console presentation


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Post on 27-May-2015




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Page 1: Console presentation






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Page 2: Console presentation


In order to begin the design process of the console, it was decided to perform research on video games and how people interact with it, their preferences and behaviours.

A survey was performed which constituted 6 questions (with 3 sub-questions) which were designed to acquire particular information about the platforms that the surveyed people played on, details on the types of games that they play and how they play them, and the methods that they use to acquire them.

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PlatformXbox 360PS3iOSAndroidPC

When 10 people were asked about which platforms they mostly played, they produced these results:

This tells us that the majority of the group play on mobile platforms, such as iOS and Android, while the other platforms are the minority in this group.

We can correlate this information with later results to create a more rounded understanding of people’s preferences in video games.

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QUESTIONNAIRE: TIMEOn the questionnaire, 10 people were asked about the amount of time that they played video games, on average, in a single sitting.

From these results, we can gather that the vast majority of people play games in very short time frames of up to ten minutes. This correlates with the previous results, as mobile devices such as iOS and Android phones are more popular than other platforms among the surveyed group.

Length1-10 Minutes~1 hour3+ hours

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InteractionSingle playerOnline competitive

Here, the surveyed group were asked about the amount of interpersonal interaction that they preferred in the games that they play.

From these results, we can gather that the majority of people in this group prefer single-player games. If we correlate this with previous results, it can be speculated that this is related to the amount of time that a person spends on a game and the platform, as multiplayer games often require a stable internet connection and a greater amount of time to play.

It is also notable that none of the surveyed group preferred primarily multiplayer co-operative games.

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The survey group then were asked about their preferred method of acquiring new games.

Digital distribution is the most popular, and is also the only method of distribution that is common among all video game consoles and platforms, which is partially the cause for it’s popularity. Digital distribution have become more convenient for users than retail stores, and doesn’t suffer from the same weaknesses as physical copies, such as necessity for space and limited supply.

DistributionRetailDigitalOnline store

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In this question, the survey asked people about the type of content that they most look for as a feature in their games that they play.

The most notable statistic here is the very low proportion of people that focus on graphics as a feature in games, which suggests a change in consumer interests considering the large push in recent years for games to be ‘more realistic’ and to have higher graphical fidelity.


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This is a follow up from the question about the interest of in content in video games, for those who chose ‘Story’ as a focus.

The majority claimed to prefer the characters in games to be the aspect of the story that it focuses on. This is relevant information, considering the recent popularity of Bioware games, which have a large amount of focus on character interaction, which features in many their multiplatform titles.


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This question is a follow up from the question concerning the content people prefer in their games, for those who declared a preference for gameplay.

When asked about the ‘type’ of gameplay that they prefer to experience, the majority answered that they prefer their games have ‘simple’ gameplay, which in practical terms means that a game has a smaller amount of mechanics that the player has to learn in order to play the game. This result is related to the large amount of people that play mobile games, which have games that utilize the simpler control system, the touch screen.


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Surveyed people who answered that they have a preference for a graphical focus in video games were asked about what exactly they prefer in terms of ‘graphics’.

Due to the very low number of people who answered that they had a preference for graphics, these results are difficult to extrapolate from.


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In this question, people were asked about their stance when it comes to ‘completing’ games – defined in this case as continuing the game until it’s primary game mode can be considered to be finished.

The notable result here is the large result for completion being N/A, which refers to games where the ability to ‘complete’ a game does not exist, which is a feature of certain mobile and arcade games.

CompletionOne-by-oneMultiple over timeScored improvementN/A

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The final question in the questionnaire asked people about the frequency with which people would go back to an older game in their possession and play them.

The majority voted that they never go and play older games in their possession, which is curious, considering that most modern games are bound to an account or a device rather that being a physical object that can be bought and sold, which also means that people may find themselves with a larger amount of games that they do not play and cannot re-sell.

ReplayNeverOccasionallyUpdates/ExpansionsCertain Games

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PS4 REVIEW (FROM TECHRADAR.COM)‘Gaming on the PS4 is fantastic. The graphics are good, not mind blowing if you've

used a expensive gaming PC lately, but a big step up from last-gen consoles.’‘The interface is fast too. Everything is speedy and responsive right from minute one,

and the interface is full of clever design choices that speed things up. Games begin to install the second you pop in the disc, firmware updates download while the system is on standby and game patches do too if you have PS Plus.’

‘The DualShock 4 controller is a significant upgrade. The most bothersome aspects of the DualShock 3 have been addressed, resulting in a comfortable controller that's more functional for games of all genres. The touchpad, while currently underused, is well built and nicely placed, the light bar makes player identification simple and the system can finally charge a controller while it's off or in standby.

‘The interface is too stripped down, and the What's New feed is a mess. Having the PS4's Dynamic Menu constantly reorder is too simplistic, especially if you're going to tuck Netflix into a Movies & TV folder. This is nit-picking really, it's the What's New news feed that needs work. All the useless trophy spam is burying genuinely engaging stuff like gameplay video and screenshot shares.’

‘Sharing of gameplay videos and screenshots is shackled to social networks. There really ought to be a way to grab your gameplay videos with a USB drive, or a the very least upload them to a private link. Being forced to share them on Facebook or on the PSN just makes us not want to do it.’

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‘Microsoft had the unenviable task of redesigning something that nobody thought was broken. The Xbox 360 controller was universally praised, so it shouldn't be surprising that the Xbox One controller is familiar. Improvements have been made to the triggers, which now feature rumble motors; the D-pad, which is now a cross; and the thumbsticks, which are now smaller and more accurate. It's a comfortable controller with a good amount of weight, and a great texture not only makes it feel more premium but ameliorates the gross, slippery feel following a long session with the Xbox 360 controller.

Microsoft has insisted it has the software gamers want. But it's also maintained that this generation is about more than that. It's repeatedly outlined a vision for a console based around entertainment, apps and connected experiences, tied together by Kinect, which has been met with apprehension by the enthusiast audience.

To be clear, Kinect isn't a fully realized product yet. Gesture support is functionally non-existent, and there's a lack of good examples of how Kinect can contribute to games. There are certain elements of Microsoft's strategy that are missing at launch, like support for Twitch streaming and HBO Go. And the console's television functionality impresses … if you watch television.

But in many ways, the Xbox One's bold direction for the future is well in place. The integration of voice controls and its media strategy are a boon to everyone, and the ability to run apps while playing games is something we now want on every gaming console we have. That it has a handful of strong, exclusive games at launch only supports its legitimacy as a gaming console and not just an entertainment hub.

The Xbox One is an impressive marriage of software and hardware that raises the bar in terms of what we expect from a living-room machine. ’

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‘If you’re a serious gamer planning to buy just one console in the next twelve months, it’s unlikely that the Wii U will be it. If, however, you’re a fan of Nintendo’s classics, or a more casual gamer looking for the next step on from the Wii, then the Wii U is much easier to recommend. It might not turn out to be the future of gaming, but it’s in with a credible chance of mainstream success.

Even by Nintendo’s standards, this is no ordinary run-of-the-mill console. The Wii U GamePad is a strange, brilliant and versatile controller, and employed properly might just power a new wave of fantastic, innovative games. As a vehicle for family fun, the Wii U is a formidable system, despite a slow UI and the odd niggle here and there. The struggle will be working out how it fits in between the current console generation and the next, and maintaining third-party support, but the potential is there for some great games, and some really unique experiences. ‘

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The Y-Play is imagined as a medium-power, lower-end console that attempts to get by in a very tightly competitive console market by being a relatively low cost option compared to it’s larger competitors in the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One.

To that end, the Y-Play is designed with achieving at the least the bare standards of gaming in it’s hardware, while putting a greater focus on its software accessibility by using an open source operating system, without shutting away the possibility of viability for core games as well as more ‘casual’ games.

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Linux-Derived Operating System

Linux is an open source operating system, and is used by many types of devices, including phones, computers, tablets, and even other video game consoles (for example, the PS4 is using an OS derived from Linux).

Using an OS derived from Linux reduces the cost of development of the Y-Play, as much of the cost of development an entirely new software kernel is subverted, and ports between the Y-Play and PC platforms become easier to achieve. Using this advantage, it would be easier to gain third party support, which is a primary objective the console would have to achieve to succeed.

The interface itself would be designed with simplicity and accessibility in mind, which would help the introduction of newer players to the system.

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Wireless Gamepad + Charge Cable

For playing video games, the gamepad design is still the standard controller type, despite constant innovation by Nintendo, so it is the safest option for the Y-Play to ship with the console.

The pads themselves would use a wireless connector, such as Bluetooth. This allows the controller to be used from any reasonable distance from the console, thus granting it flexibility for users.

Though the usage of wireless means that the controllers must be given an independent battery and charger, the use of a USB interface charger means that the console can also support previously made alternative controllers that also use USB, such as fighting game sticks and light guns.

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AMD Radeon Derivative

AMD is one of a few major companies that produces graphics processors, and of its competitors it is the company most experienced in producing and supplying graphics processors to consoles. As such, the processor used will not only be more suitable to use in a console, but it can be adjusted and modified to suit the needs of the hardware and software.

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Although there is the newer, improved DDR5 RAM on the market, I have chosen the less efficient DDR3 to be the RAM in the console primarily to reduce the cost of producing the units of Y-Plays and consequently, the consoles price.

As the Y-Play is attempting to fill a current hole in the market for a cheap, midrange video games console some of the technology will have to be compromised in order to keep the console cheaper.

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Dual Core CPU

Dual core processors are currently reasonably cheap on the market, as technology advances and more efficient and powerful variants become available for use. By using a dual core CPU, as opposed to a quad core CPU the overall cost of the console is reduced, keeping the price low while maintaining a low-mid range amount of power as a console on the market.

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HDMI – 720p to 1080p

720p is currently a standard in the video game industry, as S-Video and SCART have been almost entirely phased out of use, so by making the console with HDMI it will have more longevity.

It will not be created with 4K compatibility, as the current televisions that have that functionality are prohibitively expensive, and there is no reason as such to believe that the functionality would sell more units of the console.

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HD sound uses the same channels and cable as video data, so it is more practical to use the output that is already available to the console. The fact that sound can be transferred using the HDMI cable is also useful in that it reduces the total amount of components to be made and packaged with the console.

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Ethernet Cable + Wireless Network Adapter

Online multiplayer games are currently a large and major part of the video games industry, so excluding functionality for those games would be a massive loss for the console.

Ethernet cables are the easier, and more reliable method of connecting a device to the internet, but not everyone can be guaranteed to have an Ethernet port available in the rooms that they may wish to put the console in. Therefore, by adding wireless connectivity, the amount of people who can make use of the console (and therefore the amount of potential sales) will increase.

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Hard Disk Drive, variable size starting at 60GB

HDDs are currently the cheaper and more reliable form of storage media for larger consoles and pcs, with the only suitable alternative to be Solid State Drives, which are not only more expensive, but also degrade faster with use – eventually, current SSDs become entirely unusable if they are written and overwritten on too much, which is not practical for a console, which will need to transfer a lot of data almost constantly.

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External Supply

Although external power units can be restrictive for consumers, due to the extra space required to accommodate the physical unit, the use of an external power supply reduces the amount of heat that builds up inside of the console unit, which is important, as it means that internal components will receive less damage over time and will also run more effectively in the short term without the need for a greater added amount of cooling and/or ventilation.