culture change to avoid catastrophe

Culture Change to Avoid Catastrophe: Lessons from the Oil Industry Ann McGregor, Technip Doug Upchurch, Insights &

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Culture Change to Avoid Catastrophe: Lessons from the Oil Industry Ann McGregor, Technip Doug Upchurch, Insights


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We want to share a story with you

It’s a True Story

About Real People

At a Global Oil Company

Seeking to Make a Change in their Culture

In Order to Avoid Catastrophe

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Changing your organization’s culture can be like turning a large ship…

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But more often it’s like turning a flotilla of boats in a new direction.

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Our Objectives

Understand key ‘tipping points’ for organizational climate and culture change and how to reach them

Use practical tools to raise organizational self-awareness and influence behavior to get results

Create an action plan to understand your business challenges and the steps we as L&D professionals can take to address them

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For the next 70+ minutes… We’re in a flotilla together.

Introduce yourself to someone in a boat beside you and share your answers to the following questions:

• Why drew you to this session?

• What is one memorable change you’ve experienced in your career so far? What made it memorable?

• Who is one person that you think will personally benefit from what you learn here today? How will they benefit?

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A Word about Organization Culture Organizational culture is the collective behavior of people that are part of an organization, it is also formed by the organization values, visions, norms, working language, systems, and symbols, it includes beliefs and habits.

It is also the pattern of such collective behaviors and assumptions that are taught to new organizational members as a way of perceiving, and even thinking and feeling.

Organizational culture affects the way people and groups interact with each other, with clients, and with stakeholders


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Climate and Culture

Climate • The current attitudes and behaviors demonstrated in

the organization Culture

• When you embed and sustain the climate, it becomes the culture

Sustained and embedded climate change creates culture change, either intentionally or unintentionally.

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Climate and Culture Change at Technip

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The Pulse Program

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Finding the balance

Video to insert here

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In the quest for more man creates the very best

What about the consequences?

We need to find the balance Social actions Environmental initiatives Evolution of laws and requirements Improvement of safety performance Alternative energy Recycling

Seeking the best for everyone

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Organisational culture

“Simply targeting the mistakes of BP’s operators and supervisors misses the underlying and significant cultural, human factors and organisational causes of the disaster that have a greater preventative impact.” (CSB Report into BP Texas City Disaster (2007), emphasis added)

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Safety Climate Survey… Value?

BP Texas City safety climate survey (months before the disaster)

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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%




p 20


% responding as line manager's first priority

Global Survey Results 2008

If your line manager were to fail in one of the following areas, which would they view as most serious?

64% of our leaders would prefer to fail in Safety over

Schedule, Budget, Reputation or Environment

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What is Pulse

The health and safety of our people is a core value and an absolute commitment

Pulse is the brand name for Technip's unique global HSE climate change programme

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HSE Climate

“If it feels right, smells right and tastes right, it’s almost surely the right thing and you will be on the

right track.” “It’s Your Ship” Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, Former

Commander, USS Benfold

“Workforce perceptions about the way managers enact safety policy and practices.”

Zohar, Flin, Griffin, Neale et al, 2000s

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Technip Group HSE


People • HR Planning • Competencies

Assets • Vessels /Plants • Equipment • ROV’s • Dive Systems

Systems • Internal • Commercial • Supply Chain

Performance • Reliability • Benchmarking • Management

Culture • Leadership • Communication • Behaviour



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Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport

with culture and education.

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Pulse Overview

Vision Pulse Value for Life HSE values embedded & demonstrated by all

Impact ALL to create an HSE climate of Performance Excellence

Tailored components for effective engagement of all personnel:

Pulse Safety Climate Survey Pulse HSE Leadership Pulse Recharge for Leaders Pulse HSE Leadership for Engineers Pulse Manager & Supervisor training Pulse Articulus Pulse for the Workforce Pulse Coaches

Leadership and Communication

Pulse Menu


Focus Areas

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A Common Language for Communication

Step 4: Take Action

Step 3: Adapt and Connect

Step 2: Understand Others

Step 1: Understand Self

© Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland, 2006. All rights reserved. INSIGHTS, INSIGHTS DISCOVERY and INSIGHTS WHEEL are registered Trade Marks.

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Let’s find out a little more about our flotilla!

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concise challenging





firm factual




















amenable persuasive



diplomatic logical








mobile friendly stable




loyal calm







Circle the words that you would say most accurately describe you.

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The Four Insights Discovery Colour Energies

• We are never just one color

• We have a combination of all 4 Insights Discovery Color Energies within us

Competitive Demanding Determined Strong-willed Purposeful Sociable Dynamic Demonstrative Enthusiastic Persuasive

Caring Encouraging

Sharing Patient


Cautious Precise

Deliberate Questioning


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The meaning of communication is the feedback we receive…..

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Pulse Communication Week

Leadership by example

Communication of a globally consistent message

Connecting people and providing time for HSE engagement and discussion

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Communication is 2-Way Measurement of progress through

listening and understanding

“See the ship through the crew’s eyes” - Captain D. Michael Abrashoff

The four most important words in business “What do you think?” - Tom Peters

“Businesses that are most successful connect with everyone as an individual” - Screw Business As Usual, Richard Branson

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” - Einstein

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Transformational Leadership

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.’”

Mahatma Gandhi

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Transformational Leadership








YOU create the climate

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Cool Blue – Ensuring consistency and reliability.

Establishing strategic principles. Evaluating critical processes.

Honouring & applying personal and collective wisdom.

Earth Green – Nurturing growth.

Serving others. Establishing trust.

Demonstrating loyalty and commitment.

Sunshine Yellow – Inspiring and motivating. Injecting energy and optimism. Visioning new possibilities. Establishing effective relationships.

Fiery Red – Determining direction. Initiating key actions. Challenging constructively. Delivering key results.

Insights® Transformational Leadership

© Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland, 2006. All rights reserved. INSIGHTS, INSIGHTS DISCOVERY and INSIGHTS WHEEL are registered Trade Marks

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Personal Reflection > ACTION

HSE & Business Excellence

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Our Journey 2008 – 2011

17.500 data set

150+ qualified internal trainers

11.000+ persons participated in Pulse

Strong brand established

Impact across 46 countries 30.000 people

Internal/external visibility

Personal & project success stories

On-going Program growth & development

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Pulse is what you make it

“We cannot predict the future but we can create it”

Great By Choice – Jim Collins

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”


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Creating Culture Change in Your Organization Practical Tools and Lessons Learned

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Tipping Points in Culture Change Stage of Change Desired Positive Outcome Clarify the Change Aware Stakeholders Communicate the Change Shared Understanding Foster Acceptance Acceptance of Imminent Change Implement the Change Successful Application Sustain the Change Advocates and Champions

The key to successful culture change is

high levels of engagement.

Source: Making Change Work Ltd, Insights Vancouver

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The Tipping Points At Technip Stage of Change How it Happened at Technip Clarify the Change “I want Technip to be the Reference Company in

the industry for HSE.” – Thierry Pilenko Organization Survey

Communicate the Change Top 360 Leaders attend Inaugural Pulse Program

Foster Acceptance Involved Top 360 Leaders in creating the Change: Value Statement and Leadership Performance Standards

Implement the Change Roll out of Pulse Program to Everyone Menu of Program Options to meet all audiences

Sustain the Change Internally Branded Program with Internal Trainers, Especially Senior Team Members that are not a part of HSE Refresher Element of Each Course Coaching: Strategic and Pulse@Work Coaches

Source: Making Change Work Ltd, Insights Vancouver

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Practical Tools for Culture Change Understanding Your Culture

• Organizational Survey with Interviews

Making it Personal and Aligning Teams and Leaders • A Common Language and Teambuilding Tools (Insights Discovery)

Creating a Strong Internal Brand • Pulse Imagery, Value Statement, Posters, etc.

Creating a Common Language for Communications • Storytelling Skills (Articulus) and Insights Discovery

Experiential Learning • Face to Face Pulse Training and Workshops

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Your Role as an L&D Leader

Create a Diverse Offering of Learning Experiences

Discover Where You Are Now

Connect with your Key Top Sponsors

Consider Your Action Plan

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What Are Your Next Steps?

Is there a Culture Change that you are needing to support in your organization?

What is one thing you can do during the next 6 weeks to help support the change?

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Your G-WAVE Action Plan Goal: What is one thing you can do during the next 6 weeks to help support your desired culture change? WHY is this step important to the culture change?


What is the specific ACTION(S) you will



Who can you ENGAGE to support you with this action?

E VISUALIZE how it will

look when you have accomplished this goal.


Share this with one of your flotilla friends!

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We hope you’ll remember our time together…

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To Create Aligned and Effective Culture Change in Your Organization

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Thank You!

Ann McGregor – Director HSE Group • [email protected]

Doug Upchurch – Strategic Consultant • [email protected] • Twitter: @insightsdoug