context and state of the art of tangible heritage in romania

Context and State of the Art of Tangible Heritage in Romania

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Page 1: Context and state of the art of tangible heritage in romania

Context and State of the Art of Tangible Heritage in Romania

Page 2: Context and state of the art of tangible heritage in romania

Small Historic Centres


old centre of commercialexchanges in the valley

nowadays is a smalltown, with a semiruraleconomy

Lack of public resources

Loss of population

Beautiful placesthat areeasy to love

Page 3: Context and state of the art of tangible heritage in romania

Even Smaller Historic Centres Hosman saxon fortified church old mechanic flour mill with „Langen & Wolf“motorization - first Otto engine built under austo-hungarian license

Marpod saxon fortified church XIII century

Too much love will kill them?

How to love them then?

Page 4: Context and state of the art of tangible heritage in romania

plan + heritage

How are the two concepts associated?

Weakness of regulatory frame: lack of reinforcement, sometimes poor quality of documentations establishing those rules...

Flexibility of the legislation allowing “negociations”, encouraging corruption...

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plan + heritage

ICOMOS, UAR, UAUIM, UNRMI... “conservationists”

Few people with knowledge on heritage from the “urban” perspectiveeven fewer with the territorial perspective on heritage


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plan + heritageICOMOS, UAR, UAUIM, UNRMI... Institutions of “conservationists”

Sorin Oprescu – the mayor of Bucharest

Nicusor Dan – president of Save Bucharest Association

HALA MATACHE demolished one month ago

urban development VERSUS heritage protection?

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plan + heritage

Tourism agencies, local public administrations – “marketing” the heritage

Plan your vacationto see some heritage

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plan + heritage


Specific NGOs

Explain public policies to the general public

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plan + heritageINMI national institute for historical monuments

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specific legislation:tangible heritage PROTECTION

INMI national institute for historical monuments

plan + heritage


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Law no 5 / 2000Approval of the National Territorial Plan section III: Protected Areas

spatial planning is legally defined by the Law 350/2001

plan + heritage

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Concentrations of built heritage with cultural value of national interest

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Concentrations of natural areas considered of national interest

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Page 16: Context and state of the art of tangible heritage in romania

În înţelesul prezentei legi, zonele cu resurse turistice sunt unităţileadministrativ teritoriale de baza, pe teritoriul cărora există o concentrare mare aresurselor naturale şi antropice mari şi foarte mari, ce pot genera dezvoltareauneia sau mai multor tipuri de activităţi turistice.

Law no 190 / 2009 – approval of OUG 142 / 2008Approval of the National Territorial Plan section VI: Areas with Touristic Resources

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Establishing priorities

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Establishing priorities

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Resurse turistice - componente ale mediului natural şi antropic, care, prin calităţile şi specificullor, sunt recunoscute, înscrise şi valorificate prin turism, în măsura în care nu sunt supuse unuiregim de protecţie integrală. Resursele turistice pot fi naturale şi antropice

Resurse naturale - elemente geomorfologice, de climă, de floră şi de faună, peisaje, zăcămintede substanţe minerale şi alţi factori.

Resurse antropice - monumente arheologice, situri arheologice, monumente, ansambluri şirezervaţii de arhitectură, monumente şi ansambluri memoriale, monumente tehnice şi de artă,muzee, elemente de folclor şi artă populară etc.

Zonă turistică - teritoriu caracterizat printr-o concentrare de resurse turistice, care poate fidelimitat distinct ca ofertă, organizare şi protecţie turistică.

Infrastructură specific turistică – resurse materiale care îşi datorează existenţa activităţiituristice – sunt destinate exclusiv turiştilor.

Infrastructură tehnică – Infrastructura edilitară a localităţilor reprezintă ansamblul deconstrucţii, instalaţii tehnologice, echipamente funcţionale şi dotări specifice prin care suntasigurate serviciile publice de gospodărie comunală


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1. Arii naturale protejate;2. Parcuri naturale / naţionale şiRezervaţia Biosferei Delta Dunării;a. Regiunea biogeografică Continentală;b. Regiunea biogeografică Alpină;c. Regiunea biogeografică Stepică;d. Regiunea biogeografică Panonică;e. Regiunea biogeografică Pontică

Prin Ordinul ministrului mediului şi dezvoltării durabile nr. 776/2007, publicat în Monitoruloficial al României Partea I-a nr. 615/5.09.2007, s-au declarat siturile de importanţă comunitarăca parte integrată a reţelei ecologice europene Natura 2000 în România.

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GAL Microregiunea Hâ 

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Page 29: Context and state of the art of tangible heritage in romania

Assessment of/commentary on advantages and gaps

Romanian territorial and urban planning system has European roots.

The French “aménagement du territoire” has been the main inspiration for the planning model embraced by the Romania.

The regional economic approach coming from the French matrix, the social development component make the Romanian planning system fit to cope with regional planning requirements and to evolve towards full fledged spatial development planning.

Draft of Romanian National Report - NIUSR URBANPROIECT - march 2007

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The lack of a proper integration of territorial planning and regional development is a weakness. For the moment, the two activities have not enough connected legislation and they are coordinated, at central level, by two distinct ministries.

At regional level the gap between the two activities is more evident. Only two of eight development regions have a regional spatial plan. The fact that the regions are not territorial - administrative structures and they have not their own regional administration entails the powerlessness of the regional spatial plans.

Draft of Romanian National Report - NIUSR URBANPROIECT - march 2007

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CONCLUSIONS: legal and institutional frame

Technical argument

Political will

common interests of the local community

Lack of resources for reliable and relevant data

Lack of interest for “planning”

Not aware of the use of territorial approach

“collective” interest has negative connotations from the communist regime


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CONCLUSIONS: needs for changes of legal and institutional frame usually following the CHANGES OF ATTITUDES AND WAYS OF DOING

Technical argument

Political will

common interests of the local community


Building up accessible and clear arguments

opening of professionals towards participation and wakening from apathy for local stakeholders

Local democracy at work: better chances in small communitiesAccountability