csrt 106 annual report 2013 - 2014

Calcutta Sterling Round Table 106 Building schools for the underpriviledged F e l l o w s h i p s F u n d R a i s i n g L A P D P ro j e c t N o n - F T E P r o j e c t F T E

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Calcutta Sterling Round Table 106

Bui lding schools for the underpriv i ledged

Fellowships Fund Raising LAPD Project Non-FTE












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Head Board & Convenors ofCSRT 106

Amitav AgarwalChairman


Nitin MundraVice Chairman(9830010587)

Vivek DalmiaSecretary


Rohit BajoriaTreasurer


Sidhartha KajariaI P C


For you, to serve you better !

HT. Deepak Kedia(Honorary Tabler)


Tr. Nitin MundraFellowship Convener


Tr. Naresh TodiArea Events Convener


Tr. Vikash AgarwalFund Raising Convener


Tr. Gautam AgarwalFund Raising &

International Relation Convener(9163398985)

Tr. Rajib Maitra Non FTE & Supply House Convener


Tr. Amit PansariExtension & Fellowship Convener


Tr. Munish Jhajharia(Honorary Tabler)


Tr. Sdihartha KajariaProject Convener (FTE & Publicity)


Tr. Siddharth BanthiaProject Non FTE Convener


Tr. Anish KhannaTwinkler & Table Talk Convener


Tr. Vivek DalmiaArea Events Convener


Tr. Rohit MurarkaHR & Greetings Convener


Tr. Arihant ParakhExtension & Project FTE Convener


02 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

2013-14O F C S R T 1 0 6

A rea F ellowships

1 Joint Table AGM of Table 38 & 63 05.07.13

2 Table AGM of Table 34 06.07.13

3 Table AGM of Table 17 17.07.13

4 Table AGM of Table 227 22.07.13

5 Table 34 Nitin Gupta show 16.08.13

6 Tr Vivek attending secretary meet 15.09.13

7 Tr Rohit Murarka's visit to Siliguri and meeting chairman of RT 220 20.09.13

8 RT 34 Halloween Night Fund raiser 26.10.13

9 Area LAPD session 30.11.13

10 National AGM 20.12.13

11 Geet Meet of RT 67 12.01.14

12 Area MTM at Ranchi 02.02.14

13 Oye Volley The Ball of RT 113 09.02.14

14 Area 4 Holi Meet of RT 17 08.03.14

15 RTBL of RT 63 29.03.14

16 RT 34 950th meeting 11.04.14

17 RT 17 Vir das show 12.04.14

18 Area Charter Celebration 06.05.14

19 Area Non Fte project get together 18.05.14

20 Area Twinkler fellowship 18.05.14

21 RT 34, 41 & 227 Swimming pool fellowship 25.05.14

22 Area Leadership Conclave 08.06.14

23 RT 34 social of Bharat 14.06.14

24 TEXT 28.06.14

Page 22-27

F und R aiser

1 4th Anuural RT 106 Golf Tournament 15.02.14

Page 32-35

A rea 4 B owling E vent

1 12th Annual RT 106 Bowling Challenge 15.06.14

Page 14-15

T able F ellowship

1 Morning Breakfast at Gangaur 07.07.13

2 Bus fellowship enroute to school inauguration 21.07.13

3 Verda Vista Party after table AGM 27.07.13

4 Lunch with NVP Tr Deepak Menda 28.07.13

5 Friendship Day Celebration 04.08.13

6 Ek Sham Dost ke Naam 10.08.13

7 RT 106 Charter Day Celebration 17.08.13

8 Area AGM 17.08.13

9 Movie & Dinner Social of Tr Vivek 07.09.13

10 Evening at Calcutta Swimming Club 14.09.13

11 100th meeting celebration of LC 83 & Social of Tr Amitav & Tr Sidharth Banthia 28.09.13

12 Diwali get together & social of Tr Gautam 01.11.13

13 Music & Dinner party social of Tr Sidhartha & HT Deepak 08.12.13

14 Winter special dinner social of Tr Amit, Tr Nitin & Tr Anish 18.01.14

15 Tr Arihant marriage party get together 03.02.14

16 Shisha get together 22.03.14

17 Noc Turne Lounge social of Tr Arihant 25.05.14

18 Myx fellowship 11.06.14

19 Tr Vivek's sister's marriage party get together 20.06.14

20 Tr Abhishek Kajaria opening of Myx Night Club party 29.06.14

Page 16-21


A wards 2012-13

1 Award for Best Area 4 Chairman 17.08.13

2 Award for LAPD 17.08.13

3 Certificate of Merit for Inter Table Fellowship 17.08.13

4 Certificate of Merit for Golf Fund Raiser 17.08.13

5 Certificate of Merit for KSS & Saffla - Non FTE 17.08.13

Page 13

2013-14O F C S R T 1 0 6

03CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14



I nter A rea F ellowships

1 Tr Amitav Ahmedabad visit 07.08.13

2 Tr Nitin Delhi visit 12.08.13

3 Tr Vivek attending BRT 19 business meeting Mumbai 28.08.13

4 Golf with Tr Arnei Stenson of RT 4 Germany 01.09.13

5 Fellowship with Kanpur Tabler 14.02.14

6 Fellowship with Tr Deepak of Udaipur RT 206 02.04.14

Page 28-31

P ublicity

1 Flex & Hoarding Publicity 15.02.14

2 Facebook, E-mail Publicity 01.01.2014 -15.02.14

3 Advetorial 17.02.14

Page 36-37

F TE P rojects

1 Stone Laying ceremony of Area 4 Joint school 16.02.14

Page 38-39


1 Vivek attending Area LAPD 30.11.13

2 Area Leadership Conclave 08.06.14

Page 45

E xtension

1 3 internal extention 25.05.14

Page 46-47

N on- F TE P rojects

1 Independence Day project 15.08.13

2 Dialysis Project on Charter Day 17.08.13

3 Ambulance Donation 11.11.13

4 Fruits Distribution at North 24 Parganas District Hospital 11.11.13

5 Taare Zameen Paar Drawing competition 11.11.13

6 Food Grain distribution at Sapla village 13.11.13

7 Medicine Distribution 14.11.13

8 Light of Hope project woith RT 137 15.11.13

9 Gowshala project with RT 113 16.11.13

10 Limb Donation 17.11.13

11 Republic Day celebration by distibuting foods for underpriviledge children 26.01.14

12 Donation in Sports Day for underpriviledge children 02.02.14

13 Lanka Mein Danka project 09.03.14

14 Joint Area ORS distribution for Kolkata Police 18.05.14

15 Joint Area Food Grain distribution 18.05.14

16 Project 80 Led Lamps Donation 24.06.14

Page 40-44

What more ?

AccountsPage 48-52

MessagesPage 04-12

MeetingsPage 53

04 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Message from the National President, RTI2013-14

Dear Friends from Table 106,

Firstly a Big Congratulations for a super successful fund raiser cum publicity event RT India Golf Tournament. It was brilliantly organised & was pleasure being a part of the same

I deem it a great pleasure to pen down a few lines for your wonderful table.RT 106 has done a phenomenal job in this Believe year. I have personally visited some of the

major and heartwarming events of your table which was so nicely organized that its memories will be cherished for a lifetime.I take think opportunity to appreciate and thank each one of u tablers of RT 106 for your sincere contribution towards service through fellowship.My special appreciation and compliments to table Chiarman Tr. Amithab for driving the table so very well and making sure the legacy of the table is carried forward to another level this year.Congratulations for a great year in office and for leading the table so well .We were always getting to know the activities of the table due to the great reporting and fanstastic minutes communicated to us from your ever efficient table secretary Tr.Vivek. kudos to him for a job well done and I appreciate the efforts.Friends,the 52nd National board

has put their heart and soul in their respective portfolios working to achieve the aims and objectives of the movement and Im honored to be leading such a wonderful team.Our vision as a team was conceptualized only by the great support from tables like yours. Bravo table 106 for being a great contributor of this fantastic year of tabling!!Singing off with a thought , “Power is not about your years,money,image or even success-it is about what you make it”.

More power to you!


GLMF.Tr.Harish ShenoyPrseidentRound Table India.

MessagesFrom Nationals, Area & Tabler/Circler Friends

05CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Message from the National Vice-President, RTI2013-14

Message from the National Secretary, RTI2013-14

Dear Chairman & Tablers of CSRT 106

Warm Greetings from the National Board

It’s a privilege to address the

CSRT 106 floor through the Annual ReportAmitav you have been a fantastic Chairman and you had a fantastic year, your guys have been absolutely dynamic and vibrant, I really appreciate each and everyone’s contribution towards the movement, hats off to you all at CSRT 106.It’s been pleasure meeting quite a few tablers of CSRT 106.CSRT 106 has covered all the facets of tabling and been very successful during your tenure.Congratulations Chairman Amitav for a great year, all the very best to the incoming team

for a great year ahead.You guys RockWaiting to meet you all to have a rocking time together.Good Life


Tr Suman Voora MMRT 42 Area 2National Secretary 13-14Round Table India

Dear Friends,Greetings!!!!It’s indeed a privilege to be addressing 106 on their AGM thru the annual report. Congratulations Chairman

Amitav, Secretary Vivek and team on a wonderful year gone by. Your participation in all the facets of Tabling surely needs a word of mention. Be it fellowships, projects, or publicity, you guys have done it all. Congratulations on the Golf Fund Raiser, it surely has given RT India a wide publicity. This has become the annual event of 106, which am sure will only grow by the year. I also happen to read a lot of your active participation in the Area Events, please do continue the same.Thank you for supporting the

National Board at all times, we shall always look forward for your continued support.Wishing Incoming team yet another brilliant year ahead... Keep Rocking!!!Eagerly look forward to meeting you guys.Small Things Make a BIG Difference...


Tr Deepak Manoo MenddaNational Vice President, ROUND TABLE INDIA Vizag RT # 77


06 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Message from Area 4 Chairman2013-14

Dear Amitabh , Vivek and Freinds at CSRT 106 !!!

Must Say , “WE ENJOYED “. A Dream Run , a Roller coaster Ride from the DAY ONE . JGSRT 224 started the year with a bang and made the area 4 happen. It was just the right start to the new tabling year.We collectively felt that to succeed, WE have to achieve and to achieve WE have to traverse confidently in the directions of OUR dreams. Today , we can proudly say that CSRT 106 , took a step forward and contributed 11 laks to the AREA SCHOOL . Dream On ......As Dreams Do come True ...The Round Table SCHOOL ....I am really grateful to the Entire Table

to collect all resources to MAKE IT HAPPEN . The effort and contribution shows the MATURITY of the Tablers . This is a super School Built and will surely have larger and more responsible role to play in the future.Thank you AMITABH, you are a true Tabler and the start given by you was perfect . You handled and managed the entire show and the comfort provided by you helped in TEAM BUILDING . The platform created by you was perfect. The effort and the dedication put in while donating the Ambulance was excellent Thank you for your constant support.Dear Sidharth !! You are a GEM , the way you pulled out another mega fund raiser was the talk of the country . You had Tablers from other areas and were very happy with the way they were looked after . YOU ARE a great leader. You have taken the Table to the next level and out performed. Thank you so much for the efforts put in . Stay BlessedDear Vivek , We know each

other for a long time and have complemented each other on different grounds . This time it was your true passion and dedication that the Table has been very prompt in sending reports on time . It was a pleasure reading the reports and enjoying the tough time you have given to all the secretaries. Thank you dear.Best wishes !! you are taking over the mantle of this DYNAMIC and MOST VIBRANT Table of ROUD TABLE INDIA. All the best dear and enjoy your tenure.

AND TO ALL MY DEAR FRIENDS AT CSRT .....Thank you so much for the warmth and will cherish the moment spent with you forever. Every time I am there the it makes me feel at HOME. Love you all.AS I Look back .......I am blessed to have you all “ FRIENDS “ , who have been a constant support and help to me in my toughest time.

LMF Tr. Manpreet Singh “RAJA”Chairman , AREA IV2013-14.

MessagesFrom Nationals, Area & Tabler/Circler Friends

Message from CSLC 83 Chairperson2013-14

07CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Message from Area 4 Chairperson2013-14

Dear Chairman Tr. Amitav and Team CSRT 106,

Greetings from Ladies Circle India Area 4 Board.

Congratulations to Tr. Amitav for a wonderful year gone by. Kudos to team Rt 106 for brilliantly organizing the landmark fundraiser Golf tournament and the area fellowship of bowling for tablers, circlers and twinklers. Inspite of small hurdles on the way Rt 106 has stood together and carried off the legacy very well. The Area project initiative jointly with the tables and circles of area 4 was really a wonderful idea and really lives up to the motto of Fellowship through Service. CSRT 106 and CSLC 83  has always worked hand in hand be it fellowships, projects and so on and this year was no different. 

I am extremely thankful to our table for supporting me in all my endeavors and being by my side whenever required.

Vivek you have been an excellent secretary and very prompt with all your communications. Wishing you and your team all the very best as you take over as the chairman of our table. I am sure Rt 106 would grow from strength to strength under your able leadership. 

Yours in friendship,Cr. Rashmi RungtaArea Chairperson, Area 4

What a year it was!!!!

It was wonderful working with

the Table for yet another year!!!Kudos to Amitav and Vivek for carrying out the duties so well ,hand-in-hand.Your Golf Event was a super success and RT 106 rocked as always!!We did some wonderful projects together ,the "Ambulance donation" being one of them which was RT 106 and LC 83 initiative. It gave us huge publicity too.We together rocked the year with super socials and fellowships.Congratulations to Chairman Amitav for the wonderful year

gone by and all the very best to Tabler Vivek for the upcoming year.

Cheers to Tabling and Circling..Neha AgarwalChairperson, CSLC 83


Message from Area 4 AFC2013-14

08 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Dear vivek,Greetings fm your AFC Team!!!!!!

Thanx for your kind words.

RT-106 is dynamic table in our area-4..your team had done a great job under the leadership of your chairman Tr Amitabh.you guys are throwing two big event like GOLF&BOWLING in Area.They both are bigger event.Hope you guys will Rock in future also.

wish you all the best for your coming future.I believe incoming chairman Tr vivek take greater height in his tenure n keep the legacy  of 106.

Rest about your rocking AFC'S ........My funda ia very clear...


Dis is my mool mantra for tablers!!!!!!!!!!!

CHEERS TO TABLINGTr K R Gupta(Bunty)AFC-13-14 

Message from Area 4 IPC2013-14

Dear Friends,

Warm Greetings to you and your family!

I am a firm believer that to achieve something out of the ordinary, you have to push the envelope, you have to overcome your fears and you have to go beyond the usual.

Chairman Tr. Amitav Agarwal, it

was indeed a very good year in RT106 and you as a leader has taken CSRT106 to next level.

This year we CSRT 106 were more vibrant in all the facets of tabling specially in your GOLF fundraiser where the publicity, participation and funds raised were massive. In projects your donation of 10 lakhs to wards the Area 4 FTE School is commendable and in non FTE your initiative of an Ambulance donation was unique. Over all Chairman Tr. Amitav under your leader ship we CSRT106 has surely been different.

Congratulations to Chairman Tr. Amitav Agarwal and Team 106 for such a fabulous year.

Every end has a new beginning and we are sure Incoming Chairman Tr. Vivek Dalmia and his team will take Calcutta Sterling Round Table 106 to greater heights! Best Wishes Tr. Vivek Dalmia and team!Believe in what you do… do what you believe in because Dreams do come true

Best wishes

Tr. Niraj P. DhoteNational Table Talk Editor - RTIImmediate Past Chairman - Area IV

MessagesFrom Nationals, Area & Tabler/Circler Friends

Message from Area 4 AFC2013-14

09CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Message from Area 4 AST2013-14

Dear Vivek,It is indeed a pleasure to write a message as an AST for your table’s annual report. Needless to say, 106 had an eventful and rocking tabling year covering all the facets of tabling.Under the able leadership of chairman Amitav, 106 has grown

in leaps and bounds. Fellowships have always taken the front seat. Community service projects have been really worthy, meaningful and touching. Fund raisers and publicity were handled with utmost importance. The inter-tabling activity has also seen a rise with great participation from all. There was focus on internal extensions too. Vivek, you have been the true facade of your table with proper reporting and minuting of all the activities. You have definitely raised the bar at 106 and have ably carried the legacy of efficient secretaries at Area 4. You have been very prompt and immaculate with your work

which reduced the burden of your chairman and area board members.It was indeed a great year at Area 4 which saw an increase of contribution from all the tablers including those from your table. It was indeed a great year which has raised the bar for the coming years for the area and its tablers.Before signing off, I would like to wish all the best to the incoming board members of CSRT106.

Cheers,YIT,Tr. Mayank BeriwalaAST Area IV (2013-14)

Dear vivek and team csrt-106

It was pleasure serving you and all the tablers of area iv.. 

Thanxx a lot for your kind words...

Csrt-106 is one the vibrant table of area IV and very to my heart.

This table host many fellowships events one of my fav was BOWLING.

As we all know that CSRT-106 hosts the biggest fellowship event of area IV each year which is bowling tournament. Which set a benchmark in our area in fellowship event.

I personally feel this is the only event in which we all can see the maximum participations of tablers, circlers, twinkler, sq legs and ht's.

So guys  DREAM for a bigger one next and i have a BELIEVE you guys gonna do it...

Kudos to my fellowship convenors, helped me raising the bar of fellowship in our area.

Hats off to CSRT-106..

Be wild wicked wacky and wantaas.

Thanx once again.


YitMohit RajKVRT-227AFC AREA IV (2013-14)


Message from National Secretary Elect2013-14

10 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Message from Area 4 AVC2013-14

Dear Friends @ RT # 106 Greetings from Area 4 Board !!! Yet another year has gone  &   it’s the  time for changeover On behalf of the Area Board , I would like to extend   many congratulations  to Chairman

Tr Amitava under whose leadership  we have seen few notable events by  your Table . The Table has done extremely  well in almost all the facet , with mega Fund Raiserthrough  Golf Tournament  . Like in previous year , this year too  RT 106 played a key roleto raise funds towards  Non FTE  project ‘’ Donation of Ambulance ‘’ to  Barasat  DistrictHospital , involving all Area Tables   . The Tables contribution of Rs 10.00  lacs  towards Area School  FTE  is  commendable . How can we forget the Bowling Event , which saw many Tablers

, Circlers & Twinklersparticipating  & enjoying the  Area Fellowship event by RT#106  . Indeed a very satisfying year , with few Inductions too , congratulations to Chairman& his Team for a super year in office   . I also look forward  to working together with Incoming Chairman Tr Vivek Dalmia &Wish him all the best . Believe in What You Do...Do What You Believe.....   &  Dreams Do Come True............... Tr Manish ShahAVC-Area  4 ( 2013-14 )

Dear Vivek & My Dear Friends of 106

106....Oh...the table who introduced me to this wonderful world of tabling. I am completely

indebted to all you guys for making the difference. Chairman Amitava...you are truly a rockstar. The way you have lead the table is remarkable and it makes it clear that you are a very committed & energetic leader. 106 has always been known for its fellowship and the way you support your ladies circle in every possible way is unique. The success of 106 & 83 is because of this lovely relationship you share. Must Congratulate Cr. Rashmi also for taking Area4 to sky high. Guys you had a great year and special mention to the Bowling

Fellowship. What an event to end the year always and a much awaited event by all. Vivek..buddy you have been a great secretary and i always loved reading your reports. Always treasure your priceless smile and make others delighted. Once again wishing all of my brothers at 106 all the very best. Always count on me for all the support. Cheers Buddies.



MessagesFrom Nationals, Area & Tabler/Circler Friends

Message from Tr. Amit Pansari2013-14

11CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Message from CSRT 106 Secretary2013-14

Dear FriendsWhat great tabling times already and we still have many many

years to go. I will complete my first tabling year and already inducted as secretary for the most esteemed table of Area 4. I am quite sure there is no other organisation in this universe that let you make friends for life in such a short span.My sincere thanks to Vivek Dalmia who got me introduced to the wonderful world of tabling.

As they say:

"Thousands of candles can be lit


from one single candle, and the life of the cancle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared"

And that is what Round Table is all about..


Tr. Amit PansariTable Fellowship ConvenerCSRT 106

Dear Friends,As the famous cliché says everything has to end, so is my tenure as Secretary of the table. It’s so funny in the tabling that the moment one start understanding the needs of any post, it will be time to sign of off. I cannot agree more to it.

Being secretary of a table as old as 23 years is a challenging job. But with the support and guidance attached with it things become a lot easier. When I was inducted into this wonderful movement, my initial feeling was

that I will be contributing to the movement. Today after spending around 2 years and 6 months into it, I feel that the movement is given much more than what I have contributed back. Its because of tabling I have made friends for life, enhanced my managerial skill, learned the art of managing events etc etc. The list can go on and on but unfortunately I cannot write it all out here.

I would like to congratulate all my fellow tablers for completing a very successful tabling 2013-14. This year our table has thoroughly enjoyed and thrived in all the facets of tabling be it Fellowship, Projects, Fund Raising, HRD. I would like to thank Chairman Tr Amitav Agarwal for constantly supporting me throughout the year and given a free hand to do things as per my understanding. I would also like to thank all the conveners for constantly keeping me busy throughout the year by

their plethora of activities. Having being chosen as secretary of the table, I relished every moment of it. The responsibility attached to the post provided significant learning and skill to my life which no educational institute could provide.

As I have been chosen to become the chairman of the table for 2014-15, I would seek the guidance and support of all my predecessors, HT’s and Square Leg to achieve newer heights. I would bestow my full support to incoming board members Tr Amit, Tr Nitin and Tr Arihant for the upcoming year. I would also like to thank each and every member of Calcutta Sterling Ladies Circle 83 for being with us on all the occasion. With this I am signing off as a proud member of CSRT 106.

Vivek DalmiaTable SecretaryCSRT 106


12 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Message from Chairman CSRT 106

MessagesFrom Nationals, Area & Tabler/Circler Friends

I was deeply honoured to be given the opportunity to lead RT 106. Thank you friends for showing your trust and faith in me. This year has been a great learning experience. I would like to thank my Board and all the senior members who stood there like pillars by me. I would like to thank my wife, Neha, for her unconditional support. Thank you everybody for showcasing the work done by us so beautifully. The golf event wouldn't have been a success without the overwhelming support of each one of you especially Sidharth Kajaria and Vikash Agarwal. It is only through your enthusiasm and participation we were able to accomplish what we did. I will remember the past year for the affection and respect I got from all of you. All the very best to you VD. You will surely rock!!!

For you, to serve you better !

GLMF.Tr. Amitav Agarwal Chairman CSRT 106



Awards & Merit Certificates

Award for Best

Area 4



Award for LAPD(2012-13)

Certificate of Meritfor Inter Table Fellowship


Certificate of Meritfor Golf Fund Raiser


Certificate of Meritfor KSS & Saffla

- Non FTE(2012-13)

13CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14


14 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Bowling Challenge12th Annual RT 106 Bowling Challenge 15.06.14

The table hosted its Annual Area 4 Bowling Tournament at Time Zone in South City Mall. The event was hosted on Sunday afternoon.

The bowling tournament was hosted for 4 category's Tablers, Area 4 Chairman’s & Head Board, Twinklers & Spouse of tablers. The total numbers of participants played for the tournament were in excess of 90 heads.

Along with the tournament there were unlimited coupons to play various games at Time Zone for all the twinklers and the family members of tablers. More than 200 heads from entire Area 4 attended the event.

15CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Bowling Challenge

16 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Bus Fellowship en route to school inauguration21.07.13

Moring Breakfast at Gangaur07.07.13

Lunch with Deepak Menda28.07.13

AGM fellowship27.07.13

Table Fellowships

17CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Area AGM17.08.13

Frienship Day Celebration04.08.13

Social by Vivek07.09.13

Charter Day Celebration17.08.13


18 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Social of Amitav, S Banthia & 100th meeting of LC 8328.09.13

Eveing at CSC14.09.13

Diwali get together by Gautam01.11.13

Table Fellowships

19CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Shisha Get together22.03.14

Social by Sid Kajaria & HT Deepak Kedia08.12.13

Social by Nitin & Amit18.01.14


Arihant Wedding 03.02.14

20 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Myx fellowship11.06.14

Social by Arihant25.05.14

Table Fellowships

21CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Vivek sister marriage20.06.14

Abhishek Kajaria get together29.06.14


22 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

AGM of 3805.07.13

AGM of 22722.07.13

AGM of 3406.07.13

AGM of 1717.07.13

Area Fellowships

23CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Nitin Gupta Show16.08.13

Vivek attending secretary meet hosted by AST Mayank15.09.13

Area Fellowships

24 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Rohit Murarka visit to RT 220 Chairman in Siliguri20.09.13

Vivek attending Area LAPD30.11.13

Area Fellowships

Area MTM at Ranchi03.03.14

Holi Meet 1708.03.14

OYE the Volley of 11309.02.14

RT 34 950th meeting11.04.14

25CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Area Fellowships

26 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

RT 17 Vir Das show12.04.14

Area Charter Celebration06.05.14

Area Non FTE project18.05.14

Area Twinkler event18.05.14

Area Fellowships

27CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

RT 34 social14.06.14

Rt 227 Swimming Pool get together25.05.14


Area Leadership Conclave08.06.14

Area Fellowships

28 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Amitav Ahmedabad visit07.08.13

Nitin delhi visit12.08.13

Vivek attending BRT 19 meeting in Mumbai28.08.13



29CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14



Vivek an Sq Leg Kushal attending NAGM20.12.13

30 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Fellowship with Kanpur Tabler14.02.14

Golf with Arnie Stenson of RT 4 Germany01.09.13



31CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Nitin Patna visit21.05.14

Fellowship of Tr Dipak of Udaipur RT 20602.04.14



32 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

The Annual Golf Tournament Fund Raiser was held on 15..02.14 at prestigious Tollygunge Club. The tournament has made its own brand and being considered as one of the finest organized golf tournament in the city. This year the number of participants increased to 140 from last years number of 120. The star attraction of the tournament was Ace Golfer SSP Ch owrasia endorsing the tournament.

Fund Raiser4th Annual Round Table Golf Tournament 15.02.2014

33CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Fund raised - Rs 17.6 lakhs

Golf TournamentFund Raiser

34 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

The National President of

RTI India and Area 4

Chairman also took their time

out and braced the

tournament with their

presence. All the participants

were over helmed with the

management of the

tournament. It was a great

experience for all of us and for

the branding of Round Table


Fund Raiser4th Annual Round Table Golf Tournament 15.02.2014

35CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Fund raised - Rs 17.6 lakhs

Golf TournamentFund Raiser

36 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

In all the Tee Boxes flexes relating to the sponsors for that Hole along with Round Table India branding was done on the tournament day. Flex carrying branding of Round Table India was put all across the Tollygunge Club on the day of tournament giving a mileage to our brand of Round Table India. We promoted the brand through Facebook, Twitter and various other ways in social media. A special page was created on Facebook carrying details of the tournament.

PublicityGolf Tournament 15.02.2014

Golf Tournament

37CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

The event was being

covered in newsprint

media through Times of

India. An article

covering the details of

the tournament was

published on 17

February 2014.


38 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

An entire school block consisting of 8 classrooms along with a playground is being constructed. The expected date of inauguration of the project is in1st week of August.

The table contributed

Rs 10 lakhs towards Area 4 Joint school


The total cost of the project is Rs 57 lakh.

FTE ProjectStone Laying Ceremony 16.02.14

39CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Area 4 Joint FT

E Project

Stone Laying Ceremony

FTE Project

40 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Independence Day project15.08.13

Dialysis Project for Charter day17.08.13

Non-FTE Projects

The table celebrated the Independence Day by hosting our National Flag with the children of Sohai Dakinpara Shishu Shiksha Kendra in the village of Sohai under the district of Madhyamgram and it is 50 K.M. from Kolkata. The chairman of the table along with chairperson of Ladies Circle 83 and all other tablers joined hands to host our national flag at the village.The table distribution of 250 sets of School Stationery donated, 250 pieces of Juice, 250 Notebooks, 250 packs of biscuits. The tablers described their experience as one of the best independence day celebration they had celebrated in their life. The total cost of the project was Rs 15000/-.

We celebrated our 24th Charter day by contributing Rs 15000/- to Kolkata Swasthya Sankalp. Which caters to the poor and marginalized section of society in the field of live threating diseases .

41CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Ambulance Donation11.11.13

Fruit Disribution at District Hospital11.11.13

Non-FTE Projects

The ambulance was donated to Barasat Kutulsahai Sabuj Sangha at North 24 Paragan District Hospital. 17 tables and 6 circles of Area 4 contributed for the project. The total contribution received were Rs 160000/- and Ladies Circle Area 4 was Rs 36000/-. The contribution of our table was Rs 147969/-.

The table distributed fresh fruits to 500 patients of North 24 Pargana District Hospital.

Non-FTE Projects

42 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Taare Zammen Paar Drawing project11.11.13

Food Grain at Sapla Village13.11.13

The table distributes food grains to the residents of village Sapla in Sunderbaan district of West Bengal. The cost of the project was Rs 25000/-

The table participated in the mega painting competition organized by RT 227 by sending 150 students. The total cost of the project as Rs 10000/-

Goshala project16.11.13

The table donated Rs 17000/- to Gowshala maintained by Pinjapol society in district

Hooghly of West Bengal. The project was initiated by RT 113. The amount was utilized for the purpose of cow feed in the gowshalla.

Non-FTE Projects

43CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Limb Donation17.11.13

Sports Day for Underpriviledge children02.02.14

Republic Day Project26.01.14

The table donated Rs 15000- to Mahavir Seva Sadan. This NGO is specialized in implanting artificial limb to poor people.

The table executed project for Republic Day celebration by hosting flag and providing food and games show for 200 underprivileged children at Calcutta Swimming Club. The project was a joint project with LC 83. The total cost of the project will be Rs 40000 which was equally shared by table and LC 83. The total number of children benefited from the project was 200.

44 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Lanka Mein Danka project09.03.14

The Kids of the Street (KOS) project was being long standing project of Colombo Round Table 3 of Sri Lanka, this project became a National initiative of RTI. In total 20 tables across India participated and became a part of the unique KOS Project. Every contributing table was awarded with Golden Certificate, signed by ASPAC Chairman, NP RT India, NP RT Sri Lanka, NP RT Nepal. Our Table Contribution - Rs 14000/

Joint Area 4 Food Grain distribution18.05.14

All the 12 tables of Kolkata except for one along with BNRT 25 of Bangalore joined hand to execute a NON FTE project at Anandalok Hospital. The table contributed Rs 6667 towards the project.

Joint Area 4 ORS project18.05.14

All the 12 tables of Kolkata except for one along with BNRT 25 of Bangalore joined hand to execute NON FTE project of distributing ORS to traffic police constables in all across Kolkata. The total cost of the project was Rs 16000 which was equally distributed in between all the tables.

Non-FTE Projects

45CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Area Leadership Conclave08.06.14

Vivek attending Area LAPD30.11.13


LAPDArea (2013-14)

LAPDNon-FTE Projects

46 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

The Table inducted 3 new prospect

on 25.05.14 at Noc Turn Lounge.

The new inductees are Tr Amit

Saraogi, Tr Abhishek Kajaria &

Tr Manish Lunia. The induction

was done by Area Vice Chairman

Tr Manish Shah.

3 Inductions

Internal 25.05.14

47CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Tr Abhishek Kajaria being inducted by HT Munish Jhajharia

Tr Amit Saraogi being inducted by Chairman Amitav Agarwal

Tr. Manish Lunia being inducted by Extension Convenor

Tr. Amit Pansari

Proposer, IPC Sidhartha Kajaria being honoured with the

extension pin by Incoming Area 4 Chairman Tr. Manish Shah


48 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Administrative Fund2013-14


Tr. Amitav Agarwal Tr Vivek Dalmia Chairman Secretary

Lalit Mohan TyagiPartner

Membership No.:052275Kolkata,19th day of July,2014

41,500.00 To National Levies - C Form 41,500.00 1,29,500.00 By Annual Subscription 2,40,000.00

15,000.00 To Area Levies D Form 19,000.00 62,600.00 By Sunshine Collection 35,800.00

3,532.00 By Bank Interest 1,688.00

68,339.00 -Bowling Event - 81,000.00 By Socials 60,000.00

2,400.00 -Area Event -

113.00 To Bank Charges -

2,000.00 To HRD Expenses -

73,000.00 To Table AGM Expenses 85,893.00

5,800.00 To Area AGM Expense -

1,100.00 To Misc. Expenses 2,000.00

52,650.00 To Meetings -

8,000.00 To Induction Kit 6,000.00

- To Birthday & Anniversary Exp. 1,900.00

- To Bowling Event Fellowship Exp. 61,585.00

To Pins 7,450.00

6,730.00 To Excess of Income 1,12,160.00

Over Expenditure

2,76,632.00 3,37,488.00 2,76,632.00 3,37,488.00

Amount For Year Ended


Amount For Year Ended


Amount For Year Ended


Amount For Year Ended



For Calcutta Sterling Round Table 106

The Income & Expenditure Statement referred to in our Report of even date

For LALIT MOHAN TYAGI & CO.Firm Registration No.:315114E

Chartered Accountants

Income & Expenditure Statement as on 30.06.2014

49CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Project Fund2013-14


10,046.00 Books & School Bag Distribution - 48,000.00 Contribution From Tablers -

55,000.00 Food Grain Donation - 1,85,100.00 Donation Received 1,98,600.00

6,000.00 Project Udbhas - 34,500.00 -

3,980.00 Ration Distribution -

2,000.00 Blanket Donation - 1,68,450.00 -

27,000.00 Limb Donation 18,000.00

2,500.00 Saree Distribution - 27,000.00 -


10,000.00 Annual Sports Day Function 10,000.00 2,43,790.00 RT 106 Cup - Golf -

40,000.00 Furniture Donation - 6,50,000.00 RTI Grant -

10,000.00 Drinking Water Project - - Sunshine Collections 2,300.00

1,00,000.00 Benches Donation - 1,10,000.00 Uttrakhand Relief Donation -

600.00 Go Green Project - 13,482.00 Bank Interest 11,168.00

350.00 Postage & Courier -

6.00 Bank Charges -

5,00,000.00 Calcutta Sterling Round Table 106 Trust -

33,690.00 Trust Formation Expenses -

9,890.00 School Playground Inauguration -

- Project Ambulance Donation 7,750.00

- Project Area Joint Non FTE 8,000.00

- Project Fruit Distribution 25,000.00

- Project Golf Tournament 2014 72,700.00

- Project Independence Day 15,000.00

- Project Lanka Mein Danka 14,000.00

- Project Light of Hope 10,000.00

- Project Pinjrapol Donation 20,000.00

- Project Republic Day Celebration 20,000.00

- Project School Inaguration 9,200.00

6,26,260.00 Excess of Income over Expenditure - Excess of Expenditure over Income 17,582.00

14,80,322.00 2,29,650.00 14,80,322.00 2,29,650.00

Amount For Year Ended


Amount For Year Ended


Amount For Year Ended


Amount For Year Ended



Contribution ForDialysis Project

Contribution forJeffery Archer Show

Contribution From Tablers- Limb Donation

Income & Expenditure Statement as on 30th June 2014

50 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Project Fund2013-14


Administrative Fund2013-14

Capital Account Fixed Assets

11,10,805.00 Capital Fund 17,37,065.00 6,81,296.00 6,81,296.00

6,26,260.00 Less:Excess of Expenditure over Income -17,582.00

Less:Trf to Trust Account -2,90,000.00 4,83,500.00 MSK Chakla School Project 4,83,500.00

1,64,798.00 Sharda Prosad School 1,64,798.00

Current Liabilities Current Assets

- Admin Fund 15,060.00 46,790.00 Cash -

2,62,489.00 Bank 98,79 7.00

16,152.00 Rang Bahar 16,152.00

82,040.00 Cheque in Hand -

17,37,065.00 14,44,543.00 17,37,065.00 14,44,543.00

Amount For Year Ended


Amount For Year Ended


Amount For Year Ended


Amount For Year Ended



Manabata SikshsyatanHigh School


68,866.41 BALANCE AS 75,596.41 STOCK IN HAND

6,730.00 14,44,543.00 4,600.00 Jewels 9,100.00

75,596.41 15,20,139.41 1,300.00 Roll-up Stand 1,300.00

Calcutta City Round Table 4,250.00

Tablers 35,270.00 Project Fund 15,060.00

680.00 Cash in Hand 35,410.00

69,016.41 Punjab & Sind Bank 1,57,906.41

75,596.41 15,55,409.41 75,596.41 2,23,026.41

Amount For Year E n d e d 3 0 . 6 . 2 0 1 3

Amount For Year E n d e d 3 0 . 6 . 2 0 1 4

Amount For Year E n d e d 3 0 . 6 . 2 0 1 3

A m o u n t For Year E n d e d 30.6.2014



Add/Less:Excess of Income over Expenditure during the year

51CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Audited Trust Balance Sheet2013-14


To Project Ambulance Donation 3,26,219.00 By Donation Receive 25,47,851.00

" Project Barasat Binapani High School 2,00,000.00 " Bank Interest 23,805.74

" Project Books Distribution 14,478.00

" Project Chota Jagulia School Barasat 5,00,000.00

" Project Dialysis 15,000.00

" Project Drinking Water 10,000.00

" Project Food Grain Distribution 63,022.00

" Project Golf Tournament 2014 2,02,243.35

" Project Manabrata Shikshayatan School 2,05,000.00

" (Playground)

" Project Uttarakhand Releif 3,11,000.00

" Excess of Income over Expenditure 7,24,694.39

25,71,656.74 25,71,656.74



Round Table 106 Charitable Trust13, B. B. Ganguly Street, 2nd Floor, Room No.202, Kolkata - 700012, West Bengal

Date : 24/07/2014Place : Kolkata

For R.K.Bagla & Co.Chartered AccountantsFirm Reg. No.325093E

ProprietorM.No. 061850


General Fund 2,692.81 Current Assets, Loans &

(Excess of Income over Advance

Expenditure account) Sundry Debtors

Add: Current year 7,24,694.39 Arijit Singh 4,00,000.00


Fixed Deposit 3,00,000.00

Corpus Fund 7,39,000.00 Cash at Bank 8,41,387.20

(Current Bank Accounts)

LOANS Cheque in Hand 3,25,000.00

Kalpataru Impex 4,00,000.00

18,66,387.20 18,66,387.20



52 CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

Provisional Trust Balance Sheet2013-14


To Project Chota Jagulia School Barasat 4,00,000.00 By Donation Receive 14,60,700.00

" Excess of Income over Expenditure 10,60,700.00

14,60,700.00 14,60,700.00



Round Table 106 Charitable Trust13, B. B. Ganguly Street, 2nd Floor, Room No.202, Kolkata - 700012, West Bengal


General Fund 7,27,387.20 Current Assets, Loans &

(Excess of Income over Advance

Expenditure account) Sundry Debtors

Add: Current year 10,60,700.00 Arijit Singh 4,00,000.00


Fixed Deposit 3,00,000.00

Corpus Fund 7,39,000.00 Golf Sponsorship 2014 14,50,000.00

LOANS Cash at Bank 7,77,087.20

Kalpataru Impex 4,00,000.00 (Current Bank Accounts)

29,27,087.20 29,27,087.20



53CSRT 106 Annual Report 13-14

CSRT 106 Meetings2013-14



ContinousMeeting No

Meeting Noof the year


Meeting Place

561 1 27/07/2013 Verde Vista Club

562 2 28/07/2013 Rcgc Maidan Tent

563 3 04/08/2013 Tr Sidharth Banthia office

564 4 15/08/2013 HT Munish Jhajharia office

565 5 25/09/2013 Conclave Club

566 6 04/10/2013 DKS Club

567 7 23/10/2013 Tr Sidharth Banthia office

568 8 08/11/2013 Rcgc Club

569 9 08/12/2013 Shisha Lounge

570 10 14/12/2013 Calcutta Swimming Club

571 11 07/01/2014 Tr Sidharth Banthia office

572 12 18/01/2014 Conclave Club

573 13 29/01/2014 Conclave Club

574 14 07/02/2014 Rcgc Club

575 15 16/02/2014 Chota Jagulia High School

576 16 08/03/2014 Racket Club

577 17 22/03/2014 Shisha Lounge

578 18 24/04/2014 Saturday Club

579 19 17/05/2014 Tr Sidharth Banthia office

580 20 25/05/2014 Noc Turn Lounge

581 21 11/06/2014 Tr Abhishek Kajaria office

582 22 15/06/2014 South City Mall

583 23 25/06/2014 Tr Sidharth Banthia office

584 24 30/06/2014 Tr Abhishek Kajaria office






0 6Tr. Amitav Agarwal

Chairman RT 106 (2013-14)[email protected]

+91-98303 28866

Tr. Vivek DalmiaSecretary RT 106 (2013-14)

[email protected]+91-93310 18653

Thank You