countdown++ felix sun. rules calculators allowed after i finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer...

Countdown++ Felix Sun

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Page 1: Countdown++ Felix Sun. Rules Calculators allowed After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer each question. You may buzz in before I finish reading


Felix Sun

Page 2: Countdown++ Felix Sun. Rules Calculators allowed After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer each question. You may buzz in before I finish reading


• Calculators allowed• After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to

answer each question.• You may buzz in before I finish reading.• All answers must be in simplest, exact form,

unless otherwise noted.

Page 3: Countdown++ Felix Sun. Rules Calculators allowed After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer each question. You may buzz in before I finish reading


• Find, where i is the imaginary constant:




Page 4: Countdown++ Felix Sun. Rules Calculators allowed After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer each question. You may buzz in before I finish reading


• 0

Page 5: Countdown++ Felix Sun. Rules Calculators allowed After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer each question. You may buzz in before I finish reading


• A point is randomly selected in the rectangle bounded by (0,0), (8,0), (8,6), and (0,6). What is the probability that the point is closer to (1,4) than it is to (5,0)?

Page 6: Countdown++ Felix Sun. Rules Calculators allowed After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer each question. You may buzz in before I finish reading


• 1/2

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• Find the seventh smallest positive integer with exactly 6 divisors (including one and itself).

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• 63 (12,18,20,28,45,50,63)

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• Bob tried doing 123,123 x 456,456 on his calculator, but all he got was 5.620023209 x 10^10. Find the exact value of 123,123 x 456,456.

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• 56,200,232,098

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• Solve for x to the nearest 0.01:

165 xx

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• -9.83

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• I have a cone of radius 4 and height 4√3. What is the radius of the largest sphere that fits within this cone?

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• 4√3 / 3

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• A factory gets an order for 5724 folding chairs. The problem is, all the workers are new and inexperienced, so they can only make 4 chairs on the first day. For each day afterward, they gain experience, and can make 4 more chairs than they did the day before. So, on the second day, the factory makes 8 chairs, bringing its total to 12. After how many days will the factory finish its order?

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• 53

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• I have gallon of a mix of grape, apple, and orange juice. If I add a quart of grape juice and 5.5 cups of orange juice to the mix, then the resulting drink will be exactly a third of each of the juices. What percent of the original drink was orange juice? Express your answer exactly.

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• 18.75%

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• Circle A of radius 8 and circle B of radius 18 are externally tangent in the diagram. What is the length of CD (their common tangent)?




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• 24

Page 21: Countdown++ Felix Sun. Rules Calculators allowed After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer each question. You may buzz in before I finish reading


• A phone number is cool if it is either of the form abc-abcd or of the form abc-dabc (or both) for some digits a ≠ 0, b, c, and d. If numbers are assigned randomly, what is the chance that you will get a cool phone number? (Note: For the purposes of this problem, the 1st digit of any phone number cannot be 0, but there is no such restriction on the remaining digits.)

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• 1999/1,000,000

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A window has 9 panes in the form of a square 3 x 3 grid. In how many ways can one color 6 of these panes yellow, so that the window looks the same from inside and outside the house?

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• 10

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• How many different ways are there to place seven rooks on a chessboard so that no two attack each other or occupy the same square?

• Recall that a chessboard is an 8 by 8 grid. A rook attacks all the squares in the row and column that it occupies, a total of 15 squares.

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• 322560

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• 10

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• D

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• Let S be the sum of all seven-digit numbers whose digits are some permutation of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Find the next-to-last (“tens”) digit of S.

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• 6

Page 33: Countdown++ Felix Sun. Rules Calculators allowed After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer each question. You may buzz in before I finish reading


• What is the smallest positive integer that cannot be written as the sum of 6 or fewer factorials?

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• 47

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• A triangle has two sides of 8 and 7. If I want the area of the triangle to be as large as possible, what length should I make the third side? Express your answer as a decimal to the nearest hundredths.

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• 10.63

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• If x! is divisible by 319, find the minimum possible value of x.

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• 42

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• Find the remainder when9 x 99 x 999 x … x 99…999 is divided by 1000.

999 9’s

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• 109

Page 41: Countdown++ Felix Sun. Rules Calculators allowed After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer each question. You may buzz in before I finish reading


• A Segway has 2 wheels, both with a diameter of 10 inches. They are spaced 20 inches apart. The inner wheel spins at 30 rotations per minute, and the outer one spins at 45 rotations per minute. How many seconds does it take for the Segway to make a complete circle?

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• 16

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• Two points are picked at random on the circle x^2 + y^2 = 1. What is the probability that the chord they determine is longer than 1?

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• 2/3

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• A circle of radius 1 inch rolls inside a circle of radius 12 inches. How many full revolutions does it make before returning to its original position?

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• 11

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• How many different primes appear as entries in the first 20 rows of Pascal's triangle?

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• 8

Page 49: Countdown++ Felix Sun. Rules Calculators allowed After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer each question. You may buzz in before I finish reading


• How many integers between 1 and 2010 inclusive are divisible by neither 3 nor 5?

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• 1072

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• The number 811_ in base 9 is a perfect square. What base 9 digit goes in the blank?

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• 7

Page 53: Countdown++ Felix Sun. Rules Calculators allowed After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer each question. You may buzz in before I finish reading


• John has a bunch of shoes in his closet, but only 2/3 of the left shoes have matching right shoes, and only 3/5 of the right shoes have matching left shoes. What fraction of the shoes are parts of matching pairs? (No shoe is part of two pairs.)

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• 12/19

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• If a child is born in 2009, what will be the next year that both her age and the year are perfect squares?

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• 2025

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• Archimedes shouts “Eureka!” once every 2 minutes. Pythagoras shouts “Integer!” once every 5 minutes. They both shout their respective words for the first time at noon. At what time will they both shout at the same time for the 20th time?

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• 3:10 PM

Page 59: Countdown++ Felix Sun. Rules Calculators allowed After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer each question. You may buzz in before I finish reading


• All the positive integers up to n are added. What is the probability that the sum is divisible by three?

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• 2/3

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• Adding 10 to both the numerator and denominator of a fraction equal to ¾ results in a fraction equal to 8/9. What is the sum of the numerator and denominator of the original fraction?

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• 14

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• Consider the number 15! = 1 · 2 · 3 · · · 14 · 15 Add its digits to obtain a new number. Add its digits to obtain a new number, and continue this process until you get a single digit. What is it?

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• 9

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• Let n be the greatest number that is the product of some positive integers (possibly not distinct), such that the sum of these integers is 2009. Find the last digit of n.

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• 6

Page 67: Countdown++ Felix Sun. Rules Calculators allowed After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer each question. You may buzz in before I finish reading


• A group of hikers went on a 3.5-hour hike. In any consecutive one-hour period during their hike, they covered exactly two miles. What is the most distance they could have covered (in miles)?

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• 8

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• If a star is born in 2009, how many times will it happen that both its age and the year are perfect squares?

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• 3

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• 2009 kittens are sleeping in their individual crates, numbered 1 through 2009. A veterinary assistant decides to open all 2009 doors in order while the cats are asleep. He then goes back to the beginning and closes all the even-numbered doors. He then goes back to the beginning and changes every door divisible by three (i.e., if it’s open, he closes it, and if it’s closed, he opens it). He then continues this process for every integer k ≤ 2009, so that on the last trip, he changes precisely the 2009th door. When the kittens awake in the morning, what is the largest numbered crate whose kitten will roam free?

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• 1936

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• Each inhabitant of Tiebreak Island is either a truth-teller or a liar. You come across three inhabitants of the island.

• Rick says “Randy is telling the truth.”• Randy says “Rick and Rose are lying.”• Rose says “Rick is lying.”• Name all the people who are lying.

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• Rick, Randy

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• A coin is weighted in such a way that it will come up heads 60% of the time. If this coin is flipped three times, what is the probability that it will come up heads fewer than two times? Express your answer as an exact percent.

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• 35.2%

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Name all solutions.

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• 1, -1, 2, -2

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• Groups A, B and C have 10, 12 and 14 members, respectively. The total population is 25. If 6 members belong to both A and B, 4 members belong to both A and C, and 5 members belong to both B and C, then how many members belong to all three groups?

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• 4

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• The sixth term of a geometric series is 3072. The third term is 48. Find the first term.

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• 3

Page 83: Countdown++ Felix Sun. Rules Calculators allowed After I finish reading, you have 1 minute to answer each question. You may buzz in before I finish reading


• How many whole numbers between 1000 and 2008 include a 2 and a 5 as consecutive digits, in that order? (For example, we would count 1258, since the 2 and 5 appear consecutively. We would not count 1528, since the digits 2 and 5 are consecutive but in the wrong order. We would not count 1285, since the digits 2 and 5 appear but are not consecutive.)

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• 20

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Use the letters w, x, y, and z to answer.

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• x, y, z, w

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• Find the area of the region bounded by the graph of y = ||x|-5| and the graph of y = 5.

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• 25

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• A jar contains only red and only yellow jelly beans. If a child eats 1 red jelly bean, 1/7 of the remaining candies will be red. If instead the child eats 5 yellow jelly beans, 1/6 of the remaining candies will be red. How many jelly beans are in the jar?

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• 71

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• Three rugs have a combined area of 200 square meters. By overlapping the rugs to cover a floor area of 140 square meters, the area which is covered by exactly two layers of rug is 24 square meters. How many square meters of floor are covered by three layers of rug?

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• 18

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• A dog is tied to a leash that is hooked to the outside corner of a barn that measures 12 ft. x 20 ft. The length of the leash is 16 ft. What is the maximum area in which the dog can wander outside while on his leash?

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• 196π

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• Suppose you are jogging at a constant speed. It takes you 2 minutes to jog 480 feet. You start jogging at 10:47 a.m. and your destination is 7 miles away. At what time will you reach your destination?

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• 1:21pm

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• The lengths of the height and sides of a triangle are four consecutive integers. The height is the first integer and the base is the third integer. The perimeter of the triangle is 42 inches. Find the area of the triangle.

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• 84 (sq in)

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• 121/4

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• 17,000,000