current ar billing process 1

Inventory inv organization of two meanings: 1. Business units, a / b / c branch, a below a1, a2 and other factories, the theme of this goal is to organize independent accounting org, org_id; 2. Inventory organizations, such as the manufacturer's warehouse, for example, a1, a2 and other factories organization_id; hr_organization_units - org_organization_definitions mtl_subinventory_ organizational unit inventory mtl_parameters - Inventory Organization parameter (useless id, the direct use of name) mtl_system_items_b - material information (ibid., application inventory organization name) mtl_secondary_inventories - Sub-Inventory Organization - mtl_item_locattions - cargo space - subinventroy_code mtl_material_transactions - (stock) material things in the table Cost mtl_transaction_accounts transaction_cost the cost of things; actual_cost calculated by the cost of the actual cost method, the main unit of measurement Existing capacity Summary history (positive and negative combined) mtl_material_transactions mtl_onhand_quantities the existing scale, organization / sub-stock / cargo space / items may be on a pick-to-FIFO summary statistics, if you set the "do not allow negative inventory", which can not be negative po Requisition header table po_requisition_headers_all

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Post on 03-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Current AR Billing Process 1

Inventory inv organization of two meanings: 1. Business units, a / b / c branch, a below a1, a2 and other factories, the theme of this goal is to organize independent accounting org, org_id; 2. Inventory organizations, such as the manufacturer's warehouse, for example, a1, a2 and other factories organization_id; 

hr_organization_units - org_organization_definitions mtl_subinventory_ organizational unit inventory mtl_parameters - Inventory Organization parameter (useless id, the direct use of name) mtl_system_items_b - material information (ibid., application inventory organization name) mtl_secondary_inventories - Sub-Inventory Organization - mtl_item_locattions - cargo space - subinventroy_code 

mtl_material_transactions - (stock) material things in the table Cost mtl_transaction_accounts transaction_cost the cost of things; actual_cost calculated by the cost of the actual cost method, the main unit of measurement 

Existing capacity Summary history (positive and negative combined) mtl_material_transactions mtl_onhand_quantities the existing scale, organization / sub-stock / cargo space / items may be on a pick-to-FIFO summary statistics, if you set the "do not allow negative inventory", which can not be negative 

po Requisition header table po_requisition_headers_all Row table po_requisition_lines_all Purchase Order po_header_all po_lines_all Purchasing Reception - Return / inter-organizational transfer / normal state are required to use this module rcv_transactions 1. Received 100 units of goods into the "to be quality," cargo space 2. To accept / reject 

Page 2: Current AR Billing Process 1

3. Stock / back There are three different states! For example: to receive 100, 80 receiving storage, 20 back, you accept the transaction 80 / 20 things to return select transaction_type, destination_type_code from rcv_transactions It can be seen the following stages: a1.receive - receiving a2.accept - receiving a3.deliery - invetory (amount of stock available) 

If the normal mode, the final trigger generation mtl_material_transactions 

Sales Order oe_order_headers_all sold_from_org_id sold_to_org_id is the client tier ship_from_org_id ship_to_org_id is the customer receiving layer invoice_to_org_id is the customer received single deliver_to_org_id And the customer structure of Customer ra_customers Customer address ra_addresses goods arrived in site ra_site_uses_all address address the invoice to arrive site oe_order_lines_all 

gl certificate gl_je_batches Certificate Date: default_effective_date Accounting period: default_period_name The original certificate approved lenders currency summary: running_total_dr / cr such as U.S. dollars Currency certificates approved lenders summary: running_total_accounted_dr / cr 

gl_je_headers journal header Lot: je_batch_id Accounting period: period_name Currency: currency_code Rate Type: currency_conversion_type Exchange Rate Date: currency_conversion_date Set of books: set_of_books_id reference gl_sets_of_books Document Type: je_category reference gl_je_sources Certificate Source: je_source 

gl_je_lines journal body information 

Page 3: Current AR Billing Process 1

code_combination_id subject combination code 

gl_balances general ledger balance period_net_dr / cr net begin_balance_dr / cr at the beginning places 

ar invoice receivable ra_customer_trx_all     customer_trx_id invoice number     bill_to_site_use_id Customer Bill To Number     primary_sales_id Seller oracle provides an external reference is the number input box, but due to versioning issues and length (<= 30), does not recommend users to use, if you want to use an external number, use the Descriptive Flexfield 

ra_customer_trx_lines_all     line_id line number     inventory_item_id can be empty, such as non-material services, only appear in the description / tax row     description     quantity_invoice Billing Number     line_type line type (general / tax)     extend_price the amount the Bank Note: The tax line is hidden lines, so at least there will be two lines 

Collections ar_cash_receipts_all (also includes non-payment information)     cash_receipt_id internal code     receipt_number Collection No.     Collection date receipt_date     Total amount     receipt_type Cash / Miscellaneous cash / misc     functional_amount stoichiometric amount of currency    ui for the receipts    Write-off relationship is not one to one, nor is it a write off 100%, ui application button on the lower right    ar_receivable_applications_all     applied_customer_trx_id invoice number     applied_customer_trx_line_id Invoice Line Number 

    status app that write-off / unapp indicates that no write-off         amount_applied match the amount of     Note: red red collection plan period of time the problem statement; to be associated check ar_cash_receipts_all and ar_cash_receipt_history_all 


Page 4: Current AR Billing Process 1

Accounts payable (which is our personnel in accordance with the supplier invoice information into the paper) ui on the invoice ap_invoices_all 

Payment of actual payment ap_checks_all 

Write-off relationship with the ar, the payment button on the lower right ap_invoice_payments_all customer balances, the situation is more complex: for example, merging two users, accounts payable balance, advances 

Asset information fa_additions Asset classes fa_categories 

Asset book fa_book_controls What is the relationship and the accounting books? fa_books The inquiry ui mothed is the depreciation method (straight-line method / output method) 

fa_distribution_history distribution of assignment, to any number of departments location_id sector joint investigation fa_locations 

Depreciation information (allocation method) fa_deprn_detail period_counter depreciation period number 

Depreciation Affairs (new, renewal, transfer, retirement) fa_transaction_headers 

select fnd_profile.value ('org_id') from dual select * from hr_operating_units hou where hou.organization_id = 204 - Fnd select * from fnd_application select * from fnd_application_tl where application_id = 101 select * from fnd_application_vl where application_id = 101 ---- Value Set select * from fnd_flex_value_sets select * from fnd_flex_values select * from fnd_flex_values_vl ---- Flexfield select * from fnd_id_flexs select * from fnd_id_flex_structures where id_flex_code = 'gl #' select * from fnd_id_flex_segments where id_flex_code = 'gl #' and id_flex_num = 50671 

Page 5: Current AR Billing Process 1

select * from fnd_profile_options_vl select * from fnd_concurrent_programs PROGRAMME select * from fnd_concurrent_requests Request Form select * from fnd_concurrent_processes process table 

- Inv select * from org_organization_definitions Inventory Organization select * from mtl_parameters tissue parameters select * from mtl_system_items_b where inventory_item_id = 171 and organization_id = 204 BOM select * from mtl_secondary_inventories subinventory select * from mtl_item_locations Locator select * from mtl_lot_numbers batch select * from mtl_onhand_quantities existing scale select * from mtl_serial_numbers sequence select * from mtl_material_transactions material transaction records select * from mtl_transaction_accounts accounting entries select * from mtl_transaction_types transaction type select * from mtl_txn_source_types transaction source type select * from mfg_lookups ml where ml.lookup_type = 'mtl_transaction_action' 

- Po select * from po_requisition_headers_all request header select * from po_requisition_lines_all request line select * from po_headers_all order header select * from po_lines_all Order Line select * from po_line_locations_all select * from po_distributions_all distribution select * from po_releases_all Send select * from rcv_shipment_headers procurement receiver select * from rcv_shipment_lines receiving bank purchase select * from rcv_transactions receiving transaction select * from po_agents select * from po_vendors Order select * from po_vendor_sites_all 

- Oe select * from ra_customers customers select * from ra_addresses_all Address select * from ra_site_uses_all Users 

select * from oe_order_headers_all sales head select * from oe_order_lines_all sales line 

select * from wsh_new_deliveries Send select * from wsh_delivery_details 

Page 6: Current AR Billing Process 1

select * from wsh_delivery_assignments 

- Gl select * from gl_sets_of_books Ledger select * from gl_code_combinations gcc where gcc.summary_flag = 'y' subject combinations select * from gl_balances account balance select * from gl_je_batches certificate awarded select * from gl_je_headers first certificate select * from gl_je_lines line certificate select * from gl_je_categories classification certificate select * from gl_je_sources evidence sources select * from gl_summary_templates Subject Summary Template select * from gl_account_hierarchies Subject Summary Templates Hierarchy 

- Ar select * from ar_batches_all transaction approved select * from ra_customer_trx_all invoice header select * from ra_customer_trx_lines_all invoice line select * from ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all invoice distribution select * from ar_cash_receipts_all receivables select * from ar_receivable_applications_all verification select * from ar_payment_schedules_all Invoice Adjustment select * from ar_adjustments_all accounting entries select * from ar_distributions_all payment plans 

- Ap select * from ap_invoices_all invoice header select * from ap_invoice_distributions_all invoice line select * from ap_payment_schedules_all payment plans select * from ap_check_stocks_all documents select * from ap_checks_all payment select * from ap_bank_branches Bank select * from ap_bank_accounts_all bank account select * from ap_invoice_payments_all verification 

SELECT AR.customer_number, AR.customer_name, NVL (SUM (AR.entered_dr), 0) entered_dr, NVL (SUM (AR.entered_cr), 0) entered_cr, NVL (SUM (AR.accounted_dr), 0) accounted_dr, NVL (SUM (AR.accounted_cr), 0) accounted_cr, AR.TYPE FROM (-- Debit Memo SELECT ct.bill_to_customer_id, rc.customer_number, rc.customer_name,

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ct.trx_number original_trx_number, NULL apply_trx_number, ctlg.gl_date, ctlg.account_class, gc.segment4 ACCOUNT, ct.attribute1 commercial_number, ct.ct_reference sales_order, TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class, 'REC', DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, NULL, NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, -NVL (ctlg.amount, 0), NULL))) entered_dr, TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class, 'REC', DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, -NVL (ctlg.amount, 0), NULL), DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, NULL, NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)))) entered_cr, TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class, 'REC', DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, NULL, NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0)), DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, -NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0), NULL))) accounted_dr, TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class, 'REC', DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, -NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0), NULL), DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, NULL, NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0)))) accounted_cr, 'DM' TYPE FROM ar.ra_customer_trx_all ct, ar.ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all ctlg, gl.gl_code_combinations gc, apps.ra_customers rc WHERE ct.set_of_books_id = 63 AND ct.customer_trx_id = ctlg.customer_trx_id AND gc.code_combination_id = ctlg.code_combination_id

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AND ctlg.account_class = 'REC' AND rc.customer_id = ct.bill_to_customer_id AND EXISTS (SELECT 'True' FROM apps.ra_cust_trx_types_all rctt WHERE rctt.org_id = 211 AND rctt.end_date IS NULL AND rctt.TYPE IN ('DM') AND rctt.cust_trx_type_id = ct.cust_trx_type_id) AND gc.segment4 = '13110 ' -- AND TO_CHAR (ctlg.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM') BETWEEN '& START_GL_DATE' AND -- '& END_GL_DATE' UNION ALL --Invoice SELECT ct.bill_to_customer_id, rc.customer_number, rc.customer_name, ct.trx_number original_trx_number, NULL apply_trx_number, ctlg.gl_date, ctlg.account_class, gc.segment4 ACCOUNT, ct.attribute1 commercial_number, ct.ct_reference sales_order, TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class, 'REC', DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, NULL, NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, -NVL (ctlg.amount, 0), NULL))) entered_dr, TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class, 'REC', DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, -NVL (ctlg.amount, 0), NULL), DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, NULL, NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)))) entered_cr, TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class, 'REC', DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, NULL, NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0)), DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, -NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0), NULL))) accounted_dr, TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class,

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'REC', DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, -NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0), NULL), DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, NULL, NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0)))) accounted_cr, 'INV' TYPE FROM ar.ra_customer_trx_all ct, ar.ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all ctlg, gl.gl_code_combinations gc, apps.ra_customers rc WHERE ct.set_of_books_id = 63 AND ct.customer_trx_id = ctlg.customer_trx_id AND gc.code_combination_id = ctlg.code_combination_id AND ctlg.account_class = 'REC' AND rc.customer_id = ct.bill_to_customer_id AND EXISTS (SELECT 'True' FROM apps.ra_cust_trx_types_all rctt WHERE rctt.org_id = 211 AND rctt.end_date IS NULL AND rctt.TYPE IN ('INV') AND rctt.cust_trx_type_id = ct.cust_trx_type_id) AND gc.segment4 = '13110 ' -- AND TO_CHAR (ctlg.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM') BETWEEN '& START_GL_DATE' AND -- '& END_GL_DATE' UNION ALL --Credit Memo SELECT ct.bill_to_customer_id, rc.customer_number, rc.customer_name, ct.trx_number original_trx_number, NULL apply_trx_number, ctlg.gl_date, ctlg.account_class, gc.segment4 ACCOUNT, ct.attribute1 commercial_number, ct.ct_reference sales_order, TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class, 'REC', DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, NULL, NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, -NVL (ctlg.amount, 0), NULL))) entered_dr, TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class, 'REC', DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1,

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-NVL (ctlg.amount, 0), NULL), DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, NULL, NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)))) entered_cr, TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class, 'REC', DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, NULL, NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0)), DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, -NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0), NULL))) accounted_dr, TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class, 'REC', DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, -NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0), NULL), DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), -1, NULL, NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0)))) accounted_cr, 'CM' TYPE FROM ar.ra_customer_trx_all ct, ar.ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all ctlg, gl.gl_code_combinations gc, apps.ra_customers rc WHERE ct.set_of_books_id = 63 AND ct.customer_trx_id = ctlg.customer_trx_id AND gc.code_combination_id = ctlg.code_combination_id AND ctlg.account_class = 'REC' AND rc.customer_id = ct.bill_to_customer_id AND EXISTS (SELECT 'True' FROM apps.ra_cust_trx_types_all rctt --WHERE rctt.org_id = 211 AND rctt.end_date IS NULL AND rctt.TYPE IN ('CM') AND rctt.cust_trx_type_id = ct.cust_trx_type_id) -- AND gc.segment4 = '13110 ' -- AND TO_CHAR (ctlg.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM') BETWEEN '& START_GL_DATE' AND -- '& END_GL_DATE' UNION ALL -- Adjustment SELECT ct.bill_to_customer_id, rc.customer_number, rc.customer_name, ct.trx_number original_trx_number, adj.adjustment_number, adj.gl_date,

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dis.source_type, gc.segment4, NULL, NULL, dis.amount_dr entered_dr, dis.amount_cr entered_cr, dis.acctd_amount_dr amount_dr, dis.acctd_amount_cr amount_cr, 'ADJ' TYPE FROM ar.ar_adjustments_all adj, ar.ar_distributions_all dis, ar.ra_customer_trx_all ct, apps.ra_customers rc, gl.gl_code_combinations gc WHERE adj.set_of_books_id = 63 AND dis.source_table = 'ADJ' AND dis.source_type = 'REC' AND adj.adjustment_id = dis.source_id AND ct.customer_trx_id = adj.customer_trx_id AND ct.bill_to_customer_id = rc.customer_id AND gc.code_combination_id = dis.code_combination_id AND gc.segment4 = '13110 ' AND TO_CHAR (adj.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM') BETWEEN '& START_GL_DATE' AND '& END_GL_DATE' UNION ALL --Apply for Transactions SELECT ct.bill_to_customer_id, rc.customer_number, rc.customer_name, ct.trx_number, cr.receipt_number, rec.gl_date, dis.source_type, gc.segment4, NULL, NULL, dis.amount_dr entered_dr, dis.amount_cr entered_cr, dis.acctd_amount_dr amount_dr, dis.acctd_amount_cr amount_cr, 'APP' TYPE FROM ar.ar_distributions_all dis, ar.ar_receivable_applications_all rec, ar.ra_customer_trx_all ct, apps.ra_customers rc, gl.gl_code_combinations gc, ar.ar_cash_receipts_all cr WHERE rec.set_of_books_id = 63 AND rec.receivable_application_id = dis.source_id AND dis.source_table = 'RA' AND rec.applied_customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id AND rc.customer_id = ct.bill_to_customer_id AND gc.code_combination_id = dis.code_combination_id AND rec.application_type = 'CASH' AND rec.display = 'Y' AND cr.cash_receipt_id = rec.cash_receipt_id

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AND gc.segment4 = '13110 ' AND TO_CHAR (rec.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM') BETWEEN '& START_GL_DATE' AND '& END_GL_DATE') AR WHERE AR.TYPE IN ('INV', 'DM', 'CM', 'ADJ') GROUP BY AR.customer_number, AR.customer_name, AR.TYPE UNION ALL SELECT REC.customer_number, REC.customer_name, NVL (SUM (REC.entered_dr), 0) entered_dr, NVL (SUM (REC.entered_cr), 0) entered_cr, NVL (SUM (REC.amount_dr), 0) amount_dr, NVL (SUM (REC.amount_cr), 0) amount_cr, 'Receipts' TYPE FROM (SELECT cr.pay_from_customer customer_id, rc.customer_number, rc.customer_name, cr.receipt_number, cr.status, ct.trx_number applied_trx_number, ard.source_table, ard.source_type, ard.amount_cr entered_dr, - ard.amount_dr entered_cr, - ard.acctd_amount_cr amount_dr, - ard.acctd_amount_dr amount_cr, - gc.segment4, rec.gl_date FROM apps.ar_cash_receipts_all cr, apps.ar_receivable_applications_all rec, apps.ar_distributions_all ard, apps.ra_customers rc, apps.ra_customer_trx_all ct, gl.gl_code_combinations gc WHERE cr.set_of_books_id = 63 AND cr.cash_receipt_id = rec.cash_receipt_id AND ard.source_table = 'RA' AND rec.receivable_application_id = ard.source_id AND cr.pay_from_customer = rc.customer_id (+) AND ct.customer_trx_id (+) = rec.applied_customer_trx_id AND gc.code_combination_id = ard.code_combination_id AND TO_CHAR (rec.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM') BETWEEN '& START_GL_DATE' AND '& END_GL_DATE' UNION ALL SELECT cr.pay_from_customer customer_id, rc.customer_number, rc.customer_name, cr.receipt_number, cr.status, NULL trx_number, ard.source_table, ard.source_type, ard.amount_cr entered_dr, ard.amount_dr entered_cr, ard.acctd_amount_cr amount_dr, ard.acctd_amount_dr amount_cr,

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gc.segment4, crh.gl_date FROM apps.ar_cash_receipts_all cr, apps.ar_cash_receipt_history_all crh, apps.ar_distributions_all ard, apps.ra_customers rc, gl.gl_code_combinations gc WHERE cr.set_of_books_id = 63 AND cr.cash_receipt_id = crh.cash_receipt_id AND crh.cash_receipt_history_id = ard.source_id AND ard.source_table = 'CRH' AND cr.pay_from_customer = rc.customer_id (+) AND gc.code_combination_id = ard.code_combination_id AND TO_CHAR (crh.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM') BETWEEN '& START_GL_DATE' AND '& END_GL_DATE') rec WHERE REC.source_type IN ('REMITTANCE', 'CONFIRMATION') -- The above debit / credit swaps, the main subject when taking a bank, so to be converted into a collection subjects. GROUP BY REC.customer_number, REC.customer_name, 'Receipts'

Charges did not talk much to say, serve. 

SELECT AR.customer_number,        AR.customer_name,        NVL (SUM (AR.entered_dr), 0) entered_dr,        NVL (SUM (AR.entered_cr), 0) entered_cr,        NVL (SUM (AR.accounted_dr), 0) accounted_dr,        NVL (SUM (AR.accounted_cr), 0) accounted_cr,        AR.TYPE   FROM (- Debit Memo         SELECT ct.bill_to_customer_id,                 rc.customer_number,                 rc.customer_name,                 ct.trx_number original_trx_number,                 NULL apply_trx_number,                 ctlg.gl_date,                 ctlg.account_class,                 gc.segment4 ACCOUNT,                 ct.attribute1 commercial_number,                 ct.ct_reference sales_order,                 TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class,                                  'REC',                                  DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                         -1,                                         NULL,                                         NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                  DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                         -1, 

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                                        -NVL (ctlg.amount, 0),                                         NULL))) entered_dr,                 TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class,                                  'REC',                                  DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                         -1,                                         -NVL (ctlg.amount, 0),                                         NULL),                                  DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                         -1,                                         NULL,                                         NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)))) entered_cr,                 TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class,                                  'REC',                                  DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                         -1,                                         NULL,                                         NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0)),                                  DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                         -1,                                         -NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0),                                         NULL))) accounted_dr,                 TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class,                                  'REC',                                  DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                         -1,                                         -NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0),                                         NULL),                                  DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                         -1,                                         NULL,                                         NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0)))) accounted_cr,                 'DM' TYPE           FROM ar.ra_customer_trx_all ct,                 ar.ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all ctlg,                 gl.gl_code_combinations gc,                 apps.ra_customers rc          WHERE ct.set_of_books_id = 63            AND ct.customer_trx_id = ctlg.customer_trx_id            AND gc.code_combination_id = ctlg.code_combination_id            AND ctlg.account_class = 'REC'            AND rc.customer_id = ct.bill_to_customer_id            AND EXISTS          (SELECT 'True'                   FROM apps.ra_cust_trx_types_all rctt                  WHERE rctt.org_id = 211 

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                   AND rctt.end_date IS NULL                    AND rctt.TYPE IN ('DM')                    AND rctt.cust_trx_type_id = ct.cust_trx_type_id)            AND gc.segment4 = '13110 '            AND TO_CHAR (ctlg.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM') BETWEEN '& START_GL_DATE' AND                '& END_GL_DATE'         UNION ALL         - Invoice         SELECT ct.bill_to_customer_id,                rc.customer_number,                rc.customer_name,                ct.trx_number original_trx_number,                NULL apply_trx_number,                ctlg.gl_date,                ctlg.account_class,                gc.segment4 ACCOUNT,                ct.attribute1 commercial_number,                ct.ct_reference sales_order,                TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class,                                 'REC',                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        NULL,                                        NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        -NVL (ctlg.amount, 0),                                        NULL))) entered_dr,                TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class,                                 'REC',                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        -NVL (ctlg.amount, 0),                                        NULL),                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        NULL,                                        NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)))) entered_cr,                TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class,                                 'REC',                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        NULL,                                        NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0)),                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)), 

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                                       -1,                                        -NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0),                                        NULL))) accounted_dr,                TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class,                                 'REC',                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        -NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0),                                        NULL),                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        NULL,                                        NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0)))) accounted_cr,                'INV' TYPE           FROM ar.ra_customer_trx_all ct,                ar.ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all ctlg,                gl.gl_code_combinations gc,                apps.ra_customers rc          WHERE ct.set_of_books_id = 63            AND ct.customer_trx_id = ctlg.customer_trx_id            AND gc.code_combination_id = ctlg.code_combination_id            AND ctlg.account_class = 'REC'            AND rc.customer_id = ct.bill_to_customer_id            AND EXISTS          (SELECT 'True'                   FROM apps.ra_cust_trx_types_all rctt                  WHERE rctt.org_id = 211                    AND rctt.end_date IS NULL                    AND rctt.TYPE IN ('INV')                    AND rctt.cust_trx_type_id = ct.cust_trx_type_id)            AND gc.segment4 = '13110 '            AND TO_CHAR (ctlg.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM') BETWEEN '& START_GL_DATE' AND                '& END_GL_DATE'         UNION ALL         - Credit Memo         SELECT ct.bill_to_customer_id,                rc.customer_number,                rc.customer_name,                ct.trx_number original_trx_number,                NULL apply_trx_number,                ctlg.gl_date,                ctlg.account_class,                gc.segment4 ACCOUNT,                ct.attribute1 commercial_number,                ct.ct_reference sales_order, 

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               TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class,                                 'REC',                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        NULL,                                        NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        -NVL (ctlg.amount, 0),                                        NULL))) entered_dr,                TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class,                                 'REC',                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        -NVL (ctlg.amount, 0),                                        NULL),                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        NULL,                                        NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)))) entered_cr,                TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class,                                 'REC',                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        NULL,                                        NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0)),                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        -NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0),                                        NULL))) accounted_dr,                TO_NUMBER (DECODE (ctlg.account_class,                                 'REC',                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        -NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0),                                        NULL),                                 DECODE (SIGN (NVL (ctlg.amount, 0)),                                        -1,                                        NULL,                                        NVL (ctlg.acctd_amount, 0)))) accounted_cr,                'CM' TYPE           FROM ar.ra_customer_trx_all ct,                ar.ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all ctlg,                gl.gl_code_combinations gc,                apps.ra_customers rc          WHERE ct.set_of_books_id = 63 

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           AND ct.customer_trx_id = ctlg.customer_trx_id            AND gc.code_combination_id = ctlg.code_combination_id            AND ctlg.account_class = 'REC'            AND rc.customer_id = ct.bill_to_customer_id            AND EXISTS          (SELECT 'True'                   FROM apps.ra_cust_trx_types_all rctt                  WHERE rctt.org_id = 211                    AND rctt.end_date IS NULL                    AND rctt.TYPE IN ('CM')                    AND rctt.cust_trx_type_id = ct.cust_trx_type_id)            AND gc.segment4 = '13110 '            AND TO_CHAR (ctlg.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM') BETWEEN '& START_GL_DATE' AND                '& END_GL_DATE'         UNION ALL         - Adjustment         SELECT ct.bill_to_customer_id,                rc.customer_number,                rc.customer_name,                ct.trx_number original_trx_number,                adj.adjustment_number,                adj.gl_date,                dis.source_type,                gc.segment4,                NULL,                NULL,                dis.amount_dr entered_dr,                dis.amount_cr entered_cr,                dis.acctd_amount_dr amount_dr,                dis.acctd_amount_cr amount_cr,                'ADJ' TYPE           FROM ar.ar_adjustments_all adj,                ar.ar_distributions_all dis,                ar.ra_customer_trx_all ct,                apps.ra_customers rc,                gl.gl_code_combinations gc          WHERE adj.set_of_books_id = 63            AND dis.source_table = 'ADJ'            AND dis.source_type = 'REC'            AND adj.adjustment_id = dis.source_id            AND ct.customer_trx_id = adj.customer_trx_id            AND ct.bill_to_customer_id = rc.customer_id            AND gc.code_combination_id = dis.code_combination_id            AND gc.segment4 = '13110 '            AND TO_CHAR (adj.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM') BETWEEN '&

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START_GL_DATE' AND                '& END_GL_DATE'         UNION ALL         - Apply for Transactions         SELECT ct.bill_to_customer_id,                rc.customer_number,                rc.customer_name,                ct.trx_number,                cr.receipt_number,                rec.gl_date,                dis.source_type,                gc.segment4,                NULL,                NULL,                dis.amount_dr entered_dr,                dis.amount_cr entered_cr,                dis.acctd_amount_dr amount_dr,                dis.acctd_amount_cr amount_cr,                'APP' TYPE           FROM ar.ar_distributions_all dis,                ar.ar_receivable_applications_all rec,                ar.ra_customer_trx_all ct,                apps.ra_customers rc,                gl.gl_code_combinations gc,                ar.ar_cash_receipts_all cr          WHERE rec.set_of_books_id = 63            AND rec.receivable_application_id = dis.source_id            AND dis.source_table = 'RA'            AND rec.applied_customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id            AND rc.customer_id = ct.bill_to_customer_id            AND gc.code_combination_id = dis.code_combination_id            AND rec.application_type = 'CASH'            AND rec.display = 'Y'            AND cr.cash_receipt_id = rec.cash_receipt_id            AND gc.segment4 = '13110 '            AND TO_CHAR (rec.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM') BETWEEN '& START_GL_DATE' AND                '& END_GL_DATE') AR - WHERE AR.TYPE IN ('INV', 'DM', 'CM', 'ADJ') GROUP BY AR.customer_number, AR.customer_name, AR.TYPE UNION ALL SELECT REC.customer_number,        REC.customer_name,        NVL (SUM (REC.entered_dr), 0) entered_dr,        NVL (SUM (REC.entered_cr), 0) entered_cr,        NVL (SUM (REC.amount_dr), 0) amount_dr, 

Page 20: Current AR Billing Process 1

       NVL (SUM (REC.amount_cr), 0) amount_cr,        'Receipts' TYPE   FROM (SELECT cr.pay_from_customer customer_id,                rc.customer_number,                rc.customer_name,                cr.receipt_number,                cr.status,                ct.trx_number applied_trx_number,                ard.source_table,                ard.source_type,                ard.amount_cr entered_dr, -                ard.amount_dr entered_cr, -                ard.acctd_amount_cr amount_dr, -                ard.acctd_amount_dr amount_cr, -                gc.segment4,                rec.gl_date           FROM apps.ar_cash_receipts_all cr,                apps.ar_receivable_applications_all rec,                apps.ar_distributions_all ard,                apps.ra_customers rc,                apps.ra_customer_trx_all ct,                gl.gl_code_combinations gc          WHERE cr.set_of_books_id = 63            AND cr.cash_receipt_id = rec.cash_receipt_id            AND ard.source_table = 'RA'            AND rec.receivable_application_id = ard.source_id            AND cr.pay_from_customer = rc.customer_id (+)            AND ct.customer_trx_id (+) = rec.applied_customer_trx_id            AND gc.code_combination_id = ard.code_combination_id            AND TO_CHAR (rec.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM') BETWEEN '& START_GL_DATE' AND                '& END_GL_DATE'         UNION ALL         SELECT cr.pay_from_customer customer_id,                rc.customer_number,                rc.customer_name,                cr.receipt_number,                cr.status,                NULL trx_number,                ard.source_table,                ard.source_type,                ard.amount_cr entered_dr, -                ard.amount_dr entered_cr, -                ard.acctd_amount_cr amount_dr, -                ard.acctd_amount_dr amount_cr, -                gc.segment4, 

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               crh.gl_date           FROM apps.ar_cash_receipts_all cr,                apps.ar_cash_receipt_history_all crh,                apps.ar_distributions_all ard,                apps.ra_customers rc,                gl.gl_code_combinations gc          WHERE cr.set_of_books_id = 63            AND cr.cash_receipt_id = crh.cash_receipt_id            AND crh.cash_receipt_history_id = ard.source_id            AND ard.source_table = 'CRH'            AND cr.pay_from_customer = rc.customer_id (+)            AND gc.code_combination_id = ard.code_combination_id            AND TO_CHAR (crh.gl_date, 'YYYY-MM') BETWEEN '& START_GL_DATE' AND                '& END_GL_DATE') rec WHERE REC.source_type IN ('REMITTANCE', 'CONFIRMATION') 

- The above debit / credit swaps, the main subject when taking a bank, so to be converted into a collection subjects. 

GROUP BY REC.customer_number, REC.customer_name, 'Receipts'