darkside of cocoa questions

The Dark Side of Chocolate Name______________________ P_____ Part 1: 1. How much chocolate is consumed a year and mostly in what area? 2. How is chocolate primarily made? 3. Which African countries is the leading producer in Cocoa beans/chocolate? 4. Where are children being smuggled from? Where are they being sent? 5. How old are the children typically that are being trafficked? 6. Why do some parts allow their children to be taken? 7. How often are kids being taken from their homes? 8. Who pays the traffickers?

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Post on 25-Nov-2015




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The Dark Side of Chocolate Name______________________ P_____

The Dark Side of Chocolate Name______________________ P_____

Part 1:

1. How much chocolate is consumed a year and mostly in what area?2. How is chocolate primarily made?3. Which African countries is the leading producer in Cocoa beans/chocolate?4. Where are children being smuggled from? Where are they being sent?5. How old are the children typically that are being trafficked?6. Why do some parts allow their children to be taken?7. How often are kids being taken from their homes?8. Who pays the traffickers? 9. What has happen to other journalist who have attempted to investigate child labor in cocoa production?Part 2:

10. How much money is made a year from cocoa production?11. How does the government officials in the Ivory Coast feel about the child labor issues?12. How does the government official explain why kids are coming to the Ivory Coast?13. How much does each child cost?14. When Interpol intervened, how many children were they able to rescue?15. What are 3 major problems with children working on cocoa plantations?Short Answer:

What could the major chocolate companies do to help stop child labor and child trafficking?