conquering fear discover how to win battle against your fears

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  • 8/9/2019 Conquering Fear Discover How to Win Battle Against Your Fears


  • 8/9/2019 Conquering Fear Discover How to Win Battle Against Your Fears




    Copyright 2003 R.W.KleineAll Rights Reserved

  • 8/9/2019 Conquering Fear Discover How to Win Battle Against Your Fears


    Read the Controversial New Novelby R.W.Kleine

    Gods CommitteeThe Secret of the Twelve

    "Fascinating reading. Very creative, sincere, unusual, and heart-felt."

    Joe Vitale - #1 Best-Selling Author - "Spiritual Marketing." Author of fartoo many other books to list here

    "A most wonderful adventure about our journey home. "God's Committee" will

    leave you with a new and different view of the infinite possibilities of thehuman spirit. It will leave you wanting more and wanting to do more. It's

    absolutely magical"

    John Harricharan - Award Winning and Bestselling Author, Lecturer
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    Conquering FearIntroduction

    I gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience inwhich I must stop and look fear in the face... . I say to myself, Ivelived through this and can take the next thing that comes along... .We must do the things we think we cannot do. Eleanor Roosevelt

    What is fear?

    Websters Dictionary defines fear as:

    To be afraid of: expect with alarm

    To be afraid or apprehensive

    An unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness ofdanger (1) : An instance of this emotion (2) : a state marked by thisemotion.

    There seems to be as many types of fear or at its worst, phobia, as thenumber of situations we humans find ourselves in.

    Personally, Ive experienced the fears of:

    Not being good enoughHeightsRejectionSaying the wrong thingAbandonmentFailureSuccess

    And many more.

    How about you? Have you ever been really afraid?

    Sure you have. We all have, at one time or another experienced fear and insome cases absolute terror.

    Is fear a bad thing?

    In many cases its not. Isnt it fear that makes us look both ways beforecrossing a busy street? Isnt it fear of injury or death that makes most of ususe seat belts when we drive?

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    Conquering FearThere are many examples of fear being a useful and sometimes life savingtool in the face of potential danger.

    There are also those fears that paralyze us. Fears that make us hesitatewhen we should move and stop us from doing things that could ultimatelybenefit our lives.

    For instance, perhaps you were thinking of starting your own business, butcouldnt get past the perfectly normal fears and uncertainties that accompanysuch a major life change.

    I'm afraid of failing.I cant risk the money.Im afraid of what my family and friends will say.Can I really do this?

    You get the picture. Have you ever gone through this meat grinder of themind? Probably. I have too and it isnt pleasant.

    So, why is it that some people seem to be able to meet these types of fearhead on and manage to overcome them? Are these people so different thenyou and I? Is there something in their makeup that were somehow lacking?

    Here are two illustrations of what Im talking about

    In the classic science fiction epic, Dune, by Frank Herbert, is a term thathas always gripped my imagination. The term is fear is the mind killer.

    In an early part of the story, Paul Atreides, the only son of Duke LetoAtreides, is summoned by his mother. She has a very important visitor. Hervisitor is the Mother Superior of the Bene Gesserit Order, of which Paulsmother is a Priestess.

    The reason for his summons becomes apparent when Paul is led to a table,on which sits an ordinary looking green box, with a hole in the top. The holeis big enough to fit Pauls hand.

    Paul is instructed to put his hand into the box. When he asks what the box

    contains, hes told pain. Hes told to insert his hand. Paul wants to believethat his mother wouldnt allow anything to harm him, but he also knows thepower of the Bene Gesserit Order and the devotion his mother has toward itsgoals. Paul rightly deduces that his future might depend on the choices hemakes right now.

    Paul approaches the box and recites to himself an exercise taught him by his

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    Conquering Fearmartial arts trainer. It begins with:I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that bringstotal obliteration. I will face my fear... I will permit it to pass over me andthrough me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see itspath. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

    Do you face your fear? Do you permit your fear to pass over and throughyou? Are you able to defeat it? Or do you, like so many others allow the fearto defeat you?

    Heres another example:

    In the third installment of the Indiana Jones Trilogy, (The Last Crusade), Indifinds himself standing at the edge of a bottomless chasm. Hes been toldtheres a way across, but he sees none.

    Indi knows that he must get to the other side or his father will die. So, hesteps out, disregarding the common human fear of falling to a horrifyingdeath.

    His courage and faith are rewarded when his foot descends into what lookslike thin air but falls upon a bridge. The bridge across the precipice has beenhidden by optical illusion.

    These are fictional characters, of course, confronting fictional obstacles, butdont we all face the fear of whats around the next corner? What will happenif I make the wrong decisions? Will my business be a success? Can I reallysucceed? If I am a success, can I handle it? Am I good enough to compete?Fear of the unknown.

    What we do when faced with these fear situations, often determines howwe step into our future. Do we walk in fear because we are unable to acceptrisk and failure?

    Can we trust enough in our dreams and abilities to make that all importantfirst step through and beyond the fear? Do we have enough faith inourselves?

    Fear is the mind killer. Fear can also be the killer of hopes and dreams.

    What you are about to read are the extraordinary stories of some of the mostsuccessful men and women on the Internet today and also some everydaymen and women, like you and me.

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    Conquering FearThey have agreed to bare their souls to you, in order to help you understandthey have all come, at one point or another, to stand before the precipice. Torisk the pain of failure.

    Theyll tell you their stories and explain how they managed to look their fearsin the eye and take that step beyond the fear and into the unknown.

    Are they a different breed? Is it something genetic that allows some to moveon and others to freeze?

    What have you done when faced with the fear of failure, or the fear of takinga risk? Have you, like so many, been frozen into inaction by the thought ofwhat might happen in the future?

    We should all thank these remarkable people for being kind and generous

    enough to share stories that show, among other things, that they are all toohuman, just like the rest of us.

    The difference? Their willingness to move ahead, when many of us wouldhesitate, and in our hesitation lose the opportunities waiting for us, rightthere, on the other side of the chasm.

    All we need do is take that first step. As frightening as it may seem. That onesmall leap of faith.

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    Conquering Fear

    Dreams, visions, ideas can play significant roles in our lives.They can entice, entertain, or inspire us to greatness. Tobring them into reality, however, we must act! Cowardiceand lack of faith can keep one from a chosen goal, but if

    the heart is strong and brave, you can add action to yourdreams and make them real. Sir John Templeton

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    Conquering FearRick Beneteau

    Rick graduated high school and went directly into business managing a dry-cleaning shop that he eventually bought and built into successful multi-storeoperation. Involved in the music and advertising industries throughout thistime, Rick was responsible for the creation of many national advertisingjingles and still consults larger companies on convention production. Aninternationally recorded and released songwriter, he sold his dry-cleaningbusiness in 1991 to pursue these other interests which included overseeingthe start-up of Ocean Records Canada.

    In late 1996, Rick logged on to the Internet for the very first time. Thechallenge to conquer what he refers to as the "Wild, Wild Web" was too greatto resist. 1998 found him one of the pioneers of the 2-Tier Affiliate Programnow so prominent on the Internet with the highly touted and successful I.D.

    IT! Plates Partner Program. He also began writing business articles in a stylestill not seen very often on the Internet. His friendly, wit-driven articles soonfilled the pages of most of the prominent ezines and newsletters. Rick's firste-book entitled "The Ezine Marketing Machine" was released October/99 andhas since become an Internet-wide best-seller. Rick has just released what isdestined to remain another top-seller, Branding YOU and Breaking the Bank.

    The New Millennium finds the 47 year-old busy with the growing of hisInternet company, , his "E-chievement" Ezine - The Mirror, histwo powerful 2-Tier Affiliate Programs - EZineMoney ,,Power-Publicity and the I.D. IT! Plates Partner Program as well as the startup of 2 new affiliate programs.

    Know No Fear!!

    The Greatest Wonders of the World we'll never know for they were destroyedbefore they were even built by the great enemy of man - Fear!

    That's my take on Fear but here's some notable and famous quotes:

    "Our deepest Fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepestFear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darknessthat most frightens us."

    Nelson Mandella from his inaugural speech

    And one of the most insightful figures of all time sums up Fear in his normallyhumoristic manner:

    "I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually

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    Conquering Fearhappened."Mark Twain

    Perhaps the most famous quote of all about Fear, and the one that hits homehardest with me, is this:

    "The only thing we have to Fear is Fear itself."Franklin D. Roosevelt

    I will continue along the thoughts of what is a most profound truth aboutFear:

    "To live with Fear and not be afraid is the final test of maturity."Edward Weeks

    The reason I decided to use "quotes" throughout this article is to fortify thefact that Fear is nothing but an Illusion.

    It is imagined, as a dream is. But at least we wake up from a dream. Mostpeople fall into Fear and remain frozen in its giant grasp all their lives! Theyeither live in a constant state of paralyzing Fear or they have lowered theirexpectations to a level that they never feel Fear because they have "learned"not to risk and grow. How sad!

    Fear is the minds great mortal sin.

    And isn't it just at times when you have to risk something, that you Fear?Think about it! You've had a great idea but you don't tell a soul becauseyou're afraid THEY won't think it's great. You've had long time aspirations tochange careers but you cower at the mere thought of getting out of yourComfort Zone and out from under the safety net you've created for yourself(your job, your security, your routine). You've always wanted to start abusiness but the thought of putting together a business plan, gettingfinancing and the unknown quantity of the income you'll receive scares thehell out of you!

    How many opportunities have you allowed to slip by because you were frozenby Fear?

    Do you know more about the things you Fear than the things you desire?

    Is the Fear of failure your biggest Fear of all?

    Recognizing Fear!

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    Conquering Fear

    Not a single person has ever accomplished anything of significance withoutfirst feeling scared to death!

    You recognize your own tell tale signs of Fear. Might be a knot in your gut. Ora high state of anxiety. A flood of negative thoughts rush in and all thereasons NOT to do something hover over you like an ominous black cloud!The truth is, behind that cloud lay bright beautiful sunlight ready to nourishand grow your idea.

    Fear is a loaded gun squarely aimed to slay you and all your potential. Youneed to be on-guard every waking moment to deflect the invisible bullet.

    "Fear is the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind."H. P. Lovecraft

    Fear is the cancer of the human spirit.

    Confronting Fear!

    How many times have you had to, say, appear publicly to speak at a meetingor wedding, or attend traffic court, and you were just consumed by dreadedthoughts of the pending event for days in advance? And when it was all over,a huge burden was lifted from your shoulder? The event went wonderfullywithout a hitch.

    That folks, is the false load of Fear you "allowed" to invade and dominateyour mind. All for nothing and what needless suffering and a complete wasteof life energy!

    Fear is the imaginary mountain that hides the horizon.

    The moment you feel Fear - face it - and eject it - instantly!

    Every time you feel the invisible foe injecting it's venom into your thoughts -STOP!! And YOU re-take control of your thinking process. Outa here! Fear isfalse, and evil! What you imagine will never come to pass. That's ALWAYS the

    reality so why even think those thoughts?

    Learn and practice this, for when has what you Feared ever become yourreality?

    Fear is the greatest inhibitor to the progress of mankind.

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    Conquering Fear"Fear is excitement without breath."Robert Heller

    Conquering Fear!

    You and I will always feel Fear. The key is to not feel it for long. Split secondsof time actually. It's a matter of twisting the irrational emotion into a usableforce for the betterment of our own lives.

    Make Fear your Motivator! The moment you begin to feel Fear, immediatelyturn it into the fuel you need to keep your fire raging! You feel Fear almostalways when something is "worthy" of the invading of your comfort zone.Like risk for a much greater gain! Begin to recognize that the dark feeling ofFear is in almost all cases a prelude to a brighter future.

    Look at it this way, if you DON'T feel Fear over a particular situation, then it'snot significant enough to warrant your consideration. That's how powerful anindicator Fear is! And that's all Fear should ever be!

    At most, let Fear be but just that momentary Storm before the Calm. USEFear instead of allowing it to use YOU.

    Let Fear Fortify, not cripple you!

    "Do the thing you Fear to do and keep on doing it... that is the quickest andsurest way ever yet discovered to conquer Fear."Dale Carnegie

    "Fear is met and destroyed with courage."James F. Bell

    Fear and Ice Cream?

    If we only opened our minds a little more often we would see a limitlesssource of strength in our children. Children are wise beyond belief as theyKnow No Fear! I ask you to take a little more of your time right now to readthe true story of a brave young girl named Teri. The Ice Cream 'Comb' Story

    is very close to my heart and a continual source of strength for me. See, thestory is about my daughter:mailto:[email protected]?subject=TheIceCreamCombStory

    The Ice Cream Comb Story is also included at the back of this eBook.

    Fear and Prayer?

    mailto:[email protected]?subject=TheIceCreamCombStorymailto:[email protected]?subject=TheIceCreamCombStory
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    Conquering Fear

    I wish to close this article by sharing with you what I believe is the "requiredequipment" to fight and beat Fear once and for all. Essentially, that is a corebelief system centered on those things we both deserve and should strive for.I was able to express how I felt about this in an article called TheEntrepreneurs Prayer, which I invite you to not only read, but also reallythink about:mailto:[email protected]?subject=TheEntrepreneursPrayer

    The Entrepreneurs Prayer is also included at the back of this eBook.

    I can not express how I feel about Fear, or rather the freedom of livingwithout Fear, more effectively than E. E. Eddison:

    "He without Fear is king of the world."

    My wish for you is to Know No Fear!

    Be Fearless, and Flourish!

    2002 Rick Beneteau

    Rick is the highly acclaimed author of 3 top-selling eBooks:

    He is also the purveyor of those famous 'traveling billboards'called I.D. IT! Plates:

    Subscribe FREE to Rick's popular E-chievement Ezine -The Mirror: Mailto:[email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]?subject=TheEntrepreneursPrayer[email protected]?subject=TheEntrepreneursPrayer
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    Conquering Fear

    "Fear less, hope more;Whine less, breathe more;

    Talk less, say more;Hate less, love more;

    And all good things are yours."-Swedish Proverb

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    Conquering Fear

    Robin Bryant

    Today is April 7th. My 29th birthday. Three weeks ago I was diagnosed withMS (Multiple Sclerosis).

    I was told that Ive had it since I was 18 years of age. My fear is that I willdie young and leave my 9 year old daughter without a mother.

    I have just overcome cervical cancer 2 years ago and now I was hit with this.

    It is very scary, but I am overcoming the fear and fighting with everything Ihave.

    I have been in a wheelchair since October of 2001 but in one week I will have

    braces and will be able to walk and out of the wheelchair.

    I take life day by day now and cherish every moment I have with my family.

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    Conquering Fear

    "Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they'resupposed to help you discover who you are".- Bernice Johnson Reagan

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    Conquering Fear

    Sheila Cain

    Wow! I'm not alone out there.

    I've been on the Internet trying to make money most of the time since early1997. I tried a lot of things and failed miserably at all. It wasn't that Iwasn't smart or didn't have the drive. It was my horrible fear of rejection.

    One very costly program that I was in (that ruined me financially) seemed tomake that fear I had even worse.

    My "self-proclaimed" mentor made it an almost daily practice to beat me upby email. Nothing was ever good enough. I was told that I would never

    have what it takes to make it. And I started buying into his B.S.

    I grew up (at a less than tender age) just trying to pull myself out of thefinancial disaster that I had let fear get me into.

    Well....NO MORE! I'm a little older and a lot wiser. I'm not afraid to send outfollow ups, in fear that I might offend someone. I'm like, so what if I getrejected on my offer, it has nothing to do with me personally. And not justin the Internet Business, but in LIFE!

    My fear taught me that there is no reason to worry about things you have nocontrol over anyway. What's gonna happen (like rejection) is gonna happen.

    So I got over it.

    Thanks for letting me vent on this.

    Sheila Cain

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    Conquering Fear

    "Knowledge is the antidote to fear." -ralph waldo emerson

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    Conquering Fear

    Asunta Covelli

    Hello, here is the story of my fears:

    I had a fear of the elevator ever since I was a small child. Afraid that I wouldget stuck and no one would ever find me. My mind made me believe that theelevator would start going out of control going at rapid speeds up and downwithout stopping, flames would spark and I would starve to death in theredehydrate, loose oxygen due to no circulation of air and die, So I avoidedelevators for years and took the stairs. Even if I had to walk 40 flights Iwould do it.

    Until one day, I took the stairs as usual and something happened. Therewere endless stairs , it seemed like more than one hundred flights of them.

    When I got to the level I needed to exit at, the door was locked and wouldnot open. So I began going down flight by flight and all the doors in thestairwell were locked, you could open them to get in the stair well but they alllocked from behind you, and you couldnt get back out. I began to sweat, Icouldnt breath, I was dying of thirst, and crying. About a half an hour later Ibegan banging on the door screaming until someone finally heard me, andopened the door, I was released.

    It was then that I realized it did not matter if I was in the elevator or not,anything can happen anywhere at anytime and I am not in control of thesesituations. By being subjected to a form of my worst fear I was forced to face


    By facing my fear it also made me realize that I need to concentrate on whatto do in a situation rather than anticipating the end. I now can go insideelevators, but before I do I remind myself that there is an emergency alarmbutton in the elevator if I get stuck and it helps.

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    Conquering Fear

    "I believe... that living on the edge, living in and throughyour fear, is the summit of life., and that people who refuseto take that dare condemn themselves to a life of livingdeath." - John H. Johnson

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    Conquering Fear

    Scott Covert

    Scott Covert was born in Peterborough, a mostly harmless city 80 miles eastof Toronto, Ontario. His stumbling direct marketing journeys began in 1990when he graduated from University, and finally culminated in the discovery ofhow to use banner ads to help his clients make money from their websites(over $2,500,000 so far): and more recently creating to de-mystify common Internetmarketing tools in the form of video tutorials which the public can downloadand watch for free.

    I believe that all human decisions are emotional decisions. It's not onlyimportant to understand that as a marketer, trying to convince people to

    make decisions, but it's also important to "know thyself" when it comes toemotions.

    I've had fear loom over me many times in my entrepreneurial career. But theeven greater fear, which was always WORSE, was the fear of a lifetime ofworking for other people and ending up with nothing for myself. So youmight say one fear eventually conquered the other.

    The very last time I had a job was in 1993. When the job ended, I had thefear of not being able to replace my income with my self-employmentincome. That fear turned out to be true, more or less. Eventually I was faced

    with the daunting fear of having to move back in with my parents inPeterborough because I could not afford to live in Toronto. This also cametrue (health problems created primarily by stress played a huge role). Movingback in with my parents in turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as Iimmediately had a "miraculous" recovery in several aspects of my health.AND, 2 weeks after I moved back, I woke up one morning with my appendixpossibly near the bursting point. Unlike Toronto, I had people around me totake me to a hospital right away when my life could have been on the line.

    Funny how the things you fear can turn out to be no big deal - perhaps ablessing in disguise - or even save your life. Or simply help you along somedetours you didn't even realize you NEEDED to take, to get to your own

    definition of "a successful life".

    In the end, by mid-1998 my fear of spending a lifetime working for otherpeople had won the day - it had been stronger than all my other fears. I wasmaking more money than I ever had before, moved into an apartment, met
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    Conquering Fearthe nicest girl I've ever known, and now (about May 15 2002) I'm movinginto a new house that they're building for me right now (literally).

    Wanna see some pictures? :-)

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    Conquering Fear

    Courage is the power to let go of the familiar. - RaymondLindquist

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    Conquering FearJim Edwards

    Jim Edwards is a dynamic and entertaining speaker who has developed,marketed and operated outrageously profitable online businesses for bothhimself and his clients worldwide since 1997.

    Jim writes, a syndicated newspaper columnhelping non-technical people use the Internet for both fun and massiveprofits!

    Jim is a frequent guest speaker nationally at conferences and seminars onsuch subjects as search engine and directory traffic generation, shoestringonline marketing and more.

    He is the author and co-creator of numerous highly successful e-books and

    info-products, including:

    "The Lazy Man's Guide to Online Business"How to Work Less... get Paid More... and have tons more Fun! Learn theSuper Lazy Achiever Mindset!

    "How to Write and Publish your own eBook... in as little as 7 Days""How to write and publish your own OUTRAGEOUSLY Profitable eBook in aslittle as 7 days - even if you can't write, can't type and failed high schoolEnglish class!"

    33 Days to Online Profits"Finally, the First Practical, Step-By-Step, Roadmap for Internet Success NoMatter What Product or Service You Sell... 100% Guaranteed!"

    Selling Your Home Alonehttp://www.fsbohelp.comThe TEN Dirty Little Secrets of Mortgage Financing

    Jim lives in Williamsburg, Virginia with his wife and four dogs. He enjoyswriting, walking, traveling and listening to Frank Sinatra and Willie NelsonCDs.

    Overcoming the fear of Putting out a lot of effort and getting no reward
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    Conquering Fear

    One of the biggest fears I've had to overcome in marketing online andbuilding my Internet businesses from zero to a nice full time living is the fearof expending hours, days, weeks and sometimes even months of effort on aparticular project and having all that effort go to waste! My fear is that Ill gothrough all this work, ignore my family, skip doing fun things and then, whenIm supposed to reap the benefits, nothing will happen. It will have all gonefor nothing.

    Despite your best efforts at preparation and research, when you create aquality ebook, online course, e-class or some other online business, you dotake a risk that the effort you expend may not come back to you the way youwant it to - specifically in the form of money or more business! Sure, thereare certain things, such as market and consumer research, you can do toreduce your risk and thus your fears. But ultimately, just like any business,

    there is risk. In this case, you are risking your time and money that you willbe able to create a product and market it in such a way that you will makeback all your money and produce a large profit for the amount of timeinvested.

    The problem is that if you only have a very limited amount of time to investin your business, say only an hour or two in the evening, the perceived risk iseven higher. Why? Because in one or two hours a night you can usually onlydevote your time to one project and this creates an urgency or a feeling ofthat project better make it or else!

    That make it or break it urgency creates feelings of fear that can immobilizeyou.

    When I was working 50 to 55 hours a week for somebody else, it was hard toget myself over the fear of potentially wasting the free time I could spendwith my family. At times this fear of wasting time (I didnt look on it asinvesting time back then) and not getting anything in return was sooverwhelming that it paralyzed me from taking any action at all.

    I don't know when the transformation happened, but the way I overcame thisfear (and the way I overcome it to this day) is to find many different positiveoutcomes for every action I take. I look at my time as an investment and I

    list off as many different ways Ill benefit as possible by passing through myfear with positive action.

    Doing so takes away the "gambling" feeling of devoting my time tosomething I'm expecting (or need) a huge pay off from. I know Ill get somegreat rewards for taking action because Ive listed them all off.

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    Conquering FearWhen I write an ebook I fully expect to make tens-of-thousands of dollarsover the course of the books lifetime. But I also know that an ebook canflop, despite the best research and market study efforts. So now, when I setout to write in ebook, an article, or even just take the time to help someonewith a lot of extra effort that doesn't have a guaranteed payoff, I start bymaking a list of all the benefits I know I will receive. This eliminates all fearin me and builds a strong sense of anticipation that actually makes me attackthe problem or task that much faster and energetically.

    Let's say for example Im writing an ebook that I'm not 100% certain will sellin huge numbers. Ive done all the research and Ive done all the marketstudies and my gut tells me I should move forward. When I move forward Iknow that the worst thing that will happen is that I will __________.Whatever it is I just fill in the blank.

    It might be that I will learn some new skills I can apply to my business. Itmight be that I will create content that at least my subscribers can benefitfrom. Whatever it is I know I will get a compelling outcome from the effort.

    One of my favorite ways to overcome this fear is to say right up front, "thiswill make the basis of a great article for my subscribers". I know that nomatter what happens, I can write up the results and share them with mysubscribers as an excellent value-added article they can use to make theirbusiness better. Distributing this type of content always helps my businessand builds my reputation with them.

    So if you ever find yourself gripped by the fear of expending lots of effort andnot getting anything in return, simply list off all the different rewards you'llget from making a quality effort and you will surely obtain many of them.

    In reality, all those rewards will motivate you to take all the stepsnecessary in order to obtain those rewards youve pictured so clearly in yourhead. Youll build up such emotional momentum that, in the vast majority ofcases, not only will you overcome your fear, but you will surpass the goalsyou set for yourself! Youll even surpass that huge goal that made you afraidto take effort in the first place.

    It happens to me all the time.

    The solution is to get your mind off the fear and on to all the rewards oftaking quality, consistent, immediate action on the thing you're afraid ofrisking your valuable time on. I find this technique works especially well for

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    Conquering Fearlarger projects that most people are too scared to undertake, even thoughtheyre fully qualified to do those and much more.

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    Conquering Fear

    Having the worlds best idea will do you no good unless youact on it. People who want milk shouldnt sit on a stool in themiddle of a field in hopes that a cow will back up to them. Curtis Grant

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    Conquering FearFrank Garon

    I spent over 15 years driving a truck for a living. My wife and I spent over$10,000 trying all kinds of different home based businesses. Nothing worked.We wound up going bankrupt before things got better.

    But, once we got exposed to the correct way to do Internet Marketing, thingschanged fast.

    I was able to quit my job, and come home to work full time on August the4th, 1997. I went from making $14.25 an hour to making over $130,000 ayear - not bad for someone who went broke at one point.

    Now, let me say this - after going thru all I did, I am the last person in theworld who is going to try to rip you off, or give you bad advice.

    I am an average person who figured out all this crazy Internet stuff - and Iam very happy to share what I know with you. You won't get hype or a bigsales pitch.

    My fear of the telephone, speaking to people and my fear of rejection,especially in Network Marketing could have broken me. I had to getpast it.

    To this day I hate calling leads, but that's the business and it's makingme a ton of money. Fear is good. Fear keeps you from getting electrocuted.Fear keeps you from doing stupid things, but you can't let fear paralyzeyou either.

    I never knew that I could do this. The fact that I'm actually here doing thisis a goof because I'm nobody special. As a matter of fact, the only thingspecial about me is that I didn't quit. I did not give up. I didn't talk myselfout of it. That's all I did differently.

    Fear is always with you. I have a fear that this might all be over withtomorrow. I have a fear that my brand of selling and relating to peoplemight not always work. I have a fear that my own limitations, my wayof doing things might actually be slowing me down. I have a ton of


    You're always going to have fear. You make your piece with it, you deal withit and then you just move on. I mean some of the biggest heroes have beenthe most frightened at the time they became heroes.

    I mean look at Niki Lauda, the formula one race car driver. In a race in

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    Conquering FearGermany in 1976, his car spun out and hit a wall. The car caught fire and hewas basically deep fried. They thought he was going to die. He was scarredand disfigured. Here's a guy that was on death's door and three weeks laterhe was back racing.

    If you want a guy to look up to as hero, that guy had to be scared to death toget back in that car, but he did it. Then, not only did he get back in that racecar, but in his first race it was raining and he stopped the car. He said hedidn't feel safe doing it and that he wasn't going to finish the race. Whichtook more guts? Getting back in the car only three weeks after he was almostburned to death, or having the courage to stop in the middle of the racebecause he didn't feel comfortable under those conditions?

    Or take someone like Thomas Edison. Do you know how many inventionshe came up with? Do you know how many people told him he was nuts and

    no good?

    Or my grandmother, who raised five kids on her own, back in the 1950'swhen most people in her situation would have given the kids up to thefoster care system. These are the kinds of people I look up to.

    All of these people had to deal with their fears.

    I'm not big on hero worship. Show me the average person who dealt withtheir fears and made it big or did something with their life and that's who I'mgoing to emulate.

    How about Mark McGuire, the baseball player. He's not a hero for what he didas a hitter. I look up to him because, here's a guy who found out that hischild was seriously ill. You think he didn't have fear? What he did though, wasembrace the problem and start a foundation to try to find a solution to it.

    So, one thing about fear is, if you think you're the only person in the worldfeeling this way, you're wrong. Look around and you'll see people who arefacing and dealing with similar or worse things every day. Reading andlearning and talking to others who are going through these feelings will helpyou face your fears.

    Nobody wants to talk about these things. Lets admit that we have thesefeelings. Lets admit that we're scared sometimes. Let's admit that we'revulnerable. Let's admit that we're imperfect. The more I admit my faultsand my frailties, the better I get as a person and as a businessman.

    If you're in business, you've got to be about yourself and about makingmoney. You've got to be about putting yourself in the spotlight. You just can't

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    Conquering Fearbelieve what pushing yourself out there creates in your life.

    It goes back to when I was a truck driver. The greatest thing I ever did wasdrive a truck. I was shy, quiet, never wanting to ask for anything and alwaysunsure of myself. But, when you're driving a truck that's hauling a 48 foottrailer that together weigh almost 80,000 pounds, youd better know whereyou're going. You'd better have confidence in your abilities. It's a dangerousjob and you could kill somebody. I learned how to ask for help and directionand to put myself out there.

    Some people look at me and the success I've had at making money on theInternet and call me their hero. I'm no hero.

    There are lot's of people who have to have incredible courage just to get outof bed in the morning. People like my Aunt Pat, who has MS and is confined

    to wheelchair. She's got three kids. She's got dignity, she's got a sense ofhumor, she's got honor and she's got family that loves her.

    She stuck in that chair and odds are, she's never getting out. That's courage.That's a true hero.

    Getting back to what fears I had to face in Network Marketing, they were thefear of the telephone, the fear of rejection and the fear of being a failure inthe eyes of my wife and kids.

    So, here I was. I had all these leads to call. I thought to myself, I hatethe telephone and I hate speaking to people on it. I stood up. I paced thefloor. I was scared. Now it was push come to shove. I had to execute. Iknew if I quit I'd be a loser and I also knew if you don't quit you'll eventuallymake it. You will. If you don't quit - you will make it.

    It's all about perspective. Can your fears of making a phone call or of beingrejected compare to the fears of people who're facing life threatening and lifealtering situations every day? Of course they can't.

    So just do it and every time you do it gets easier. The fear goes away.

    Frank Garon is webmaster and owner ofhttp://www.internetcashplanet and

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    Conquering Fear

    To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice.- Confucius

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    Conquering FearFrank Giambarresi

    I'd love to say that my story is a one of having realized my goals in lifethough having already overcome my fears. But that's not so.

    If only I could say that I was well down the road of self-actualization. I meanafter sixty years of working on it, you'd think I could at least lay claim tothat.


    Did I just "Think and Grow Rich" for the first time? No, I probably did thatabout 25 years ago. Did I just acquire the job skills that will propel metoward my goals. No, I've been involved in public performance andspeaking since I was a kid.

    So what was missing? Commitment? Well yes, but also one other far moreimportant ingredient. Conquering my most debilitating fear. Not the fear offailure, but its even more insidious counterpart: the FEAR OF SUCCESS.

    You see, I have left behind a number of failures. But I've also left a sting ofsignificant successes. At least they were rated as successes in other peopleseyes. But I was AFRAID to see them as successes myself.

    So I built a shell of perfectionism around my psyche to protect myself frombecoming "successful". Others could see my accomplishments as successes ifthey wanted to, but I KNEW BETTER. I knew what I could have done morecompletely, or more skillfully, or more whatever. And, of course, since thatwas my thought mode, my subconscious played its part by helping me to doless than what I considered acceptable.

    But that was then, and this is now. At sixty, unemployed, and with nary anibble in the job market, I really have little choice but to carve out my ownniche in the wonderful world of entrepreneurship. Or, more correctly,infopreneurship.

    Yes, I've finally decided to believe what my speech evaluators inToastmasters have been telling me for several years. I've finally made a

    conscious decision to believe that I really am worthy of success, and all thatcomes with it. I've finally chosen to accept the trophies that I've won and theaccolades that I've attained for just what they are.

    And I can now believe that this isn't some kind of false bravado, it's not anego trip, it's an accurate appraisal of who I am and what I am. And it is anecessary starting point.

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    Conquering Fear

    So last night, as part of a speech, delivered in front of an audience thatincluded Toastmasters district officers, I set forth a dream that I have kepthidden for years. The dream that I will one day stand before audiences ofhundreds, and even thousands, sharing with them something that will be ofreal help in their own lives.

    WOW!! I actually said it. And now, of course, I MUST do it. And, I WILLdo it. Starting right now. Starting with writing a couple of special reports onspeaking and self-expression and getting something up on my new websitewithin the next week or so.

    Not, or so, NEXT WEEK. PERIOD!!!

    Right on!

    Frank Giambarresimailto:[email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Conquering Fear

    Many of us have the right aim in life. We just never getaround to pulling the trigger. Anonymous

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    Conquering Fear

    Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

    When the United States had a military draft, men with "4F" status werebanned from military service. Some cherished the designation while othersfelt cheated out of the experience.

    If you're seeking career freedom, you may feel blocked by the 3F's: Fear,Focus and Finances -- and you can change your 3F status to the fourth F,"Forward!"

    Fear comes from giving up a cherished identity. Once you move to a newcareer, you have to find a new way to say, "I am" with pride and excitement.What will your former colleagues say? How will your family greet the new

    you? And how do you feel about trading in your "senior seasoned" identity forthe role of a stumbling beginner?

    The risk is real. After starting a business or spending a few years in graduateschool, you are no longer the same person. Your old career neighborhoodchanges, too. Returning home may no longer be an option.

    You overcome this block by learning to recognize fear as a powerful allyrather than a threat. Work with and through the fear.

    Focus requires you to choose a meaningful goal and then to avoid the siren

    call of your previous life. If you have wisely chosen to remain in a job whileexploring your options, you must resist getting caught up in the politics andreward system of a world where you are no longer a citizen. You may need tofind the inner resources to keep going, while sustaining the motivation andexcitement of your new world.

    Focus requires learning time management skills and creating a career-relatedsupport system. A coach can help you feel less alone during the early stages.

    Finally, financial blocks are real, not psychological. I recommend a new wayto inventory all your resources, not just money. Sometimes a unique skill ora dynamite network can substitute for a bulging savings account.

    At the same time, face your own tolerance for financial uncertainty. Somepeople sleep soundly with a zero-balance checking account, trusting theuniverse to pay the rent. Others get nervous when their checking accountfalls below five figures -- to the left of the decimal point.

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    Conquering FearAfter years of researching and working with transitioners, I believe thecomplexities boil down to transforming yourself from 3-F to F-M: Forward-Moving.

    As you work through each block, you gain a powerful burst of energy andinsight. To change metaphors, think of moving a boulder off your ravel laneon a highway. Now nothing stops you from moving full speed ahead! Youneed your rear view mirror only to see how far you've come.

    Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D. author, career coach, speaker"Helping mid-career professionals move to career freedom" magic keys to career freedom Career Freedom Ezine mailto:[email protected][email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Conquering Fear

    We are face to face with our destiny and we must meet itwith a high and resolute courage. For us is the life of action,of strenuous performance of duty; let us live in the harness,striving mightily; let us rather run the risk of wearing outthan rusting out. Theodore Roosevelt

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    Conquering FearJohn Harricharan

    John is the award-winning author of the bestseller, "When You Can Walk onWater, Take the Boat," and the creator of the ground-breaking "PowerPause"system for success. Websites at http://www.powerpause.comMembership site at http://www.enterprisingspirit.com

    "Fear is Usually Frightening"

    When my good friend, Bob Kleine, asked me to write a very special articleabout "Fear", I readily agreed. Bob wanted me to tell his readers about atime in my life when I experienced one of my greatest fears. Furthermore, heasked if I could also share what I did to overcome that fear.

    There are certain scenes and circumstances in life that seem to have beenarranged by others with much more intelligence than I could ever creditmyself for. One such situation was my marriage to the princess of mydreams. From the first day that I saw her, I knew that there was a bondbetween us that spanned time, distance, social position, and all earthlyobstacles.

    We had met each other many years prior to our marriage. Though we werelater to be separated by great distances, we finally met again and weremarried. At the time of our marriage, she was only nineteen, and the joy ofmy life. Together, we built a beautiful partnership and met the ups anddowns of life with strength and determination.

    With her by my side and with her constant encouragement, I was able tocreate a semblance of financial security. After the children came, we wereeven happier and looked forward, even more so, to the future. But sadly, thecold winds of misfortune began to blow across our lives.

    Slowly at first, and then with ever-increasing speed, I lost my business andall of our financial security. It was as if the winter of my life had begun.Mardai, whose very name means, "light," became the source of illuminationthat guided me through the darkness that followed.

    We lost our home and land and most of our material possessions. With ourtwo children we finally moved to a new city and started to rebuild our livesfrom ground zero. I thought that we had suffered enough, but our financiallosses were nothing compared to what was to happen next. My greatest fearhad come upon me.

    On a regular visit to the doctor, Mardai discovered that she had cancer. It
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    Conquering Feartook a while to become adjusted to such disastrous news. Mardai's battle withcancer was a long and terrible one. Although she fought bravely, she couldnot prevail, and I lost the light of my life one beautiful, bright, summer's day.We had been married for twenty years, and I had no idea how I wouldcontinue in life without her.

    As I stood there that July day holding my two children close to me, theemptiness within me was so horrible that all I could think of was the biblicalreference to "Is there no balm in Gilead? "

    "Fear" is a strange beast. In some ways, it serves as our protector,preventing us from leaping over tall buildings or jumping in front of speedingcars. In other ways, it shakes us to the bone and brings us to a point whereall we can do is tremble and cry and cringe in the corner. Yet, "Fear" hasmuch more in common with "Hope" than we might want to believe.

    Both "Fear" and "Hope" usually are in the same place. They are like two pilotson the runway, ready for takeoff. However, one pilot is heading north and theother is flying south. Fear is saying, "This is the end. My life is over. I cannotgo on any longer. I cannot get over the loss of my partner, the loss of mybusiness and home."

    Ever so quietly, ever so tearfully, "Hope" is saying, "This is bad, really bad.But there is a much better plan for all concerned. One day, we'll see thewisdom and beauty of the plan." And though a part of me wanted to screamin pain, another, much wiser part told me that things are not always whatthey seem to be. So with "Hope" at my side, "Fear" could not take my entirebeing away from me.

    In the days that followed, my thoughts would run races between the sublimeand the ridiculous. "Fear" was my constant companion. I was afraid for mychildren because they no longer had a mother. I was afraid for myselfbecause I did not know how I was going to raise two children alone. I wasafraid for my economic well-being. I had become afraid of almost everything.

    There were times when I'd look around and perceive life as a meaninglessmess. But there were other times when a quiet voice would whisper in myheart that life was not as it appeared to be. Life was much more than a short

    span on Earth. A lifetime was but a blink in eternity. Slowly, ever so slowly, Istarted to understand.

    Sometimes while driving to the supermarket, I would look at the empty seatnext to me -- the seat in which she used to sit -- and I would wonder whereshe had gone. Everyone knows where the caterpillar goes--it goes into thebutterfly. But who knows where the butterfly goes?

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    Conquering Fear

    So I thought of Mardai as a butterfly of the universe and I would pray thather journey be a joyous one and that she would find some way of letting meknow she was fine in her new world. When "Fear" attacks, "Hope" is alwaysready to defend.

    I truly believe that the bonds that exist between those who love deeply arestronger than death itself. Perhaps, love is the greatest reality in theuniverse. And love is more powerful than any fear that besieges us. Hope isthe catalyst - love does the healing. Hope slays fear. Love knows no fear.Hope is sight; love is insight. Hope heals; love makes whole. Hope is astorehouse; love is a powerhouse. Hope springs eternal; love is eternity.

    Sometimes on a beautiful, cloudless, starry night, I sit on my porch and lookinto the woods behind my house. I hear the voices of my loved ones in my

    heart and in the very whispering of the wind through the leaves. I look upinto the night-sky and see the second star on the belt of Orion, the Hunter,and I can see, if I but look more closely, Mardai smiling at me.

    As I look and listen in the quietness of my soul, I hear her say, "I havealways loved you, and you will always be my joy, my pride and my prince. Ihave known you from Forever, and I will be with you again one day, even aswe used to be together in the life you now live.

    "When you are sad, I feel your sorrow, and when you are happy, I rejoicewith you. You must finish the work that you came to Earth to do. Time willlighten the heaviness in your heart, and then I will be able to communicatewith you more clearly. Do not be afraid.

    "I watch over you and our children, and I know how difficult it can get attimes. But you are not alone. There are others here who also watch and help.Our work on Earth was finished so it was time to move on. We are allbrilliantly alive.

    "I visit you sometimes in your dreams. The veil that separates you and yourreality from mine is very, very thin indeed. In your quiet moments, yousometimes pierce that veil and get a glimpse of our reality. It is gloriouslyexciting where we are, and one day, we shall all meet again. You have much

    to do before you join us, but know that we will be with you every step of theway.

    "My dearest John, I have always loved you, and I will love you through thehallways of time into the Fields of Forever. When you are ready to comehere, I will be the first one waiting to greet you. Live life joyously and fully.And have no fear for love always conquers fear."

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    Conquering Fear

    It has been quite a few years since Mardai has been gone. The children havegrown up and now have their own careers. They remember the days of greatpain, madness and fear, but they also have fond memories of their motherand her love.

    We have learned much. But the greatest lesson we have learned is that hopeis the antidote for fear and that love is the answer to all our problems. Icannot help but reflect on the words of Saul of Tarsus, "And now abidethfaith, hope and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."

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    Conquering Fear

    "Listen to what you know, not what you fear." - Richard Bach

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    Conquering FearPaul Harris

    Fear: My Invisible Companion

    I have known fear my entire life. It has been my constant, invisiblecompanion since I was a child. I grew up in a home with an abusive father,where being scared was my constant state of mind. From this background, Ideveloped a belief that the entire world was a scary place.

    As an adult, this fear continued to play a part in my life by causing a lack ofbelief in myself and my abilities. Since I was a teenager I have beeninterested in owning my own business. I feel I am simply not cut out tobe an employee for someone else. Therefore, in my twenties I startedseveral businesses, all of which failed.

    None of them failed because of a problem with the business opportunity.They failed because of my fear. Even while I was running thesebusinesses, I felt like I was a fraud and that any moment people would"discover" me.

    After all of these years of living in fear, I have finally come to believe that Ican choose what to make of my fear. I don't believe that anyone canentirely eliminate fear, but I now certainly believe it can be managed andeven used to our advantage.

    Fear thrives in the absence of a stronger emotion. Discovering this became

    the means by which I've finally been able to move past my lifelong fears. Themind abhors a vacuum and in the absence of a dominating emotion orthought, fear often seeps in and begins to take over. To combat this oneneeds to learn to focus their mind and thoughts upon that which they desireinstead of that which they fear. I realize this is not always easy. But if youhave a dream or a goal that is strong enough your desire for that dream canblock your fear from taking over, as long as you concentrate on the dream.

    Normally what happens is someone will imagine their dream or goal but willthen become discouraged because they do not know how they will accomplishit. This discouragement becomes the open door for fear to move in. You mustconcentrate on your dream and hold it in your mind even though you do not

    yet know how it will be accomplished.

    In this way, fear may keep knocking on the door of your mind but can find noentrance.

    It's taken me many long years to come to this realization but I now know

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    Conquering FearI'm in control of my fear and am finally, and proudly, operating my ownInternet business. Hold to your dreams and whatever you can imaginecan come true.

    Paul Harris
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    Conquering Fear

    Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace.- Amelia Earhart

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    Conquering FearEd Hirsch

    Does your heart ever beat so fast and hard that you feel you may die? Whenthis happens, (and it happens to me) it motivates and forces decisions (andaction).

    It may be fear, or it might just be some raw excitement. In either case, it isnot a bad thing.

    Moving toward your goals, dreams and highest aspirations requires aconstant confrontation with the truth! The truth is YOUR deepest beliefs andpersonal intentions. Whatever it is you think is your purpose in life, myencouragement is to "do it."

    My first "mentor" wrote "DO IT" and that was all ... when I went up after the

    seminar to get his signature in the Freedom Planner I purchased from hisT.V. Infomercial.

    Walking the walk of a person driven by some unexplainable vision, willnecessitate action which causes you to do things that the "average bear"does not normally do.

    These actions we endeavor, need not be taken on haphazardly. In fact, thediscipline of planning and totally thinking through the intention and therespective carrying out of it, must be done responsibly. Many "driven" peoplehave failed miserably in business and life by simply leaving out the legwork to research the life plan fully.

    Make the decision, take the action and carry it out. Get SCARED ... it is agreat indication that you are making progress in the changes necessary toachieve the intended result.

    "No Pain, No Gain", "No Guts, No Glory", "You'll always miss 100% of theshots you don't take", "No Drilling, No Oil" (I made the last one up ;-)

    I am practically scared to death each morning I arise. The "things to bedone" each day require continual prayer to stay consistent and persistent. Itis not a negative state ... it is damn exciting! As each day moves forward,

    the fear does NOT decrease.

    Fight the good fight and look the fear directly in the eye to continually spookit out of the mind.

    Being scared to death is a sure sign that you are ready to make the next steptoward your chosen success. My encouragement to you is that if this is the

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    Conquering Fearcase in your life ... "DO IT!!!"

    Contributed by Ed Hirsch#1 REASON stopping your business growth ...WASTED resources on those who QUIT!Eliminate the ZERO'S on your Genie report 650-872-1024"A Networkers RETENTION Dream Come True"mailto:[email protected]?SUBJECT=dream1

    mailto:[email protected]?SUBJECT=dream1mailto:[email protected]?SUBJECT=dream1
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    Conquering Fear

    The fact is that to do anything in the world worth doing, we

    must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold anddanger, but jump in and scramble through as well as wecan. Robert Cushing

    Without courage, all other virtues lose their meaning.- Winston Churchill

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    Conquering FearGlen Hopkins

    Glen Hopkins, owns, your Free resource for dailymotivation and inspiration, including quotes, tips, and stories to help you leada successful life. To join the Free mailing list, send an e-mail tomailto:[email protected] or visit

    FEAR Don't Let it Control You!

    Copyright (c) 1999 Glen Hopkins

    Fear. What is it? Can you touch it? Can you hold it? Can you show it toanother person? I can almost hear you from where I am sitting. "No, no, no".Okay then, so you can't touch it, you can't hold it, and you can't show it to

    another person. The question then is, why? Why do we have fear? Fear isnothing more than an emotion or a feeling that we hold in our mind.

    We fear either the emotional or physical pain something may cause. Theproblem is, these emotions and feeling affect the way we live our lives. Wefear doing certain things because we think we might fail. This may be due topast failures we have actually experienced or it may be due to failures wefear we might experience.

    I urge you to remember and live by the following motto.

    Fear stands for,

    FalseEvidence thatAppearsReal

    Most of the time what we fear, we have never even experienced! Isn't thatcrazy? You see, your mind has a hard time determining whether you'veactually experienced the failure or just imagined it. Either way, you feel thephysiological symptoms of the fear; such as an upset stomach. Often,because we can imagine some sort of failure, we believe it will come true,

    and then we don't even try! And that is what makes a failure; a person whois afraid to try because they fear the potential of a negative outcome. If youdon't at least try, you can never succeed.

    "I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actuallyhappened." - Mark Twain

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
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    Conquering FearThe question now becomes who defines what 'failure' and success' is? You doright? Either you create the definition yourself or you accept someone else'sdefinition. Is it true then that some people create more difficult definitions ofsuccess and failure for themselves than others do? You bet it is! Who do youthink leads a more successful live, Alex who defines success as, "everydaythat I wake up and I'm not six feet under, is a great day." Or Jeff, whodefines success as, "I have to be earning at least million dollars a year beforeI am successful."

    You guessed right again. Alex. You see, Alex has created her own definitionof what success means and that definition is relatively easy to achieve!Therefore, in her mind, she is successful everyday. Whereas Jeff, as per hisown definition, cannot be successful until he is earning one million dollars ayear. What are the chances that most of the 'Jeff's' in the world feel likefailures on a daily basis because they are not yet earning one million dollars a

    year? Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that you should not set highstandards and goals for yourself. What I am saying is that you have to becareful that you 'happily achieve, rather than achieve to be happy'.

    The more difficult your definition of success is to attain, the more fear youwill attach to it. Don't let your own definitions limit you. Or even worse, thedefinitions of others. Create your own definitions to make it harder to feel likea failure and easier to feel like a success. That way you will attach less fear towhat you want in life.

    What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? Image whatyou can do in your life with that type of belief system. Try thinking of every'failure' as a success. That is, every time you 'fail' at something, you havereally succeeded because you have learned what does not work.

    Therefore, you are closer to succeeding the next time you try. Rememberthat the past does not equal the future. Yesterday's failure does not equalyour future outcomes. Just because you may have failed yesterday, or evenfive minutes ago, it doesn't mean you are going to fail again. Just learn fromwhat you did wrong and change your approach. Don't fear the past. The pastis what has taught you how to succeed in the future.

    Be fearless!

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    Conquering Fear

    Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action hasarrived, stop thinking and go in. Napoleon Bonaparte

    One man scorned and covered with scars still strove withhis last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable stars;and the world will be better for this.- Miguel de Cervantes

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    Conquering Fear

    Joann Javons

    "Take A Risk" By Joann Javons copyright 2001

    I called my doctor to describe the intense pain in my right shoulder. As usual,my doctor suggested I come in for an injection or as an alternative, shewould call in a prescription for a strong anti-inflammatory drug.

    I opted for the anti-inflammatory even though I knew I wouldn't take it.What kind of 'alternative' is a prescription drug? And forget those injections.

    Last time I was at her office, I got cortisone injections in my knees for the

    pain due to arthritis. I really think I'm too young to have arthritis (well, isn'tmiddle age too young for this stuff?) but there it is.

    I'm not the best patient. When they try to take my blood, I shut my eyes,real tight, and hold my breath. Watching it is something I just can't do.

    I don't like drugs. So I decided to check into acupuncture to reduce the painin my shoulder. But I don't like needles either.

    This was a big decision. I had seen pictures and TV shows with people havingall those needles stuck in them. The idea of needles stuck in me horrified me.I figured if I closed my eyes at the acupuncturist's office, I could get throughit.

    Little did I know I was about to get another lesson in taking a risk.

    Guess what I discovered? Those needles are as fine and thin as a strand ofhair! And they don't hurt! If they hit the right spot, you might feel it but it'snot painful.

    If someone had told me this sooner, I would have been in thatacupuncturist's office months ago. Why didn't someone tell me?

    The answer is simple: I didn't ask. And, continuing to do what you're doing ismore comfortable than spending time, money, and most of all, dealing withthe anxiety of making a change.

    Is the point of this story that you shouldn't believe everything you see on TV?No, although you shouldn't believe everything you see on TV.

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    Conquering FearThe point is that fear holds you back from taking action to enhance your life.Action that can remove pain or discomfort or unhappiness. Fear keeps yourfrom taking a risk, taking action to reach your dreams. Action requires awillingness to risk, try something new, let go of the old.

    If you don't take risks, you really aren't living to your potential. Life is aseries of risks, of changes, all with opportunities to experience the gifts thatcome.

    If you don't take risks, you're staying in your comfort zone. Chances are thatyou'll stay there until something pushes you out. That's the hard way tochange.

    My simple acupuncture experience was not a big risk by externalmeasurements: all I could lose was money and time. Ahhh, but the fear of

    those needles was pretty big, in my head.

    Fear keeps you from moving forward. It keeps you stuck exactly where youare. The question is: do you need some form of pain in your life to push youout of your comfort zone? I don't think so. Unless you like to wait for pain.

    Some people do. They wait for an excruciating level of discomfort, like losinga job, getting into debt, not having enough money, before they make anychange in their lives. You don't need to be one of them. It's truly a choice.

    The only way out is in. In a new job, in a new savings plan, in a new situationthat brings you closer to what you want. That means taking a risk, takingaction. And the truth is, any action is better than no action. No matter whataction you take to make your life better, you will learn something. Somethingyou can use to get closer to your dreams.

    Isn't it worth moving through your fear to get closer to your dreams? Take arisk today!

    For more resources, tips, articles, and gifts to enhance your life, subscribe toour Free monthly newsletter, "Just For You, the newsletter for your total life"at mailto:[email protected] You'll be happy you did!

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    Conquering Fear

    Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, beforewhich difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into thinair. John Quincy Adams

    Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.- General George S. Patton

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    Conquering FearShelley Lowery

    Shelley Lowery is the Executive Publisher, Editor-in-Chief and Webmistress is a complete resource portal for the Internet Entrepreneur.The site assists the entrepreneur in developing a serious Web presence byproviding a wealth of free information, resources, tools and content.

    Shelley is a full-time Internet Marketer, Writer and the author of severalsuccessful eBooks. Shelley's articles have appeared in hundreds of electronicand print publications including Microsoft Value Added, Internet Magazine,WebProNews, SiteProNews, Add Me, iBoost, A.I.M., NoBoss Online,WhatUseek, and others.

    Prior to starting my Internet business, I worked in a steel plant operating asteel rolling mill. I had absolutely no background in business and wascompletely computer illiterate.

    I was a single mother with four children, so I needed the type of income thatthis dangerous, blue-collar position provided.

    Most of the time, I had to work six and seven days a week just to make endsmeet. And, swinging different shifts each month really took its toll.Sometimes it seemed as if I didn't know whether I was coming or going -- Ihated every single minute I worked in that plant. But at the time, I felt Ididn't have a choice.

    I was completely dependent on the regular income this job provided.Although I sincerely wanted my own business and desperately wanted toleave my job, I just couldn't -- or so I thought. The truth is...fear was mybiggest obstacle. I was afraid to make a change. Afraid I wouldn't haveenough money to feed my children and pay my bills.

    As fate would have it, while loading a 3,000 LB coil of steel onto my machine,the brake on the crane malfunctioned. The coil struck me in the shoulder anddislocated it backwards. After two surgeries, and months of rehabilitation, the

    doctors determined that my shoulder was beyond repair.

    I was off work for over a year, lost my house, my car and then the doctorsinformed me that I couldn't go back to my job. My biggest fears of what'might' happen were now reality. That's when my life dramatically changed. Iwas determined that I wasn't going to allow this injury to rule my life.Although the doctors said that I would never have a functional shoulder, I
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    Conquering Fearjust couldn't accept that. It was a long and difficult process, but little by littleI regained the use of my shoulder. I took a temporary job cleaning housesand scraped enough money together to buy my first computer. I knew Iwanted to start my own Internet business, but I was totally clueless as towhere to begin.

    I began researching and reading everything I could get my hands on. Iordered moneymaking opportunities off the Internet, TV and from magazines-- not to actually pursue the opportunity, but to learn from these marketers.The more I learned, the more excited I became. I was determined that nomatter what my family and friends said ("you'll never make it on theInternet" or "Get a 'real' job") I was going to be successful.

    Sure, it was a long and difficult road, and I made a lot of sacrifices along theway. However, all of the hard work is finally paying off.

    What I now realize is that the first steps were the most difficult. With eachstep I took, the easier it became. I certainly wasn't an overnight success --far from it. I struggled from the very beginning.

    When I started my Internet business there wasn't a lot of informationavailable to assist me. However, with each small accomplishment, the light atthe end of the tunnel became a little bit brighter. And, gave me the strengthand courage to continue.

    I am now a full-time Internet marketer and operate my Internet business outof the comfort of my own home. The light is now shinning brightly -- It's agreat life:)

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    Conquering Fear

    He never knew when he was whipped ... so he never was. Louis LAmour

    Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someoneto tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties

    arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right.To map out a course of action and follow it to an end

    requires ... Courage. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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    Conquering FearBob Mcelwain

    I have been marketing and consulting on the Web since 1993. My goal withhttp://www.SiteTipsAndTricks.Com is to create a resource center forwannabe and newbie webmasters in which you can easily find what youneed, else ask me to do so. Further, I can help you build a successful site orimprove one you already have. And I can help you promote your siteeffectively. All at prices you can afford. For details, please click the Supportlink to the left or send any email to mailto:[email protected]


    Many argue it's best to overcome fears, to put them in their place, so tospeak. For me, that place is right out front where I can meet them head on.

    Embrace them even.

    It's fear that keeps us from coming too close to the edge of a precipice orclimbing too high in a tree. In business, it points out the pitfalls ahead andallows us to plan a way to avoid them.

    Fear is of two kinds. Rational and irrational. It is rational (sensible) to avoidfalling off a cliff. It is irrational (nonsense) to believe all the people in thecrowded room are watching you. Expecting you to do something naughty,maybe.

    To the degree possible, crush irrational fear. Meet it head on. Why do youfeel everyone is watching you? Look about at those around you. Study theirfaces. Their smiles and frowns. Their earnest or frivolous dialog. Listen totheir chuckles and laughter. Are they really watching you? Do they evenknow you are in the room? Would anyone notice if you did do whatever? Theanswer is no. But cling to such questions until irrational fears are laid aside.They block our way, slow our pace, and add uncertainties, none of which ishelpful.

    But rational fear is useful. Harness it, then give it free rein. Listen to what ittells you. Evaluate. Are you too close to the edge of the cliff? Back away. If itis only of goblins in the night it speaks, say the words right out loud, "Stuff

    and nonsense!"

    Building a business online or offline is fraught with fear. Listen to what itsays. Lean closer if the voice is too faint. It will help you foresee a great dealof the future, of problems that may beset you, and barriers that may need tobe overcome. It is unlikely all of this will come to pass, but think of the addedconfidence gained in being prepared for those that do.[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Conquering Fear

    Taking risks is an essential ingredient in growing a business. From makingchanges in a website to expanding into another area, all is laden with risk.But if no action is taken, there will be no growth. Instead, the business willwither and die. Let your fears assist you in planning a clear path aroundpossible obstacles, then move forward boldly. With good plans for theunexpected, you can not be seriously harmed.

    Specific to your website, recognize that your visitors are real live people, notjust hits reported to log files. As such, they are also subject to fears. Knowsome have not made the distinction between rational and irrational fear; theyhave both kinds lumped together. Their behavior will be all the moreunpredictable.

    Some have reported as many as 65% of visitors fail to complete order forms.

    While I have never seen mention of it, I would bet good bucks that manyclick away in fear. "Why do they want my address; I didn't ask them to mailanything to me?" "Why do they want my phone number?" "Who are thesepeople butting into my life this way?"

    We know how important it is to build trust with the content and presentationof a website. While we may have failed to achieve this goal completely, wehave worked at getting close. I suggest another step be taken.

    Since indecision and uncertainty often lead to fear, and thus to flight, eraseall possible points at which a visitor may stumble. Easy navigation is clearly amust. But look for less obvious things. A link that misleads. An ad that mayoffend. A line in a sales pitch that is too much to swallow. That is, look atevery element within your site. Identify every point at which a visitor mightstumble, then make sure it won't happen.

    Watch the birds in your backyard. Or the deer in the foothills. Fear keepsthem alive. Given any challenge that can not be instantly identified, it isalways fight or flight. These options are far too fundamental and primeval toignore. In your business, harness fears so the next action can be taken. Onyour website, be sure visitors do not click off from fears of which they maynot even be aware.

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    Conquering Fear

    Success consists of getting up just one more time than youfall. Oliver Goldsmith

    Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absenceof fear. - Mark Twain

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    Conquering FearJo McNamara

    Jo McNamara lives in Orlando, FL, with 8 cats and 1 husband. Jo wishes toexpress her gratitude to Dale Armin Miller. "The success I've earned today isbecause of the Internet Marketing Success Arsenal. The success I achievetomorrow will be because of the Internet Marketing Success Arsenal."mailto:[email protected]

    "The Wish-Idas"

    By Jo McNamara 2001

    "Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness." GeorgeSantayana

    If someone had told me in my 20s I would attempt to start my own homebusiness at 50, I would have thought they had taken some really good (bad?)drugs. If someone had told me in my 30s I would write articles that would beread by hundreds of people, I would have asked them how long they hadbeen hearing voices. If someone had told me in my 40s I would have abusiness that involved using a computer, I would have laughed so hard Iwould need to excuse myself to change my underwear.

    Well, here I am...50 years old. I have started my own home business; I havewritten articles that have been read by hundreds of people (Okay...I KNOWmy husband, best friend and mother-in-law have read them); and my homebusiness involves the computer.

    I say this with absolutely no conceit. I say this with wonder and amazement.This actually is ME living this life. I've dreamed of owning my own businessfor years; I've dreamed of writing and being published for years. I'm STILLdreaming of learning how to stop crashing the computer.

    I don't regret not doing any of this at a younger age. I fully appreciate whatis happening to me more at the age of 50 because I know what a struggle ithas been. I'm more humble about my "success" because I have an attitude ofgratitude. I look at what I've accomplished with the astonishment of a 3-year-old.

    When I turned 50, I realized that the road before me was shorter than theroad behind me. There was something about turning 50 that made me cometo the realization that I didn't have as much time to do the things I've alwayswanted to do.

    I've had dreadful visions of being 80, sitting in a rocking chair on a front

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Conquering Fearporch, reflecting back upon all the "Wish-Idas." "Wish I'd done this; wish I'ddone that." At 50, my fear of the"Wish-Idas" became stronger than my Fearof Failure, my Fear of Humiliation and my Fear of Being Technically Inept.

    These are not things you think about in your 20s or 30s. That is the time inyour life when you tend to feel that your future is spread out in front of you.It's as though you are standing on a spot on the East Coast and you seeclearly in front of you the road that leads to the West Coast. At 50, you aresomewhere in Kansas (close to the Colorado border) and now the road infront of you doesn't seem so long.

    In your 20s and 30s, you have the luxury of saying, "I can always do thatlater." At 50, your "laters" are NOW.

    This is not meant to be a depressing article on getting older. Turning 50 was

    not depressing for me. Turning 50 revitalized me. It gave me the confidenceto feel I could tackle those things I've always wanted to do. If I didn'tsucceed at something the first time and I sincerely wanted it, I would keeptrying and keep trying. If it wasn't meant to be, so be it; at least I gave it100%.

    The point of this article is this: Try ANYTHING that you sincerely andpassionately want to do. You have nothing to lose. Feel that you're too old?How old is "too old?" "Too old" is any age YOU decide it is. If you decidethere is no such age, then the world will stand aside to let you pass.

    I am slowly shortening my list of "Wish-Idas." More and more I'm thinkingwhen I look back on my life, I'll be saying, "I've had a full life following mypassions. Successes and failures, but at least I tried."

    Never place limits on yourself. Don't let it be YOU sitting in a rocking chair ona front porch, regretting the "Wish-Idas."

    "Do not aspire to immortality, but exhaust the limits of the possible." Pindar

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    Conquering Fear

    "Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oftmight win by fearing to attempt." -William Shakespeare

    Courage is the capacity to go from failure to failure withoutlosing enthusiasm. - Sir Winston Churchill

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    Conquering Fear

    Ante Miljak

    Thin air and the occasional wisp of water vapor from the majestic VictoriaFalls fills the 111-meter gap that separates the swirling waters of theZambezi and the steel-girded bridge spanning the river.

    A similarly tenuous and invisible medium, vision and determination, bridgesthe gap separating the average Internet business from a $100 000 income.

    A pedestrian crossing the bridge connecting Zimbabwe and Zambia wouldhardly notice the slight protrusion on its edge, if it weren't for the feverishcrowd that perpetually mobs the narrow platform. They congregate here forthe thrill of watching those foolish, or brave - always matter of opinion - thatplummet into the abyss with a rope tied around their ankles.

    The Webmaster who finds a way to attract an equally feverish crowd to theirwebsite, will see money flow into the bank like the gushing waters of theZambezi below the bridge.

    But to create a thrill you have to jump!!!

    Standing at the edge of the narrow platform I was preparing to do justthat...jump. But the anticipatory thrill of the dive was being overwhelmed bythe intense sensation of fear as the moment drew near.