continuous delivery for digital transformation renu rajani v0 1

Topic: Continuous Delivery for the Digital Transformation – State of Practice and Future Trends Location : Bangalore Date : 22 nd July 2017 Name of the Speaker : Renu Rajani Email Address: [email protected] World Conference Next Generation Testing 2017 Bangalore July 2017

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Topic: Continuous Delivery for the Digital Transformation – State of Practice and Future TrendsLocation : BangaloreDate : 22nd July 2017Name of the Speaker : Renu RajaniEmail Address: [email protected]

World Conference Next Generation Testing 2017

BangaloreJuly 2017

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Continuous Delivery for the Digital Transformation – State of Practice and Future Trends

Key trends and technology focus areas in digital business include (i) elimination of middlemen (ii) Cognitive intelligence demonstrated by machines and robots (iii) Changing workplace with self-service, BYOD, co-existence of and traditional workforce with millennials and robots (iv) Multi-channel customer connect with IOT/wearables integration (v) Pervasive technologies/autonomics/predictive analysis for customer experience. Agile and DevOps are fast catching up to meet the digital transformation needs of businesses.

The boundaries of software delivery are eliminated with operations, development, testing, infrastructure & deployment teams working together in DevOps life cycle,

What does the future of IT look like in this changed world of Business Technology? What is expected from IT in terms of Test Process, People Skills, and Tools/Technologies? Renu would discuss the current trends in business that shape technology outlook, and how the technology and service providers should enable DevOps adoption to cater to needs of business.

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Technology Trends

Changing Engagements Landscape

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Technology Trends

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Future is IoT

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Pervasive technologies and predictive analytics for customer experience

• Some basic examples like, customized deals in shopping malls based on geolocalization and buying pattern, traffic alert based on the route taken for office everyday etc.

• Even Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) are good examples of pervasive technologies and predictive analytics as they interact with their environment and based on some specific triggers, predict the outcome of the events and perform appropriately

• With so much information exchange going on between us and our environment, we can run but can’t really hide!!!

Pervasive technologies deal with the flow of information between the built in environment and its occupants. The environment is rich with information which can be utilized by us to enhance the quality of our work and life.

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Cognitive Intelligence – Connected Autonomous Vehicle (CAV)

• CAV comes with in-built cognitive intelligence and predictive analysis as it has to distinguish between various types of objects on the road, e.g. pedestrians, cyclists, other cars etc. and take a decision on steering past, acceleration, deceleration or braking accordingly

• The CAV features will improve road safety, enhance the driving experience, reduce the potential for traffic jams and improve traffic flow

• Connected Autonomous Vehicles – Our answer to the traffic congestion in Bangalore?

Connected vehicles use different communication technologies to communicate with the driver, other cars on the road (V2V), roadside infrastructure (V2I), and the “Cloud.”

Autonomous vehicles are those in which operation of the vehicle occurs without direct driver input to control the steering, acceleration & braking and are designed so that the driver is not expected to constantly monitor the roadway while operating in self-driving mode.

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Multi-channel Customer Connect – Wearable Technology

Wearable Technology or Fashion Electronics are clothing and accessories incorporating computer and advanced electronic technologies. The designs often incorporate practical functions and features.

• Wearable devices are part of the network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors and connectivity to enable objects to exchange data with a manufacturer, operator and/or other connected devices, without requiring human intervention

• Huge application in the personal computing, entertainment and gaming sector and e-health sector.

• Think about wearable computing in your Fitbit, Apple Watch or Google Glass!!!

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Disintermediation – Business Platform to connect new partners

Disintermediation Platforms are removing intermediaries from a supply chain in connection with a transaction or a series of transactions . In order to decrease the cost of servicing customers, traditional distribution channels, which had some type of intermediate companies (such as distributors, wholesalers, brokers or agents), are now dealing with every customer directly or via internet.

• Some basic examples are eCommerce platforms like FlipKart and Amazon, who source the products directly from the manufacturer

• Other examples are reselling platforms like OLX, which connects the buyer and seller directly enabling successful transaction

• ITC’s e-Choupal has completely removed the middlemen and benefitted huge number of Indian farmers, who can sell their produce at a much better price

• What about fresh produce to your home directly from the farm?

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Changing workplaces of future – Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

• IT-BPO industry employs 3.7 million and the impact of RPA will mainly fall on those working in the BPO or infrastructure management space

• The next member of your company's IT team might be a robot!!!

• Software "robot" replicates the low-skilled actions of humans such as entering data into an enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform or follow a set of repetitive processes

• RPA software can be configures to capture and interpret the actions of their existing applications used in a variety business processes. Once the software has been "trained" to grasp certain processes, it can automatically manipulate data, communicate with other systems, and process transactions as needed.

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Summary - Technologies in Digital Business


• Accelerates DevOps culture

• Collaboration though bots

Sources: New book by Renu Rajani on software testing for latest technologies, “Testing Practitioner Handbook” by Packt Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-1788299541

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Testing considerations for new technologies (1/2)

Pervasive technologies and predictive analytics

▪ Testing for Pervasive technologies and predictive analytics will have 3 basic components:

• Business Analytics testing on the huge amount of information gathered from the environment

• Thorough testing of the prediction model for extensive coverage of test scenarios

• Testing of the adopted Near Field Communication (NFC) technology

Cognitive Intelligence – Connected Autonomous Vehicle (CAV)

Multi-channel Customer Connect – Wearable Technology

▪ Wearable technology primarily consists of sensors and IoT

▪ The testing of Wearable Technology will primarily focus on Testing the Sensors and the information captured by them

▪ Testing the connectivity and internet protocols should also be part of testing consideration

▪ During testing of CAV, two most critical factors are cognitive intelligence of the prediction model and response time

▪ While the software onboard will be responsible for predicting the next move of the other objects on the road, the hardware will be responsible for performing the required action within a fraction of a second

▪ Along with basic connectivity testing, thorough testing of the prediction logic and performance testing of the hardware response time will be of prime importance

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Testing considerations for new technologies (2/2)

Disintermediation – Business Platform

Changing workplaces of future – Robotic Process Automation

▪ During testing of Business Platform for Disintermediation, knowledge of the end to end business scenario and process flow is very important. Hence, the testers have to be savvy with domain understanding as well as the technology used to realize the platform

▪ Also, from end user testing perspective, crowd testing can be a viable choice for all these business platforms

▪ Robotic Process Automation is going to change the way we do testing and test automation today

▪ The software components of RPA should be tested the way we test any software component, however instead of traditional waterfall, it will be more inclined towards Agile, XP, TDD or BDD

▪ Having SDETs in the testing team rather than pure career testers should help in testing RPA

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Changing Engagements Landscape

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ADM Services and key trends

Application development and maintenance (ADM) engagements have been

mainstay of IT outsourcing.

ADM Market is at $72.8 Billion in 2016 with expected growth at 5.6% CAGR

by 2020.

Digital Transformation spend would reach $2.1 trillion by 2019, which will

directly impact the way of delivering ADM services.

Worldwide spending on Enterprise Application software will grow to $221

Billion by 2019, driven primarily by digital transformation projects with

focus on modernization and functional expansion.

Application Modernization spend will triple by 2018 to $2.4 Billion across

key segments.

Sources: Gartner (Aug 2015). Press Release: Gartner Says Modernization and Digital Transformation Projects Are Behind Growth in Enterprise Application Software Market;Gartner (2015) - The Gartner Scenario for IT Services Providers: The Digital Future of IT Services

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Application Design is quickly adapting to digital technologies

Application Programming Interface (API) & Microservices, Data Analytics and Cloud are

changing the technology architecture of IT systems

Discrete design, development and delivery methods will fall short for Digital “Business

Technology” projects

The business technology engagements would require “Design” thinking, which would assist

in developing creative solutions when the problem itself is inadequately defined

As per Gartner, “Intelligent, Digital, and Mesh” are the key strategic technologies for 2017

Digital projects would be perpetual in nature and

would require more Development than


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Evolving Future State of ADM Engagements

“Legacy Modernization” and “Digital” today would become Business as Usual “Legacy” in near future

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Changes in Application Landscape

IT project delivery would follow Agile/DevOps principles. Design, development,

testing, infrastructure and deployment would preferably come from a single self-

organized team to deliver project.

Need for Speed will give rise to more Automation and Virtualization

More applications would move to Cloud. Cloud native applications can be

developed easily using containers/micro-services.

The Legacy Applications would be transformed and co-exist along with new

digital applications as customers need to retain the existing IT while they

introduce digital transformation

Large ADM engagements would change into large number of smaller digital


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Engagements are increasingly following DevOps model

As per WQR 2016, over 40% of participants cite that more than 50% of the projects are using Agile/DevOps principles

Client Project Manager

Other vendors

Loc .1

Loc. 2

Loc. 3

Loc. 4


Onsite Co-ord

New Features

Dev Test

DevOps Team structure

iOffshore lead



Development teams across the globe

Org Structure – Distributed teams

Client Scrum Master&

Client Prod Mgr

Scrum Master


Scrum Master


Scrum Master




Sources: New book by Renu Rajani on software testing for latest technologies, “Testing Practitioner Handbook” by Packt Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-1788299541

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Continuous Delivery Pipeline

Prioritize Product Backlog items based on business requirements & complexity of use cases / User Stories

Sprint Backlog

Task 1Task 2

Task 3 (Defect Fix *) …

▪ User Stories assigned to sprint, and broken down as Work Item / Task

▪ Estimated by team members ▪ Tasks assigned to resources

Time Boxed

2- 4 week SPRINT Ready for client


Product BacklogUser Story 1User Story 2

▪ Defects found in SIT are closed in order of priority in the same or subsequent Sprints

Sprint Planning Meeting▪ Review Product Backlog ▪ Estimate Sprint Backlog ▪ Commit

Daily Scrum Meetings▪ Activities done since last meeting ▪ Plan for today ▪ Impediments / Accelerators

Sprint Review / Retrospective Meeting▪ Demo features to client – early feedback▪ “Retrospective” on the Sprint (good

practices / improvements for next Sprint)

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A Typical implementation of CD

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Sources: New book by Renu Rajani on software testing for latest technologies, “Testing Practitioner Handbook” by Packt Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-1788299541

Continuous Integration to Continuous Deployment

Continuous Integration

Continuous Deployment

Continuous Delivery

Continuous Test Automation

Continuous Test Automation

Test DataAutomation

Zero Touch Continuous Test Automation

On DemandProvisioning


Continuous Monitoring

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Code can be continuously delivered through Microservices

Scrum Team B

Scrum Team A

Scrum Team C

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration

Single Product Feature


TestCloud Deployment

Trunk Build

Smoke test

Release Candidate

Continuous Integration Test

Potentiallyshippable Release

Regression Test


To Product BacklogFor next build

To Product BacklogFor next build





Cloud Deployment

Trunk Build

Check in

Single Product Feature


Single Product Feature


By packaging / standard containers

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Cloud Adoption would increase, but

Ability to accept the unseen

An understanding that security is integral part of day to day working

The acceptance of remote infrastructure as a new norm

Willingness of the ADM team to equip themselves with new toolsets and skills

Migration continues to be a challenge

Sources: New book by Renu Rajani on software testing for latest technologies, “Testing Practitioner Handbook” by Packt Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-1788299541

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Automation is a top priority

To enable continuous integration

Sources: New book by Renu Rajani on software testing for latest technologies, “Testing Practitioner Handbook” by Packt Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-1788299541

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Automation would encompass Virtualization of Services

Client Application

App current version under Development

Mainframe SaaS

Listen to Live Traffic

App current version under Development

vFM1 vSaaS

Capture: Record Conversations, data, protocols used, response Times

Simulate: Virtual Services on-demand as a stand-in for the downstream systems

Model: Assign context to data , behavior and performance

Dev. / Test Teams

Sources: New book by Renu Rajani on software testing for latest technologies, “Testing Practitioner Handbook” by Packt Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-1788299541

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Legacy Applications are being transformed into Responsive Web Apps

Responsive web designs are used for building attractive web applications, which look good on all devices: desktops, tablets, and mobiles

Responsive Web Design is about using CSS and HTML to resize, hide, shrink, enlarge or move content to make it load effectively on any screen

Automation is crucial for developing and maintaining Responsive Web Design

Sources: New book by Renu Rajani on software testing for latest technologies, “Testing Practitioner Handbook” by Packt Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-1788299541

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Monolithic Application design are converted to Multi-layered Design


▪ Increased self-service layer with applications such as mobility solutions, future branch

▪ Limited assisted service applications that can work with third party applications

Security Layer - Enterprise security framework that can control access at organizational level

Applications Layer Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Business Process Management (BPM) layers

API Layer - API layer and Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) connecting the Applications (CRM, BPM) with Products / Services layer

Products / Services Layer - Products such as Core Banking Platforms, Payment Engines, Anti-Money Laundering, Loans packaged products as well as products offered on Service are part of this layer

Enterprise Data Lakes - Offers common data across above layers

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Factory Model for executing Digital Transformation engagement

Domain Focus – Customer Sales/Service, Marketing, BPM, Omni-Commerce

Digital Mobile Device & IoT Lab

Cloud Brokering Service for Applications, Tools, Environments

Knowledge Management

Asset Management

Training & Enablement

Pay-per-Use Pricing


KPI Reporting & Status


Agile/ DevOpsDelivery Model

Data Analytics

Infrastructure Management

Automation Metrics

Reusable Assets & Accelerators







e C



Flexible, Fungible Resource Pool

Work Order Resourcing


Digital Service Delivery

Approved Work orders

Digital ADM Factory Service Management Office



ty A



t /Q





to O




to F


ry M



Eligible to Onboard in ADM?


Security & Compliance

Adapted from - Book by Renu Rajani on software testing for latest technologies, “Testing Practitioner Handbook” by Packt Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-1788299541

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Questions, anyone?

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About the SpeakerRenu Rajani is VP in Financial Services at Infosys. She is a seasoned IT services/consulting leader with 27 years of experience. Renu's experience spans across delivery, transformation, providing technical solutions, outsourcing governance, and consulting. Prior to Infosys, she has served Capgemini, Citi, IBM, KPMG Consulting in key leadership roles.

Renu is also an active blogger on digital quality assurance, technology, and managed services and has a follower base of over 15K on social media. She has been a key contributor to Capgemini/Sogeti/HPE World Quality Report during 2015-17. She has led the creation of go-to-market offerings in the area of digital, DevOps, and business assurance.

Renu has been recipient of the Testing Thought Leadership award in 2008 by PureTesting and Testing Leader of the year award by Unicom in 2015.

Her recent “testing Practitioner Handbook” brings together some of her popular blogs on latest technologies and QA considerations in a book form. Renu authored her first book on software testing in 2003 with McGrawHill and the same is a text/reference book in many universities.

Renu holds an MS from the Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University USA, an MBA in Finance from DAVV Indore, and a B Tech in Computer Science from IET, Lucknow University. She is an IBM Sr PM certified with DPE/SM discipline, and holds the ITIL V3, CAIIB, and PMP Certifications.