content marketing 101: a step-by-step playbook

Seriously, How Do I actually execute Content Marketing? JAY ACUNZO | @JAY_ZO

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Post on 19-Nov-2014




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Content Marketing 101 -- No hype, no buzz. Just an ACTUAL playbook you can follow step by step.


Page 1: Content Marketing 101: A Step-by-Step Playbook

Seriously, How Do I actually execute

Content Marketing?


Page 2: Content Marketing 101: A Step-by-Step Playbook

Jay Acunzo | @Jay_zo


Page 3: Content Marketing 101: A Step-by-Step Playbook

Agenda: •  Why Content? •  How to Execute

–  Revealing Patterns –  Lean on Three Things –  Visual Playbook

•  Resources •  Q&A




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A Story…

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A Story…

Sit through THIS, sucker!

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Make Stuff People Want Make People

Want Stuff

Modern Marketing:


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Why Content?


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To be a great modern marketer is to accept 1 simple truth:


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To be a great modern marketer is to accept 1 simple truth:

Consumers have all the power.


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To be a great modern marketer is to accept 1 simple truth:

Consumers have all the power.



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Three Causes


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Make Stuff People Want Make People

Want Stuff

Modern Marketing:


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How to Execute


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At HubSpot…

•  5-8 blog posts/day

•  4-6 premium resources/month

•  1.5M views, 250K subscribers

•  50K monthly leads

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Title and Content Layout with List •  Add your first bullet point here •  Add your second bullet point here •  Add your third bullet point here


Holy Scale, Batman!

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Process, Infrastructure, & Foundation

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How to Execute: 2 Revealing Patterns

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Pattern 1:


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Pattern 1:


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Pattern 1:


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Pattern 1:


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Most views when it launches

Pattern 2: Helpful vs. “Thought Leadership”

Crashes over time, but not to zero


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Most views upon launch

Pattern 2: Helpful vs. “Thought Leadership”

Crashes to zero

Unpredictable traffic


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Pattern 2: Helpful vs. “Thought Leadership”

Grow this by building inventory.


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Pattern 2: Helpful vs. “Thought Leadership”

(Boosted by old posts and inventory of helpful content.)


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On HubSpot’s Blog •  70% of traffic from posts older than 1 month •  50% of top 10 most viewed monthly posts older than 1 month

Huge inventory. Huge ROI.


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How to Execute: Lean on 3 Things


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1. People (Not HubSpotter.) (PhotoBomber.)

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Why Do YOU Create Content?

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2. Personas

[name] [demographic] [goals]

Fictional representations of your ideal customers based on real data about demographics and behavior, along with educated speculation about their personal histories, motivations, and concerns.

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“Create content for marketers.”

“Create content for Mary.”


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Who Is YOUR Persona? - 3 words to describe them - 3 problems they face - 3 adjectives for subsequent content

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2. Process

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2. Process

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2. Process

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What’s This Process Actually Look Like?

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Planning Production

Analysis Distribution


3. Process Content Team Workflow


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Planning Production

Analysis Distribution


3. Process Content Team Workflow STOP! Get These First…

•  Personas

•  Visual workflow tool (my favorite: Trello)

•  Editorial calendar (spreadsheet or Google Calendar)

•  Idea pipeline (Trello or Evernote)

•  Match metrics to content @Jay_zo

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3. Process

Blog + “Atomize”

Email + Social

Paid Promotion Partners + Outposts

Core Content

Campaign Playbook


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3. Process

Blog + “Atomize”

Email + Social

Paid Promotion Partners + Outposts

Core Content

Campaign Playbook


Turning This Wheel… •  Core content first

•  Blogging as distribution

•  Email lists nurture, but also GROW reach

•  Outposts = organic audience acquisition

•  Paid: Taboola, Outbrain, etc.

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Planning Production

Analysis Distribution


3. Process

Blog + “Atomize”

Email + Social

Paid & Partner Promotion

Audience Outposts

Core Content

Content Team Workflow Campaign Playbook

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Thank You! Questions?

Free Resources • Boston Content

( • Buyer Persona Template

( • Editorial Calendar Template


Reading • Content Rules (old but good) • Crap! The Content Deluge • The Elements of Content

Strategy • John Cleese on Creativity

(YouTube search) • The Accidental Creative