csm8 august summit minutes

Upload: cynicalsoul1999

Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 CSM8 August Summit Minutes


    CSM8 - August 2013 Summit Minutes

    List of Sessions:

    Session 1: Basic Introductions and Design Teor!

    Session 2: "e#ie$ of Sta%eo&der 'rocess

    Session 3: ()( Securit!

    Session *: ()( (conom! 'art 1

    Session +: ()( (conom! 'art 2

    Session ,: Art

    Session : State of Ba&ance

    Session 8: .uture '&ans

    Sessions / and 10: Team .i#e -0 and 'ersona& De&o!a&es

    Session 11: 'roect 2

    Session 12: Team ame of Drones

    Session 13: Team Suerfriends

    Session 1*: Team 4uroma%o

    Session 1+: Team True rit and te D5ST +1* Lin%

    Session 1,: Sa&es and Mar%eting

    Session 1: "easona&e Tings "e#ie$

    Session 18: '#(

    Session 1/: 'roect 3

    Session 20: 5I Moderni6ation

    Session 21: Language Suort and te CSM

    Session 22: Launcer and 7e Teams

    Session 23: Cat $it i&mar

    Session 2*: ()( )a&%!rieInitia& Session Draft Credits

    9ote: Te CSM memers !sica&&! attending te summit $ere M!nnna "iard Teg A&i Aras

    ;ames Arget 4or#in Mi%e A6aria and Treor Daedoo$< As te! $ere resent for a&&

    meetings on&! tose CSM memers attending #ia L!nc are &isted in eac sessiont gi#ing se&ect grous of eo&e unfair

    ad#antages mecanism $ere a&& !our accounts

    cou&d e seen at te same time $it one &ogon< Tis started $at $as to ecome %no$n

    as te 7KV meme and $as rougt u $it more tan one team $as tere for suc an assets comment Qou>re sti&& sreadseets in sace ut no$ !ou are e=treme&! rett!

    sreadseets in sace

    t a#e as

    muc information densit!P

    CC' as%ed te CSM if te customi6ation of te 5I $as imortant and got a resounding

    and unanimous (S as an ans$erre setting it u so tat !ou cannot transfer

    tem if !ou>re aout to e $ardeccedre fine $it &etting eo&e %no$ ust

    not for free