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The intent of the author is only to ofer educational and transformational information to help

you in your quest for living an inspired, fulflling and meaningful life. In the event you use any of

the information described in this book for yourself, the author, their representatives and the

publisher assume no responsibility and no liability for your actions and their consequences.


© 2013 Dr Olivier J. Becherel. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the Australian

Copyright Act 1968, no part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted in any form or

by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, or stored in a

retrieval system, without prior consent of the author.

Mission Inspired – 2

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Dr Olivier J. Becherel



I am extremely grateful for all the teachers and mentors that came into my life, either directly

or indirectly, and helped me discover more of who I am and what I am here to accomplish.

I thank my wife Marcia for her love, support and challenge, and for our evolutionary journey

together in exploring the realms of human potential and awareness.


“The fastest way to inspire someone is to be inspired.”

- Emily Gowor, The Word Artist


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“The real voyage of discovery consists of not in seeking new

landscapes but in having new eyes.”

- Marcel Proust

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Dr Olivier J. Becherel

Table of Contents

Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Part I – Think it, ink it...ë

The Compass............................................................................................................................................................... 14

Life and its Turning Points...................................................................................................................................................................................... 15

A Lesson in Geometry............................................................................................................................................................................................... 16

The Power of Quality Questions...................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Spirit & Matter........................................................................................................................................................26

Discovering the Spirit in Matter........................................................................................................................................................................ 27

Identifying Personal Wealth................................................................................................................................................................................. 29

Converting Spirit into Matter............................................................................................................................................................................. 32

Appreciating the Value of Money.................................................................................................................................................................. 33

Going beyond Ourselves........................................................................................................................................................................................ 37

Wealth comes from Serving............................................................................................................................................................................... 38

Environment & Energy.....................................................................................................................................42

The Five Elements of Nature............................................................................................................................................................................. 42

Human Nature & the Five Elements........................................................................................................................................................... 44

The Dynamic of Life.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 47

Tuning to our Frequency unlocks the Flow............................................................................................................................................. 49

Flow & Values..........................................................................................................................................................54

Flow & Time Distortion.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 55

Flow, a particular State of Consciousness................................................................................................................................................. 56

Voids and Values drive Flow............................................................................................................................................................................. 57

Finding Your Personal Values........................................................................................................................................................................... 57

Within the Shadow lies Life's Driving Force.......................................................................................................................................... 60

Shadow Values, the Real Drivers of Human Nature.......................................................................................................................... 61

Being, Doing, Having.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 71

The 7 Areas of Life, a Playground for Growth..................................................................................................................................... 72

Survival & Meaning drive Human Nature............................................................................................................................................... 81

Vision............................................................................................................................................................................... 86


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Why a Vision?.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 86

Certainty of Vision & Flexibility of the Path............................................................................................................................................. 87

Challenge & Support................................................................................................................................................................................................ 88

Space, Time & Impact on the World ......................................................................................................................................................... 92

The Importance of Having a Vision............................................................................................................................................................... 93

What is Your Vision? ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 93

The Leader Within.............................................................................................................................................. 98

What is a Leader?..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 98

The Comprehensive Anticipatory Leader................................................................................................................................................. 99

The Emergence of a Leader............................................................................................................................................................................. 106

Purpose & Legacy................................................................................................................................................ 110

We are Purpose-seeking Beings....................................................................................................................................................................... 110

Crafting Your Purpose Statement ................................................................................................................................................................... 111

Affirmations, Your Words of Power............................................................................................................................................................. 116

The Sources of Power.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 118

Your Life, Your Legacy........................................................................................................................................................................................ 120

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants............................................................................................................................................................. 121

The Natural Laws................................................................................................................................................ 126

The One and the Many....................................................................................................................................................................................... 126

The Law of Duality................................................................................................................................................................................................... 127

The Law of Conservation.................................................................................................................................................................................... 130

The Law of Equilibrium.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 131

The Gratitude Effect.......................................................................................................................................... 134

Gratitude determines your Altitude ............................................................................................................................................................ 134

Part II - Think it, ink it, do it, review it Word Document


About the Author................................................................................................................................................. 137

About Mastery to Success .......................................................................................................................... 140

References.................................................................................................................................................................... 141

Resources .................................................................................................................................................................... 144

Mission Inspired – 6

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Dr Olivier J. Becherel


Congratulations for taking action and choosing to invest in yourself and welcome to

Mission Inspired.

Mission Inspired is no ordinary book, it's a personal manual designed to help you unlock

your personal potential and live an inspired life. This manual is the result of many years of study,

experimentation and research on various aspects of Human Potential and personal growth.

In this manual, I compiled simple yet powerful tools that will help you unlock your

personal potential by frst discovering who you really are and what is most important to you,

discovering your personal values, your shadow values, your purpose, your vision, and deciding on

where you want to go next to craft your masterpiece and leave a legacy. The tools I share with

you in this manual come from various sources, people I've followed over the years, mentors, life

lessons, and are tools that I use myself every day.

The idea to create Mission Inspired frst came to me when I was refecting on my master

plan for life, looking for a simple and practical way to implement a system to incorporate these

ideas in my life to help me stay focused, on track on target, and accountable. I designed this

manual initially for my own use to bring clarity, order, certainty and a system for accountability

to live my inspired mission.

A couple years of ago, I created a Gratitude Journal to count and record my blessings

every day. There are mounting evidences, both in social and health sciences that gratitude has

tremendous power and benefts on our physiology and psyche. An attitude of gratitude can

harmonise the electromagnetic felds of our brain, body and heart, leading to coherence and

harmonious functioning of our being. Gratitude is expressing thanks for the gifts we received.

Adopting an attitude of gratitude allows us to appreciate the little things that life brings

us, because these little things, which often remain unnoticed or are taken for granted, are the

most extraordinary ones and only the wise can see them. Counting our blessings each day is

the key to unlock our personal potential by connecting to our Soul – Spirit Of Unconditional Love

- and tapping into our Divine power to live an inspired mission and leave a legacy beyond our


Ancient Greek philosophers and many ancient civilisations and religions have attributed

spiritual and physical dimensions to human beings. Dr Wayne Dyer once said, we are spiritual

beings having a terrestrial experience. Thus in order to tap into our full potential, we need to

integrate both spirit and matter into our lives and live according to the Natural Laws of the


Many spiritual teachers have spoken about these subject matters, and have tried to

integrate them together.


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After many years of research and study, scouring many aspects of personal

development from various philosophers, teachers, motivational speakers, and personal

development “gurus”, a profound paradigm shift occurred in my life when I came across Dr

John Demartini's teachings. Dr Demartini is a human behavioural specialist, educator and

author that studied more than 250 disciplines to fnd the common underlying Principles that

govern life and the world. Dr Demartini is one of the rare person that has developed a scienti"c

method to integrate spirit and matter – The Demartini Method®, a tool of a thousand uses. Many

of the ideas I share in this manual come from Dr Demartini.

Another important infuence come from meeting Roger Hamilton, a social entrepreneur

and creator of the Wealth Dynamics wealth profling system. Originally based on the 2500 year

old ancient Chinese text of the I Ching “The Book of Change”, Wealth Dynamics is a powerful

system that integrates together energy, personality types and activities in order to identify our

unique path of least resistance to create wealth.

While many other teachers have infuenced my personal journey and spiritual evolution,

such as Dr Bruce Lipton, Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Tad James, Napoleon Hill, Deepak Chopra,

Christopher Howard, Dr Wayne Dyer to name only a few, I personally believe Dr Demartini and

Roger Hamilton have developed tools that allow the most efective integration of spirit, matter,

environment, energy, fow and human potential to realise one's inspired mission.

This manual is divided into two parts: In Part I, I have compiled information designed to

help you integrate both the spiritual and material aspects of life. You will fnd ideas and tips to

help you discover more of who you are, what you want and where you want to go from here.

The topics I cover include Personal Values, Shadow Values, Vision, Spirit & Matter, Wealth,

Environment & Energy, Flow, Leadership, Purpose, Legacy, and Gratitude.

Each book I have written to date (this one is number 6) refects a particular stage of

awareness and evolution in my life and the lessons I have learned, implemented and those that

impacted my life in the most profound way. This manual is no exception. Mission Inspired is a

personal companion to help you (and myself of course) focus on what really matters in life. That

is discovering your unique talents, unlocking your X-factor, and sharing your gift with the world

to live an inspired, fulflling and meaningful life.

I trust the ideas and exercises you'll fnd in Mission Inspired will help you discover your

uniqueness, defne and refne your path in order to make a lasting impact in the world.

According to Bronnie Ware, a palliative care nurse, when questioning her patients in the last 3

to 12 weeks of their life, one of the top 5 regrets was “I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true

to myself, not the life others expected of me”.

Part I will help you get clarity on who you really are, what is most important to you, and

how you can best use your talents to live your most authentic life. Part II, is a daily journal

covering a whole year to help you record and log your intentions, goals, ideas, achievements,

count your blessings, record your life lessons or anything that inspires you.

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Dr Olivier J. Becherel

Part II is literally, Think it, ink it, do it, review it. It doesn't matter whether you start this

journey at the beginning of the year, mid year, or later in the year, Mission Inspired is a

perpetual year journal and planner.

Furthermore, it doesn't matter whether you start working on your inspired mission early

in life, in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or later, because the key is to start. I'm sure you've heard “Better

later than never”. It's never too late to start putting the pieces together of your masterpiece,

plan your life, fnd your gifts and share them with the world to build wealth and leave a legacy.

Life is a journey, the destination is not what matters most, because ultimately we all end

up in the same place. What makes the diference is the path we choose to take, the people we

meet, the relationships we develop, the service we render, and the legacy choose to leave


At the end of our life, when it's time to refect on it, we're going to ask ourself these four


• Did I live fully?

Did I live each moment to the fullest and did I appreciate each moment as it is?

• Did I love enough?

Did I love enough the persons that matter in my life, my partner, my family, my friends?

Did I feel it and did I communicate it to them?

• Did I do everything I could with what I was given?

Did I do my best to unlock my full potential, use my knowledge, skills and talents to make a

di+erence in my own life, in the life of those I care about, and in the life of others?

• Did I matter?

Did I leave my mark in the world and a legacy that goes beyond my time?

The answer is up to you!

Mission Inspired is my attempt to create a practical tool that can help people answer YES

to these questions by providing a framework for discovery, refnement and accountability. This

is version 1.0 of Mission Inspired, and it's a work in progress. It's far from being complete,

however, I believe I have covered enough grounds to start the journey and further refnement

will come in due time.


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As my mentor Dr Demartini says:

“The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions

your ask yourself and the actions you take.”

- Dr John F. Demartini

I wish you all the best in your inspired mission. May this manual help you fnd yourself,

unlock your X-factor, help you stay focused on your mission, connect to your purpose, open

your heart, be grateful for life, and a keep you accountable & on track to maximise your

personal potential.

Love & Wisdom,


July 2013

Brisbane, Australia


“Life Mastery begins by breaking through self-imposed boundaries, adopting

a success mindset, and becoming aware and open to change.”

- Dr Olivier J. Becherel


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Dr Olivier J. Becherel

Part I


Think it, ink it...


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Dr Olivier J. Becherel


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The Compass

Life is similar to a road trip. We are standing here, now in point A and we want to go to

point B. Point B can be a physical destination or a metaphorical one, such as a goal, or an


Since primary school and our introduction to Euclidian geometry, we have learned that a

straight line is the quickest and shortest path between two points A and B (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Which path am I going to take this year?

The straight line represents in fact the ideal path. But in reality, it rarely is a straight

line. For example when we drive from one town to another, even though we can draw a

straight line between the two locations on a map, in reality, we have to take many turns to get


Even when in an airplane fying over the ocean and going from one country to another,

where theoretically a straight line would be possible, the actual fight path is rarely a straight

line. The airplane is constantly on correction, deviating from the ideal trajectory at every

moment and then catching up to get back on track.

There is a third situation when one wants to go from A to B without a clear path and

without a map.

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Dr Olivier J. Becherel

While the person may ultimately arrive somewhere, it's very unlikely the path taken will

be the shortest and most efective one to get to B. Furthermore, that person may never arrive

at destination and end up somewhere... else.

“Without a clear path and direction, the chance to attain

our destination is somewhat... elusive”

This is why it's important to frst set a destination, outline a path and a direction, whether

we are traveling to a physical location or whether we are traveling along the path of life.

“Without clear direction, goals and an objective,

there is not much to expect from life...”

The good news is that as you are reading this book, that means that you've got your own

copy of Mission Inspired which will help you get clarity on your destination and provide you

with exercises and reminders to stay on track to reach your destination.

As you are right now, holding this book in your hands, I assume that you have an

objective you want to achieve and that you want to take the most efcient and efective path to

get where you want to go in life, and in particular this year. You have made a wise decision.

Life and its Turning PointsAs I mentioned earlier, the zig-zag (Figure 2) is the actual path we take in life. On this

path, arrows represent turning points (infection points) where a change in direction occurs.

Figure 2. The actual path is a succession of triangles...


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Now bear with me for a moment, I'm going to introduce an element of geometry. Don't

worry it's not complicated and I'll keep it simple. However, it's something very powerful which

can make a huge diference in life once we understand the concept.

A Lesson in GeometryA priori, it seems very trivial and for sure you can now see that triangles (Shaded) exist

between the straight line (ideal path) and the actual path (zig-zag) (Figure 3). The important key

about triangles is what they allow us to see – perspective.

Figure 3. The triangle gives perspective on the path.

Now, let me defne each extremity of the triangle as the following.

• The two extremities aligned with the ideal path (Straight line) are defned as the Director

(A) and the Actor (B).

• The infection point, the third corner of the triangle is called the Viewer.

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Dr Olivier J. Becherel

As you may have noticed, this terminology is reminiscent of the making of a movie. In

order to make a movie, the minimum requirement is a Director, an Actor and a Viewer. The fact is

our life is like a movie. We play these three roles (Figure 4).

Figure 4. The movie of our life.

• We are the Director whenever we plan our next move and decide to manage our time,

energy and resources.

• We are the Actor when we show up daily, provide a service to our community and are

busy doing the things we do everyday.

• We are the Viewer whenever we stop for a moment, refect on our life and what we've

achieved and ask ourselves “How did this go? What worked? And What didn't work?”

While being the director and the actor are the most natural roles for us, it's by playing

the viewer that we gain perspective on our life.

“Establish the triangle and the problem is 2/3 solved.”

- Epictus

That's it for geometry! I just wanted to introduce this brief lesson of geometry to remind

you of the power of taking the viewer perspective. When life gets rough people often get stuck in

the actor or director roles, while adopting the viewer's perspective would be the wisest position

to occupy. The Viewer's perspective provides a bird's eye view of the situation and brings

clarity, new meaning and understanding, thus transforming the apparent chaos into order.


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Every time things start to get out of control, it's time to remember this little geometry

lesson and the power of the triangle. It's time to remember that we play three roles: the

director, the actor and the viewer.

It's only from the vantage point of the viewer that one can observe the whole scene, get

all the details, assess the situation, see the patterns and learn the lessons. The triangle is the

perfect metaphor for understanding the di+erence between the truth and the apparent illusion of the

world (Figure 5).

Figure 5. The triangle process – From illusion to truth.

Pythagoras once said:

“Find two sides of a triangle, and you can solve any problem.”

Most people think he was talking about geometry problems, and I did too at frst. But

after studying and contemplating Pythagoras, a diferent perspective within his wise words

emerged – the triangle process.

The bottom of the triangle symbolises duality (Figure 5). We feel incomplete when we

accept only one half of the duality and we have an attraction/repulsion relationship with the

other half. If we let go our duality-based point of view at the bottom of the triangle, we foat to

the top naturally – the viewer position, and we now see the true world.

What lives at the top of the triangle has no opposite. Both sides of the duality exist

simultaneously. It is neither good nor bad, neither positive nor negative, neither gain nor loss,

it's both simultaneously.

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Dr Olivier J. Becherel

“No matter what happens in our lives, there is always two sides to every

event, situation or person, and both are present simultaneously.”

When we drop the false perspective of the world of duality, the True self – the viewer - is

what remains.

After this brief lesson of geometry, it's now time to defne where you want to go, set your

destination – at least for this year, specify your major objective and the goals you have for this

year. When writing the various elements of your compass, it's important to be clear, precise

and concise as best you can.

“It’s a lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration. The best way to

succeed is to have a specific Intent, a clear Vision, a plan of Action, and the

ability to maintain Clarity. Those are the Four Pillars of Success. It never fails!”

- Steve Maraboli

The Power of Quality QuestionsAs I mentioned before, we all play the director, actor and viewer in life. To be able to move

forward, we must frst ask quality questions, perform quality actions and step back to make

sure we're on track on target. I invite you to use the next two pages to write down your major

objective for this year and your 3 biggest projects in life.

• What is your vision and life purpose?

Your action question is related to your major objective for the year.

Asking an action question prompt the mind to develop possibilities. While your major

objective is a statement such as “Monetize my knowledge” or “Eat healthy and exercise”, your

action question is destined to activate your brain, in particular the reticular activating system

(RAS) which senses the things around us, categorizes and sorts them out. The RAS is our

personal GPS and once we focus on what we want, we see more opportunities.

• Below are two examples of an action question:

Objective: Monetize my knowledge.


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Action Question: How many ways can I continue to monetize my knowledge?


Objective: Eat healthy and exercise.

Action Question: How many ways can I continue to eat even more healthy and exercise regularly?


Next is your Master Skill which is the primary skill you will have to learn or further develop

this year to achieve your objective.

• For example:

Objective: Monetize my knowledge.

Action Question: How many ways can I continue to monetize my knowledge?

Master Skill: Learn to market and sell myself.


Objective: Eat healthy and exercise.

Action Question: How many ways can I continue to eat even more healthy and exercise regularly?

Master Skill: Commit to go to the Farmers' Market to buy fresh groceries, and get a personal



Next is to set your goals in diferent areas of life for this year. I recommend you set a

maximum of 3 goals. If you set too many, you may be overwhelmed and stressed out, and the

chances for you to achieve them will diminish. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, and be

realistic about the time frame...

Sometimes (actually often), less is more...

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Dr Olivier J. Becherel

My Major Objective for this year


My 3 Biggest Projects in Life1 ..............................................................................................................................................................................

2 ..............................................................................................................................................................................

3 ..............................................................................................................................................................................

My Vision…..............................................................................................................................................................................


My Life Purpose…..............................................................................................................................................................................



My Action Question…..............................................................................................................................................................................


My Master Skill…..............................................................................................................................................................................


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My Goals for this Year














































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Dr Olivier J. Becherel

My Storyboard for this Year

“A picture is worth a thousand words...”

With this in mind, take a moment to draw the storyboard for this year. How do you see

this year unfolding and what will be the milestones and key turning points?

Draw your path for this year.


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Dr Olivier J. Becherel

About the Author

Olivier is the co-founder of Mastery to Success The Human Potential

Academy, a coaching and teaching organisation dedicated to maximise human


Olivier is a certifed Master Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy™ and

Hypnosis, and has a ferocious curiosity & inspiration for the human mind and its

tremendous potential.

As a student of the Universal Laws, Olivier combines his scientifc

knowledge on brain research, medical research, and human behavior expertise to

design methodologies to unleash the power within individuals, help them achieve

excellence, and live an inspired, fulflling and meaningful life.

Olivier holds a Ph.D in Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology from Louis Pasteur

University, France. Olivier is a Senior Research Ofcer at the Queensland Institute

of Medical Research in Brisbane, Australia, and his work focuses on elucidating

the molecular and cellular aspects of neurological disorders.

As a senior scientist, Olivier has supervised graduate and post-graduate

students for the past 10 years and taught them some of these life-changing



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Olivier is the author of The Missing Guide for Students – Secrets to

Succeeding in Your Studies and Realizing Your Potential. The only self-help guide

specially written for students!

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Dr Olivier J. Becherel

Check out my Facebook page Askdrolivier. I regularly post tips, information

and quality questions, all dedicated to make you think outside the box, and

expand your mind...

Check my page Askdrolivier and like it to get my feed.


“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering

others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have

enough, you are truly rich.”

- Lao Tzu


“Be content with what you have;

rejoice in the way things are.When you realize there is nothing lacking,

the whole world belongs to you.”



Ask Dr. Olivier


Visit my Facebook page

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About Mastery to Success

Dr Olivier J. Becherel and his wife Dr Marcia Becherel are the founders of Mastery to

Success - The Human Potential Academy.

The Human Potential Academy is dedicated to unlock & maximize human potential and

awareness, help people live a fulflling and meaningful life by giving them tools to empower

themselves and realise their full potential.

At Mastery to Success, we are passionate about the MIND-BODY INTEGRATION and helping

people to reach their full potential and performance. That’s why we present workshops to

educate people and give them the tools they need to live an empowered life and achieve their

goals. Visit Dr Marcia Becherel's website to learn tips that will help you

master your stress.

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