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Post on 06-May-2015




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Page 1: Culture

Starting with the name of ALLAH

Page 2: Culture

What is Culture..…?

Elements and Charachtaristic


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Definition of Culture…..? According to Herskovits: Man made part of environment is called culture. The code of ethics. According to Tylor: Culture is that complex whole which include knowledge, belive, morals, law, custom. And any other capability and habits acquired by man as a member of society According to Linton: the culture is social heredity which is transmitted from one generation to other with the accumulation of individual experience.

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Characteristics:1) Culture is learned.2) Culture is Social.3) Culture is Shared.4) Culture is Transmitive.5) Culture is Continues.6) Culture is Cumulative.7) Culture is Changing.8) Culture Varies from Society to


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Culture is Learned: culture is not inherited biologically but

learned socially by man. It is not and in born tendency. Culture is often called learned ways of behavior . Shaking hands or saying tanx and shaving and dressing, cooking etc… Is learned is culture similarly, wearing clothes, combing the hair, drinking from the glass, reading newspaper etc are all ways of behavior learned by man culturally.

Culture is Social: culture is not individual phenomena. It is product of society. it originated and through social interaction. it is shared by the member of society. no man can acquire culture without association with other human beings.For e.g: man become man only among man.

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Culture is Shared: culture is something shared it is nothing that and individual can possess.For e.g: custom, tradition, be lives, ideas, values etc are all shared by people of a group or society.

Culture is transitive: culture is capable of being transmitted from one generation to the next. Parents pass on traits to their children and they in turned and so on. culture is transmitted not through genes but by means of language. language is the man vehicle of culture. Languages makes it possible for the present generation to understand the achievements of earlier generations.

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Culture is continues: culture exists as a continues process. Culture may thus be concaved of as a kind of stream flowing down throw the centuries from one generation to another. Culture is the memory of the human race.

Culture is cumulative: culture become cumulative. It is growing hold which include in itself, the achievement of the present and past and make provision for the future achievement of man. The now culture elements are added up as the needs arise.

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Culture is changing: culture never remains static but changing. Pakistani culture is very delicate to change culture. Change occur in every society but with different speed and intervals. Culture constantly under goes change and adopts itself to the environments

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Culture varies from society to society:Every society has a culture of his own. It differs from society to society. Culture of every society is unique to itself. Culture are not uniform. Culture such as customs, tradations, morals, ideas, values, idealogies, beliefs, practices, institution etc are uniform every where.

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Elements of Cultures:1) Traits.2) Complex3) Pattern.4) Theme.5) Configuration.6) Ethos.

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1) Traits: Trait is the smallest unit of culture and we cannot think to subdivide it becouse subdivided part or unit will lose its significance in the existing cultural sittings. It is not easy to count the exact number of cultural traits in a given society. But he number of traits represents the size of cultural base. If there are many traits in a base. It will be brad base and will easily absorb changes. And if the traits are less in number the base will be smaller and will

be a rigid culture, which resist changes.

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2 Complex: when two or more then two traits are combine it called complex. The number of complex in a culture is less as compared to the cultural traits. With the complexes of culture human behavior comes complex and complicated.

3 Pattern: when two or more then two complex from combined its called pattern. Due to patterns we found uniformity in human behavior. For example, the same kind of behavior is expected from the individuals belonging to the particular age group, sex , class, occupation etc. the number of patterns in a culture is less as compared to cultural complexes.

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4) Theme: When two or more then two pattern are combined they form theme. It is the public declaration to control or encourage a given human activity. It includes both desired and undesired elements. Themes do not come unconsciously or by chance but these are the result of organized and deliberate efforts of the individuals. For example, all human being are equal in our culture.

5) Configuration: When two or more then two themes are combined they form configuration. For example, cast, marriage system etc. it is not necessary that a social institution may wholly share a single configuration.

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6) Ethos: It is the flavor or the central point of a culture. It is the philosophy or the ideology of entire culture., around which (ethos) the entire society rests. The behavior of individuals in a given culture is directly or indirectly affected

by its ethos.For example:Pakistani culture is attributed as religious.Japanese culture is cooperative.American culture is competitive.Russia culture is accommodative etc.

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