crystallographic aspects of dislocations. outline slip systems bcc, fcc, hcp cross slip partial...

Download Crystallographic Aspects of Dislocations. Outline Slip Systems BCC, FCC, HCP Cross Slip Partial Dislocations Stacking Faults The Thompson Tetrahedron

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  • Slide 1
  • Crystallographic Aspects of Dislocations
  • Slide 2
  • Outline Slip Systems BCC, FCC, HCP Cross Slip Partial Dislocations Stacking Faults The Thompson Tetrahedron Fancy Stuff Frank rule, Frank loop, Lomer lock, Lomer-Cotrell dislocations, prismatic dislocations 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slip Systems Systems of planes and directions that make dislocation movement easy 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 3 Different views of FCC supercell
  • Slide 4
  • Slip Systems Systems of planes and directions that make dislocation movement easy 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 4 Different views of FCC supercell
  • Slide 5
  • Slip Systems Systems of planes and directions that make dislocation movement easy 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 5 Different views of FCC supercell
  • Slide 6
  • Counting Slip Systems Multiply: Number of non-parallel planes Number of close packed directions per plane 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 6 k h l Same slip planes!
  • Slide 7
  • In Class Draw primary slip systems for FCC, BCC, and HCP crystal systems 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 7
  • Slide 8
  • Evidence of Slip Systems 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 8
  • Slide 9
  • Side Note: Twinning Bands can flip to mirror image of surrounding crystal 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 9 Annealing twins in brass
  • Slide 10
  • Side Note: Twinning 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 10 Alternate plastic deformation mechanism Twinning observed in irradiated reactor pressure vessel steel
  • Slide 11
  • 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 11 Twinning MIT Dept. of Nuclear Science & Engineering 22.74: Radiation Damage & Effects in Nuclear Materials Prof. Michael P. Short Page 11 Differently oriented dislocations inside/outside twin boundary!
  • Slide 12
  • Evidence of Slip Systems 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 12 A scanning electron micrograph of a single crystal of cadmium deforming by dislocation slip on 100 planes, forming steps on the surface
  • Slide 13
  • Evidence of Slip Systems 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 13 Nanopillar compression tests using a diamond flat punch Clear 45 degree angles observed Slip systems activated by shear N. Friedman et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 095507 (2012)
  • Slide 14
  • Evidence of Slip Systems 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 14 Nanopillar compression tests using a diamond flat punch Clear 45 degree angles observed Slip systems activated by shear S. Brinckmann et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 155502 (2008)
  • Slide 15
  • Secondary Slip Systems When something blocks a primary slip system, a secondary slip system may activate Only if it is energetically favorable to continue deforming What happens if a secondary system cant activate? 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 15
  • Slide 16
  • Cross Slip Dislocation switches slip systems if it get stuck Example: pinned screw dislocation 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 16 time Derek Hull and David J. Bacon, Introduction to dislocations, 4th ed. (Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 2001).
  • Slide 17
  • Cross Slip 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 17 Allen & Thomas, p. 100 k h l [101]
  • Slide 18
  • Slip Systems Slip directions partially or fully enclose slip planes 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 18 Allen & Thomas, The Structure of Materials, p. 116
  • Slide 19
  • HCP Slip Systems 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 19 Ideal c/a = 1.63299 a 1 c a2a2 1122 24 [0001] 1011
  • Slide 20
  • Partial Dislocations Look carefully at the (111) plane in FCC How many ways can atom A move to location B? 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 20 A B A B
  • Slide 21
  • Partial Dislocations Look carefully at the (111) plane in FCC How many ways can atom A move to location B? 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 21 A B A B
  • Slide 22
  • Partial Dislocations A perfect dislocation can split into two partials 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 22 Allen & Thomas, p. 119 These move in unison
  • Slide 23
  • Partial Dislocations A perfect dislocation can split into two partials 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 23 Allen & Thomas, p. 117
  • Slide 24
  • Partial Dislocation Separation After formation, the two partials repel each other Why? 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 24 Opposite screw parts attract Parallel edge parts repel
  • Slide 25
  • Stacking Faults The shifted portion of the partial dislocation is a stacking fault Atomic stacking order into the screen has changed Was ABCA / BCABCABC Now it is ABCA / CABCABC 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 25
  • Slide 26
  • Stacking Fault Energy (SFE) 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 26
  • Slide 27
  • The Thompson Tetrahedron 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 27
  • Slide 28
  • Lomer-Cottrell Dislocation Two partials hit at 60 degree angles Each consists of a leading and trailing partial Leading partial intersections will form a new full edge dislocation 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 28
  • Slide 29
  • Lomer-Cottrell Dislocation 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 29 Lomer-Cottrell Dislocation Determination
  • Slide 30
  • Lomer Lock Both original dislocations (BC and DB) were in slip planes Is the new dislocation in any slip planes? What happens next? 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 30
  • Slide 31
  • What Happens When Dislocations Get Stuck? When bits get pinned, they can bow out creating Frank-Read sources 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 31
  • Slide 32
  • Dislocation Loops 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 32 Loops have mixed edge/screw character May be circular planes of atoms between two planes
  • Slide 33
  • Frank-Read Loop Sources 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 33 Come from sessile sections of dislocations Old strain direction
  • Slide 34
  • Frank-Read Loop Sources 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 34
  • Slide 35
  • Forces Between Dislocations 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 35 X & Y forces, no Z-force Burgers vector of dislocation (2) transposed Line vector of dislocation (2) transposed Stress tensor induced by dislocation (1) Force vector on dislocation (2) Peach-Kohler Equation
  • Slide 36
  • Forces Lead to Pileup 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 36 Dislocations moving & piling up in Inconel 617 (Ni-based alloy) under in- situ straining in the TEM
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  • Forces Lead to Grain Boundaries 22.71: Physical MetallurgyProf. Michael P. Short, P. 37 Tilt grain boundary in Al