contact center master class series - csat vs. aht

Struggling to optimize CSAT without sacrificing AHT? Have your cake and eat it too! Master Class series – Contact Center Webinar

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Struggling to optimize CSAT without sacrificing AHT?

Have your cake and eat it too!

Master Class series – Contact Center Webinar

Carolyn Blunt, FCIPD

• Award-winning UK Training Provider established 2003 –Real Results Consultancy

• Experts in Contact Centre & People Development

• Team of 12 led by Carolyn Blunt – Most Respected Person in the UK Contact Centre Industry (CCH Awards) and expert customer service author

Pascal Leclerc

• 20+ years in contact center workforce management (Atelka, Bell Inc.)

• Gamification influencer and advocate for Employee Engagement

• Co-Founder nGUVU: mission is to create a better everyday work experience for contact center agents

Objectives constantly change

2009 2015

Call Center Helper survey 2015

Let’s make this webinar interactive

How to participate

1. Twitter: #nGUVUwebinar

2. Webinar polls

3. Webinar chat

Customer Ecosystem

AHT is NOT the bad guy!

Fashionable to remove targets and visibility of talk time

Incremental rise in AHT over two


It’s HOW you use it that counts…

Research Phase

Immersion Package: Call listening, focus groups,

observations, desktop analysis

Review of Tech, KM, Quality Framework

Uncovering opportunity to increase efficiency without affecting CX, Sales or FCR

FindingsKnowledge Management

Technology advantages

Call Content/Control


Agent Awareness

Call Content & Control

• Some Agents took 240 seconds to book a customer appointment, whilst others took 480 seconds

• Why?

• Unnecessary Information

• Listen to avoid repetition

• Being ready to personalize

• Keeping control and signposting

“Further listening to call recordings off sitewas completed and opportunities found to reduce Average Handling Time (AHT) without loss of customer experience.”

“Into January we have seen things decrease by approx. 60 seconds which is huge and also across

the One Health teams we are seeing consistent handle times of around 5 minutes which is good


“We have an overall reduction of more than 30 seconds in AHT attributed to the change in call

content and training. This is worth 15 FTE and over £330k but our previously fastest agents have increased in AHT and repeat call volume has

reduced by 2%”

Call Listening

Why was the customer calling?What was the customer’s mood?How could this call have been made more

efficient?Would this have made the customer

experience better or worse?

Action The Customer Need

• Focus on the action you need to take; not the discussion you may feel compelled to have.

• Don’t over complicate things.

• Sort out what they called for as quickly and clearly as you can.

• Be purposeful, no lethargy, minimal silence.

• Use your Knowledge Management system

• Apply the Gesture of Goodwill where needed

Signposting…in a moment…

AHT is integral to workforce planning

and forecasting

Balanced Scorecard

AHT & CSAT are complementary

Weighted Performance Objectives

Contests & Incentives on both


Incentives & Contests