content page research

Content page research

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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Content page research

Content page research

Page 2: Content page research

There is a clear Masthead which grabs the attention of the audience. The colour scheme is well thought out so the Masthead stands out against the background. The masthead is covered slightly but it adds to the funniness and liveliness of the magazine. Even though there is no title mentioning that this is the content page from the way it is laid out the reader will be able to gather that. This page has a clear structure to it.

The main image is bold and stands out. This is good to catch the audience’s attention. This makes the audiences want to look straight at it and its good that at the side of the model there is a good big enough space for the content features. The model is also holding a guitar which still shows the audience that this is a music magazine.

The have put five key feature on the contents page to entice the audience. This makes them drawn to the key feature. We can see a brief synopsis of each section and this will allow the audience to see which section catches their attention from the synopsis.

Eye flow from left to right theory is evident here. They have carried this through to their content page

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The picture of the girl standing by the tour bus is eye capturing to the audience. When you open up this magazine it is one of the first things you see. She is smiling which is inviting and friendly to the audience. Also her costume represents what this magazine is about – Rock Music Magazine

This is a band index which tells the reader when different bands are performing. This extra bit of information is enticing and the font style plus colour reinforces the masthead. There is a clear sense of house style

On the right hand side there is a content of what the magazine has to offer. They have also underneath the 5 heading given the reader a little synopsis of what is in that section and what that section has to offer instead of just state the different section the reader can get an idea of what each section has to offer

This is the same front and colour scheme that was used on the front cover of the magazine. The fact that the masthead has been carried through onto the content page, shows a thought about colour scheme and style. As it is at the top shows the readers that this is exactly what is going to be on the page.

The text box is giving the reader and enticing bit of information about what is included in the magazine. It allows the to be draw to the magazine and what exclusive information they have to offer the reader. This text is situated at the centre of the magazine which allows the reader to clear see and focus on this bit of information whilst still being consistent with the colour scheme (house style) of the magazine.

Page 5: Content page research

They have included a banner which is consistent with the theme of the magazine. And it also is very appealing and clear to read. This is also the masthead. The childlike consistency is suitable for the target audience so they have thought the structure out well. Made sure it is not mature enough for their desired reader.

A sub heading at the top of each individual box makes the magazine look more constructed to suit the chosen target audience. It makes the magazine look more fun and a lot more childlike. And also instead of writing ‘we love boys’ they did ‘we <3 boys’ which again makes the magazine more suitable for the younger readers. It gives each box the feeling like the audience is looking at a diary.

The images that are being used are picked out so that they attract and are suitable for their particular target audience. It also shows the type of images that children like and it shows that they do not like their type of magazine to be over powered by writing. All the images including the singing girl makes the magazine suitable for its audience and right for its chosen genre. The images link to the ‘pop’ genre this magazine is going for, they would not have chosen a singer like Tom Jones because he is not part of the pop genre and he might is suitable for this magazine which tries to attract young girls and teenagers.The use of unconventional space makes

the magazine a lot different compared to the ones that might be on the market. The techniques are used to help heighten the desired target audience.