corporate plan 20 19– 20 - australian federal the accountable authority for the...

CORPORATE PLAN 20 cov 19– ering 2019–20 to 2022– 20 23

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  • C O R P O R A T E P L A N

    2 0cov

    1 9 –ering 2019–20 to 2022–

    2 023

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    ISSN 2205-2534

    © Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Federal Police, 2019

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    Unless otherwise noted, copyright (and any other intellectual property rights, if any) in this publication is owned by the Commonwealth of Australia (referred to below as the Commonwealth).

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    This publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence, which allows you to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt this publication provided that you attribute the work. A summary of the licence terms is available from The full licence terms are available from

    The Commonwealth’s preference is that you attribute this publication (and any material sourced from it) using the following wording:

    Source: Licensed from the Commonwealth of Australia under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. The Commonwealth of Australia does not necessarily endorse the content of this publication.

    Contact officer

    Inquiries about this document should be directed to:

    Manager Enterprise Governance Australian Federal PoliceGPO Box 401Canberra ACT 2601Email: [email protected]

    General inquiries

    Post: Written requests for general information can be sent to:

    Australian Federal PoliceGPO Box 401Canberra ACT 2601

    Telephone: General inquiries can be made by phoning the AFP’s national switchboard on (02) 5126 0000. For freedom of information requests, phone the AFP on (02) 5126 9366.

    Internet: For general information, go to the AFP website:

    ContentsCommissioner’s foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

    Home Affairs Portfolio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

    Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

    Operating environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Our approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Maximising operational impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Cultural and organisational health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

    Capable and future ready AFP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

    Our people . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

    Our processes, technologies and infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

    The AFP’s approach to risk management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

    Strategic initiatives and related activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    Goals, strategic initiatives and activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

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    AFP Commissioner Andrew Colvin APM OAM

    Commissioner’s foreword

    As the accountable authority for the Australian Federal Police (AFP), I present the AFP Corporate Plan 2019–20, which covers the four-year period from 2019–20 to 2022–23 as required under section 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.

    This plan incorporates a sustained commitment to position the AFP as a progressive and capable law enforcement agency, prepared to meet the future crime challenges of tomorrow. The threat from terror remains while the nature of crime evolves, posing new complexities to navigate together with our existing responsibilities. Developing and managing capabilities and working with our partners to achieve this, enables the AFP to perform in this environment. The Department of Home Affairs plays an important role in this process and as the portfolio matures the AFP will continue to reap the benefits of stronger collaborations.

    The evolution of the AFP’s performance framework has provided us with the opportunity to assess the valuable contribution that disruption and prevention activities can provide in achieving the AFP’s objectives. We remain committed to embedding these activities in our operational strategies and deepening relationships with partners to allow us to prevent and disrupt crime and other threats before they occur, domestically and offshore. To give effect to our vision of Policing for a safer Australia, we have defined three key goals:

    ■ Achieving maximum operational impact, through preventing, disrupting and responding to threats and promoting community confidence. This includes ensuring our priorities are actively informed by the Ministerial Direction and reflect the policing and national security environment we operate in. Further, our operational responses must reflect community values and promote the rule of law.

    ■ Promoting cultural and organisational health, by further developing our inclusive, diverse and safe workplace. It is important that we represent our community and harness the inherent abilities of all of our staff. We need to ensure we are looking after ourselves to enable us to do our job and support the communities we serve.

    ■ Ensuring we have a capable and future ready AFP, with the right people, processes, technology and infrastructure to meet today’s needs and into the future.

    I endorsed a revised risk management framework earlier this year. This framework is an essential component of achieving our objectives by engaging and managing risk as an intrinsic part of our day to-day work. It is also vitally important to enhance the safety and well-being of our staff and the broader community. Under the new framework, the AFP has reanalysed its entity-level risks to create an updated risk profile clearly linking our objectives to the challenges and opportunities faced by the AFP. This work and the ongoing monitoring of our risk through business as usual processes will provide the AFP with a greater understanding of our risk exposure in the dynamic environment in which we operate.

    I am proud to lead the AFP and help ensure that we remain at the forefront of Australia’s law enforcement and national security efforts in policing for a safer Australia.

    Andrew Colvin APM OAM August 2019

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    Home Affairs Portfolio

    The AFP is an agency within the Home Affairs Portfolio. The Home Affairs Portfolio integrates Australia’s federal law enforcement, national and transport security, criminal justice, emergency management, multicultural affairs and immigration and border-related functions to strengthen the strategic policy, planning and coordination that support our operations. The Portfolio brings together the strengths of individual agencies, continuing to coordinate efforts to shared risks to creation of a safe, secure, prosperous and united Australia through close cooperation and sustained joint activity. The Portfolio continues to combat threats to national security. Through modernising trade and travel, the Portfolio contributes to Australia’s prosperity and ensures we remain economically competitive in an increasingly complex environment.

    Purpose As Australia’s national policing agency, we protect Australians and Australia’s interests.

    As Australia’s national policing agency, the AFP is a key member of the Australian law enforcement and national security community, leading policing efforts to keep Australians and Australian interests safe, both at home and overseas.

    This is encapsulated in the AFP’s vision statement – Policing for a safer Australia.

    The AFP’s functions are listed in section 8 of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 (AFP Act)1. This includes responsibilities under the Witness Protection Act 1994 and the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and is also informed by an associated Ministerial Direction articulated under subsection 37(2) of the AFP Act.

    The AFP provides policing services for the Australian Capital Territory and Australian external territories and protects Australian high office holders, foreign dignitaries, Australian Government infrastructure and designated airports. The AFP works closely with international partners to disrupt crime overseas and support global security and regional stability.

    The structure of the outcomes and programs, as published in the AFP Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS)2, is shown overleaf.

    To achieve the above outcomes, the AFP has defined three goals:

    ■ Achieve maximum operational impact

    ■ Promote cultural and organisational health

    ■ Deliver a capable and future ready AFP

    Underpinning the three goals are seven objectives. These objectives further define our goals into matters that are clear and measurable and understandable for our staff and stakeholders.

    Department of Home Affairs



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    Delivering on our vision, purpose, outcomes and programs

    Vision Policing for a safer Australia

    As Australia’s national policing agency, we protect Australians and

    Australia’s interests

    Outcome 1 Outcome 2 Reduced criminal and A safe and secure security threats to environment through Australia’s collective policing activities economic and societal on behalf of the interests through Australian Capital cooperative policing Territory Governmentservices




    get S




    Program 1.1 Program 2.1Federal Policing and ACT Community National Security Policing*

    * This plan does not cover the details of ACT Community Program 1.2 Policing, which is subject to a separate purchasing agreement International Police with the ACT Government: www.





    through meeting our goals and objectives

    Achieve maximum operational impact Goals

    Promote cultural and organisational health

    Deliver a capable and future ready AFP

    Our insights into our organisation, capabilities,

    Our organisation and its employees are healthy, safe


    policing effects and future and welloperating environment

    are influential Our people, capabilities and resources are effectively

    Our values are embodied applied against threatsby the organisation and

    its people Our people have the right skills, qualifications, are

    Our community, in the right place, at the government and right time

    stakeholders have confidence in us Our process, technologies

    and infrastructure are equipped to meet the

    challenges of today and the future

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    Operating environment

    The pace of criminal, social and technological change is rapid. It is driven by technical innovation and widespread social adoption and acceptance of new technologies. These technologies are generating great community benefits, but also providing new opportunities for criminal exploitation. Increasingly this is being categorised by criminal and societal threats that are transnational in nature and operate across traditional state and national boundaries.

    Other threats continue to emerge surrounding global trade and geopolitical tensions, wealth inequality, climate change and political instability etc. These threats have the potential to impact policing directly such as via contributing to increased movements of people, severe weather events or through interruptions to essential services such as fresh water, electricity and infrastructure.

    Our priorities are informed by the AFP Act, Ministerial Direction and by the policing and national security environments we operate in. These priorities however, must remain highly responsive to the evolving operating and threat environment. They must be informed by influential insights into our organisation, capabilities, policing effects and future operating environment. This will ensure our priorities remain contemporary and that we will be able to effectively detect and understand threats, deliver the most appropriate organisational response and ensure we continue to protect Australians and Australia’s interests.

    Our approachIn recent years, changes in the operating environment, combined with the successes of our organisation, have contributed to increased demand for and scope of AFP services. As a consequence, while the reality of competing priorities is not new to the AFP, their frequency and complexity is now contributing to increased pressures upon our people, capabilities and organisational health.

    In order to sustainably manage these demands and ensure our people, capabilities and resources are effectively applied against what matters most, the AFP has formalised an operating approach. This approach outlines how the AFP as a policing agency, can best apply our limited resources and capabilities via prioritising:

    ■ The prevention of harm to Australians and Australia’s interests

    ■ Minimising harm via disrupting threats at the first available opportunity

    ■ Responding to the manifestation of threats in the most efficient and effective manner to minimise harm, enable recovery, promote community resilience and support the rule of law.

    As Australia’s national policing agency this approach will inform ongoing deliberations around:

    ■ Ensuring the AFP is the most appropriate agency to address an agreed threat

    ■ Determining the optimum time to intervene to prevent or minimise harm

    ■ Identifying where the threat is best addressed (e.g. domestically or internationally)

    ■ Delivering the most effective organisational approach to address harm that best utilises our people and capabilities

    ■ Supporting and harnessing our domestic and international partnerships to address threats.

    Maximising operational impactIn order to ensure that AFP resources are applied for maximum operational impact against threats, opportunities and priorities the AFP has articulated the following areas of focus:

    ■ Countering terrorism

    ■ Disrupting criminal networks

    ■ Leading national responses to human exploitation

    ■ Combating economic and serious crimes

    ■ Countering cybercrime

    ■ Protection of assets, persons and aviation

    ■ Policing communities

    Within each of these priority areas organisational strategies will articulate the AFP’s unique role, approach and vision of success surrounding the detection, prevention, disruption and response to threats to Australians and Australia’s interests.

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    Countering terrorism

    Recent domestic, regional and global events highlight that terrorism will continue to be an enduring threat to the safety and wellbeing of Australians at home and abroad. The most likely form of a terrorist threat in Australia is generated from a small number of extremists, principally lone actors or small groups, undertaking an unsophisticated low capability attack using simple tactics. While this is the most likely form of attack, more complex and coordinated attacks cannot be ruled out.

    The AFP’s ability to detect, prevent and disrupt this threat is made more difficult as the time taken from radicalisation to attack planning and carrying out an attack is increasingly getting shorter. This is further complicated as groups and individuals continue to take advantage of new technologies such as encrypted communication applications and readily available instructions on the internet on how to undertake different attacks.

    The threat from Australian foreign fighters seeking to return home from conflict zones poses a significant risk. Many of these individuals possess the skills, experience and a predisposition to violent action. The management of foreign fighters and their families requires a holistic international and domestic collaborative response. Responses to incidents involving Australians or Australian interests will require greater cooperation and collaboration with domestic and international law enforcement and intelligence partners.

    Managing risks associated with violent extremism requires a coordinated, considered and comprehensive national response. This will be achieved through ongoing engagement with state, territory and international police and community and religious leaders to manage those vulnerable to radicalisation. Collaboration across sectors is required to identify and manage persons vulnerable to radicalisation or radicalised individuals. Additionally, the AFP’s engagement with other stakeholders, such as the private sector and academia will remain crucial in supporting the national response to terror and security threats. This will be an enduring focus and will increasingly include individuals returning from conflict zones, and those in the correctional and criminal justice systems.

    Disrupting criminal networks

    Australia is experiencing an increase in organised criminal entities operating within our borders. These entities operate transnationally. They are better organised and deploy better technology to facilitate the movement of illicit goods, including drugs, firearms, child exploitation material and funds.

    Serious and organised crime is international in nature, technology-enabled and increasingly, functions as a business. As criminals continue to exploit technological advancements and globalisation, their activities have the ability to target thousands of Australians simultaneously from anywhere in the world. Profits generated from serious and organised crime in Australia are enormous and rival those of multinational corporations. The cost of organised crime to Australia is conservatively estimated at $36 billion per year3.

    The Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Act 2018 provides a framework through which the AFP and the modern communications industry can work together to address technological obstacles to investigations into serious crimes and national security threats. This amendment has assisted in the disruption of serious criminal networks.

    These legislative developments and regulatory controls must be supported by innovation in policing responses, and building resilience in potential targets through a range of collaborative measures and partnerships. Working in collaboration with private industry, our national and international law enforcement partners, Australian intelligence partners and the community is, and must be, an enduring strength to counter the threat. Through effective risk management the AFP can exploit opportunities to address the evolving crime threat environment.

    The Council of Australian Governments agreed to the National Strategy to Fight Transnational, Serious and Organised Crime on 12 December 2018. The National Strategy provides the framework for governments, the private sector, civil society organisations, academia and the community to work together to secure Australia’s national interests in combating transnational, serious and organised crime (TSOC). It assists us to focus our effort with our partners, offshore, at our border and onshore to prevent, disrupt and respond to TSOC.


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    Leading national responses to address human exploitation

    The AFP is experiencing increased pressure to lead a national response to crimes affecting vulnerable peoples and communities in Australia and overseas. Countering the proliferation of child exploitation, people smuggling and human trafficking represents a significant challenge to the AFP.

    Unfortunately, there continues to be a rise in instances and rates of child exploitation and Australians involved in the abuse of children, both online and in vulnerable communities around the world. This increase, much like other crime types, is exacerbated by the rapid advancement in technology and continuous evolution of new methodologies used by criminals. They exploit the internet’s ability to afford privacy, anonymity and jurisdictional ambiguity to identify and target vulnerable children.

    In response the AFP will focus on prevention and disruption activities as well as prosecution. This will be achieved through education initiatives, such as ThinkUKnow, partnerships with the private sector and non-government organisations in Australia and overseas, working with victims of crime, and offshore capacity building in key destination and source countries. This also includes our leadership of the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation which will bring together capabilities from across the public and private sectors, as well as civil society, to drive a collaborative national response to counter the exploitation of children in Australia.

    Australia remains a destination country for smuggled and trafficked people. Historically, the majority of trafficked people identified by the AFP have been women exploited within the sex industry. Recently, more trafficking cases have involved men and women who have been trafficked to Australia for exploitation in a range of employment sectors other than within the sex industry; including domestic work, hospitality, agriculture and construction industries. Disrupting the flow of trafficked people remains a critical task for the AFP that is only possible with continued international engagement of partner states.

    Combating economic and serious crimes

    The AFP has primary law enforcement responsibility for investigating economic and serious crime against the Commonwealth. This includes, but is not limited to, fraud, money laundering, counterfeiting and corruption. The AFP is proactively seeking to address these activities through bolstering efforts to prevent, detect and disrupt these multi-dimensional crimes. This will be achieved through enhanced intelligence, inter-agency liaison, capability development and engaging identified risks. Over the next four years the AFP predicts that these crimes will intensify as the criminals continue to target Australia and Australian interests.

    Complex fraud and corruption matters are generally protracted, requiring specialised skills and significant resources. Fraud and anti-corruption teams provide a robust framework to build inter-departmental and industry engagement to seek to address these matters collaboratively and effectively.

    Countering cybercrime

    Rapid technological advancement is a key driver of Australia’s economic growth and prosperity. Unfortunately, the opportunities presented by new technologies can be exploited by malicious actors who wish to bring harm to Australia and Australian interests.

    Over the next four years the risks from cyber security threats are anticipated to significantly increase as technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G communications networks and the Internet of Things continue to develop. The quick uptake of new technologies enables malicious actors to exploit vulnerabilities before effective counter measures are identified and implemented. These risks are pervasive and impact across all AFP areas of focus.

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    Working collaboratively with domestic and international partners across government, industry and academia the AFP seeks to enhance Australia’s cyber capabilities and create a costly, hostile environment for cyber criminals both onshore and offshore. The AFP’s priority areas of responsibility include the investigation of cybercrimes against the Commonwealth government, critical infrastructure and other key systems of national significance.

    Protection of assets, persons and aviation

    As an open and highly integrated economy, Australia relies heavily upon the integrity of its critical infrastructure. Critical infrastructure is therefore central to Australia’s wellbeing, security and prosperity. These assets include airports, ports, Defence facilities and sensitive Commonwealth government entities.

    Protecting critical infrastructure from threats is a central role for the AFP, which is accomplished through the intelligence-informed and threat-based deployment of police and protective service officers, supported by various AFP capabilities. This work not only serves to protect against threats but also ensures ongoing community confidence in aviation, nuclear medicine and attendance at Commonwealth facilities and events.

    The AFP also underpins democratic processes via protecting the centre of Australian Government. AFP ensures the freedom of movement and safety of high office holders, diplomatic and consular personnel and other foreign nationals that the Commonwealth deems to be at risk.

    Finally, the AFP also promotes the rule of law by ensuring that ‘at risk’ Commonwealth witnesses are protected from threats and intimidation and are able to effectively participate in judicial processes.

    Policing communities

    The effective, ethical and accountable policing of communities underpins the rule of law and are an essential prerequisite for human and economic development. Within the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Commonwealth external territories, designated airports and internationally, the AFP’s policing responsibilities are broad.

    As a democratic, accountable and professional policing agency the AFP seeks to promote an international and regional environment that is stable, peaceful and prosperous. To achieve this, the AFP will continue to work with local law enforcement both in the region and across the globe, building capability through sound governance, training, leadership and resource management. This regional engagement is critical to meet the expectations of government, the Australian community and our partners.

    The AFP is also uniquely placed among its Commonwealth partners to deploy specialist capabilities within Australia and internationally in support of communities responding to natural disasters, major events or significant crime. This includes the maintenance of rapid deployment capabilities and an ability to maintain protracted peacekeeping operations.

    Over the next four years the AFP anticipates it will continue to implement its International Engagement Strategy and engage with foreign policy priorities via our capacity development and police-led diplomacy efforts.

    The AFP will continue to fulfil its obligations to the ACT providing a high quality community policing service for the ACT Government, within the context of this arrangement and subsequent agreements between the AFP and ACT Government.

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    Cultural and organisational health

    We are ethical and values-driven, embracing diversity and inclusion. We value fairness, trust, respect, accountability,

    integrity, commitment and excellence in service to the community and in working with each other.

    The remit of the AFP is wide and we are called upon to perform a complex range of roles and functions, dispersed across various geographic locations both domestically and overseas. We may serve as police officers, protective service officers or as professional appointees. As a policing organisation our legitimacy and ongoing stakeholder confidence is dependent on our values and professional standards being embodied by the organisation and its people. The AFP cannot maintain stakeholder confidence, nor succeed without an enabling culture that values fairness, trust, respect, accountability, integrity, commitment and excellence, in service of the community and for each other.

    Similarly, promoting cultural and organisational health, by further developing our inclusive, diverse and safe workplace represents an enduring priority. To achieve maximum operational impact we must represent our community and also effectively harness the talents of the entire community. Equally, we must draw upon the inherent abilities of all of our staff and ensure that we work in a safe environment and are encouraged to bring our best selves to work. All our people are committed to self-care and our leaders are educated and supportive of delivering a culture of health. A health education framework that enhances self-care knowledge and available support is critical for the future health and wellbeing of our people.

    The work undertaken by the AFP can be challenging both physically and mentally. As evidenced by the recent work of the ANAO, Phoenix Australia and Beyond Blue, the work our organisation undertakes can expose our people to traumatic events, sustained pressure and irregular working patterns. We need to ensure we are looking after ourselves to enable us to do our job and support the communities we serve.

    A healthy workplace recognises health as a key capability. For this reason, the AFP Health and Wellbeing Strategy aims to embed health into our thinking, business practices and our culture through a shared responsibility model between individuals, supervisors and the wider AFP.

    Elevating health to be an organisational goal demonstrates a commitment to our people by restoring and promoting health, and by preventing illness and injury, no matter the cause.

    Beyond our staff, it is equally important that we prioritise the health of our organisation. In support of this we will continue to progress our work surrounding the development of a sustainable funding model. Implementation of this model will be key to better aligning the demands on our organisation with resourcing in line with our operating approach and areas of focus. Further, the model will underpin our future work surrounding our operating model, capabilities and organisational structure.

    Less obvious, but no less important, we will continue to improve our governance processes to ensure we are effectively managing our operations, finances, people and capabilities. We will also ensure that we meet or exceed all external accountability obligations and that we continue to maintain the confidence of the community and other key stakeholders.

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    Capable and future ready AFP

    The ability of the AFP to achieve maximum operational impact and promote organisational health, both now and into the future, is dependent upon the appropriateness, strength and depth of our capabilities. These comprise our people, processes, technology and infrastructure.

    Our peopleIn this our 40th year the AFP has succeeded due to the capability and commitment of our people. If we are to continue to succeed into the future, we need to continue to invest in our people, to ensure our people have the right skills, qualifications, are in the right place, at the right time to meet the demands of an ever-changing and complex operating environment.

    On 17 September 2018 the AFP Executive Board approved the AFP People Strategy 2018–2022 (the People Strategy). The People Strategy outlines how we need to position and support our workforce to meet future challenges.

    It is critical that we continue to build an innovative and capability-based workforce, with a strong focus on sustaining critical job roles. Our people programs, policies and processes need to promote and encourage agility and adaptability in the workforce, and our culture must embrace and leverage diversity and inclusion.

    Doing this effectively will enable our people to build the dynamic environment which is imperative to achieving our objectives, while helping them to gain the skills and capabilities they need to be their best. Through adoption of an integrated workforce model, we are positioning the AFP to make the most efficient and effective use of its people. We seek to optimise the capabilities of both sworn and professional staff, with an emphasis on inclusion and flexibility. This includes a mix of police, protective services officers, technical specialists and support staff to ensure our workforce is multidisciplinary and diverse, revolving around our capabilities and our partnerships.

    The strategy articulates how we will meet these needs into the future. It is for our whole workforce, showing our leaders, managers and individuals how their roles fit within the integrated workforce of the future. It demonstrates the AFP’s commitment to building a future, capable workforce, and is a call to action for each member that can be supported and enabled through everyday actions and behaviours.

    The People Strategy will assist our people in operations, capability or capacity development, to deliver operational impact, build effective partnerships and be ready to meet the needs of the future AFP.

    People initiatives

    In order to ensure our vision is realised, and that people remain our greatest asset, the People Strategy prioritises six areas which support the needs of our workforce throughout the employee lifecycle. The six initiatives identified in the strategy support the employee lifecycle and needs of our workforce.

    The six initiatives are supported by specific actions which are outlined in the People Strategy. Initiatives and actions are designed to be interlinked, to support an integrated and streamlined approach for individuals, as well as the relevant people support areas.

    Our people strategy enables:

    A workforce aligned to capability

    An environment that harnesses


    A secure, ethical and

    inclusive environment

    A learning organisation

    A healthy and safe


    Excellence in leadership and performance

    Our processes, technologies and infrastructureOur processes, technologies and infrastructure elements of capability, support our people and the AFP to achieve our organisational goals. Possessing appropriate insights into our organisation, capabilities, policing effects and future operating environment allows the AFP to make better informed decisions about investment and development of enterprise level capability. We do this in partnership with the Home Affairs portfolio, state and territory jurisdictions and private entities, to ensure we are utilising the capabilities of our partner agencies.

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    To ensure our processes, technologies and infrastructure are equipped to meet the challenges of today and the future the AFP has developed and is implementing a capability model which consists of 16 agreed capabilities, supported by the following key documents:

    ■ Capability Strategy: Provides the strategic intent and sets out the capability framework

    ■ Capability Plan: Mobilises the capability strategy and outlines capability enhancements or change that is planned over the coming years

    As capability development does not occur in a vacuum it is vital to understand the wider environment in which the AFP operates be that local, national and international. Future scanning undertaken by the AFP is used to identify factors that will impact on the current and future capability requirements of the AFP. The Capability Strategy outlines the systematic process of capability development within the AFP. This ensures we are able to meet the future threats and maximise opportunities from changing technology. The capability planning process consists of phases that align both the organisational strategy and the requirements identified by subject matter experts.

    The AFP’s strategic planning process will ensure capability investment is focused to meet emerging risks, opportunities and highlights interdependencies and areas for collaboration. This work will be overseen by the AFP Capability Committee with appropriate input from the AFP Operational, Finance and People Committees.

    To complement this work we will continue our implementation of the Technology and Innovation Strategy aimed at ensuring technology is a key contributor to our organisational success. This will further equip and enable our people and capabilities though the provision of functionality, data and insight in the required timeframe and format.

    Our work on capability to-date has highlighted that our infrastructure also needs to evolve to meet future challenges. Work will continue on the development of new accommodation in Victoria and consideration of options for New South Wales. All of this work will be integrated into an AFP Domestic Property Strategy.

    The AFP’s approach to risk managementRisk management is about understanding and managing our risk environment and taking measures, where necessary, to ensure risks are contained to acceptable levels, consistent with our risk appetite and tolerances.

    The AFP is committed to ensuring effective risk management remains central to all of our activities and is a core leadership competency. The aim is to ensure risk management is embedded in our processes and culture, thus contributing to the achievement of our objectives at every level.

    Managing risk is iterative and ongoing. It assists in setting strategy, achieving objectives and making informed decisions. It is part of good governance and leadership, and is fundamental to how the AFP is managed at all levels.

    The AFP has appointed a Chief Risk Officer at the SES Band 3 level, enhancing leadership aspects of organisational risk management and championing risk awareness and engagement across the organisation, ensuring the AFP maintains a strong risk culture.

    The AFP’s Risk Profile and Risk Management Framework support effective decision making in circumstances of uncertainty. They provide an improved ability to anticipate change, emerging risk and disruption to AFP operations. They are vitally important for enhancing the safety and wellbeing of AFP staff and the broader community.

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    Enterprise Risk Management

    The AFP continuously seeks to identify, measure and monitor the most material risks across the organisation. The eight enterprise risks that could affect the AFP’s ability to fulfil its vision of policing for a safer Australia are:

    ■ Health, safety and wellbeing

    ■ Culture, standards and integrity

    ■ Operational outcomes

    ■ Partnerships and stakeholder engagement

    ■ Effectiveness of AFP capabilities

    ■ Workforce

    ■ Resourcing

    ■ Information

    In addition to managing these risks as threats to the AFP’s objectives, they are also engaged as opportunities to be harnessed, making valuable contributions to our outcomes.

    Risk engagement and oversight

    Each enterprise risk is appointed a risk lead at the SES Band 2 level, who is accountable for managing the risk and reporting quarterly to the AFP’s key committees for oversight. The AFP has recently introduced ‘control owners’ into its Risk Management Framework. Control owners predominantly sit at the SES Band 1 level and are accountable for implementing, maintaining and actively monitoring the effectiveness of key risk controls. Control owners report to the risk lead(s). Many of the key controls across the organisation are used by appointees to manage risk related to a broad range of operational and corporate activities.

    The AFP Executive Board, in conjunction with the Audit Committee, provides additional risk oversight and assurance.

    Strategic initiatives and related activities

    The AFP is progressing enterprise-wide initiatives that are guided by our objectives to deliver against our strategic goals. These goals focus on achieving maximum operational impact, promoting cultural and organisational health and delivering a capable and future ready AFP. Achieving our goals provides the means for the AFP to protect Australians and Australia’s interests.

    Goals, strategic initiatives and activities

    Maximum operational impact

    Cultural and organisational


    Capable and future ready AFP

    Achieving maximum Promoting cultural and Ensuring we have a

    operational impact, organisational health, capable and future ready

    through preventing, by further developing AFP, with the right people,

    disrupting and our inclusive, diverse processes, technology

    responding to threats and and safe workplace. It and infrastructure to meet

    promoting community is important that we today’s needs and into

    confidence. This includes represent our community the future.

    ensuring our priorities and harness the inherent

    are actively informed abilities of all of our staff.

    by the Ministerial We need to ensure we are

    Direction and reflect the looking after ourselves

    policing and national to enable us to do our

    security environment we job and support the

    operate in. Further, our communities we serve.

    operational responses

    must reflect community

    values and promote the

    rule of law.

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    Maximum Cultural and Capable and operational organisational future ready

    impact health AFP

    Major activities 2019–20*

    Finalise and Implement the Finalise and launch the AFP implement the Crime Action Plan from the Performance Management Strategy Threat Strategies 2018–2023 Health 2019–2024

    Continue to develop a strengthened prioritisation model

    and Wellbeing Strategy

    Implement the AFP Capability Strategy

    Develop an operating model that addresses emerging threats, manages risk and aligns with the internal and external environment

    Develop an AFP Domestic Property Strategy

    Activities for 2020/21 –2022/23

    Deliver the new Continue Strengthen the connection prioritisation model implementing the between workforce planning and

    Action Plan from the organisational strategy to assist 2018–23 Health and executive decision-makingWellbeing Strategy

    Develop a sustainable investment plan aligned to AFP’s prioritisation model and capability planning

    Identify a modern and sustainable employment framework that supports an agile, innovative and initiative led organisation

    Implement the AFP Performance

    * Major activities to be commenced Management Strategy 2019–2024

    or continued during 2019-20, noting that these activities may not be completed during this period due to delivery methodology.


    AFP Performance Framework and Performance Criteria In 2019—20 AFP performance will be assessed by the following 11 performance criteria under two groupings:

    ■ Public value and impact (three criteria)

    ■ Operational outcomes (eight criteria)

    A summary of the measurement method is provided which are supported internally by business rules and procedural documents. Targets for quantitative measures are given for the four-year period of 2019—20 to 2022—23. Targets are either specific goals or directional trends to cater for the nature of the measurement method and inherent variability of the intended results.

    Performance criteria groups

    Public value and impact

    1.1 Community confidence 1.2 Return on investment 1.3 Evaluations

    Operational outcomes

    Prevent Disrupt Respond Enforce

    2.1 2.2 2.5 2.7 Prevention case Disruption case Response case Enforcement case studies studies studies studies

    2.3 2.6 2.8 Disruption numbers Response times Prosecution

    2.4 Avoidable incidents

    acceptance rate

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    Public value and impact

    Public value and impact performance criteria are associated with our purpose and are included in our Portfolio Budget Statements. The responsibility for making Australia safer and reducing the impact of crime is shared across Commonwealth and state agencies, law enforcement, security and other policy agencies. Understanding our performance in these areas is critical to knowing if we have met our purpose and made an impact on the safety of Australia.

    Performance criteria

    Measurement method

    Target 2019-20

    Target 2020-21

    Target 2021-22

    Target 2022-23

    PC 1.1 Annual phone survey Community canvassing public confidence opinion to obtain direct (Program 1.1) feedback from members

    of the community on 75% 75% 75% 75%their confidence in the AFP’s contribution to law enforcement and national security.

    PC 1.2 Benefit/cost analysis of a Return on selection of AFP activities investment(Program 1.1)

    to assess their value. Current activities include drug crime, financial crime and asset confiscation.

    1 1 1 1

    PC 1.3Evaluations(Program 1.2)

    Systematic and in-depth internal and independent assessments of programs and strategies that provide evidence to inform mission programming and decision making.

    Internal assessments*

    Solomon Islands PDP◊

    International Engagement


    Timor-Leste PDP◊


    Independent assessments*

    Timor-Leste PDP◊

    International Operations

    Gender Strategy

    Solomon Islands PDP◊


    * Optional – unscheduled evaluations of International Operations that respond to emerging and/or changing operational objectives◊ Police Development Program

    Operational outcomes

    It is through operational outcomes that AFP investigations are able to have an effect on crime or provide a service to the community. The AFP has four main investigative outcomes; prevent, disrupt, respond and enforce. The outcomes are not necessarily discrete or mutually exclusive and there may be a number of intermediate and final outcomes from an investigation. These performance criteria help us capture the main outcomes from each AFP activity. For example, during an investigation there may be several opportunities to prevent and/or disrupt criminal activity and prosecute those involved.

    Performance criteria

    Measurement method

    Target 2019-20

    Target 2020-21

    Target 2021-22

    Target 2022-23


    2.1 Qualitative case studies of Prevention prevention activities undertaken case studies to provide evidence on our n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

    successes and identify areas for improvement.


    2.2 Qualitative case studies of Disruption disruption activities undertaken case studies to provide evidence on our n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

    successes and identify areas for improvement.

    2.3 Count of domestic, offshore and Disruption online disruptions of criminal numbers activity as captured in Case Note

    Entries in AFP systems. Reflects 206 Increasing trendoperational activity where prosecution may not be feasible or cost-effective.

    2.4 Count of protection incidents that Avoidable could have been avoided.

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    Performance criteria

    Measurement method

    Target 2019-20

    Target 2020-21

    Target 2021-22

    Target 2022-23


    2.5 Response case studies

    Qualitative case studies of disruption activities undertaken to provide evidence on our successes and identify areas for improvement.

    n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

    2.6Response times

    Proportion of aviation law enforcement/security incidents responded to within timeframes.

    Priority 1 – within 10 minutes 90% 90% 90% 90%

    Priority 2 – within 20 minutes 90% 90% 90% 90%

    Priority 3 – within 120 minutes 95% 95% 95% 95%

    Priority 4 – within 24 hours 95% 95% 95% 95%


    2.7Enforcement case studies

    Qualitative case studies of disruption activities undertaken to provide evidence on our successes and identify areas for improvement.

    n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

    2.8Prosecution acceptance rate

    Percentage of AFP cases accepted for prosecution by the CDPP. Based on ongoing data recorded in AFP systems including cases accepted for prosecution in the reporting period.

    TBD Increasing trend

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