daily yellowstone journal (miles city, mont.) 1888-03-07 [p ]€¦ · wvte1 w, elmesl wgan the...

WVte1 W, elmesl wgan the disaovery is ence mads than t epart from any merit of one's own a is an audience provided in adulvan iLhe eaergy of publishers and editor, sense of rteponsibihty becnmes very land with it the feeling that per. sps, even if what one writes is not -r) ,cud or ilnlpu•tant, it may am-.uiwe a ce' Hain merit through reachlinlg some one who neewl just that word. A clever woman once said that an orator must -rak with much more confideuce to an tadlence of five thious.ld than to one of a hulnd•l, because amuong the hundred *here might be no one who eared for the larticular thing he was saying, whereas atung the larger multitude tihere woul. probably be at least one. Thus the writer for any journal that circulates by -s hundred thousand may feel that there b a reader always awaiting him some. where, and who know bhut what he says may fit the precise need of that one? Now, to have one reader each week is sally a great thing when we consider how much sonic stray s•r:,p in a news- paper, iprhaps not in itw-if t•lecially wise, has occasionally ntinletieli our own lives. Nothing ecolurag.• lin more to undertake tlu-e pay),rs tildnl a r.tmark of my friend, 31r. Jamest Pal'rton, who told me that the o:ie part of lli hterary life Swlhoi- uM hull n-ss he fUIt ab., lutely certain as:', the (li.s of lalaers that he contrilit :lt I vt iLlyv urin mIta:I. Vtoea• to 1 he N w York IA ,lr. Ile r:rcl? heard fout thetmu a;:in, hie said-It seemntril de : i deal as if thvy had I ocr wriatt.1. throvn into ti: N <t it was 41n ICo u that her, li.d Lt,, •i-fy lhan- Cslf '.tat I.* had lt.ln iof snm•e rteal a nd permanot1"t u.- to sutnelb<x v. 1:1 las long carter :. :a writer.--"T. \,,. ii." in liar- per's Ihazar. Ca'cdIn; Dalry I ed Flth. Snom mikis ;.eyon,n I urnev f; !s, fromt the brow ,tf a 1.;!. we I *kd down hun. dreds of f.rt on C'r- tal la'e. a glassy abett of water r,,re ti ,i a zmii', I gth, aow all ablaze with nl-hiine. \Ve fol- lowed a .tt.•p road tl it h d below to the meadows, lgreen as lnr::l-hl ones that poets sing of, thartslirt the rt ed-tl ,tl waters to where a 'airv rt ,ntl, its low roofs trailed across oy elmcng hop ines. Just hlw the lal.t ''alps over btony ste•* a dozln feet in I igiht. :::., pours iti foanming fl ds it :o a ralpi t;eaim tih.a hurries ont to II ' creek. Thei-. mimic fall. pan il 150 ft t. andl ircl, ma:ny atiny isle of riht het -rates and llower.s. The miatrt ss of thi- dairy st.ttli ni her step* In lhi-ure Ilnnolnt.s and fr e ! 1i r ti.lies •rdis. Th.y crowd I. Ivy ln,:'e•. o;pen mnouthed and eaager. She t:IL. atlvantage of *eir hunger and drol. a I h a mong them. lIuh draws a prize vterv time and throws it into a tank to be con. veaiwent for thle frying pan. That morn' ng slhe hal hookdl twenty. "-And how do you cathi them again?" I mid, watching the pretty creatureidart to and fro in their narrow prion. "That's just what I'll show vou now, st'm going to let you folks take them atL home." And Msizing a Iple with an iron ipoint on the enl thi re-lentless wo- man spterttd her fish with every dash. iinginm it out on the wtt flour, where it wriggled and panted for a nmoonent, and when ;r liecaum quiet was carefully stowed away in a basket by 3Mrs. ('lhar- key. The lake had plenty moret. and the mistrs, Inever found any trouble catch- ing all they could losrilly use.-\Nietta Eanmes in Overland Mcnthly. A Trorublecmme Start.. Cotton is the nicst tr. .il,leb.rne sitaple d the worltl' curnlmurce. From tne hour of pickiclr until the m n.nnt it pmre " out of thef I4-un as a f.:iLln it is muwtl ti!tle of a .:lZ. II(ai1gel scs . each tIZec O fwIichi atiecrs ib rldlue 'II tilp ultiziikt. A le of cotton iv so Sei itive to hest and inoirture thlat the wecL,ht vraricw evtery finute of thi' ,lay, as on wW hfind by actual clTNriwuent. On thisi account buyers amll kt 1i.i'r are rerc.,tnt'xait tbo dn1Jtr"-s.., Lv rUcII ihr, l~re billed "weighiers," bit R o u:ut ite are ,w~Ie- thinG wlorelO than re ir l'; c i .(AidltuI or checkitii off nrveetip. On their juJgnimecit the valeIC of a slhiipmeint or c nii ir ul"net can be icrcea.2ed 'r ,thlnllmi-lhl l y sev. urai hundred dollairs, hence 1 .vories are awful to pdlace only their c:l arest head. *1ll ad mliot reliable ilcfl at the tc'ale.3 A daub of mud at ont' (trill r (;f a 1h1l* may justify rebates with one 1 aciaeC. while oin another the svhlfr~ , l rcq, n evt - tive wontl I not con')lflt tiaflv dldtluctiio' The c:(lAet. ruous ehicctI (f erxiolure to wenthi r can he estimated at a glance by a akillful n::rn. but, neverthleo"-4, the pro am of weighig is w'copllaplief by more frequent colrntcltion twn anly other part d the butliue..j. Then you niuilt remem- ber that if anyi crnked work hlas been don.". a hale' of e',tttei can lie traced all the way from tie will through a hundred hands ntinl you vi,,aiiv rcxhi Ctp 1 hinter who told it in the tirst place.-Ulubo. Demscrat. Volapuk time tad in New orleams. The stuly of Volap•k ii the current fad with New Orle:,ns l.hI,,.. It is ies- sible' that not all of til.l r (olid giru a tangibhle reason for leanung a laz:=.uago that apJlwars to Ib' a ha': i up of all others, that has no literatiii nod which nO poets. or C@3ayishs or lwtotnrs use, and which apparently (iers a rter(o of practi. ally uIeh•s ifoern:ution. It is not cer- tain that all of th,•,e ittdrents will etick "ntil they acquire the :hlagua;le. although it is lk-lietjel that a fair kn li, dge of it may la* acquired in I'q. than a half a dowen monthn. VLhuk, Lowvwr,r lakes an original fad, aln tho' htudv of it is very g.ol training, that nm:v leul to something bttter. more IIo.;ant and more fruitful of goRd.-New Urlounj Piasyune. The Mother of Napoleon. Of Mime. MIere's economic'al tendencie we havey on amusing ancdote. b-l-o was ee. rcul,•el by the emperor for not spendimng her million frannes a year. "I will apeud it." she replid, cautiously, "o Cconllitionl that you give me two." ISh lived in lurIne for over tweat -two ears greatly srlsectld by everybody. SIs c a urIou ftact taAa the mpero. dwas spoke to her In Illiian, at wrote bt her Fnaesb. Thrse is notatlltalia gr written by him to his mnather •.- , although be frsqumstly wrote i- a to Ahi es .- Mi ud Chaity l at ban. A rloalesh godeaeat (beg We caution our reeders to put res 'ince in stories about nmteors whil :ome very near those who were startled by them. We were fooled once, about thirty years ago, by one of these brilliant wanderers in apace. It passed right ovu the LitchlieIl fair grounds, apparently, and struck the earth over on C'heltatl hill. We were so fully convinced thee it buried itself in Litlitield soil that we cogitdttetl upon the advaability of goiag over to unearth the thing. "Phaw, J.e.." said the good old ftbher when we rvl.,rtld the. matter on our ar- rival hoI,'. i-t was more likely hundreds of mi'i.. away." "It can't be, father," we rel.,e;; "'II. B. Graves saw it and ,.ujd i:" ilo,,huld think it Ipa'sdl over John II. Hlllbu.ud'w house, or at least not further down than the fair grounds VWhyv, father, we heard it!" The nextt day's New York papers wena ened• our faith in our ability to cnlculate on inleLtor tdistance. The same brilliant silhtere was reiurhted by telegraph as hav- ing b1,n secn by people in Kentucky, and a few days later a wertwardl bound trans atlmtic iteauir ritoirted h.ivig seen i i .'0() iile, out aataea.-W-i'tst d (Conn.) II Iru ld. Iolni I:urop. In Three Weeks. I d:i t . c',tinent t.f Ein-,,o, in ex- actly thr,' we - *. ,i-.n .,g an, m retthan thirn da. -at thII' uiit Iit'l '..I-tiI g points. li four ni.;its I [aw .dl that I could h:, a.B'en ili ea~ht mntl,•'. 'raveling wi 1 ,iii wasl ''i' eutln i'e. arnd I haov ib•lt'il I It tha ir " at it cimt w1s I 1.. t, i, m.. . It, .. 1, if I had takten thinp L, '.' ,:[ i l+, a ,i . . hIa\' rlii ti:u, ied over i i ' . r : t ,.':.. I'.&tvelii••g on the t III;. :1i~ it ,err. a ilian natltray, goes to 't'e i'::". of lthe f.uii u, hotlel, as lhs ,t" tuil •e brief. If lie hadil time he w, 1ti hunt ui) a quiet r,.it and good tatng hig-.. a.ul ta':e in a city slowly, di- n-'k I-ur thle liu-t h'att "tith high I ' ' u s i,, a'd tothr u:ltl,''.a.*.i'ry ox. li Iu.,.,. I ,. .\•nu"ri~ n toiti-It it the bel "ne 0" :: thi il ets+ of tIi* l'lrIlleans, t:. ac.'aut of his rtajl u, Vsten i t.',,, 1i :.--t uu-reii al ti N iI in lul "l• -I Ill K'rtt. h1ow lops (".n Muake Mnaiti'v. l:u .. I .' ., . :'. , ',": . \' I l / g tting t .: .. ,: ". !., zi;.; Ih.. an iu:!l al tut t:" u. , ( i U nw fia~itlf:; 1.lik I n I .1 t waili :t hun: t~ Lie 0 i.1.."' ., ii .i j; Ai %-:V l r :a young r., a:i t I- -ita ;cf a lIl g t "I . If ha 't a I. 1.,'-r rn c IAr 1 1IML wamt a t. .i " ..t 2 nv h".: oLV f "a-- ia f.:0. I.. ,t ; L J.T, (;i .. ic is *Iht at (f Lad lb t '"' N .a i a:: ti.t work u o g; Ii ae ril I11 " 1.- ,1~,:,a i 1i ::t is bou rn u gas nn I I! iie.' l ." . i.. %V. I'id d's schcma': *"Panctu a Iun ttv 311a Iirlvity.' 1Mr. Fiaeld tIt w.t( hwvor.2 ,.f Iue. "-In- r:nLO ai 1' Iau1gt an I'tt. A Thread from Wood. An AtCi.; fL:.s ji;utWel a proce m for rr Lr" h.t1'aii tlidt cian he i-pun and d ~~~w j''o taii~icut in long ~iI $1i-.1 li;1 it 1% iat( cb.axt apart in lain 'UA bunhij". lv bA nkinag an water. It i, I., .I i..havl:iiL! by irv . or bay n~ it". .alju:a Lire Ilaenai.. Tila gives a. N, tine thradat. iand Icy lail.uag giver $4 (, a ~ 4r a- i:,v-::. i. 1l :Oaad Lxja~rleu. Ci1'.rofi"rau w21v (4lCovCIC'1 by Samtub Cu artc, of Savk,"tt ., IUtrir, N. Y., is 11,;;, anid iuzid areu ) Ly [is b g. i. .1 WIsleadlng Premontlllon. A negro woman of Pulaki. Tenn.. told her frhit id that she woull surTel die at 7 a'clock on a certain evening. Se about fifty of ta,'" ga:thered around her bed and slhouted and prayed anl ,.ung in an ecstasy of r.ligious fervor as the houT drew n'ear for the soul to take its flight. But it di ln't do it. On the ',rntrar', the woman went into an al*parIent trance, from sll ich she arnuses ,necanionally to eat a square meal.-New York Sun. Cost of Itare Orehlls. 'European flower collectors have visited all thIe countries in South America in search of rare orchids, and hduring six months of the present year $8,659 was pad for these curious pluints in one town i Venleudla.-Chicago Times. Diamond!s art found at present in five counties of ('. lifornia, as follows: Ama. dor, B3utte, El Dorado, Nro aa and Triu. he .reat .t I I '.-po 1 :orier.. maily bl, d .1.0nu 7.+ .'., '. . h, ba,:ku of E .), !.h: I. • ,I1 i • ,., I ,e.', , 1. i4 tl. feant of th, ;rt '1.. :i.t of ,~.Id deposi •;.u:t.ee- -Nw Y,,rkc •,,• AKI POWDER Absolutely Pure. ''Th powder never varesn. A mar- Yel of purnity, t t and whole- .'omene. More e•,nomleal than the ordinary kind., and canoot be sold In competition with the multitude of low lest, ebort weighbt, alum or pbhoe peute powders. lold only In oars. n-OAL BKaIGO PoWDnu Co.. 10M Wall stret, New York. INFANTILE SKIN DISEASES. Our old.lt chlel. now six years old, when an In- fatn alt mtonths old was sUteckd with a virulent, . alig .•olt skin di-.ee. %li ord nary rnt. d o. f,ililg, we clred our family brea ion, who at tm.lllted InIe ule it; butt sl pread with ail .itlncm-d- Itle r idlt., uti Ilb th .ewer r•rtion of Ithel litt e lei ow's p rtut. Irulu Ithke liede f th back down t.. hi. kiee*s, waoone solild Iash, uglyr, painful, blouchbrd anld Imlll u* We hat o reat at nlght. nei, peace by d!y Fitnal y. we serte i si d to try the it'T'TICUtI REJM).DLIa. TheiL rLrt weu eimply smarverloua. Il, three or four werks a oeeprle- cu e woa wrolght. leavling the little tellnw'sperson as whie and heallthy a thoagllll . bed never Il•ee attuacked. In my oypinl n )our valuable r•-,edile taveel his 'it ,laid to-lay hoe e a itrollg. healthy ch Id. per•ectly well. no tepeoition of the disease haviug ever occurred. .EtO. 1. 1M1ITI, Att'y at Law and Ex-Prou. itt'y, Ashland, O. Rarr NCE ; J. G. Welst, Drugglst, Aslland, U, T'tOU'IANDN OF CHIILIIDEN. Are born ln.o the world evey day with some ecue- lot..Us Rection. Sucth a milk crust, .rall h.ad .4lerl or tolantetuf. u9 ' ta devel is...e nat an ago•et g I gI Ieuml. the ilrehi g hutrnilgl slln dilaguraliotn Utr which nake hia e a prolongeld l oriurtle unlua pro erly tr sted. A warill b to with Cvtr'cveA allr,. an ecqubite" Mkin eutllfier, and s 0 tagI . Ulot•tetllu of I TI- cl't. the eer it -kan ('ltre wi ha ii lCe t'Tlt'KA ittoaLVE.NT. thel New HIll Ilunrt, r. are oftenl Pa e i' cl itl sto arrest the Ieprogrern o the' diba-e. anld point to Ieerltan st il n t .1. h cure. lie neel. tIo ta lme h h.. love- h r children. wh,, take I p s idr- their heau y pir t andl tiailth. lsth d ill snt wIIe Illau n thlelm a cht Is' greates.• tlher- tile ce,-a skin w thlllll a Ilei-j.tll. and a evly ItoU Italhei by purel blaat.-a-e ,u i4 Ilil to woke tlalofthe `(UIICl'R It MI.LIIEl. oIld everywhere. I'r.-* ('I'TICt'rA, 50 rce•t t'l"rlc'l 1HA Sutl . 21' "I t; I''II('UHA Hl' I. VEiNT, I.Ut. Prep,,. .. i'l'e'TEIK oitRU ANSD a l 'MII Aa (XI O.. opt I ll a i aia. -Srre.d for "IIHw to aer.- kin 1)leea.esp." 64 p gl.. 50 i lumtrat ontl. oad Ie e.IaatluUl Is. 'kin al '..aiV pre~ervc~ an~ l HOW Mr sIDE ACHES 1 Achin rIJid• and Back. Il p. KI nror, int t',.rine Iat'ris. h umr st tct, reit. a ,ur ag• '. I ailnd nootl it P I.. r - lhQv. em tIm u rl byIll 1 the 4 Ili. urn .1tml- PI'11n i•l.str I lhe fIrst and unly palntki.liig pl t. r .~ ,ents, SI'RIEI'I)E.TED .ATTR.ICTI0, ! OVER A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. CAPITAL PRIZE 8300,000. Louisiana tale, IttPn I'Comanv. Incorporated l y the lleg.lature in 18A. for Edllcaltllnal eand bharliahl porgo.es, and lsa f an- chie ulllb a part o the p .'l taste 'e I t ttutitIUln in 1871), by a o uverwhte ,sing ppular vote. Its Grand eMt ngle tI lInbr Draw ing take lace monlhly. nd the (irand Quarterly Dranings regularly every tlllree nlatnh March, June. aneplrem r and Dca•uwber.) "*We do hereby eertity that we supervie• the at ranements forall thb. Montlhly and Qmur'erly Drawings of te Louisiana -tate I.otve y t'utlamll and In mears l manage and control the d awing. thn.mesl[m. and that the samn are condeeted wltb hones t yl, (falnae. and in good fait lltow d all per ties, and e autborise the ('ompany to use thih e.r ificate. with Ic-.tmillies of our signatures at ta bed in ats advertisemente." ('orNtBlmelo ere. W,, t'le unrrnsigned Ban- % and Hankers will pay a! Irlse.. drawn in The l.,uisianls tate Lotterie. wl.i,! may Ir. pre,•nr*•ed at our counters. J.H 4) l.LE•IS mre. Louliana sat. Ban~k. P'ltitF. LAN.A•. Pres. ltate Nat. hank A. IIALIDaVIN, Pres. N. w Otrlenl Nat. llank ('A IL kOHNN. PrM. LUnion National Bank. GRAND QUARTERSJ DRAWINU in the Academy ol Music. New Orioans, TueLday. March 13. 181. CAPITAL PRIZE 8300,000. III4,I,1I) 'l'ilk"t l al Twrutv .) ,llIar,. .ecli. Hialver l1:; Luarterel; l'eltlhs ."; Tweltiethlic I. LisT aP PRiZs. I PRZE. OF :0I (Nr Is................... :10000to I PRIZE OF ll.,fMP i' ...................... r. 1•11( I P;i Z Ov :,I.ill tS ............. •bl,IN lN 1 P'RIZE F 5. " IY. N............... ...... 2.,iN1, 2 I' IZ R ,F loI.ll i are..................... 2•4.,en 5 I'RK Zi. IF 5•,is l.r................ ... 25.(1n 2 P,.IZE% OF 1.4" are ..................... 25000 1I10 I'KRIZE4 'IF ,I'l are ............ fA.4.,. 20 Pt l ZE ' ( 3 Arr ...................... l•5si 5t) PKIZE( OF 2' ar..................... 1,II.I, APPIolIMA'IllNP P1 liaS: 100 'rise. of I.'O) apprullmtill Ito :,Io.(t Ire,. are ............... .... 0,000 100 Prise- of 1$:O aopproz rusting to II x ol ' Prize re....................... ..... 3 ,()0 100 Prises of IJ10 approximatin to 600.O00, Prase are............................ 0,000 TISMINAI. PRIZtl 1,000 Prises of $01 decided by ...... 00,000 Prise ar . . . ...... 100.000 1,000 Prises of $100 decided by......$10l0,000 'rit a re....... ...................... 1,00Or, 3,136 i'riesl amounting to ..................... l..•1M.0(ar Foil I lub Hlats or srly further information apply to theun eriglned. Your handwrlting nmust •e ditlinct msd mlltiealure p in. More rapid return mail del'very will be ansured by your ueloleahg alu Envelope tarli Iour lull address, 'ret POY TAL ho l IM:. I.spress Money Orders, or New York lEchange na ordinary letter. Currency by lbprees (at our eeApn)s .dreesed N. A. sIAJPHIN. New Oruemas, .L.. or N. A. DAIPIIIN, Washlupln, D. C. NMW ORLPAI4s NATIONAL BAIK, New Orleams. La. S M That tbhe prersece of '•*n- SREM m I eram Iesurerard and ary, w are ir chae of the drawilnig. l a guarantee of aaolati falirne. and loelgrl.y, that the cha.ers are all equs' and that no one can pus- ab'ly dlvine what numnlr wllldrew a Pri•e, StEiH 1M lIkiR that the etpaf ent I all Pris.e Is 'I'ARANTFI 1:1 " II )ti;lt NATI4INAI. .SANRKM of New O•rianna aud the Trick•t are slgned "y the P'resident of an Inastitutlion, nhe rb,trtere' rights are re.ugnmled in the hbtheet Courts; there',r.. Isrware of any Imitations or anonymous schemas 13 WEEKS- IThe POLl'I& (GAZiTII"I will btw -ualled, securely wra|,psed to any ad* dree lit the United $tates for tlire, months on reelpt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to pot maters, lslen and club. tIanmple ooplee malled free. Addrme'e all orders to RICHARD K. FOX. VrmANKLINaQSaus, IN. WF tlo yea fedi. ) nlngul. ferlt dli'e- ka. and Indwcrlltaly miselle, lOh phyn.- ctlly and mentally; experience a semne ot fullness or bhkting after eating, or o "gone- ness," or emptinees of stomach in the morn- inK, toanue conte4 bitter or bad taste ill mouth rreular ap te di(iness. frequent b~edlkew. blurred eigth," flatings pecks" before the eys, ttn e vou proatration or cx- hanution, Irritabillty of temper, hot Sush's, alternating with schbUl imeations, labrp biting, transient palunsLe and there, cold feet, urowslinos after mel wakefulness, or dieturhcd and unrefrebinlr sleep. constant, indeecribable feealng of dad, or of impaund log calamity? It you have all, or any oamberable number of tlme symptoms, yol are suffering fom that moat cumoal of American Iunlldlens- BIIhous Dysp'lsa, or Torpid Liver, a,•epunted with Dyspeptsa. or Iudigeation. Thbe wore compo!icated your dis.ase has become, the ter the number anld diversity of syntlp- t S No matter what s•t• e it has reached. Ir. errees olden Medleal biscovery wll subdue it If tik, n aeclrding to direc- tions for a rasnmnall length of time. If not cured, complicationlls multiply and t'onump- tion of the Lungs. Skin I)Il•iue , Ia.eart 1is)ean, IHbeumatism, IK dney Dslease, or other gravo maladies are quilte Ilable to set In and, oooner or later in'l,,uo a fatti termination. Dr. Ilerre(' Golden Medical Dis- covery acts powertully upon the Liver, L-ad through that grKat bkmdl-purilving organ, ck'ans-, the system of all blood-taint, and In- purilies, from whatever cause ari.inr. It is equally elicuelotm in acting upon the Kid- neys, and otbet excretory organs, (Itleulnlns. strenpthenitng, and healing their diseaes. As anl alpetiuni,l restorative tonic, it ,romlotes dige,:•n and nutrltlion, therety bulIdlinllig up both Il slt and stnenlRth. in malarilni d'trictc, this wronherful melic|ino has aliited pr '•tt clebhrity in curing k'ecr and Aauo, Chills and Fever, i)ltnnl| Ague and kiudrel di nlc', s. Dr. Plercees Golden Medical ll.. covery CURES ALL HUMORS, frIo a nommon IBotch. or Erurptin. to the wot Scoua. Silt-rheum, "k *tr-wre' h aly or ltnlahb Skin, in short, all .iu" s causae. by ha. t a sat ca.I.coiar I dly tIw powerfaai pFihaihng atd Int'iigon :uainK mcii. con G;reat Ei.Iatiug likens rat aly Ia." iiunder. Its heaivg inftleanlie. EItclnai!y has It ua.i l. frstel its potency in curiiig 'la-nttr, Eczemaans Er3.ip.las B.illa. ('natiahcla. Soaa I v. S,"rof. laloaji pones anda Swelliiaga. llij-lodit. DIaplsmpi. "Whle aw kiWll s,"~ (Uwt 'a, or 'I Lick 1Ncck, and Enlhirwt~ (lends. t ,nd ten cents in sta.us Lour ia lariri T'atlt..,. Iih cvuior'. plans, on a1 Iaitwusc. onr thie Mn., athiunt for a T' -a.- ona &rotfuklus Adleaoloa. "FOR ThE BLOOD 1$ THE LIFE." Thai r nuglhly ale nso It h1 using Dr. Pearee'u Goldeam jtledaitl Dieowo.ey", nild " "ad digcesto a a lair skin, buoya;t pit ias vital gtgeug and bodily hclth will be c".-t.b lied. CONSUMPTION, which Is Merorula of the La 1um Is Iserrated and aunr by this rmmean y 13t t, n I n tia eat n'r antaens of the disaija . In..ni Its mar- vcleius lix r over this tin aliy atatl diqaaae. when Ilrit oforing'tlals now woril-t:amedl rem- eldy to Ilk. labli., ler. Piaric thlouaghat .aIouaily of ealli:nr it. his l("(o r sraat-ru ('aI:r.," but abandoned that name as too rmtrictive for a auealuanaaj which, from Its wvnderfu:l oom- bintw ion of tonte, orastrcngthening, atterative or IalawaI-cimtlananr anti-balious, pa thaaal, at l lulurtive pNupL'rtae is unaqtaaalal. nrot only as a remed for Couumsnt but for tl Uver, Bodd Lung Dc"s of Ilneathi, t I r ow caNw1 Catarrh. Bron- chitis. Aatlhwaau, &-v( -re Coughs, and kindred afit 'tlons.;t is an olficient aermady. S .1 00"t L)rugglga, at 1.O0 or Six Bottles for *1.00. jV i"'nel ten cents In stamps for Dr. Pierce's bo..i o n ta nsumqops.p Adulrvaa World's Dh:!.awl biuad AUciato., (i03 Laui aI, N DEUO, N, T " MAN. BEAST, Mexican Mustang Liniment Tu. Lumberman nodo It la etee eoldet. The Ileemewife neede It for gene L namUf The Meehali. eld. ist aldwany his week The MIler eed. It I eawe of emerge y. The Pionemeer eed. a-cant get along with .. t It. The Farmer meN b Min hl oe.., hils etaab et hiWstock yard. TY. Stesaoeat ma. or the 3easman -- e Lernd and eat r sellmage. The Sueek-srewer ned.s IM- wit Mre . musnd •t dolae as a world eo rou ~ - a.-- y~ny W (OY .Jg totO~helr a Lyon's Kathatron keeps the Hair so soft, glossy and natural in growth that it stays in any desired style or position. Lovely! Lyon's Kathairon Pwp• •ye DAXDUI"I. Keep Lyon s at a - ron always in your toilet. 'Tis harmless, cleanly. Preserves the hirsute by perpetuat- ing its natural vigor! Lyon's Katheiron SOOTHI/E AND COO1., THE Baldness Is mlpose ble if Lyon's Kathal- ron be wisely used in time. It cleans and fertilizes the scalp- skin. Try it! i'- LIFE REHEWER 1 re " a•d pr -ct - -" tte•r' i th" war -" it h ut m ad I p. iim llt gg I• IP l, t h o N. PRO 1 FCI YOU11 HOMIZI MARLIN DOUBLE ACTION REVOLVER. A. GFOOD Then reolvores ar an .z*4 REVOLVER ddpUcat. of the celebrated aura aL WE48OI. no longer coet .88 Caiber, miga a Fortune Cent is klf Cocldkag Automatio FULL NICKEL JLATED, RUBBER HANDLE. waflmTh3 ZQCAL IZ mZu3T UsIaar To Tm For ask by Hardware and Gun Dealu eveywbere. Kraawastsrsd by TUM KARIJE lU ARSK 00., 1.. Have, Oma. lEST IN THE LDI MAX 3LL1nr Magazine Rifle. t huugs at .sll pin. %ll shss. The wshots nl. a ms. Pe dne rD r sat..d the caly stea uly a l. ride ea - so. ma mus weJ g C oaLsA. MA LINW IRE * i to.. New ul::o.. C n. IDEAL RELOADING TOOLS WILL SAVE ONE-HALF THE COST Of AMMUNITION. Mads for1' all stes of ('artrld~s which ale .5.4 It any of tMel, win.***. iS a or Itol: Y narlin, t pel., tt ichesc. kallard, bleycas. em'pgui., bltaclY anedy. oUdla a Wuu s SAWo fLo aui gaUges andl wakes es j ( )UT UN SMELLS, PAPES All SUSS. C1Lgyraod better thananyot hear. Rend for Price Lis of thee teta I l sf u4*. lsw . Cas, IMPORTERS 0' 5 pN4 R, BAR-rLl jOBIUS HARD ARE ce 1TT T, lU cTZn. MZTALS, 613 ,. I OUNLS, TA I L3 & 000O. DOOm. 22,24, 26, 28, 30 32 Lake 8tret, CHICAGO, ILS. tuTABLISHED 1877. JAS. MoMILLAN & CO., PROPRIETORS OF THI IMinneapolis Sheepskin Tannery, AND DEALERS IN IEDES, sEEP PLTS, FRS, WOOL, TALLOW Ginseng and Seneca Root. SHEEP PELTS & FURS A SPECIAL'T. 101, 1(3 10 s... St X.rtsh. xMINNEAPOLIz. s m Shupnente Soleot.ld. Write for Li ouars.. FOR SALE. Home tint full t,looil and hitgh grade Shot Horn Bulls Wll acclimated and atronu coultatu• tions. Apply to THOS. H. CANFIELD, Lake Park, Zinn is V g obf S)W xa . o S ond for 7G-Pago "USTRATED CATALGJ;UE M FNTTmI TITS PAP.ER " I. j S as' 9. 7G 's . . . I,'.. *f . I fIed 1 4.. dd Idi 1* RI "0 ' ~ ., .. , 4t.. e.1* .. I I I f~r n 1~e ~1." . " t e l fn , I . + r ou. dull. IIf. . . I lo. I . pelont .7/N W Mu.' n f .2 heuc aUUI Nly.K , Iw./.. " % 1 .0 Y.II.f.uut .... YIN/alt TIM APXERICAH PAGAZINE INUhIr I IhIra. 25dL ct Ie Via II5UmSSr d ert .: tf I te b Mr. .. a feltrlmbuI sO.e. Iw r~n ~ru Ditinctivety RmprsntMative o American Thought mid Pvagv It I. seknowtl d g.4 by the pr -. .e.d es eU most .. p r Iesr M.mdly eate slaw mmlbi. _ IMPORTANT. b r- I dme..m.mee I. Caskr O' V.leba. S. im~b Malais.. will be fees w=49S 1M. If Ibi P.eP I. meessee wT UeepgeeIbi med MegeeueiS6 wu.eSd 0 e..lll. ewb.euptle WMYal 53 XZRAN ZAwMIN 140 Ui.Bwl . Uow Yw wrm .l~ 1.s r OO 40

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Page 1: Daily Yellowstone journal (Miles City, Mont.) 1888-03-07 [p ]€¦ · WVte1 W, elmesl wgan the disaovery is ence mads than t epart from any merit of one's own a is an audience provided

WVte1 W, elmesl

wgan the disaovery is ence mads thant epart from any merit of one's own

a is an audience provided in adulvaniLhe eaergy of publishers and editor,sense of rteponsibihty becnmes very

land with it the feeling that per.sps, even if what one writes is not -r)

,cud or ilnlpu•tant, it may am-.uiwe a ce'Hain merit through reachlinlg some onewho neewl just that word. A cleverwoman once said that an orator must-rak with much more confideuce to antadlence of five thious.ld than to one of

a hulnd•l, because amuong the hundred*here might be no one who eared for thelarticular thing he was saying, whereasatung the larger multitude tihere woul.

probably be at least one. Thus thewriter for any journal that circulates by

-s hundred thousand may feel that thereb a reader always awaiting him some.where, and who know bhut what he saysmay fit the precise need of that one?

Now, to have one reader each week issally a great thing when we considerhow much sonic stray s•r:,p in a news-paper, iprhaps not in itw-if t•leciallywise, has occasionally ntinletieli our ownlives. Nothing ecolurag.• lin more toundertake tlu-e pay),rs tildnl a r.tmark ofmy friend, 31r. Jamest Pal'rton, who toldme that the o:ie part of lli hterary lifeSwlhoi- uM hull n-ss he fUIt ab., lutely

certain as:', the (li.s of lalaers that hecontrilit :lt I vt iLlyv urin mIta:I. Vtoea•to 1 he N w York IA ,lr. Ile r:rcl?heard fout thetmu a;:in, hie said-Itseemntril de : i deal as if thvy had I ocrwriatt.1. throvn into ti: N <t itwas 41n ICo u that her, li.d Lt,, •i-fy lhan-

Cslf '.tat I.* had lt.ln iof snm•e rteal a ndpermanot1"t u.- to sutnelb<x v. 1:1 las longcarter :. :a writer.--"T. \,,. ii." in liar-per's Ihazar.

Ca'cdIn; Dalry I ed Flth.

Snom mikis ;.eyon,n I urnev f; !s, fromtthe brow ,tf a 1.;!. we I *kd down hun.dreds of f.rt on C'r- tal la'e. a glassyabett of water r,,re ti ,i a zmii', I gth,aow all ablaze with nl-hiine. \Ve fol-lowed a .tt.•p road tl it h d below to themeadows, lgreen as lnr::l-hl ones thatpoets sing of, thartslirt the rt ed-tl ,tlwaters to where a 'airv rt ,ntl, its lowroofs trailed across oy elmcng hop ines.Just hlw the lal.t ''alps over btony ste•*a dozln feet in I igiht. :::., pours itifoanming fl ds it :o a ralpi t;eaim tih.ahurries ont to II ' creek. Thei-. mimicfall. pan il 150 ft t. andl ircl, ma:ny atinyisle of riht het -rates and llower.s. Themiatrt ss of thi- dairy st.ttli ni her step*In lhi-ure Ilnnolnt.s and fr e ! 1i r ti.lies•rdis. Th.y crowd I. Ivy ln,:'e•. o;penmnouthed and eaager. She t:IL. atlvantageof *eir hunger and drol. a I h a mongthem. lIuh draws a prize vterv timeand throws it into a tank to be con.veaiwent for thle frying pan. That morn'ng slhe hal hookdl twenty.

"-And how do you cathi them again?"I mid, watching the pretty creatureidartto and fro in their narrow prion.

"That's just what I'll show vou now,st'm going to let you folks take thematL home." And Msizing a Iple with aniron ipoint on the enl thi re-lentless wo-man spterttd her fish with every dash.iinginm it out on the wtt flour, where itwriggled and panted for a nmoonent, andwhen ;r liecaum quiet was carefullystowed away in a basket by 3Mrs. ('lhar-key. The lake had plenty moret. and themistrs, Inever found any trouble catch-ing all they could losrilly use.-\NiettaEanmes in Overland Mcnthly.

A Trorublecmme Start..

Cotton is the nicst tr. .il,leb.rne sitapled the worltl' curnlmurce. From tnehour of pickiclr until the m n.nnt itpmre " out of thef I4-un as a f.:iLln it ismuwtl ti!tle of a .:lZ. II(ai1gel scs . each tIZecO fwIichi atiecrs ib rldlue 'II tilp ultiziikt.A le of cotton iv so Sei itive to hestand inoirture thlat the wecL,ht vraricw evteryfinute of thi' ,lay, as on wW hfind byactual clTNriwuent. On thisi accountbuyers amll kt 1i.i'r are rerc.,tnt'xait tbodn1Jtr"-s.., Lv rUcII ihr, l~re billed"weighiers," bit R o u:ut ite are ,w~Ie-thinG wlorelO than re ir l'; c i .(AidltuI orcheckitii off nrveetip. On their juJgnimecitthe valeIC of a slhiipmeint or c nii ir ul"netcan be icrcea.2ed 'r ,thlnllmi-lhl l y sev.urai hundred dollairs, hence 1 .vories areawful to pdlace only their c:l arest head.*1ll ad mliot reliable ilcfl at the tc'ale.3A daub of mud at ont' (trill r (;f a 1h1l*may justify rebates with one 1 aciaeC.while oin another the svhlfr~ , l rcq, n evt -tive wontl I not con')lflt tiaflv dldtluctiio'The c:(lAet. ruous ehicctI (f erxiolure towenthi r can he estimated at a glance bya akillful n::rn. but, neverthleo"-4, the proam of weighig is w'copllaplief by morefrequent colrntcltion twn anly other partd the butliue..j. Then you niuilt remem-ber that if anyi crnked work hlas beendon.". a hale' of e',tttei can lie traced allthe way from tie will through a hundredhands ntinl you vi,,aiiv rcxhi Ctp 1 hinterwho told it in the tirst place.-Ulubo.Demscrat.

Volapuk time tad in New orleams.

The stuly of Volap•k ii the currentfad with New Orle:,ns l.hI,,.. It is ies-sible' that not all of til.l r (olid giru atangibhle reason for leanung a laz:=.uagothat apJlwars to Ib' a ha': i up of allothers, that has no literatiii nod whichnO poets. or C@3ayishs or lwtotnrs use, andwhich apparently (iers a rter(o of practi.ally uIeh•s ifoern:ution. It is not cer-tain that all of th,•,e ittdrents will etick"ntil they acquire the :hlagua;le. althoughit is lk-lietjel that a fair kn li, dge of itmay la* acquired in I'q. than a half adowen monthn. VLhuk, Lowvwr,r

lakes an original fad, aln tho' htudv ofit is very g.ol training, that nm:v leul tosomething bttter. more IIo.;ant andmore fruitful of goRd.-New UrlounjPiasyune.

The Mother of Napoleon.

Of Mime. MIere's economic'al tendenciewe havey on amusing ancdote. b-l-o wasee. rcul,•el by the emperor for notspendimng her million frannes a year. "Iwill apeud it." she replid, cautiously,"o Cconllitionl that you give me two."ISh lived in lurIne for over tweat -two

ears greatly srlsectld by everybody.SIs c a urIou ftact taAa the mpero.

dwas spoke to her In Illiian, at wrotebt her Fnaesb. Thrse is notatlltaliagr written by him to his mnather •.-

, although be frsqumstly wrote i-a to Ahi es .- Mi ud

Chaity l at ban. A rloaleshgodeaeat (beg

We caution our reeders to put res'ince in stories about nmteors whil:ome very near those who were startledby them. We were fooled once, aboutthirty years ago, by one of these brilliantwanderers in apace. It passed right ovuthe LitchlieIl fair grounds, apparently,and struck the earth over on C'heltatlhill. We were so fully convinced theeit buried itself in Litlitield soil that wecogitdttetl upon the advaability of goiagover to unearth the thing.

"Phaw, J.e.." said the good old ftbherwhen we rvl.,rtld the. matter on our ar-rival hoI,'. i-t was more likely hundredsof mi'i.. away." "It can't be, father,"we rel.,e;; "'II. B. Graves saw it and,.ujd i:" ilo,,huld think it Ipa'sdl over JohnII. Hlllbu.ud'w house, or at least notfurther down than the fair groundsVWhyv, father, we heard it!"The nextt day's New York papers wena

ened• our faith in our ability to cnlculateon inleLtor tdistance. The same brilliantsilhtere was reiurhted by telegraph as hav-ing b1,n secn by people in Kentucky, anda few days later a wertwardl bound transatlmtic iteauir ritoirted h.ivig seen ii .'0() iile, out aataea.-W-i'tst d (Conn.)II Iru ld.

Iolni I:urop. In Three Weeks.

I d:i t . c',tinent t.f Ein-,,o, in ex-actly thr,' we - *. ,i-.n .,g an, m retthan

thirn da. -at thII' uiit Iit'l '..I-tiI g points.li four ni.;its I [aw .dl that I couldh:, a.B'en ili ea~ht mntl,•'. 'raveling wi1 ,iii wasl ''i' eutln i'e. arnd I haovib•lt'il I It tha ir " at it cimt w1s I

1.. t, i, m.. . It, .. 1, if I had takten thinpL, '.' ,:[ i l+, a ,i . . hIa\' rlii ti:u, ied overi i ' . r : t ,.':.. I'.&tvelii••g on the

t III;. :1i~ it ,err. a ilian natltray, goes to't'e i'::". of lthe f.uii u, hotlel, as lhs

,t" tuil •e brief. If lie hadil time hew, 1ti hunt ui) a quiet r,.it and goodtatng hig-.. a.ul ta':e in a city slowly,di- n-'k I-ur thle liu-t h'att "tith high

I ' ' u s i,, a'd tothr u:ltl,''.a.*.i'ry ox.li Iu.,.,. I ,. .\•nu"ri~ n toiti-It it the bel

"ne 0" :: thi il ets+ of tIi* l'lrIlleans,t:. ac.'aut of his rtajl u, Vsten

i t.',,, 1i :.--t uu-reii al ti N iI inlul "l• -I Ill K'rtt.

h1ow lops (".n Muake Mnaiti'v.

l:u .. I .' ., . :'. , ',": . \' I l / g ttingt .: .. ,: ". !., zi;.; Ih.. an iu:!l al tut

t:" u. , ( i U nw fia~itlf:; 1.lik

I n I .1 t waili :t hun: t~ Lie 0i.1.."' ., ii .i j; Ai %-:V l r :a youngr., a:i t I- -ita ;cf a lIl g t "I . If ha

't a I. 1.,'-r rn c IAr 1 1IML wamt at. .i " ..t 2 nv h".: oLV f "a--ia f.:0. I.. ,t ; L

J.T, (;i ..ic is *Iht at (f Lad

lb t '"' N .a i a:: ti.t work u o g; Ii ae rilI11 " 1.- ,1~,:,a i 1i ::t is bou rn u gasnn I I! iie.' l ."

. i.. %V. I'id d's schcma': *"Panctua Iun ttv 311a Iirlvity.' 1Mr. Fiaeld

tIt w.t( hwvor.2 ,.f Iue. "-In-r:nLO ai 1' Iau1gt an I'tt.

A Thread from Wood.An AtCi.; fL:.s ji;utWel a proce m for

rr Lr" h.t1'aii tlidt cian he i-pun andd ~~~w j''o taii~icut in long~iI $1i-.1 li;1 it 1% iat( cb.axt apart

in lain 'UA bunhij". lv bA nkinag an water.It i, I., .I i..havl:iiL! by irv . or bay n~

it". .alju:a Lire Ilaenai.. Tila givesa. N, tine thradat. iand Icy lail.uag giver$4 (, a~ 4r a- i:,v-::. i. 1l :Oaad Lxja~rleu.

Ci1'.rofi"rau w21v (4lCovCIC'1 by SamtubCu artc, of Savk,"tt ., IUtrir, N. Y., is11,;;, anid iuzid areu ) Ly [is b g. i.

.1 WIsleadlng Premontlllon.A negro woman of Pulaki. Tenn.. told

her frhit id that she woull surTel die at 7a'clock on a certain evening. Se aboutfifty of ta,'" ga:thered around her bedand slhouted and prayed anl ,.ung in anecstasy of r.ligious fervor as the houTdrew n'ear for the soul to take its flight.But it di ln't do it. On the ',rntrar', thewoman went into an al*parIent trance,from sll ich she arnuses ,necanionally toeat a square meal.-New York Sun.

Cost of Itare Orehlls.

'European flower collectors have visitedall thIe countries in South America insearch of rare orchids, and hduring sixmonths of the present year $8,659 waspad for these curious pluints in one town

i Venleudla.-Chicago Times.

Diamond!s art found at present in fivecounties of ('. lifornia, as follows: Ama.dor, B3utte, El Dorado, Nro aa and Triu.

he .reat .t I I '.-po 1 :orier..

maily bl, d .1.0nu 7.+ .'., '. . h, ba,:kuof E .), !.h: I. • ,I1 i • ,., I ,e.' , , 1. i4 tl.feant of th, ;rt '1.. :i.t of ,~.Id deposi•;.u:t.ee- -Nw Y,,rkc •,,•

AKIPOWDERAbsolutely Pure.

''Th powder never varesn. A mar-Yel of purnity, t t and whole-.'omene. More e•,nomleal than theordinary kind., and canoot be sold Incompetition with the multitude oflow lest, ebort weighbt, alum or pbhoepeute powders. lold only In oars.

n-OAL BKaIGO PoWDnu Co.. 10MWall stret, New York.



Our old.lt chlel. now six years old, when an In-fatn alt mtonths old was sUteckd with a virulent,. alig .•olt skin di-.ee. %li ord nary rnt. d o.f,ililg, we clred our family brea ion, who attm.lllted InIe ule it; butt sl pread with ail .itlncm-d-Itle r idlt., uti Ilb th .ewer r•rtion of Ithel litt elei ow's p rtut. Irulu Ithke liede f th back downt.. hi. kiee*s, waoone solild Iash, uglyr, painful,blouchbrd anld Imlll u* We hat o reat at nlght.nei, peace by d!y Fitnal y. we serte i si d to trythe it'T'TICUtI REJM).DLIa. TheiL rLrt weu eimply

smarverloua. Il, three or four werks a oeeprle-cu e woa wrolght. leavling the little tellnw'spersonas whie and heallthy a thoagllll . bed never Il•eeattuacked. In my oypinl n )our valuable r•-,edile

taveel his 'it ,laid to-lay hoe e a itrollg. healthych Id. per•ectly well. no tepeoition of the diseasehaviug ever occurred.

.EtO. 1. 1M1ITI,Att'y at Law and Ex-Prou. itt'y, Ashland, O.

Rarr NCE ; J. G. Welst, Drugglst, Aslland, U,


Are born ln.o the world evey day with some ecue-lot..Us Rection. Sucth a milk crust, .rall h.ad

.4lerl or tolantetuf. u9 ' ta devel is...e nat an ago•et g

I gI Ieuml. the ilrehi g hutrnilgl slln dilaguraliotnUtr which nake hia e a prolongeld

loriurtle unlua

pro erly tr sted.A warill b to with Cvtr'cveA allr,. an ecqubite"

Mkin eutllfier, and s 0 tagI . Ulot•tetllu of I TI-cl't. the eer it -kan ('ltre wi ha ii lCe t'Tlt'KAittoaLVE.NT. thel New HIll Ilunrt, r. are oftenlPa

ei' cl itl sto arrest the Ieprogrern o the' diba-e. anld

point to Ieerltan st il n t .1. h cure.lie neel. tIo ta lme h h.. love- h r children. wh,,

take I p s idr- their heau y pir t andl tiailth. lsth dill snt wIIe Illau n thlelm a cht Is' greates.• tlher-tile ce,-a skin w thlllll a Ilei-j.tll. and a evlyItoU Italhei by purel blaat.-a-e ,u i4 Ilil to woketlalofthe `(UIICl'R It MI.LIIEl.

oIld everywhere. I'r.-* ('I'TICt'rA, 50 rce•tt'l"rlc'l 1HA Sutl

. 21' "I t; I''II('UHA Hl' I.

VEiNT, I.Ut. Prep,,. .. i'l'e'TEIK oitRU ANSDa l 'MII Aa (XI O.. opt I ll a i aia.

-Srre.d for "IIHw to aer.- kin 1)leea.esp." 64p gl.. 50 i lumtrat ontl. oad Ie e.IaatluUl Is.

'kin al '..aiV pre~ervc~ an~ l

HOW Mr sIDE ACHES 1Achin rIJid• and Back. Il p. KI nror,

int t',.rine Iat'ris. h umr st tct, reit.

a ,ur ag• '. I ailnd nootl it P I.. r -lhQv. em tIm u rl byIll 1 the 4 Ili. urn .1tml-PI'11n i•l.str I lhe fIrst and unly palntki.liigpl t. r .~ ,ents,



Louisiana tale, IttPn I'Comanv.Incorporated l y the lleg.lature in 18A. for

Edllcaltllnal eand bharliahl porgo.es, and lsa f an-chie ulllb a part o the p .'l taste 'e I t ttutitIUlnin 1871), by a o uverwhte ,sing ppular vote.

Its Grand eMt ngle tI lInbr Draw ing takelace monlhly. nd the (irand Quarterly

Dranings regularly every tlllree • nlatnhMarch, June. aneplrem r and Dca•uwber.)

"*We do hereby eertity that we supervie• the atranements forall thb. Montlhly and Qmur'erlyDrawings of te Louisiana -tate I.otve y t'utlamlland In mears l manage and control the d awing.thn.mesl[m. and that the samn are condeeted wltbhonest yl, (falnae. and in good fait lltow d all perties, and e autborise the ('ompany to use thihe.r ificate. with Ic-.tmillies of our signatures atta bed in ats advertisemente."

('orNtBlmelo ere.

W,, t'le unrrnsigned Ban- % and Hankers will paya! Irlse.. drawn in The l.,uisianls tate Lotterie.wl.i,! may Ir. pre,•nr*•ed at our counters.J.H 4) l.LE•IS mre. Louliana sat. Ban~k.P'ltitF. LAN.A•. Pres. ltate Nat. hankA. IIALIDaVIN, Pres. N. w Otrlenl Nat. llank('A IL kOHNN. PrM. LUnion National Bank.

GRAND QUARTERSJ DRAWINUin the Academy ol Music. New Orioans,

TueLday. March 13. 181.

CAPITAL PRIZE 8300,000.III4,I,1I) 'l'ilk"t l al Twrutv .) ,llIar,.

.ecli. Hialver l1:; Luarterel; l'eltlhs

."; Tweltiethlic I.LisT aP PRiZs.

I PRZE. OF :0I (Nr Is................... :10000toI PRIZE OF ll.,fMP i' ...................... r. 1•11(I P;i Z Ov :,I.ill tS ............. •bl,IN lN1 P'RIZE F 5. " IY. N............... ...... 2.,iN1,2 I' IZ R ,F loI.ll i are..................... 2•4.,en5 I'RK Zi. IF 5•,is l.r................ ... 25.(1n

2 P,.IZE% OF 1.4" are ..................... 250001I10 I'KRIZE4 'IF ,I'l are ............ fA.4.,.20 Pt

l Z E ' ( 3 Arr ...................... l•5si5t) PKIZE( OF 2' ar..................... 1,II.I,

APPIolIMA'IllNP P1 liaS:100 'rise. of I.'O) apprullmtill Ito

:,Io.(t Ire,. are ............... .... 0,000100 Prise- of 1$:O aopproz rusting to

II x ol ' Prize re....................... ..... 3 ,()0100 Prises of IJ10 approximatin to

600.O00, Prase are............................ 0,000TISMINAI. PRIZtl

1,000 Prises of $01 decided by ...... 00,000Prise ar . . . ...... 100.000

1,000 Prises of $100 decided by......$10l0,000'rit a re....... ...................... 1,00Or,

3,136 i'riesl amounting to ..................... l..•1M.0(ar

Foil I lub Hlats or srly further information applyto theun eriglned. Your handwrlting nmust •editlinct msd mlltiealure p • in. More rapid returnmail del'very will be ansured by your ueloleahg aluEnvelope tarli Iour lull address,

'ret POY TAL ho l IM:. I.spress MoneyOrders, or New York lEchange na ordinary letter.Currency by lbprees (at our eeApn)s .dreesed

N. A. sIAJPHIN.New Oruemas, .L..

or N. A. DAIPIIIN,Washlupln, D. C.


S M That tbhe prersece of '•*n-SREM m I eram Iesurerard andary, w are ir chae of the drawilnig. l a

guarantee of aaolati falirne. and loelgrl.y, thatthe cha.ers are all equs' and that no one can pus-ab'ly dlvine what numnlr wllldrew a Pri•e,

StEiH 1M lIkiR that the etpaf ent I all Pris.e Is'I'ARANTFI 1:1 " II )ti;lt NATI4INAI..SANRKM of New O•rianna aud the Trick•t are

slgned "y the P'resident of an Inastitutlion, nherb,trtere' rights are re.ugnmled in the hbtheetCourts; there',r.. Isrware of any Imitations oranonymous schemas

13 WEEKS-IThe POLl'I& (GAZiTII"I will btw

-ualled, securely wra|,psed to any ad*dree lit the United $tates for tlire,months on reelpt of


Liberal discount allowed to potmaters, lslen and club. tIanmpleooplee malled free. Addrme'e all ordersto RICHARD K. FOX.


WFtlo yea fedi. ) nlngul. ferlt dli'e-

ka. and Indwcrlltaly miselle, lOh phyn.-ctlly and mentally; experience a semne otfullness or bhkting after eating, or o "gone-ness," or emptinees of stomach in the morn-inK, toanue conte4 bitter or bad taste illmouth rreular ap te di(iness. frequentb~edlkew. blurred eigth," flatings pecks"before the eys, ttne vou proatration or cx-hanution, Irritabillty of temper, hot Sush's,alternating with schbUl imeations, labrpbiting, transient palunsLe and there, coldfeet, urowslinos after mel wakefulness, ordieturhcd and unrefrebinlr sleep. constant,indeecribable feealng of dad, or of impaundlog calamity?It you have all, or any oamberable number

of tlme symptoms, yol are suffering fomthat moat • cumoal of American Iunlldlens-BIIhous Dysp'lsa, or Torpid Liver, a,•epuntedwith Dyspeptsa. or Iudigeation. Thbe worecompo!icated your dis.ase has become, the

ter the number anld diversity of syntlp-t S No matter what s•t• e it has reached.Ir. errees olden Medleal biscoverywll subdue it If tik, n aeclrding to direc-tions for a rasnmnall length of time. If notcured, complicationlls multiply and t'onump-tion of the Lungs. Skin I)Il•iue , Ia.eart 1is)ean,IHbeumatism, IK dney Dslease, or other gravomaladies are quilte Ilable to set In and, oooneror later in'l,,uo a fatti termination.

Dr. Ilerre(' Golden Medical Dis-covery acts powertully upon the Liver, L-adthrough that grKat bkmdl-purilving organ,ck'ans-, the system of all blood-taint, and In-purilies, from whatever cause ari.inr. It isequally elicuelotm in acting upon the Kid-neys, and otbet excretory organs, (Itleulnlns.strenpthenitng, and healing their diseaes. Asanl alpetiuni,l restorative tonic, it ,romlotesdige,:•n and nutrltlion, therety bulIdlinllig upboth Il slt and stnenlRth. in malarilni d'trictc,this wronherful melic|ino has aliited pr '•ttclebhrity in curing k'ecr and Aauo, Chills andFever, i)ltnnl| Ague and kiudrel di nlc', s.

Dr. Plercees Golden Medical ll..covery

CURES ALL HUMORS,frIo a nommon IBotch. or Erurptin. to thewot Scoua. Silt-rheum, "k *tr-wre'h aly or ltnlahb Skin, in short, all .iu" scausae. by ha. t a sat ca.I.coiar I dly tIwpowerfaai pFihaihng atd Int'iigon :uainK mcii.con G;reat Ei.Iatiug likens rat aly Ia." iiunder.Its heaivg inftleanlie. EItclnai!y has It ua.i l.frstel its potency in curiiig 'la-nttr, EczemaansEr3.ip.las B.illa. ('natiahcla. Soaa I v. S,"rof.laloaji pones anda Swelliiaga. llij-lodit. DIaplsmpi."Whle aw kiWll s,"~ (Uwt 'a, or 'I Lick 1Ncck,

and Enlhirwt~ (lends. t ,nd ten cents insta.us Lour ia lariri T'atlt..,. Iih cvuior'.

plans, on a1 Iaitwusc. onr thie Mn., athiuntfor a T' -a.- ona &rotfuklus Adleaoloa.

"FOR ThE BLOOD 1$ THE LIFE."Thair nuglhly ale nso It h1 using Dr. Pearee'uGoldeam jtledaitl Dieowo.ey", nild " "addigcesto a a lair skin, buoya;t pit ias vitalgtgeug and bodily hclth will be c".-t.b lied.

CONSUMPTION,which Is Merorula of the La 1um Is Iserratedand aunr by this rmmean y 13t t, n I n tiaeat n'r antaens of the disaija . In..ni Its mar-vcleius lix r over this tin aliy atatl diqaaae.when Ilrit oforing'tlals now woril-t:amedl rem-eldy to Ilk. labli., ler. Piaric thlouaghat .aIouailyof ealli:nr it. his l("(o r sraat-ru ('aI:r.," butabandoned that name as too rmtrictive fora auealuanaaj which, from Its wvnderfu:l oom-bintw ion of tonte, orastrcngthening, atterativeor IalawaI-cimtlananr anti-balious, pa thaaal, at l

lulurtive pNupL'rtae is unaqtaaalal. nrot onlyas a remed for Couumsnt but for tl

Uver, Bodd LungDc"s of Ilneathi, t I r ow caNw1 Catarrh. Bron-chitis. Aatlhwaau, &-v( -re Coughs, and kindredafit 'tlons.;t is an olficient aermady.

S .1 00"t L)rugglga, at 1.O0 or Six Bottlesfor *1.00.

jV i"'nel ten cents In stamps for Dr. Pierce'sbo..i o n ta nsumqops.p Adulrvaa

World's Dh:!.awl biuad AUciato.,(i03 Laui aI, N DEUO, N, T


MexicanMustang LinimentTu. Lumberman nodo It la etee eoldet.The Ileemewife neede It for gene L namUfThe Meehali. eld. ist aldwany his week

The MIler eed. It I eawe of emerge y.The Pionemeer eed. a-cant get along with

.. t It.The Farmer meN b Min hl oe.., hils etaabet hiWstock yard.TY. Stesaoeat ma. or the 3easman --e

Lernd and eat r sellmage.The Sueek-srewer ned.s IM- wit Mre .musnd •t dolae as a world eo rou

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Lyon's Kathatronkeeps the Hair so soft,glossy and natural ingrowth that it staysin any desired styleor position. Lovely!

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Keep Lyon s at a -ron always in yourtoilet. 'Tis harmless,cleanly. Preserves thehirsute by perpetuat-ing its natural vigor!

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no longer coet .88 Caiber, migaa Fortune Cent is

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MAX 3LL1nr Magazine Rifle.t huugs at .sll pin. %ll shss. The wshots nl. a ms. Pe dnerD r sat..d the caly stea uly a l. ride ea -so. ma

mus weJ g C oaLsA. MA LINW IRE * i to.. New ul::o.. C n.


Mads for1' all stes of ('artrld~s which ale .5.4 It any of tMel, win.***.iS a or Itol: Y narlin, t pel., tt ichesc. kallard, bleycas. em'pgui.,bltaclY anedy. oUdla a Wuu s SAWo fLo aui gaUges andl wakes es j ( )UT UN SMELLS, PAPES All SUSS.

C1Lgyraod better thananyot hear. Rend for Price Lis of thee teta I

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IMinneapolis Sheepskin Tannery,AND DEALERS IN

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Mr. .. a feltrlmbuI sO.e.

Iw r~n ~ru

Ditinctivety RmprsntMative oAmerican Thought mid Pvagv

It I. seknowtl dg.4 by the pr -. .e.d es eUmost .. p r Iesr M.mdly eateslaw mmlbi. _

IMPORTANT. b r- Idme..m.mee I. Caskr O' V.leba.S. im~b Malais.. will be fees w=49S1M. If Ibi P.eP I. meessee

wT UeepgeeIbi med MegeeueiS6wu.eSd 0 e..lll. ewb.euptle WMYal

53 XZRAN ZAwMIN140 Ui.Bwl . Uow Yw

wrm .l~ 1.s r

OO 40