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/0: Dixon (1890), 44 Ch. D. 211.


59 L. J.

283 n. 266 )7. & F. '^ 91 71., 155 622 41, 42, 43 23 7!., 437 214 71. 515, 602.


by Microsoft


Table of Cases.



PAGE Pindlater (1839), 9 Bng. Eep. 339 . .16 n. . r). Lawson (1889), 41 Cli.,D. 394 . 396 m., 397 )(. V. Scottish N. E. Rail. Co. (1870), L. E. 2 H. L. (So.) 20 341 Dunelm (The) (1884), 9 P. D. 164 53 L. J. P. 181 171 Dunn ti. -Macdonald, (1897) 1 Q. B. 315 375 m. V. Mustard (1899), 1 Fraser (Justiciary, Sc), 81 Dunning v. Swetman, (1909) 1 K. B. 774 545, 559 Dupays u. Shepherd (1698), 12 Mod. 216 484 . Duranty v. Hart (1863), 2 Moore, P. 0. (N. S.) 313 68 Durham Bros. v. Bobertson, (1898) 1 Q. B. 795 .511 C. C. and County Borough of West Hartlepool, Re, (1906) 2 K. B. 186 .544 Dwyer v. Port Arthur (1893), 22 Canada, 241 448 n. Dyer v. Swift Cycle Co., (1904) 2 K. B. 36 542 Dyke V. Oower, (1892) 1 Q. B. 220 114 ., 468 ra., 471 n. Dyson v. L. & N. W. RaU. Co. (1881), 7 Q. B. D. 32 299 n., 300 V. Mason (1889), 22 Q. B. D. 351 546v... ; . . . . . . .
































Bade, Me (1890), 25 Q. B. D. 228 Eaton V. Best, (1909) 1 K. B. 632


59 L. J. Q. B. 376. . .;





530 547

East V. Bennett Bros. Ltd., (1911) 1 Oh. 163 27 T. L. R. 103 561 East and West India Dock Co., Be (1890), 44 Ch. D. 38 530 Docks Co. V. Shaw, Savill and Albion Co. (1888), 39 Ch. D. 531 194 East Fremantle Corporation v. Annois, (1906) A. 0. 213 265 n. India Co. ?;. Paul (1849), 7 Moore, P. C. 85 82*1. London RaU. Co. v. Whitechurch (1874), L. E. 7 H. L. 81 43 L. J. M. C. 159 112, 498 Eastern Counties Rail. Co. v. Marriage (1861), 9 H. L. C. 32 205, 593. . .. .
















&c. Co. v. Comptroller of Patents (The Solio 104 n., 131, 135, 554 case), (1898) A. 0. 571 Ebbs V. Boulnois (1875), 10 Ch. App. 479 44 L. J. Ch. 691 216 Ecclesiastical Persons (case of) (1601), 5 Co. Rep. 14 387 Eccles Corporation v. South Lancashire Tramways Co., (1910) 2.

Eastman Photographic,







Ch. 263






Ecroyd v. Coulthard, (1898) 2 Ch. 358 490 n. .599 Edenbridge (Owners) v. Green, (1897) A. C. 333 Edinburgh and Glasgow Eail. Co. v. Linlithgow (Magistrates) (1860), 3 Macq. H. L. (Sc.) 704; 10 Scots Rev. Rep. 448 . (H. L.)296 501 &c. RaU. Co. V. Wauchope (1842), 8 CI. & P. 710 Life Assurance Co. v. Lord Advocate, (1910) A. C. 143 383 . Perth, &c. RaU. Co. v. Philip (1857), 2 Macq. H. L..








....... .



274 (Sc.) 526; 9 Scots Rev. Rep. (H. L.) 714 Street Tramways Co. v. Edinburgh (Lord Provost, &c.), 264 n., 600 (1894) A. C. 463 171 Street Tramways Co. v. Torbain (1877), 3 App. Cas. 58 Water Co. ;;. Hay (1854), 1 Macq. H. L. (Sc.) 682 9 175 Scots Rev. Eep. (H. L.) 464 281 Edmonds v. Waterman's Co. (1855), 24 L. J. M. C. 128 573 Edmunds v. James, (1892) 1 Q. B. 18 108 n. Edwards v. Dick (1821), 4 B & Aid. 212 45 L. J. Oh. 391. 81 u. Edwards (1876), 2 Ch. D. 291.




















V. V..

Hall (1856), 25 L. J. Ch. 84 E. (1854), 9 Ex. 631 23 L. J. Ex. 165 Roberts, (1891) 1 Q. B. 302 60 L. J. M. C. 6. .










83 n. 597 255


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Table of Cases.PAOE

177 n. Bgerton v. Brownlow (1854), 4 H. L. 0. 106 512 Eke V. Hart Dyke, ()910) 2 K. B. 677 244 39 L. J. 0. P. 340 Elliott V. Eiohardson (1870), L. R. 5 C. P. 744 166 n. V. Swartout (1836), 10 Peters (U. S.) 151 348 Ellis V. MoCorniick (1869), L E. 4 Q. B. 271 557 V. Pond, (1898) 1 Q. B. 426 584 Elston V. Eose (1869), L. E. 4 Q. B. 4 525 Elve V. Boyt-m, (1891) 1 Oh. 501 60 L. J. Ch. 383 Ely (Dean of) v. Bliss (185'2), 5 Beav. 374 2 De G. M. & G. 471 211 .,..,









335 11. 468 n. Nolloth, (1903) 2 K. B. 269; 72 L. J. K. B. 620 261 /. Silver Mining Co. v. Grant 1879), 11 Ch. D. 918 91, Emmerson v. Maddison, (1W06) A. C. 569 (1904), 34 Canada, 553 154 n. .469 Emmerton v. Matthews (1862), 31 L. J. Ex. 142 302 ti. England (Bank of) v. VagHano, (1891) A. C. 107 520 Eno V. Dunn ,1890), 15 Apji. Cas. 252











Lord Penzance (l883), 7 App. Cas 240 Caniagton (1765), 19 St. Tr. 10()0.


20?!.1 //.


Entwistle, R-. (1899)

69 . Bishop, (1899) 2 Q. B. 439 579 Erichsen v. Last (1881), 8 Q. B. D. 414 575 136 Escott I). Mastin (1842), 4 Moore, P. C. 104 54 Esdaile v. Maclean (1846), 15 M. & W. 277 Esquimault Eail. Co. v. Bainbiidge, (1896) A. C. 561 563 601 Esquimalt W.W. v. City of Victoria, (1907) A. C. 499 Etherley Grange Coal Co. r. Auckland District Highway Board, 542 (1894) 1 Q. B. 37 Evans, Re, (1891) 1 Q. B. 14l 60 L. J. Q. B. 14 526 Evanturel v. Evanturel (No. 1) (1869). L. E. 2 P. C. ^62 88 v., 153 V. (No. 2) (1874), L. E. 6 P. C. 1 179 /. Everett V. Wells (1841), 2 M. & G. 269 451 Evershed v. L. & N. W. Eail Co. (1878), 2 Q. B. D. 254; 3 App. Cas. 1029; 3 Q. B. D. 141 598 Everton (Overseers of), Kx parte {\ HI \), L. E. 6 C. P. 245; 40 L. J. M. 0. 104 555 Ewart V. Williams (]8o4), 3 Drew, 21. 135 11. Ewing V. Orr-Ewing (1884), 9 App. Cas. 37 16 V. V. 16 11. (1885), 10 App. Cas. 453 Exchange Bank of Canada v. E (1886), 11 A. 157 375 7). Telegraph Co. Gregory, (1896) 1 U B. 147 558 E\re and Corporation of Leicei^ter, Re, (1^92) Q. B. 136 273 11., 561 V. Houghton Main Colliery Co., (1910) 1 K. B. 8j 5^5 V. Wynn McKenzie, (1896) 1 Oh. 135 352, 358 n. Eyston v. Studd (1574), Plowilen, 465 108 11.. .

Q. B. 846 V. Dent (1848), 1 Ex. 812 Equitable Life Assurance Co. of the U: S.1


10 n.































v. Brown (1894), 46 Louisiana Ann. 820 177 i>. Falck V Axthelni (1890), 24 Q. B. D. 174 59 L. J. Q. B. 161 572 Fanny M. Carvill (The) (1875), 13 App. Cas. 445 ?.. 95 Farley v. Bonham (1861), 30 L. J. Ch. 239 135 n. Fainell V. Bowman (1887), 12 App. Cas. 643. 377 n. Fauntleroy's case (Amicable Society !. Bolland (1830), 4 Bhgh (N.S.)194 178 r,. Feast V. Eobinson (1894), 63 L. J. Ch. 321 567 Feather v. K. (1865), 6 B. & S. 257 35 L. J. Q. B. 200, 266 384 Federated Saw MiU Employes v. James Moore & Co. (1908), 8 Australia 0. L. E. 460 442 n..




















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Table of Cases.


PAGE Trustee of Charity Lands, (1899) 2 Oh. 44 522 Fellows V. Olay (1843), 4 Q. B. 35(5 136 n. Felton V. Bower, (1900) 1 Q. B. 598 521 Fenn v. Miller, (1900) 1 Q. B. 788 542 Fenton v. Thorley, (1903) A. C. 443 196, 512 Ferguson, Ex parte (1871), L. E. 6 Q. B. 280; 40 L. J. Q. B. 105 212 Perman, Be. See Tivnan, Be. Fermoy's (Lord) case (1856), 5 H. L. 0. 716 572 Field V. Olark (1891), 143 U. S. 661 42, 43, 453 n. Fielden v. Morley Corporation, (1899) 1 Oh. 1 67 L. J. Oh. 611 195 (1900) A. 0. 133 Fielding v. Thomas, (1896) A. 0. 600 435 ?i., 440 n. Fillingham v. Wood, (1891) 1 Oh. 51 514 Finch V. Bannister, (1908) 1 K. B. 485 123 Finney v. Godfrey (1870), L. E. 9 Eq. 356 .81 n. Firth V. McPhail, (105)'2 K. B. 300 471 n. & Sons V. Inland Eevenue Commissioners, (1904) 2 K. B. 205 536 Fishburn v. Hollingshead, (1891) 2 Ch. 371 60 L. J. Oh. 768 11 Fisher v. Val de Travers Asphalte Co. (1875), 1 0. P. D. 259 113 514 Fitzgerald's case (1869), L. E. 5 Q. B. 1 Fitzgerald v. Champneys (1861), 2 J. & H. 31 30 L. J. Ch. 777 340, 503 n. 586 Fitzhardinge (Lord) v. Pritchett (1867), L. E. 2 Q. B. 135 Fitzpatrick v. KeUy (1873), L. E. 8 Q. B. 337 42 L. J. M. C. 132 468 n. 601 Fleming v. Bank of New Zealand, (1900) A. 0. 577 202 n., Fletcher v. Birkenhead Corporation, (1907) 1 K. B. 205 205 ., 206 n. 523 V. Fields, (1891) 1 Q. B. 790; 60 L. J. M. 0. 102 3n. J). Hudson f 1880), 5 Ex. D. 287 182 n. V. Sondes (Lord) (1826), 3 Bing. 501 (H. L.) 533 Flint V. Barnard (1888), 22 Q. B. D. 90 110 n. Florence Land Co., Be (1878), 10 Ch. D. 530 269 Flower v. London & Brighton Eail. Co. (1865), 2 Dr. & Sm. 330 110 V. Low Leyton L. B. (1877), 5 Ch. D. 347 25 m. - V. Watts, (1910) 2 K. B. 327 460 n. Foley V. Fletcher (1858), 27 L. J. Ex. 106 601 Folkard v. Metrop. Eail. Co. (1873), L. E. 8 0. P. 470 592 B. D. 160; 59 L. J. Q. B. 343 Foot V. Hodgson (1890), 25 124 Forbes v. Ecclesiastical Commissioners (1872), L. E. 15 Eq. 51 91 Ford and Hill, Be (1879), 10 Ch. D. 365 48 L. J. Ch. 327 517 V. Kettle (1882), 9 Q. B. D. 139 16 ., 17 n. V. Wiley (1889), 23 Q. B. D. 203; 58 L. J. M. 0. 145 .572 Fordham V. 01agett(]882), 20Ch. D. 637 414 n. Fordyce v. Bridges (1847), 1 H. L. 0. 1 11 Jut. 157 524 Forget V. Baxter, (1900) A. 0. 467 482 n. Forman v. Dawes (1841), Car. & M. 127 595 Forsdike v. Colquhoun (1883), 11 Q. B. D. 71 Fortescue v. Bethnal Green Vestry, (1891) 2 Q. B. 170; 60 L. J. 333 M. 0. 172 249, 306, 330, 334 n., 544 Foster's (Dr.) case (1614), 11 Co. Eep. 59 140 Foster, Be (1881), 8 Q. B. D. 515 370 2 H. & N. 151 V. Pritchard (1857), 26 L. J. Ex. 215 138 n. V. Usherwood (1877), 3 Ex. D. 1 551 Foulger v. Arding, (1901) 2 K. B. 151 Fourth City Mutual Building Society w. East Ham (Churchwardens), o9o (1891) 1 Q. B. 661 599 Fowler v. Oripps, (1906) 1 K. B. 16 568 V. Paget (1795), 7 T. E. 509 85 Fox V. Chester (Bishop of) (1824), 2 B. & 0. 635 85 : (1829), 1 Dow & 01. 416 V.PellV. Official. . .












































..... .

























































































by Microsoft


Table of Cases.

PAGE 224 n., 226 R. (1859), 29 L. J. M. C. 54 (Ex. Ci.) ('. / .444 Eobbins (1909), 8 Australia C. L. E. 115 536 V. Star Newspaper Co., (1900) A. 0. 19; (1898) 1 Q. B. 636 .591 France B. 20,s Dutton, (1891) 2 542 Francis v. Turner, (1900) 1 Q. B. 478 176 . Franconia(Tlie)(1877), 2P. D. 163 See E. v. Keyn. case (The). 538 Frederick v. Bognor Water Co., (1909) 1 Ch. 149 344 ?. Fieeman v. Moyes (1834), 1 A. & E. 338 564 V. Bead (1863), 4 B. & S. 184 Freke v. Carbery (Lord) (1873), L. E. 16 Eq. 461 396, 397, 407 n. 103 n., 535 Freme v. Clement (1881), 18 Ch. T). 499 Frere Bros. v. Noith Shore MiU Co., (1905J 1 K. B. 366 576 Frewen ?;. Phillips (1861), 11 C. B. (N. S.) 449 Friends' Settlement, Re, (1906) 1 Ch. 47 9 . Frontenac Licence Commissioners v. Prontenac County (1887), 14 324 n. Ont. Eep. 741 Frowd V. Frowd, (1904) P. 177 535 Fryer ?'. Morland (1876), 3 Ch. D. 685 .110 Fuller V. Alford (1883), 10 Q. B. D. 418 540 Fuller'?, Ltd. v. Squires, (1901) 2 K. B. 209 605 Fusilier (The) (1864), 34 L. J. (P. & M.) 25; 3 Moore, P. C. (N. S.) 51 165 n.



































...... ........ . ..
















G. T., Re, (1905) 2 K. B. 678 GaUini ?;. Laborie (1793), 5 T. E. 242 Galloway v. London (Mayor of) (1864), 2 Le G.. .








(1866), L. E, 1 H. L. 35 Maries (1881), 8 B. D. 2-; 5 Gallsworthv v. Selby Dam Drainage Commissioners, (1892) 1 Q. B. 348 ." 260 n. Galvin, Re, (1897) 1 Ir. Eep. 620 384 11. Gane v. Norton Hill Colliery Co., (1909) 2 K. B. 639 529 Garbutt V. Durham Joint Committee, (1906) A. C. 291 113 n., 616 Gard v. London Commissioners of Sewers (1885), 28 Ch. D. 486 64 L. J. Ch. 698 168 Gardner v. Collector (1867), 6 Wall. (U. S.) 499 41 Doe, (1906) 2 K. B. 171 .565 V. Hodgson's Kingston Breweiies Co., (1900) 1 Ch. 592 523 r. Jay (1885), 29 Ch. D. 50 54 L. J. Ch. 529, 762 260 r. Lucas (1878), 3 App Cas. 582 3 /-., 349, 362, 353 n. V. Maiishridge (18s7), 19 Q. B. D. 217 468 n. Garland v. Carlisle (1837), 4 CI. & F. 693 73, 97 n. Garnett v. Bradley (1878), 3 App. Cas. 944 2, 285 n., 287 ., 314 n., 340 n., 331 ., 334, 338, 503 n. Garrett v. Messenger (1867), L. E. 2 C. P. 583 475 Garston Sailing Ship Co. v. Hickie (1886), 15 Q. B. D. 580 576 Gas Float WhittonNo. 2, ^1897) A. C. 337 .690 Gaslight, &c. Co. w. Hardy (1886), 17 Q. B. 1). 619 220, 3-1 . V. Metropolitan Rail. Co., (1892) 9 T. L. E. 98 .4 n. Galling Gun, Limited, Re (1890), 43 Ch, D. 628 583 Gauntlet (The) (1871). L. E. 3 A. & E. 381 L. E. 4 P. C. 184 212, 461 Gayiord v. Chouler, (1898) 1 Q. B. 316 464 v. Gebruder Naf v. Ploton (1890), 25 Q. B. D. 13 289 Geddes r. Baun (Proprietors of) (1878), 3 App. Cbs. 430 266 n. Gedge u. Rojral Exchange Assurance, (1900) 2 Q. B. 214 243., 477 ?i., 638V. v..



266 n. 268 574




























... . ..


















by Microsoft


Table of Cases.





"Vestry, (1898) 2 Q. B. I




.589. .

Geirionydd E. D. C. v. Green, (1909) 2 K. B. 845 Gemmill v. Garland (1886), 12 Ont. Eep. 139 General Iron, &c. Co. i;. Moss (1861), 15 Moore, P. C. 131 Gentel v. Eapps, (1904) 1 K. H. 160 George v. Glasgow Goal Co., Ltd., (1909) A. C. 123. . . . ..






542 222 n. 75 300 n.

.563. .

Gerard's (Lord) Settled Estates, (1893) 3 Ch. 252 63 L. J. Ch. 23 130 Gibbs V. Great Western Bail. Co. (1883), 11 Q, B. D. 22 522 V. Guild (1882), 9 Q. B. D. 59 51 L. J. Q. B. 313 81, 525 V. Pike (1841). 8 M. & W. 228 -_ 9 Dowl. P. 0. 731 55 Gibraltar Sanitary Commissioners v. Orfila (1890), 15 App. Cas. 400 232 m. Gibson v. Barton (1875), L. E. 10 Q. B. 329 605 Gidley v. Palmerston (Lord) (1822), 1 St. Tr. (N. S.) 1263 375 H. Gilbert v. Trinity House (1886), 17 Q. B. D. 795; 56 L. J. Q. B. 85 374 . Gilbey v. Eush, (1906) 1 Ch. 11 577 Gildart a. Gladstone (1809), 11 East, 675 122, 492 Gill V. Dickenson (1880), 5 Q. B. D. 159 490 GiUespie v. Eeddell, (1909) A. C. 13:i 652 Gilmore o. Shuter (1679), 2 Mod. 310 348, 349 V. Girdlestone v. Brighton Aquarium Co. (1878), 3 Ex. D, 137; 4 Ex. D. 107 457 11. Gladstone, Re, (1900) 2 Ch. 101 617 Gladys (The), (1910) P. 13 578 Glamorganshire (The) (1S88), 13 App. Cas. 454 95 re. Glasgow (Provost, &c. of) v. Parie (1888), 13 App. Cas. 657 60 L. T. 174 160, 563 V. Glasgow Tramway Co., (1898) A. C. 631 184?). V. Hillhead (1885), 12 Eettie (.-^o, 872; 13 App. Cas. 699 178 re. Glenie v. Bruce Smith, ( 908) 1 K. B. 263 549 Glossop V. Heston L. B. (1879), 12 Ch. D. 102 228 re. 229 re. Gobind Lall v. Debendronath (1880), Ind. L. E. 5 Cal. 679 423 J). Godden v. Hythe Burial Board.. (1 906) 2 Ch. 270 515 Godlonton v. Fulham and Hammersmith Property Co., (1905) 1 K. B. 431 593 Goerz V. Bell, (1904) 2 K. B. 136 402 re. Goldie V. Oswald (1814), 2 Dow (H. L.), 534 229 re. Goldsmiths' Co. i'. West Metropolitan Bail. Co (1904) 1 K. B. 1 531, 564, 697 i>. Wyatt, (1905) 2 K. B. 586. 89 re., 90, 575 Goldstein v. HolKngworth, (19('4) 2 245 re., 551 B. 578 Good, Re, (1905) 2 Ch. 60 588 Goodman's Trusts, Rt (1880), 14 Ch. D. 619; 17 Ch. D. 266 173, 397 ., 523 Goodwin v. Phillips (1907), 1 Australia C. L. E. 1 328 re., 333;/. 163 re., 598 Gordon v. Cann (1899), 68 L. J. Q. B. 434 578 V. Gordon, (1904) P. 163 241 V. Howden (1845), 12 CI. & P. 243 167, 588, 603 V. Jennings (1882), 9 Q. B. D. 45 487 Gorely, Ex parte (1864), 34 L. J. Bank. 1 4 De G. J. & S 477 132 k. Gorham case (1850), 5 Ex. 630 132 (1852), Moore, 462 41 Gormley v. Bunyan (1890), 139 U. S. 623 233, 235 re. Gorris v. Scott (1874), L. E. 9 Ex. 125; 43 L. J. Ex. 92 377 re. Gorton L. B. v. Prison Commissioners, (1904) 1 E. B. 165 re 278 re., 3.30 i. Gosling V. Green, (1893) 1 G. B. 109 134 re., 136 re., 443 re. Gosselin v. E. (1903), 33 Canada, 255; .













.. .....

































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Tabk of


Jones (1863), 9 Jur. (N. 8.) 82 Gould V. Gapper (1804"), 5 East, 345 Gover's case (1875), 1 Ch. D. 182 45 L. J. Oh. 83 Gowan v. Wnght (1886), 18 Q. B. D. 201 Graoe v. Clinoli (1843), 4 Q. B. 609 Graff V. Evans (1882), 8 Q. B. D. 373; 51 L. J. M. C. 25 Graham v. Oommissiouers ol Works, (1901) 2 K. B. 781 V. Irving (1899), 2 Eraser (Sc), 29 u. Lewis (1888), 22 Q. B. I). 1 Grainger v. Gough, (1896) A. 0. 325 Gramophone, &o. Oo.'s Application, (1910) 2 Oh. 423V..















FAQE 130 19 96 m. 129 n. 551 586 374 n. 88 m. 520 575 537.

Gramophone and Typewriter, Ltd.(1908) 2 K. B. 89 Grand Junction W. W.. .


Stanley, (1906) 2 K. B. 834.






Hampton U. D. C,.

(1898) 2 Oh..





Grand Trunk

Rail. Co. v. Att.-Gen. forV.

229 n., 238 ra. Canada, (1907) A. 0. 65.

440ra., 441re.

Eobertson (1907), 39 Canada, 506 (1909) 329 n. A. C. 326 V. Washington, (1899) A. 0. 275 137, 141 n. Grant v. Grant (1870), L. E. 5 0. P. 727 39 L. J. 0. P. 272 8 n. V. Langston, (1900) A. 0. 383 550, 553, 597 Grassi, Re, (1905) 1 Oh. 584 .573 Grater v. Montague (1903), 23 N. Z. L. E. 904 291 n. Graves v. Ashford (1867), L. E. 2 0. P. 410 36 L. J. C. P. 139 461 Gray v. E. (1844), 11 01. cfe F. 427 6 St. Tr. (N. S.) 117 124, 309;.






















Great Central Gas Co.

297 n. Clarke (1863), 13 C. B. (N. S.) 838 341 Central Eail. Co. v. Banbury Union, (1909) A. 0. 78 582 Eastern Eail. Co. v. Goldsmid (1884), 9 App. Gas. 927 510 Northern Fishing Co. v. EdgehiU (1883), 11 Q. B. D. 225 307 Northern Eail. Co. v. East Central Eail. Co. (1851), 9 Hare, 306 271 V. Inland Eevenue Commissioners, (1999) 2 Q. B. 652; (1901) 1 K. B. 416 527, 584 V. Tahourdin (1883), 13 Q. B. D. 320 525 Northern & Piccadilly & Brompton Eail. Co. v. Att.-Gen., (1909) A. C. 1 .500 Western EaU. Co. v. BaiUie (1864), 6 B. & S. 929 468 n. V. Carpalla Umted China Clay Co., (1910) 160 TO., 563 A. 0. 83 V. Halesowen Eail. Co. (1883), 52 L.J. B. 473 510 n.. .

Sylvester (1897), 61 J. P. 807v.















Co., (1899) 2 Q. B. 172; (1900) 2 Q. B. 645 531 u. May (1875), L. E. 7 H. L. 283 595 V. Phillips & Co., Ltd., (1908) A. C. 101 534 V. Swindon Eail. Co. (1884), 9 App. Gas. 787 53 L. J. Ch. 445 181, 334 n., 548 V. Talbot, (1902) 2 Ch. 759 512 V. Waterford & Limerick EaU. Co. (1881), 17 Ch. D. 493 499 //. Greater London Property Co. t). Foot, (1899) 1 Q. B. 972 538 Greaves v. Tofield (1880), 14 Ch. D. 56:^; 50 L. J. Ch. 119 108 n., 169 Ji. V. Whitmarsh, (1906) 2 K. B. 340 569 Greely v. Thompson (1850), 10 Howard (U. S.), 225 88 n. Green v. Mortimer (I860), 3 L. T. (N. S.) 642 509 V. Penzance (Lord) (1881), 6 App. Cas. 657 ; 51 L. J. Q. B. 25 521, 548 u. E. (1876), 1 App. Cas. 513 112, 133 n.V.. . .

London & County Banking

.... . ..

























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Table of Cases.

xxxixPAGE 170 79 ., 461 38 W. E..


v. V.



fl883), 24 Cli. D. 672 (1845), 7 Q. B. 178. .


52 L. J. Oh. 921.





Greenham94 Greig.

Child (1889), 24 Q. B. D. 29. .


61 L. T. 663.




.585. ;

Edinburgh (University of) (1868), L. E. 1 H. L. (So.) 348 382 Grenfell v. Inland Eevenue Conjmissioners (1876), 1 Ex. D. 242 45 L. J. Ex. 465 .166 Gresham Life Assurance Society v. Bishop(1899), 68L. J. Q. B. 967;v.. .





(1902) A. C. 287 Greswolde v. Kemp (1842), Car.Grevillev.

& M..


Parker, (1910) A. C. 335


Pearson (1857), 6 H. L. 0. 61 Griffith, /?e (1879), 12 Ch. D. 655 525,599 Griffiths v. Fleming, (1909) 1 B. 805 415 . Grisewood, Ex parte (1859), 4 De G. & J. 544 28 L. J. Ch. 769 368n. Groos, Re, (1904) P. 273 n. 407 n. Groves V. Loid Wimborne, (1898) 2 Q,. B. 402 235, 236 Guaranty Trust Co. v. Green Cove Eailroad (1890), 139 U. 8. 145 IG-iii. Gunnestad v. Price (1874), L. E. 10 Ex. 69; 44 L. J. Ex. 44 182n. Gumee v. Patrick (1S90), 137 U. S. 141 366 n. Gwendolen Freehold Land Society v. Wicks, (1904) 2 K. B. 622 561 Gwynne . Bnrnell (1840), 7 CI. & F. 696 i;. Dre-witt, (1894) 2 Oh. 616 304 ., 315 ?i., 367v..






401 n. 483 ;/. 302



























London Provident BuildingJ.

Society (1883), 23 Ch. D. 103.. .

52 L.

Ch. 225, 441



.148286 n. 570 525 144, 146 538 595.. . . .

Hacking v. Lee (1860), 29 L. J. Q. B. 204 Hackney Corporation v. Lea Conservancy,




Hadleigh Castle Gold Mines, Ltd., lie, Hadley v. Perks (1866), L. E. 1 Q. B. 444 Haedicke v. Friern Barnet U. D. C, (1904)

(1904) 2 K. B. 541 (1900) 2 Ch. 419. . . .


K. B. 807.


Hagmaier v. Willesden Overseers, HaU, Be (1893), 69 L. T. 385.

(1904) 2 K. B. 316. ...




559 Q. B. 198 V. Maule (1838), 7 A. & E. 721 597 u. Metcalf, (1892) 1 Q. B. 208 44 L. J. M. C. 61 281, 299 n. V. Nixon (1875), L. E. 10 Q. B. 152 403 HaUey (The) (1868), L. E. 2 P. C. 193 90 Halsey v. Hales (1797), 7 T. E. 194 201 n. Haltou V. Cove (1830), 1 B. & Ad. 638 90, 249 n. Hamilton v. Baker (1889), 14 App. Cas. 209 77 n. (Duchess of) v. Fleetwood (1714), 10 Mod. 115 176 )/. (Duke of) V. Bentley (1841), 3 Dunlop (Sc), 1121 546, 600 Gas Co. V. Hamilton Corporation, (1910) A. C. 300 206, 265 n. Hammersmith Eail. Co. v. Brand (1869), L. E. 4 H. L. 171 244 Hammond v. Hocking (1884), 12 Q. B. D. 291 ; 53 L. J. Q. B. 205 V. St. Pancras Vestry (1874), L. E. 9 C. P. 316; 43 L. J. 236 C. P. 157 Hampstead (Mayor, &o.) v. Midland EaU. Co., (1905) 1 K. B. 538 610 ., 569, 570 76 (Vestry of St. John) v. Cotton (1886), 12 App. Cas. 1 584 B. 47 Hancock t;. Gallard, (1907) 302 Handley v. Handley, (1891) P. 124 520 Hanrahan v. Leigh-on-Sea U. D. C, (1909) 2 K. B. 257 663 Hands v. Law Society (1890), 17 Ont. App. 57 528 Hanfstaengl v. W. H. Smith & Son, (1905) 1 Ch. 519 299 w. Hanks v. Bridgman, (1896) 1 Q. B. 253 ; 66 L. J. M. C. 41V.

Cox, (1899)






















... .
























by Microsoft



Tabk of







Eoberts, (1905) 1 K. B. 572 Terry (1882), 10 Q. B. D. 131 Fox (1693), 1 Stow. 532.







VASE 286 ra. 600 112,335

Commissioner of Stamps for Queensland, (1898) A. 0. 398 n., 399 ., 427 n., 438 n., 593 763 154 58L. J. 0. P. 76 i;. HoweU(1889), 14 App. Cas. 307; Hardy v. Fothergill (1888), 13 App. Oas. 351 58 L. J. Q. B. 44 178, 557 472 n. Hargreaves v. Diddams (1875), L. E. 10 Q. B. 682 Han V. Secretary of State for India ( 1 903), Ind. L. R. 27 Bombay, 425 431 432 n., 438 n., 439 n. 435 n. Harnett v. Crick, (1908) A. C. 470












Miles (1884), 4S J. P. 455 Harrington v. Minister of Lands, (1899) A. C. 408V..



(Earl of) V. Derby Corporation, (1905) 1 Oh. 205 Davies (1885), 10 App. Oas. 279 54 L. J. P. 0. 1' May (1883), 12 Q. B. D. 97 53 L. J. M. C. 39 Harrison v. Carter (1876), 2 0. P. D. 26 35 L. T. 511 V. McGrath (1903), 22 N. Z. L. E. 676 Han-ogate (Mayor, &o.) v. Mackay, (1907) 2 Ch. 611 Hart V. CoUey (1890), 44 Ch. D. 193 128 Hartley v. Hooker (1777), 2 Cowp. 523 286 n. Hartmont v. Foster (1881), 8 Q. B. D. 82 482 Hartridge, Ex parte (1870), 5 Ch. App. 671 5 n. Harvey v. Farquhar (1872), L. E. 2 H. L. (Sc.) 192 339 ., 628 Hasker v. Wood (1885), 54 L. J. Q. B. 419 360 Hasluck V. Pedley (1875), L. E. 19 Eq. 271 561 Hastings v. Pearson, (1893) 1 Q. B. 62 162 ,., 476 n., 573 Hawke v. Hulton, Ltd., (1909) 2 K. B. 93 547 Hawkins v. Edwards, (1901) 2 K. B. 169 6 De G. M, &G. 1.131, V. Gatbercole (1855), 24 L. J. Ch. 322 189, 338, 598 Hay V. Perth (Lord Provost of) (1863), 3 Maoq. H. L. (So.) 544; 10 108 Soots Eev. Eep. (H. L.) 506 59 L. J. M, 0. 79 527, V. Tower Justices (1890), 24 Q. B. D. 561 571 330 Haydon v. Carroll (1796), 3 Eidg. Pari. Cas. 545 361 n. Hayes, Re, (1900) 2 Ch. 332 490 H. Hayles v. Pease & Partners, Ltd., (1899) 1 Ch. 567 512 Haylett v. Vigor & Co., (1908) 2 K. B. 837 229 n. Hayward v. East London W. W. Co. (1884), 28 Ch. D. 138 45 Headland v. Coster, (1905) 1 K. B. 219 (1906) A. C. 286 0.76 296 . Heap V. Burnley Union (1884), 12 Q. B. D. 617 53 L. J. 457 n. Heame v. Gorton (1859), 2 E. & E. 66 514 Heath v. Burder (1862), 15 Moore, P. C. 147 256 u. Hubbard (1803), 4 East, 110 536 572 V. Eollason, (1898) A. C. 499 217 n. 361 Hebbert v. Purchas (1870), L. E. 3 P. C. 605 259 Hebblethwaite v. Hebblethwaite (1869), L. E. 2 P. & M. 29 535 Hecla Foundry Co. v. Walker & Co. (1889), 14 App. Cas. 550 539 Heoquard, Be (1890), 24 Q. B. D, 74 520 538 Hedley v. Webb, (1901) 2 Ch. 126 150 . 576 HeeHs v. Blain (1864), 18 C. B. (N. S.) 108 651 Hemchand Devchand v. Azam Sakarlal, (1906) A. 0. 212 519 Henderson v. Maxwell (1877), 4 Ch. D. 163 333 V. Sherborne (1837), 2 M. & W. 236 383 n. Henley's case (1878), 9 Ch. D. 469 455 n. Henry v. Sargent (1843), 13 N. H. 321 512 Hensey v. White, (1900) 1 Q. B. 481 438 n. Henty v. E., (1896) A. C. 667 V. Wrey (1882), 21 Oh. D. 332 53 L. J. Ch. 667 150.













546 386 232 434 603 557 437 538 584








































by Microsoft

Table of Cases.




M'Quade, (1902)

2 K. B. 631

FAQE 6730. 301

Heriot's Hospital case (1844), 2 Heritable Eeversionary Society

Dow, P.v.



Millar, (1892) A. 0. 598

H. M.'s Procureur



(1866), L. E. 1 P. C. 181

Payne, (1907) 2 K. B. 130 542 Herring, Be, (1908) 2 Oil. 493 532 V. Stockton (Mayor, &c.) (1877), 31 J. P. 420 300 k. Herron v. Eathmines, &c. Commissioners, (1892) A. C. 498 134, 487, 494 re., 496 re., 497 J ., 504 re., 535 Herts and Essex W. W. Co., Be, (1909) W. N. 48 316 re. Heseltine, Be, (1891) 1 Cb. 464 512, 613 Heske v. Samuelson (1883), 12 Q. B. D. 30 533 Hess V. State (1895), 2 S. African Off. Eep. 112 428 re. Hesse v. Stevenson (1803), 3 B. & P. 565 484 Heston and Islewortb U. D. C. v. Grout, (1897) 2 Cb. 206 315 re., 504m. Heydon's case (1584), 3 Co. Eep. 8 104, 105, 131, 468 Hickman v. Bircb (1890), 24 Q. B. D. 172 547 Hickson v. Darlow (1883), 23 Cb. D. 690; 52 L. J. Cb. 454 348 Higginbotbam, Ex parte (1840), 4 Jur. 1035 363 458 n., 475 re. HUdesbeimer v. Faulkner, (1901) 2 Cb. 552 HiU V. E. & W. India Dock Co. (1884), 9 App. Oas. 448 22 Ch. D. 14 53 L. J. Ch. 842 103, 215, 427 334 V. Hall (1876), 1 Ex. D. 411 V. Metropolitan Asylums Board (1879), 4 Q. B. D. 433 12 re. V. Tbomas, (1893) 2 Q. B. 333 541, 542 288 ?i. Hills V. Stanford (1904), 23 N. Z. L. E. 1061 75 ?i. Hindmarcb v. Obarlton (1860), 8 H. L. 0. 166 177 Hine v. Eeynolds (1840), 2 Scott (N. E.) 419 573 Hirst V. West Eiding Union Banking Co., (1901) 2 K. B. 560 369 Hitcbcock V. Way (1837), 6 A. & E. 943 516 Hoare v. Eobert Green, Ltd., figOT) 2 K. B. 315 68 re., 458 Hobbs V. Hudson (1890), 25 Q. B. D. 232 469, 545 V. Wincbester (Mayor, &c.), (1910) 2 K. B. 471 515 Hoddell V. Parker, (1910) 2 K. B. 323 553, 597 Hoddinot v. Home and Colonial Stores, (1896) 1 Q. B. 169 431 re., 432 Hodge V. E. (1883), 9 App. Cas. 117 53 L. J. P. C. 1 585 Hodgkinson, Ire ioreis, (1893) P. 339 138 re. Hodgson V. BeU (1890), 24 Q. B. D. 625 69 L. J. Q. B. 2310.. . .

Heme Bay TJ.


...... . . . .










.... . .






















Aucbtermucbty (Parocbial BoardiJ.

of) (1880), 7 Eettie (Sc),


(1904), 198 U. S. 198 Holdswox-tb V. McCrea (1867), L. E. 2 H. L. 380 Holland's case (1597), 4 Co. Eep. 76 a Holland v. Worley (1884), 26 Cb, D. 578 HolUns V. Vemey (1884), 13 Q. B. D. 304 Holme V. Guy (1877), 6 Cb. D. 905 ; 46 L. J Cb. 648

Holborn Union Holder v. Stratton

(1890), 17 Eettie (Justiciary, Sc), 96 v: Sboreditcb Vestry (1876), 2 Q. B. D. 145


121 5 re.








Oollyer (1880), 16 Cb. D. 718



236 137 re. 535 482 re. 261 re. 554 134 re. 61817, 18



Camden (Lord)

(1795), 5








6 Br. P. C..

Hood Barrs v. Catbcart, (1896) A. C. 177 Hope V. Warburton, (1892) 2 Q. B. 134Hopper, Tbe (No. 66), (1908) A. C. 126 Hornby v. Houlditcb (1737), 1 T. E. 96, 97 Homer v. FrankUn, (1905) 1 K. B. 479cit.



573 570491







542, 569.



Eaggett, (1892)


Q. B. 20



by Microsoft


Table of Gases.

569 Brewis (1891), 60 L. J. M. 0. 48 Monarch Investment Building Society 74 Q. B. 105 59 L. (1889), 24 Q. B. D. 1 504 n., 550, 570 V. Smith, (1897) 1 Oh. 843 377, 382 n. U. D. C. V. HenneU, (1902) 2 K. B. 72 215 Horsnail. Bruce (1873), L. E. 8 0. P. 378 513 Horton, ^e(1881), 8Q. B. D. 434 553 V. Oolwyn Bay U. D. C, (1907) 1 K. B. 14 HI, Hough V. Windus (1884), 12 Q. B. D. 224 53 L. J. Q. B. 165 113 n., 318, 348, 352 ., 354 n., 366 ., 367, 370, 586 251 Howard v. Bodington (1887), 2 P. D. 203 142 Howden v. Eocheid (1869), 1 H. L. (Sc.) 550 508 (Lord) V. Simpson (1839), 10 A. & E. 817 299 ., 550 V. Yorkshire Miners' Association, (1903) 1 K. B. 308 359 n. HoweU V. Coupland (1874), L. E. 9 Q. B. 462 Howes V. Inland Eevenue (1876), 1 Ex. D. 394 541 Hoyles, Be, Eow v. Jagg, (1910) 2 Ch. 333; (1911) 1 Oh. 179 396 n. Hubbard v. Goodley (1890), 25 a. B. U. 156 514 Huber, In bonis, (1896) P. 209 407 n. Huddart v. Moorehead (1898), 8 Australia C. L. E. 330 443 n., 445 n. Hudson V. M'Eae (1864), 33 L. J. M. C. 65 473 Huffam^. North Staffordshire Eail. Co., (1894) 2 Q. B. 821; 63 L. J. M. 0. 225 32., 299n., 321. Hugguis, Ex parte (1882), 21 Ch. D. 85 51 L. J. Ch. 935 179 n. Hughes?'. Chatham (Overseers of) (1843), 5 M. & a. 75 173 jj.

Hornsey Local Beard

v. V.




-I .



..... . . . . ; .. .



































Chester Eail. Co. (1862), 31 L. J. Ch. 100; 1 Dr. & S. 524 201 ft. V. Lloyd (1888), 23 Q. B. J). 157 540, 612 Hume V. Somerton (1890), 25 Q. B. D. 239 268 n., 317 Hummel . Hummel, (1898) 1 Ch. 642 407 . Humphery v. Young, (1903) 1 K. B. 44 .520 Humphreys, Be, (1898) 1 Q,. B. 520 583 Hunt V. Hunt (1864), 31 L. J. Oh. 161 258 n. 524 (1878), 47 L. J. P. D. 22 Hunter v. Att.-Gen., (1899) A. 0. 323 522 V. Clare, (1899) 1 Q. B. 635 574 V. Nockolds (1849), 1 Macn. & G. 640 19 L. J. Ch. 177 193 n., SIS It. !). Northern Marine Insurance Co. 576 (1888), 13 App. Oas. 717 Huntington v. Attrill, (1893) A. 0. 150 454 n., 455 n., 456 n., 458 n. Huntly (Marchioness) v. OaskeU, (1905) 2 Ch. 656 544 Hutton, Be, Ex parte Benwell (1884), 14 Q. B. D. 301 551, 586 V. Annan, (1898) A. 0. 289 582 Huxley v. West London EaU. Co. (1889), 14 App. Oas. 26 546 Hyatt's Trusts, Be (1882), 21 Ch. D. 846 591 Hyde !>. Hyde (1866), L. E. 1 P. &M. 130 Hyman v. Van den Bergh, (1907) 2 Ch. 516 526V.. . . . . . . ..























































Ilfracombe Permanent Mutual Benefit Building1

Society, (1901).

366 n. Houldsworth, (1904) A. C. 355 544 IncomeTax Acts(No. 4), .Se(1904), 29 Vict. L. E. 748 442 n. (Commissioners for)?;. Pemsel, (1891) A. 0. 532 16 n., 25, 93, 110, 169, 170, 201 ., 412, 413, 449 n., 506 n., 52J India (Bank of) v. Wilson (1878), 3 Ex. D. 113 .599

Oh. 102







(The) (1864).


L. J.

Adm. 193







by Microsoft


Table of Cases.


Indian Chief (The) (1801), 3 Eob. Adm. 23 406 n. Ingle V. M'Outchan (1884), 12 Q. B. D. 518 63 L. J. Q. B. 311 517 Inglis V. Robertson, (1898) A. 0. 616 207, 561 Ingram v. Foote (1701), Lord Raym. 709 2 Mod. 613 483, 487 V. Little (1883), 11 Q. B. D. 251 571 Inland Revenue (Commissioners of) v. Angus (1889), 23 Q. B. D. 579 314 11. V. Forrest (1890), 15 App. Gas. 334 136, 587 V. Harrison (1874), 7 H. L. 1 43 L. J. Ex. 138 152. .






















A. OUver, (1909) A. 0. 427 589 V. Priestley, (1901) A. 0. 208 589 V. Tod, (1898) A. 0. 399 527 Institute of Patent Agents v. Lockwood, (1894) A. 0. 347 224 n., 279 n., 283 International Securities Corporation, Re (1908), 24 T. L. R. 837 405 n..

(Paris), Ltd., (1908) C. 22 . 398, 527.






Baltimore, &c. Railroad (1891), 145 U. S. 263 .5 ., 418 n. Ipswich Taylors' case (1614), 11 Co. Rep. 53 291 n. Ireland (Bank of) v. Evans's Charity (1855), 5 H. L. C. 405 156 Ironsides (The) (1864), 31 L. J. Adm. 131 348 286 Irving V. Askew (1869), 5 Q. B. 208 IsUngton Market BUI (The) (1835), 3 CI. & F. 513 59, 304 n. Vestry v. Cobbett, (1895) 1 Q.. B. 369 570 .512 Ismay, Imrie & Co. v. WilUamson, (1908) A. C. 437v...

Interstate Traffic Commission
























Ex parte, (1895) 1 Q. B. 183 Jacobs V. Brett (1875), L. R. 20 Eq. 1 Jacques v. Withey (1788), 1 H. Bl. 65 Jamaica Rail. Co. v. Att.-Gen. for Jamaica, (1893) A. C.' 127 James v. Smith, (1891) 1 Ch. 384 Jamieson v. Att.-Gen. (1833), Ale. & Nap. 375 Janesich v. Attenborough (1910), 26 T. L. E. 278 Janson v. Driefontein Consolidated Mines, Ltd., (1902) A. C 484Jackson,Janvrinv.


511 128 11.

369 447 n.. .






De la Mare


V. V.


(1861), 14 Moore, P. C. 334 (1857), 27 L. J. M. C. 25.


Johnstone, (1893)


Q. B. 26


Jefferies v.


Alexander (1860), 8 H. L. C. 594 Boosey (1854), 4 H. L. C. 815 24 L..

177 ., 179 152 n. 382 11. 169 n. 83 TO., 195186, 187, 404, 405, 407



Ex. 81

Jenkins v. Jones (1882), 9 Q. B. D. 128 Jenkinson v. Thomas (1790), 4 T. E. 666 Jephson v. Riera (1835), 3 St. Tr. (N. S.) 691 "

329 461 n..



Knapp, 130 420

Jersey Prison Board, Re, 8 St. Tr. (N. S.) 286 (States of). Re (1853), 9 Moore, P. C. 186 Jex V. M'Kinney (1889), 14 App. Cas. 77 1 Bl. Jobson V. Henderson (1900), 64 J. P. 245;

438 n. 416 . 36, 416 n.?i




John Hall (Junior) & Co. v. Rickman, (1906) Johnson v. Edge, (1892) 2 Ch. 1 V. Gaskain (1891), 8 Times L. R. 70V.


K. B. 311

Johnson, (1900) P. 19


300 11. 515 514 542 646


by Microsoft



Table of Cases.PAOB 521

Johnson's Patent, Be (1880), 13 Ci. D. 398 n. Johnston v. Consumers' Gas Oo. of Toronto, (1898) A.V.


447 230".,


(1859), 2 E. & E. 263 v. Marks (1887), 19 Q. B. D. 509 V. Stott (1802), 4 Paton (Sc. App.), 274.


234 196 n. 565.






Dunstan's-in-the-West Churchwardens

&c. (1906)..

506 II. 23 T. L. E. 13 515 Jones, Ex parte (1881), 18 Oh. D. 109 551, 586 Me, J) 1 Ch. 121 Kennaird v. Cory & Son, (1898) 2 Q. B. 578 Kenrick v. Lawrence (1890), 25 Q. B. D. 99 Kent V. Fittall (No. 1 (1906) 1 K. B. 60 V. (No. 2), (1908) 2 K. B. 933 V. (No. 3), (1909) 1 K. B. 215 County Council v. Folkestone (Mayor, &o. of), (1905) 620 V. Humphreys, (1895) 2 Q. B. 903 V. Vidler, (1895) 1 Q. B. 448 Kenyon v. Hai-t (1865), 6 B. & S. 255 Kerrison v. Cole (1807), 8 East, 231 Kielley v. Carson (1843), 4 Moore, P. 0. 84; 4 St. Tr. (N. S,.



589 566 570261


449. .








567 355 291 . 194, 517 553, 558 558 558 B. 542 297 n. 542. ..




546 245 n.

Kimber v. Admans, Kimbray v. DraperKitiastonv.



Oh. 412


(1868), L. E. 3 Q. B. 160 Clarke (1741), 2 Atk. 205

) 669 420 ., 429 n. 539, 549 354 7. 3 (Poor) c. 38 (Poor Relief),


88, 474





335, 546

c. 18 (Landlord and Tenant) 557, 584 *e. 21 (c. 19, Ruffhead) (Copyright) 133 ., 188, 404, 407


174418 Geo. 2,30.

30 (Piracy),

aa. 2,

3322, 0.



1745 19 Geo. 1746 20 Geo. 1747 *21 Geo.

35 (Zoca?)




14 (Gaming),

a. 1

. .



1712 *13 Anne,2, c.]

2, 0.8.

ii (Vales and Ber3

16 (12 Anne, atat. 16, Ruffhead) ( PsMry). 3310.


413 366 605 664


1, Stat.



5 (Riot),

2, u.

33 (Insolvents)




35 .

1719*6(Ireland) c. 29 (Shrewsbury Estates)1, 0. 5



1760 24 Geo. 2, 0. 23 (Calendar) *o. ii (Discharged Soldiers),1751 25 Geo. 2, c. 6 (Wills) 0. 36 (Disorderly Rouse),

R. I.

. .


1722 9 Geo.

193, 203s.

1, 0.

19 (Lotteries)

. .


.408 .



* Repealed enactments are indicated ty an asterisk.



by Microsoft




Table of Statutes.FAOD2, o.



1753 26 Geo.s.

177414{Jtatiees' Clerks),


c. 33 (Marriage),

249 263

14 Geo. 3, u. 48 (Insurance, Life) 415 c. 78 (Insurame, Fire), s. 83 411, 487 .423., 428. c. 83 (Quebec), s. 11. .

1764 27 Geo.1765 *29 Geo. 1756 *30 Geo.



16 {Courts of Re-

quest), s. 2

63 .

1776 16 Geo.

3, c.

28 (Canal)


2, o.

28 (Expiring


1777 *17 Geo.


2, e.

24 {False Pretences) 140

26 (Life S 0. 66 (Carriers, $c.) c. 57 {Copyright)3, 0.ties), B.

Annui90 452 461

176731 Geo. 2,c.

177822 {Pension Duty).. 57318





(Taxation of



1768 32 Geo. 1769 33 Geo. 1764 *4 Geo.s.

19 Geo. 3,2, 0.


28 {Bettors)


8.41781 21 Geo.

49349 (Lord's Day),


2, c.

14 {Bankers, I.)




3, 0.

2033, 0.

8. 1




1782 22 Geo.*c.

3, u.8.

45 {Souse of Com9


126 . 26 of Man) 199*e..


1765 ft Geo. 1766 6 Geo.

3, 0.


47 (Lottery) 53 (Ireland)

577 369 415



221, 415 n.3, c.

12 {America)a. 1



*o. 53 {Treason),

430 97

1783 23 Geo. 3 (Burghclere Commons) 44 e. 47 (Canal) 122 23 & 24 Geo. 3, c. 39 (Irish Act) 264 M..

1767 *7 Gteo. 3, 0. 7 {Indemnity) c. Zl jThames) c. 38 (Copyright)(Ixiii.) (Local)

60 337 461171 .

1786 *25 Geo. 3, c. 61 (Taxation), *o. 72 (Linen Duty), ss 341786 26 Geo.

s. 4.

380 142


1770 10 Geo. 3, o. 51 (Entail, s. 12 0. 114 (Canal)1771 *ll Geo.

3, c.

38 (Bristol Court of171



257 122

*c. 41 (Fisheries,u.





108 (Local)

335 383

3, c.

29 {City of London) 552

1787 27 Geo.

3, c. 6

(Land Tax)


177212 Geo.riages)3, u.




266, 394, 479

1788 28 Geo. 3, o. 31 (Irish Act) *o. 48 (Chimney Sweepers),1791 31

a. 4.

156 177

177313 Geo.0. 3, 0.


(British Sub-






jects), 8. 3

64 [Game, S.),s.i 0. 63 (India) *c. 78 (ffighways) ri. 24 a. 64s.



81 (Commons),


198 646 289 . 371 367 371 367 196 543


136 n.

1793 33 Geo. 3, o. 13 (Acts of Parliament Commencement) .... 56, 192, 314 ., 343 ., 348

1794 *34 Geo.

3, o.

68 (Shipping),


15, 16


* Regaled enactments are indicated by an



by Microsoft

Table of Statutes.A-P.




1795 35 Geo. 3, 8. 1951796 36 Geo.0. c.

PAOB3, u.

73 {MaryUhone),

1808 48 Geo.

66 [Mouse Tax)





59776 [Burial of Drowned Persons), s. 1c.

3, o. 7 [Treason) *o. 8 {Sedition)

449 363 9 {Passage of Grain), s. 6 332 . 62 (Legacy Duty), ss. 6, 22. 579. .


106 [Acts of Parliament Ex-"piration)

1811 51 Geo.

1797 37c.

Goo. 3, u. 70 {Mutiny), 8-3 332 123 {Unlawful Oath), s. 7 332.

115 [Gifts for 2 124 *c. 126 [Westminster Elections). 5203,c.





1812 *52

3, c.

16 [Frame Break....

1798 38 Geo.s.

3, c.

5 [Land Tax)

*o. i7 (Peace Preservation) ....



8. 26 18 [Local Inclosure)

556 548 186, 549 198


49 [Custom House) 104 [Unlawful8.

45 45 62



c. oxli. [Tolls)


1799 39


150 [jfedicine Stamps) 156 [Escape), a. i

332 . 485 .... 516 332 . 367 357 521 484678 262




79 15

[Unlawful143, 363


1800 39


40 Geo.s.

3, o. xlvii.

[London. .



67 [Union with Lreland)art. i

art iv 0. 98 [Accumulations)*e. 99 {Pawnbrokers), s. 23

549 415 271 572 397'241

1813 *53 Geo. 3, o. 33 {Customs) c. 105 {Customs) 0. 127 {Church Courts) *o. 152 {Westminster Elections).1814 64 Geo. 3, South Wales and Victoria), 126 a. 39



7 Vict. 0.a. 8. a.

18 [Franchise),


76 100

591 562 .


E^ealed enactments

are indicated by an asterisk.


by Microsoft



Tahh of Statutes.FAOBA.D.



18467 Vict. 0. 36 {Art XJnion), s. 1 591, 603 37 (New Parishes), 88.9, 15. 540 8



241 . 666 0. 73 (Solicitors), 8. 2 226, 691 a. 28 679 ..36 226 s. 37 617, 636 *c. 76 (Extradition), s. 1 574 e. 79 (Sea Fisheries) 372 *o. 94 (Foreign Jurisdiction) 125 n. 1844 7 &. 8 Vict. c. 12 (Copyright), B. 19 404, 681 u. 32 (Bank Charter) 618 s. 11 654 u. 101 (Foor), a. 2 .188, 685, 591 8. 60 447 B. 76 414 u. 113 (Joint Stock Banks), 8. 13 273 No. 22 (British Guiana) 460 1846 8 & 9 Vict. 0. 10 (Bastards), 8. 3* 645 0. 18 (Lands Clauses) .63, 136,553 s. 1 219 B. 2 596 8. 3 548 a. 7 384 8. 9 554 ss. 22, 24 366 88. 49, 63 648, 689 8. 68 653 s. 92 560 88. 93, 94 205 s. 127 595 8. 128 598 8. 133 696 c, 20 (Sailways Clauses) .... 8, 63, 196, 220s.

68 (Theatres)2


100 106 109 113

Vict. 0. 83 (Foor, 8.) .... 176 669 (Lunacy), s. 44 329 (Real Froperty) (Gamimg), a. li ..362,4778.a.

290 (Evidence), a. 1 3 40, 63., 4825a.s.


118 (Inchsure),clxix. (Canat),



63 . 569 .... 572




10 Viot. c. 66 (Foor), a. 2 93 (Fatal Accidents)



585 346..



194, 408,

*o. 96 (County Courts)s.8.


128 139

427 5S5 638 370

1847 10


11 Viot. 0. 14 (Markets and Fairs Clauses), a. 13 ..567, 690 15 (Gasworks Clauses) ..63, 221 17 (Waterworks Clauses)a. .. 63, 149, 562



29 43. . .



27 (Harbour Clauses), s. 74 89 (Town Folice Clauses)

580 231 23663,

0. 0.

638, 547, 568, 592 9b (Copyright) 430 cxzix. (Bristol City), a. 35. 516



12 Viot. Felony)





8.388. 6,B.

210,21316 206, 653

c. 0.

220 686 8. 154, 619, 580 S8. 60, 61 215 . 8. 63 457 . a. 68 234 8. 77 160, 662 a. 90 698 a. 97 598 sa. 104, 106 32 . B. 109 298 8. 112 198 a. 138 577 xxT. (Boddam Sarbour) 486 176 33 (Railways Clauses, S.) 8. 49 677 562 a. 70138.

32 46

309 (Borough Folice) 0. 21 (Indian Insolvency) .... 418 . c. 42 (Indictable Offences) 165, 562 650 8. 17 413 . a. 32 0. 43 (Summary Jurisdiction), 8. 1 186, 662 356 a. 11 151 a. 26 592 a. 35 *c. 63 (lfuisancesReinovat),B.2i. 250 341, 0. olxiii. (City of London) ... 506, 663o. 14.


184912 13 Viot. 0. 14 (Distress for 45 Rates) 46 (Quarter Sessions), 8. 11 669 u. 92 (Cruelty 'to Animals), 8. 2 17,637 601 0. 103 (Poor), 8. 16 147 *o. 106 (Bankruptcy) 126 . 8. 66c..


. .




133138137 142

206 129 419

* Repealed enactments are indicated by am asterisk.


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Table of Statutes.A.D.


I8S0 13


185314 Viot.s. 18.


21 [Interpreta.



17 Viot.8.


137 (Charitable183, 604



Trusts), B. 62




213 s. 3 53, 196 8. 6 336 ., 372 ., 373 s. 6 346 . 8. 7 47, 63, 65 0. 60 (2Vi.siises Relief), 8. 7 . 629 c. 14 (Town Government) .... 668.

317., 372, 373, 665


346,665666 666 665 665 665 666 665 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666., 666,



(2) (3)




8. 8. u.


4 (1)

647 538, 547





21 (Weights and Measures), 8. 36 661, 601, 604 23 (Fishery, S.) 403 !. 24 (Master and /Servant), 364. B. 2 27 (Advertising Stations), 8. 2 6698. 3 672 30 (Board of Agriculture), 8.7 281 ., 282 516 o. 12

(12)(13) (14) (16)

(16) (17) (18) (19) (20)B.


13.... 31, 414(1)(2)


39 (Partnership)

66 .a.



Welsh Education),s.







42 (Sevenue),




667 666 666 666 666 667

* Repealed enactments are indicated by an asterisk.


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Table of Statutes.A.D.




1889 62


53 Vict.8.


63 [Interpreta-

1889 52667 667 667 667 667 667 667 668 668 668 669 669 669 669 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670


53 Viot.8.


&6{Land,I.),139 Corrupt 332 . 517

13,(6) (7)


11 [Publico.








7 8 u. 72 {Infectious Diseases),o.8. 8. s.

a. 5.

680 563 541.'i58

16 17 4 [Army),o.

5410. 8.


s. o.

14 164, 668, 15 16(1), (2). .164, 414m.,(3), (4)

1890 53

&0. 5

54 Viot.(2)






17 18


315 342(

519 622 559 316Constitu-


(2)(3) (4) (5)

....415, 416 ., ..416 ., 426 .,



W. Australia.

tion), 8. 5



416 417 417

., .,

*o. 33 [S. L. S.)u.

62, 204 ., 321s.


(6) (7)a. s. 8. 8.

39 [Partnership), o. 28 s. 32


449. 66 . 216 .


19 20 21

162, 164, 164,


iO [Factors, io [Police)8. 1 8.




8. .

s. 8.9. s. .^..

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

88. 14,8.


207 n. 516 616 675 16, 675.,


., 671


671 671 671 671 672 672 385., 672 31 ..157 ., 210 ., 278 ., 281 ., 672 32 (1) ....262 ., 271, 672(2)




672 (3) ..278 ., 308 ., 33.. 225, 308 ., 332, 476 . 163, 167 ., 673 34 35 (1)..53, 54 n., 196 k., 673

55 H. 65 . 54 . [Police,' S.), a. 29 u. 577 [Settled Lands), 8. 10 0. [fVorking Classes) ..569, 592 0. 63 m. 88. 38, 39 605 8. 53 551 8. 75 222 c. 7 1 [Bankruptcy) 515 a. 15 354 n. 88. 6, 8, 23, 25, 26 355 n. 8. 23 No. 1058 [Victoria Interpre-




47 67 69 70











1891 54



315,673 163,673344, 673 '.'..277., 345, 673 ....136, 321 ., 323,325, 351 ., 674 ..315 ., 318 . 352, 354.,366, 368., 369 ., 373, 674

55 Viot. o. 3 [Custody of '>1\ Children), s. 5 .54 ., 56 n. u. S [Tithes), 8. 12. .. 36, ^. 21 (Savings Bank), s...






37 38



38 (Stamp Duties Manage324 K. ment) 324 ., 398, 39 (Stamps)88. 12,H.




39.. 62, 161, 277..278.,



40 '" 41 42

332, 674 161, 674 ...53, 214, 346, 674



88. o4,8. 8.8.


8.43 Sohed

674 675


59 82 86 98101

684 227 n. 527 613 627 641, 568, 560 554 564 675 582.,


by am asterisk. Repealed enactments are indicated


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. .


Table of Statutes.PAGEA.D.






560, 563, 587, 589 .bO ., 66 (Elementary Edtmation)

55 Viot. 0. 39 (Stamps), B. 104 8. 112 s. 113 8. 119 Sched. I.. 519, 532, 533,


& 57 Vict. c.ment),s. B. 8.

589 552 532 380

73 [Local Govern595 73 163, 539, 602 75 81 (7) 31

1894 67


68 Vict.8.


14 (Judicature),.'


57624, 689, 597

452c. 0.

30 [Finance)a.

69 [Penal Servitude), 73 [Mortmain, ^e.)8.


10. .416 n.


672 399.,

361, 556



641, 572





76 [Fublic Sealth, London). 523 s. 24 583 as. 30, 33 605 8. 38

SB. 6, 8a.

20[Buildimg4 10




47s. B.



297 513 8. 120 516, 670, 583 B. 141 oxxxii. ((?. W. Railway) 517 ooxxvii. [G. W. Railway) 6348.






1892 55

&u. u.c.

56 Vict.


9 [Gaming)




*o. 10 [Short Titles)

477, 563 54 .

c. c.

0. 0.

439 14 [Indian Councils) 23 [Foreign Marriage), o. 24. 526 27 [Parliamentary Deposits) 215 n., 511 651 32 [Clergy Discipline) 57 [Private Streets Works) 592, 593 590 62 [Shop Hours) cxoiii. [Eastbotirne Improvement) 607 ..





57 Vict. u. 3* 63 [Trustees)s. 18.


i. R-).



653, 691

542692, 600



61 [Public Authorities Protection)


0. c.

c. c.

.110 ., 195, 339, 366, 456 ., 528, 656 553 a. 1 bin., 55 n., B. 2 315 ., 451 n. 578 63 [Married Women) 361 s. 3 284 66 [Rules Publication) 66 m. 71 [SaU of Goods 565 s. 2 512 8. 4 163 8. 10 24 (2) 456 . B. 647 s. 62 .436 n. 72 [Colonial Laws) 73 [Local Government) .... 644 514 8. 7(1) 641 B. 72 (4).. , ,

366 m. 355 *o. 56 [S. L. R.) 446 . f. 57 [Diseases of Animals).. IZi n., 468 . 0. 60 [Merchant Shipping) 139 ., 207 ., 324)2., 430 SB. 3, 603 583 8. 31 222 s. 76 544 85 a. 533 a. 114 604 8. 134 6U4 a. 158 559 B. 165 198 . B. 167 249 . B. 186 571 B. 225 307 . 88. 260, 261 516 8. 602 578 88. 603, 504 670 8. 510 606 a. 626 599 a. 687 409 . s. 720 281 n., 282 B. 736 435 . 8. 742 626, 540, 558, 590 c. clxxxvii. [Thames Conservancy) 565 ; 326 B. 289. .

u. ccxiii.

[London Ruilding).. 149 n., 519 8. 2 207 . 8. 5 514, 570, 592 88. 7, 9 536, 570, 692 691 B. 43 ,a.


90 8. 122 88. 138,145, 1648.

551 514 549 620

1896 58


69 Vict.


9 [Evidence).. 281 .,b.


16 [Finance),


282 576362


26 [Mortgagees' Legal

Repealed enactments are indicated by an asterisk.


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Table of Statutes.A-D.




1895 58u.


59 Vict.



39 {Married Women)s.


33 (^Extradi418 n., 430 535 545

1900 63

59 Vint.

seas. 2, v. 3 {Canadian).

439 349

59 Vict. No. 25 (Civil



14 {Short 141, 196, 487 ., 607, 608 u. 16 {Agricultural Sates) .... 616 0. 25 {Friendly Societies) .... 667 0. 28 {Finance), a. 13 575 c. 36 {Light Locomotives) J 8. 1 171 . 0. 43 {Coal Mines), . 6 284 . u. 52 {Larceny) 139 ., 395 .u.







64 Vict. c. 12 {Australian Commonuiealth Constitution).. 6., 178 n, 407 ., 436 =-5 409 . H. 9 38b n. art. 51 444 art. 73 385 . art. 74 386 m., 441 art. 90 444 art. 117 444 art. 128 432 . c. 26 {Land Charges) 557 c. 32 {Merchant Shipping) .. 54 . *c. 48 {Companies), a. 33 227 n. 0. 51 {Money lenders).. f)21, 648, 601 c. cxxxiii. {Edinburgh), a. 80.. 292 No. 40 {N. S. W. Crimes Act) 324Z. Maori Lands Consolidation) .209 . {N. Z. Municipal Corporations) 513




1897 60

61 Vict. c. 19 {Freferential Payments), a. 3 523 24 {S. L. R.), B. 7 321 M. c. 34 ( Canadian) 216 {Britiih Columbia Assessment) 551 *c. 37 {Workmen's Compensa196 tion)i;.




8. 1

51229 . 139 n., 329 n.c.


65 {Land Transfer)

{Demise of the 7, u. 5 Crown), a. 5 384 . 10 {Larceny) 139 . 22 {Factory and Workshop).. 542 a. 90 628 8. 101 238 n., 245 . 516 a. 149 8. 156 606 clxxxiv. {Edinburgh), a. 57. 292.


246 {Ontario)


No. 6 {Australian Customs)No. 1737(




351 .


62 Vict.




L. R.),

8. 1

314. '.



321 . 816 e. 9, 17 642 8. 13 .302 n. 0. 36 {Criminal Evidence) 341 88. 1, 6 284 . c. 41 {Prison), a. 2 547 0. 60 {Lnebriate) 375 {Bankruptcy, N. S. W.)

24 {Finance) s. 7 29 {Locomotive) 88.,


7, *c.

28 {Licensing),

8. 11

69313114, 15, 16,



ii {Education)




No. 1 {Orange Rivei) No. 11 {Australian Excise)..347

559 521 428 ..



No. 14 {Australian Customs)

1899 62

347 n, 362 .


63 Vict.




No. 21 {Australian Common575wealth)


11 14 {London Government),

391 n.



290s. 8.8.


14 30

294 16331








86., 176


c. c.


22 30 33

u. c.

36 50 {Agriculture,

514 {Summary Jurisdiction).. 542 488 . {Common, E.), 8. 2 {Board of Education) .2%l n., 282, 540 435 {Colonial Loans), 8. 234.,..,.

31 {Board of Agriculture and 281 7.., 282 Fisheries)


36 {Motor Car),39











{Rousing of Working Classes), a.VZ.. Sin. 245.,661 605 Sched., cl. 12 (),




42 {County Court)

344 n.

* Repealed enactments are indicated by an asterisk.


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Table of Statutes.A.D.





19077, 0.

Edw.o. B.

46 [Revenue),350, 358 .


7 811


[Australia Judiciary) No. 13 [Weitern Australia)


576 588 354 444

16 [Evidence, Colonial Statutes) 41, 433 n. 23 [Criminal Appeal) 6287, c.



7, 0. 15 [Cruelty to Children), es. 2, 29s.

27 *o. 23 [Lieemimg) s. 3 and Sohed.

593 355 245



16 [N.S. Lights)



584, 597, 601

423 n.11

560 621 600 B. 20 SB. 17, 29 384 . 36 580 351 . 8. 84 s. 87 282 8. 93 635, 572 123 . c. 33 [Municipal Elections) c. 47 [Deceased fFife's Sister). 19 ., 215 *o. 50 [Companies), m. 7, 8, 16 60 n.^.

19 [Patents, ^c.)B.






53 [Fublic Health),


12. .377 n.




16 [Trade Mark)8.8.


8 9 11



[Railway 344 n. 254 ., 282 584 619, 637, 554 620 568Building),








246 n.15










7, c. 15 [Costs in Criminal Cases), s. 6 (4) 333 . 28 [Agricultural Moldings). 3ii n. 5..' 8. 82., 24f>n. s. 48 535, 596 41 [Assizes and Sessions), a. 3 252 . 48 {Fost Office) 324 M. 83. 35, 36 281 n., 282 156 m. B. 79 8. 88 36., 416 m.

21 [Ground Game) 246 . 38 [Stat. Law Rtv. Sc.) ... .6 .,51, 313 ., 318 n.

49 [Statute3.






41 [Marine Insurance) ... .66 k. 43 [Street Betting), s. 1 545,




44 [Burials) 47 [Trade Dispute),88. 3,

559 515a. 1.


319 . 53 [Law of Distress). .250 ., 593 65 [Poisons and Pharmacy).. 688 59 [Prevention of Crim^), ." 88. 10, 19 344 . 67 [Children), s. 17 5871. . .



48 [Merchant Shipping)s.


.305 n. 599 139 .c.

8.38(2)8. s.



128 131[Companies.Consolida-

606 '593

71 570 8. 86 (1) 54 . *c. 56 [Agricultural Eolding).3ii n.c.


207 ., 324 ., 404, 406 ., 412 ., 417 m.1

68tion)B.s. 8.

[Workmen's Compensa1


612, 646

408, 618, 529, 605 512, 534, 663

26 85 88 129 137 192 211267, 268



4 13


Sched. 1 No. 22 [Straits Settlements Opium) 469 (New Zealand Shipping) ..435

245 n. 527 391 M. 627, 534 539, 595

o. B. B.B.


n. .




285 Zealand



Edw.0. u.

perty)7, c. 7.. .

605 525 580 227 . 630, 565 530, 548 526 588 620 525 Pro302

[Australian States Constitutions) .436 n., 436 n. 9 [Territorial Forces), a. 14. 60511[Britishs.

Edw.u. 9

7, u.

4 [Indian Councils).: 1


13 [Revenue),


North 432 ., 439 676



[South Africa)88. 64,


439 417 436

. . .

* Repealed enactments are indicated by an asterisk.


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Table of Statutes.A-D-






19107, 0.s.



8. 432 n. 44 {Housing and Town Planning) 29 . 88. 14, 15 561, 567 8. 16 289 ., 297 . o. 17 14 ., 289 .

106 152

9 (South Africa), 6 ., 385 .



7 & 1 Geo. 5 (Licensing Consolidation), o. 24,B. 8. s.s. s.

35 37 58 61 6575


ss. 71,8.



es. 78,


7, u.

8 (Finance), Sohed.




Geo. 5 (Licensing Consolidation), a. 24. 82 ., "203 ., 324 ., 372 n. B. 13 (4) 287 . 8. 21 245 ., 584, 59718.


c.0. c.


180 .

82 94 s. 110 Sched. 3 684, 601 Sched. 6 514 26 (Children) 587 35 (Finance), a. 2 582 36 (Expiring Laws Continuance) 70 ., 365 .s. o.

3o8., 627 98 . 518 565 465 ., 586 693 470., 594 594 550 646 568

* Repealed enactments are indicated by an asterisk.



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Objects of work Method adopted to index rules and avoid theory Text-books on the subject..


Importance of subject due(1) to necessity of


ing the rules.(2) to difference of rules for

construction of British statutes from those relating to other instru-



(a) Scots



Introductory.tain judicial dicta of the greatest weight and pertinence. As a general rule (e) a case is not cited without either quoting a dictum for it, or stating shortly the point deoidfed: for it has been deemed better, in deference to judicial opinion, to seek authority at its source in actual decisions, since, as was said by Lord Hatherley in Oarnett v. Bradley (1878), 3 App. Gas. 944, 950: " Instead of takiag the law as stated by a textwriter as toi repeal by implication," a judge prefers " taking the law as it is laid down in a well-known case, which gave rise to a considerable amount of discussion."] 2. [" There are two very clear divisions into which law-books may be divided namely, into those which treat of the theory of a certain subject, and those which contain the actual positive rules in force," deduced from statutes and case law. The present treatise proffeses to come under the second category, being designed for the us of those readers, be they students or

This treatise not theoretical, but mere index of rules.

who wish to know the rules by which statutes are and the effect which statutes produce upon persons and things in general, and to provide for them a kind of index by means of which they may readily find the rule or dictumpractitioners,


required.]Text-books on the subject.




[Although it is a matter of every -day importance that the which regulate the interpretation of statutes should be as



widely known as possible, it is not always easy to ascertain rules are. It seems strange, considering the multiplicity of law books, that until recent years, little has been written on this particular subject. Comyns, Viner, and Matthew Bacon, in their well-known digests and abridgments of the laws of England, have collected together (Com. Dig. tit. Parliament, B.., and Bacon's Abr. tit. Statute) the principal rules on the subject which are to be found in Coke's InstiBut tutes, and in the older reports, more especially Plowden. neither these collections of rules nor the treatise most generally recognised as the best authority on the subject, Dwarris on Statutes (d) can be said to have dealt completely with the

what those


Since the first edition of this work was begun, two English law-books of high merit on the Interpretation of Statutes have been published by Sir P. B. Maxwell (e), and Master Wilberforce, aJid also the valuable Judicial Dictionary of Mr. Stroud (/), which is not primarily concerned with statutes, but(c) [This rule is not observed in the chapter on the Commencement and Duration of the EfEect of Statutes, Part II. chap. vi. The decisions on this branch of the subject turn so much upon the wording of the particular statute under consideration, that it appeared desirable to iuolude a list of cases, which might possibly be in point when the question arises upon some future occasion.] (d) 2nd edit, published in 1848. (e) See 4th edit, by Theobald, 1905. 2nd edit. 1903. A Supplement (Volume IV.) was issued (/) Ist edit. 1890;

in 1908.


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Text-books on the Subject.



a valuable epitome of judicial interpretations of statutory terms. Besides these fecial works the indices to the various series of law reports now include, under the head Words, the judicial definitions of legal terms. Thus, by the industry of many workers, are being laid the foundations of a lexicon to the statute law of this country. [The interpretation of statutes has been ably treated in America by the late Mr. Theodore Sedgwick (g). The object of his treatise is "to explain the technical terminology that belongs to them (constitutional and statute law), to give their classification, describe their incidents, and finally to define the mode of their application; to declare the rules of interpretation by which they are, in cases of doubt, to be expounded, and to illustrate these rules by the light of adjudged cases " (h). His treatise has been of the greatest assistance in the preparation of the present work, and is often quoted from, for " the rules governing the application of statutes may, as a general proposition, be considered the same in both countries " ('). But the head of constitutional law is peculiar to American jurisprudence] and to the jurisprudence of those parts of the King's dominions which, like Canada and Australia, have federal constitutions (k); [for the Legislature of the United Kingdom is unfettered by any conditions as to the laws which it may





[The importance of collecting together and succinctly

importance gf

stating the " legal rules for the interpretation of British subject due statutes " (m), arises in the first place from the fact that " the *ofknowsubjects pf this country are bound to construe rightly the mg the rules, statute law of the land; to aver in a court of justice that they


Treatise on the Rules which Govern the Interpretation and Construction (#) of Statutory and Constitutional Law : 2nd edit, by John Norton Pomeroy. {h) L. V. p. 17 ;. and see pp. 19, 20. See also pp. 173 186, where the power of the judges () Sedgwick, I. c, p. 19. interpret laws is elaborately discussed. [In United States -v. McRae (1867), 3Ch. to App. 79, 86, Lord Chelmsford said, as to an Act of Congress, the meaning of " It is not suggested that there are any words which was being discussed in the Act of Congress wSiich bear a peculiar meaning different from the ordinary one, or that the Acts of an American Legislature have a construction I do not see that there is any impediment to an English peculiar to themselves. judge with the Act of Congress before him construing it for himself, without further aid, just as he would an English Act of Parliament."] [k) There are also certain legal limitations on the law-making powers of all See legislative bodies in the British Empire other than the Imperial Parliament.



Part II. chap. is. See Dicey, Law of the Constitution (7th edit.), p. 38. (m) [" Our province," said Lord Westbury, in Williams v. Bishop of Salisbury (1863), 2 Moore, P. 0. (N. S.) 376, 424, "is to ascertain the true construction of those articles of religion according to the legal rules for the interpretation of similar phrase was adopted by Lord Blackburn in Gairdner v. statutes." Lucas (1878), 3 App. Cas. 603; "we must construe the Act," said he, " according to the legal rules of construction."] And in Fletcher v. Hudson " We must construe Acts of (1880), 5 Ex. D. 287, 293, Brett, L.J., said Parliament according to the well-recognised rules of construction."post.(I)





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^have mistakenreceive " {n).




a plea no Court


at liberty to

Another reason is, that while all British statutes " must be oonstrued on the same principles " (o), whether the objects of the statute be (like the Foreign Enlistment Act of 1819, 59 Geo. 3, c. 69) of the utmost national importance, or whether the Act be merely an Act " regulating the merest points pf practice or some such trifling matter " (o), those principles are not wholly the same as those which govern the construction either of Scotch or colonial statutes, or of other written instruments, such as wills, deeds, or parol agreements.] It may be said that the rules for the construction of all written instruments, whether of a public or private character, are almost, if not entirely, the same. Sir George Jessel (p) and Lord Bowen (g) have both expressed this view but though their opinion is valuable to correct any tendency to set up narrow distinctions, documents expressing the will of a Sovereign Legislature, and the result of political strife and compromise, can never be regarded in quite the same light as private documents, however solemnly prepared and authenti;




forconstrurtion of British statutes from

[No doubt, there are certain general principles, " on which," ^ Lord Blackburn said in Wear Uiwr Commissioners v. Adamson {1877), 2 App. Gas. 743, 763 (r), "the Courts oflaw act in construing instruments in writing, and a statute is instrument in writing. In all cases the object is to see what expressed by the words used. But, from the language, it is impossible to know what that intention is without inquiring further, and seeing what the circumstances were with reference to which the words were used, and what was the object appearing from those oircum-

to'scots OT^ ^^ is the intention colonial Acts or to oontraots imperfection of^'

In Cooper- v. [The Charlotta (1814), 1 Dods. Adm. 392, Sir W. Scott. H. L. 149, 170, Lord 'Westbm-y said " It is said Ignorantia juris haud excusat, but in that maxim the word jm is used in the sense of denoting general law, the ordinary law of the country? But when the word jus is used in the sense of denoting a private right, that maxira has no application. Private right of ownership is a matter of- fact it may be the result also of matter of law but if parties contract under a mutual mistake and misapprehension as to their relative and respective rights, the result is that that agreement is liable to be set aside as having proceeded upon a common mistake." Similarly, in Spread v. Morgm (1864), 11 H. L. 0. 688, 602, Lord "Westbury observed that this maxim wiU not be carried so far as to expect every person to know the rules of equity on a subject, for instance, like that of election. " This Court has power," said Turner, L.J., in Stone v. Godfrey (1854), 5 De G. M. & Gr. 76, 90, " to relieve against mistakes in law as well as against mistakes in fact."] On this subject see Gaslight and Coke Co. v. Metropolitan Leake, Pollock, Contracts (7th edit.), 452 Rail. Co. (1892), 9 T. L. R. 98 Contracts (6th edit.), 228. (o) Att.-Gen. v. Sillem (1863), 2 H. & C. 431, 537, Bramwell, B. He Levy (1881), 17 Oh. D. 746, 750. Ip) Pari. Pap. 1875 (No. 208), p. 88 (a) In Curtis v. Stovirt (1889), 22 Q. B. D. S13. Co. (1881), 6 App. (r) See also Caledonian Sail. Go. v. North British Mail.()

Phibbs (1867), L. R. 2







Oas. 114.


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for Construing Instruments.


stanoes which the person using them had in view." But &t the same time we find that with regard to each particular kind of written instrument there are certain special rules which govern their construction.] [The statute law of Scotland prior to the Union is not con- Scots Acts, " The strued in precisely the same way as that of England.

law of Scotland," said Lord Eldon, in Johnstone v. 8tott (1802), 4 Paton (Sc. App.), 274, 285, "admits of more depaxture from the letter of its statutes than we have any idea of in this country. We have seen that the Courts of that country superadded provisions to their statutes, and they also do not scruple to enforce their statutes at times as gently as the statutes admit of being interpreted. We see here, too, that a Scotch statute may be lost by desuetude." He also said, " The English lawyer feels himself much at a loss here: he cannot conceive at what period of time a statute can be held

when it can be held All he can do is to submit to what great authorities have declared the law of Scotland to be " (s).] With regard to colonial Acts (t), it must not be assumed that the legal effect of the terms used is the same as it would be in an English statute. In Western Counties Rail. Co. v. Anderson (1892), 8 Times L. R. 595, 597, Lindley, L.J., paid: " The plaintiff company is governed by the laws of Nova Sootia and of Canada. These laws being in the English language, this Court is, of course, competent without the assistance of Canadian lawyers to understand the meaning of the words in which these laws are expressed but the legal effect of that meaning must be ascertained from legal experts in the colonial laws, and must not be assumed to be the same as the legal effect in this country of similar language occurring inas

to be totally

commencing to grow worn out.

into desuetude, nor

Colonial Acts,





" Desue() Hereon see Bell, Diet. Law of Scotland (ed. Watson), p. 377, tit. tude " ErsHne (ISth ed.), p. 7 Smollett v. Stmtein (1730), 1 Paton, Sc. App. 26 (H. L.) ffoffganv. Wood (1890), 17 Eettie (Justiciary), 96 Earvey y. Farquhar (1872), L. R. 2 H. L. (Sc.) 19.5, note (1), as to "notour adultery," whicli, although made a capital offence by the Scots Act of 1563, u. 74, has for long not been treated as a criminal ofience. It is now repealed by the Statute Law Eevision It is improbable that any Court will (Scotland) Act, 1906 (6 Edw. 7, c. 38). hereafter hold any Soots Act to be in desuetude which has been omitted from the repeals effected by the Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act, 1906, which may fairly be regarded as the indorsement by the Legislature of the opinion of the draftsman (expressed in col. 4 of the Bill as introduced) that certain enactments are obsolete or in desuetude. See the Scots Acts Revised (ed. 1908). [t) In Trimble v. Hill (1880), 5 App. Cas. 342, 344, the Judicial Committee held that in colonies where an enactment has been passed which is similar to an English enactment, if the English enactment has been judicially interpreted by an English Court of law, the colonial Courts should govern themselves by that English judicial interpretation when called upon to construe the colonial enactment. It is not unusual in colonial Acts to insert in the margin of each enactment the English enactment on which it is modelled. For list of Indian similar rule has and colonial interpretation Acts, see post, Appendix C. been laid down in the United States as to the construction of statutes adopted or adapted from the legislation of other countries or states. Interstate Traffic ComTFhilney v. Fox (1896), mission v. Baltimore, #) This may have been originally due to uncertainty as to which of several English words accurately rendered a Latin or Norman French law term.


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Drafting by Jiidges.[a



style (*) was introduced, not only into the drafting of but also in deeds of conveyance and other legal documents, which continued in full use as late as 1861, so that " the true objection to modern statutes is rather their prolixity than their want of perspicuity" (fc).] 3. [The phraseology of Acts of Parliament has been subjected to much adverse judicial criticism, many judges having, like Lord Campbell, a keen sense of " the vast superiority of judge-made law over the crude enactments of the Legislature," and a disposition for what has been described as " drawing the fang teeth of an Act of Parliament." Sir Alexander Cockburn, in a speech at the Guildhall, March 9, 1876, described Acts of Parliament as being " more or less unintelligible, by reason of the uncouth, barbarous phraseology in which they are framed;" and he attributed this to the fact that " the work of framing them is committed to few hands, while the task is a Herculean one, far beyond the strength of the men employed properly to discharge."] Particular statutes, such as the Franchise Acts (l), the Married Women's Property Act, 1882 (to), the Divided Parishes, &c. Act, 1876 (n), the Bnis of Sale Act, 1882 (o), the Infants Belief Act, 1874 (p), and certain parts of the County Courts Act, 1888 (q), have brought judicial execration on the conjoint efforts of the draftsman and the Legislature. In Thomas v. Kelly (1888), 13 App. Cas. 506, 517, Lord Macnaghten said: " To say that the Bills of Sale Act (1878) Amendment Act, 1882, is well drawn, or that its meaning is reasonably clear, would be to affirm a proposition to which I think few lawyers would subscribe, and which seems to be contradicted by the mass of litigation which the Act has produced, and is producing every day. For my own part, the more I have occasion to study the Act the more convinced I am that it is beset with difficulties which can only be removed by legislation. At the same time I cannot help thinking that some of the puzzles which were presented in the course of the argument disappear if the scope of the Act is steadily kept in view." In speaking of one of the private Acts of the New River Co. (15 & 16 Vict. c. clx.),[" remarkable oiroumstanee of the statutes of Henry VIII. is the pro()') (Eeeves' History of English Law, by digious length to which they ran." Ffalason, vol. iii. p. 426.)] (A) Barrington, Observations on Statutes (3rd edit.), 175. Knill v. Towae (?) Bradley v. Baylis (1881), 8 Q. B. B. 210, 235, Brett, L.J.;



itioism of




46 Vict.


Q. B. D. 186, 195, Mathew, J. see 4 Law[m] Bx parte Boyd (1888), 21 Q. B. D. 264, Esher, M.B. Quarterly Review, 234 6 ib. 313. () 6 Law Quarterly Review, 118. see 4 Law Quarterly (o) Ex parte Yarrow (1889), 69 L. J. Q. B. 20, Cave, J. Review, 370. Pollock on Contracts (p) Duncan v. Dixon (1890), 43 Ch. D. 211, 216;(1889), 2;;


(7th edit.), 63. (o) Bazett v.(1889), 22

Morgan (1889), 24 Q. B. D. 48, Q. B. D. 513, 618, Fry, L.J.

61, Field, J.


Curtis v. Stovin


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The thafting of




58 Vict.


Lord Herschell said (/): " It has been my lot to attempt to construe many Acts of Parliament which were obscurely worded, but I do not think I ever met with- one upon which it was more impossible to put a satisfactory construction than the If statute with which we have, to deal in the present ease. the object had been to render it as difficult of construction as possible, success could hardly have been more complete." Lord Fitzgerald said of the same Act, at p. 703: " It might almost be said to be the result of malicious ingenuity if it had not been probably that the Bill was submitted to a Select Committee, and we may take the contradictions in it as resulting from some effort at compromise in the course of the deliberations of the committee." And Lord Maonaghten called it, at p. 704, a " curiously ill-drawn enactment." And in Earl Cowley V. Inland Revenue Commissioners, (1899) A. C. 190, 211, Lord Macnaghten, speaking of the Finance Act, 1894, said, " the other provisions of the Act which were dragged into the discussion, rather unnecessarily, as it seems to me, are strangely expressed and singularly ill-drawn. But still I do not think that the Act is wholly to blame for the perplexity in which the learned judges below found themselves entangled. They left the broad highway for a narrow bypath, which led in a wrong direction, and presented difficulties which increased at every step." [In 1877, in his Digest of the Criminal Law, Introduction, p. xix., Sir James Stephen complained of the phraseology of statutes: " The style of the [Criminal Law Consolidation] Actsno less unfavourable to those who might wish to derive information from them than their length and their arrangement. Acts of Parliament are formed upon the model of deeds, and both deeds and statutes were originally drawn up under the impression that it was necessary that the whole should form oneis

It is only by virtue of the provision contained in 14 Vict. c. 21, s. 2 (s), that a full stop can be introduced The effect of this rule of into an Act of Parliament at all {t) style has been to cause the sections of an Act of Parliament to





consist of single sentences of

enormous length, drawn

up, not

with a view to communicating information easily to the reader, but to preventing a person bent upon doing so from wilfully misunderstanding them. The consequence is, that sections of Acts of Parliament frequently form sentences of jbhirty, forty, or fifty lines in length. And the length of these sentences is(r)(s)

In CookY. New River Co. (1889), 14 App. Cas. 698. Enacting that Acts are to be divided into separate sections


repealed by

the Interpretation Act, 1889 (62 re-enacted in the same terms.


53 Vict.

c. 63, post,

Appendix C), and not

(t) [In Barrow v. Wadkin (1857), 24 Beav. 330, Romilly, M.E., pointed out that "in the rolls of Parliament the words are never punctuated."] But in the vellum prints substituted for the old Parliament Rolls it is common, if not now invariable, to insert the stops.


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Judicial Criticisms.


only one of the objections to them; they are as ill-arranged as they are lengthy" (m).] " The criminal law exhibits, in perhaps a somewhat exaggerated form, all the characteristic defects of the English statute law, because of the very great number and dispersion of the enactments constituting crimes, the almost total absence of definitions explaining the scope of the enactments, and to some extent specimens of all the vices of drafting that have been known from the beginning of English history" (a;). In speaking of sects. 14, 15 of the Offences against the Person Act, 1861, Stephen, J., said in B. v. Broivn (1882), 24&2oVict. 10 Q. B. D. 381, at p. 387: " I cannot help myself thinking - i""that a very much simpler enactment would have suited every purpose, and would have dispensed with these very intricatesections " {y) In B. V. Biley, (1896) 1 Q. B. 309, it became necessary to determine the meaning of the word " instrument " in sect. 38

of the Forgery Act, 1861. It was pointed out by Hawkins, J. 24 & 26 Vict, '^^' (p. 314), that throughout the statute the Legislature attached no rigid, definite meaning to the word and that it was used in a variety of senses (p. 323), and Vaughan Williams, J., described the Act as a consolidating and amending Act in which " the greater part of the sections are culled from older statutes and put, as it were, on a statutory file. In construing such sections I don't think one ought to let the meaning of one section (affect the construction i