county stand… · . ·. · . . ; , .. . westfield,.· union county. · n. j.; friday, l'a\a h...

. ·. · . . ; , . . . WESTFIELD, . · UNION COUNTY. · N. J.; FRIDAY, A��H 31, 1899; $2 Per Year. Single ·Copies 3. N�Wk, N . J. ,. t' 's. G8at�st Qibbon Salel . ,.. . . . . · :_., ... A famous Ribbn auction a little whil� ago. A. & S.' Blu�m enth. al, the big ribbon makers, sold the newe st ad most desirable Ribbons of the season UND ER THHAMfER, W� picked · up a large share Of the choices t .. · Prices next to nothing of val . . Hence these most· famous Ribbon Sales of the Spring;· · hece these ·�RGAINS of all Ribbon bar- · gains. The greatest bargai� chances in Millinery Ribbon ; the greatest bargain chances in Dress Trimming . Ribbon ; the greatest bargain ·chances in Easter Ribbon. . . . . GRANNY'S .EASTER. ·'· . . · - ol_,- ,:BY MARlON DICKINSON, AY, Mikey! glt out'n de ·way, 0 h I i >'s a CO• in'." Mlkey odl enily �crim•bletl to his feet, nn at tening him-: selr side Den· itls against. the sid e ol the house gazed at the a�. proachlng y with eyes lull of resפct ful admiration. · Chip Johnson glaneed at the grimy, ngged twins he sprang up the steps. Their worship had lost the charm .of novelty, for It was shared by all tht .younger ragamumna of Gray's . Court, ·being transmuted to envey In. those of hll own ae, . for b dint of agility, etrength and a cool head he had sue� cesafully held his own against all com• era as the champion ghter of hie re· glon. True, these laurels were won many months ago, but the memory of them kept unruly spirits In subjection. As for Chip, he was a little tired, even somewhat ashamed, of his reputation, having other alma In view, · "Hello, kids!" he said, carelessly .: The O'lll'len twins grinne fadlant!y. A word was more than they had hoped for from· the champion, as Chip was no "hall fellow," and seldom noticed the Richest, Daintiest· Ribo children. With ecstatic nudges ln·one another's rlbA they watched him .climb the. dirty stairs, until the turn hid him ' ,' I · of -Spring. RIBBONS-Black onble fnce. qnaliLy, nil silk, . with cor<l . +e: .. . 16 atul 22, 2! to 3 Incites wide, worth ... . 20c ynrtl ... . ... . . .. . ... . . I �c , 3f Inches wllle, worth nne ...........................6c Inches, sash whlths, worth 59o. . yard ...... ........ . . .. 39c SATIN an Gt·os Urain Rib· silk, very.:exc•llent quality, Inches wle, worth Oc. y11t·d, speciul ............................. 190 TAFFETA RIB DONS-Fine 111mllty, Rll silk, pluiunrulloire, intt lure line · of colors, b . nt not quite colnplete: No. 40 Moire, 3A inches wide, bhtok tm1l colors, regnlni· IDe. yat·, sale special at . .... . . ... ..... . . . . : ......... I!c SATIN RIBBON oml GrosGrain-Very st qmtlity, all silk, assortment somewhut broken in colors: · No. 12, regnlnr 17c. yurd, sale sפciul..... : ....... ' ............ lac No. 16, regular l2c. yard, sale sial . : . . ................ 1)c Nus 22 tmd 30,' reguliir 2Gc. and 30c., ++le s פcial ...................... 17c TAFFETA-N o. an11 80, 4 nn 4t inches whle, nn•1 No. P Moire .. Tdeta, 4t · locb wide,' regular 2. and c. gP, all sale sפcial at, · .. . . J ....................... ....... .............. .... ......... .......... a9c from view. · �'he narrow tenement hall· was . al-· ready dusky with coming night. Chip frowned a little as he hurried up the last !light. Granny would be thr1gh I her suppe� and hal'e little appetite for who t he was brlnglg. Snatching o his cap, he hastily smoothed down his rampant locks, then knocked gently. There cnme a tap-tapping from with· In, and the door opened, A little old lady, bent over a cane, looked out at him. "Ah, Chapman/' Bhe quavered, "I had almost given you up. Come In quickly. There Is a. little of the sunset left." It was a strange bond which drew these two together-not of blood, but· of mutual need. · Thirty years before, Mrs. Deering had come to No. 9 Gray's court to take up a new life, since the old life died with Jimmy'• fall at Fred· erlcksburg. Thirty years had brought great change• to Gray's Court, which had rapldh• fallen In the oclal scale, I FREE DELIVERIES BY OUR OWN W A· - but amid tbe changes M. Deering's OON TO WTFIELD AND VICINITY e orner remained unaltered-a lit tle OND AY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY. : oasis of refinement amid the squal id IKER'S Wear like iron. Always neat and up to date. A full line of new styles in Patent Leather Shoes. Rubrs Rubr Boots that Lat. H. C. PIKER. JO GR, . . ll ttr, Sllll, Hot Water, Hot Air HII!IDJ, .. MN INO, R fiNG, TO., HARDWR, IIOU8 rURN18HtNO GꝃD ' · AND ALL KIN or GARDIN TOO, 8TOV8 AND RANO, ITRiiT. WEITfiELD. N . life of thl• tenement dltrlct. Her tn ··ly heart had r oom for ell her nel� bora, who aeetlonately chrllt· ·eneu her "Granny." But to one eape. claiiY wa• she drawn-to the lonely boy lod+lng under the rattert of No. 8, who, like herself, was so alone . To him he talked of the young mother Jon •lnce ·dead, whom he dimlY remembered, and In some way found a soft apot lb the heart that others considered adamant. This room, with Ita old·tlme belongings and air of better das, was a haven of refuge to the boy , It was Grunny who Instilled Into him a desire for high- er things, and Granny alone knew that, while he swept floors, polished win- dows, and run errands all day ' his evenings were spent In t he manual training scbool working . In harmony with Ills strong mechnmcal. bent. "Easter's cotnin,' Grnnny.'' he sold, Ienning his el bows on the table, as she finished the last crumb. "It's kinder Clll'IY this year, but 1 s' t mse you'll go to chul'ch just the same." GmnnY slgheu and len ned feebly bnck . In her rocl<el', Easter hnd heretofore mount the end of her Winter ' s lmprls· onment and on that day she worshipped agaJn in God'a house. 'l,hls year It would be ·different: "I'm afraid not, Chuprnun.'' she aul d, gent l y . "Why not'/" ho usked, aggressively, dren!llng tho answer, "It's time 1 staid quietly at homo," she said, with assumed cheerful: •ess . "An old I ndy of eighty-tour doesn t go ga dding ubout. I couldn' t walk ao far aow." ORANY'I l'IN ITA T, Westfield �harmacy I ', Chip ran hie fin1ers through hll hair -a sure sign of hie dlatre11 . "I'll or· de r you a eoacb," he said, gruly, then both l aughed · to drown the· sorry .feel- Ing, It was a sor e trial to Granny to accept thla llmrtatlon: but to Chip, looking turtlvely at the drawn face and trembling hands, there wna an added p ang. Perhaps It would prove Granny' s last Easter! "It's high time I was goln'," he said aprlnglng up and searching for hi• cap. "Good-night , Granny, " With the flrst warm breath of Spring. Granny seemed to mend. S till, It seemed vain to think of Enster servlcesbuthlr wu• not to benslly daunted.· Not untr the eve of •�aster, however, did light dawn on his darkness, 'rhen, with ex· ultntlon, he dashed down the court. and by uevlous wuy�.: until he emergerl nt. a fruit stnnd In one of the busl nes• streets. The flaming oil lnmp gave Jlglot to un exciting colloquy, which nrose. To all 'or Chip's eloquent pleading the ltnttnn vendet' turned u deaf eur, nswerlng his arguments wi th shrugs and do1Jrecntory waving of the luitJds. "Bnt I'll pay you what I cnn," Chip eniled, In deapnlr . 'l'he Jtnllnn's eye brlghtene<l lnqulr· lngly, nncl the bo)' n!le Jmsty aeUI'ch In hiA fJOckcts, Alnl the little store or cnJlPrs was not enough, Then Chip •·em em be red his hoard. It wns a very smnll �um, not ¥et · s umc l ent to buy the SUIJOrlor kind of knife Which he hM lung c oveted, e hesitated for a moment, remembering tho many de· nlals which the sum represented, but fota moment only, "Here, then," and he drew a knottad 1crap of cotton cloth out of hla ba ·eaat pocket, and untylna It, dlaclo•ed tht contents. · The JtRIIan hesitated, then renche4 out hll hand. ' .Court, however, It was with mingled feellnga; A knot of boy, wrangling over a game of marblea, looked up at hla approac", and he felt a dlallnct lou of dignity as he. encountered the sur· prlae and glee of his former. rlvala. . "Jimmlny crickets! Look at Chip ohnson!•"Shut· up!" Chip growled, glaring at his tormentora. "Always knew Chip waa goln' Inter business . ·We'll back yer up, old boy," yelled a derisive urchi n. Chip atood still and glowered omi- nously. "If ou don't keep mighty still I'll punch the heads of the whole crowd;" and he +cowled at the swarm that had gathered na by mnglc. "Sure b'ys, It's Granny's conch that yer sthoppln' wid yer lmperdence," called a voice from above, ami frs. O'Brien beamed down !rom an upper window. "The¥'11 tend the cart fur ycz, Chip, �hllst we're xln' out the owld Ieddy, She's just wenryln' fur ycz comln' since. I towld her. Beilke ehhe's tin yenrs younger . " Chip did not stop to hear, but sprung up the ste118 at a tenr·lng pnce, Granny, bonncte1l nnd shawled, stood In the doorway of her room awaiting him, her face mo>·e glpwlng than the sunshine that flooded �he court. 'Oh, dear boy!" she cried, jo�·fully. "Even my Jimmy couldn't hnve done more ." Something choked Chip. It was a now extet l mco, nnu he felt unnccount- ubly embarrassed. "It's time we stnrt- ed," he sttld awkwardly: "the first ,bells arc ringing, Hold on to me Grnnny . You teet strong enough to get down· etalrs don't you?" "I 'feel etrong enough to do 'moat anythi ng, " she nssertcd, confidently, lra. O'Brien had establls)1cd a leg. less chnl r In tho ca1·t, whloh wns held In n hotlzontal position by a delegation of young gamins. A pillow from Gran· ny's room softened tho hard sent, un<l when sn!ely mounted tmd well tucked In by Jimmy's blllnket, Oranny pro· fcsaml horsolt comtortnblo. · 1'ho sweet jungle of tnnstor bella WRI all abnut tlu•m a• t.hov emot'Od on whlet' etroote, The pavementwot·t 1ppolnted hour Chip found him wal tln filled with the throng of churchgqera, at the corner with a puah•cart, filled 10 Chip was forced to tnke to the ith clean •traw, tilted galnat tho street, Serenely u nconscious of her noare1t tree, An eohanre was quicklY 1 oll l-fashloncd garb, or of tho oddity eeoted, and .. Ohlp tru ndled off hll prl&e of her conveyance Granny husely onIn triumph · A• he turn ed Into Gray' ' "Not much! " and Chip held It behind him. "But If you're all aquare with me +nd wil l bring It to the corner I told Ott to-morrow at half put nine, you'll +et your money, Seo?" pparently the Italian 1aw, for at the W. H. TREIGHARD, Prescription DruuKIMt, .. Drna1l ancl roiJIOd treeto, joyed the bright colora of Easter rat� ment, the signs of approaching Spring, the wider reaches-a welcome change from the cramped outlook of Gray'a Court-her sweet old face brlngln 1ympathetlc tears to many an eye. . · Aa for Chip, he was keenly conscloul of t he glances and smiles that accom• pnnled their progress. With burning face and let teeth he pushed doggedly forward, trying to select the smoothest 1tretcbes, that Granny might be spared unnecessary jars. It hurt· him that she must ride thus, when none more de· aerved · a coach and pair, but It w the best he could do At lenth they reached the square which was domlnate by the Imposing structure wherein Granny bud el cte to worship-not for the poll)p and beauty of the templ e, but because there a trne man of Go1 l gave the messnge of the Father to His peopl e. Gmnny's eyes llc with tears us, at the foot of the wide steps, Chlp lltted her down. "I never exected to come ngn.ln,·' she snld . "My heurt Is satisfied." "'Vult n mi nute, Gl'nnny.'' Chip snld, hurrying to the curb, where a conch· mnn In tnn ll l'el' y hnd checked his thor- oughbreds. "I sny, wi ll you keep an eye on that Cfil't a minute?" he nsl<ed, no whit embarrassed Iy so much alate. With gentle care he llllotetl Granny through the lh1'ong to the dooi'B, and woul<l have Jlllssed Into the chu1•ch but for an unexpected reuu. "Only pew holders cnn enter until utter service begins," the usher said, firmly lll'csHing him bnck, "ut the Indy Is old and sick, Cnn't you Just lot her In?" It wns a new thing for Chip to plead. "I'm sorry, but I can' t do It, She might sit on the allery stnlra until eorvlce, 'rhen I'll find her a place," A chnrmlng fnce was turned townr them, and the owner Bpoke to the gen• tleman who attended her. He too 1cannod tho pair, then stepped forward, "ly wlfo and I would be +IR1l to rece1ve you Into uur pew," he laid, coUr• teously, Including both. "J thank yuu, eh•," Orjlnny aald, wllb her rare Nmllo, tuklng tho proered arm. "Aro you not coming nlao?" tho lnd uke<l, bondln toward Chip, who had drawn bock. Chl11 lluHhell a !lory hue. "N, 'm" he Mlammored, llxln hl1 eyes on the violetIn her gown, but fully con1clo+1 of tho lovcllnou so nonr at hand: "J'v• aut to atny out1ldo. " , ANY PREHORIMION writ ten by ANY PIIYBIOIAN on ANY BLANK, In either metric or apotltarlea' weight, can ptom)>tly and .•nt· ld•otorlly ſtlletl at ANY TiE, day or _nl1bt1 b , · . , Wllhln dour Granny 1at In the CUMh• lnne<l corner or the 11ew, llltenlns:.e'n�.'. t ranced to the beautifu l e rvlct1.drlnk• i . ln+ In God'• truth, with her en• on il) · , ; .. ,; I�r�' ,� .: , .. : n�plr e d . r n t ' . up l t f t d -��:i;h.;

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Page 1: County Stand… · . ·. · . . ; , .. . WESTFIELD,.· UNION COUNTY. · N. J.; FRIDAY, l'a\A H 31, 1899; $2 Per Year. Single ·Copies 3c:. N W .ulk, N. J. ,. t' 's. Gti8at st Qibbon

. ·.· . . ; , . . . WESTFIELD,.· UNION COUNTY. · N. J.; FRIDAY, l'a\A��H 31, 1899; $2 Per Year. Single ·Copies 3c:.

N�W .ulk, N. J. ,. t'

's. Gti8at�st Qibbon Salel . ,.. . . . .·


... A famous Ribb�n auction a little whil� ago. A. ..lf1 &. S.' Blu�, the big ribbon makers, sold the ..In newest arid most desirable Ribbons of the season ..In UNDER TH� HAMllfER, W� picked ·up a large share .JQ Of the choicest.. · Prices next to nothing of val��. ..In . Hence these most· famous Ribbon Sales of the .Ja Spring;·· he�ce these ·��RGAINS of all Ribbon •bar- ..Ja ·gains. The greatest bargai� chances in Millinery � Ribbon; the greatest bargain chances in Dress ..In Trimming. Ribbon ; the greatest bargain ·chances .Jn in Easter Ribbon. . . . � .

GRANNY'S .EASTER. ··'· . . · -ol_,, · -


AY, Mikey! glt out'n de ·way, 0 h I i>'s a COlli• in'."

Mlkey ohi>dl enily �crim•bletl to his feet, nntl flattening him-: selr beside Den· itls against. the side ol the house gazed at the a�.

proachlng boy with eyes lull of respect ful admiration.

· Chip Johnson glaneed at the grimy,

ngged twins aa he sprang up the steps. Their worship had lost the charm .of novelty, for It was shared by all tht

.younger ragamumna of Gray's . Court, ·being transmuted to envey In. those of hll own a•e, . for bJ' dint of agility, etrength and a cool head he had sue� cesafully held his own against all com• era as the champion lighter of hie re· glon. True, these laurels were won many months ago, but the memory of them kept unruly spirits In subjection. As for Chip, he was a little tired, even somewhat ashamed, of his reputation, having other alma In view,


"Hello, kids!" he said , carelessly.: The O'lll'len twins grinnell. fadlant!y.

A word was more than they had hoped for from· the champion, as Chip was no "hall fellow," and seldom noticed the Richest, Daintiest· Riilbori.s children. With ecstatic nudges ln·one 11!���/(}t;;;��t:��!e another's rlbA they watched him .climb the. dirty stairs, until the turn hid him

' ,' I

· of -Spring. RIBBONS-Black (lonble fnce. qnaliLy, nil silk, . with cor<l

. ed11e: .. . 16 atul 22, 2! to 3 Incites wide, worth ... 231:. to 20c ynrtl . . . . ... . . .. . .. . .. I �c

00, 3f Inches wllle, worth nne ........................... SI6c Inches, sash whlths, worth • 59o. 65c. yard ...... � ... ..... . . .. 39c

SATIN antl Gt·os Urain Rib· silk, very.:exc•llent quality,

Inches wltle, worth IIOc. y11t·d, speciul ............................. 190

TAFFETA RIB DONS-Fine 111mllty, Rll silk, pluiunrull\loire, intt lur;�e line

· of colors, b.nt not quite colnplete: No. 40 Moire, 3A inches wide, bhtok tm1l

colors, regnlni· IDe. yat·tl, sale special at . . . .. . . ... .. . . . . . . . : ......... ISI!c

SATIN RIBBON oml GrosGrain-Very best qmtlity, all silk, assortment somewhut broken in colors:

· No. 12, regnlnr 17c. yurd, sale

speciul. .... : ....... ' ............ lac No. 16, regular oll2c. yard, sale

special . : . . . ............... 141c Nus 22 tmd 30,' reguliir 2Gc. and 30c.,

1111le special ...................... 17c

TAFFETA-No�. 00 an11 80, 4 nntl 4t inches whle, nn•1 No. 80 Moire .. Tdeta, 4t · locbee wide,' regular 2Dc. and SOc. goodP, all sale special at,

· .. .. Jud . .. ................ . . . . .... .. . . ............. .... . . . . . .. . . . ...... . . . a9c

from view. ·

�'he narrow tenement hall· was . al-· ready dusky with coming night. Chip frowned a little as he hurried up the last !light. Granny would be thr01;1gh I her suppe� and hal'e little appetite for who t he was brlnglrig. Snatching on: his cap, he hastily smoothed down his rampant locks, then knocked gently.

There cnme a tap-tapping from with· In, and the door opened, A little old lady, bent over a cane, looked out at him.

"Ah, Chapman/' Bhe quavered, "I had almost given you up. Come In quickly. There Is a. little of the sunset left."

It was a strange bond which drew these two together-not of blood, but· of mutual need. · Thirty years before, Mrs. Deering had come to No. 9 Gray's court to take up a new life, since the old life died with Jimmy'• fall at Fred· erlcksburg. Thirty years had brought great change• to Gray's Court, which had rapldh• fallen In the •oclal scale,

I FREE DELIVERIES BY OUR OWN W A· - but amid tbe changes Ml"'. Deering's

OONII TO WESTFIELD AND VICINITY eorner remained unaltered-a little

JIONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY. : oasis of refinement amid the squalid

IKER'S Wear like iron.

Always neat and up to date.

A full line of new styles in Patent Leather Shoes.

Rubbers ct Rubber Boots



JOHN INGRAM, .. . Plllttr, Sllll, Hot Water, Hot Air HII!IDJ, .. 'hMNINO, ROOfiNG, liTO., HARDW.ARIC, IIOU8IC rURN18HtNO GOOD '


ITRiiT. • WEITfiELD. N • .J.

life of thl• tenement dl•trlct. Her tnl' ··ly heart had room for ell her nel� bora, who alfeetlonately chrllt· ·eneu her "Granny." But to one eape. claiiY wa• she drawn-to the lonely boy

lod11lng under the rattert of No. 8, who,

like herself, was so alone. To him •he talked of the young mother Jontr •lnce

·dead, whom he dimlY remembered, and

In some way found a soft apot lb the heart that others considered adamant.

This room, with Ita old·tlme belongings and air of better da)'s, was a haven of refuge to the boy, It was Grunny who Instilled Into him a desire for high­

er things, and Granny alone knew that, while he swept floors, polished win­dows, and run errands all day' his evenings were spent In the manual

training scbool working . In harmony with Ills strong mechnmcal. bent.

"Easter's cotnin,' Grnnny.'' he so.ld,

Ienning his elbows on the table, as she finished the last crumb. "It's kinder Clll'IY this year, but 1 s'tmse you'll go to

chul'ch just the same." GmnnY slgheu and len ned feebly bnck .

In her rocl<el', Easter hnd heretofore mount the end of her Winter's lmprls· onment and on that day she worshipped agaJn in God'a house. 'l,hls year It would be ·different: "I'm afraid not, Chuprnun.'' she auld, gently.

"Why not'/" ho usked, aggressively, dren!llng tho answer,

"It's time 1 staid quietly at homo," she said, with assumed cheerful:•ess. "An old Indy of eighty-tour doesn t go

gadding ubout. I couldn't walk ao far aow."


Westfield �harmacy

I ',

Chip ran hie fin1ers through hll hair -a sure sign of hie dlatre11. "I'll or· der you a eoacb," he said, grutrly, then both laughed· to drown the· sorry .feel­Ing, It was a sore trial to Granny to accept thla llmrtatlon: but to Chip, looking turtlvely at the drawn face and trembling hands, there wna an added pang. Perhaps It would prove Granny's last Easter!

"It's high time I was goln'," he said aprlnglng up and searching for hi• cap . "Good-night, Granny,"

With the flrst warm breath of Spring. Granny seemed to mend. S till, It seemed vain to think of Enster servlcesbut.Chlr wu• not to benslly daunted.· Not untr the eve of •�aster, however, did light dawn on his darkness, 'rhen, with ex· ultntlon, he dashed down the court. and by uevlous wuy�.: until he emergerl nt. a fruit stnnd In one of the buslnes•

streets. The flaming oil lnmp gave Jlglot to un exciting colloquy, which nrose. To all 'or Chip's eloquent pleading the ltnttnn vendet' turned u deaf eur, nn· swerlng his arguments with shrugs and do1Jrecntory waving of the luitJds.

"Bnt I'll pay you what I cnn," Chip eniled, In deapnlr.

'l'he Jtnllnn's eye brlghtene<l lnqulr· lngly, nncl the bo)' rnn!le Jmsty aeUI'ch In hiA fJOckcts, Alnlil the little store or cnJlf'IPrs was not enough, Then Chip •·em em be red his hoard. It wns a very smnll �um, not ¥et· sumclent to buy the SUIJOrlor kind of knife Which he hM lung coveted, lfe hesitated for a moment, remembering tho many de· n lals which the sum represented, but fot• a moment only,

"Here, then," and he drew a knottad 1crap of cotton cloth out of hla ba·eaat pocket, and untylna It, dlaclo•ed tht contents. · The JtRIIan hesitated, then renche4 out hll hand. '

.Court, however, It was with mingled feellnga; A kn ot of boyit, wrangling over a game of marblea, looked up at hla approac", and he felt a dlallnct lou of dignity as he. encountered the sur· prlae and glee of his former. rlvala. .

"Jimmlny crickets! Look at Chip .Johnson!••

"Shut· up!" Chip growled, glaring at his tormentora.

"Always knew Chip waa goln' Inter business. ·We'll back yer up, old boy," yelled a derisive urchin.

Chip atood still and glowered omi­nously. "If :vou don't keep mighty still I'll punch the heads of the whole crowd;" and he 11cowled at the swarm that had gathered na by mnglc.

"Sure b'ys, It's Granny's conch that yer sthoppln' wid yer lmperdence," called a voice from above, ami 1\frs. O'Brien beamed down !rom an upper window. "The¥'11 tend the cart fur ycz, Chip, �hllst we're tlxln' out the owld Ieddy, She's just wenryln' fur ycz comln' since. I towld her. Beilke ehhe's tin yenrs younger. "

Chip did not stop to hear, but sprung up the ste118 at a tenr·lng pnce, Granny, bonncte1l nnd shawled, stood In the doorway of her room awaiting him, her face mo>·e glpwlng than the sunshine that flooded �he court. 'Oh, dear boy!" she cried, jo�·fully. "Even my Jimmy couldn't hnve done more. "

Something choked Chip. It was a now ext•et•lmco, nnu he felt unnccount­ubly embarrassed. "It's time we stnrt­ed," he sttld awkwardly: "the first ,bells arc ringing, Hold on to me Grnnny. You teet strong enough to get down· etalrs don't you?"

"I 'feel etrong enough to do 'moat anything," she nssertcd, confidently,

1\lra. O'Brien had establls)1cd a leg. less chnlr In tho ca1·t, whloh wns held In n. hot•lzontal position by a delegation of young gamins. A pillow from Gran· ny's room softened tho hard sent, un<l when sn!ely mounted tmd well tucked In by Jimmy's blllnket, Oranny pro· fcsaml horsolt comtortnblo.


1'ho sweet jungle of tnnstor bella WRI all abnut tlu•m a• t.hov emot'II'Od on whlet' etr•oote, The pavement• wot·t

1ppolnted hour Chip found him waltlnl! filled with the throng of churchgqera, at the corner with a puah•cart, filled 10 Chip was forced to tnke to the 'Nith clean •traw, tilted f1galnat tho street, Serenely unconscious of her noare1t tree, An ellohanre was quicklY 1 olll-fashloncd garb, or of tho oddity el!eoted, and .. Ohlp trundled off hll prl&e of her conveyance Granny husely on• In triumph · A• he turned Into Gray'• '

"Not much! " and Chip held It behind him. "But If you're all aquare with me 11nd will bring It to the corner I told )'Ott to-morrow at half put nine, you'll 11et your money, Seo?"

.Apparently the Italian 1aw, for at the

W. H. TREIGHARD, Prescription DruuKIMt, ..

Drna1l ancl l'roiJIOd lltreeto,

joyed the bright colora of Easter rat� ment, the signs of approaching Spring, the wider reaches-a welcome change from the cramped outlook of Gray'a Court-her sweet old face brlnglnll 1ympathetlc tears to many an eye. . ·

Aa for Chip, he was keenly conscloul of the glances and smiles that accom• pnnled their progress. With burning face and teeth he pushed doggedly forward, trying to select the smoothest 1tretcbes, that Granny might be spared unnecessary jars. It hurt· him that she must ride thus, when none more de· aerved ·a coach and pair, but It wna the best he could do

At len.rth they reached the square which was domlnatetl by the Imposing structure wherein Granny bud el�ctec! to worship-not for the poll)p and beauty of the temple, but because there a trne man of Go1l gave the messnge of the Father to His people. Gmnny's eyes tlllctl with tears us, at the foot of the wide steps, Chlp lltted her down.

"I never exilected to come ngn.ln,·' she snld . "My heurt Is satisfied."

"'Vult n minute, Gl'nnny.'' Chip snld, hurrying to the curb, where a conch· mnn In tnn lll'e l'y hnd checked his thor­oughbreds. "I sny, will you keep an eye on that Cfil't a minute?" he nsl<ed, no whit embarrassed I.Jy so much alate.

With gentle care he llllotetl Granny through the lh1'ong to the dooi'B, and woul<l have Jlllssed Into the chu1•ch but for an unexpected reuun:.

"Only pew holders cnn enter until utter service begins," the usher said, firmly lll'csHing him bnck,

"llut the Indy Is old and sick, Cnn't you Just lot her In?" It wns a new thing for Chip to plead.

"I'm sorry, but I can' t do It, She might sit on the trallery stnlra until eorvlce, 'rhen I'll find her a place,"

A chnrmlng fnce was turned townr<J them, and the owner Bpoke to the gen• tleman who attended her. He too 1cannod tho pair, then stepped forward,

"lily wlfo and I would be 11IR1l to re• ce1ve you Into uur pew," he laid, coUr• teously, Including both.

"J thank yuu, eh•," Orjlnny aald, wllb her rare Nmllo, tuklng tho prol'fered arm.

"Aro you not coming nlao?" tho lndl' uke<l, bondlnll' toward Chip, who had drawn bock.

Chl11 lluHhell a !lory hue. "N, 'm" he Mlammored, llxlntr hl1 eyes on the violet• In her gown, but fully con1clo111 of tho lovcllnou so nonr at hand: "J'v• aut to atny out1ld o." ,

ANY PREHORIMION written by ANY PIIYBIOIAN on ANY BLANK, In either metric or apotltecarlea' weight, can be ptom)>tly and .•nt· ld•otorlly ftlletl at ANY TillE, day or _nl1bt1 b)' , • ·. • , • • •

Wllhln dour Granny 1at In the CUMh• lnne<l corner or the 11ew, llltenlns:.e'n�.'. t ranced to the beautiful •ervlct1.drlnk• i . ln11 In God'• truth, with her en• on H'il)·

, ; .. ,; .. IEI�r���' ,·,� �� .: , .. :n�plred .�r::nt'•

. upltft

,!d -��:i;h.;r:�)::}.(

Page 2: County Stand… · . ·. · . . ; , .. . WESTFIELD,.· UNION COUNTY. · N. J.; FRIDAY, l'a\A H 31, 1899; $2 Per Year. Single ·Copies 3c:. N W .ulk, N. J. ,. t' 's. Gti8at st Qibbon

2 ; . . .' felt herself surrounded by unobtruinve kindness, while . .'untramm'elled by' her companions. . In. her heart she felt II \\'as her last Easter, nnd ber. thought

. went out' to her charl�teer sitting out-Bide' the cllU�Ch dqor. .

With· a soft rustle, the kneellno> con­, gregp.tlon rose; the ser\•iC� ·n·as oVer.

·--As the�· emerged !rom· the subdued ·'llgbt Into the noonday sunshine, Chip

AT TilE EASTER SER\'ICE, presSed to Granny's side; the cart wns waiting. The gentleman snld a few

words to his wife, but she shook' her head. "I think she would rather re· turn. as she came,11 she whispered.

.,�' He carefully helped Chlp ensconce Granny once more on her chair, and with a l>lensant word Granny rolled of't, with the violets In her hand And when Chip. carried her up· the long flights, a'nd sented her once more In her cush­Ioned rocl<er, both felt the blessing ot the day In their llearts. It had been the sweetest Easter of their .lives!

When N'oven1ber brought gray sleep to the tired enrth, It brought rest for Granny also. · In her little room, Chip

,. �o.t drearily' looking, out at the sunset -, sky shining )'ell ow behind the chimney.

pots. , The quaint belongings, the old-time treasures, were bls now. In his hand be held a knife-such a one as he

· had longed !or and given up eight months ·before. Granny bad given It to him the night she dltd.

"It was Jimmy's prtde," she sald, "and I glve lt to one wtio has cared !or

. me as Jlmm)' would have cared-my other. dear bo:v! God bless you, my son!"

And, having all these, he was richer tban ln all his short life. But without Granny's tender voice and smile-with

·-silence and loneliness In the places that Granny had made bright-In all the city was there one as poor as he?-Harper'l Round Table.

•.! A Tr•• or Her Ow• ....... . . We have all met people whose pride

In their own poasesslons is so l!l'eat that tbey can see no charms In thOt!e of otb·

· era. A y onng botanist was showing a · tiarty of ladles and 'gentlemen through .1i conservatory and e:�plalnlnr to them

· -t�li properties of 10me ot the cboicetJt ' plants. Among the visitors wu 11 would be young looking; middle aged lady

. wbo at every description volunteered the statement tbat tbe plants and flow·

·• ers abe bad at home were quite the e11i•al of anything here or Indeed any· where.

Just as they were passing a giant ciactns she was heard to exc!aim:

"Well, this is nothing extraord inary. I have a cnctns at home that Is still larger. I planted and reared it myself."

. "Reared it yourself?" tho Jtrofessor gelitl,( obsetved. "How remarkable I This specimen is 03 yeurs old, and If yours is 8till lnrger"-

The lady did not stny to hear nny 1nore, but executed n s trategic move· mont to the rcur.

Ill• 'lotber'• Son. ' "1\Iy niece 1\Inry wns always a well

meiming girl, but. she would say the wrong thing almost every time," snid one old gc•Jemun to unotber, "nnd site's got a boy thut's going to be llcr very counterpart."

The old gentleman's eyes twinkled, and his ugly, good natured face wos puckered with enjoyment ns he drew from his pocketbook n small sheet of no to pa.per .

"I sent Hnl a toy monkey that plays nil kinds of pranks when It's wonnd up," sold be, chuckling, "Now you listen to this Jetter of thanks I got from him. He's just 8 yenrs old:

"DEr.n User.• N�:n-1 om <lollted wltb the munkey, thnnk yon. Hu mulcml mo thhtlc of you very offun. And whono\'ur mmnmn wiud11 him up, und hu lmglmt to jUIIIJ11 mnnumt omt 1 fool ns If Wu wcro hack nt your honso where nll those toyH nro, urul mnnnnu "·Ill look nt tho mnnltey nnd Hny, 'Thnt'H your Uuolo Ned ull ovor.' Ooodbyu from yout• a;rcntfull

-Youth's Companion. 11D.lL.11

War lip In Jt, The fulr young girl looketl ut the

glldetl clock on the muntcl. "I don't wunt to hurry you, Mr.

Slowgo," she sweetly oxplulnetl na she met hla questioning look, "bnt tho fuct Is it is almost time for mi1 to come homo from tho cluh. And I jnst wnnt to say this: If uua says, 'I movo we

.otljouru,' •lon't yon uttem)tt to ltay It 011 tho tn!Jie, or to raise u Jtolnt of or· dor, or nuythiug else thnt's foollah, be· cn use you might ns well mtdflrBtand

·right bore and now tbut ana'a shnttly a bowling Jim dna1ly when I& cotJII!I to · t.ho rule• ot Jtnrlilameutary procedure, and don't you hesitate to recollect Ill" -CJiovolnnd Plain Dealer,



.MARCH ' 3J, COUNTY . STANDARD, . . • . . . . . · 1899.

. . . . . . . . A MONOMANIACAL WITNESS. & Jllur<deN.r.•:•eaa�•:.· �:lae·lllt�ID1ft:ll b�·ia

Lueky BttJereitcb to " !!i&aack. · "That calla to mind a queer expert·

enco of my own;" said II lawyer Who nad listened to the story. "Some years ago 1 defended a fellow .for murder IIi a, little Southern town, ·a:bd the worst·

witness we bad against us was an old German who was a' stack builder by trade. A stack, by the way, Is. merely another name for a big chimney. Tbe old .fellow was perfectly honest and gave his story In sucb a clear, straight­forward ·manner thab I felt my client wns. doomed unless . I could think or ;orne way to break him down. While I was cudgeling my brains a friend wbls· pered to me to ask him how high he could build a stack . 'What do you mean?' 1 asked, In surprise. 'Never m ind.' said my friend, 'JUst slip In that question an!l see. ' So at the tall end of the cross examination I paused, as If struck by an afterthought, nnd said: 'You are a stack builder, r be' lleve?' 'Ye•, sir,' replied tile witness. 'Well, sir,' I continued, 'about bow high can you build-' I never got .any further. A swift Inscrutable ·change flashed o\·er the German's' face nnd he rose excitedly from his chair. 'As high as der sl<y!' he roared. 'So high :t:ose· angels come around It l ll<e birds!' .In flve seconds he was rnvlng. Yon see, the man was a monomanlr.c- sane on eYery subject but one, and my ft·lend happened to lwow his weak spot. It IF hardly necessary to any that ltls e\'1· dence !n regard to the homicide WOE promptly ruled out by the Judge, and as there· was no other witness of lm· r.ortnnce my mnn was cleared. The rascal should have been hanged, nnd would have heen but for the lucky ref· erence to t11e staclt."-New . Ot·lenns Times-Democrat. ·

. Au ,\ llltrnjnhat .. Tt!:tl.


7oP of.

&I•• Pluur 'Jiarrel He :s1i.od On · · 8uthleulw Vollap•c•L .·

Last Friday evening a paten.t _rat'trilp fakir rolled· an empty flour barrel near tbe north front of the soldiers' monu­ment and, ·mountlns the upper. bead of the barrel, began barrangulng. a crow• of shoe shiners and others that soo.n

&u .Juahi�ut :·of 011" of til� E•••ll•la 1&� , t'le"·• 111 Ahler"�ut. , . During eonie. m anouevres at Alder•

ihot to a;aln pl'actlce In. the vcdetta system of employing ca:valry to.· watch and report the movements of an enemy the' mounted troops employed o� the

.occasion were extended at Intervals · In a lo·. g)lne reaching some miles. . .

,s·. ··!·. �1�·1.11·:·'·1· .. ,·.",�I·. .··� ' ' ... ·

.:_,_·_,. ····);;


snthered about him. ·· "Felller citizens," be .�houted, "l'lll no stranger In tbls 'ere town' of yourn, for' this. Isn't the first time t hat_ rve come before you, and. often I've tramp, ed from one end to t'other' of your mag­nllllcent Wooodtirtdge avenue, and also over your seemingly endless Jefferson street, and many's t�e time that· I've sat In . the cool shade . of the white· spreading eims- and inaples that flour·

Ish In your Circus park, that �ears the name of the Immortal Grant. Then again, I've often stoood amaze�. won­dering at the human and animal P.�o­cesslon ever passing and re passing across your matchless Campus 1\larsh·

es, and I 'am now stopping . on that broad lind tree-lined 1\tlmamy avenue, over tltere, so that even a blind man or woman, If there Is one such within the sound of my voice, can see that I am no stranger In this 'ere town . of yours." . . · .. ·

The major at one end of the line bad occasion to send a· message to the cap· taln; who was at the opposite end:

686-687 Broad Street,. 21 \YQst :Park·, Street;R ·�.��


"The enemy are .In force In front.• The signal was passed along the ll!ll!

all right till It came to II man stationed

about midway, who thought lit to add a private message of his own, lntendetl for the benefit of his neighbor : .

·"Have you a chaw of tobacco!" . Unluckily, his comrade thought:these

words were part of .the signal �tessage, . and they were passsed · from . man to man until they reached the eaptalh . .

The latter was ·somewhat astonlshet!

at this requeSt, but sent back this an_· Swcr:

"I don't use tobacco, but there are

two cigars." . · . · ·

The major _found the cigars .welcorlle,

and as he. lighted .. one. sent back .the miswcr: "Who said you. did?"

At this juncture the head of the bar· TC) coll a)'IE'Cd, ·itnd .instantly the elo• .�1'1. l··nurn'l li-l.t!\'Cr'ence,

quent faldr and hts'bundle of rat t.rnps Here ' Is a laughable and .true llttl�

.... NSWARK. e

�The Following� GREAT vALUEs


Superb «tomen's AppafeJ� ·we can'fh�lp feeling thatth� fit�hi()n makers

have outdone themselves in the prepai:atii:n1s fqr" this "year's man�taii'ored apparel for women . . · Th'e 'styles are particularly' graceful aitd attnictivii�_�he fabrics are unusually' rich and vai:ied ·in texture and· coloring-and in our. store at Jeast-th� assortment is th� large�t ever shown. Here are a f�w o( the most tempting items for �his we�k.

. 0

were out of sight In the fog of flour nnectdolri about President Faure's his· that arose from. the Interior of his lm· tol'lc visit to St. Petersburg. It seems provl•ed rostrum. Subsequently· tl\ere that the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and en me very near being a fight between a Pa ul at st. Petersburg has a remnrkn· half dozen shoe shiners, each of wltom ble repeatlug echo, which Is nowhere clamorously asserted that he had;.dono so ·pronounced as In the passages lend· mOO'e th an all others In· brushing tho lng to the subterranean. crypt where flour from· the clothing of the faltlr. l the famous collection of holy relics Is ·LADIES'· SUIJS:s.- ;·;_, The dispute was finallly settled by a stored. Moreover; as. might be ex· showlng '· of shoe brushes, and the I peeled, the approaches to the crypt ar,e smallest kid of the Jot ·was nwardetl' somewhat drafty, · Just ,at the moment Ute prize, a suspicious looking nlcl<el, when In solemn silence the group of after he bad, un pe!:celvcd, rnbbbed his ecclesiastical and other dignitaries In hrush acro,ss the Inside of the barrel, -attendance on the president and czar


t.hereby accumulntl\tg more flour on ·tt were ushering their Illustrious visitors LADIES' SUITS SILK WAISTS thim any other bru�h could •how .. ThE• Into the · hallowed vaults, Ill. Faure's •. 1

' :

A little girl who lives up town went to church last Sunday. She Is a bright little maldw nnd, considering her ten­der age, only six, she Is decidedly ln-. tclllrrent. Her mother has heen suffer· !ng from the grip and .didn't accom­pany her, and a·s her father was away from home she went alone.

meeting then adjourned .sine dle.-De· voice was heard In tho half darkness L•die•' Suits of fine broadcloth, mhetl co\'• • Some l>rett)' ami attracth•o novaltlos ·In trolt . Free PreE _S. · to this effect•,. "'lollnrd'." erts, Venotlu.n cite\' lots, etc., newest designs in strl\letl H Ike, nil now and dellcnte slutdcs, also . .�,, jacket and t�klrt. thnmuJ.Chly well tailore•l cor' ed KILtln waltttM In �afn rit'IJ colotB, weU · · · · In1me

1 dlately abn

1d a


If by 1encha

1nt- �t,:::l:r�� .���� .'����.�.1• ��.�-�_.'.'.,........ I 0.98 [I:J�·:.��� ?�i����: .�:��� . .-�'. :�': .t.� . ��.�� 4.98

Whether It was the loneliness of the big pew or whether. the church was poorly· heated, mamma wasn't quite sure, but, anyway, tb& little mahl came home and decl ared she . w as very_ chilly .

"lily toes got so cold while r was sit­ting there, ' mamma," she declared. "And so did my llngere and my nose. t don't believe there was hardly a speck of fire In the furnace."

J>rhlo �luot l'lnclo. ment, nnumera e o er eer e· vo ces resounded and l'e-echoed the word on all sides . ·

. . . , . "Mollard! 1\folll ard! Mo-oll·a-r d!" M. · 1\tollnrd Is a •diplomatist of .parts,

K'td Glo•Jes-Ladle•' two-clll8p and FO!ller 1 IIWill� Kid Glove• In all Uw

very u.,we�:�t �prlng sblldes, ''nlue Sl.UO, l3C ..................... ; ............... PAlll lmt It .was dlstlnctly.uncnnny to liear u· 'bl h d M I' -Full ylli-d ·wide hiS homely name thUndering away thUS n eac 1 us 10 firm even tbMRd: In tlie otscurlty of the crypt. The Rus-• 110011· be�,.,. quality, r•gular ltrice lie., 330 elan clergy present were scandalized, special.""'""" .. "·" .. """" Y ARO 4 tbe laymen were astounded.

Dut the astonishment became niore Intense when · the presldent'a voice droned out once more:

·"My hat!" .

T�ffeta. ·. ftt'bbpns-Finequ�Uty,allallk,

In Jtlaln and moire, fu a· •rare . var oty o colon. 8 to 4 laches wlcle, value llllu yd., special sale price . . 15C .............. ; ... , .. , ............... YARD_

En•lt'sl ft'ns-G·o o <I <jnallty, . needle · Q J>Oillts,IIOOtotbe JW•· o

wort .. sJIO(:Ial, ........... Pn lllt 3c . ' Window Shades-88173 �•ze, American l�n anil beet sprint� �h':�.�m�l!r. 5 2ln9cb spec'I:J. at .......................... EAOH C

"That was too bad," said mamma: "did the other people seem to sufter, too!" t. And once more the noisy echoes took

up the words and bandied them .to and fro amons the glooinJ . arcbea: "MJ

Your moacy wllllnii)''Nfutldetll� 111ythln1 unMtiJIICtory. "Oh, :rea, . theJ did," erled the lll\Je

maid. "They just shivered!" Then mamma thought she would dl•

vert th11 little mald'l attention. "What was the text, d�ar!" 1h1

aaked; "can you remember It!" "I should think I could," waa the

quick an1wer: "1 caD 'member every word or lt."

"Well · what wae IU" The littl e maid put lier bead on one

elde and acrewlq up her face, abrlllJ Intoned : . '

" 'ManJ are cold, but few are frozeD!'"

And mamma hacl to admit that It 1eemed .remnrkabiJ appropriate.

hat! My batt. My ba-atl" II. Molllard brousht the. presldent.'i.

bat. And 'U. Faure _lmmedlateiJ and unconacloualJ did the cauH of. the

.�#'� third republic much mlacblef by" put-,_,,, • · . '- ·uns lt on while be made hi• obelaance

llother Pil-l knowa tt bum: dear, to the aacred .nllu of tha Imperial but we must keep up our reputation fOI church of Ruaala. the curlleat tall• In the birnyar4. --------·

.. ·.· . �·· ·-palo• or llalrt. .J..;. 11.;;..;.� •• i••·· "I'm throush t17lnr to prnent The late �mperor Dom· l'edro ol crime;" exchalmed Brown. Braall once gave audience .to a )'OUDJ "What'ii up now'" aslied ciampatead, enl(neer. who came to ahow him a new wiping hll llnaei'a ·on the towel. that appliance ·for atopplnr rallwaJ en- awunlf from the counter. , linea. ·

, . . . "Well, It wa1 ·thla waJ,,. bla frlencl wm•n• to c""""''•· The emperor waa plea�ed . with the went 'on. "You 1ee, 1 went over to the

At a convlval party, recently, a gen-· thing • and said: · · Lyceum theatre the other eventng-tleman who had t•eturned ' from a "We will put It 'at once 'to a riractl· George Nicolai's a friend !If mine, you lengthened tour In the East,; was relnt· cal test. The day after tomorrrow.·•have know.,-and after the llrst act I strolled lng some of the wonderful�thlngs he your·englne reatl:r; we will have It out Into the ,confectionery next door bad seen on his travels. 'l'hl! yarn� be coupled to my saloon carrltrge, and for a package of clgarettea. spun were 1tecldedly "st�up.'' but the then .fire away. When going at full "There was n gir l waiting on the guests politely uccept�tl his �tntem�nts apeed I will unexpectedly give the slg · crowd there. I bought a large pack­

as true. Eneom·n\WI by �he reeeptlun , nal to stop, ·and then we will eee how ·age of the itralid ·I. smoke and handetl accorded to !tis tall��t sto.rles hoven- 'the apparatus works." ' - the.younl! lady In payment ten cents. tured to state that he llad seen at the At the appointed time the emperor She rang up live on the·

register. • Ah, root of the Himalayas a tlt:er forly- entered his 'carrrlage, and the engl- ba,' I .aald to myself, 'knockhig down, three feet long, �rom tt1c t ip of the none neer mounted his engine, and on they I aee .' ·Then a man came alons and to the Up of the tall. l'hls .was too went .for a considerable distance; In· 'jlougbt t!Jree &lasses of ginger ale for much, and everybody kept silence, ·nn· deed, the young englneeer began to himself and two friends. He gave the til 8 guntlemnn from Oban dryly re- 1uspect that the· emperor ·!lad fall eo l!:lrlllfteen centa. . She rang up another marked: asleep, when the. train suddenly came nickel. Thea a fello'A bought � qunr·

Paid ptin:huel delivered tree:to any part of New Jer•Y•

'&85·68.7� a·road. St.:and 21-W. Park St.

"Oh, yea, the works of Nature are to a sharp curve round the edge of. a t er 's worth of cigars and Bhe rang up very wonderful ao.d very large what- cllft;on turning which· the driver saw, live dollara. Llllht began to dawn upon ever. Just last week I saw a skate to his horrror, an Immense bowlder IY· ma.. I understood. 'That girl,' 1 brought ashore at Oban, which covered Ins on the ralla. · :... ' nought, 'knocks dowri a while, then a quarter of an acre of ground." He bad juat euf!lclent pre�ence or . rlniJs. up a big amount to sorter square "!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!��!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�!!!!!!!!"!!!'!!!!!!!�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!��!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�!!! Nobody spoke, and amid the sllenco mind to turn the crank of hla brake her atealln111.' I watched her a few • the Eastern u·nveler left the room. Tilt and pull up the enslne within a couple momenta longer. I aaw her rlns UJo host, perceiving that something waa of yards of the fatal block. · three , nickels on three purchaeea of • a am IRe, ros., 111111 followed him. Here the emperor put. his bend out ol dime each, and then 1 made. up mJ

"Is there �nythlng wrong ?" re askoot. the window and aalied what they were mind to Up . her oft· to George. I "I havu hcen htsultcd," said the tr:\V· stopplns for. They i>olnted to a piece couldn't see "IDJ frlend · .Nicolal done

elcr, "That Scotch gentleman has of rock, on seelns which Dom Pedro like that, Y�'ll kno,.,, so 1 went and denlt a blow at my veracity, nnd I' burst Into a merrJ. lalJih. . · . , ' <told him. lie listened till I had fln­cnnnot return untll.ho apologizes." "Push the thins on'··one !Idol"

' .be !shed, and then what do you suppose Anxious that harmony should pro· called out ,to tlie epglnecer, ll'ho hitd bapp�ned?�' .

vall among his guests, tho host re- jumped down : from the lqcomotlve; "I don't· know,'' replied. Cumpatead, turnetl to tl•� room, nnd oxplalnmg nnd when the latter, In hl1 confusion, ".wllat did?" mntters to tbe tompnny, nskeil tho blindly obeyed, and kicked the 1, "He. laughed a loud, hoarse, wlnte1 ,Hfghlander to make an apology, 11 .with bls .fooot, It crumbled Into dust. <Wentluir lnul;h and told .mo tlie regis­merely for fnrm's sake, It was a block' of atarch that �pm · tcr WP.s busted and had been for three

"Wee!," enid bo, "I'll no juRt npolo- Pedro had ordered to be placed on th_f weekli, and that nickels and.

live, dol• gl1.e, but toll h im to come bnrlt an•l . ralla tho night. before.: larR ·were nll that It w ould ring, Ant

For Ex�ra-Mll.-K an'd CREAM.� •• 1� .

Send your order to

Mc»imt Ararat Creamery� We also have a qu'antity of Milk and Cream at Trenchard's · Prug Store for your convenience.

IRA C. LAMBERT,· Prop. ut I take a few fP.flt oft the teegur, 'I I'd we'll l�ve been h•Jylng things for Lyceum ace whnt can be dono wl' the skate.:• A l'b•an�lol rrntr'an•ino, . employes ever. since." · G. ·

· ·

·p·· ' · a·

• · · ·

· ,' lie Wnl II bentir; with tho old WOfn . . eo... I rown I

Telepbone, No,UiitJA,· 43 Somerset St', · Plalnflel�. · 110 fl•mltl ""'*• clothes, un�·ashod face, nnd unkempt n""':••ul.llr11,;0j1, ll�teot Oanal.SL;i . . A boy WD� oltt lnr lazily In the stern

hair. He tol .tl ·talll'ilf woe to 8 char• ,Sarah, Ducheea of Marlborough, Wilt ·�··':New York,)'.. : , . Altll W•ll PAP of n boat "Pn"'llns hlu feet lit the wn- ltable·looklnll . rentleman, ·who, after . accuatomed •o make' an annual tenet ·.•ri!a••tact•rer et and Interior Dlclor-'1 " 1ravel:r lletonlnl to'blm, drew from btw , b · •tlon1, · ter, when 11 man from the donk called pocket a n lc _ kel,

_wblc. b' he Jnltl;'ltlndl' to w tch abc Invited. aU ber .relation� w· l·nl· 0· .,W.' ·· c:·:<·:. ahnrply to him: . and seniiJ · Into ·the .. qu t(erlnr and At one of tbe11 famiiJ meet

.�nsa ab1 Awaln.. tall•• ::wN hat are you c!ciln' tberef" blackened benar'a )land, r· . d


1k thel




1tb, addln1, What •. Sha.des,· .

.... d1bo.wllwlllltn•�r·.•o �! 1or1 • othln'," reRpondod the boJ, "Now; mJ poor friend, what do """ I or OUI •• . I to lee IUCh a DUm· I . I .. -

"Do you get IDJ Jllll• for IU" propoae to do Wltb tbat moaer'" II- ber. �! .hrancbea tlourlahlnl from ont Wft ftiS1 lilaltll cllllrfiUr ' "No,'' and be draw one foot out ot rlou•IJ Inquired the donor. . , , root! . Gut ohaervlnr Jack Bpenoet Ten IS furnllhla

the water, readJ to run If neeeuarJ, 'l'ht1 heR!fnr loooketl down at btl •a\llb, _abe lnalated on knowi!JI what E . f · oanoplee tci *' · "Wh:r don't )'ou 10 to work'" tolled and tAUired 1armeata. He acan· bad :.!"lcaaloned �11 mirth, and prolll· IO, · . tor Wetld ....... "Wiil yo11 Itt mt a JobY" 11111 bla. beaeracto. � ourtou•IJ for'a mo• lie�, to . �o�rtn him, bt It what 11 ' · . . .·.. . . . ·���&lflai. · . ,,1 .t Matter or llu•• DlniJII••· "Ye1.'' 1 would J WARRiN BROWN. , · A child •ltonld nuvur be dl�enNBcJ "l!teady'" :1:�· �Jitlt�ea 11 1 tre•ul�ua toao "WbJ, tlten, !"idam," �ldlit, "I :wa1 1 � · · · · . · · ' ' �-� W•tfiiNe ';

within hi• own beartnr. Unfortnnnte "Yea." · ' "Youq,maa, )'ou .... -.111· 11,1 1111, tblaklnrbow much mo�� the branchel �· , . .. , . . . ., I• that family. where the II tile onea "Par anrlhlatr• wear

. '

. n .•. t


ii• ba


blllmeatl of an outoaat, 'IIIOU


Id �ourl•b If .tit


• root ·""' undl! .

!S 'and . vegetables pure"" d of , ...; . . I ;t .earn that thoy may appeallncctlldully "Well, Dll," hnltatlf. tile maa-•ot· . Tat I am bODIIlfllld I WIIIIIYI rau i 11'0111.•·. ' ' I .! . l . : • ,, • ! ¥ , . ' ' ' satlsf t' n ''f'se us ft've ent re ,. from ODO parent to another or where the llrat Wtek," tratbfal·aniWif,,, I aball lnt IOiaDd BC lOR. J!fUaJit)' always the Very beSC ,; aaion one fall• the onu• ot every necea· ;:¥:;:. a:o;:11��· 11100adf"

. • , bat,m• a·1ood .. ,,.,, tll11 1w111. till• . , . • . : ', • " ..... �11 ... 11... . .. , , . , . . and prices as reasonable 11 is conslstanC with .�.: �a1

rydd ealal or re

11�roof, whlle1

the otbe! "'II rlr· ht• I'll. come ·ro'und 111 a.batb,,aa_ d .�a�llap af\er,tllat,adorn ''.AI .Atobtaoa woman dllleoYBred•No , , •'i ·.;}. · . · hlaher.t p' 'rices. , 1 , • ,·,·;1'·,1 1 an • IJlODeor or flYoryJt eaa11re anq ,. • . IIIIBC!· tllla . form, · .wit. a ••• 111tt ot·otothlll, .HIIIJ thaf,IIJ. ·•· . . 11•. d 'IJeeia :alllb .. te'd.:b,

.. · · lndtJigonce. Lot a11pare rto �M�Cret nnd wetik, ThiiiiiiOOd enolllllfrlr,llt Ifill llaarof'ltltftafttr tlllt l · · . . ''·· ·.·:.: . . ·.· . . ·GIYIUIATRIAL' ·. · .

· . .::·. : �;�

elrflrta•parentetollppeaunnl&toth• now," nn� the boJ put llllfoo't blot{. "1· . d. ' I I t ' b .,tallll',ltO, .. till:lavltatloa:titatiartr .. ' I, ; . , ' ' . '. · . I . . ' · ''-1< llblld. � Elah1o . Goodale lletmaa Ia Into the water, lad winked at. t111 mal ==�·�'::.'..:'tala,':::'� -a!o: -�·!.!lfdt"L"�DI .toward tba hoateaa i\V'jJif :� SO .·.• -�•. ' '· ; , 1,M' · · · .· ' . '. · · . · · . . . · · . . ·. ·

,:i�( :�;;&� ""::·:: .. �:,;;:.:l<'i;;;;,;;�i:i;:�;;l.tL;�J;jJ:itjf.yJE!i1.j'i..i\: '''' · (, ,;; ;i�v����.r,,!ii/�.i�f�i' iJ:··VJ ·w��i�\i1���;��;�-��

Page 3: County Stand… · . ·. · . . ; , .. . WESTFIELD,.· UNION COUNTY. · N. J.; FRIDAY, l'a\A H 31, 1899; $2 Per Year. Single ·Copies 3c:. N W .ulk, N. J. ,. t' 's. Gti8at st Qibbon

WBIITI'IBLD •osT OI'PICS. J.. Jl, WHJTAillit. Pootmaater. A. K OALI AMI. and· Money Order Clerk.

..-Wll. \11. 'l'oWIILIIYo IJenenl lleUVOI')' Clerk. _ . LoYAL L. Wll8T, Clerk. · Olllce open from 1 a. m. toT p. m. escept on f!lturd•"· Oftlce upeu l!nnda)'S for holders or

· �k Boixeo from U to 6 o'cluck.

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF �IAI.I,S. : , · From Now York. Eastt; South and South·

·: we��t open for dell\'er)' at • .00 and 8:30 a. m •.• l;ill andb:IO l'· 'u. , MAILS CLOSE,'

For New York, PhiladelphiA; Trenton, the

Northeast South, Southwest and way station• . lut at 1:4i'• and lU::JJ &. m., 2:1& and 6:40 1'· m.

· . For Plalntleld and· Ea&ton and way station• 111:46 a. m. and 6:6tl P• m. · ·

MOUN1':\Hi1S10& Arrive at 7:'10 a. m. and 6·30 p. m. Clo� at 8:00 a. m. and o::lt p. m.

'Reltotous . 'Mottccs

; . � -�\- � r' ' ·' �.

· THE .· . UNioN ·cOiJN'tv:';STANDARii, . FRIDA¥, · AARCH 3J, J899. ::

... IEEi ,�8 CRIMINAL.Io . . ... , .. �.�. a;;;;:a;:;. IE.� .... .. . a.lo

· ' Weii•Stored Hl""a. ... ·. . Almost �very fonn and varieiy �f hu·

man crbiie IM to be 'found .among. ani' muls. · Cas�M of theft are noticed ooioog bees. Buchner, in his "Psychic Life of Animals," • 'speaks of tbie.vish bee!!. Money to loan o� Bond and Mo� which, in 'ordor'to llave themlieives the ==:='="==;'=�======,;;� trouble of working, attack weD-stoclrod ' JSqstncss c.tarl)s. hives ltl mnss!ll!, kill 1'-e l!llntinels imd ==;;;:;===;;;;,;.,,;;;;;;;;;;;_.,. == tho inhabltauts, ·rob the hivflll iind ciUTy ·

1. >H. O'.l'OGltAPHS Dfl' the provlsio!lll, After repeated en� . terprises of this deseriJltion, 'they scqulro OF YOURSELF OR OHILDREN .· " taste for robbery arid ' nolenee; . they

C . rocrult · whole . . companies, .which �get an l•Q tRken R� w•ll In W PRt field as mC?l'O and more numerous, ant1 finally · elsewllere. Call lllld exllmine \l'OI'k at :::r form regular colonies of brl;:�d

' ' . BUSSING'S. But it is a still more curious fllCt that "'---...::..:· ---------,...,.--- theso brigancl lw.os can bo prml!iood a.r�,i· ' It. M. I!'UBNCH, ficl11lly by giving.working bomi a mut-'

FURNIT. URE, CARPE. TS, OIL uro of honey aud brandy to drink. 'fhe boos soon 11cquiro a taste for this bev·

· ·.cLOTHS, MATTINGs. ,·. · erago, which has the llllme disal!trOns Carpets cleaned, refitted and laid. elfoota' upon thorn as npon men; thoy . · · 101!8 all desiro to work, and finally, when Elm Street , Westfield. Near Depot:· they begin to feel hungry, they attack



· lind pl1JDder the well supplied · hiy011. There Ia one variety of bee�the s,he­cod-which lives exclusively upon plm1dt!r. According to 1\larchall, this varletf Ia formed of individuals of· the lfUretee ii}JOCiee, Wl-01!8 organs of Ditli· btlon wero defective, and which have pa.fuaUJ developed into a separate ·v. rtet,, HYing almost exclusively by plan· der,' Thor may thUB be �aid tO be 1111 •:ample of Innate and organic crimi· n.ut, 111110118 illlleCts, and they · repni­lllllt · what Prof; Lombi'OIIO · calls the . bo111 ' crimlnab, that is, Individuals which are led to crime bytheiroWD or­g����lo constitution.-The Forum.

Olllce of TB& UNION CoUIITY 8T.a.KD48D, Weetfield, New Jereey.

Ideal an« Suburban Ho- l'or Sale and To OomRmt:...!.!!_e lmurance placed Ill l'lnt-Clua . ..,..._ Rent. Colleeted, · . : 0. B. HANN;

. CARPENTER & BUILDER. JobbinK promptlJ attended tO.

Eatlmatee Fnmlahed. ihop, North Avenue above Clark Street.

Weetfi11ld. · ·


ELIZABETH, N. J. Westfield refere�ces Kfven.

Leam�d. In three !"onths at the Gre11 School of Shorthand,

ll1thcock Jlulldh•Jr• l'lalnUChl, �· J. Complete · dny cunrne •25; evening conrse $18; mull course $12. First les·

•on mailetl on receipt of ten cents Send for one 1md study its merits. Prcficleucy gnaranteetl in sl10rtbund aud typewrit· iug.

. \Ve Rro ma.kln� rccor1ls for no syst('m, bu are tencliiug ono tllnt IK rapid, leglblu arul "ar�r to tnl\stllr, und after UU\!:Iturlmc four systoms wrrconsldur the Gregg to !)e the be�t.

l"otlt�r Urn)''" �weet l'uwderll for Chlhlren

�\��ft��:�;!!1r.�::�' l:i'J!�,��Y�r�����i;�'P:·������ neSM, lhttl Stomacb. 'l'euthtng lllwrders, hrel\11. UJI U'ohls, mm•e and rt!JlUin.te tho bowl\ls and dest ru)' worm�. 0\'cr IO,tn.t testimonials. At all dru�r"l•ts, :!i'..,. �RJDt>le matted �'!tEE. Ad· dres�. Alle1lS. Olmsted, Lelto)'• N. Y.

For frost bites, bnrus, lmloleut sores,

eczema, •klt1 di•ense, 111111 especially Piles, De\Vitt.'s Witch Huzel Sulve stands first

JaoiN�IIn• tile ...., .... coaatrr � In. the country district. . in Fraitoe,

boards are put up . telling · Jieople . what mimals and illl!(lcts should not be ldl1ed md the · reason, and also which Clllllll should be exterminated In order to at-

protection to the farmer. First on the board is this:

"This LJar<l is placed ,unde'!' the pro. of the common sense and honesty �f tho public."

And, of course, after that no boy or man would 1111u or remove the board. Then follow these .instructions :

"Hedgoho:,:lives upon mice, snails and wire worms, animals injurious to llf¢· �ulturo. Don't kill a hedgehog.

"Toad helps a;"iculturo, destroys twenty to thh·ty ins_,cts hourly. Don't kill toads:

"Uole destroys wire 'vonn�. larvaeand insocte injurious to the fanuor. No tr.Jco of vegetable is evor found in his stomach ; tloos moN good than harm. Don't ldll moles.

"Cockcbafer and its larvae deadly wa1emy to farmers; lay so vonty to one hundred eggs. Kill tl10 cockchafer.

"Dirds-E110h department' of France loO!IO!I y611rly m1my millions of francs by the injury dono by inscots. Birds are the only enemy capable of battling with them vigorously ; they are great helps to fannel'IJ. Children, don't take bird's nllt!ts."

And. BO on the lnstmctions read. Among the animals which need ld�ing 011 a farm are mice and rats, anu-the reuon they Increase In spite of the con· slant warfare of cats 'and dogs Ia be­CBU!ID the boys on the farm kill the IIIli· mall that would destroy the pe11t8 if UieJ had a chance • . --�-�

Haw 8tanlaa Wrote the Od .. It was tho hottest 11ight of the hott.t

summer that ever scorched Atlanta I The great city panted in the ewelter·

lng heat, and Frank Stanton tore his hair In desperation at the thought of writing an exposition ode OD such · a night. But the work had to be done. then or never. Time preued, and after the hard routine of the day the poet tried to pull himself together. Eight o'clock struck, and 0, but not a line had been writtl>n. At 10 o'clock Stanton re­tired to an upper room and sat down to write.

· �···

.· - · ·· ' ·, _ ,;

.1.r YOU HAVE imy­. '

' . · ., ,thi�g to .. sell, Jet

·. . • : the pubhc know · it. : The ·quickest

\�ay to sell ail artiCle is to

Advertise< it, and advertise it weli. J udidous ad­vertising A LWA-Y S pays.

••. •• , .... 1••••11, . � . ·

The ... when published in the columns of

Union ..

County Standard

will bring good. paying. 'results, and quickly, too.

®-TRY IT-.®

·. ,

PKINJINQ which we do at modern prices,. has an INDIVIDUALITY about it that com­mands attention.

BRIC·A·BfiAC '1'he workable 1\l'eB ot coal beds' Ill '

Colorado ·II 18,100 square miles. The state debt In Indiana is. ,2.16 p�r

capita aud tile tax valuation ,451 per enplta. ' it' · .. ' ' .

Joshua · �· Bears Is the biggest In· divldual tupayer of 'Boston and an: nnally; puta f67,003 Into !be municipal treasury. .

William Watson, the poet, hils re· celved by the dentb or a dLstaut relu­Uve, a leBBCJ which will render him In· dependent for life. . Gilbert Parker, the novelest, gives to his early years of newspaper work the credit for .the best part of his education for literary . wo1·k. " ' A p�rllaniimtary puper Just issued shows that tbel'e are In Belgium no fewer than 183,000 liquor establish­ments of all kinds, or one to every twenty-nine of the ·population.

The Burmese have' a curious laea re· gardlng coins. They prefer those which huve female heads on �hem, believing that coins with male hen�·. on them are 110t so lucky, and do not make money,

There are over · two huuared nran'ds of wine prodnced In France, but not more than a dozen of fifteen are known to people In America. More wine Ill drunk In England than In France, and London Is the 1reatest wine market In the world. ·

An Austrian chemlet who hall been autklng re•earcheB Into the subject de­elares that (,tit of the 4,110 varieties of ftowers • imown ·and cultivated lu l!lu· rope scarcely 400 .have any' odor, and of these nearly 60 an odor Which li, If' anything, dlsti1reeahle.

In llianlla most of the houses and Of· llces have tiny window panes made of

:tran'sparent oyster shell Instead of glliss . . · An average . window six feet btgh by' fo•1r teet. wide contains 260 panes, which t'!mper the heat and ltgbt of the suit lind prevent blindness.

. When General (then Colonel) Guy V. Henry, now governor of Porto Rico, was In command of the Third cavelry under Crook In the Indian war of 1876, he was wounded nearly to death, bu! replied to the condblences of his fel­low officers, "It's nothing. This is what wo are here for."

Senator Burr�ws of Michigan has a large colllectlon of scrapbooks, con­taining nearly every printed article re· latlng to himself from his first elec­tion to congress In the Kallmazoo dis­trict down to the present day. 1'hese scrapbooks accompany their oo;ner everywhere be goes In 11 political ca • paclty for any length of time. · · More than -11,000,000 votes were cast at the recent election In the states which pnrtictpated In them, uotwlth·· standing the fact that In some. cases

'minor officers only were voted ror. In the presidential election of 1896 the total poJl\llar vote was 14,ooo,ooo: The republican .plurality was larger In 1M98 thau It �s at the presidential election preceding.

Private Earl Agnew, a 1\finnesota boy at 1\fanila, says In a lettter to his. parents: "The Inhabitants here are not very .modest. Some ol them weat almply a. smile, while the niore bash· ful of them wear a 1arter string." This observing young man also notes that "during the drr season It only rain& alx days .In the week, bl1t durtng the rainy season It rlllns only once, and that Is all the time."

'"fhe two men who are nearest to the czar ol Russia are 1\f, Witte, the Imperial minister of finances, who six· teen yea�s ago wa' a station agent at a small station on one ol the railways of Russian Poland, and Prince 1\ltchel Htlkotr, who forty years ago was Jearn· lng the trade of a mechanical engo­n eer on an American railroad, and Is

·to-day the imperial mlnlste" of ways and coinmunlcatlon of the Russian em· plre, and one of the cabinet of the czar.


p�··-------...;, ______ and best. Look ont for dishonest peoJ>Ie who try to imit11te mul connterfelt. it.

He had h ardly jro<.ted down a dozer. lines when there was a rush of mos· quitoes, 1111d dm·ing tll8 next five min­utes tho fato of tl1e ode hung in tlw lmlunce. Without coat, vest or collar the hnlf luilwd poet tolled away, a peu· oil in ono hand and 11 fRn in the othor,

Tho discord of tho streets jarred upon his sensitive ear, and rmloly disturbed tho llow of rl1ythm. Tho stit·ring wat· �ongs of llD!-.'TY cats ln the back yard floated in thmngh the window, 11nd tlw writer hull to sto11 until be hnd dis­porsml tho combatants with a few urtlclos of furnitut·o.

Lel'a Talk il Over on that next order of Printing. We can make it bene­fi�ial to you,

Japan has two electric rnilwaya. Germany reports electric plowing. Wisconsin exports cattle to Jnpnn. E.!:'-·-:--------------- It's their emlorsement of 11 goml urtlcle.


and 497 Broad Street,

�' tllr .,.;;;,11�1.::. •r•ntl OlliM>rtnultr tnr t•rnl KU • hoi'M! nt anr diiiKlrlp• .. IIOY .6 POX, Prt�lelorl, ,. I, I. IOIIIOUI1 1al•aat• ���� ... l&ool IIUL'II, AtHIOIHIIo ' \ I;; j , ." ; . . ' • . . 1 : �

Worthless goo1ls ure not. ltilltutetl. Get

DeWitt's Witch Huzel S11lve. W. H.

T1·euubnr<l .

Nn Unlr \VU}' tu,·nlht. "�ly frieml, " sai<i tbe twri'OUR mun.

"tlon'l yon think you ought to tuko ug for tlmt cold ? You ku�w

wh11t 11 great 1leal of ti'Oublo muy lll'lse ft•oJJJ a aligll'. cough. "

"Thnt's nil right, " unswcrml Dcr­rlngm• Dau "I uever hml 11 alight

gh lu my life. When I cough, I liko l "-W11shington Post.

ll<or•etMck llldltolf• Horsebuclt t•hllng llOSHtJHscs, uccortlhl!(

to some !•hy;ichUJH, tho fucnlty of both tncro!IIRhi[t MDII rmluelug weight. If

mcuiH uru tnkcu hmumllutely uftar rid· inJI, nddltlonnl fic�h iH gainml, otbor•

wl��e 11 decroHPO of flesh rcHulb.

'l'bo IICCV�IIry �XJlCnHC!l ot II ,fppUIICIM' 1&udeut at tbe Unh•onity a( •fokyo are

..tbuatetl llt frow t7 fQ �1� 0 mouth. --�·

MllllnJJonlwell .\wi'Y• It 11 certnlnly MrRt.ifylnK for tbtt llllh·

Ito to ktiOW of ono couoorn In tl1e . 111111 who 11re not ufrultl to he l(lliiOt'OIIA to the llt!tlllY 111111 811ttorhtl(, Tb� JlrOJlrhltorM uf 0, . . Kh•II'A Nttw DIAconry tor coustiJlll· tioJI conghM 111111 cohlA, hRVe KiVell iiWIIY oVer !liD mlllhtllH trJnl bott)el of the l(rellt IU()(JIOhlU I 111111 bRVIl the MlltlMfllo tlon o! knowh•lt It bRA abAolutely onr()(l tbollllllllh of bOJllliCMM CtllleM, .Aithlllll, broncbitlA, bllllri!Oilt!MM IIJII) IIJI dJAURI!l!M o1

t the tltroAI·, che1t MDII ltiiiJIM 11re s11

1re Y

Ol1rf'l1 by ft. (]till 11t.tb11 811Ytlrtl I rill( .tor8 111111 11et 11 !rill! trhll bottle. Jhl(ll• htr Nile !lOti Alii\ •• • JC'I!r)' bottlll iJIIIU• a11tee�l, or prlott re!tuute!t,

---�·� .. ._ ......... •••fall Ye•r ��ewell Wllh ll•tearlllo

I (l lhtrllo ouro conotlptlllon forer�r.

.:�A:,� 1f0, 0,�,/allodruiMIIImlund moHr•

It was 11 fight ugrdmt heat nnd clamor aml mosqnitoos, but the poet won. At the oml of flvo hours the odo was com­pletml, nml the author fell nsleop from sheer oxh11nst.lon. Ho gave his copy to tho l>rintors tho next d11y without look· lng nt it. When tho 11roof camo lw shoolc hiH homl im)mtiontly.

'"f11ko It nway I" ho Anid, "I nevm· want to soo it nguln, Let the thing gn liS it is,"

Tho rost Is l:noW!I to o"erybody. Tlu· ode cn)ltnrml the co11ntry.-Atluntu Constitution.

J'ado Altnul Fond. It hAl never been ICientiUcnlly tlemon·

alrntu1l thut fleh and othtr Jlhoaphorio roods CIID llllJlrooJibly buprOYe the brain aud mind. Flahertuen, tor example, tnd flsluuongors, who IDA)' be 111ppo�cll to llvu hugely upon lltlh, have Jluvcr l1111wn thcmeelve� to be In any lllfRNUr· tblo doii'OO more lntolleot.ual tlum their uelghhors, IudcciJ , It WI)' be Jlhluslbly III'IJUoiJ that they are a little lu•• ao, rho truth b, tbat thllt partloulur food whlilh bo"t a.rree1 with tho partloular indlvidulll, aud whloh bti1t malntalna bill general h111ltb at a hi1h luvel, ia th1 bolt for tht brain anll fiYIIr)' other orsan· of the body, Ill well at fur the whol1 1111111o Common eiJHirlence hat lon1 11,110 furmulattll the MJinl that "what Ia one man'• mHt 11 another man'• poiiOD." Sclonce now ootne• forward to tell Ill llllllOtlJ the ltlWe thbllt and to hll)lrC88 1111011 1\'ery OliO Of Ill tho ne• -lty or flll!lhllf out tho diet beat •ulted to our11IVIII uiJ aUoldlll W '*• . ·

' .. . . . -�·

Artistic Job-- ..


.. T•• Sl11dard ••

. Russin has seventy platinum mlues.

Russin's empress hns a ,5,000 hund·· lccrchief.

Italy exports chestnuts to the U1 Stutes . .

1'he largest sewing machine In th' worl!l is lu Olleratlou In Leeds, Eng­loud. It weigh s 6,500 pounds uud sowa r'ltton belting.

The facilit ies for lnluml trunsporta· tton nro so Jlmltml In Brnzll tluit the lnhnbitants ot the ports find It cheaper to import grain f1·om Nm'lh America than from tholr owu farms.

A farmer In West Bath, Me., believes that It Is contrary to nu luro to put shoes on horses, and makes all hi• horses, from colthood'-up, travel on their hoots.

SOME IFS, If you klaa 11 miss �he doesn't mlu

· the klsa,

P1.111hl11 GDIIIfl, lf a man lleeJJ.I co,l he commands himself and othdta.

If YOU WOUld eleV:\tO the Btiii!O llUt We•tfteld, N. J• • It on nn olavator.

II n man . c.m'a trust ' hlmsolr ho 11

uHello," 21.b, apt to trust t., lur.k. II )'OU would succeed stick to your

buslneas with the Blue c! Industry. It a mAn Ia wedtlod tc nrt ho IH npt

to find the dowry unaatlstaetory, II, 11 man 111 ·unablP 111 hold hln ren

hll ability lo hold hll ton11ue It UGI• . . leaa: ' · · r. d 1ome 1nen dld:1't boll�! of I heir

·s· : 1. , lbtlltiOH othOI'I WOUld beYer IIIIUW thpy pOIBOB81!\ thcm, ���������§.§·�� II lotne people ever 11t to be worth

= their wehrht In !!Old &hoy will hP'I'o ·to ue a lot of ntHat,-<lblcuo Ncw1o

', :, ;

3 '


!'hey . A•·e :Piut U•• Juynu• .tft'ulr• oa. lum:,riJU!IIe

. A holiday Is a day to rejoice at or grumble at In America, according to the state of the weather, the feelings,

· the disappointments or , the pleasure• attached to the .holiday celebration. But abro.ud In a foreign land a holiday Is only a day of tears, ·sadness · and memories. ·"christmas In Europe Ia doleful and uns�<tisfactory withou.t home faces and' home gifts. New Year's day doesn't seem like th'e cus· tomary date for turning over the blot­ted pages of the past twelve months and writing the new year at the top of the ·new white sheet of repentance. Easter is jovial anywhere, for ev'en the

. traveler can not vanquish the magical Influences of wa1·m spring sunshine, but even Easter hi a little less · Pleas­urable whim lands and seas separate Fifth avenue or the Lake Shore drive f1•om the festivities of Rom(l or the dawn of the social horizon lu London. ·

But of ull holidays spent In a iore1gn land the most regretable anlversarlea · . . · pre the Fourth of July ''and Thanks• giving . . On Independence day there 111 no welcome noise of cannons. bells or firecrackers to remind tbe homesick tourist of the far-away land of the Cree and home of the brave. There Is no whiz of· a rocket to recall the patrl· otic screech of the national eagle. 'l'bere Is no odor' of powder In the air to brlrig back the atmosphere of tile nath·e country, and If by chance the Stars and Stripes are seen waving gaY-ly 'In' the foreign breeze tears cornea Into the eyes, a luinp leaps �P Into tile throat and the familiar red, white and blue bunt!�: ·

Seem11. like 'a friendly hand Stretched out from our ·native land, Filling the heart with memories

Sweet and endlesB . ThankFI!'h·lng is another hard boll­

. day to 11�•• In a foreign country. There doesn't �eem to be anythintJ worth acknowledging our gratitude for. No turkey lies upon the Thanks­giving table nnd no other meat, how­ever palatable at other times, can fill its place or satisfy the lonely heart as well as the hungry appetite. Noth· lng •eems worth while on a foreign 'fhn nks!!ivlng day. Drums are cracked and dolls are stufred with sawdust,..;. Chicauo Chron icle.

,\ n "Ot·nnc-•· \l"t•nJn•lm:." El•er�·hod)• knows that oranges come

to us wrnr>nell neatly In tissue paper. Here Is a description of the way t'�ls was done in Florida some years ago.

A part�· o! tourists went to an "orange wrapping." A large warehouse was lighted up with candles placed along the walls, and all the help In the llelghhorhood was gathered.

In one corner of the room there were huge boxes filled with oranges. They were rigged with handles at each end, and it took two men to bring one of them ln.

On the opposite side of the room were long tables, beblud which sat 'the "wrappers." The fruit was sup­plied to them by boys, who carried .It In trny·s, putting a tray to every three men. Before each man was a package of tissue paper.

By 11 dexterona movement an orange was enveloped In a leaf of paper. All the fruit was wrapped It was dropped Into another tray, which was carried to the "packers," who stood before a pile of empty crates.

Each orange was packed In the crats separately, being packed In close rowa, A crate bolds from one hundred and twenty to one hund1·ed and forty or­angel!.

The oranf!'es are not brought direct from the grove to the packlng-l1ouse, but rest a dny or two In the drying­house. There they are spread over lattice shelves, where they go through a "sweating" process before they are ready for shipment.

The Albatru11.11. Out or the blue void the albatross

comes unhastlng ou motionless pinions yet at such speed that, one m oment a spcclt hardly discernible, turn but your eyes nwny, and ere you can again look round he Is glitllng majestlcaily over·head. Nothing In nature conveys to the mind so wonderful an Idea of effortless l'eloclty us does his calm apflearnnce from vacnncy. Like most of the true pelagic birds, he Is a de­vourer or offal, the successful pursuit of fish betnp; Impossible to his mnjes· tic evolutions. His appetite Is enor­mous, but his powers of abstinence are equnlly 1n:cat, nnd often . for dnys he goes without other nourishment than · a 1lrlnlc of the bitter sen. At tho Clar­gnntuan banquet prnvhlert by tho cnr" cass or n <lend whnle, he will gorge himself until Incapable of rising from tho yot stil l his angry scream may be heard ns if protesting against his lnnbtllty to lind room for more pro­viRion agn lust buugt·y days soon to follow.

Desplto his lncompnrable grnce of ftlght when gliding through mldnlr

with his mighty wings outspread, when ashore or on deck he Ia clumsy and Ill at onse. Evon aente1l upoa tho sea, bls proportlone nppear som�what un­IRinly, while his hUIO hooked beak 11ecms too heavy to be upheld, On land he cnn hartllY bnlance himself, anti l l1e ltrontl allll:V well• of his feet 10011 become lacerated. Thus hla via­ItA to tho Jnne nntl generally lnaccetto alble rocke which nre h is breedln1 plnces nrc "" brief a1 mar be, since even conj ngn l delights are 1\ent·ly pur• chnRetl with hunger nnd PAiurnl re• 11tralnt. A truo child of the air, land 11 hateful to 111m, nnd only on the wtn11 doNI he appear to be really at home and eueful, ·

Someone IIIYI women llvt longer lhan men, This 11 undoubtedly 10, We ,;,,(' know a oharmtn11 · young aotre11 whn Will on the 1tn1e forty yean aao, nt ... . llle 11 onlr tblrtr·•wo now, . . .. �- ·i' '

' ·f ' . - ' •, , '

Page 4: County Stand… · . ·. · . . ; , .. . WESTFIELD,.· UNION COUNTY. · N. J.; FRIDAY, l'a\A H 31, 1899; $2 Per Year. Single ·Copies 3c:. N W .ulk, N. J. ,. t' 's. Gti8at st Qibbon

·;�.�.�-- .. .. : �' > �· .. _. .. :·:. '

.. . · • · . . THE · ·UNION

. I . ' . THE UNION tOVNTY STAND!RD !lent .McKinley's · disappro�ation a�d


. ecml•Wccllt. ' · and pnnishnient, cqnsisting o( a,s1x · • . Published every Tue�day an� Friday by · years's vacation at a . sailllry of .5,500 · ·

The Standard Publishing C�ncern. a year, or tllO. a week (which is�al� E: J. WniTEIIIAD, President. most ns much 8� the . average voter.

A. E. PEAus.\LL, VIce-President. eurns to support his fomily with and · : o. E. punsut.. Secretar)·-Treasurer

• . . . give. honest services for) while A.lger

R. ·, ; . . ·. ·t·j . ·





. · , . .

•. . · . .• 'lilt'





· ·'

. . ,·

· · . .. . ....... ,. • . O . . . �PODIR ......,._..._ _ _

. .

u .. cllai'TION ta.oo 11111 nail is off in 8 go\'ernmeiat s!eamer with Makes the fOod'nlote delfdoas and wholesome noooTLY '" •ov•Nor. II party of personal frienals, includ- lOYAL .......... co . .. ¥o.L

OHioe-STANDAR� Bulldln1. ing his business· partner, presumably Advertlsin11 nates rurntshed on appucauoil. with u franchise anchor ready to be EASTEIF JN w•:STflELD.

ALFRII:D E. PEARULL. Edltor, thrown · to Ahe windward,-also at · ---c. B. PEAR!IAI.L. Momot�rer. the pe�p)e's e�pense. .


---------� . . ,---;:,.- Evideritly . �lr. McKinley takes ALL THE. CHURCHES.

WESTFIELD . N; J., filAR 31. 1.899: . • the peo�le)?r fools. Tloe Allnlvertllry or tloe Jleooorrecllon or

Chrl•t Will he Filii ugly Olooene•l by"


When the mnple t\VI�• are. bhi•blnr, and the birob bud sh)·lr swel111, .

Anol Uoo h)·las i>l(oe In chorus like a otrlnr of slh·Or belle;

When the ftrot ecstatic robin, crusnt from blo · "·lser kin, ., . · In the �ay nnd drlpplnr orcbnrd tune• bb

lusty \'inlln. _ · Embalmed beef for Uncle Sam's Clorlollan PellJ>Ie. Something stealo npon my oplrlt-sonoeUoloo"

· A. a T E R THE · SWt!tt 1 cunuut nnme- · . ·

. t . ;

N EWARK, Nul • . •• • • • '· j • - � . •. , ,'

Greatest Nineteenth · ·Century lnno,vation •· . ' . . . ' , _ . ·. · : ·, , _ . . ' ,, : · · · . . . ·

. '

+-+ OPENING +-+ -OF. TilE-. soldiers, ''0 K"-ed . by· Alger .. nnd · '" • Like a · loearo-bent fnlntly pulsing from tbe ..

�I · · t d ) annive r s a ry of birth world \Vhence 1 cume. · . · ,, .

Eagan · ·(Gene. ral � iles . 1'11 ucers ;

. tl•e res11rrectiou · ·p· URE FOOD ' AND . . ·tNou· STRJA. L' so de\lcate frd.gra.ut the as�uranca ln . - · ·

the former now on a plensnre jnnkl!t of Cltrist, will,be the •lr · . . . · .

. · · . . ·. ·

with his personnl friends, i u . R gov: nelebrated In all Tbat :::�:,���:.·����,::����.�.1���!� COII\'uroe \VIth

. ernment ship nt the peoplr's expense, civili2•d Jnu<ls on Thnt 1.he wtooi,·r or my ugloog shBll not bind ' EXHIBIT S · I I noe low nonl h•roo, . · . ' nnd the latter "pnnishetl" for ll is- ··- undny. n t te But restore oiJU oo the freshness of my love's · . W e s t fi e 1 tl ' crcnttnn rnnrn! . , . gracing his countrymen by bemg re· churches tlui ex Yea. thuoogh llnrk oon<l •trait the. portnl ,n.f ·- · tired for six years nt full pai, nlso nt ercises · promise All t'!:,l:t���\:1�;,

1 �';::!1 '::'r" benvc� nrcbl:g p·

".· .R..

. . · ·E·.· ·

. .. E.·.- . . · . · f· the people's expense ; .. �IcKit11ey nnd to be \"ery intere�ting, aml the mn�ic �f · gruullly u\:l!r n�u! '-·- ..

lin man hobnobbin0<> with achem,es the best. At St. Pnnl's church the 1u11 Such n onr•tlc;,,, swtlct promise, when tbc

.Jt is a !urge sized stmw of civilizn­titin that is bcco!aing more und .more

d i flicnlt to secure a jury to try mur-. dea· cnses on account of the growing }Jrej ndice u�ninst C!\pitnl punish­ment.

wlntl blow:; (rum tho t�onth. for re-clcction.nnd' deciuing between sic iu the momiug will lle us follows : And " ulo··l Is In the orclourd with Goo\'s

I I . 0 1 h • B k f i j '' grectln·:: 111 lils mnuthl : profit.seekiug CO)I,tractoJ'B .. iu .n Hill CO pen ug 11111 em.,- ' rca orth nto or. B:n1·e t rnlootc<l, hn•·e 1 doiohted, In the dllrs A �n�rvelous exposition, a scene. of Royal Spl_c�dor, ·. of


light colo.r and startling dectrical _,effects. ' . . . ·

. · · J t t tl t .BI\rnby tllnt urc �;nuo h)'? with corrupt onicra s, the rus s 111 A nlbem-"Cbrlstour PI\850\'er," . . . . . . . . . . Steeh HIOI'C I s.dd. " l'loco·e Is no rlsloog unto onortah pu t up the 'Just campaign fum) on 'l'e Deouu l.twlnonoos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goorrett ho C wlouoo they dle1'

. I .Jubllnto Deo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holden It Is pnt\t;t.tmt blind sclf.woumltn�:l. 1 have the one hund, and a decent regun l lrmn-"He Is lllseu."' · lwurol the o·ohln •lng, for the people on the other hmul. Krl'le Elelson, llluola 'flbl nnd c6���;;;ot


111 0 l boo•·�;���!,lo�rt:t. �����.i�o�.mcssoog-c In the first

. It needs no soothsayer to OfT co torr antbem-"Tho first<lnr of the week.'' ;: -From lltu•per's Bazaar, A recently m�rrictl " estfield ·girl foretell thn:t the . whole .force of itrmoo-"Tioe strife Is o'er."

Steoone TWO YEAR� OLD YESTERDAY· SUI'IJrised nml delighted her spouse the · mlruil;islmtion , · including the Snooctoos, Bcnedlctn" <tttl \'cnlt, Agoous Del, noool · ---

. · Gloria In E:ccclsts . . . . . . . . , . . . CnrilCnter Jn c The Shuuhlrct RomulN out .�luutlacr Y�ar

with 11 d inner of spring lmnb ·. ai1d subservient party orgnns and the Poijts Conoonuulcu-"At ui� Lomb's Hlgb ·" "" " semi-Weekly.

mint sauce. Ercrything would have· money power of the monoplists, Feotst." · On llfar<•h ao; 1897, TilE UNION CouN· gone . well if she hadn't· mnde the 1�i l l be needed if the present mimin Hyonn-"Oolnyof resurrectlon." TY STANDARD, ufter a life of 14 yeurs 8S

I " . b . . In the nfternoon there will be 8 spec� a weekly newspllJler, blossOmed ont as a mint sunce of pars ey. · 1 istration nt Wn�h ington IS to 0 re iul service for chii<lro:>n allll specinl m_nRic semi - 1\oeekly. Everybody saill It wonhl

. . tt1ined. will btl the fenture of the evening. The uot pny, thRt .u month wonltl settle II. ' .We nrc in receipt . of .the twenty· 1\leanwhile ilui people will be mm'e pastor·, the Rev. Charles Fislre, will •rhey were 1·ight ; It tlid ; In two weeks . third nnmwl reJiort Of the mtlllngcrs ·

incensed 01·er the iniquitous mis· pt'eRoh both mom lug null e\·ening; the increuse of udvet·tising uoatter com· and officers of the New Jjlrsey.State treatment of 'their

. soldiers by the Lawrence Bogert, organist rmd music· pelled tbe owners to enlarge it'from a

IIosrJitnl at }{orris Plains for the year w D .- m . I t1 b Ill tlirector of.the Congregntionnl chtll'Ch fonr )JRge to an eight page p1Lper. It hns lit' ejl!lrtmont . 0 10111 s aan Y bas arron_Jged some excellent music fot· remained so for two ••ears and the own· endi ng October 31, 1898, 'for which tl. · ·' 1 · · •1 , .. ) ·,·ch tl1ev ' le sen nun ous IUilllllel' l 1 ·• 1 , the morning service at that chnrt·h. Tbe ers are. not only satisfletl wltli what was our tlumks are extended to Warden have: thcmselfes been played into the program to be reudet·ed is gil·eu bel!)w : then ouly an experlme1·t liut they would 111. K. Everitt. hands of the tmsts. Organ, ""ar11o" . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haudel not go back to the ouce·a·week policy. \V e will watch with great interest �:v'::'d:���. C. E. · Pearsall, the STAND"IID's bus!·

the course of ·1\lr. McKinley after Anthem, ''Awake Glad Soul" .. . . . . . . . . . Holden De88 1llauager, claims that Unlou County

tl t f ., · · t th b f R•spoooslve service for Easter . . . . . . . . . . . . Holden is not properly, covered by advertls.ers 10 COlli' 0 lll_qmry Ill O

. e ee H)·mu l�.) ' un)edS the columns of the STANDARD are

scnndul is conelulled, Will be re- Scripture Readln11. ul!ed and the large ·amount or spal-8

• l •, ( . , .

GrEJnd 'Hourly CQri�.ert ·'

'·� :'1-•

• - .

. • • • • • •• • • • ' ' '

-DY TIIE-·· ._

Famous . Hungarian Gypsy · Band · -AND-. -

Cooking . Lectures Twice Daily -DY Tm:-, -.

Renowned Madam Ludlum. Also short 1alks by t.�� eminent rood Specialist,

· �· CRESYf�LL . McLAUCH LI N, -. oN- .

trow, When ' and What ·to Eat.

A Dudley nvenue man is in II posi­tion to write a book .Ctn profit · in p�oltry. First he buys the beJ�s, then he buys the feed, then he buys the eggs of his children oud they eat them; And there y11n ure, for ari Easter story.

tain Alger hi · his cabinet and trent ��;.����. : taken by !ltrewd advertlaera · would h im as magntttiimonsly as be treated carol, "Beautiful Eaeter na�" .. . . . . . . . . . Botren Bellm to prove that othen think as he Souveni1;S, for .llll. Ea ttn? · Sennon. dOt'll. The paper haa the cream of the

:Eyerybody . Welcome. JJo .N'ot. '.Miss It !

· g • · • Pravor. . circulation In, Westfield, Cranford, Bo· . The Prea1dent moat dec1de be· �;::��.�e Is .Riaen" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schlllln�r ��elle, Picton, Union, FanwOod, Scotch

. Now, that everything is in . trusts .ex· tween the money power and the peo· Benediction. Plalna, Moulitainslde, .Willow GroTe L. cept fresh ·ttir we reckon thr&t the mo- pie. Rece.lonal :M...,h . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . Calkin and the.mrronndlng country . .

· The memben of the choir who will .The old time weekly II teo elow for BAMBERGER � � co., nopolista, who put up the greatest

ROLL OF HONOR. sins on Sunday are Meedame& W. B. this ige; . even

.the . country newapaper

c1mpaign fund ever collected, will Donuttll, wm. H. Barton, w. H. Oomee, naden ue not willing to waiUor the Market and Halsey Sts., NEWARK, N • . J. not say that the admh1istration at · I!IOH SCHOOL. C. 8. Kel��&J, J. Dhr Ritchie, Tbomu local newa ln weekly,or nen llt!WI week· 1 "!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'�!!!'��!!!'�!!!'!!!'!!

. Washington bas not 11iven their SENIORS. B. Foote and Lawrence Botrert, Milll!ea ly lnatallmente. ·AJready the STA!fDARD I ' money's .worth, even if .

. the ' people Mlnnle LeClear. Lucy Worth, Helen T. Beebe, · J ia beglnninl to chafe wlthiD tbe llt!Dd ll••••••••••••llllllllllli•••••••••q

8RD YEAR. Molfett and Carollae H. Beebe; Meura. weekly limite. And jllllt U IOOD u the 0 N 0 R ABOUT do wake 11 P; now that is too late, Florence Brewer, Harold Walworth, J011t1pb E. CI'OIIby, Harry Harbison, Joe· STANDARD'S owner. - their . wav clear . -----··· .... . . . Ruth Morse, Wm. Gale, Eva Wrlgh,, · eph Shernir&n, Ambroae E. o. Botrert, to get a new dollar · for an old one by

As m11ch as we are opposed to 2ND YEAR. . Edward Beebe, Charlt!t! s . . Harbleon and doing 80, even If. Indeed, tbey walt for April 11i we will move into our new and com· capit11l punishment we · cannot join Caroline Gilpin, Ca,herlne Tift, Bar• Salter s: Clark. that, the paper will change to an attar. · in tlie imprecutions meted out to old Brainerd, Frank . Howe� Herbert , The evening aervlce will be held at 7 noon dilly. _. They have

· statletiCII aa to modious store in _the new ,TAYLOR ·�BLOCK adjoin-

. Governor Roosevelt · because he re- Williams, Lucy CJreen , Mlly Clark. o cloclr, and will be In charge of the what population must bo to anpport ing Archbold & Scudder's meat market; We will be fused ' to sto the 0 erntion of tl e , 1sT YBAII, , . Snllday school. A speolal Easter prog-' such au enterprise und jaat as BOOn Hs I d

· · - . · . . P P . 1 1\lar)' Lee Cadwell, Natalie Bralner•l, gram h118 been arranged consisting of tbat figure Is reached, or even ·approach· P ease to . see our friends and · patrons at our new

ln�v .Ill the case of ll[rs. p��ce, UD Mal'lon Keeler, Marjorie Slade,, Marian cboroses by the school and slngiug by tbe ed, THE WESTFIELD , DAILY STANDARD quar:tcrs, and Will treat : alJ in the same - fair manner 'in rmtagnted the mnnlcress. I he fault Johnston, H�len Gule, Ethel Peareall, member� of tbe · Primary Department; will ·be published, In the weantlme h ·{ · · · · 1

is with the law and not with Roose· B�rtha Fillk, Saille Coale,Besale Arnold, Tbere , wm atso be recitations by the ·ruE UNJo:; Cou:;TY · STANo.\nn will be t e we have in the. ���t.

volt, who swore to execute the Jaw ClartL Koester, Charles Decker. scltolat'i! nrul'an address to the childl'on· l!tl'enkthened and Improved, liS lin up· to· w. hen he took the oath' of oflice, 4Tn GRAMMAR. by the Rev. Dr. Anderson, of tbe Method- <late, thoronKhly liJ<lependent senl · A C

. FI. TOH.


R� fiii;;.iON Herbert Welch, lolarl(aret Cory, Char· lst church. A .feature of tbe excerclses weekly . "country . newepaper." witlt this ·.

. . � . � ' · Westfield's better·self receives n

positive set-bnck in the ' resignation of r.awrence Bogert RS organist of the · Oongregational church ; tuudo necessary by business demands in other d irections, nud received with regret pnrticulnrly by tho congrega· tion which has so long enjoyed the h igh standard to which he bus brought the music of their church.

lotte Cory. Pearl Wt!loh, Bell Godshalk. will be an Easter offering to Foreign for an under·lyiiig, 'general P�\)posltio'l ; Telephone, :a4•a. ·

· (;rocers. 8110 ORAIIIMAII. , . . Missions, which will ba made by clll88es Whatever concerns tbe American "'m!URIRIHmma!DlDHRH� Nina Baker, Edith Cowperthwaite, and received, with ·appropriate remarks, home concerns TilE UNION CoUNTV 101'. ·-�� Jet�sle Holmes, Etta Shelld, Caroline by the Pastor, Rev, Dr. Danforth. ·The dTANDARD. "'!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!���������� Clark, Hunter Delr&l.onr, Irving Doug- hour has been plaeed ·at 7 o'clock, willclt ---••-----

\ • , 1118 I 1 h I I PIANO RECITAL. NOTH'I NO ' 2ND ORAIIIMAB is eat ier. t IIL�l t e 08011 t .me for tht> --- . .

1 I d 11 m mbe f tb Given bJ Mro. ClholrJ••. E<ln·Ju Tho;ne or Louise Baker, Hazel Buker, Margery regn ar serv ce, an H e r� o e

Johnson, Annie Ameclr Boll Ketcham·, school are requested to be In their placet� WeotHel<l. H be K 1 1 w p' 1 k 11 Fl 80 that tbe exeroleee may begin prompt f.Jrotn AoloevUie Dallu Cltben.] er rt n g tt, w. e e • orence 1 · · · ·. · · Saturday afternoon at' her studio on Taylor James Squier. y. p 'tto Mi p 1 t • ' 11 •, As tbe Baptist cburch Is being repaii'Oil a n avenue, ss or ng on s pn p s . 1ST ORAl.UIAB. 'the Eaater esercil!etl Will not be held tbis lind a 'number of . their friendl' had tlte Eva Dedman, E•lith Burr, Mildred Sunday but will be. postponed until tbe pleasure of lietenlng to the. following Cross, Grace Philip, Helen Rolf, Ray- f 11 1 S d Tl · ,1 PI'OIIram playl!ll by Mra. Charles Edwhl It l·s sernr· ofla'cr'nJiv stated tlaat 1nond Smitl1 ° ow ng nn 111• te exerc sea 011 .

• " • 1 ' Sunday will be held at Etta Bnll The Thorne, · of. Westfield. Tbe charming

AND EVERVTttiNO .· fol lowing Goneml Algor·'s . flagrant Oru PHniARY. . . nmslo to be uiudere

.d next l:lmitl�y will pereonallty and dellghtfnl playing of

mismnnngement of the Wnr Depart· �odman Drown, Sylvia Amold, Cites· be as follo\V8 !< . · . · . tills accompllsbed pinnlst made tlt7a:· , , mont, Ito t's Sccr·ntttry of \V"I' ,·,, llnm•· tel Penrsnll, Helen Foster. . . . caslon one long to be rememberetl ' all CURTIS M: ·THORPE . d

• " v 6TII l'IIUIAIIY Orgau, "Triumphal March .from Naatnnn" 1

T 1 .

I 1 t l I 1 l . II • ' . . Sir �llcloael costa t Jose present. he progrnm foliQws: n · k .: · I .JN J on y !Lill mt 10 IllS prnc lOR y qurt Nora 111off�tt, Etllson Buckley, Fran· Cholr, "Awakc np My Glory" . . . , . . . . J. Ilarnby Sprlngthue . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ; . . . . Tere!'li corenn 31CJ�31:ll. r�r . , �"'venuel Plalnfle d, • ,

tho cnhiuet,. lcnving snbonlinates to cis Foster, Kendtlll Munklttrlok, Wrn . or�ouo, "ERSter l\larch" . . . . . . . . Ousa:w Merkel .l\lolodlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . i>aolorewskl l !!!'!!!!��!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!�!'!!!!��!'!!!!�!'!!!!�!!!!!�!!!'!�����!'!!!!�� <1 iroot tho nfl'nira of h is oflico at this S·nitl't Hnroltl Wnhl, Oholro"rhu Lord. Ia my· Btrenatlt" (a) Callrrboe . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . o. Chamlna1�ozt · ' 4TII l'RIMAJIY, , '

, ,, , .,caleb Slm(oor (b) The Flatterer . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . o. ObamlnadJ 8 9 9 criticnl pcl'ioll, public opinion ngninst G H I Fl

. c El l 1 ostlotole, '[bnnkoglvlnll llolrob ' .

(c) Pas de Arn(obore• . . . . .. . . . . . . . . O. Obomhoado I MODEL ' a·I�Y"LES him hiiVing bocomo so strong thnt

ns ltrr s, orence ross, a o J. llaptlsto C .. lkln Nnchtstuok op, i!II, No. 4 . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . U U Philip, Lillie llllchaels, 111U•lred Gomes, At the lolethOillat clmrcb In the mom.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . , . . . R. Sobtiouaoo till!itlllllill-tho rosults of tho noxt Uepubllcnu llownril Ltuubert. 1 tJ 1 1 111 d tl tl Rondo Uaprlccloso . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . MetuloiKiolm ·

C111np1tign nr·o rogtll'llotl ns sor•iously 8110 I'IIUIAIIY. ng 10 0 10 r " ren er 19 an tom Etud•o(o, :.ll, No. u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oho(oho NOW ON IXHiaiTION,

I I . Russell Gomes, Wulter Winter, Ethel "Rejoice, .Rejoice, on thls GI11d Dtl)' ," NarclKino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Etbollxirt Nevln !PALDiNO-CHAINLBSS, monncol on liB nccount by suoh ami coJJllllllnlon wilt' be served, In the l'olka do la Rolne op. o� . . . . . . . . . . . � . . � . . J. Rnlt men us Hnnna; ns if, intlood, there Dary, EttR Wootlt·ing, Frnuk Hnm, evening the Rev. c. 111. An4ers�u wlll �j,�;,::'oe Melb)' reqne•t), Brrantredb:v M,rs. , .SPALDINQ.:...CHAIN. Is mor·o tlum one of his kind.

Clul�tlari 8bMll, Millie Scheele, Thomas prench his regnlRr Ellater sermon at 7.4/l , ' . . .;.nEAIJTU�lll. loiNt:H-Vmttle•·hoof. · •••••••• 1\lonnwhllo the JICO)Jie tire growi ng o'clock. Tho mnslo will COIIBist or 811 I . Price• $50 sao 575 I I l .1.1 II tl I

llND I'IIUIAIIY· overture bJ tlao J�p\l'orth League or. ··.,·H· ., .

. ·0· ' a· . . .

o.· ' .. ·.· · . .


. .. I I • Dill! l or II Ill muuuer a . 10 t me, eo· Armetllu Dury, John Smith, Jessie cltet�tra 1 811 anthem, "Christ' tbe Lord 11 Others, .· 525 to 550. )ICOilllly when they reud snob testl· Tlou, Blterlnllll OIRIIII, ReghiRld Dongln,, Rlllt!D To·dRy ;" anthem, ' · •Awake Tbou w· p' ' sc·a· IVBN mony 111 this from Mujor John ]), ���:'p H

artmnu, Carrie Jonee, Matjorle that Sleepe�t,•: and �� Reee1111lonal by tbirr 1 · e • . · ·. · . . t Black of tho Commissary Depart· · KtNDKROAih&N A. orche�tn. . . · ' PROsPIOT8TRIICT, WUTII'IICLP. , mcnt , whleh is ouly u J•loce of thc . Hilma Swauaon, Fr11ncea Bwanaon, At the PrNbJterlan ohnrcb !h,"re wlll LITHIA'.' ._.. . .... .. • . . . . OVCI'Whchnlng ovlilcnco ugulua� AI· Flora Wittke, Edith Weidner, Ad�le � •pt,lal ann•l: bot�

��:.miDII ::" e



. ., E-,··,


A· .. ··

� . ST.

· . . · ·E. . R


. . 18, r Rlld '<1t�g�lt wlrcn Eaaun lllfllr• Tomt, Kathllrille Peal'llll, Oltarlle Dary, nl. I OWJDDJII on .wTh . llt!rv

l Ia ' !h ... .. ' ..,.� ' 0Kr1 Bjlllltrom, Lawnnce Sinclair, Llu4; mora Dll "" ce. . • . wat c n • • . I · . ' ;· · . :. · ·.,

.. •' ·:·

late. d by tho rt�fUIIII of houcat oltlcon 111 Dallu, Oeorp Delatonr. urornln1 will aootltt of; .. . . , ': CU!UI. A. LL . Ia · 1q __ .. ·

I · . . . --

. . . . . . .•

.. ' .. . -. ,

·. .101111 .,cu. Htlla, . 1 fiiH, to JIO 8011 their aoldlora whh Ar· KIIIPICROARTIJI B. ADlbem, ::vbriH II RIND""'" .. JC. L. Allbtord �.·'.H" . E.A .. O' ·A· .: ·a· 'H' . ·E' 8·.·

. .... . I t ld .... f II il to u j Do 'I r A .. I 0 H 14 An&bem, OIIIIM our PM, ..... . . . . o. T. !Ileal B "'I .. BR ,. . mour a pu r .... e , roJI e ... a or ro• •Y arrar, "' e I'DM, aro Aatbem, "Ohrllt ll lilltn" . . . . . . . . u. p, DIIllll . ,. •• · .... ARDI,

BIIIOk :- Howe, Willie Baab•an, Rllymoncl Aatbem, ''Obrll& II R!Mn froaa tbll lllld," ' . . BAITBR aoo· • Bralnel'll, Dudley Oreen, Wlllar.I Lam· , ' w....,, llfl'llllPd br Neldll...r

·• · ' ' · · · " ._.,_.. · ', : , · . . · • · : ·: . ·



"- - tbeml tltey bad no rllbt to btrt, Arthur Lanm, Oeorae Lanm. 8peolah mklll will abo bt htl4 1n tile : · � :r���". �to Oft• · ' : . ·. ���Bit CHICKBN I, refullt! lt. I conalder tbat the belt beef

LOOIIIIT OIIOVJI, . unlna,whtll lin, Prentl•, tbe popalu , �01.1 I� Alolo' DIIUIIIIft, , ·. ·. · 0' , oBAITBR . N OYBL�IBI �Ill the1. U1 nltlfdl·' B1

taCN, -;-" 'h- -k

. 4Til,l'RUIARY, . . : oo11tralw, will IIDI• · lin, · Pnntlll • bM \ '· ', •ttl •=••�• ·,. . ' , · •. ,. a· �·· .E. a· .•.•. AT '._ .. ' : , . . . · tt','�1 won.. 111" 1111"e • 810 ta � Julia Klopf, All011 lkKimaa, Clrrlttlna a-atlJ , 1111�114 •. eontrallO lia'a , '·"!' ,�U ..... .. , · BEAUTIFUL STORE 1 , • , • . · . , .. J>feltrer, .IItie Pftltrer, Anal• Prow• qaart41&tt ollolr ln. 011e· of . . &ht llf,.t · ,. · 1 IAI.TIMOIII, MD, · · · · • 'liw .... · .�., •. · 1!', • • , • Ptr a . New ·Hal� · "

Euan le now unilerJolnJ Pre•l· ·korth ' ·. : · · · · · , . · · · b' o.;..;' l ' ' o•••• ., ,., ,, ,,· , ; ; " · · · .: · ; · · l ··· ·" · '· · · ' ' . . ., 1,' · • • · ' , .. _ _ • . •t:••�t " , ' , ·. · , . · . · · · . , .. ... . . . , , , . . o arc- a ·-·· . , · , .'i ·�••••• • ·: • ""·:·,; w-- • � ' · · • • : · -._.. "'lllllta&,;:�'>'::1;J ' ' I , • • I I ' ' t '- '' ' . , 'J •11\· ..,� .... /i J t·� I' �� I .... I • · · �\' • (! •\ .. , . � , -··--· • •• I ' ' ,_, � , l · � -- C'

, .• · < ··· 1 ., . ll .�� . . 1 \ '::; r.'t; . · , ·� :,, . 1 1...-!:: � � · ''�\'iJ,, :t�;��tx ... u�,�l Y//·i / .;. �:'<- • J. · ' ,!;1,·. � .p.'-;:.�(�l \ " � � J; 11j\ ... � ·,1 '�� .... �.� :��·t·/, ) : <�: 1 �,(,, 1!\'��<· ·" �·����d/' .l '� i , . , . \,,�·\ � · , • 1 , , ��\ • r • "" ' • 1 ."� t 11)rJ ) ... s� ... � ;11 ·�v I " 1 : ·, �.,. h' •£,.?l��ri't,..,,JJ:.Mt,,[,1t h, t•,,r f· �· ' • ltf4 , �Lt t�.':. ·�-·! •f",.A·�·d 't��lAl .. ·9:¥i.tU.'t rt-..:'l, .. � H"'• 1 .'! ',,' d,1 .�.� t Yi 1 1 .� 1 :v, �lr· Y ; 1.�t�. · � " ' , , , t,

Page 5: County Stand… · . ·. · . . ; , .. . WESTFIELD,.· UNION COUNTY. · N. J.; FRIDAY, l'a\A H 31, 1899; $2 Per Year. Single ·Copies 3c:. N W .ulk, N. J. ,. t' 's. Gti8at st Qibbon

AN EASTER PRAYER, Willi tbouahto •• pure •• IIIIo• are A• trawran� ton, as tbuy, ' l inn� to brlnJr thlo praror to Him

On lhlo f•lr Easter dar; _ '

"0 Lord. but. lot mo ever arow In 1'11f bleat. lmaae sweet, : 'l'hat my brlof lire at laot may clor:•

In one Kr•nd aon�r, complete,

••1 know there nre dlacort1antetr•lne llnl ollll, hy Love •llvlno, ' . B•·•et motody m•r 1111 mr tire And "!"k.e lt llke to.TIJlne.

''On Earth, wherever J tnay tread Whut.o•er my lot tnn.y be, ' I pray th1\t I mur ovtor livd

11n burmun)• wlth Thee.

"So ll�e the lilies. mar my dcctlo G1·ow ever tmru nnd fRir, Pre(Ulrell tu h1notn In Parndl�e-

1.'llhi Is lll)' Ensb!r prnycr." -Arthur Luwls Tllbl-.

,-Frnuk Wnrncke hns returned fl'<m his tt;ip to 1\lelrose, Fin . .

-Joseph I. Grntly, of New York, wns 11 visitm· in town yesterllny. -Prof. }<'rml. Schi ilin� hots recovered from hi� recAnt severe illness.

-B, L. Dunham, of Do\·er, wns a visitor In town.on Wednesday.

111. E: Bennett is . �pending 11 frieruls in the south.

'· . ·.' �. ,·. - ' . ' ._,.

A;;!:: .:t:.�:u�!�� :e�d�:=ry · ' :; .. ·o· ·.ILDERSLEE' V'


. E'. ·S � e�·ster Sun . . "day !��������y��� �gilgl sw, ::J ce���ful ··entertidnment · sud· soi:illble · ' · Etta ball l118t evenlill{; . . :o;o . .• ' . . • __ ._. - . I you can relish 'it better when you 'know you are not paying . · :...a�r,Y Gree�� a &tudoa�t at tbe nor: · ·. The questio·n of. dress ·. is an � high 'price for it by buying at 'f,urrill'�· · '

�::a�:nSe:��a�� �:���:����r..:;e �;; absorb�ng o�e, and ��� _matter O�r . Meat . Department.


ee to dii;


ere of being well dressed. is worthy Bes.t City ,Cured· Hams, • .'!'. • 9c

Is a COil.tlnuouB IJ6rvlce of devotion at of careful thought. Cahforni, Hams. • • • ec S1

t . . �aul's · chiucb, · rua_rklnir · the three Our · 'suggestion for this Fresh .Eggs, 1 8 for ' · .· • • . 26c 1011rs' agony of Christ on the 'erose. · • · B t B · 1 0 · d 1 ft -An ac�ou't �f the s�lal m�slcal w'e�k ist , .

. 2 r.b



· Raocu.�n"d'·ste

·a· . ·k·,· ,·

. . . an· p . ..c servlee beld at St. : Paul's 'olnircb ·•ou. SlLK AND WOOL .CHALLIES,

- . : Z8c Wetlll1!81lay eveulng'is crowded out this ' . Fran kfu rters' ' • • ·. 1 ·0c'' .

· · inches wide. In dainty pat· 29 • . . . Issue bnt wlll apiJear on Tuesday. · ' · d .. 1 1 C · . ·· � ' '. . · ' · terns _lln eJLdOt ve co orlugs, 11t GROCERIES. · : . -:-Ex1Ject a visit from tbe inai•a�eer 'of IJer yard . • • . . . ;; . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . ·

· tbe Cblldren's Country Houle wltli FhJe .Navel Ornnges. ;; . ' • . • , . • • . . , 20c l tD Jbs.' G�����inte<l · Sugar . • • • • . . • . it 00 · ticket� for 8 t_rnly ftu8 l�c�ure, on

---- MesstUK Leutons . • � • . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lfic. · 10 lbs Wa"'htng Soda . . . • . . • . . . • • , ·, 12o � · . . ford: interestiilg for you rig and old. . •• :J·

. • GILDER. •. L· .E· Ev· E. c; lbs. Prun�s for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Pure Lenf Ltud, 3 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . 21io .

. L11rge bottle Pickles . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . lOc '-! bottle Jam, nil kinds,': . . . . . . . . . . : . . lOc -A rnre ·literary nnd ' artistic . treat, ' . . ' '

on April 13tia. A on t!Je clty an� · ·DRY COODS·, ·.IN OIJR CAKE DEPARTMENT •. university of Oxford, Eughuul, for the . , . Ghiger Snaps, lb:, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . li� ' Soclu Cruckers, lb., . . ·. : . . . . .' . . . . · . .'_. oo: ·Cio


benefit of the Childreu's Country Horne · F .. . A.N·c·' y a· o·

o· . D. . .•. . Lemon Waftlrs, lb., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c Milk Wafers, lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . ;,; .. ;·. :ue Th · . · ; . . , ·

. • . Une�dn Biscuit, lb., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie . ':··' .·.I· ·:· ·. . . : ch;rch


s�e�:s�·;���!ll;t . . Paul's �OAD ST;, WESTFIELD. .

. IN OIJR HOUSEHOLD DEP ART.ME·N��:·, ' . · :· when wnrcleus; · vestrymen null del.>gntes l'in D•·lnlciug Cops, each . . . . . . . . . � . . 2c 100 Clothes Pius . . . . . . . . . ; . . . : : . ·� ; ; tOe

to convention 111ul convocation will be WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Driukiug Glnsses, <lozen, . . . . . . . . 20c np 100 sheets pure tissue •roilet Paper, . . lie electetl. .. Dr.a·ss· ' Linlnrrs o." T�lmmlnrrs' ·• Dishts,' nil kh.uls, nt your own price. l box W•·itiug Paper. : . . .. : · . . . . . . . lie np . . , & ex, & A 14 qunrt Drshpnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc � ·Jiapers Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; lie -''The Birthtlny of Hope" will be the . . , A t4 qnnrt Tiu . . . · · ' . .' . . . � . ;; � .' ·lOc Dust, Puns • . , . . . . . , , . . . . . , . , . . . . . /jc up

subject fot• the Christian Endea\'or tneet· \\"e nrc hea!lqunrt.,lrs In Granite \Vat'o. Our tJrlccs cheaper thn.n cit)" prices, Goods· ing r.t tl!e Presbytet•inn church 011 sui;. shipped to llli JoRrts of the Slate ""<1 'l'urrlll ti"l'" the freight. <lny evening. '!'lui len<lQr ·-will be 1\It·s. A. _& H . . DEPARTnENT. STO.RE,· W. A. Hille. ' -The Rev. Dr. C. 1\I. And�rRon �nd 11

nmnber of the .members of the .Epworth Lengue heltl ll t•rltyer meeting ut the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. 1\Ior·se on the Scotch .. Plnlns mud lust evmilng. _ ,

. F. B. TURRILL, Manager • . W,ESTFIELD, N, J,

nruuinl roll cull nt the Bnptist n·::::.�::::-:::-::-::-::-:;-::-;::::::-;;;;:::::::::::-;::::::::;:i!mrcn will tnke place on April 13.

-Ou E1ister the rector will prench nt St. Pnul's church ; in · the morning on "Unbelief : ·mul the Restll'rectiun of Chri�t", in th� evening on , ;At·guments fol' the Truth of the Resun�ction". I

UJIDDl!UII!I!!!amrrn!UUJIUIDllil;�aJIIIIIIIl!IIIRilllDIIml e<l" hns calle<l forth some fine legal huir· · ·

Whether or not t1111t beef wns ' 'benrd- SEE [j POT J( T 0 ES. � �- •

splltiing.-:-L.' A. w. We have just received � lot of Early Ro�e Potatoes for Dnnhnm, of Dunellen,

-_,._-··:.:;···"'',.. Smulay with Westfiehl friemls.

is the �hne when we hove broken Bizee on all lines of

Shoes, ,which' we are wil!ing in order to clear them. putting · in our Spring

'\V esfftelil for the Ruin· J�erfectly ftttlnar Boots.

Ar, .... n .. ,.. · F08ter M. Voorl1ee" bas is·

the following proclamation relntlve ......... -.. �· day :

The legislature In the Jeraey by joint resolution,

21i, 1884, did author· designate a dny in

April in each year for or forest trees.

I, Foster M. Voor· of St11te of New Jer·

Met RPIITt Fritllly, the �8t.l1 u Arbor day, aml tlo

tlmt tlay be devotetl by l•hmtln&r of forest tree� nn!l !:' •IPI•rt•prlate exercises in tbe schools of

wo S�ggestion�. , · In ualng Cleveland's hnktni

· , · powder remember · ·

· · 1·1· •· ltl• not nec11aaryto burry II dough Into tho ov�n. 'l'hu ' aotlon of Cleveland's Ia wlower and more even than · that of other baking powdore. Tho oven don not liave to he very hot at flret-lnoreuo the heat.

· •· You\nsuo mu�hof

, . s (� · laking PcaWder ., 11 ol otben, 0111. roua414 · IJIOOafula are !!!!•Ired, not ., '::r.I

*DI onee. 'flile 11 a lar11 (• " R 1 1011 a year 1 balllDI· . · i•·-"' pad liooll free, · Bend

· -P ID lcldn11 to , ., . I .:. ·. · Cl•nlllid llalrl11 Pow••r Co., •nd IJ ruuon lltr111, New Yorll.

C. Fitch & Son will occupy . tlui room in the Taylor building. . lllnzie C. ,Jones is spending n �k with relatives 11t New . Berlin, N. �A. C. Filch & Son have placetlll

ll�,some new delivery wugon on the rl\'• · '

-\re ·is set·vice this e\·enlng In St. Pnnllptmrch at eight o'clock. All ure lnvih I -11\J. Giltlersleeve's store window preserl. fine lt}>peurance wltb'its Ens· ter dr4tg.


-'l'he intet·ior of the Baptist church is being re<lecomtetl by Welch Bros: New elll'j>ets, ne\v shades nml new 'sents will he mltled. While the work is being done servicPs ure being hehl at ·Etta hnll.

-1\lr. nnd 1\lrs. Arthur N. Pierson re· turued lust 'evening fmm their honey­moon trip. 1'hey wlll mnke theil' home with 1\Ir. Pierson's parents on Broad street. ' ..

-All member� of the Westft.ld club nntl their families are lnvite<l to nttend the Rft"rnoon tell to be given at the club house ou Morulay afterrJoon. The ten will be followed by a dance in the even· In g. -A. \Fitch & Son bave sold their

GnrwO!Jrocery store to C. 6. Pear· lldll, of JOklyu. · -Deckertown's Water Commissioners

-:-L. \Morelr�u116 leads the Epworth report that the earnings of tim past year were .1,914'.40; that tbe town bas 4!) League �ting at the Methodist church hydrants tind t1i8 tapa, with prospect of on Suudnenlng. " decided iucre888 during the coming

-Bert� E. Naetbing bas leased the year. hoolie at\e corner of lllountaiu and -At a meeting beld on Wednesday Kimball tltues, evening B. J. Cl'Ol!by and JametJ Moffett · -:-The itsh iuesting of tbe Presby· were re·elected, and Herbert Peai'BIII !etlan cbu\ coDgrel!atlon takee plllce elected to take tbe place of tbe late Jas. on Mond;RYeniug. A. Simpson, 118 trilst- of the M6thodist

-Mr; andrs. I. R. Douglu, of Pros· cborch. -peot street, 11 change. their reeldence -In accordance with tbe· action of tbe to Brooklyn, Monday, Sunday &hoot Board, MIBBlonary Day

�Tb� &onl, school• closed Yetl�rday will be observed in the Methodist Epls· for an Eastt'vacatlon, They will re· cops! Sunday school Ea�ter Sunday and open on Moni A rll lO' . the flret Sunday of every mouth, hereof. ' P • ler, ln�tead of the second Sunday.

-Robert !',)�ton, late aergeant of -Tbe Womnn's Home l\llssionary :;e :���IV �tRI �

gitoment,:hBI! return· Society of the 1\lethmllst churcb h88

liB 0 I liS wu. received from Cougressma� Fowler an -A rmmbei persons will, It Is ex· acknowledgement of a petition recently pectetl, unite 'th the Presbyterian sont' by the Society protesting RgRinst church on Suni, momlng. the soRting in Congress of 1\lr, Roberts

-1\Iiss E. Grt Hardy left yesterday of Utah. for Balthnore, �ere she will visit -A lecturt> will be given . hv Mrs. frien�s for the dug week. (lllve Thorne 1\IIiler 011 "The Birds our

-Surveyors wijn.towr; Wetlnesday Brothers" before the Wonum's club In laying out the lhl)t' the )Jroposed trol· the Social club nssembiy mom on Wed· ley from· Westftel� Rahway. uesday next nt 3 o'clock. Each member

-The Board ofducntlon will meet of the club Is pl'ivlleged to bring one In· In the Prospect stt' school building on vlted guest. Tuesdny evening i o'clook. -Letters remnlnlug uncalletl for nt

-Reserve thli e'tllg of April tStb post office, WeslftPid. Persons calling for same please mer.tlon ntlvertlsed :

for the Seventh A1nl Entertulnment Ill iss 1\Inv Fleming, 1\lis@es Kagnell,l\lrs. of the Children'" C<try ·Home. E. E. Davenport, 1\Irs. Peabody, Mrs.

-There are ilsres at St. Pant's Allee 1\I. Pencock, church Easter Day 7, 8.11i, und 10.80 L. M. WIIITAKER, P. M. A. 1\I., 3.30.P. M.,_ a7.45 at night. -The sncred cantntu entitled, "The

-Look for 11 full�r bunt In our next Grent Light," hy Einley Lyon, will be IAsue of the lectn1·e !Oxford for the given In the Pt·esbyterlan lllmrch next benefit of Ute Chil!lreJCountry Home. F•·ltlny even lug lly n chorus of 40 voices.

-Mr. nnd 1\Irs. E . . Iraylor and fll· The soloists will be llliss Kntherlne Op· mily left yestenltiY f9,Jrooklyn where tlyke, soJ>rallo ; 1\lrB. P1·euUss, coutmllo ;

they will herenfter Ullliheir home. Horiwe Wr·lght, tenor nllll Wiillnm Holmes, baritone. A sih•er offering will

-A lurgo 1111m ber ofiei•ds tentler·otl a sltl'jll'ise pm'ty to l}o 1\IIilel' nt his be tnkell. honw 011 Cuntl'lll nve'rm< Fl'itlny even· -Hnlph. C. Penr·sall, lute corpol'lll of

Company C, 'l'hlr<l N. J. Regiment, lug, � ·� > · will entm·taln the 111emher•s of the Ep·

-Chm·los Ft•etleiii!lc; tYi11� College, worth Lengno nt the Uotho<list church Is sponlllng his Enstel' vnton with 1\Ir. 00 'l'hur"tlay ovouiug with IIII IICCount 111111 1\h·s, C. F. Contu�n Prospect of soltlior lifo In the cnmps nt Srmtly strcet. Jf1 Hook, Fort Wmlsworth, Pom1•ton

-Severnl RJlplicntlons f1lembo•·ship Lnlws nml Athens Gn., Tht lecture woru J'eoelvetl nt t.he IIIOC! of Ocmt will bo ilinstJ•ntetl with views from tho Pl'llvhluut, No. IHUO, I. 0, helll lnst sto•·oopt.lco11. evening. -W lllilun H. 1\Iomoe, )>ropriotor of

-JIIr. n•Hi lllrs. \V. J. Bot, of Can· tho 'l'om)roi'IIIICe hotel nt Gm·wootl, tlle11 tl'lll tiVUIIIIO, h•wu luft on II')J to 01<1 ut his home yestertlay mot:ning nfter a11 Point CorufoJ•t, Vn., vh1 tho} Domin · Illness of sever11l months from B•·ight's ion line.

· tllsease, l\11·. lllonroo hns llvell nt Gnr· -CorjJOI'III Rnl11h Dinokwi, of the wood for tbo past tbree yeni'B. Before

Dol\lentown Milil11ry Instil, Ia the t.lmt he wns tbe &nl•erlnteudent of the goeMt of HKrry Green at hls le on the Mlllsvllle Mrmufuoturing Com)•any, of Unnlovur<l. 1\IIIIMvllhl, N. J. The funeral eervlces

-Robet•t Woodrntr Ia nur! a bad· will bo beld from Ilia lute home on Mon·

ly awollen hRntl HB the riHinltiJRVIng tillY Kfteruoora at 1 o'clock . Thfl Inter·

been out by glua at the rdo•ftre on ment will take place on 1'ussday at Dadley 11venae. WoonAOoket, R. I. Mr. Jrlonroe waa a

-Mr. and Ml'l. Ill, O, Wilt will JlfOIIIindltt Odd Fellow and aleo a mein· moYe Into tbe bo1110 on Firat 111 to be IM' or of the MIIAOnl, Vlllltltetl by Frederlok Bruah, Wl!OYOI to g111011ne. ·, Fine Out Gllllll Ia alwaya 11n apprrpr' •

-Harold Fr•tiOII left Wedneif for ulo Euler Kilt, The word flne lh1 ts lt Hew Rochelle, H. Y,, where be, IMI• tu Dorftlugera' atorea, at Oltl Br01&dw11y, llUfell a llOtlitlon In one of th�r1e ueur �let St., 1111d1 DO Murray St. , New a•rlnlhll oftlOOI, \ I York,

If ni l thnt we henr is renlly so, public �· . seed; als� fine Beauty Mome .Hebrons. llotter got them offire in the New Je•·sey Legislut.nre is u '< before pr1cea ud vnnco. •

trust tl111t puys big divhlemls.-Piuin· !!: ' Held Press. . · CHOICE CREAMERY BUTTER 20c lb.

Get your fre�h WestDeld Eggs for Easter Sunday at

'W .A.LI-i: ER'S,

The new towt•ship act doe• not become �­opomtlve until Febrmu·y 12a, 1900, nnd then townships will have nil the city , . privileges tnxpayers nre willing to con· � fer. If the legislntnre hn!l not pnssetl nnother bill this one net would lu11·e � • Broad Street. !lone it credit.-SnsHex Register. · � 'nmmmrmtlrmtlllll!lrmtlllll!l""'rmtl""'llllll"""""'"'

Tlmt great Democrntic harmor;y din- �lllllllllllllllllllllllll!llll!lllll!lllll!l!llll!llll;'mllJl11111ll""l!ll111111111111!11""1111111111111111!111111111""!111'mlll""llll11111ll""llll""ll!l""lllllllm.""""""""'•� � uer has di vi <led, Rnd · there will be two !linhers-one 11 Croker ten dollar dinner, and another a lnbor one·dollnr dinner. The ·Democrats h11ve been left out, so have .the Bryanites. There should be some more dinners. A tablb' d'hote 21i· center would do for Brynnltes, and a ten cent et;rlfee·and·slx-on·last off dlnntr might satisfy tbemost deuJocratlc.-Jer· sey City Journal. ·

Jnlna B. Doualaa Betlreo. Irving R. Douglu hu sold Ills fire In

sur11nce busln018 to Chll8. E. Smitb, who will now repret16nt tbe compauiell" for· merly repret16nted by Mr. Doogl118, Mr. Smith's advertiaement can be found elaewbere in tbls lliBUII or the STANDARD.

--- - · -----

SCHEPP LIN & SCHULTZ, 322 West Front Street, Plainfield, N. J.

DIRECT FROn THE MANUFACTURER TO THE CONSUMER. We are showing In our EASTER line some very atyliab effects in the new

Spring · fabrics, all nicely tailor�d and cot in the IRteet style, at prices that will m11ke your wardrobe co•t yon about ! what yon woultl ordhJKrily. pay for it. - We have ·a bellntlfol usortmeut. of. Fnucy WorAteds at $5.00, .5.1i0, to 00, fii.I!O, to 75, f7.1!0 and .7.711. Anyone of tlielie suit.! are fit for any one to we11r any place. Blue Serges, the pick of the market. wide wales, shower proofs and Chev· lot Serges, Italian lined. satin piped .5. 7u, $6.711 nnd '1-00, worth •10.00 to .IG.OO. Our Fancy Cheviots in light Summer elfect.s nre beauties, ·they aell from $8.00 to $8.00. About 110 styiSB to select from. Would cost ym1 double el1!6Where. Yoll should see our Yuuth'a lonl{ pante •ulte at .2.110. We have others In prop<rrtion.

Children's Department-Anyone c11n be suited In tbat department. You will be surprised to know that we are selling " Child's Suit anil extra Pants for 94c. Come and .let us prove it.

SC H EPFLI N ct. SCH U LTZ, Paoller'• S•te c:onttnueo. 31111 WilT FIIOIIT ITIIIIT, PLAINFIILD, 11. ,J.

Garret Q. Packer's BIJeOIRI 88le atlll Nf. J, CASHIN, NIANAtnlf. continues to draw bargain 'huut•ra to �����������������������������'!'!! bls large furniture warerooms on Wet1t "

Front Stree�, Pllllnfl�ld. It Is not too late to make choice selections and as to prices, well, go and aee lllr. P11cker.

Colyer & Co, Uead)' Cor S�rhtll' 'l'ratle,

-Colye•· & Co .. clothiers, of Newnrk, N. J. , iuive received their Sl>riug gomls nntl nre pt·epRred to olfet• better bnrgnlns tlum ever. Their ren!ly-mude snits al'e v�t·y nobby uud·dute.

lltn_, You Anytbln.c to l\d\'erthe ?

Put your "want" atls in the next issue of th(j STANDAIID:...send them In eal'ly. Don't fllWet thnt persistent ndvertisiug pays ; lc 11 word.

Not one child dies where ten formerly dietl fr·om croup. People bave learned the value of One . 1\linnte Coogl� Cure nnd use it for severe lung nnd thront tt·onbl<!s. It Immediately stops cough· lug, It never fulls. W. H. Treuclnml.


(Formerly New York)

Elm Street, Westfield,

N. J. . . LISTERS' All Styles of. Photographs i rrom .± •• ��u • • t... 1 8008 fBrli l iZBrS Also Crayons and Pastel Portraits, 1 , 9

Ulgheslclass work only. Prices reasonRbl• I . The best ma�e for all �rops of .�.\tuu.tcur woJ k finished and instructions given. ! Fl 1 e d or Oarden.

J•Jc'lunES TAKEN nAtN on s1nNE. • • • Special lawn Dresstn1.,, Sohol>llln I> Sclmlhl U•lnrr the Alh'el'tll• f

lnlf Vohumo• or the Sl.uulou'll. -FOR SALE BY- � Sohet•lliu & Schultz, of Pl••infteld, r E Smt'lh � have just contracted fot• ndvertlsing


.II ,�� .... 111�111 • v'••••••• ••ear v . • •,, n., Ppace in lhe STANDAUD nnd their cloth· "

... � � lug announcement. will be found vet·y WD'JTIELD, If, J, Interesting rentllng. Being lar11e man· ufucturerA of clothinjl they ura folly pre· ........ .._..._._,...,.......,.._...,...,. llllred to offer genuine bargains in this line. rtant. Trees!


liiTAILIIH•D 1889 - -�·�

OUR line for 1 899 comprises the weiJ known representative makes.


FEATHERSTONE, $25 U P. . �ARNES, oun now CRIY ptlyntcnt IYIWill will intoroat you, full <lotnih of wbloh will npponr in thil lllROO'

uoxt iuuo. ' .

OUU sncccsa Ia 1lnc to the fact th�&t wo Juno nlwaya hou<llc<l tho JII�ST nml hnvo won tho oonfl· douce of our pntrone through honest •loullnge,

0Ult IIUW 8tiiC8fOOIIII giVO Ill IIIICIJIItiiiCd ftWIJitloa,

...... �

Frank L. C. Martin Cycle Co., ·

·os- n o East 4th St., (near Park Ave.,) Plainfield, N. J. . .

"'"'"""'"'"'''"""'"'"' . .

Page 6: County Stand… · . ·. · . . ; , .. . WESTFIELD,.· UNION COUNTY. · N. J.; FRIDAY, l'a\A H 31, 1899; $2 Per Year. Single ·Copies 3c:. N W .ulk, N. J. ,. t' 's. Gti8at st Qibbon

.. ·.� . ' '. > � COUNTY STANDARD, FRIJ?AY,

. . ' . •' . . .. .. ' HERE AND THERE·

· fte Oni;r P;...pn_P_I_ac-.e-J-or lt la.the W-• ·

: · :10\.·J ·L· . . · ··. L'S·,' · · one-third �t th-

·�-P-�-opl'e wh� go mac!

· ,. · .. · ·: : · · .·' •uuJ by • Drou11:� - . ..1 � ·� , . . .. • ·.. . . aro said to· reCOver their sen&es. -The b3rboou" gets its name 'from the . .• 8

· 1·X . �'H A. �EN. tJE, 20U.t 'l'O 21st S'l'REET, N.EW, YORK. . . In some parts of Berlin tbere are method of . cooking the meats ' which - a. . • . S special public. houses for women.

· form ita prl-'lcipal �ubstance. · It !sa pa- ' ·

· · · TE. RS AN. D RETAILER It I pn feast; It& home is in tho woods, by IMPOR.. . .. . , . .

. .

·. · . . , Elephants are fond of gin, bul, 8

IOIDe clea: running • brook, and · when · said, .will l\OI touch. champagne . . found upon its native heath such m01l

· · · · · · · · A large paper bouse, with sixteen

'=1:::�·��=�:� ::e ��!v�!�. fo�� Fine Dry Goods, FancY: Goods, Cloaks, C�stnmes, Rich Millin· ����=���s



s =���:r� ��a� Russ!un

of the exposition spots which the ,N(!rth· . •' ·. ..

' . e"', Hon.seforni.sbings, Et.c.,, Et. c .. : .

. • . .

Ulm's cathedral . spire, . 'Yhieh· Is 531 ID'IIers were ·Lure to seek out wns the 1J reel high nnd the lotllest structuru

Hanufactures and Liberal Arts Buill!· · THE GREATEST MAIL ORDER' HOUSE. IN AM_ERICA. In the world, .Is to. be used for n mete· lng, whei-o;at ull hours of the day, the · · · · TALOQUE I ' oi:otoglcal station. . . good cheer was disp�J.ised. The shed SEND FOR OUR CA. ·., · · . It ts calculated that 10,000,000 photo-

'wns rather a rough l>la<;e1 .for the ·bar· .. · . .. tfEIIDY lt80UT """''- rorH. ,.. ·. '· · . . · · b p 1 · · · · ,. II graphs .of the Queen and t e r ncess

becue with modern conyeniences and 'it illustrittes and tells you all'n bottt the tremendous .vnthity of good's · we 8� • or Wales. are. produced annually, a lid dellcacios would .lose its flavor. The A 1,08t111 cat•tl will bt·h>g it to you. We h11ve II m111l on�et· tlet>>�rhueut. with 11 .ftt\d a·t·eudy 'sale all over the worhl. -cbinawnro was old ironstone variety, cor118 of truinetl I111nds, evnry ,on� an espert lu his or her p11rt>cular hue, a11tl ·each

An nrmy officer at . Washington 'bas ��\\!/��\�!��::d t!�ks,i� ist���=i one of tbE>nl �hvays nt your set·vtc�. . d "' •·II �- M II 0 d . C .tom rs made the very "pat" remark that "Gen· "v · Tliese Special Bargains Are Reserve .. pee ... )' or 11 r er. us e '

ern! Otis' Jurisdiction ln. the Phillp-,,paper napkins, but the table at . , which ' . . � · A Uretit Burgalu ln · An Important · .

nines extends 1,90. 0 yards < beyond' you sat was innocent of linen. :. · ·· "· .. · · •· . You. ordered a ditmer. There' w8l Women'll Capes. . Da:�88''Good8 lie�. outposts, with sights. up."

brought before you a halt-dozen ·kinds . ·• · A special lot of 50 Inch ALL-WOO� The late Dr. · Campbell ' Black, of . of m011t., steaming hot, the aroma-· of' WOMEN'S CLO'fH CAPES, neatly BROADCLOTH, reserved for our . nuul Glasgow, eininent as a physician . and which is plellsing to the appetite if' you braided, · with full rucbii>g ·of satin rib ortler customers ; they are liprlti!( weight clinical· lecturer; was : fond · 'of saying have one to start on ; and if you have bons around ll�ck, a11d lined with satin and in all the newest •hades and·black. that "medicine Is no more an exact sci·

llOD8, it is sure to create one for you. rbadttme ; poslth·e� the 4 98 . £lr Usual Price .1.25; .ellce than millinery�" . ThUD there is a mysterious dish which greatest bargain iu . Y. at . I . 1 o· 0

. . A modlftcatlon of . tbe · .ehurch fair

fher Call atew, and pickles aJ!d 1rreac! �. · , · Yard.

Idea Is a plan of a Metllodllit Eplsco� and butter, and a cup of not too sood i.' Splendid Chanco ·A 8llk .Sraal� ElltrBOI'• : pal church In Vheater county, Pa .. to coftee is fumishod "on the side." The 10. Wom·en'• Sa. I"'"' . · cu ... arv, . have an auction of farm stock and lm·

' ltew il a C()Ucoctlon of many vegetebleR, _. - ·" the anlmala and sooda to be ad, for some reason, not altogether BLACK PEAT. DE SOlE one · of the r fto,l!cllted. elear to its maker, bears the m)'lterious leading silks for this season and fevers!

Easter .· ·

amo of Brnitswlck. It is a nece811&1'Y ble, 28;,uclitl8 wide. Regular2.�qnallty ; In suillvnn eounty, last fall. · more ldjnnct of th!l ·dinn�r,:anchwhen ·" )li

· , . 125 ·Yard.. than a hundred nien were ent!'ased In

made snftlcf.ently hot bi. pungent pep- . 'dtsglng !!'In ileus �oct 'for eJ!portatt.on·to The thrilt'of Fashion's Inveli�is.

pers, it is indeed a rare lt•peti&er. A .Very speci·

al Offer ·i� ' We have �rfed a qn.ntlly of these Chlua. ; They travel eel from tlfttl!n to

·· The · 1'088ting pit is filled with B�e · sllks for ont·of:town trade, but, large as twenty mllea dally, ind earnecl from fl coa11 at daybreak. By 7 o'cloclr the Boaee Jh:ei�H.. . . it Ia, It will not lBilt long at.thls price. to U a day. The root 11 becoming

dainty c'>nstr�ction; . . Bolts . • . . ,· . . , . . ; • • ; , ;< : . . 6,98 to 125.cio

pOund is bot through for several feet; Send· folr 111mples of the88 or 11ily other scarcer ever,. year. J..cklll8

·. , , , : . .' •• . . . . . . . ' , .1•98

.to JSoOO

theit more coals are put on, and the eat· Women's Two·piC!CC! Bousii Diesae& of Silks or Dress Goode that you may , 'Au nrtlflrtal · volcano 11 to be one of

euee are pierced through with dean perct�le. square yoke. tbree rotvs of brllid, �ire. . . . .

the attraction• at Parts exposition. ' , f

, . . . ' hickory poles Rlld laid 8Cl'Otl8 the pit. sleeves l&lld collar trimmed 1' 98 DreM omamentaUou.. It will be' too meters high and 1.50 IJI Their cooking refutes the old lthr- with braid, worth t:J.OO. ' ' ' ' ; •

Black Mohair · l'llrirt· :· f;�tii pi..C.... diameter. liP outs!£.., surface ,.Ill be that a watched )iot never boils, l!ecauae' with silk stltche8 and rings· 2 98 sodded and p)anted with treea. and the the meata are carefully tended during W All paid purchases 'of the goods each . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . , . . . . . . : , summit "'Ill be:crowned with bona fide

The new and' popular that ar<! shown in .Newark on

an& colorin·gs. · ·. Patterns HAHNE '&· CO • .

the entire time ; for to make them cristJ advertised · here · delivered · free to any · names arid molten lava. d d · . h railroad station wlthln lOO mile�� of New Waist trimming to match; · 1 fjQ an ten er Wlt out burni11g they must • ·I id d

. •ictns•!cnl. mt>Aic," •aid the

.. ecRtntlc be .__ed fift ... · York City. :o 11. w e; per yar . . . . . . . . . a • . •

....... every een or tweu.z DUll· yomig vmmnn, "leaves me . In a .trans-. utes.-Harper's Weekly. H. O'NEILL & CO., Sixth Avenue, 2oth to 21St Street. New York. port." "Well." said the young man, ' · · ' ·.





·�that's the renson t natura tty avoid it. The Sultan 11nd Jll• Harem.

·A distingnishetl lady who has the �!JUJU!. �����-.. &a-a&&fl'l. -��·ltjiJIU]�� mtroo to tho harem assures me, Bays a !t ���iA!iit'���

J was In the army, and J don't feel like taking chnt1ces .In transports of any ldnd."-Wnshington Star.

Olo.ves •. , . ,. l.wltes' Uht\'eti• • • 1:1� to 2�·13 1\lll'PeK' Hln\'t't'o o o , , 73C tu 08 lltm'tJ 'UhJ\'ez� . . . ,41te tu � • .ao &yo' GlovtH . . . . ,nlkl to lolD

. ' . Parasols. < . ...,���: �����l"uBc to u.oo ·. . Cblldrt.>n's J>ara. · ""!"• fr�!J.I t . . . . . l!lc to 1.98 . :

correspondent of the Fortnightly Re- "' view, that its present inmates dress more or leBS in European fiiBhion, but almost invariably in ,the costlie3t ecn· eeivnble tea gowns from Paris and Vi­enna. They wear mngnificeut diamonds and other jewels, and appear to lead a

J. f. : DORVALL�.......-.-.c A Chicago syndicate bwns a ranch In Texas 1vhlcb contains 5,000 square miles. Its herds of cattle aggregate l20,000 bead. besides 1.5�0. horses, ant! the calf crop branded In 1897 exceeded

HAHNE very happy lifo.

It must not for a moment be eon­eluded that because a woman is Rn in· mate of the Serai. she does not possess a· legal husband of her own. Mauy of the "' ladies are the wl ves of Pashas, and, like ., OlD' own Court Indies, have only a stated period of waiting in each year, Bnt tho majority of the married de11izens .of this world '1\itl>in a world, be they mis: ., u- or maids, have hu�bands holding some palace appointment, and apart­menta and families within its walls. The harem lad!ee have a fair ehare of Uberty. In the regnlation yashmakand fciritljo they cRII go out driving and pay­in« visits whenever they choose, and theJ haunt the bazaars, the Grande Rue

DRUGGIST. · � 31.000. Surr•rlslng as It may seem, all tile work of the · ranch Is done by 125 men .. one mnn to. every. 24,000 acres.

. cJe Pera, and other publio promeuadea. They have, uioreover; many entertilin· menta among thellll!elvea,. There Is a very pretty theater in the gardens of the

·. IJi,lacti, where operu alld balletS are fre­' qaently given for their entertainment. . In aummer tlley swarm up.� tba Doe­. pm111 to the Sweet Waters.of ·Asia, Rlld In spring and autumn to the Sweet , Waters of Europe;· but they are never

M8ll on Coot. As to tho Sultan himself, Jiia.Jife ls_gf the simplest and most ardu· -· Be rises at . 6 o'clock and worlao �th his secretaries •mtil noon, when bti

: bi'ealrfasts. After this be takes a driVP or a row on the lak• within his vas1 park. When be retlirns he gives audi­ences. At 8 o'clock be dines; 10me· times alone, not infrequently in com· pany of one of the amb1111sadors. Verv often, in tho evenings, be plays duets on the piano with his younger children. Be is very fond of light muslo, and his favorite score is th11t of "La Fille de limo. Angot." He dresses like an ordi-

. aary European gentleman, alway• · wearing a frock coat, the breast of

which on b'I'Oat oce·llsions is .richly em· broidered uml blazing with decor11tions. He is tho first Sultan who bas done away with tho diamond aigrettes, for· morl:y attaohed to the impe!'ial turban or filL Tho President of the United S\atllll is nomm·e Informal than tho Sul­UD in l>is 11111nner of receiving gnOBts. Ho plac!X! I>is visitor bosido l>hu on tho sofa, and hlmsolf lights tho cigaretta bA don him, All the Pad!slmll is sup· po!Od to spoak no language but Turk!sl1 and :Arabic, his 11I11josty, who is a t>or· foci French scholar, cun·les on convcr· ution through a drlltiOIDIIIl, '


Broad · Street, Cor. Elm, W�stfield, N. J, -niiBB\RAIR:IIIAI'RiiRaihR

J. · -s_. I RV·I·NG c-o .. .


Coat Lumber,· . ,

Bulldln& ·Mitidals.;.IDUidllp·aad llndiiDI Woad� flrtiiiZIU . Por Lawn, Garden and Pleld.

Offl�e and Yard··�Central ire., n�ar R. · R. Crosslls, Westflid · .

·.· Orden b7 Hail Will Receive Prompt Attentton. .· -

TBLEPBOIB 19 A, . , . .

Don't Wute Money

·by havlnp clieap plnmblng put In to your bouse . . It Isn't there long . IJe. fore .sometbir.g Is eitber bursting or leak in�r, and the mollPY · consamed li�le bJ little soon amounts to the same ' 1111 th• original of first cllll!s work: · ·

M I H. FERRI'S, Sanitary . rtumbing.


Albert E. Decker, .. . .


N.orth Are;, · Westfield, N • . J.

'l'he city building of ·Philadelphia Is the lnn,est ·building In America, not exceptln�. the capitol .lit Washington, being 48614, feet In length north and squth. and 470 In width east' and west, covering an are� of 4% acres exclusive of' a courtyard In the centre of 400 feet square. Around the whole;ls a grand m·cnue 205 feet wide on the northern front nnd 135 feet on the others, It con­tains 520 rooma besides the "omces of the city government. Burinountlng the structure Is a central tower; wbicb rl1e1 to an altltucle of &371-3 feet, and terminates In a colossal statue of Wil­liam Penn, wblch Ia 36 feet In helshl


.Joel ·cblndter: Harrla Ia· Aid to .be tlte .. richest newapaper .writer In the IJQUEJJ( 111R�J8 . · United States. .lila charltlea are In . t 1111 DroJlOrtl,on to hi•. meana. AXIINSUR "

Prealdent and · Mrs. McKinley '•ru:sJRY . .. . extremely fond of youn1 people llrt

more baa been done at the White Houae for the pleaaure of the younger J(lf(l ·

.. mmbera of society than alnce General· 'AVO •. I

. ERI". " ·Grant wa1 Prealdent. o II u

Jacob Gould Schurman. president of suru:R JII!DIJI Cornell, who has juat been mnde chair· url RUM • mnn of the Philippine commission, ·be- - .� IJBD lite na a country 1rocery clerk re- .-;:::: celved •s·o a year and board. He saved money and worked his way through ftlllege,

The British · are Indeed a Rrnteful peonle. On recommendation of A • • T. Balfour, Dr. Joseph Wright hns been grnnte<l a penalon on t.ho civil list of .1 .000 per anum. Dr: wrlgbt bns beeii editor of the English dta•ect dlettr�•ry, nnd It Is possible, says Literature, hnt this honorarium of ,1,000 n year Is the tribute of a srnte!ul nation to one wbo bns enable<! It to underAtnml the su\Jtlelles of recent Engllsl1 fiction, In ,which the nuthors bnve, ns tor as pos­. Rlhle, nvolde<l the use of .t.he English l&ntfUAI!:e, ' .

· President . . Jordan' of Blanford Uni­versity baa returned from n live weeks' tour ' ln Mexico. He was the bend of n P.nrty of fourteen . college protes�ors nnd their wives, and had unusual op­J!Ortunltlea for 1tudylnp: the social nnd economic problems of the country, . epoke. hlp:hly of l'resldcnt Dlaz, nntl characterized him 11 "without question the greatest ruler of any nn.tlon, who baa slven to bla couutry durin� hie tweut)• yean at the bead of Its Rovern'· ment; nearly enrythlnJ · It poa1eB101 of real ltahlllty," · · · ..


TO SI.OO TO 11.00

65C. TO 751:' 1 11.00

11.43 65, YS, K51l.

�(CARPETJ* · • • """ '1.' • . - ., K, DEP'IlRTl4E"T.

' . .. •' • : . , . �·li: . . . . i,.t . •


> r4EYl GOODS . '

Made our• .one of t� :thi�•t ca...; ·' ; · pet �pia�men� I� .ih� S.�ate. '�

' < ( , .


alXJo ... 98f .111.1!o S•7Sl .1!114o 7•!18

. . . . ·

fUGANI. SlfRRA RUil8, .

. ,, .... . ,,··; .'6119, 7·981 81110, 8.981 91112, 7·!18 ,ft

' . " . \ . ' ' '

I MOQUETTE RUGS, 18-ln;, .98c·l 27:1n ., 1,98; 86-ln., 3•4!11

, Ox12,• 31.98,


Page 7: County Stand… · . ·. · . . ; , .. . WESTFIELD,.· UNION COUNTY. · N. J.; FRIDAY, l'a\A H 31, 1899; $2 Per Year. Single ·Copies 3c:. N W .ulk, N. J. ,. t' 's. Gti8at st Qibbon

.Chrlehho .. Lnrd io rl•on to-da�. '

S''"�·!Jf men an� &DI•·Is say; . . ,. . · · · Ralti8 your Jnye and. triumphs li·l�� . 81ntr� re heaven� and earth reply,

--· BY THE n�v •. J.Y.MAN ABBOTT, o: D.

Paotor · of the Plymouth C!>ntrreM&tl<onal . , · \ Church, Brooklyn. ·

---· ·

Plea&!'nt. PBltt.table, Potent, Tnste Goocr Do G�, Hlck�u. Wenkou. or Grlpe, lOc,2ai,fbc, '" , CURK CONSTIPATION ·

, · It a man dfe, shall he Jive �!rain' It II the old question and .. I suppose there Ia· no 'question that Interests .more ' liu­man hearts ' and Interests th'em . more deeply. I doubt whether to�day, 1� this nineteenth century, tliere are as man)'. men and women perplexed by ·and In· teres ted· In the question of a personal Go� · as, are perplexed . by and Interested· In the question or the Immortality of the . soul. If a man die, shal he . live again? And generally we give that an affirmative answer or a negative an- .

.•unl'l, n ••• d, fn•puf, tl•"•'"' .D .. ,. ... . JII'n· Yart.'�i 10• TO•BAC So1 1d nnd •nornntccd by nil drua· . a &ts to lllJ M£ '11obacoo JJabJ�

Inver : we sny yes ·or no. ·._.

But did It· never occur to you that· Pe•·haps It depends on the kind or man? · Did lt 'never occur to you that pertiapa· some men Will rise and some Will not? or that perhaps part of ·the man will rise and part of the man \Viii not rise?


Did It neve•· occur to you that,. \Vhlle It Is lmimssible for .us accurately to analyze human nature, nevertheless it Is possible for. us to see that man Is. made uv or separnble elements, arid· that· there . Is In mltn th!lt which fa


worthy of. everlasting life, and there­fore will live forever, that which Is not .worthy of everlasting life esa,"

'l'bu Interest . of tho Comp1my is hlcntlllml :�h the \'l l l,,�oi iu which itlj llilln l!i loc!lt�cl. d It ·� tho Jtullcy or tho IIliLUIU;:unumt to clo �������1; to Itromote tlu:tr gl'owth lmd · FIIIH FRO'M THE COUNTRY!f Company refert� toali 'lts Patrons.

there is one thing more thun otl,,,

and cnnuot ·� live · _forever, · and how much of the mn.n wlll rise wlll de­pend on how much In him Is mortal and how much ds Immortal? ··ntd . lt nm·er ocCur thut, _ a fter· aU, a man Is something like gol<l .ore:...part dross and part gold-and •orne men hardly wo•·th the mining? ·

· f 1 1 b 1 rrellfOMcntat.Ive of the CcnnpBII!' wlll be makes ou_e success U ll ns ne�a.u . to ma.ll on tmrtfes who clo not nt 11resont · is jmlgement in buying. It's ea�:��1�[f1��i 0�t:,:1�1��t.��tci:ul e qJllllll rato3,

to �ell a goQ.•l thing If peop)' • . It we look a little further we see that tbc whole process of llfe-the real, the healthful, the natural life-Is a separ­ation of the dross from -the gold-an emerging from the mortal Into lmmor­tnllty. It Is the rising out of that which Is merely sensuous and animal Into that which Is spiritual and eter-

about it. We use our best ende111'i Un10n Water Company, bU.)' the very choicest' cattle an� 68 Droad Street. Eliza both,

have long ago found out that- w.;" __________ ..;._ · ho1v to cut U(l 1101l handle meats:;·

.. th B , h B ,

week some line lim! b. . 0 e est, · as t e · ast IS

· lRCHBGLD &,; -SCUDDER,\; the Cheapest. . WESTFiELD. .NeW Jersey nal. , s -- · •

How much of you Is Immortal? Let us look that question fairlY· In the face this· Easter Day. 'Vould you really wlsh to go on eternally In the llfe you are now . living? Would you wish to carry through eternity the being you now are? · . · ·WALL ·PAPER

······.··�· WALL : PIP�R WALL PIPER ·

WAlL "PAPER :_ · ·. /' l .


· walel Broa. · lit.· �lltlfiiiPI,

S.i ness College, cat 68a Broul Street, ll'•w•rk d Mllitllfl' Park) otfm·s sttl161'lor tn­·a�e tn Courie!i of Stmly and cost of E-,� ull de•lrlng a tburouKh Daolness

ot���:�!"i�g�� .�y�����·:�:t�:.�r qualified 51. all tho year. Catalogue free.

!ld see the Khool at wQrk. : '' C. T. 1\llLLER. Principal.


Vice Princip��la.

.•. .-a .IOFFEn� .• �PENTER AND

·. �


The Ea•ter MOrnlnir. By Rev. Robert Collyer. D. D.

. My heart returns to the Spring morn­Ing, with those memories of the itvlng pruence, when the great Eaiiter fes­t�,.;] .)raws near; held In His name ·or .'1\'hvm the, angel said, He Is not here, He Is risen. · The day which touches the Springtime of the Immortal life our common Christendom and answera to Ita aymbol of the Springtime on our aone that we a�e- al ao glad for when the IUD returns to call forth Into life the roots and seed a which have . been dead to all seeming, and the aoft ralnl f1ll that, they may bud llhd blosaom.

And Bl, when the Spring cornea, we

liave to find oqr way· Into the green 'tand8 to drink In the "beauty and fra-

. L�� 8,._...;.�- · grance of brave new life which could ��� u--., not be holdeu In the bands of death. JIO Weat, New Jeney. this Eaeter festival marks the time E t' · • when the great tiuman heart Is lured s tr. Cheerfully ·Fur- away from Its wlntry .de�otatton to hear

E . Al. d B ' d tished, the shining ones wfllaper still of our

n an rea. · ·beloved as we go to our graves They • � _. . . 1 -·--------- ."itre") not here, they are rtsen.. The time

-------'!"'. --•-• IPrmurc;ouslness Edutatlon when we turn from the northwa'i.d o1•t·

··· tf• •. d 8 · k '

look toward the sun of our . hope;· so

es te . .·

. a ery . T THE-that the seeds of the eternal hope that

· if&OLEMAN never die may bud forth and blossom · ' · · ' · '· Into joy. Just a flush of the promise

J. SOH.M ITT, · . I BUSIH£"3. �Of ! fr It mny be, and no more. Just the un-


.•• , .. ,..,. CIU!Arl delivered In qu1ntltlet

to IUft. makee regular calla. · Drop u�

card 1111d your Wllllt& will be ll'i;i iRellded to.

<l l• folding of a petal. J.ust the first note as of a blrd, the prelude of the full song, and no more. But the II ush of the spring mcnns the fullness of the Summer, the unfolding of a petal th'e glory of the Autumn days, and the first note of the bird the symphony of the eholr Jm·lslbte.

838 Brt;, Newar111 N. "· And )'�U will �\ Ume IUHl money, URtcs grontll rcducmfsh Uranches, liufllness, Shm·tluuul Bt�d Jtlng, Unly S�o 1\ q111Lr" �grl�����ll. Ev'1hool from z;ulJtmnber c. Horton, Pen�. Coleman, President __ ,_.�

Pianorgains We are no�ing severn) odd

styles of Uprlfi.mos, both new BDd second h�. great rodueo tiona. Sold ontcnns of pay• ment or liberal �t allowed for cnsh. Wllfl FOI lUlL

The Fwench 8apren•e Court.

uJJ���-- .:ftlason�linC!Io_.

The constitution of the conr do cns­sntion is as follows : One presi<lent,' or chief justice, stamls ut tho bend of the org11nization, hn1•ing below him three subm·dinate 11resillents, each of whom bas charge of 11 cluun bcr. Next in order como 41i minor .indges, styled conncll­ors. to for each clmmber. Besides these strictly jndicial fnnctlonnrles, who ore nppolnted for life, thoro nro fieven offi­ciul udvocltlcs, OliO of whom Is 11 sort of attorney general to tho whole body, while two practice in each of tho <11-visions.

To tills stuff mnst bo 11!1<1ed fonr chi of clerks nnd nbout n score of minor oil!· cials. Of tho tht·co cbumhet·s, tho Ht·st Is u court of requests, serving to tloehle wlmt cuses shu II ho ullowml to go hufore tho civil mul crlmlnul cluun!Jors l'o­SllOCtivcly. Eloi'On jmlJ,lcH In itll tho 111· visions nro ncCCHSIII'Y to fOl'lll II (jUOrUlll, 'l'ho comts only sit tht•oo !lnys n wcolr, from l!l to 4, so thnt this hngo mnchlno <loos Its worlc very !!lowly.

CONTINUOUS , PERFOR�IANOf;�. Seat\ � and IMio. l'ru11ram wook,


All balconlea, illl; all urcbo"'


ancl laturclar llatlnee.

of Fire Alarm Boxes

•·-•�'"'h·••�a:w!:ea::.a::·.,::,,ul Park atrset, and Kimball afenUe. Mldtll-• 1treetl. ('.�'�ruDIIblrlaad 1tnat and Booth

a •nd 8 Woot 18, Now Yorlc.

Stoam Marble antuo worts II'ENOINO II'Oit OE:y 1'1.0'1'8.

Larg;e Variety of Or�;;numents. Pnoumsllc Tool& for Lel�d c:arrlftlr•

L. L. MllNNilt SON, l'l'oDt St .. Cor, Ct Awe,,

PLAINPIILD,\ Nuture'• Cllllllhllr. --------- Protcctivo mimicry, timt cnnnhlff <lo·

·. ale_ ... r. .. u.A' ._.. . vice of nuturo to (ll'osm·vo unhnuls fl'Olll

.JIYROY ILL• their onmuioH, is well shown h1 tho � eggs of ccrtuin llshcH, notubly the Onll· f:!t'.r.�. •t fornlnn shnrk known RH Gyro1llenrmlnA

=t"...':.r.l 11\t frnnciscl. Tho slmrk Is ot 11 aluggish •:.r.o�o<�;u habit, lurking IUIIOIII( rucks, nud ltH '"'"�f.i:'� <lnrk ogg ro8ombloa n l01f of kolp or aon· �''�'" wood foillod up Hllirnlly, Jt iH dcpoaltml

.:� nmong tho IMltlB of kul11 nntl cllngn to .,..., · " " tho louvue b,. tho odgos of tho 1pirulM.

• - Tho ,.onng sbork bnrata open tho end �HINOL' of tbo ogg and swhne awny, Another ;;:I · I shnrk'• egg of the Pucillo con•t bas ton·

TO \sT tacloa whloh claeJ• tho llllaweed 111d

Jl'onj•burbAn 11011 oounlrr ht nbto hnltnto ltH nppenrnnce. ll<t•tll fl18 no L,.lnllntr or aller:

l!utoerlor to tnu belt tin, and <, I'•••••••• NATo' llllt:l'lT llt:TAI• ft()(, "So ,.on bttve no bouse of . lortll la

IIIli» • II U Or!UIII l!llreel, oliu,·, tblll copntry Y" 1nld the VllltiDI IDI• ----------'"�� Ualumm. · , ·

T \ . "No, ·wo haven't, " replied the Amer• ·Diant rae\ lean, "Tbll II I natloD 'Witboll* I ,lfl.. .

, , , peer. "-Harper'�.B..!I.•�·

. � , 'J \r ; '· ,�. ,, • •• , , \.,',, ' · , (_;: i ' '· ,.:·, ..... �

r ! · ·!_ · , . . ··•

· $ 1 2.&0 . · Dealca,· _ • . $l.OO $& Rockers, UP�·Rl'·��·��.ED $2.&0 '30 Parlor oa•inets, · 1 7.-0Q Couches, Valour Covering, ·

. ' . E.q ua IJy L�� 1lrices on a l l Lines.

. _ If )rou want Bargains, com" now, as STOCK MUST BE SOLD .AT ONCE I . · ·-----,--------·


.. ,®-f PACKER,� · W. Front St. and l�dison AYe;·; . : Plainfield, N. J.

; · A ·can�er ltlnd o f sn, .• ,.�. -- - llo Ponclactl EgJ:N -For Iler. 1 • !llanw•e lllnJ�Ie. There is nn ol<l Judy ·in n cbnrm!ng

Siamese magicians profess to be uble 1•nt of tho way villuge whos l oninions to destroy }·our enemy for you. They cf "nrtist chnps" nnd "Lunnon'wuys" first bewitch pnrt of a hnfl'nlo till it be- ore amusing. . comes us small us u pea. \VherJ yonr On one occasion a wan<lering knigh� enemy has been induced to swallow it, of the brnslr secured a night's lodging they make it return to its originnl size, nt l1er cottnge.

. · ,_,

When Albert Hemy Savage Lnn<lor re3ched !St. Petersbnrg on his wny from tho Forbidden Lund. the fnct wna <lnly �hronicled, an<l the London press asnrJ­�iation·s sent cable · messages to Austra­lia telling of tlui hairbremlth escape� :m<l mnnifold sufferings. The :1\Iclbonrne firues ·received'bUt II shor� note, which uml after sntfel'ing great ngonies be Early next morning be wns asked ,.., was this : · ·

"A. Suvngo Landor urrive<l in St. Petersburg ·· to<lay from Tibet after mffcring greatly at the bands of the oatives. · �·

This was meager enough, bnt the news editor wns cqunl to the occasion. fbe ·following morning, nmong the )titer mutters of news, the renders of fhe Times found this stnrtling informa­tion :

"A sitvage lnndor got into St. Peters· burg yesterday, and the 11eoJ•Ie of the city were terrified. After considerable 3iffic�ty the benst, whkh came fi'Om fibet,'l was captured. tuken to a re­mote place and there dis('ntched. It is !Rid that this is the first nninjnl of tho rort ever seen in Russia. How he reucb· ed the city after his fight• with the nu· lives of Tibet, which is a colnpnrativelJ unknown countn. In u "'Y•trry. "

"Give me a· Uver · regulator and I can regulate the world," said a ganlus. The dru�rglst handed blm a bottle of De· Witt's Little Early Rlsel'll, the famous little pills. �. B. Trenchard. ·

"" ....... ......... "

suffocates. Pig's Jleah and fish nro nlso whnt he would lilw for breakfast. used . . When these people die. the rea- "Oh, " Wlls the reply • ."a couple of son elm be detected, becanse at their eggs will do-poached, mind you." ' cremntion some part of their body re· "Beg purdon, sir"- . fuses to burn. and when it is cut open "1 said u couple of eggs. poached, " it contuins fish or meut of some nnimal. repented the urtist in 11 Iemler tone. A small ·boy died recently .and was ere- The old Judy stiffened her bnck, muteil, A certuin purt of the child's opened the door und · 11oiutcd out into chest refused to burn, und they got it the road. examined and found it to be a piece of "Clear out o' my boose!" she com· ealt pork I manded. "I'd hnve yon know as I re·

----• spects my neighbor's property, and I ·

neoi iiiii From tl•e Guu ain't no poacher. Sich goings on may · Wua the ball t.hRt bit G B. SteR<lnum do in Lnnnon, bnt they won't do ·in

of NelvRrk, Mich., In the Oivil Wnr Loamshire. " It 1\llsed horrible ulcers u1�t no treRt The artist endea\'ored to exp1Rin, but me'i.t helped for 20 yeara. Then Bnck the lady w�uld not listen, and he did len'• Arnic�A Salve cured him. Onres .not break hts fast in that bouse. cnts, brul!;es. burns, , bOll�. felcms, corns, "Painters was nUns a bad lot," were skin ernvtlons: Best (Jile cure on eRrtb the la�t words be heard before she shnl 2JI .ct�: a bo:r. Cure gnaranteed. Sold the dcor b�bind bim, "but gettin bon· at tbe Bayard drolf store. est fowk to poach eggs for 'em's quite

a..'tT...,eaS,It •• ...,., IHriJI't Awar. To. flU!& "'baeeo easily and forever, be mar aeuc. run or lite, nerve ani! vigor, tAke No·�·,. Baa, &be woader·worker, tbo.t makcll "'cak men 1\rODI· All druggla18, roo or II. Cureguaran•

teed. bookie& · and .ample free. · Atldrcso SteriiDI Reme<IJ' co., Cblcago or New 'Yorll .. f.

' Plant Trees!

a new dodge. "-Landen Telegraph. flllprovf!ol tbe Oppo•t•altJ'.

Pet"r Foote, long since dead, n'sed to

be a police magistrate In Chicago. Foote was Intensely Irish and loved to l!bow It

In St. I•aul's chnrch,.nrd, hi Ale:r· 1111drla, Va., is a marble tombstone be•rlng .tbls lnscrlptlon : -------------

One day a dudishly attired young fel· low calling himself .Frederick Edward1, aild plainly betokening by his &J:eech that be hadn't been long from the shores of England, was arraigned before tbo justice charged with lounging abOut the parks. When he was arrested, be showed light and had to be dragged to the patrol bo:r.

'l'o the memory of a female stranger : Bow toYed, how honored once avalla &bee not; To whom related cr by. whom begot ; A heap or dust alone remains ot theo. 'Tis all thou art, and all tbe proud shall be.

This strange Inscription ral,;�d much conjecture. The facts, as nearl,. as known, ure'thut In 1\lay, 1816, 11 man and n beuntifnl girl, uccompunlcd by o vnlet, arrived ut Alexon<ll'ia In nn Eng­lish vessel. They shunned every one. Five months nfterward tho girl died. Tho busbnnd stuid long enough to erect II IIIOIIUIUCht, left II Blllll of money to repnir it nn<l then sniletl away and wns never henrd of ngnin. Several novels have been founded UllOII this sad and rolllantic Incident. ·

.. As the sensoii of the year when pnen­

monilt, Ia grippe, sore th1'011t, coughs, cohls, cabtrrh, bronchitis and long --------------­troubles are to be guarded ll'(llinst, noth· lug "is n line substitute, " will "answer the purpose," or is "just as good" as One Minute Oongh Cure. That Is the

one lnfallable remedy for all lun11, tllroat or bronchiRI trou',les. Insist vlg· oronsly upon having it. If ' 'somet.lthlg �lse" Is olfeJ·od you, W, H. Trenulmrd.

., j � '

" 'E 'nrted me feelln's badly, your worship, " said the prisoner when In the dock the following morning. �"E 'it me on the solo of me fute an"-

<•I don't thin!c you've any feelings in your soul, " growled the sympathizer of downtrodden Ireland. "And, another thing, yon must rrmember you're in America now. lh Englund yon object to an'"' lrish1i1im wen ring tho green. Here wo object to Englishmen lying on it : $1 1111(1 costs. " And tlJA justice pinched ltimsel£ to look nncotJcented while the Brilon beggml the clet·lc to cut the fine clown to a "bob. "':"·Chicugo Chroniclt!.

· -If von lul\·e n cough, throat lrritatlc.n

weak Icings, puin In the c.l1est, �lfficnlt brenthlng, croup or hoarseness, ' let us suggest Ono Minute Cough Onre. AI· ways reliable an� snfe. W. H. Trenchard.

"••ltit A young English attache of the lega·

tion In Wnshlngton remarlcecl to on Americun Lulle some yenrs ago: "I am renlly sorry that tho Boring sea nffalr is not likt'ly to bo umicnbly ucljusted, for-of course, with mir superior navy, we conhl just wipe you off tho fuce of tho earth� " · ·

Shu roplied with one word, "Again?" -Chl'ist!nn Register,

IJnhnt•l•)· lllu.tratlon. "Jolmny, " suicl n tencher to 11 sontb

side grt'ccry mun's 0-yonr-oltl, "n lio can be nctml ns well ns toltl. Now, If your fnthcr would put snncl In h i s sugnr and sell it bo wonltl i.Jo nctlng 11 lie nnd do· ing Vel'Y WI'OIIg. "

"Thut'H whnt mother toll1 him, " said Johnny lmpotnously, "and he sahl be 1litln't curo. "-Ohio Stnto Journnl.

Tmnhlors resembling In sbupo and tlimonsluns tboso oinJlloyctl t01lny hnve boon fouml in gront mu11bCI'H In Pom• 11oll. 'fhoy wore mrulo of l!ohl, sill'or, !(hiss, Junrblo, ugnto nml ltroclous stone ..

·-J. Sheer, Betlrtllrl, 1\lo,, co111luotor on

eleutrlo etreet cur line, wrlt011 that ' hl1 ' little d11ngbter Will Vel')' low with croup, ami hor lire II&Vetl 11ft�r all Jlhy•lcl•u l111d flllle•l, only by 111h11C One Minute Oou�rh Cure, W. H. Trenchard,

• • ... .. . ., ...... , ....... .

"PH," 111l•l JIUiu Willie, "wbr II a . bad 11ctor called 1 'ham t' "

"PerhRJII, " hl1 f11thor replied, "IJI. canH he'• 10 uttea ltlrvcd wl&h •Millo •• -O•tbollo Btand•rd aud Tlw1111o · . .

,; ·,, '

Page 8: County Stand… · . ·. · . . ; , .. . WESTFIELD,.· UNION COUNTY. · N. J.; FRIDAY, l'a\A H 31, 1899; $2 Per Year. Single ·Copies 3c:. N W .ulk, N. J. ,. t' 's. Gti8at st Qibbon

. �·

·' . . , .. . . .

. . f . . / ri1e rood boa�d Will· )�old II regnlar

,meeting on Monday eVfnmg.

SMALL WINDOW GLASS C,OST $20. Four Yom•J.lleit Arreatetl for· Dlaorderl)�

. � Conduct at Detmt.

•Willlnm · Per�lne, George . Woodrnff, Timothy McCarthy and Patrick O'Con· nor were arraigned by Coust11hle Frfll 'l'odd before J nsiice of the Pence Col· Uo.i o� Tn�sduy afterliQO!I an1l . charged with having . acted hi 8 di�orderly man· ner at the'depot .early Sunday. morlling. The complah•ing. wltnt>ss was John Pen dergast, tlie. uight ticktt agent nt the depot .

/;- The township committee 'YitJ ho1d its ne�t we�iiug on 'l'uesdny evening, .April

· u.

• 'In Gay Paree" at the Casino .Is draw· lng well and the farce is gorgeously staged. 1\lanager Lederer bas spent thousands of dollars In properly staging this spectacular musical farce und among the c9St of cliaracters nre such fllvorites as }.lttrie George, Mnhel Gil· umn,· Chiules Dickson und Hurry Dll\'ell·

Mr.· Pendergast told how l1e l1ad fonnd the men iu the d�pot on the so�th side of the tr11ck. They were all more or lt>ss <lrnnk und be ordered thew ont. Going

!J11ck Inter he fmmd them there· nguin An informul musicnl will be given by

port. If ''ou ·wnnt to' witness 11 cutchint:", allll n window 1-roken. the Cranford �Iusic Clnb on ;\Iondlty ' As the 111en nil 11dmitted that thPy bright, umFicnl farce g<fto the Casino evening.

!\Irs . . Jnmes R. Richnrdson, of New York, is. spending a few d11ys with friends in town. ·

The board of education has organized by electing Noel R. Park president and H.' B. Brundage Qlerk.

The grand regent and grand officers of the Royal Arcanum paid a visit to Cran· ford Conn�il last evening.

were in the depot wlien thev btt<l no and see "In Gay Pnree." !Jnsiness there, they were each tined fG Jolly 1\lay Irwin returns to Ne1v York or the ulternntive of going to juil for ten

again n�xt l\Ionday uight, April 3, days . . 'fhe fines'were pnid. ' ' but this time for only a week. Having •----forsaken the !itt!" Bijou where Knte Kip Jloa;,, or Eohl<llllon Orl(anlae. made such a remarkable .success earlier The new Board of Education held Its In the season, Miss Irwm comes this first meetl;lg on Toesday 'evening and time to amose the west·siders, at tlle . ,John B. Green, president and J. Grand Opera Hoose and will of ���� . Cogt>r, district clerk. The roles were bring with he, Kate Kip.. Kate K P amended to make tbree·a quorum, aa the James Penderg�t. of ti1is town, who 1 tb t Ill partl nl rly appeal to the P ay a W . c. a board now c01iel8tll . of live lliembel'll. is the night ticket agent at the Central w�ts!de th�.att:e goel'l, a�d Manager The clerk wae requested to 'Invite .the Railroad depot at Westfteld, has been Palon e Eas.le, attraction will probably advisory coNmlttee named at the 811• made II member �f Court.' Provident, I. have II record week at the Grand Opera nual echool uieetln�; to·oonfer �lth the 0. F., of Westfield. . Houee. board on the subject or locreailniJ eehool

A wreck at sea · is not the oniJ' place where a life line is of importance.

There is a life line for the sick, as well as for the drowning man. It is Dr. Pierce's Golden Jl!edica! Discovery. It is not n curc·all, but it i!' a scientific ·medicine.thllt goes to the fountain head of n number of serious nnd fatal diseases. \Vhcn a man gets seriously 'sick, he can generally be cured by the right cclnrse of treatment. The treatment that cures many obstinate chronic'diseases consists of pnre uir, good food, ra\ion·al exercise, nnd tl1e use of a remedy that will strengthen the weak stomach, correct the impaired digestion, iu,igorate the liver and promote the aS· aimilation of the live-givmg elements of the food. The " Golden llledical DiscoV•

· ery " accomplishes all these things. ·(��!tY:/'gtt:��,f.S\'�1:����:�.1""�1�! ofthe1unJI'I, livercomplaint, lddu�y trouble, and

�leurioy were fut huteaiog him to thellfllve.

• ��h'l:'r!'':.l���j,f::.:UT!.:.l' · l'b�1i' w:!.�� ::.a: r� �1!e·��etfttl�·c�'1i�':'b�t·:l�:��'l.�1', mu.t die. • It!. brother had pr ... ntod him with three bottlH of medidae, blit he had no faith Ia. • �tent uardldun ' ; but after the doctcm had �•n him up to die and he had bani1hod


1 �� ;!.':;."o�e ��::!-!:!� �· n��-��o;t�� taltln�, thit moc!lelne. I will belfn 111 uoe at on�. ·:, He did· bella to uoe It and ·at II rot be 1 • The services at Trinity church on Mr,' R. D. lllacLeao, llllss .Odette facilltlee at tb·e · meethig neat Ttieiday

'Easter day will be RS follo�s: Early eel· Tyler. anli :llfr. Charles B. Haufor�·wlll evenh1g. ' President Green wft8 Instruct· . ebratloil at 7.80 a. m. ; morning pr11yer apiJiltir at the Herald Square Theatl'll,- ed tO appoint a board of lady visitors for

. and holy oommuulon ' at 11 a. m. ; cl1ild ' New York, for three weeks, beginnio11 the scbools.'

�=1 W::e�u'::'--;:!ll the.:u:�eT��·:l:i� man .r,. llron�:anil hea� and he owH til1 life to that mcdldat. Wbat was tht medldoel II wu nr. Plen:e•a Golden Medical Dlscovery, and J, t�uther Mattia', am the · cur�d man. Dr. Pierce, I thaalt you from the very depth of my heart, fot rele'Jiag me frora tbe he. 11 The forqoln1 i1from l.utbor Martin, .. a proado aeat diliea of l.u!>cc:; wwc� eo., .w. 11: . • : :

reo's festival carol l!llrvice at 2:80 p. m. ; Easter Monday, .. April 3, lri: revivals of The following committees were ap· evening prayer and sermon at 7.80 p. m. Shakespearean playa. lllr. R. D. lilac pointed :

. , , ·

At the 11 o'clock service tbe music .IP: Lean will oo remembered as co-star with Supplies-Clark and Foster. Processlonal,hymn 109,Lowe;TeDeumin the late ' Marie Prescott. With the .Baildlngs and punds-Coger and C, Foster ; Ftstival Jubilate ill C, Jor· death of llliss Pre8cott seven yeal'll ago, Knight. . •' dan; Intr�lt, "Christ Is Risen, " Mann· be retired · from the stage and bus not Tellch��_;Knigbt and Clark.; Kyrie, Jackson ; hytnn 112, offer acted nntil this sea�on. A well known Ontlvhig HCltools-Forster and Knight. tory anthem, "Hallelniah," Handel critic hilt! said of Mr lilac Lean : "Hti Fhut�ICe-Forster and Clark ,. , (from the "Messiah'') : Sanctus in B ftnt, left the stage a good actor, bot returns � · ·

· Le Jem•e: Cowmunion, hymn 225; Glor- 11 better one." There is perhaps no �ct· lluw'• Thto. ia In Excelsis in F, Tours ; S..venfold ress better known to New Ym·k theatre- We offer One Hnndred,Dolltlrs Re· Amen, Stainer; Rece•sion81, hymn 122. goers than 1\liss Odette Tyler. Sh� bus war<l for any elise of Cutnarh tlutt can In tbe evening the full choir will be pre· been associated with ueurly all of the not be cured by Hall's Catnrrnh Cnre. 11eot nml the muHic will be: Procession· g1·eat Frohuum successes, nml retire<! F. J. Cheney � Co , Props,, Toledo, al hymn 121 : Nunc Dimlttis iu·F, Bl'llce from the stage nearly two years ago 0. We the nndersatrned, have known F. ' 0 . · 1 . .T. Cheney for the last 15 yearo, und be· Steane; hymn 115; ffertmy, ant 1em, when she marraed Air. )lacLetlll and ac lie\'� bin!'perf�ctly.honorable in all bus· "N01v is Christ Risen from the Dead," companied 111111 to bas estates in West in••s . transnctions, . au!l llnnnci•tlh· able J .. E. West; Yesper Bymn Steane;Seven· Virginia. Mr. · clmrles B. Htmford bas tw �arry,·ont any obhg11tlon uutde by fold Amen. Stainer; Recessiorml, hymn long been ·ussociated with the greittest their firm. T 1 1 1 ·' · . . •• 116 . . ·The rec.tor w prenc 1 ot 1 morn· Shakespenrean sturs of this counta·y, Toledo, 0 Woldlng, l{hman 1t M11r 111 1 b 1 \Vest . arul rn�x. w 10 esa e uigg1s..,,

. , ing and evemng. Fonr plays will be prt>sented during the ·vin. wholesale drnl(gi�ts, . T <lo 0. · · • MacLean-Tyler·Hunford . engaMement, Ball's Cnturrh Cure Is tnken internally RAHWAY, including · Othello Romeo and. Juliet, Rt:tina; dtrectly upon the blood a.ud

' . mm•ons' ·of the system. Prace The Merchant o! Vemce and Julius 75o. pgr bottle. Sold by all Druggists. . The 118,000 brid!le on Bridge street was Caesar. Each Wtll btl adequ11tely stKIC Tl!l!timonials free ,., . opened to the public.on Wednesday. ed and costumed. . This ·-'eujlagement Ball's family rills are the hoist. · 1\llss Clara Johnston, of Brooklyn, is should appeal to' the lover� of legitimate · ' · ·

tbe gnest of friends on Cherry 'street. and clBIIsic drama; · and It Is believed ,,. Amerl<an Thoatre, _ The democrats have nominated the they will take advantage of it. "Othel· Tbe Caetle ,Sqnare .-Opera Company's

following candidates for councilmen : lo" atid "Romeo and Juliet'' will be revival of "The Mika<lo''at the American First ward, George Vansant; second 11iven the first ·Week, and "The lller: Theatre ltas been . attended with lllark· war�l, Angustas N. Riter (renominated) ; chant of Venice" and · "Julina Caesar" ed snc1!811. Neat Monday nlsht will oo tltird ward, J. Letlter•.La Forse; fourth will follow. . . . · given the 437th perlol'lilance of. opera In ward, John Danah; fiftb ward, A. L. Easter We.!k at the prosperous contln· Engllah at this popular place of ente�-Fiscber. nons perfonnance tbeatree ot F.· F. ta\nment, when the Easter attractl >ti,

At the Republican City convention Proctor, In Greater New York, hlda fair "The lllerry Wives of Wind held on W idoesday . evening Cb�trles B. to ecllpae all pi'I'VIoas recorda · In the line afnimi- to eclipae In · popular lnte� Holme�� was nominated for mayor. Gao. of astonlshlnslv. hi& lhowe. The atar at the iretot production of "La' G·o· B. Edgar wae made chalnnan of the the Twenty· Third Stree� Thtiatre, be&in· " In the role of Fenton the man· convention and 11. Randolph Anderson nlq April 8, te Nell Bnr� in a will lutrotloce the latelt ad· II!Cretary. The other nominations made minute version of "Widow Betl«.tt. '• to their forcea In the pe1'801l of E. were: Councilman at large, F. H. Bliss; All the laushable bite of thla famous C. Hedmondt, lin American tenor, who

· ·water comtDIMeioner, D. K . . Ryno; IICbool comedy ars concentrated In thla half· wa�� last -!' •n this coootrv In the anp· commissioner, H. Randolph Anderson; bonr altetoh at Prootor'e. Nell Barseu port of Emma .Jnch. Be · been a freeholdert!, John Farrell and Christian fll'llt gained hta• eminence at Prootor'e member of the Oori·Roea and Ehrlich. County Clerk Boward was 23rd St�eet T�eatre, when nn lllarcb II, Opera Companiee for the las� 6vo1 . chosen as the d�leKate . at larse to the 1888, he produced. "The County Fair," and hu woo by his iplendld gifts, tioth city eaecutive committee. which ran for lli W9(>1tl consecutively• vocal and dram11tlc,aa uneacelled Poei·

---• hides Nell Bar&et���, there will he Tom tlon on the En&lleh speaking lyric atage. , CLARK TOWNSHIP, ·

·ond . Hattie Nawn, Montaromery and The remalnln/i rolea will .enlist the fol· s.oue and 20 others. Tbe E911ter week lowing favorltee of tbe comp�ny :. Clio-H. Achen will mov� to Rahway 11ext headliner at the PleMure Palace, begin· ton Elder, Fr��:nk lllouhm, Henry .Nor·

Wlll!k. <Jug April S, will be lll11rle Wainwright, 1uan, H. L. Chase, L B. Morrill, Lizzie • t to favorite actress; .wlio there makes Macnlchol, Laura 1\lillar�l and Frances · G. H. Bartell bas movc<l from ensll ru h�r .debut In vandevi

.ll.e. : : · She will pre· Miller: Durlnar the wee'k· Tb011, to western Clnrk. ·· ent 1\ new comedietta, "Josephine vs .. will alternate with Mr. He<lmondt In the Charles Brewer is we.nring a · ln • •·" .l.tpoleon," assisted ))� her own . com- role of Fenton. '!'he scenic prodnutlon slze<l smile these days ovea tho arriv111 "' l l'· •ny,. This is a most bn)JOrtan� engage· will be of 811 mm••udly el�ttior11te nature, a daugbter. . ment and will undoubtedly fill the bilf lite scene in Whulsor Park 1efteot1n11 an The macadam roods in this towll ' ' ': • Pulace to tbe dom·s. · Miss Wainwright Enlflish ltllld�cnpe note11 In · history. · will need a great de�l of repulrln\ to . • • • ' •• Ill wear some gortr

,eous gowus imported �!rent opportunities will be afforded f�r them In good comlit10n, lot• the occasion. The best seats In the plotnrel!llliB 1lreRsing wblch are certain The new · 1neJDbers of the hoar<! of urchestra are offered ha the Rfter· to be finely realized.

" Let ns wait till tbe' Spring," said a gentlemau to his w1fe bere lately, i11 speaking of Pianos. "Aud,"- he aa<led, " I'll be better able to afford il.'' "But." said his wife, " that's what J.OU said a

· year ago and l'm'.shll waiting. Why not now,, when we're �old yon can iiiBke monthly payments and that you neetl only pay $10 to have tlie Piano sent hom� l" This was one of the instanc:u of people who won't'bny a Piano tilr they c:an pay for. it. They lteep on waiting till they can pay culi, hut eomehow, tbe tame never c:o111e1; Had tbla . c:ouple aot ebaaged their mind• wliile here they would . probably be without a Plano l11defioitely.

Why not NOW l Why ahould you walt when )'Oil c:an have a ltttll new Uprlatit from . 111 ou 1 ·lint payment orTBN DOLLARS ' and future montlllr payaenta of 8lX DOI.I.AlUU .

PlVe tlal ........ aiPia-'dian .., .. ,._ lA ... Stat.. .

657-659 BROAD-ST., . ,. .., NEWARK.

e<lncntlon ore: Louis NeeAe, F. P. Bnll· noons to the lad iPs Rllll children at 2�cls. • nmn, E. L. Smith. 'l'he other meu1bers (half the regulnr )ll'ic.,�"und the resnlt Is llrave .. M Fall •---:--are w. ,J, Thom11son, George Cordes, the big anditorlum Is daily overflowing At Wattlmam•'• Tltentre, Benj. King, Albert Lambert, Andrew w.tb the gentler sex who enjoy ,ll grand Vlothns to atomRch, liver an<l klolncv

hill of 20 numbers, , troubles na well as women, · an•l all ft>el · .. A•lmlrers of pretty women, 8n11 what Gibson and ,John F1ate. . t.he rPsnlts of 1088 of appetitP, poisone hi man with tllv slill'htest sense of an • • The Rlmual benefit; at To11y Pastor's tbe blornl, backache, nervousne•s, hea•l· nrtlst Ia otberwill(>, wlll ��ee in ·Rice tmd FANWOOD, 'l'beatre Easter Samluy Night will be �che a;d tired, listless, ron-down feel· B t • Bl 0 1 ' 11 monster tdfalr, as evidenced by the t��t. . ��8���e�s

J�0W�ee8�;d�:;,1 l��� �������� 80Jlll�a ��!��!������·;;r�:!�. Joseph Allen Is now employed �y John Jist of . volunteers, among whom are ville, ltul, He e11ya: "Elect¥1c Bitter• opanlng with a apecial naRtlnee Mondny, Cook, Mlal Beatrice lllorvlaud 11nd co Tim . are jn�t the tltln�e for a man wbelt he i• 11 am 11 f tb · ·1 · · Mrs� Warren A. okerman is the IIUest Cronin Joe Welch Ed . Latte11'' Tile' "!t

il run 11do1wn an

1•t don't c11re whether b11 11 army 0 e pratt t!llt glrli ever • • • • Yell or e1. t did more good to lfiyp put.pon a burl���qne or .any other aiHifP of friends In New York. Stewart Slaten, Grapwln and Chance, 1ne new atren�tth 11n<l 1f0011 11ppetlte thlln all yonng, tbapely, and fiiBOiuatlnar �; Frazee Conett hM the ·contract to ma- Geo. Evane, John Kernell, Irene Frank· anything I oonld take. I can aow eat r- and ftaure, · Tille 18a.On•a Blk

cn•lamlze &lollntt\ln avenue, lin, Jamea 8. Burdett Field� and lln)'thiDJC and ·have " new le- on lite. " Gaiety preaenll two big burlelqn•, the Mr. an1l Mrt. William Schench have Geo, 0. Davi•, Billy Letter, De' Bier, �;�Y �ttl�tlf��:an�rd druB atore. braad ht!W hpl'lllrlon• farclcal aucceu

moved to Eaet Oranre. McDonold Br011 , Pat. Rooney. and In thrH 11C1n111, . "lllttud of the Tendfr• Philip Jalm left on TaetldRy for Ger· Elfie Fay, the Amerlottn Vlta&raph lbd 'To' Whom'

. . It ••. ' Conaern· I loin", IbiS . that ever welcome, 18tlrtCa1·

I . otl1er1, · • MUCctl'l1 "Nauuhty . Cone· v flllbll", many where ae will tnke 1 conne In the • • beat trade 110hool1 of that country, For ll:uter week Hr. Putor btl No

. Havln� dlaJIOIIItl of IDY rtre· lnanrllnoe Dnr!ar the PI'OIIri!U .of tbe two hurlee· -----·- . onrtMI 1 very attractiYe company, .which • UlineM to .llr. Ohu, Ill. Bmlth appear Ml11 Hattie 1111111 tlte lyrl�

co1npri ... Dlaon, Dowen and Dlaoa, 1�\:lntment biYinr befn 1P· wonder, In ll'llro •·meiDtlleel the Jo11111, Grant and Jon•. BIJiv' Van, uk8 tcohawt p

ahnoalet,l 1 won, Ill "' charmlnJ ooncelt, "Five· MamiBIIH o•er••• ••• •••••'• •••••••· • • �ld 00011a on n. From G p , 1111 In aome pari• of Warwlclrehlre the G1mlener and Gilmore, John ud Bertha will oon•nl& with Mr. Smith, ay aree I 11 .l111le Flynn In

t•1•1•hag of a bil'll aronnd tho ltooe·la Glee10n, The lllorrsllo Tronpe, Jllai fnll power to repfiMnt OJIIntlu �el��etlon11 I1lylla Vyner (Little looked UtKln by the ellpentltlou• 111 1 Antoinette Fry, Eddie Hill, l'ry 1n4 AI· �21'8111alln& the favon Afrllla) . •nd �nJitlonal · danclar1 the warJainll• A doctor Will recently aam· len, Pillow and Dunn, Tile 1'wo Rou&h

� �t, .�

nd aak�ny rrenob_ Quadrille Dancen1 and Mile lliOnod In l10t h1111o to 11 farmlloalle aot Bitler• 111d Grctelqa!! Cowetllan1 Bllbor am, . trufy, 008!*W. Bl•loleta, &be flUted Premlen. Then t1 1111111y milo• trona Blrmlnaham, He and Elhti'IOn 1 Let Von&ertt'lll�te4 by' . · · · . IRVING R, DOUGLAS; · nr •�d noted olio In ·wblob Darton found an oldman In bod, bnt In perfect M'lle, Fanny lind Triok Mealou d ..... I Wlltleld, N, l,, March 111, 1881, r "IEoHk!ao1 1, Bwau ' lu4 Blimbartl,. llotl&b, and 11kud why ho bill been ent · u .... ran. 1 1 1111 tb 1 1 '

lor. . ••dillOn Brotben, Ill• · Stella Rhine· . 111 Pa . • • "" noreu Dl fav� "Why, tlr, " replied the dan&bter-ln· hllrl, and.. ollie"' . llr,' Putor wlll latro• � �II t Tonhey and OM� lllok 1 14·

. 'Jaw, "thoro cocm a lUIIe robin allout duoe new 10n1• anll puodiH, . Prl� ��� . Dll•r RaymoDit1 . tilt · tbe door 1 we lrnowed It wau •c1111,' ---.... --·- . . . 1 llln1 lOIII Flyna, aad at

and w�. thonslit U mud bo paair�r, 10 ·�� perf�IDIDOII Rl� u4 �rt�, • ", . Wt J)nt .. un Ill bed 11114 IODt lor JOII•"-

' Lon�on 'J'olepapb,

• i 1," ( \ol) ,'1,1

' · Sp�lag'a pn.itema ln every Une nr� nearly

How's this for " Think of it ! Nothing but Fu yet great spa<:es given up to 28x56 feet to e11amclcd beds feet to bedroom suits-'-1 sho�ving of parlor suits--4·l:>Xtr' furnitur�200x25 feet to feet to baby carriage!! ! dcpartmcc1ts given ttp · to chiffoniers and stati�s, Not eloa� the sreatlllt ��--••teulld In tono�apn-.


....... , ' :-:;: . � .�- a._

.· $2.49-, go-en�- $1 ;98-Solid onk, . • fancy shn pcd top, ·

French · legs, . well fiuitl h e d-n g o o d .. . new in pattern, and grace·

fnl in build. Big line of loahy carriag e s, t o o . $3.<l9 up. · euap at $9.00

Ltd. 71 Market_St .


PRTC'JRS.-EA!r'- . tJ Near Plruie St.,

· · ,

. _ · Ne)Vark, M./. n-, .. u'"'"''u · Free .to any . part of State.


a •

to �et your Baste� Olot.hi'ni.

ED TOP COATS, and 112, ' , ,< SERGE SUITS. . ·

and 110· . ...

a.'nfl,, be in the'push �n; Easter

Sunday. . , . - :·



• . · · Proprietor. ,+. Board bv \Vee� or M�mth�

. :.

� �T�ILI·' AID IMID . . IGC M.- , .:; . , .

D�lldlna, . : . W'elltfteldo If, ofo ::

• • • � i


· OontP,el . yoar,

'hor�e• ·� ·U.'

�heap food. 'You warit tbi but moner. can . bay for:

· · • own table, .0 let your daln!J�·m our PI· atiluiai• lim the ·.belt

•• con•lttent 'with obtal'nable: · a LB. ·Aa·· ·· · . THI····�T . ··

' · . t. ·. IS SOLI>. BY �.: -r� '.HOHBHS'I'BIH, : : · . . . ,'

I : ,, ........... ........ � • .-, ' 'i' . ' ' ' . Opp, liu4Miiui .. ':