couture lifestyle magazine, january 2015


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Couture Lfiestyle Magazine launched its first official issue.


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CoutureLifestyLe LifestyLe, fashion, finance, heaLth. January 2015

Who Is Betty Driver

honorIng Houston’s


style guiDe

protectIng yourself from

tHe Flu

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My goal for Couture Life-style Magazine is to take fashion and lifestyle to the next frontier. By definition, the word couture means the business of designing, mak-ing, and selling highly fash-ionable clothing. Lifestyle is defined as a way of life. By our definition, Couture Life-style is the art of designing your lifestyle.

There are so many facets to living a couture lifestyle; of course fashion is at the forefront of that lifestyle, but finances, real estate, the arts, healthcare, relationships, cultural beliefs, travel, and professional development are essential elements that define your lifestyle.

My goal with this magazine is showcase and spotlight up and coming businesses, trail blazers and entrepre-neurs. Every month you can expect to read articles that have been prepared by industry leaders. The magazine will also showcase upscale events happen-ing in our community. Models will be featured month-ly; and this magazine will also give them a platform.

My desire is that everyone feels inclusive when we talk about Couture Lifestyle. It’s not designed to be a magazine that excludes anyone; but instead inspires and uplifts everyone. Life is an evolution, and we all are on a journey in our lives. One of my greatest joys is experiencing new things. It may be a new restau-rant, a new night club venue, a new community, a new travel destination or a new house of worship. Couture Lifestyle Magazine wants to share those ex-periences with you. Likewise, we want to hear about your new experiences.

A Couture woman or man is a person who does not give up, and manages to thrive in spite of obstacles. We are mothers, fathers, entrepreneurs, profession-als, students and so much more. Continue striving for your best and join us as we continue to grow and strive for ours.

Betty Driver

GreetinGs Couture LifestyLe readers,

Note from editor

05 Couture events

07 Houston Iota’s MakIng a DIfferenCe In Houston’s greek soCIety

10 WealtH ManageMent PrInCIPles

11 Couture MoDels

13 your HealtH anD Wellness

16 WHo Is Betty DrIver

19 Couture foCus: texas WoMen’s soCIety, enDIng DoMestIC aBuse

20 Couture Honoree

26 Couture MoDels

29 Mrs. Houston, MakIng a DIfferenCe


the Couture team

tammy thompsoncreative Director

Betty drivereditor in chief

Bruce Bell

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Couture events

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Iota Phi Theta Fraternity is often referred to as the “new” African American Greek Fraternity. Found-ed in September 1963 on the cam-pus of Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland they are a bit younger when compared with some of the older Greek fraternities, but certainly not new on the nation-al stage.

The Fraternity’s Purpose is the De-velopment and Perpetuation of Scholarship, Leadership, Citizenship, Fidelity, and Brotherhood among Men. Their Motto is “Building a Tra-dition, Not Resting Upon One”.

Iota Phi Theta was founded in 1963 during tumultuous times in Ameri-can History. Looking back at some of the high-lights from that year: Bull Connor was the Commission-er of Public Safety for the city of Birmingham Alabama, during the American Civil Rights Movement. Connor’s actions to enforce racial segregation and deny civil rights to Black citizens, especially during the Southern Christian Leadership Conference of 1963, made him an international symbol of racism. Con-nor directed the use of fire hoses and police attack dogs against civil rights activists, which included the

children of many protestors.

Also in 1963, Civil rights activist Medgar Evers was assassinated in the early morning of June 12, just hours after President John F. Kenne-dy’s speech on national television in support of civil rights, Evers pulled into his driveway after returning from a meeting with NAACP law-yers. Evers was struck in the back and died shortly afterwards.

In August 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his I have a Dream Speech. The founders of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity had a heightened sense of social responsibility and awareness due to the evolving polit-ical and racial climate that America was faced with. Today, Iota Phi The-ta still stands on the laurels social re-sponsibility and they strive to elim-inate stereotypes that many Greek Fraternal organizations have been challenged with in recent years.

AlphA Nu OmegA-“The hOusTON IOTAs”

Houston’s Iota’s are creating a new dimension of social change and so-phistication within the organization. Polaris Elect John Branch Jr’s vision extends far into the future. The

chapter held their first annual schol-arship banquet in September 2014. Scholarships benefitted the REACH initiative. REACH stands for Reassur-ing Educational Achievements Con-tinue in Houston. The chapter also contributes to St. Jude Children’s Hospitals and The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. This past fall the chapter held a non-partisan vot-er registration drive.

Forging ahead, Branch envisions continuing the legacy of the broth-erhood with additional social drives, but also with upscale events that will benefit the community, while high-lighting Couture events such as their spring and Fall Equinox wine tastings. Branch also wants to bring aware-ness to taboo topics that plague Afri-can American society such as mental health. Many families struggle with mental health issues that remain in the dark. The Houston Iotas are planning a Mental Health Seminar in May 2015. Couture Lifestyle Maga-zine is proud to see the legacy of the founders continue to evolve through the Alpha Nu Omega Chapter. For more information on events with the Houston Iotas, go to or email [email protected]

iota Phi theta fraterNity

aLpha Nu omega Chapter, CreatiNg a New LegaCy iN houstoN, texas

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Joy OgrodowiczTraci Lynn Jewelry


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Wealth for Life

Principles for Life

mIssION sTATemeNTThe Wealth for Life Principles Group is commented to bringing individuals into a positive financially healthy living status, by setting financial goals, mak-ing strong financial plans, being involved with your finances and getting con-nected to professional financial resources and advisors.

prINcIples1. I will live within my means2. I will maximize my income potential through education and training3. I will effectively manage my budget, credit, debt, and tax obligations4. I will save at least 10% of my income5. I will use homeownership as a foundation for building wealth.6. I will devise an investment plan for my retirement needs and children’s

education7. I will ensure that my entire family adheres to sensible money manage-

ment principles8. I will support the creation and growth of minority-owned businesses.9. I will guarantee my wealth is passed on to future generations through

proper insurance and estate planning.10. I will strengthen my community through philanthropy.

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Carly eldridge 214-220-0300

Priya sane

Janeze Murray713-518-7634

elizabeth Padilla [email protected]

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Bridget [email protected]

essence [email protected]/

Instagram: essenceloveeBrielle [email protected]

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your heaLth aNd weLLNessProtecting Yourself from the flu: Do it Now

Influenza, commonly known as the flu is a highly contagious disease that occurs every winter. Flu season is underway, last flu season four people died from the flu in the Houston area. If you have not gotten your flu vaccination yet this season, you should get one now. A flu vaccine is the first and best way to protect yourself and the people around you from influenza and its potentially serious complications.

The H1N1 strain of the flu is the same virus that brought about the 2009 pandemic that mainly affected children, pregnant women and the elderly. But it seems that this year, mostly young, healthy adults (un-der age 65) are being infected. The continued spread of the flu is ex-pected in January. Typically, the flu season begins in the winter months and peaks in January or February, according to the CDC. Officially, flu season runs from October through May. Most flu illnesses in Texas usu-ally occur in December, January and February, flu is unpredictable and can happen at any time. People

age 6 months and older should get vaccinated immediately if they have not already. The very young, elder-ly, asthmatics, and diabetics remain are at high risk. Vaccinations need to be done every year because each year the vaccine is made to match the types of flu expected to circu-late that year. Your flu shot from last year does not guarantee protection this year because protection de-creases over time.

Flu sympTOmsInfluenza is a respiratory illness that can cause mild to severe illness and even lead to death. The Flu is HIGH-

infLuenza is a resPiratory iLLness that can cause miLD to severe iLLness anD even LeaD to Death

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LY CONTAGIOUS. Influenza can come on suddenly and differs from a cold. Persons suffering from the Flu often feel some or all of the fol-lowing symptoms:

• Fever or feeling feverish/chills• Cough• Sore throat• Runny or stuffy nose• Muscle or body aches• Headaches• Fatigue (tiredness)• Some people may have vomit-

ing and diarrhea

hOw Flu spreADsPeople with flu can spread it to others up to about 6 feet away. Most experts think that flu virus-es are spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of peo-ple who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Less often, a person might also get flu by touch-ing a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth or nose.

To avoid this, people should stay away from sick people and stay home if sick. It also is important to wash hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. Linens, eating utensils, and dishes belong-ing to those who are sick should not be shared without washing thor-oughly first. Eating utensils can be

washed either in a dishwasher or by hand with water and soap and do not need to be cleaned separately. Further, frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected at home, work and school, especially if someone is ill.

The Flu Is cONTAgIOusMost healthy adults may be able to infect other people beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick. Children may pass the virus for longer than 7 days. Symptoms start 1 to 4 days after the virus en-ters the body. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick. Some people can be in-fected with the flu virus but have no symptoms. During this time, those persons may still spread the virus to others.

TreATINg The FluYou can treat flu symptoms without medication by:

• Getting plenty of rest• Drinking clear fluids like water,

broth, sports drinks, or electro-lyte beverages to prevent be-coming dehydrated

• Placing a cool, damp wash-cloth on your forehead, arms, and legs to reduce discomfort associated with a fever

• Putting a humidifier in your room to make breathing easier

• Gargling salt water (1:1 ratio warm water to salt) to soothe a sore throat

• Covering up with a warm blan-ket to calm chills

Antiviral medications are prescrip-tion pills, liquids, or inhalers used to prevent or treat flu viruses. They are approved for adults and children one year and older. There are four antiviral drugs approved for treat-ing the flu in the United States—os-eltamivir (Tamiflu), zanamivir (Re-lenza), amantadine (generic), and rimantadine (Flumadine).

whAT shOulD yOu DO? Get a flu shot if you are not infected. Flu shots are available at a number of different physician practices, ur-gent care centers, hospitals, clinics, and drug stores. Cash price may range anywhere between $20-$35.Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer. If you are sick and experiencing flu like symptoms stay home from work or school to prevent the spread to anyone else.

Keep your immunity high by eating healthy foods including leafy green vegetables, exercise, get adequate rest, and boost your immunity further with a daily pre-biotic. For more infor-mation on nutritional supplements visit


Betty Driver, mhABusiness OwnerBB Health And Wellness BoutiqueBe Beautiful...Be Bold!832-326-8519

Email: [email protected]

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featureD cover story

Who is Betty driver

Editor in ChiEf of Couture LifestyLe magaziNe

She owns BB Health and Wellness. No, she owns BB Sexy Couture. No I think she’s launching a magazine…Well all of it is true! Betty Branch Driver is a 40+ year old mother of two that’s been very busy with all things Couture. Betty’s credentials are as follows: Graduate of Whitney Young Magnet High School in Chicago, AAS in Applied Science, Bachelors Degree in Marketing from Chicago State University and, Master of Health Admin-istration from University of Phoenix.

I’ve worked several years in the medical and pharma-ceutical sales arenas. After winning several awards and recognitions for sales achievements, I saw that I needed to take charge of my future. Insurance companies and government regulations continued to change the face of the pharmaceutical world and I saw the need for my own company. After a bout with weight gain and bad health i began my first entrepreneurial endeavor, BB Health and Wellness. Recognized by as an up and coming health and wellness company my vision continued to grow. In addition to weight loss supple-ments and vitamin drinks, I found a niche with waist training corsets. The waist training corset was and re-mains a wildly popular best selling product because of how it transforms a woman’s body.

Waist trainers are a fantastic product that bridge the gap between health and wellness and fashion. I contin-ued to sell the waist trainers, and as they grew in popu-larity more people began to ask about fashion corsets. BB Sexy Couture was born as more women began to

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ask about fashion corsets and lin-gerie. BB Sexy Couture’s initial line-up included waist trainers, fashion lingerie, and continues to evolve in the fashion industry. There have been hurdles along the way, but my strong faith in God and the ability to laugh keeps me going.

I started out on Chicago’s West Side. Do or die…period. The West Side was then and now is about surviv-al of the fittest. I attribute much of my success to my grandparents and community influences from church. My maternal grandmother and grandfather prayed, and took me to church even when I didn’t want to go. My paternal grandmother al-ways took me on vacations and ex-posed me upscale areas of the city and the United States. Chicago folks tend to have a lot of heart.

This life hasn’t been without its share of drama, and heartache. Raped at 14. Friends murdered. Friends and relatives on drugs. Vic-tim of crimes, domestic violence, and a failed marriage. At moments, it has been heartbreaking. What I’ve learned from all of this…your darkest hour is often when your best breakthroughs are on the way...keep going!

BB Health and Wellness was born after my own health scares. Being more than 30 pounds overweight I was told I was pre-diabetic, my cho-lesterol was elevated and I had no energy. I surveyed the weight loss choices in managed health care and that is when I embarked on a mis-sion to improve my own life and live for my two young children Brielle and CJ. I lost the weight through a combination of lifestyle changes, products, and exercise.

exposure. Transparency. grit.BB Sexy Couture was born during the failure of my marriage, at a time when my outlook on life seemed grim. I couldn’t understand why ev-eryone else around me seemed so happy, and my life seemed doomed. I think that a lot of women at 40 find themselves in crises for various rea-sons. My new sexy emerged during this crisis moment. So many wom-en feel less beautiful as they age. I embraced my age. BB Sexy Couture was my way to express my inner me. I also found that more women had the same body image issues that I had. It’s amazing; a woman’s emo-tions can be affected positively or negatively by clothing. If it fits, she’s having a great day. If it doesn’t fit, it can impact her day and mood nega-tively. The fashions that I select can be worn by women of all shapes and sizes. A beautiful outfit, great pair of shoes, hair and makeup can be the touch you need to feel your best. As BB Sexy Couture’s success and growth continues, I felt the need to bridge my health and wellness busi-ness and Couture Fashion through Couture Lifestyle Magazine.

One of my biggest concerns for women is our financial futures. Inter-esting; as I’ve corseted women and provided concierge fitting services, I noticed that several women have the most up to date cars, phones, hand-bags, and clothing but have no fi-nancial stability of their own. We are a nation of spenders and not savers; so many women are one step away from being destitute. I desire to em-power women and men.

More about me: I pride myself of having a high level of integrity. I’m far from perfect but I aspire to do better and do more.

A few of my do’s and dont’s:Couture do: Spend time on yourself.Couture don’t: Don’t leave without putting some time in on your ap-pearance.

Life Lesson worth sharing: Follow yourself

Life Lesson When a person shows you their personality…Believe them. Study people and pay attention.

The magazine’s focus is up and com-ing businesses, community pioneers, professional organizations, models, and more. I want to show more of Houston’s finer experiences. When I see organizations doing good things I want to share it with everyone.

Couture Lifestyle Magazine and Couture Women’s group’s main focus is to empower people of all ethnicities. Key areas of interest are fashion, style, relationships, busi-ness, health and wellness, finances, and professional development.

I want to provide a platform for men and women business own-ers to promote and advertise their business. The magazine will also provide a platform for models. An emerging area of Couture Lifestyle is Couture Models. Over time as BB Sexy Couture has done more fash-ion shows, I see the need for mod-els to have a platform to showcase themselves. We will host model seminars in addition to promoting the models through the use of the magazine. We encourage business owners to consider use of modles as spoke-people.

For more information on BB Sexy Couture Fashions visit

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Texas Women’s socieTyaN orgaNizatioNdediCated to heaLiNg Battered womeN, aNd improviNg LivesDomestic violence is a pattern of be-havior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often includ-ing the threat or use of violence.

1 in 4 women will experience do-mestic violence during her lifetime. Domestic violence is the third lead-ing cause of homelessness among families, according to the U.S. De-partment of Housing and Urban Development. Women ages 20 to 24 are at greatest risk of becoming victims of domestic violence.

1 in 3 female homicide victims are murdered by their current or former partner every year.

Other terms for domestic violence include intimate partner violence, battering, relationship abuse, spou-sal abuse, or family violence.

Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orien-tation, income, or other factors.

Texas Women’s Society was found-ed by Abena Bailey, a survivor of do-

mestic violence. Abena was married for 5 years, during which time she was mentally and physically abused. The abuse began as mental abuse that destroyed her self esteem, and then escalated to physical abuse. According to Bailey, she “lived behind a mask” for 3 of her 5 year marriage.

Married to a prominent busi-ness owner, Bailey was living the American dream with a lav-ish home, luxury vehicles, and financial security when the rug was pulled out from under her. In addition to his abuse and ex-tra-marital affairs, her husband served her divorce papers while she was out dining at a popular Houston restaurant with friends. The couple didn’t have children, and Bailey was left with only emergency spousal support. Her world as she knew it came to a crushing hault. She hit rock bottom. Hurting and alone is when she had the idea form Texas Women’s Society.

Who is the Texas Women’s Soci-ety? Simply put, they are a group

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of women, determined to elevate the lives of other women. The Texas Women’s Society will impact every aspect of a woman’s life including: Spiritual Wholeness, Relationships, Financial Freedom, Personal De-velopment and Health & Wellness. Members include entrepreneurs, corporate executives, life coaches, authors, motivational speakers, and stay at home moms.

Texas Women’s Society’s mission is to challenge women to experience a life bigger than themselves, and empower them to reach for greater.

Inspired by their founder’s experienc-

es, Texas Women’s Society understands the importance of giving back to the community. Bailey is a strong survivor of a domestic violence relationship, and it is their desire to create more awareness and raise funds towards this cause. Their charity of choice for finan-cial support is the Houston Area Wom-en’s Center. They also partner with or-ganizations throughout the year, such as the Breast Cancer society.

Couture Lifestyle Magazine chose this organization because of Bailey’s take charge attitude. From the midst of darkness and pain she healed herself and pro-vided a platform for women to

succeed. Texas Women’s Society sponsors several events yearly to raise money for victims of Do-mestic Abuse. Their next event is scheduled for March 21, 2015 at the Houston Doubletree Suites. The event will be a networking mixer and meet and greet. More information on the event, mem-bership, and donating to Texas Women’s Society can be found at

If you or anyone you know are suffering from domestic abuse, call 211 (locally in Texas). The Na-tional Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-7233

For more than 17 years, Keith J. Da-vis Sr., also know as “MR. D-MARS,” has worked in the area of market-ing and sales. He retired in 1999 from Brown and Ferris (BFI) due to an overwhelming response from clients requesting his services as their marketing consultant. In this position, he eventually developed his own company, D-MARS.COM. As a leader and innovator in the field, specializes in Market-ing and Communications.

Davis began helping others by teaching them how to market and brand their business by getting in-volved with the community and teaching them how to network and build relationship capital. Today, his award-winning career has expand-ed while strategically focusing on

inspiring, informing, and educating small, middle and large size business owners and future business owners. With his focal point on trends, anal-ysis and methodologies of running a successful business, will use business intelligence that will increase your bottom line.

Davis also focuses his attention on communications. Offering services such as Image Marketing, Business Journal, Business Guide, Business Connection, E-Mail, Video Blast, Sponsorship Packages, Franchise/Business Opportunity, Discount Partner Program, Billboard, Travel, Photo Gallery, Books, Online TV, On-line Radio, Online Calendar, and On-line Business Directory.

Davis has done business with a large

and diverse group of businesses such as Washington Mutual, Toyo-ta, Higher Dimension Church, Majic 102.1 FM, Texas Southern University, University of Houston, and Frenchy’s, Community of Faith, Windsor Village Church, Thrifty Car Rental, Colbert/Ball Tax Service, City of Houston.

Having the determination to suc-ceed, Davis has been able to reap many rewards through networking. He is a firm believer that each one success should reach another one, and in doing so, he is breeding the next generation of successful entre-preneurs, namely his one and only son, Keith J. Davis, Jr. Mr. D-Mars gives back to the community and encourages small business-For that he is a Couture Honoree. For more information visit

couture honoreemr. d-mars-Keith davis

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In 2004 at the age of 21, Roxie launched LAMIK Beauty, a line that features products with all natural ingredients packaged in recyclable containers.

“Eco-chic make-up means ecof-riendly, glamorous and natural,” explains Roxie, who opened the first LAMIK store in Houston, TX. Be-cause of LAMIK, it is now easier for people to make a healthier choice when it comes to their make-up op-tions because the line’s ingredients consist of water, vitamins E and C, minerals derived from the earth, Aloe Vera and green tea, not harsh and harmful ingredients like talc,

lead, fragrance and poly(iso)butene. Roxie is also a licensed aesthetician, so she is familiar with which ingredi-ents are best for the face. Along with her chemist, a former 25-year Estee Lauder employee whom Roxie met during a chance meeting in New York in 2003, Roxie “experimented with different abstracts to create a footprint [for the make-up]. We ulti-mately decided to use antioxidants that would stop cancer causing free radicals,” she says. The cosmetics line features an assortment of foun-dations, eye shadows, lip gloss, fa-cial care and beauty enhancement products, such as custom eyelashes and an eyebrow sculpting bar.

Ms. Roxie’s clientele include celebri-ties, models and the everyday wom-an. Her line of ecofriendly cosmet-ics are easy to use and are available at select Macy’s stores, at the Lamik store in Houston, and on-line. Ms. Roxie’s influences within the fash-ion and beauty industry have made her a Couture Honoree because she gives back to the community, often supporting local fashion shows, and other community initiatives.

For information please email [email protected], or visit the Lamik Beauty Store at 2610 Greenbriar Drive Houston, TX 77098

couture honoree

Kim roxie

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Dr. Teriya M. Richmond was born and raised in Chicago Illinois. She is a graduate of Whitney M. Young Magnet High School. After gradution, she received a full academ-ic scholarship to Mount Saint College in Clinton, Iowa. Graduating summa cum laude, Dr. Richmond continued her education at the University of Illinois College of Med-icine and School of Public Health where she received her Doctorate of Medicine and Masters in Public health.

Dr. Richmond is committed to bringing quality evidence based health care to minority and underserved commu-nities. She has a strong passion for women’s health issues. In 2007 she pursued her family and community medicine training at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. While in residency at Baylor, Dr. Richmond was elected by a group of her peers and was appointed Chief Resident. Dr. Richmond provides patient care to the uninsured and underserved patients at Baylor College of Medicine’s Harris Health MLK Community Clinic. She encourages healthy eating, healthy lifestyles, exercise and psycho-logical well-being to treat chronic illness. In keeping with her passion for Women’s Health issues Dr. Richmond was the first physician in Harris Health System to facili-tate Centering Pregnancy, an innovative way to deliver traditional prenatal care. Dr. Richmond also serves as an assistant professor at the University of Texas-Houston in the Family Medicine department.

Dr. Richmond currently serves as president of Mary Susan Moore Medical Society, the African American female phy-sician’s organization in Houston. If that’s not enough, Dr. Richmond is a certified aerobics instructor and teaches aerobics in the evenings. She’s also an icon of style-often seen ripping the runway at the Nzuri Hair Fashion shows. She’s launched her own women’s empowerment brand Mocha Millennium Women. Mocha Millennium Wom-en encourages women to be confident in who they are through fitness, fashion and fun. In her spare time Dr. Richmond continues to enjoy exercising, shopping and spending time with her husband Jack, and her two sons Jaxon, and Jazz. She’s a friend, wife, mother, philanthro-pist, and caring physician. For those reasons, Dr. Rich-mond is a Couture Honoree.

CouturE honorEE dr. teriya riChmoNd

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Fox 26 Anchor Rita Garcia is a Texas native and has spent the last couple of years working as Fox 26 weekend and morn-ing news anchor right here in Houston.

Before coming to Houston though, she reported for three years for the largest duopoly in southern Califor-nia, KCBS/KCAL in Los Angeles.

It was in Los Angeles that she reported from the red carpet, where she interviewed Justin Bieber and the Royal Couple, to the raging California fires and se-vere weather where she experienced reporting her first EARTHQUAKE! Rita has certainly had her fair share of “general assignments.”

During her tenure in California, she was honored with the prestigious “Tracy Miller Merit Award” for her dedication to the Alliance for Women in Media (AWM) organization in LA. This inspired her to continue to devote her time to journal-ism organizations in the Houston area.

Rita started her career at KRGV- Ch5 in the Rio Grande Valley where she used her fluency in Spanish to in-vestigate some of the most im-portant issues today, including: border security, immigration and Mexico’s drug war.

Garcia is a member of the Na-tional Association of Hispanic Journalist.

When she’s not on the set or digging up stories, Rita loves to run, cook and take her rescued pup, ROCKY for long walks. Rita’s profes-sionalism, and warm per-sonality have made her a Couture Honoree.

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rita garCia

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“Onye ije, nno!” is a phrase in Nigeria’s native Igbo language which means, “You who have traveled, welcome!” CrisMach-elle Films is proud to bring Nollywood to a U.S. audience who might not have realized the quality and scope of Nige-ria’s film industry, worth an estimated $5.1 billion USD each year. For many of us here in the U.S., it might be surprising to learn Nollywood cinema is the second largest in the world, in terms of films produced per year. With hundreds of mov-ies and TV shows premiering each year, Nollywood ranks ahead of Hollywood and just behind India’s prolific Bolly-wood cinema.

Mrs. Evelyn Mukwuah Nworah is a visionary film maker looking to do more than just bring Nollywood to American audiences, but she is also looking to bring autism aware-ness to an international platform. Sparked by her own son’s journey with autism, Nworah’s project for 2015 is an autism documentary that will be promoted in the U.S. and in Africa.

Headquartered in Houston, CrisMachelle Films operates branches in Nigeria, Ghana and Sierra Leone. Operations are headed by CEO Evelyn Mokwuah Nworah, who lends considerable business savvy and production experience matched by a personal commitment to African cinema and the talent it possesses. Creative direction comes from Osita Okoli, who draws on more than a decade of professional ex-perience and a classical education in the art of filmmaking. Priscilla Osita Okoli advises production and handles screen-writing duties, and is responsible for some of Nollywood’s most riveting storylines.

Mrs. Nworah has also broken ground on an autism academy in Abuja Nigeria. For this reason, she is a Couture Honoree.

For more information on CrisMachelle films, please visit

CouturE honorEE

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Page 29: Couture Lifestyle Magazine, January 2015

Jimaniece Ware Berry holds many titles: wife, mother, pharmaceutical sales representative and many more. But it’s her most recent title of Mrs. Houston United America that allows her to practice her passion of advo-cating for breast cancer awareness.

Breast cancer is significant to Jimaniece, due to her family history and personal experience of under-going a bilateral mastectomy at the young age of 28.

Although her maternal aunt had al-ready battled with breast cancer on two different occasions, it was her mother’s discovery of being a car-rier of the BRCA gene that led her to have her first mammogram. Her results returned abnormal and her physician advised immediate action due to her high risk.

This horrific experience motivated Jimaniece to spread the word about the dangers of breast cancer and how to prevent it.

Through her platform as the reign-ing Mrs. Houston, she is able to con-tinuously advocate for breast cancer and commit to community service, with a purpose to help those who

are less fortunate. Her plan is to edu-cate them on the resources available for early prevention or treatment of breast cancer.

Most recently, she has been work-ing with Ms. America 2013, while promoting her platform at various events. She has had the privilege to support and volunteer for the fol-lowing organizations and events:

» Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure » Staying Abreast of Your Health Walk » Mommy’s Blog Breast Cancer Awareness Event

» The Rose » National Women of Achievement- Houston Chapter

» American Cancer Society » American Heart Association » Sister’s Network » Girls Health Ed.

She also works with students who attend the same high school she graduated from when she was 16. She created the “Think Pink for Suc-cess Scholarship”, which awards two selected seniors whose mother is or has battled breast cancer.

Outside of being a pageant queen, wife and mother, Jimaniece is a ca-

reer woman with a profession in pharmaceutical sales. She is also pursuing her Masters of Business Administration from the University of Houston, which is where she com-pleted her undergraduate studies.

Jimaniece is a Houston native and currently lives in her hometown with her husband Vernon and three year old son Chauncey Jacory. She enjoys spending time with her fami-ly, cooking and traveling.

Title: mrs. houstonPageant System: united

Should you need any information regarding the pageant and title ver-ification please contact the Pageant Director, Annette Rushing.

Annette rushing [email protected] 512-923-1716

Check us out in Pageantry

Jimaniece ware Berrymrs. houstoN United AmericA

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