cover social media event jb 2014 final

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating John Barnes MD Digital & Tech Incisive Media @johnmnbarnes How to maximise your social presence

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Post on 26-Jun-2015



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Making your social presence more effective focusing on Linkedin and twitter best practices and set up


Page 1: Cover social media event JB 2014 final

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

John Barnes MD Digital & Tech Incisive Media @johnmnbarnes

How to maximise your social presence

Page 2: Cover social media event JB 2014 final

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

Have you looked at your social media profile lately

How complete is it

What impression does it give of you

Is it well maintained or just a page

Do you have unread messages

Have you checked out who is looking at it, retweeting it, following it?


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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

Assumptions customers will make from an inactive social

The business is no longer trading – this is the biggie and the one to really worry about. 1 in 3 small businesses fail in the first three years, so just as a physical business not opening for a month would signify closure so could an inactive twitter account …. assuming they don’t think or know your business hasn’t closed let’s look at the other assumptions

The business has a slow response time to customers

The business doesn’t respond at all to customer enquiries

The business does not take an active interest in their potential customers

The business has no interest in online communication so is unlikely to respond to emails either

Nothing new has happened at the business within the last 30 days

Competitor XYZ is really active on twitter – everybody seems to be using them locally

All of the above result in one thing – LOST BUSINESS3

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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

Keep your identity consistent across social media platforms!


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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

Setting up your twitter profile page


Getting the most out of Twitter

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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

The Twitter Audience

Twitter is a community of people actively discussing everything

Twitter is used as a way to connect users with their interests and discover useful information

It’s a real-time conversation about what matters to each of us

100% listen, 55% tweet, with 76% of users logging in via mobile devices.

They’re also avid retweeters - the most retweeted Tweet ever was from US restaurant chain Wendy’s that raised $50,000 for charity from 214,000 Retweets

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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

Setting up your profile

Make sure your profile picture is high resolution, and that it is clearly identifiable at thumb nail size

Your cover photo should also be high resolution and fit with your branding

Set out what your followers can expect and entice new followers

Include Keywords relevant to your brand

Include your website URL

Make sure you include contact information such as email address and telephone number for any enquiries or feedback


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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence






Company Page

Cover Image

Profile Picture







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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence


Personal PageA



D Cover Image

Profile Picture







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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

What to post

Keep your updates positive, to the point and with a clear call to action

Try to post around 80% original content and just 20% retweets from other users

Avoid sales messages and keep it social

Video and image posts are the most popular, so be sure to include a variety of visual media formats

Include links back to your own site at every opportunity to drive traffic

An ideal frequency is around 3-5 tweets a day, but no more than 1 every hour

Ensure that there is a decent gap between tweets so as not to flood followers’ home feeds


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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence


Page 12: Cover social media event JB 2014 final

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

Be the best at what, when and how you tweet Create Tweets that resonate: Combine exciting, useful content with an engaging, unique tone to

emotionally connect with your audience. Include links, pictures and videos. And remember to keep your Tweets prompt and timely - a crucial element for Twitter success.

Keep Tweets short and sweet: Tweets are limited to 140 characters so they can be consumed easily anywhere, even via mobile text messages. There’s no magical length for a Tweet, but a recent report by Buddy Media revealed that Tweets shorter than 100 characters get a 17% higher engagement rate.

Make it real-time: Timing matters, especially for breaking news or live Tweets. But how about for everything else? The short answer: it depends on the content of the Tweet, your objectives, your audience, their geography and more. The best way to optimise the timing of your Tweets is to test and learn.

Tweet often: Like timing, Tweet frequency depends on a number of variables such as your audience, purpose and business objectives. A good basic rule is between three to five Tweets per day. You may want to try tweeting a few times a day to see how your audience reacts, then adjust as needed.

Follow your interests: Following is a fantastic way to discover compelling content and inspire ideas for your own Tweets. Follow accounts that are interesting to you or your business.


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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence



A hashtag is simply a means to organize and advertise an idea. The more appealing the idea, the more likely the hashtag is to be shared. With a little insight into how hashtags work, you can greatly increase the odds that your social media campaigns on hashtag-friendly platforms will actually see real-world results in conversions.

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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

The #Hashtag rules to observe


Informative hashtags are always better than abstract ones. There’s a reason the #IceBucketChallenge created a trending spike for the ALS Association, and #WTFF (what the french fry) failed for Burger King. People won’t respond to hashtags they don’t understand.

Proofread with the mentality of a 12-year-old. It’s all too easy for a seemingly innocent hashtag to become a puerile gag thanks to lack of context or poorly combined words. The classic example of this is the 2012 hashtag campaign to launch a new Susan Boyle album using #susanalbumparty. If it can be misread, it will be.

Incorporate hashtags into other channels. There’s a reason that hashtags are popping up in everything from outdoor ads to song titles: It works. By incorporating your hashtags into your traditional media and online campaigns, you’ll be able to brand the hashtag’s core idea more clearly with your customers.

Live tweet during big events. One of the most effective ways of using hashtags is to live tweet from your brand or company Twitter account during a shared cultural experience, using the event hashtags. Elections, sports championships and other major media events are ideal for this technique.

Keep it short. The longer the hashtag, the more hassle it is to use and follow. While there are exceptions, the most effective hashtags are composed of one or two very simple elements, such as the event name and the year. Only on rare occasions will a trending hashtag involve more than three or four short, simple words.

With thanks from:

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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

The #Hashtag rules to observe/2 Don’t overdo them. The more hashtags you add into your content, the more diluted and confusing your

message becomes. As a rule of thumb, limit yourself to two hashtags per tweet. “Excited about #SummerVacation” is a clear, simple message, while “#Excited about #summer #vacation #2015! #summer2015” is not.

Monitor the conversation. Following hashtags is an extremely effective means of keeping track of trends in your industry. By keeping track of the conversation, you can gain insight into what your competition is doing, what the influencers are saying, and how customers are reacting.

Use hashtags in sentences in place of words. Twitter only allows 140 characters per tweet, and each one has to count. “Having a great time at CES! #CES2015” may be grammatically correct, but it’s no more effective than “Having a blast at #CES2015!”

Capitalize multi-word hashtags for clarity. The longer the hashtag, the more likely the message is to be misread. A great example of this going was the reaction to Margaret Thatcher’s death, hashtagged #nowthatchersdead. Some people read this as #NowThatChersDead, prompting rumors that music icon Cher had passed away.

Avoid banned hashtags. Although Twitter’s hashtag system remains open, some hashtag-enabled social media sites ban words with potentially offensive content. A poorly proofed hashtag can easily trip these filters, resulting in content that doesn’t reach the audience. Some sites, like Instagram, also filter out popular or generic hashtags like #iphone and #popular, making it vital that you test to see if your content is actually making it through the system.


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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

.. But there are also imperfect tweets, so beware!


With thanks to Andy Beal

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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

Possibly the worst ever….


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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence


Getting the most out of Linkedin

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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

LinkedIn is a relationship management platform, not necessarily a sales one.

Though LinkedIn generates more business leads than any other social network, the focus of a successful profile or company page is always the potential customer or client.

It is important to remember:

60% are interested in industry insights

53% are interested in company news

43% are interested in new products and services

The Linkedin Audience


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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

Setting up your personal and company pages

Make sure you have high res images with correct dimensions for the cover photo, profile logo and company photo

Include relevant contact details and link back to your company website

Your summary should be up to date , include searchable keywords and be relevant to a professional audience

Include relevant keywords in your copy to optimise your search engine rankings

An ideal frequency is between 2 and 4 posts per day depending on the level of Engagement

Try to post a variety of media formats including links, images and videos, link back to your company website as often as possible

Promote your LinkedIn profile internally and across other marketing efforts, Add LinkedIn to email signatures and invite colleagues to share updates from your brand profile, engage with LinkedIn groups and contribute to discussions

Make sure your content is optimised for mobile, in the first quarter of 2014, mobile accounted for 43% of unique visiting members on LinkedIn

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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence


Company PageA




Profile Picture

Cover Image


Showcase Pages





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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

Profile page – adding value


Seek & give recommendations

Embed useful assets like slides or pdf’s

Regularly check who has viewed your profile

Seek & give endorsements

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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence


Page 24: Cover social media event JB 2014 final

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

Best practice tips from these award winners?

Use showcase pages to allow personalised messaging with different customer segments

Stand out by including eye catching imagery to stand out and boost comments

Involve your audience by asking thoughtful questions to encourage two way conversations

Grab followers attention by starting posts with interesting facts to get better engagement

Sponsor your best content, using sponsored updates to drive qualified and targeted leads

Develop show and tell followers by encouraging them to share experiences

Show off your company culture by sharing awards and examples of staff success

Provide tips and expert advice that are relevant and highlight your industry expertise

Share snackable, valuable content, by keeping posts bite sized to drive high engagement

Try a top 10, or do’s and don’ts lists, to grab attention and organise information


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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence


How to measure your success

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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

What is the best time of day to tweet?


Segmenting engagement for key content types can help you determine when certain types of content are more likely to drive engagement by time of day and day of the week. For example, you might find that posts with calls to action receive better response during peak times, but that content designed to entertain followers successfully drives engagement during weekends or off-hours.

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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

What questions should a comprehensive report answer?

Reputation: Is there an increasing interest for your products or services in a specific part of the world? Is your brand visible enough for the demographic section you’re currently targeting or should you shift your focus? What values are people associating with your brand?

Attitude: How do people feel about your brand? What’s the tone of conversations around your brand name?

Costs: Where should you invest your social media efforts? What social network do your customers prefer to use? What percentage of your marketing budget should you allocate to social media? Will social media investments contribute to an increase in sales?

Competitors: How are others in your industry using social media? Who is setting the trends? Who are the key influencers in your line of work and how could you transform them into ambassadors?


Page 28: Cover social media event JB 2014 final

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

The Klout Score

The Klout Score is a number between 1-100 that represents your influence. The more influential you are, the higher your Klout Score

Influence is the ability to drive action. When you share something on social media or in real life and people respond, that’s influence. The more influential you are, the higher your Klout Score


For example, generating 100 retweets from 10 tweets will contribute more to your Score than generating 100 retweets from 1,000 tweets

Additionally, Klout values the engagement you drive from unique individuals. One-hundred retweets from 100 different people contribute more to your Score than do 100 retweets from a single person.

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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

Interpreting your Klout score


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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

How much do small business spend on social media?



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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

How to maximise your social presence

Key things to keep in mind when using Social media

①It is all about narrowcasting and targeting not broadcasting

②Big budgets don’t equal big results, ‘it is not how big it is, it is what you do with it that counts!’

③Be realistic, who can you engage, where, how and why

④Be smart in your messaging, make it relevant and interesting, it is a conversation not punchline

⑤Set goals, measure the results and constantly iterate

⑥Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, you’ll learn faster

⑦Be genuine and care about who you are targeting, they’ll respect you more for it

⑧Don’t be a cynic, find out if it works or not before you dismiss it


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Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetrating

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