cryoserver local authorities

Cryoserver - FCS | [email protected] | | +44 (0) 800 280 0525 Email archiving for Local Government Expertly Simple

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Cryoserver - FCS | [email protected] | | +44 (0) 800 280 0525

Email archiving for Local GovernmentExpertly Simple


ContentsIssues addressed by Cryoserver in local authorities 3Introduction 3Deliver best practice in Information Governance 4

- Giving your organisation a black box flight recorder for email 4 - Providing quick and accurate search perfect for eDiscovery 4 - Meeting government legislation, data privacy and human rights regulations 4 - Managing user rights easily, via role based access 5 - Creating a tamper evident store of emails, admissible in court 5 - Creating a full record of all email ever sent or received 5

Achieve more with a reduced budget 6

- Reducing premium storage (by an average of 50%) 6 - Getting more out of your employees across all departments 6 - Speeding up effective email dispute resolution 7 - Reducing IT helpdesk calls by over 25% 7

Answer FoI Requests faster and more easily 8

- Reducing time and cost for eDiscovery* investigations 8 - Searching millions of emails in seconds 8 - Eliminating the need to install plugins for FoI 8 - Accessing the archive from your mail client 8

North Warwickshire Borough Council 9


Our customers in Local Government used to struggle with lengthy Freedom of Information requests, reducing budgets and annoying requests to locate email data. Cryoserver has helped them to solve all those issues and more.

Now our customers have found they’re able to save time and money on activities like Freedom of Information Acts requests, a practice that is increasing in frequency within local government every single year. Not only that, but Cryoserver has been able to provide an audited, centralised email source for our customers in local government.

Some of our first customers came from local government, so over the last 12 years we’ve tailored our solution to deal with their problems specifically. This short eBook explains a little bit about the ways in which Cryoserver is able to help its local government customers.


Issues addressed by Cryoserver in local authorities

Our customers say...

When it comes to quickly getting hold of email Cryoserver is a really easy way of getting to it!

Cryoserver has gone more into an on going role. People can’t lose emails and that really helps IT!

Vincenzo Ardillo, Guildford Borough Council

Gary Hancock, N Warwickshire Borough Council

We’ve finished all the archiving now and the mail database is down to 270 Gb, it started at over 800 Gb

Ian Martin, Federation of Small Businesses


We help you to

Deliver best practice in Information Governance

By HowGiving your organisation a black box flight recorder for email

The Cryoserver email archive has functionality to mathematically prove an email is identical to the one either sent or received. Emails are fingerprinted as they come into the system, and any tampering results in a permanent error to the tag.

By HowProviding quick and accurate search perfect for eDiscovery

The Cryoserver search interface has been developed continuously over our 12 year history and is still evolving. This commitment to improvement has led to an extremely intuitive and powerful tool. The interface contains multiple fields where users can create expert Boolean searches without any complicated commands. Beyond that the tool has the facility to support fuzzy searches like “sounds like” searching, which allows a user to retrieve misspellings of words with ease.

Whether you’re looking for information in email body content or attachments, the Cryoserver search functionality helps users to find hidden information in a matter of seconds.

By HowMeeting government legislation, data privacy and human rights regulations

When dealing with strict legislation, legal requirements or employees’ privacy it is important to take care of the information you are holding.

Cryoserver does this by protecting your data, protecting access to that data and then auditing the access to the data. This three tier protection allows for an archive that complies with even the most rigorous policies.


ByManaging user rights easily, via role based access

ByCreating a tamper evident store of emails, admissible in court

ByCreating a full record of all email ever sent or received

HowThe Cryoserver email archive contains varying levels of access for users. Where necessary your organisation can nominate privileged users across multiple departments, who will be able to search across any mailboxes they have access to. Cryoserver provides the choice of searching one mailbox, or all other mailboxes, and everywhere inbetween.

HowCryoserver creates a digital finger print for every email it stores. Like a real finger print these digital ones are unique to each individual email. The digital fingerprints become altered if there are any changes at all to the original email, alerting anyone searching in Cryoserver to changes.

Cryoserver creates these using a string of characters when the email is added to the archive, allowing us to mathematically prove that the email you retrieve is the same as the one which was saved.

HowIn order to ensure a full record of all emails, Cryoserver makes use of a process called journaling to collect all email sent or received by your organisation. Journaling emails is the process of taking copies of all email that pass through your mail server, in real-time. A journal message contains the content of the actual email message and all related metadata

Cryoserver sits outside of the mail flow, so this process doesn’t slow down the passage of email, it simply captures a copy of all email in real time. By journaling in this way the Cryoserver system is able to guarantee it captures all the emails sent or received by your organisation, without exception.


We help you to

Achieve more with a reduced budget

By HowReducing premium storage (by an average of 50%)

In order to maintain an accurate and economic archive Cryoserver holds only one copy of each email it stores. Database style archives typically save one iteration of an email for every recipient. It is this unique style of storage which allows Cryoserver to make significant savings, in particular in businesses where multiple employees must be cc’d. Deduplication is the first stage in Cryoserver’s storage saving process.

As well as only storing one copy of each email, Cryoserver compresses the emails which it stores as it ingests them into the archive. The deduplication and compression have combined for savings of as much as 75% in some of our customers and a consistent saving of 50% across our average customers.

Cryoserver’s stubbing module is used by many of our customers to make extremely large savings on their mail server. The stubbing module replaces attachments with hyperlinks pointing to Cryoserver, in order to dramatically reduce the amount of storage being used. The stubbing module includes functionality to stub either specific users or attachments older than a certain age.

By HowGetting more out of your employees across all departments

Your users will be able to gain more control over their email, reducing the need for extensive amounts of time spent filing or managing their inbox structure. If a user deletes email by accident they will be able to recover it from their own archive easily, without having to contact IT to look at backup tapes or waste time searching deleted items.

Not only that but with Cryoserver we’ve seen user behaviour change over time, where a Cryoserver search becomes the user’s preference. Once your users begin to use Cryoserver the search return becomes faster and any extra time they were putting into filing or locating emails is immediately slashed.


By HowReducing IT helpdesk calls by over 25%

In order to avoid lost emails of any kind and the calls that come with them users can use the Cryoserver archive’s search functionality. As your users become more confident using the intuitive search interface they will begin to use Cryoserver on a day to day basis to enhance the way they manage email from within the mail client. With this renewed confidence you’ll notice the Helpdesk phone ringing less and less.

For the best end user adoption the Cryoserver archive gives choice and flexibility of use. We achieve this by giving users choice between eliminating the need for complicated folder structure or alternatively using folder replication to enhance your current structure within the archive.

Our customers’ IT departments who no longer use folders no longer see calls about dragging emails to the wrong folder, losing emails or just calling IT for general email management. We know that some users live and die by their folder structure, so we offer a folder replication tool, however we’ve repeatedly seen users stop using them altogether in favour of expertly simple Cryoserver searches .

With the Cryoserver email archive you no longer need to download emails to your desktop or create .pst files to save mailbox space. By avoiding the need for users to store PST files there will be no helpdesk calls to recover corrupted information, or issues with finding the files themselves. Many of our customers do away with mailbox quotas all together, meaning there’s less call for arguments about storage limits on users’ inboxes.

By HowSpeeding up effective email dispute resolution

In the event of disagreements surrounding email your users will be able to enter their archives easily to access the messages in question. If the dispute were to escalate you can use Cryoserver to empower your HR or management teams to search amongst users’ emails (in a fair and transparent audited search) and guarantee that the emails they find are identical to the original copies.


We help you to

Answer FoI Requests faster and more easily

By HowReducing time and cost for eDiscovery* investigations

Your eDiscovery* investigations don’t have to rely so heavily on the IT department. By sharing archive access to any relevant departments in the company any eDiscovery taking place in email can be divided up between different departments rather than being left solely to IT.

By HowSearching millions of emails in seconds

During independent testing on our most common appliance (C500) we achieved a load performance of more than 200 emails per second while maintaining the email search response time below 2 seconds.

Cryoserver stores email in date files, rather than the traditional database style storage. This fundamental difference in the archiving process means that no matter how much you scale up your store the search process remains fast, only having to access a controlled number of files rather than hundreds or thousands of different entries in a database.

By HowEliminating the need to install plugins for FoI

Cryoserver is accessed via a web service which can be embedded without Outlook plugins of any kind.

Not only that but all our users’ access can be installed quickly and conveniently by the Cryoserver support team, rolling out business wide rather than machine by machine.

By HowAccessing the archive from your mail client

During our time working with IT managers we’ve found that a huge priority for the IT team is to make the user’s life as simple as physically possible. Cryoserver is well-suited to fitting your user’s behaviour, not outright changing it.

The Cryoserver archive drops neatly within Outlook, accessible in the same way as their folder structure. As far as users are concerned they can add a tool to find any email they’ve ever sent or received… for your mail server there is less strain not more.

*eDiscovery refers to any process in which electronic data is sought, located, secured, and searched with the intent of using it as evidence in a civil or criminal legal case.


North Warwickshire Borough Council

We can feel 100% confident that what happened on Cryoserver is exactly what happened


Freedom of Information requests and searches were taking too long. The IT department at North Warwickshire had found themselves having to deal with these requests all too often. These requests came with strict time pressures, that Gary Hancock (Information Services Manager) and his department were keen to limit.


Cryoserver met North Warwickshire’s needs perfectly:

“We’ve found ourselves using Cryoserver a lot for regulating staff using the email system, for example if somebody were to send an email to our contact centre to put in a complaint. The beauty is that if Cryoserver has no record of it then you can categorically say it didn’t happen.

We can feel 100% confident that what happened on Cryoserver is exactly what happened.

Our use of Cryoserver has gone more from an official FOI tool to a more day-to-day tool which has evidence and proof of company actions.”


A need to perform quick, concrete searches through a large volume of emails. A combination of Freedom of Information requests and day to day management issues led to a need which Cryoserver solved perfectly.


As a result of an innacurate, slow and difficult to search email system the council and its users couldn’t be sure of the information they were finding, and were dissapointed with the speed of the process.Lost emails were causing issues for all users within the council, whatever their job role.


Cryoserver provided a way to stop employees having to waste time sorting and then searching through folders manually by implementing a Cryoserver solution into their IT infrastructure:

“The big plus point for me personally, and a lot of other staff, is that you no longer have to be quite so concerned about which emails you keep and which you discard. So I now have folders which I keep important emails in, in theory now I could delete those and still know I had access to them.”

...we know we can use it to search for emails between users quickly and easily...

Version: 2016-01-00001-EN

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The information contained within this document is constructed to the best of FCS (UK) Limited’s knowledge and should not constitute legal advice. It has been constructed by industry experts in conjunction with their own understanding of the relevant legislation, it has not been contributed to by lawyers or legal professionals of any kind.