cs2013 maths for computing science proof (part b) adam wyner university of aberdeen computing...

CS2013 Maths for Computing Science Proof (part b) Adam Wyner University of Aberdeen Computing Science

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Page 1: CS2013 Maths for Computing Science Proof (part b) Adam Wyner University of Aberdeen Computing Science

CS2013Maths for Computing Science

Proof (part b)

Adam WynerUniversity of Aberdeen

Computing Science

Page 2: CS2013 Maths for Computing Science Proof (part b) Adam Wyner University of Aberdeen Computing Science

October 2014 CS2013 Maths for Computing 2


• Equivalences that can be used to replace formulae in proofs

• Tableau proofs• Further examples of Propositional Logic proofs.• Proof rules with quantifiers.

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Equivalence expressions can be substituted since they do not change truth.

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A Direct Proof

1. ((A ∨ ¬ B) C)∨ (D (E F))

2. (A ∨ ¬ B) ((F G) H)

3. A ((E F) (F G))

4. A

5. Show: D H6. A ∨ ¬ B

7. (A ∨ ¬ B) ∨ C

8. (D (E F))

9. (E F) (F G)

10. D (F G)

11. (F G) H12. D H

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A Direct Proof

1. ((A ∨ ¬ B) C)∨ (D (E F))

2. (A ∨ ¬ B) ((F G) H)

3. A ((E F) (F G))

4. A

5. Show: D H DD 12

6. A ∨ ¬ B DI 4

7. (A ∨ ¬ B) ∨ C DI 6

8. (D (E F)) IE 1,7

9. (E F) (F G) IE 3,4

10. D (F G) HS 8,9

11. (F G) H IE 2,6

12. D H HS 10,11

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A Conditional Proof

1. (A B)∨ (C ∧ D)

2. (D E)∨ F3. Show: A F4. A

5. Show: F

6. A ∨ B

7. C ∧ D

8. D

9. (D E)∨10. F

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A Conditional Proof

1. (A B)∨ (C ∧ D)

2. (D E)∨ F3. Show: A F CD 4, 5

4. A Assumption

5. Show: F DD 10

6. A ∨ B DI 4

7. C ∧ D IE 1,6

8. D CE 7

9. (D E)∨ DI 8

10. F IE 2,9

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An Indirect Proof

1. A (B ∧ C)

2. (B D)∨ E3. (D A)∨4. Show: E ID 13

5. Assumption

6. IE 2,5

7. Second De Morgan 6

8. CE 7

9. DE 4,8

10. IE 1,9

11. CE 10

12. CE 7

13. ContraI 11,12

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An Indirect Proof

1. A (B ∧ C)

2. (B D)∨ E3. (D A)∨3. Show: E

4. ¬ E

5. ¬ (B D)∨6. ¬ B ∧ ¬ D

7. ¬ D

8. A

9. B ∧ C

10. B

11. ¬ B

12. B ∧ ¬ B

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An Indirect Proof

1. A (B ∧ C)

2. (B D)∨ E3. (D A)∨4. Show: E ID 13

5. ¬ E Assumption

6. ¬ (B D)∨ IE 2,5

7. ¬ B ∧ ¬ D Second De Morgan 6

8. ¬ D CE 7

9. A DE 4,8

10. B ∧ C IE 1,9

11. B CE 10

12. ¬ B CE 7

13. B ∧ ¬ B ContraI 11,12

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A Logical Equivalence

Prove: ¬ (p (∨ ¬ p ∧ q)) is equivalent to ¬ p ∧ ¬ q

1. ¬ (p (∨ ¬ p ∧ q)) ....

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A Logical Equivalence

Prove: ¬ (p (∨ ¬ p ∧ q)) is equivalent to ¬ p ∧ ¬ q

1. ¬ (p (∨ ¬ p ∧ q)) second De Morgan

2. first De Morgan

3. double negation

4. second distributive

5. negation

6. commutativity

7. identity law for F

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A Logical Equivalence

Prove: ¬ (p (∨ ¬ p ∧ q)) is equivalent to ¬ p ∧ ¬ q

1. ¬ (p (∨ ¬ p ∧ q)) ¬ p ∧ ¬ (¬ p ∧ q)

2. ¬ p ∧ (¬ (¬ p) ∨ ¬ q)

3. ¬ p ∧ (p ∨ ¬ q)

4. (¬ p p) ∧ ∨ ( ¬ p ∧ ¬ q)

5. F ∨ ( ¬ p ∧ ¬ q)

6. ( ¬ p ∧ ¬ q) ∨ F

7. ( ¬ p ∧ ¬ q)

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October 2014 CS2013 Maths for Computing 15

A Logical Equivalence

Prove: ¬ (p (∨ ¬ p ∧ q)) is equivalent to ¬ p ∧ ¬ q

1. ¬ (p (∨ ¬ p ∧ q)) ¬ p ∧ ¬ (¬ p ∧ q) second De Morgan

2. ¬ p ∧ (¬ (¬ p) ∨ ¬ q) first De Morgan

3. ¬ p ∧ (p ∨ ¬ q) double negation

4. (¬ p p) ∧ ∨ ( ¬ p ∧ ¬ q) second distributive

5. F ∨ ( ¬ p ∧ ¬ q) negation

6. ( ¬ p ∧ ¬ q) ∨ F commutativity

7. ( ¬ p ∧ ¬ q) identity law for F

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Tableau Proofs

• Another formal method for logical proofs.• Thanks to Ulle Endriss for some slides.

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Tableau Method – How?• A method for proving that a given set of formulas

is not satisfiable : • Given: set of premises ∆ and conclusion φ

Task: prove ∆ |= φHow? show ∆ {¬φ} is not satisfiable (which is ∪equivalent), i.e. add the complement of the conclusion to the premises and derive a contradiction (“refutation procedure”).If a proof fails, we can sometimes conclude that the set in question is satisfiable, or that the conclusion in question does not follow (ok for propositional logic; for first-order logic only in special cases).

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• Data structure: a proof is represented as a tableau—a binary tree, the nodes of which are labelled with formulas.

• Start: we start by putting the premises and the negated conclusion into the root of an otherwise empty tableau.

• Expansion: we apply expansion rules to the formulas on the tree, thereby adding new formulas and splitting branches. Use all premises and copy analysed formulas into all relevant branches.

• Closure: we close branches that are contradictory. • Success: a proof is successful iff we can close all branches.

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• We close a branch if it contains both a formula and the same formula with a "¬" in front.

• Each such branch represents a way in which the original sentences might perhaps be true. Closing a branch signifies that this branch is not a way in which the original sentences could all be true.

• Where all the branches close, there was no way in which the original sentences could all be true.

• There is at most one rule that can be applied to a given formula.

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Propositional Tableau Rules

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Example (Truth Tables say?)Prove: ((P → Q) → P) → P

¬(((P → Q) → P) → P)

((P → Q) → P)


¬(P → Q) P





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Prove: P → (Q R), ¬Q ¬R |= ¬P∧ ∨

P → (Q R), ¬Q ¬R, P∧ ∨

¬P (Q R)∧x



¬Q ¬R

x x

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More Examples• {(P → Q) → R), S → ¬P, T, (¬S → T) → Q, ¬R}• {P → (Q R), ¬R → (S T), ¬T, T → U}∨ ∧• {P R, (¬P Q) (¬Q ¬R)}∧ ∨ ∧ ∨• {(P Q) R, ¬Q ¬R, ¬P}∨ ∧ ∨• {¬P Q, ¬P ¬Q, P R, ¬R}∨ ∨ ∨• {P R, P Q, ¬P ¬Q}∧ ∨ ∨

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• Assuming we analyse each formula at most once, we have:

• Theorem 1 (Termination) For any propositional tableau, after a finite number of steps no more expansion rules will be applicable.

• This must be so, because each rule results in ever shorter formulas.

• Note: Importantly, termination will not hold in the first-order case.

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• How to prove with universal and existential quantifiers.

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Universal Instantiation

• x P(x)P(o) (substitute any constant o)

The same for any other variable than x.

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Existential Generalization

• P(o) x P(x)

The same for any other variable than x.

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Universal Generalisation

• P(g) x P(x)

• This is not a valid inference of course. But suppose you can prove P(g) without using any information about g ...

• ... then the inference to x P(x) is valid!• In other words ...

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Universal Generalisation

• P(g) (for g an arbitrary or general constant)x P(x)

• Concretely, your strategy should be to choose a new constant g (i.e., that did not occur in your proof so far) and to prove P(g).

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Existential Instantiation

• x P(x)P(c) (substitute a new constant c)

Once again, the inference is not generally valid, but we can regard it as valid if c is a new constant.

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October 2014 CS2013 Maths for Computing 31

Simple Formal Proof in Predicate Logic

• Argument:– “All TAs compose quizzes. Ramesh is a TA.

Therefore, Ramesh composes quizzes.”• First, separate the premises from conclusions:

– Premise #1: All TAs compose quizzes.– Premise #2: Ramesh is a TA.– Conclusion: Ramesh composes quizzes.

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Rendering in Logic

Render the example in logic notation.• Premise #1: All TAs compose easy quizzes.

– Let U.D. = all people– Let T(x) :≡ “x is a TA”– Let E(x) :≡ “x composes quizzes”– Then Premise #1 says: x(T(x)→E(x))

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Rendering cont…

• Premise #2: Ramesh is a TA.– Let r :≡ Ramesh– Then Premise #2 says: T(r)– And the Conclusion says: E(r)

• The argument is correct, because it can be reduced to a sequence of applications of valid inference rules, as follows:

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Formal Proof UsingNatural Deduction

Statement How obtained

1. x(T(x) → E(x)) (Premise #1)

2. T(r) → E(r) (Universal instantiation)

3. T(r) (Premise #2)

4. E(r) (MP 2, 3)

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A very similar proof

Can you prove:• x(T(x) → E(x)) and E(r)• T(r).

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in Natural Deduction

A very simple example:

Theorem: From xF(x) it follows that yF(y)

1. xF(x) (Premiss)

2. F(a) (Arbitrary a, Exist. Inst.)

3. yF(y) (Exist. Generalisation)

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Quantifier Rules

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Longer Quantifier Proof

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References and Credits

• Slides adapted from Michael P. Frank's course• Textbook: Rosen. Discrete Mathematics & Its

Applications. McGraw-Hill. Fifth edition.

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