convex hull algorithms

Convex Hull Algorithms Kasun Ranga Wijeweera ([email protected])

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Page 1: Convex Hull Algorithms

Convex Hull Algorithms

Kasun Ranga Wijeweera

([email protected])

Page 2: Convex Hull Algorithms

Formal Definitions(Convex Set)

• A set S is convex if x in S and y in S implies that the segment xy is a subset of S

• Example in 2D:

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Formal Definitions(Convex Hull of a Set of Points)

• The convex hull of a set S of points is the smallest convex set containing all the points in S

• Example in 2D:

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Intuitive Appreciations (Convex Hull of a Set of Points in 2D)

• The convex hull of a set of points in two dimensions is the shape taken by a rubber band stretched around nails pounded into the plane at each point

• Example:

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Intuitive Appreciations (Convex Hull of a Set of Points in 3D)

• The boundary of the convex hull of points in three dimensions is the shape taken by plastic wrap stretched tightly around the points

• Example:

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Applications • Collision Avoidance

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Applications • Minimum Bounding Box

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Applications • Shape Analysis

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Existing Convex Hull Algorithms • Gift Wrapping (1970)• Graham Scan (1972)• Quick Hull (1977)• Divide and Conquer (1977)• Monotone Chain (1979)• Incremental (1984)• Marriage before Conquest (1986)• Chan (1996)

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Interior Points Algorithm

Based on the following Lemma

A point is non-extreme if and only if it is inside some (closed) triangle whose vertices are points of the set and is not itself a corner of that triangle

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Interior Points Algorithm


for each i do

for each j != i do

for each k != i != j do

for each l != k != i != j do

if p(l) in Triangle{ p(i), p(j), p(k) }

then p(l) is non-extreme

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