coping with crisis. what makes a crisis? how is a crisis different from an everyday problem? – a...

Download Coping with Crisis. What Makes a Crisis? How is a crisis different from an everyday problem? – A crisis is a situation that has reached a critical phase

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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  • Coping with Crisis
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  • What Makes a Crisis? How is a crisis different from an everyday problem? A crisis is a situation that has reached a critical phase. Not every serious problem is a crisis. Crises stand out by their overwhelming nature. There are 3 ways to measure if a problem is a crisis: Hardship-cause loss of possessions and a place to live. Lives are disrupted in major ways. Resources-if you dont have the needed resources, a problem may become a crisis. Attitude-If you can rebound and deal with the problem, it is less apt to overwhelm you
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  • Causes of Crises What kinds of events are likely to cause a crisis? The loss of a family member through death, separation, war, imprisonment Unexpected addition to the family. Breakup of the family unit Natural disaster
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  • Reacting to Crises People typically react to crises in a stage of 4 steps. Stage 1-Impact-shock and numbness. Whatever has happened hits them hard. Fear and helplessness are common emotions. Stage 2-Withdrawal and confusion-some people pull back from the crisis situation. They may be cold and withdrawn. It looks as though they dont care about things. They are in mental isolation. Some deny that a crisis exists Stage 3-Focus-people in this stage are ready to focus on reality. They ask what can they do. Stage 4-adaptation-responding to crisis and dealing with it. The plans from stage 3 are put into action. Through adaptation, people make changes.
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  • Resources for a crisis During a crisis, people need the help of others. Recognizing that support is needed, and finding it, gives a sense of control. People should never be afraid to admit they need help. The family is the first source of help for most people. Friends are another option. The local community is the next resource. In your school you could call upon teachers or counselors. Counseling can help you locate these resources.
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  • The Crises People Face 16.2
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  • Health Issues Health problems are an ongoing issue. Some cause minor problems but sometimes they are more serious. When this happens, the family will need to learn to cope with the resulting crisis. Communication and cooperation can help families deal with health problems.
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  • Health crises Health crises can be a major illness, such as cancer. Families can face a crisis when a baby is born too early or has a birth defect. Injuries such as those from car accidents may also cause crises. Some families face crises because of mental illnesses.
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  • Health Crises: effects on the family Serious illness or disability may cause financial problems for the family. Income may be lost. Medical bills can add up. If a family has no medical insurance, they may not be able to pay the bills. Finding Solutions: hospitals have staff that will help make payment arrangements, there are local social service agencies and religious groups that provide counseling or help.
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  • Health Crises: effects on the family cont. Medical coverage-Due to these situations, families must think ahead. Every family needs medical insurance. Even when a person is healthy, coverage should be purchased. Emotional effects-financial effects of a crisis are felt over time. The emotional impact, though, happens fast. Those who must take on added duties may feel the strain. Feelings of anger and resentment can surface. All have worries about what might happen to their loved one.
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  • Addictions Another kind of health issue is addiction. True addictions are very serious. An addiction is a dependence on a particular substance or action. It is also a mental or physical need to have a substance. A behavior addiction is called a compulsion. This can cause problems in families. Addiction to drugs, however, can cause crises more often.
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  • Alcoholism Alcohol takes control of people slowly. Many people who drink a great deal do not believe they are alcoholics.
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  • Alcoholism Alcoholics may deny their dependence on the substance and say they only use it casually. Sometimes there are no obvious differences between a user and an abuser. Even when there are no outward signs of being addicted, alcohol abusers usually exhibit definite behaviors. They drink often, sometimes alone They may drink in the morning They may miss commitments Alcoholism may lead to blackouts.
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  • Other Drugs Both medicinal drugs and illegal drugs can be addictive. A person may show several common signs of the addiction. He/she may miss school or work May perform poorly when present The persons behavior may not seem present Mood swings Aggression attention seeking a poor focus
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  • Harassment and Abuse There are many kinds of offensive behaviors. They can vary from annoying to life threatening. NO matter what the behavior is, it can cause damage to people and relationships. Harassment refers to behaviors that are threatening or disturbing. Bullying Racial harassment Religious harassment Sexual harassment Stalking Some harassment can be stopped by assertiveness, and the other person may not realize that what he/she is doing is offensive to you. In most cases, though, help is needed to stop harassment. Identifying a resource is a good place to start.
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  • Emotional Abuse The wrong or harmful treatment of someones emotional health. It affects a persons self worth. There are 5 general types of emotional abuse. An abuser may: Reject Terrorize Ignore Isolate corrupt
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  • Physical Abuse Some physical abuse takes the form of neglect. This can be food, clothing, shelter, supervision or medical care. Violence occurs when physical force is used to harm someone or something. When this happens in the family, it is called domestic violence. Violent action can damage property, injure people, can even kill.
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  • Violence Violent behavior is often learned. They need to learn new ways to cope with stress and negative emotions. If they do not, violence may be passed on to the next generation. Violence is part of our culture. It can be found at home, work, school and the media. The media uses violence to entertain in movies and TV shows. Violence damages people and relationships no matter where it is found.
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  • Partner Abuse Abuse between marriage or dating partners occurs in some families. Some abuse is emotional, some is physical. Abuse can break up a relationship, or it can become a way of life for some. Some women are physically abusive toward men. Violence against women, though, is more common. Men who batter women hold views of mens and womens roles.
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  • Partner Abuse continued Abuse often occurs in cycles. First, the tension builds. Then something triggers the abuse. Afterwards there is often a honeymoon stage. The abuser is sorry and apologizes. He or she may promise to never do it again. There is a time of peace, then the tension starts again and the cycle repeats.
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  • Why stay in an abusive relationship? She may not want to admit that abuse occurs. She does not value herself She may feel she deserves the abuse A woman who was abused as a child is more apt to accept abuse from a partner. Women who stay in abusive relationships make a tragic mistake. These relationships often get worse. Children suffer. Trained counselors can help a woman choose her next steps.
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  • Death Death is as natural as birth. The circumstances may differ though, from one person to the next. Some people die naturally after living a long life. When this happens, people have the chance to put their lives in order. They can make their wills and tie up loose ends. Some people, however, lose their lives suddenly. Dying in this way leaves little or no time to think, let alone prepare for it. Sometimes death comes early, but announced. Such as in the case of serious illness.
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  • Grief People who suffer the loss of a loved one are called bereaved. Losing a special person to death brings about emotions and physical feelings that can be very painful. These feelings are known as grief. Because grief is so distressing, some people try to avoid grieving. They want to be strong, they push the pain deep inside.
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  • Symptoms of Grief Grief can affect the body and mind. Lack of sleep May feel numb all over Grieving people are often ill after the death of a loved one. Grief can be exhausting Sadness and loss are primary feelings Anger and fear are also common Some people feel relief when death comes, and then guilt for feeling relieved. Mixed emotions are normal
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  • The Process of Grieving Stage 1-shock and numbness, often coupled with denial. Stage 2-Reality Stage 3-Recovery Grieving cannot be rushed. By working with the process instead of against it, a person can begin recovery sooner.
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  • Suicide A suicidal person may believe a problem is overwhelming. They think there is no hope for future happiness. A person who is thinking about suicide sends out distress signals. Take them seriously. You should act if you notice these signs: Discouraged remarks No one understands.. Avoidance of and withdrawal from people and activities Substance abuse and school problems Creating artwork or literary pieces with themes of death Purchase of a weapon or object that could be used to harm Increasing depression & saying goodbyes Giving away special possessions Sudden happiness Threats and suicide attempts
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  • Crisis Management If crisis happens in your family, you will need to face and manage it. If it happens to someone else, you will need to decide how to help.
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  • Decision making skills Crisis management involves identifying the crisis. Then a plan for response needs to be made Finally the crisis must be faced and resolved.
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  • Communication You need to be able to communicate to others during these times. Talking about what youre feeling helps reduce the power of these negative emotions. Negotiation is often an important skill in a crisis. When youre stressed you may need to relax & regroup. If you can help resolve the conflict, you can move forward to resolve the crisis too!
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  • Intervention Intervention means taking a direct action to cause change when someone else is in crisis. A crisis may be beyond what a person can handle, they may not think clearly. Harassment and emotional abuse require intervention. Suicide requires intervention Drugs and alcohol abuse require intervention
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  • Provide Help A touch or a hug An offer to help Explanations Knowledge Openness Be direct Many families face tough situations every day. Its important to stay positive. These families believe that help is available and go after it with determination. When that happens, a better life is ahead.