crow’s field evaluation media technologies

CROW’S FIELD EVALUATION Different Media Technologies

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Post on 11-Jan-2017




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Different Media Technologies

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I have used many different and varying media technologies throughout, not only my trailer construction, but my poster and magazine too! This entails different program platforms, social media, online websites and so on…Within this Presentation I will explain what, why and how effective each media technology has been. Also including every stage of construction I have carried my work through to get to a final piece.

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Throughout research and planning (and to kick-start our coursework/ project) me, as part of Lunar Productions, had to start up a blog on a platform called Edublogs. This sort of blogging opportunity allowed me as a student to record everything and every process I had been through. It allowed me to effectively give evidence of every document I edited and completed in need of producing a film/ trailer. I could record dates on a given widget: calendar, like shooting sessions and deadlines. I could also embed Slide Share files and Prezi Presentations that I brainstormed my ideas on. The blog page was entirely useful for the whole process of research and planning and it was the first go-to place to find evidence and order in producing a trailer. It helped with organisational skills and advanced my success opportunity greater. I updated my blog on varying weekdays to keep consistency of producing my work in a chronological order; sorting dates. Edublogs was such an efficient and effective media technology platform for showing my project to any viewer, with the given link.

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EDUBLOGSLinks, enabling a viewer to go to

related evidence.

Added image/ media to represent Lunar Productions.

Search bar to be able to search

through evidence.

‘Blogroll’: recent posts widget for

quick access.

Calendar allowing organisation and


Date; to be able to see the progress

through time.

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I have also used an online platform to find the opinion of possible viewers and marketing consumers (in an ideal film producing world). In this case I have used a website called This website allowed me to upload a questionnaire on to the net, then giving me an embedding code in which I used on other partnering media technology platforms. Through being able to use this website on the internet I was able to gain access to a lot more possible submitters (and a lot more feedback). The website even automatically created graphs and findings in different formats from the feedback gotten from my Survey Monkey questionnaire; thus helping greatly with research and planning. This being target audience, movie plot and mise-en-scene. I was able to come to a wider conclusion on what type of films people preferred like The Conjuring. Then I could make links with my blogging and Trailer Construction.

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SOCIAL MEDIAAlso during Research and Planning I used another media technology platform; which includes social media platform. I, representing Lunar productions, took it upon myself to create a page dedicated to our production company and film process. I did this on the most popular and probably most famous social media website: Facebook. With the knowledge of how vast the Facebook audience was, it allowed me to present my film and versions of it, alongside embedded questionnaires and certain milestone posts. Gaining publicity and feedback on our process from the evidence given from my blog. Therefore all of these platforms sort of interlink to help each other become more effective with research and planning as a whole.

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Follow button to enable people to keep up to date.

Banner for advertisement

through images.

Allowing messages for

feedback from any other person

on Facebook.

Different opportunities of

sharing information like

Edublogs.Wide audience of over 2,000


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Throughout trailer construction I have used many different technologies which involves physical and more IT based. In addition to this, the trailer construction has been a main facet of the project process and has needed flair and creativity alongside it. Throughout both Camera and iMovie there were stages of editing different versions, and finding different camera footage and shots (this is where the creativity and innovation was needed).

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CAMERAThrough Media it is obvious a camera and recorder has to be used to be able to create footage to then go on to be edited and produced much further to develop a story. Lunar productions had three sessions of shootings, but only evidence of two shootings (leaving our final piece a mere draft). But nevertheless, can still be evaluated on the camera work used. The hardware of a camera needed to be used effectively and efficiently appropriately to get good angles and good camera composition for our trailer and film footage: Crow’s Field. We had to make sure that the camera did not catch up on unnecessary wind noises and any interruptions in the sessions, so a lot of thought went into dates, weather (mise-en-scene) and angles. As a group we had to place the camera in angles that allowed the viewers to be able to comprehend a sort of horror notion, and not be confused as to what we are showing. But also co-exist a sense of horror and typical ambiguity. We used tripods to keep still and steady shots of the witch entering the woods and the field and high angle shots with the camera to get a ‘camera footage/ CCTV’ look. In one shot used in the version we used, partner Josh used a handheld piece of footage to give a sense of verisimilitude and POV of someone creeping away from the witch. We could get different layers from the camera as the tripod was adjustable in it’s ‘feet’.

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IMOVIEAfter using the physical process of actually filming. Lunar Productions, including me, went onto use iMovie as an editing platform for the footage and clips we have made. It is clear that we have challenged some durations (but that was an issue we faced through making drafts and being stuck with drafts at the end).

iMovie enabled us to trim and clip certain seconds of our trailer to create quicker or slower shots. According to how effective we thought our editing would be; fast or slow. Editing on iMovie arose challenges such as getting used to it again and using it at an even more advanced stage to get better footage at a higher year. It also enabled us to edit in audio and edit the audio as much as the opportunity of editing camera footage. We were also allowed to add filters and vary the colouring to create the high contrasts and autumn feeling we needed for our typical horror genre feel. I also added text/ titles and transitions to give a little insight on what is going on in the trailer and the movie, alongside release dates and the typical movie directors. And so the editing on iMovie allowed Lunar productions to follow needed conventions of a trailer to make it become almost professional looking or similar. There were several sessions of editing , much like camera sessions.

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To create Lunar Productions: Crow’s Field Poster I used a media technology platform called Publisher. I used this as it enabled a simple platform to add and edit shapes and other aspects into a poster framework. It also allowed to create details in my own way manually without the complications of things set out on a platform such as Photoshop. I chose a more simple way of creating a poster to give me the opportunity to be able to get my idea and vision on an A4 print clearly and easily with no trouble.

Within Publisher I have been able to get my black background format and use the process of adding and moving around titles to put in the centre much like other example seen. So the ease of use was very helpful. It allowed me to create layers of images and removing backgrounds also. I could change image effects on this platform and make images have different filters with more sharpness and to have a grey or white highlight or undertone. This is to create the high contrasts Crow’s Field needed. As we chose simplicity spoke more words, the simplicity Publisher offered matched this.

It allowed me to copy and paste and use un copyrighted images/ clipart off the internet to add onto the poster to represent Lunar productions. With varying fonts, colours and co-existing factors of re-sizing it became a perfect and easy platform for creating our poster. However originally I had planned to use PowerPoint, but realized PowerPoint as useful and similar it was, was mainly used for Presentations only. I used Publisher, also through the process of the magazine construction as the ease of use needed to be consistent and so did the simplicity to create a sort of brand in our production company. By using the same formation for both artillery tasks enabled this, and so used the same reasoning's. Things could also be easily added from other places; like still’s from iMovie.

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