costume, actors and props

Karl Costume, Actors and Props

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Costume, actors and props


Costume, Actors and Props

Page 2: Costume, actors and props

CostumesI want the character of Karl to be known for his unique dress sense and attachment to his favourite item of clothing (his jumper). This outfit choice is vital as he will be seen wearing it in every scene, even his dream., meaning that the audience will associate the jumper with the character. The jumper may not be identical to the one featured on this page but it should be bold in design and bright in colour as bright colours are a convention of the genre. Karl will be wearing jeans as well, this is a less significant item but important none the less. In terms of shoes he could wear a boot styled shoe such as the iconic Dr.Martens.

I want the character of Sarah to be portray as a typical ‘girly’ girl, therefore a dress would be an obvious choice. I like the idea of a skater styled dress because in terms of Karl’s dream it won’t look too formal but she will look more dressed up than himself. Also as Sarah’s character only appears in the external scene of the shoot and it will be shot in winter it will need to be warm; the style of the dress will allow the actress to wear tights underneath, ensuring that she doesn’t get too cold on set.

To link the characters together the footwear could be similar for both characters, therefore Sarah will wear boots.

The only scene where Karl’s Mum features in the film opening is during the scene where Karl eats his breakfast in the kitchen. She is shown to be washing up, so she shall be dressed in generic washing up/chores clothing: a white blouse, dark denim jeans and washing up gloves (preferably yellow to fit with the genre). Seeing as she is at home her choice of footwear is less significant in terms of portraying character and being barefoot may in fact make the last shot where Karl grabs his forgotten shoes even more comical.

Page 3: Costume, actors and props

Actors and Actresses

Oscar Jenkinson as Karl.I have chosen Oscar Jenkinson to play the role of Karl as I have worked with him on a previous media project, therefore we have a good working relationship. As a person Oscar is very funny and energetic but also comes across as very clumsy which is a personality trait that I want to portray in the character of Karl. Oscar also shares a similar unique dress sense as Karl, making costume choice easier. He also has acting experience which will help him to portray the character of Karl in a short time period (2 minutes).

Georgia Stickley as Sarah.Georgia is the same age as Oscar, therefore making it believable that they both go to school together and that he has a crush. The age of the characters (being late teens) promotes the comedic value of the marriage proposal in Karl’s dream. Georgia is an attractive actress , who has a quirky style- this will make the schoolboy crush relatable for the audience. Georgia also has the ability to add extra meaning to her words through her facial expressions, this will be key in her response to the dialogue received from Karl.0

Mabel Collins playing Karl’s mum.Mabel will be suitable of playing a motherly role as she is older than both Oscar and Georgia, giving her a natural sense of authority. Mabel also has no distinguishing features which means that she could play any role, so making her appear older (as Karl’s mother)would be much easier. She has plenty of acting experience and is very eloquent in the way she communicates verbally, ensuring that her lines will be delivered with much character.

Page 4: Costume, actors and props

Other than costumes there are a minimal amount of props required for the film, this will help to reduce the cost of the filmmaking process and most props for the film can be sourced on loction.

However, the kitchen scene requires a plate and a sponge to show that the character is in fact washing up rather than just stood by the sink. There could also be some other dirty kitchen utensils that require washing to increase the continuity of the scene. These props wouldn’t require large finances as they could be sourced on location (but obviously replaced if damaged in the filming process). It will also require Karl’s breakfast e.g. toast or cereal and a glass filled with orange juice.

The swing scene requires no props as everything required are on location.

The bedroom scene: clothes scattered on the floor, bed, posters, bedside table, window and a watch (for when Karl looks the time). All of these props can easily be gathered on site which will lower the expenses needed to source them.
