,000,000 BC0 Jesus Birth2000Man Evolved3,000,000BCLife Appears3,000,000,000BCEvolutionists Time Line:20,000,000,000 years agoBig Bang6000 years ago (4000 BC)Creation4400 years agoFloodCreationist Timeline:The Second Law of Thermodynamics:Everything tends toward disorderWhat is Evolution?Evolution - The hypothesis that: all things came into being by chance, developing (evolving) from lower to higher forms.CreationEvolutionTime 6 days4-6 billion yearsMethod Gods Word chanceMan a special creaturea higher animalMans purpose to glorify Godno special purposeMans to Godonly to himself responsibilityLets Compare!Amazingthat a Big Bang made this from nothing!The idea that man is god = HumanismIncredible design! Must be a smart designer.God is God = CreationismHebrews 11:3 says that it isBy faith we understand that the universe was formed by the Word of God.

GOD GAVE MANKIND SPECIAL BLESSINGS1. The image of God (Holiness, sinlessness)2. Authority and rule over other creatures 3. Marriage, home, family4. The opportunity to serve and obey him.Genesis 1:27Genesis 2:15-17Genesis 2:24Genesis 1:28

GODS CARE FOR HIS WORLD(Gods providence)1. He gives all his creatures what they need for life. by miracles when he wants

normally by natural means 2. He gives special care to His believers

- through his angels - He makes all things work out for our good

Psalm 145:15-16John 6:1-14Matthew 5:45Psalm 91:11Romans 8:28HOW WILL WE RESPOND TO GOD FOR ALL THIS?We will admit he does this out of grace (undeserved love).

2. Well trust him as Maker and Preserver.

3. Well thank, serve, and obey him as Lord in all things.4. Well tell others about our gracious Lord.

Psalm 118:1Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 121:1-2I Corinthians 10:31Psalm 96:1-5Assignment for Lesson 4Working with Gods Word, multiple choice, Word study, and Bible books.

QuizLesson 4VIP 4VIC 1-10Genesis - Esther

Test on October 9 Review all of your quizzes (1-5) for the test VIP 1-4VIC 1-10(YOU WILL NOT BE TESTED ON THE ORDER OF THE BIBLE BOOKS)