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  • 7/28/2019 Dave Daggett


    Designed and produced by Jaymac Graphics, Bedford www.cranfield.ac.uk/cua

    February 2008Issue 8

    Aerospace at

    Cranfield University Cranfield research Aerospace in the

    news Short courses

    AerogramBringing news from the horizon








































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  • 7/28/2019 Dave Daggett





    2_Biojet fuel for commercial

    aviation: are we close?

    5_The challenge of green

    aviation: the OMEGA


    8_Environmentally friendly

    airliner: the A-6

    Greenliner developedby Cranfield students

    12_Air transport emissions:

    EU trading scheme


    Cranfields role in the

    ASTRAEA programme

    New agreement signed

    with Boeing

    Award for Cranfields

    Engineering MSc

    Flying high: the BWBtakes to the skies

    Space alumni get


    20_Short courses: February

    to April 2008

    21_Aerogram user


    Green issues

    Welcome to the January 2008 edition

    of Aerogram.

    The global aerospace and aviation industry

    is enjoying a prolonged upswing, thanks

    mainly to the insatiable demand for

    commercial aircraft from emerging

    economies, the rapid expansion of low-cost

    carriers and the desire of established airlines

    to replace ageing fleets with more economic

    and environmentally friendly aircraft. New

    sectors are also growing rapidly including

    the emergence of the unmanned air vehicle,

    security and surveillance sectors.

    Cranfield University continues to play a

    leading role in these sectors t hrough

    partnering with the prime contractors, major

    systems suppliers and aircraft operators.The large extent of our collaboration is shown

    to some degree by the wide range of articles,

    events and news items in this edition of

    Aerogram. Before introducing the theme of

    this edition some words summarising some

    of the major global aerospace events of the

    period that form the backdrop to the

    Universitys activities.

    Most new aircraft development programmes

    are dogged with development difficulties

    and delays. The Airbus A380 project was

    no exception, but on 26 October 2007 the

    first scheduled service from Singapore to

    Sydney began operating with Singapore

    Airlines. This represents a significant mile-

    stone for the biggest civil aerospace project

    ever undertaken in Europe. There were

    passengers from 35 nationalities on board

    the flight to enjoy the 'carnival atmosphere'.

    Passengers commented on the smoothness

    of the flight, the extra space in the cabins

    and the lack of noise from the engines.

    Clearly a great hit with passengers, but

    only time will tell if the aircraft will be a

    commercial success.

    In September the other major commercial

    aircraft manufacturer, Boeing, was forced

    to alert the world's media to the fact that

    there would be delays in the first flight of

    the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. The two main

    reasons were the complexity of the newcomposite fuselage technology and a global

    shortage of fasteners that had affected

    supplier component systems assembly. It

    is now thought that the launch customer

    for the 787, Japan's All Nippon Airways,

    may face a delay of seven months; first

    delivery is now set for early 2009. The first

    fully assembled 787 aircraft was rolled out

    on 8 July, and the 'accelerated' flight test

    programme will begin in the first quarter of

    2008 utilising six aircraft, four powered by

    R-R Trent and two by GEnx-1B engines.


    Unlike the 787 airframe programme, the

    R-R Trent 1000, launch engine for the air-

    craft, has delivered to schedule, receiving

    airworthiness certification in August 2007,just 18 months after the first ground run.

    There are more than 500 orders for the

    Trent 1000, which means t hat more than

    50% of the ordered 787s will be powered

    by Rolls-Royce.

    Despite these setbacks, the 787 order books

    continue to grow with over 750 aircraft from

    over 50 customers as of December 2007.

    Airbus, fighting to regain the high ground,

    has implemented a competitiveness

    programme called Power 8. Aimed at

    eliminatingi nefficiencies, confronting the

    financial burden associated with A380

    delays and transforming the Airbus

    business model, the programme will also

    see development of a global network of

    risk-sharing partners for new programmes.The initiative was also to see a significant

    increase in R&D spending. Focusing on

    core competencies and re-addressing the

    make or buy strategy is likely to result in

    50% of the aerostructure work being out-

    sourced to risk-sharing partners for the

    new A350 XWB project. These partners are

    expected to take an interest in existing

    Airbus sites in France, Germany and the

    UK. At face value, a significant change for

    the European-based industry, but similar in

    many ways to the model established by

    Boeing for the 787 Dreamliner.

    At the opposite end of the spectrum, low

    entry costs have led to rapid growth in

    numbers of unmanned air vehicles in

    development. There has been a proliferation

    of these, relatively inexpensive, aerial

    platforms. However, the barrier to exploitation

    is not wholly technological but predominantlyregulatory.

    The ASTRAEA programme (Autonomous

    Systems Technology Related Airborne

    Evaluation and Assessment) was established

    with the ambition to see unmanned aerial

    vehicles flying in non-segregated airspace

    by 2012. The programme has established

    a new level of collaboration among the UK

    aerospace industry and their research

    partners. Cranfield (both the University and

    Cranfield Aerospace Ltd) is partnered with

    BAE Systems, Thales, QinetiQ and Flight

    Refuelling Ltd, engaged in projects ranging

    from Ground Operations and Human

    Systems to UAV Handling and Multiple Air

    Vehicle Integration and Decision Making.

    The ASTRAEA programme is supported by

    a combination of national and regional

    Government funding, together with funding

    from the participating industries. This serves

    to highlight another challenge for any major

    programme funding!

    I have purposely delayed mention of the

    environment and climate change; the subject

    remains at the top of the aviation agenda

    and, for this reason, the bulk of this edition

    is devoted to this theme.

    Cranfield has been involved in research

    directed at understanding and reducing the

    impact of aviation on the environment for

    many years. Cranfield's staff have contributed

    to major international studies through the

    Greener by Design and the Silent Aircraft


    Dr Paul Marshall,

    Head of Cranfield

    University Aerospace

    Initiative and numerous individual pieces of

    research work. This year the Aircraft Vehicle

    Design MSc group project was an environ-

    mentally benign airliner (details inside this

    issue) and in July Cranfield hosted the

    penultimate day of the Milton Keynes

    Science Festival focusing on Climate

    Change and the Environment. The public

    were able to see for themselves the work

    Cranfield scientists and researchers are

    doing into climate change and the

    environment; featuring research on

    potential technological solutions for transport

    both airborne and terrestrial and power

    generation using renewable sources,

    sustainable biofuels and even nuclear fusion.

    I hope you enjoy this edition of Aerogram.

    Rolls-Royce Trent 1000: image reproducedwith the permission of Rolls-Royce plc

    Roll-out of Boeing 787 Dreamliner: imagecourtesy of Boeing

    Airbus 380: image reproduced with the permission of Rolls-Royce plc

    Rolls-Royce plc 2005 Rolls-Royce plc 2005

    to the fore

  • 7/28/2019 Dave Daggett


    during cruise, or break down inside the

    engine's hot fuel system.

    Several biojet fuel samples have been

    obtained and analysed at Boeing. Al though

    some of the early samples did not meet the

    necessary low freeze point qualities and high

    temperature stability requirements, several

    of the more recent fuel blends have passed

    these tests, such as the freeze point results

    shown in Figure 2.

    Some of the other hurdles of introducing a

    new fuel to aviation are not technical, but

    human nature. To help the industry focus

    on a single objective and to also disprove

    the skeptics it was decided to create a flight

    demonstration of a biojet fuel in a commercialaircraft.

    At about the same time, Richard Branson,

    CEO of Virgin Atlantic Airways, publicly

    announced he wanted to fly an airplane on

    biofuel. It was a logical partnership. Early

    this year, a Virgin Airways 747-400 with GE

    engines will be flown from London to its

    maintenance base, with one of the engines

    operating on the world's first biojet fuel

    blend. Later in the year, an Air New Zealand

    jet aircraft, with Rolls-Royce engines, will be

    flight demonstrated on a second type of

    biojet fuel blend.


    It was once unthinkable that commercial jet

    aircraft would be powered by fuels derived

    from biological sources. But in response to

    environmental challenges and passenger

    expectations, Boeing engineers are looking

    for environmentally progressive solutions to

    minimise the impact of aviation on our


    Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA) has

    placed a priority on technology research

    into fuel efficiency and alternate fuels by

    challenging the company to:

    reduce aviation CO2 emissions by 25%

    by the year 2020

    improve fuel efficiency of each next

    generation airplane design by 15%

    help commercialise sustainable, low-

    carbon lifecycle jet fuels

    research and help develop future 2nd

    generation environmentally progressive

    fuels, such as algae, that could supply

    fuel for the world's airplane fleet

    accelerate industry research by conducting

    the first biofuel demonstrations on a

    commercial airplane.

    Billy Glover, Director for Environmental

    Strategy and Dave Daggett, project

    manager for the Alternate Fuel Team,

    started Boeing's pursuit into the world of

    clean alternate aviation fuels about two

    years ago. According to Daggett, within 10

    years jetliners could be flying the skies with

    a blend of fuel made from plants rather

    than petroleum. "That's a realistic target,

    barring some obstacle that we don't know

    about today, he said.

    Boeing engineers and researchers are

    involved with the world community,

    collaborating and getting involved in diverse

    studies that look at new technologies that

    may quickly mitigate the impact of aviation

    CO2 on the environment.

    Several sources have documented the

    diminishing discovery of new petroleum

    sources and the ever-increasing global

    demand. Some sources claim we have

    already reached a point where half of the

    world's crude oil has been consumed, while

    others indicate that will happen within the

    next 30 years. No matter how you look at it,

    mitigation options must be implemented

    many years, perhaps decades, in advance

    of the actual peak oil event to assure a

    smooth transition to alternate fuels.

    Daggett's team looks at how alternate fuels

    can be used in the near, mid, and far-term

    aircraft as industry transitions away from a

    petroleum-based energy supply. Presently,

    it appears that an approach of using a

    drop in jet fuel replacement, namely a fuel

    that performs similarly to current kerosene

    fuel, is the best approach to enable all jet

    aircraft to reduce their detrimental emissions.

    This fuel will most likely consist of a blend

    of biojet fuel, traditional kerosene jet fuel,

    and even synthetic fuel. It will be possible

    for use in existing and near-term aircraft.

    Future, long-term engines and aircraft in the

    50+ year horizon may be specifically

    designed to use a low or zero-carbon fuel.

    These solutions will need to first arrest, then

    dramatically reduce, the aircraft emissions

    of greenhouse gases. Therefore, alternate

    fuels with low to zero carbon content, such

    as liquid hydrogen or liquid methane, might

    be used in the distant future. To use liquid

    cryogenic fuels in aircraft, modifications are

    necessary to the airport global infrastructure

    as well as the engine's combustor and the

    airframe's fuel system.


    For a possible immediate alternative to

    petroleum-based fuel (from now to 25 years) it

    is envisioned that synthetic alternate fuels,

    manufactured by the Fischer-Tropsch (FT)

    process, will make up a larger percentage

    of jet fuels. Coal and natural gas tend to be

    the main resources used to produce synthetic

    fuel. Unfortunately FT fuels typically have a

    high life cycle CO2 footprint; for this reason

    Boeing's engineers have focused their efforts

    on developing fuels derived from biological



    In order to be viable in the commercial

    aviation industry, biofuels need to overcome

    several technical hurdles. The task, however,

    is not insurmountable, and there is no single

    issue making biofuel unfit for aviation use.

    Biofuels need to be especially tailored for

    jet aircraft applications, which we term


    Daggett is coordinating a global research

    effort with more than 20 laboratories,including Cranfield University, and small

    companies, each helping to develop a

    sustainable, low life cycle carbon biojet fuel.

    Because the biological matter (plants)

    absorbs CO2, it is estimated that a 50-80%

    CO2 reduction can be achieved with the

    use of biojet fuels (Figure 1) over the entire

    life cycle.

    Not only is low life cycle CO2 a requirement

    for Boeing, but the biojet fuels must have

    outstanding performance to withstand the

    harsh environments where jet fuels presently

    operate. That means the fuel must not freeze

    in the very cold operating temperatures

    Biojet fuel for commercialby David Daggett and Danny

    Hatfield of the Boeing Company

    Figure 1: Biojet fuel is preferred as it hasminimal CO2 emissions over its lifecycle

    Figure 2: The latest biojet fuel blends aremeeting the required -40C freeze point.

    David Daggett is working with Professor Riti Singh and

    Professor Peri Pilidies of our School of Engineering to research

    the potential of jet fuels derived from biological source. Here,he talks about the possibilities offered by biojet fuel.

    aviation: are we close?

  • 7/28/2019 Dave Daggett


    There is an even larger issue than developing

    biojet fuel that a modern commercial aircraft

    turbine can safely burn. Can biojet be

    produced in sustainable high quantities to

    supply the global aviation fuel demand?

    Viable first-generation vegetable-based

    fuels from soy, rapeseed, and palm oil have

    already been produced. Soy and rapeseed

    produce a high quality biofuel, but, like

    corn, they occupy enormous cultivatableland areas. Biofuel from palm oil is more

    productive, but can exacerbate deforestation


    Algae (Figure 3) may be the holy grail of

    biofeedstock because it has an extremely

    fast growth cycle of about 1-2 weeks, and

    contains up to 60% oil by weight. This

    second-generation biofuel is attractive as

    well, because it can be grown in sewage

    waste water effluent and also in places that

    humans don't depend on to grow crops or

    build homes. Although still in its infancy,

    this feedstock is projected to produce up to

    10,000 gallons of oil per acre per year. With

    such a high production rate, algae could

    theoretically produce upwards of 150 times

    more oil than a crop of soybeans. With the

    potential for algae to provide 10,000 gal/

    acre/year, some 85bn gallons of biojet

    could be produced on a landmass equivalent

    to the size of Belgium to supply the world's


    After fuel certification and approval, several

    airlines have proposed using conventional

    jet fuel mixed with up to a 20% blend of

    second-generation biofuel to reduce green-

    housegas emissions. This underscores the

    importance the airline industry is placing on

    global climate change and the role that

    biofuels can play in mitigating the deleterious

    impact of emissions on the environment.


    The motivation to develop alternate fuels for

    commercial aviation is two-fold. First, with

    respect to near-term concerns, alternate

    fuels will relieve the worldwide demand for

    fuels derived from crude oil. This will also

    help to stabilise price fluctuations.

    Second, alternate fuels should increase

    environmental performance of air trans-

    portation, including a substantial potential

    for reduction of CO2 emissions over the life


    Thus, the ideal alternate fuel will fulfil both

    requirements: to relieve the worldwide

    demand for fuels derived from crude oil

    and to significantly reduce CO2 emissions.

    The airline demonstrations of biojet fuel

    blends directly address aviation's response

    to the impact of greenhouse gas emissions

    on global climatic change. I


    1. Alternate Fuels for Use In Commercial

    Aircraft, Dave Daggett, et. al., ISABE paper

    #1196, 2007.

    Aviation has brought enormous benefits

    both to the individual through the

    opportunity to travel and to global

    trade and development, but these

    benefits have not come without

    environmental impact. With internat-

    ional air transport predicted to grow

    four-fold over the next 30 years, the

    aerospace community needs to secure

    the environmental sustainability of the


    In response to this challenge, a consortium

    of nine leading UK universities, led by

    Manchester Metropolitan, Cranfield and

    Cambridge, has been awarded 5.2million

    to conduct multi-disciplinary studies and

    knowledge transfer activities into the role of

    aerospace in environmental issues.

    The OMEGA partners are: Manchester

    Metropolitan University, Cranfield University

    and Cambridge University, supported by

    Leeds, Sheffield, Reading, Southampton,

    Loughborough, and Oxford.

    The partners are supported by a large

    number of stakeholders drawn from the

    manufacturing industries, airlines,

    Government departments and NGOs.

    OMEGA activities are arranged under three

    broad themes Science, Technology and

    Socio-Economic issues. Cranfield's lead is

    Professor Ian Poll, who is also the

    Technology Thematic Coordinator for the

    OMEGA programme.


    Cranfield academics are heavily involved in

    a number of OMEGA projects.

    Professors Ian Poll, Mark Savill and Kevin

    Garry are working on Understanding the

    Initial Dispersion of Engine Emissions.

    This project is looking at the nature of

    aircraft engine emissions at all stages of

    operation ground idle, taxi, take-off,

    climb, cruise and landing in order to

    model the way these emissions disperse

    and analyse pollutant levels.

    An important objective of this study is to

    gain an understanding of the factors that

    determine pollutant concentration levels

    around airports and a better understanding

    of the behaviour of aircraft engine emissions

    and how aircraft technology affects the


    The study is split into three parts: the first

    focuses on building a picture of aircraft

    plumes. This is achieved by constructing a

    model of the flow immediately behind the

    engine and of the mixing process. It is hoped

    this will result in a better understanding of


    Figure 3: Algae may be the holy grailof biofuels

    Biojet fuel for commercial aviation: are we close?

    ...continued The challenge of green aviation:

    the OMEGA partnershipby Professor Ian Poll

    A Boeing 777 Quiet TechnologyDemonstrator: image courtesy of Boeing

    This aircraft illustrates the steps that the industry is taking totackle the noise issue, but is not part of the OMEGA project.

  • 7/28/2019 Dave Daggett


    Looking at kerosene and other fuels derived

    from fossil deposits and synthetic liquid fuels

    manufactured from coal, biomass or natural

    gas; and bio-fuels made from agriculturalcrops, assessing the noise, emission and

    engine performanceof each fuel.

    Using sustainable fuels in aircraft engines

    poses a number of technical challenges:

    The use of lower energy density fuels

    may in fact increase engine CO2 emissions

    and noise relative to conventional jet fuel

    Aircraft need fuel for heating, cooling and

    other tasks which may prevent the use of

    solely sustainable fuel, resulting in the

    need to mix sustainable fuel with jet fuel

    If the journey range of an aircraft is

    reduced and its take-off weight increased

    on certain routes this is not a problem,

    but increased weight will again result in

    increased fuel burn and noise.

    The work is showing that the use of

    sustainable fuels in aviation is not straight-

    forward, requiring trade-offs with respect to

    noise and emissions.

    In another project, A Framework for

    Estimating the Marginal costs of

    Environmental Abatement for the Aviation

    Sector, Professor Joe Morris of the School

    of Applied Sciences is examining socio-

    economic factors of local air quality, noise

    and climate change issues associated with

    the growing need to control these

    environmental impacts of aviation while

    also safeguarding aviation's social and

    economic benefits.

    There is a growing call to control the

    environmental impacts of aviation, especially

    given predictions of high future growth inair traffic. As a part of the OMEGA

    programme, this project explores the

    relationship between the characteristics of

    aviation activities and emissions to the


    Drawing on currently available data,

    knowledge and expert judgement, the

    project seeks to determine how this

    relationship can be modified by means of a

    range of interventions involving changes in

    technologies, operating practices and

    management systems. From this, it is

    intended that cost-effective and

    economically efficient emission control

    measures can be identified.

    Figure 1 illustrates the main components of

    the study.

    The findings of the study will help to direct

    future research towards the development

    and adoption of aviation technologies that

    seek to reconcile economic and

    environmental objectives.

    Project Icarus: Developing approved

    environmental accreditation standards and

    a carbon reduction toolkit for companies

    that purchase business travel is a project

    for which Dr Keith Mason from the School

    of Engineering is Principal Investigator.

    Business travel accounts for some 40 to

    50% of all air travel. While companies that

    purchase air travel are increasingly concerned

    about their carbon footprint, many are unsure

    on ways to reduce it. Working with theInstitute of Travel Management, Project

    Icarus aims to provide a quick and practical

    solution for such companies by creating an

    environmental impact reduction toolkit and

    a set of approved standards for UK

    companies to adhere to.

    The toolkit incorporates:

    standards and practices for travel

    policies and carbon emission reporting

    travel avoidance options

    a tool to assess travel mode switching

    for carbon reduction

    resources and support to assist buyers

    and suppliers to set a process in place

    to reduce their environmental footprint

    an assessment of internal vs. external

    company business meetings and advice

    on use of travel alternatives including

    video, tele and webcasts

    carbon offset programmes.

    In addition, the project looks to develop an

    accreditation process through which travel

    buyer organisations and their suppliers can

    drive carbon-reducing strategies through

    their travel purchase decisions.

    Information on OMEGA and all projects isavailable on the OMEGA website at:


    For information on Cranfield's involvement,

    please contact:

    Professor Ian Poll T: +44 (0)1234 754748

    or E: [email protected] I


    The challenge of green aviation: the OMEGA partnership


    Local airport environmental impactstudy. Image courtesy of Dr Vitchko

    Tsanev, University of Cambridge

    OMEGA is investigating the impactof aircraft emissions and condensationtrails on global climate

    Figure 1: the main components ofProfessor Joe Morriss study.

    how the exhaust from a jet engine turns

    into a mixed plume; and of the composition

    of the plume itself.

    During take-off and landing the wings of an

    aircraft produce lift which in turn generates

    powerful trailing vortices. These interact

    with the exhaust plumes and the way t hat

    the plume disperses is altered as a result.

    At present there is limited understanding of

    this phenomenon. The second part of the

    project investigates the interaction between

    vortices and exhaust plumes.

    Finally the project will develop a method-

    ology for the wind tunnel simulation of jet


    The method simulates the conditions of an

    aircraft engine during take off and landing

    so that the scaled plume can be measured.

    This study will make it possible to look at

    factors influencing plume direction and

    composition levels in a numberof simulated

    conditions and for a range of aircraft


    In a project entitled Carbon Neutral Aviation

    Fuels, Professors Barrie Moss and Ian Poll

    are contributing to the evaluation of the

    relative environmental impacts of potential

    alternative fuels.

  • 7/28/2019 Dave Daggett



    Air transportation plays a very important

    role in the world's economic growth

    and in globalisation.

    The aviation industry, which is critical for

    both the economy and tourism, has

    provided 29 million jobs worldwide and

    contributed US$880 billion to world Gross

    Domestic Product.

    Air passenger traffic is expected to

    increase by approximately 5% annually

    over the next 20 years and more than

    20,000 new aircraft will be required to

    support the projected growth. However,

    both global and local environmental issues

    associated with air transportation

    operations may seriously affect growth.

    The main environmental impacts that are

    linked to aviation are climate change, andlocal air and noise pollutions. Although

    currently only about 3% of global man-

    made CO2 is produced by the aviation

    industry, concerns on its projected

    accelerating growth rate and the 'multiply

    effect' that CO2 emissions have on global

    warming when it is released into t he

    stratosphere have increased attention on

    the aviation industry.



    The design for an environmentally friendly

    airliner is the result of work carried out by

    49 students over a seven-month period as

    part of the Group Design Project on the

    Aerospace Vehicle Design (AVD) MSc


    The project aimed to produce a conceptual

    design and viable detail design solution for

    an environmentally friendly long range Civil

    Transport Aircraft, named the A-6 'Greenliner'.

    The challenges faced during the detail

    design process gave the design team a

    great opportunity to apply what they learned

    in their MSc and acquire the necessary

    skills to synthesis technical solutions in a

    virtual industrial and interactive environment.

    The project has amassed up to 45Gb of

    data, 9,000 pages of text, and around 400

    engineering drawings, representing the

    accumulation of approximately 50,000hours of work.

    Design considerations

    The A-6 was designed to the airworthiness

    requirements of EASA CS-25 and has a

    maximum payload of just over 35.5 tonnes

    to be carried over a design range of


    The airframe has a design life of 25 years

    and 70,000 flying hours. The maximum

    take-off weight is just under 210 tonnes.

    The specification called for a payload of

    375 passengers in a two-class configuration.

    The fuselage has an overall length of 67m

    and an external diameter of 6.56m.

    The wingspan is 64m with a relatively high

    aspect ratio of 11.6. Use is made of anatural laminar flow aerofoil section with no

    sweepback. Coupled with the application

    of variable chamber flaps, a performance

    analysis revealed that by optimising L/D, a

    cruising altitude of 30,000ft at M0.74

    minimised fuel burn and the impact of

    emissions such as CO2 and NOx into the


    This lower cruise speed will increase flight

    times, and hence improved passenger

    comfort was one of the main design

    considerations. This was achieved through

    the design of a more spacious cabin, use

    of a 5,500ft cabin pressure altitude, and

    15% to 20% increased levels of humidity.

    The aircraft would be powered by two

    Rolls-Royce Trent 500 engine derivatives,

    adapted to include more electric equipment.

    The design focused on reducing the

    environmental impact caused by the

    engines, with emphasis put on noise and

    fuel burn reduction. In light of the primary

    aspect, the two engines are mounted

    above and aft of the fuselage to provide

    shielding of the exhaust jet by the tailplane

    and, on the nacelle, the intake is negatively

    scarfed and wrapped with a continuous

    layer of acoustic liner both to filter and

    reflect fan noise.

    Environmentally friendly airlinerThe A-6 Greenliner concept aircraft developed by Cranfield students

    by Phil Stocking

    The project has amassed up to 45Gb of data,

    9,000 pages of text, and around 400 engineering

    drawings, representing the accumulation ofapproximately 50,000 hours of work.

    A-6 baseline engine (Rolls-Royce Trent 500)

    The A-6 Greenliner U tail pictured over London

    A-6 main landing gear

  • 7/28/2019 Dave Daggett



    The anticipated performance of the A-6

    reduces both global and local

    environmental impacts during operation.

    The airframe weight reduction and thelaminar flow aerofoil are the basis of fuel

    savings. In addition, the aircraft's engines

    are designed to be high mounted on the

    aft fuselage with tail fins providing noise

    shielding. The CO2 and NOX emissions by

    the A-6 to the atmosphere have been

    minimised by optimising the cruise altitude

    with fuel burn.


    The future of our planet depends on us,

    and as future engineers it is part of our

    duty to consider the environmental impact

    in our creations. To participate in the great

    challenges of the next century, the A-6

    'Greenliner' Group Design Project has

    aimed to explore some of the solutions

    and to address the environmental

    concerns that the industry is nowbeginning to take seriously. I

    Information about the A-6 nowfeatures in the Future of Aerospacedisplay of the new AIRSPACE

    exhibition hall recently opened atthe Imperial War Museum atDuxford in Cambridgeshire (seebelow).

    Also running on big screens are

    videos of the work undertaken by

    Cranfield students as part of their

    group design projects in 2005-2006

    which saw them design a supersonic

    business jet, and 2004-2005 when

    they designed a Martian atmospheric

    flight vehicle.

    Phil Stocking (right) of Cranfield'sSchool of Engineering, pictured inOctober at the Duxford Imperial WarMuseum, hands over a model of theA-6 Greenliner to exhibitionmanagers Peter Collins (left) andCarl Warner (centre).

    Behind the group is last year'ssupersonic business jet. This year's A-6Greenliner project has featuredin thedisplay since early in 2008

    were noise reduction, more-electric systems

    and advanced coating technologies.

    For that last aspect, High-Velocity Oxy-Fuel

    (HVOF) coating technology is used to

    replace traditional chrome plating on the

    major high-wear components, such as the

    shock absorber sliding tube. In terms of

    noise, the gear structures are designed

    with aerodynamic cleanliness in mind. On

    the main gear, the single side strut with

    integrated down-lock, the bogie fairing and

    hub-caps are examples of design features

    included to meet this objective.

    The structural design of the A-6 aircraft

    considered the use of both metallic materials

    and carbon fibre composite materials in

    order that weight comparisons could be

    made. Carbon fibre composites reveal the

    lowest airframe weight, however the weight

    saving of composite materials is now

    being challenged by the use of aluminiumlithium alloys. A lower airframe weight will

    reduce fuel burn and emissions.

    The reduction in cabin altitude to 5500ft

    increases the fuselage differential pressure

    and therefore produces higher hoop

    stresses in the skin. This is an area where

    the weight saving benefits of high-strength

    composite materials was demonstrated in

    the fuselage design.

    Additional structural challenges were

    caused through engine noise shielding

    provided by the tailplane. Acoustic fatigue

    was one of the primary structural

    considerations for the design of the tailplane.

    Two tailplane configurations were examined,

    a 'U' tail and a 'V' tail. Trade off studies

    indicated that the 'V' tail configuration isrecommended due to its better low speed

    controllability and higher weight saving

    compared to the 'U' tail.

    Avionics systems benefit from the

    advancement and latest progress of

    electronic technology. The future trends of

    full AFDX architecture and open system

    standard IMA have been adopted and this

    contributed to the green objective by

    saving weight and power consumption.

    Onboard avionics systems in the A-6 have

    also avoided the use of hazardous materials

    such as lead as a soldering material.

    Environmentally friendly airliner: the A-6 Greenliner concept aircraft


    The fire extinguisher systems will make use

    of environmentally friendly Novec 1230 as

    the extinguisher fluid produced by 3M to

    replace the Halon that has been known to

    cause Ozone layer depletion.

    An alternative engine study considered the

    use of the intercooled recuperated turbofan

    engine (ICRTF) from MTU Aero Engines,

    equipped with a water injection system to

    reduce nitrous oxide emissions in the

    vicinity of airports. As with the baseline

    Trent 500 engine, a negatively scarfed inlet

    is used to reduce perceived noise.

    Much emphasis was placed on the use of

    more electric aircraft technology. An

    example was the use of electro hydrostatic

    actuators (EHA) for all primary flight control

    surfaces. This removes the necessity for anentire aircraft hydraulic system which

    reduces maintenance time and the use of

    environmentally damaging hydraulic fluids.

    The landing gear design focused on

    contributing to the environmental

    performance of the aircraft, as well as

    achieving acceptable levels of functional

    performance. The braking system is

    actuated using piezoelectric technology.

    Expected benefits other than the obvious

    environmental issue include improved anti-

    skid control and easier maintenance. The

    major environmental aspects considered

    The museum holds a permanent

    exhibition of Cranfield's Aircraft

    Vehicle Design Master's group

    project which will be updated eachyear to feature the latest project

    aircraft designed by the AVD


    This year's AVD MSc students will

    consider the design of a new

    military air-to-air refuelling tanker

    with both long range and short

    range civil aircraft derivatives. This

    will enable studies to be made into

    the possible benefits of air-to-air

    refuelling of civil aircraft. I

    Becoming a part ofaerospace future

    A-6 Greenliner with V tail

  • 7/28/2019 Dave Daggett



    The European Commission published its

    proposals for the incorporation of aviation

    into the ETS in November 2006.

    Some of the details of the way it will work

    were included (ie intra-EU routes in 2011

    and EU/non-EU routes in 2012), but other

    details such as the way permits would be

    allocated were not specified. The European

    Parliament's response in November 2007

    sought a common start date of 2011 and a

    fixed auctioning share of 20%, but wasalso vague on the way the other 80% of

    permits would be allocated.

    This research seeks to assess the impact

    of the main contenders for the allocation

    method on three airline business models.

    The three business models selected for

    analysis are a network carrier (British

    Airways), charter or leisure airline

    (Britannia/Thomsonfly) and a low-cost

    carrier or LCC (easyJet). These were all

    from one country, the UK, both to reduce

    possible distortions and because of greater

    data availability.

    The airlines are:

    The key difference between the models are

    evident from the table: the higher seatfactors for the LCC and charter models,

    which combines with their higher density

    seating and larger aircraft to give much

    higher passenger loads per flight: 120 for

    easyJet and 206 for Britannia compared to

    only 96 for British Airways.

    The analysis below is based on actual

    baseline traffic and emissions over

    2002/2003/2004 and an evaluation for the

    forecast year (assuming rates of traffic

    growth for each model).


    BA's short/medium haul fleet consists of a

    mixture of A319/320 and three variants of

    the B737 aircraft. easyJet operates the

    B737-700 and B737-300 types, and are

    replacing the latter with A319s of the same

    capacity. Britannia/Thomson mainly used

    its B757-200s on European sectors, with

    some B767s at peak times. However, with

    the birth of Thomsonfly, B737-500s and

    A320s have been introduced into the fleet.


    There are three main methods of permit

    allocation being considered within the

    designated maximum or cap:

    grandfathering or free allocation of

    allowances to incumbents using an

    emissions baseline

    auctioning all or some of the allowances

    benchmarking using various methods.

    The cap is to be set at 100% of the average

    emissions over 2005-07, although the

    European Parliament has countered with

    90%. A price of US$40 per tonne CO2 has

    been assumed for both market purchases

    and as an average auction price. This is

    somewhat higher than the market prices

    that were reached from the existing EU


    In support, pressure from higher prices is

    likely to come from a tightening of the

    existing scheme, and the fact that aviation,

    as a net purchase of allowances, would be

    able to trade with participants from other

    Air transport emissions: EU trading scheme

    industries. The baseline was taken to be the

    average traffic and emissions for 2002, 2003

    and 2004, and forecast growth rates were

    assumed to 2006 (the year of evaluation).

    Cargo has been excluded on the basis of

    the minimum distortion it might cause for

    shorter haul routes.


    Grandfathering involves allocating free

    allowances based on past emissions. Each

    year, once these were used up, airlines would

    be required to purchase allowance from

    other airlines or other trading entities. It is

    intended that the other entities would be

    those already in the EU ETS, and including

    these is crucial in obtaining the benefits oflimiting CO2 at least cost.

    Grandfathering tends to reinforce the status

    quo, and reward the more polluting airlines

    with pollution allowance that they do not have

    to pay for. Any further expansion could only

    be obtained by more environmentally efficient

    aircraft, or the purchase of the necessary

    allocation from others at the market price.

    New entrants would have to purchase all

    their allowances, as would the extra

    allowances required by existing airlines to

    accommodate growth (putting a greater

    onus on the faster growing LCCs).


    The auctioning analysis has assumed that

    100% of allowances are purchased, although

    the initial auctioning share is likely to be

    much smaller. The major question with

    auctioning is how to apply the proceeds

    from the auctions. The money raised could

    be used as general tax revenue, spent o n

    CO2 reducing projects or returned to airlines

    in proportion to traffic or through aviation

    related projects.

    Benchmarking (1)

    Benchmarking has the advantage of

    rewarding airlines that have already

    introduced efficient aircraft, and those that

    achieve higher efficiency than their

    competitors. It is thus favoured by airlines

    that have high passenger load factors.

    Benchmarking involves the determination

    of a baseline efficiency measure, say traffic

    (passenger-kms or tonne-kms) per tonne

    CO2, fixing an overall CO2 cap, and

    allocating CO2 allowances depending on

    an airline's share of traffic.

    Benchmarking (2)

    The above method of benchmarking tends

    to penalise those airlines flying shorter

    sectors. A second method is thus

    proposed using aircraft kms and flights as

    by Dr Peter Morrell

    Short/medium-haul fleet fuel efficiency,2004

    Airline operational characteristics, intra-EEA

    and domestic routes, 2004

    Seat Average EEA/domestic as

    fact or (%) secto r kms % to ta l t onne-kms

    British Airways 56 765 9

    easyJet 78 897 94

    Britannia/Thomson 86 1,950 70

    The impact of possible EU air transport emissions tradingscheme allocation methods on different airline businessmodels is explored by Dr Peter Morrell

  • 7/28/2019 Dave Daggett



    the efficiency measures, and not the above

    measures of traffic. This gets closer topenalising higher emitters, removing any

    reference to passenger loads as being

    irrelevant. Each flight is divided into a landing

    and take-off (LTO) phase and a cruise part

    of the flight, and each airline benchmarked

    against separate averages.


    The above analysis assumes that an EU

    ETS for aviation would be only applied to

    intra-EU flights. This raises significant

    distortions by itself, but may be the most

    likely approach given opposition from other

    countries. The focus has been on the three

    major types of allocation system:

    grandfathering/baseline, auctioning, and

    benchmarking, without addressing hybrid


    The summary in the chart shows that, as

    expected, the impact is greater on the LCC

    in all cases, although not by too much. This

    would be worse if the baseline had been

    based on less recent emissions. Thus the

    cap is lenient, the main purpose being to

    give an incentive to airlines (or other

    industries) to reduce pollution in the future.

    The position of Britannia depends to a largeextent on how far its LCC (Thomsonfly) grows

    relative to its tour operator/leisure flights.

    The baseline or grandfathering approach

    tends to penalise the faster growing LCC

    and favour the network carrier. The latter

    carries both long and short-haul passengers

    on its intra-EU feeder services, and t he

    cost could easily be absorbed in the long-

    haul ticket prices. It would, however, put

    the EU network carrier at a disadvantage

    relative to foreign hub carriers in the same


    Auctioning is the most costly option, and

    needs further evaluation in terms of how

    the proceeds are used, and hybrid schemes.

    Benchmarking as envisaged in the

    Commission's proposal is biased againstshorter distance operations, but an

    alternative is proposed here of splitting the

    benchmark into an LTO and distance flown

    elements. This is more complex in t erms of

    data collection and monitoring, but avoids

    the sector length distortion and does not

    penalise low-emission smaller aircraft. IImpact of allocation methods

    on airline costs

    Air transport emissions: EU trading scheme


    A national programme is focusing on

    the technologies, systems, facilities

    and procedures to allow autonomous

    vehicles to operate safely in the UK

    and Cranfield University is playing a role

    in six of th e programme's topic areas.

    Cranfield's level of involvement in the 32m

    ASTRAEA (Autonomous Systems Tech-

    nology Related Airborne Evaluation and

    Assessment) programme far exceeds that

    of any other academic partner, and sees us

    working with BAE Systems, Thales, Flight

    Refuelling Limited and QinetiQ.

    Autonomous vehicles, such as unmanned

    aerial vehicles, will bring real economic,

    environmental and security benefits in

    many different areas, and ASTRAEA will

    position the UK at the very forefront of these


    Our involvement includes:

    decision modelling the Applied Maths

    and Scientific Computing Group is

    contributing to the development of the

    integrated systems that will help drive the

    vehicle and is also involved in testing

    and developing collision detection and

    resolution algorithms

    UAV handling the Department of

    Aerospace Sciences is researching and

    developing a prototype technology

    enabling UAVs to taxi, take-off, land

    autonomously and control their physical

    behaviour during flight, in response to

    flight management demands

    multiple air vehicle integration the

    Department of Aerospace Sciences is

    also investigating the dynamic interactions

    between UAVs flying in close proximity to

    enable them to fly safely in close formation

    collision avoidance the Department of

    Aerospace, Powers and Sensors is

    helping to develop a 'sense and avoid'

    collision avoidance system.

    Cranfield Aerospace Ltd is also involved in

    this programme, looking at the topics of

    sense and avoid, compliance with the Air

    Navigation Order, and the 'rules of the air'.

    They are working towards creating the

    specification of systems that permit legal

    operations of unmanned air vehicles in both

    segregated and non-segregated airspace.

    They are also looking at the definition of

    certification standards that will make it

    possible for inhabited and unmanned airvehicles to operate simultaneously in the

    same airspace with no adverse impact on

    safety levels.

    ASTRAEA 1,2,3

    The first ASTRAEA conference was held in

    Bristol in October 2007. It provided 150

    delegates with updates on all aspects of

    the programme. The audience comprised

    key stakeholders in the field of Unmanned

    Airborne Systems, while several repres-

    entatives from Cranfield University also


    Cranfield at the forefront

    One of the major topics raised at the

    conference was the ASTRAEA consortium's

    wish to see unmanned aerial vehicles

    (UAVs) flying in non-segregated, UK civil

    airspace by 2012.

    Further information can be found at


    Cranfield is playing a significant role in the 32m national ASTRAEA programme

    Collision avoidance of unmannedvehicle in civil airspace

  • 7/28/2019 Dave Daggett



    In June Cranfield University opened its doors as

    part of the Milton Keynes Science Festival to

    highlight research about the environment and

    climate change.

    A steady stream of visitors joined academics

    throughout the day, attending presentations and

    demonstrations as well as taking part in a paper

    plane competition.

    Guests were challenged to design and build a plane

    from sheets of A4 recycled paper, and to try to beat

    the 120ft achieved by the Wright Brothers during

    their first flight in 1903.

    Although nobody achieved this feat, John Beedell

    managed an amazing 28.2m (92.5ft), outstripping

    the competition by a good few metres. He won a

    real flying lesson from one of the country's top

    training schools, Cabair.

    In second place was local businessman Jeremy

    Chatfield, and third place went to schoolboy Liam

    Hallett. Both won the chance of a virtual flight in

    the cockpit of the University's Flight Deck Simulator.

    Cranfield University and Boeing have

    signed a collaboration agreement to

    create an Integrated Vehicle Health

    Management (IVHM) Centre of


    The centre will be designed to support

    research into high-technology, high-value

    vehicles such as aircraft, shipping, high-

    speed trains and high-performance cars,

    but can be applied to any vehicle or complex


    IVHM differs from existing concepts of maintenance and repair and

    overhaul, as it enables the health of a whole vehicle to be

    monitored and assessed. Sensors distributed throughout the vehicle

    collect data on the condition of components and subsystems, while

    on-board processors assess health and predict possible


    The data collected can be used to improve maintenance, extend

    the life of both the whole vehicle and individual components,

    improve vehicle readiness and availability, and reduce operating

    Three members of Cranfield staffhave been awarded a Bronze Award

    under BAE Systems Chairman's

    Award scheme for research that has

    been undertaken into flapless flight

    control technology in collaboration

    with the company.

    The Chairman's Awards Scheme

    recognises BAE Systems employees,

    colleagues and industry partners for the

    new and innovative ways in which they

    shape BAE Systems and contribute

    towards its global success.

    The School of Engineering's Mike

    Cook, Dr Sascha Erbslh and

    Annalisa Buonanno have

    developed a prototype piece of

    technology called a 'dual slot

    circulation control actuator' an air flow

    control device that replacesconventional

    flaps normally found on the trailing edge

    of an aircraft wing. With only one small

    moving part, the actuator is a 'low

    maintenance' device and is non-intrusive

    in operation.

    The actuator, which works by modifying

    the circulation of air around a wing, has

    been tested in our wind tunnels and has

    been shown to be as effective as a

    conventional flap.

    Although it has wider potential application,

    the actuator is, in this instance, intended

    for unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), and

    BAE Systems has secured patent

    protection of the concept.

    It is anticipated that the actuator will be

    put through its paces when it is installed

    and flown on the 'Demon' UAV during

    the next phase of the Engineering and

    Physical Sciences Research

    Council/BAE Systems FLAVIIR project, in

    which Cranfield is involved.

    Cranfield University has scooped The

    Engineer magazine's 'Academic

    Innovator Award' and 'Special Award'

    for its Aircraft Engineering MSc.

    Launched this year, The Engineer Innovation

    and Technology Awards judge and applaud

    significant technological innovation,

    products or processes, and the skills of

    students in these areas. The awards are

    also designed to demonstrate the vital and

    growing role played by universities in t he

    UK's engineering and technology sector.

    Cranfield submitted three entries which

    were shortlisted in the competition but the

    Aircraft Engineering MSc now in its

    twelfth year won the judges over for its

    academic excellence and high-profile

    sponsorship from companies across the

    aerospace sector.

    This entry was also given the 'Special Award'

    for best overall submission from all those

    chosen as winners.

    Course Director Dr Helen Lockett said:

    The whole course team is really delighted

    to have won. To get the special award too

    is a double achievement, one that really

    does demonstrate the strength of our

    relationship with industry.

    The MSc is designed to develop chief

    engineers of the future by giving the

    students real-life experience of the entire

    process involved in designing, developing

    and flying new aircraft. Phill Stocking of the School of Engineeringwith competition runner-up Liam Hallett

    Paper planes take flight at Cranfield

    costs. For any operator, use of IVHM can

    provide long-term cost benefits and

    advantages over competitors.

    As a launch core partner, Boeing has madean investment towards establishing the

    centre, and the company's Phantom Works

    advanced R&D unit will be actively involved.

    The University is seeking further core

    partners and associates to provide funding

    to move the project on to the next stage.

    Cranfield University has a long-established

    record of working in partnership with major aerospace companies

    in research and innovation, said Professor Sir John O'Reilly, Vice-

    Chancellor of Cranfield University.

    He continued: The Integrated Vehicle Health Management concept

    points the way to improved maintenance and safety for high-

    technology vehicles in the future. Establishing this centre of excellence

    at Cranfield positions the University firmly at the centre of future

    developments in this exciting field.

    New agreement signed Course scoopsprestigious award

    Bronze for



    Eclipse - the unmanned air vehicledeveloped by students on the

    Aircraft Engineering MSc course

    Cranfield and Boeing sign agreement to create new Centre of Excellence for IVHM

  • 7/28/2019 Dave Daggett



    On a warm late summers day in early September, Cranfield

    played host to alumni, staff and guests from industry at

    Shuttleworth's Pageant Air Display at Old Warden in


    Cranfield staff chatted with students, shared memories over a

    glass of wine and enjoyed meeting some of Cranfield's earliest

    former students: John Stephenson ('48-'52) and his wife, Maureen;

    Derek Squires ('55-'57), who happened to fly in to Shuttleworth;

    and Ted Talbot ('51-'53).

    Convocation's Chair, Graham Howat and other alumni colleagues

    joined the party with more recent students and several Cranfield

    business visitors to share in the day's entertainment.

    The main attraction was the flying display from t he Shuttleworth

    Collection's aircraft, including the 1918 Avro 540K and 1941

    Hawker Sea Hurricane. Among the pilots enthralling the crowd,

    was Cranfield's own test Pilot Roger (Dodge) Bailey whose

    versatility was evident at the event, flying at least four different

    aircraft, culminating with t he 1936 Westland Lysander.

    Aircraft Engineering MSc alumni celebrated their 10th

    Anniversary reunion in September at an event hosted by

    the University's School of Engineering.

    37 alumni and industrial visitors attended the event, which

    attracted intakes from each of the 10 years, including many

    from the very first intake. Delegates travelled to join the eventfrom as far afield as the USA and Iceland.

    During the day the delegates attended presentations from

    fellow alumni and Cranfield staff, as well as a

    presentation from Lambert Dopping-

    Hepenstal, Science and Technology

    Director of BAE Systems.

    The alumni had the opportunity to revisit

    the building where they had studied and to

    see the developments to the Group Design

    Project aircraft that they had worked on as

    students. The reunion provided an

    excellent opportunity for course alumni,

    Alumni celebrated 20 years of Cranfield University's MSc in

    Astronautics and Space Engineering during a one-day Space

    Alumni Forum in June.

    Held on the Cranfield campus, the reunion brought together old and

    new Space alumni from the first students who studied in the early

    1980s to most recent graduates. Tom Bowling, the first course

    director, was also present for the day. Alumni attended from around

    the world providing a wonderful opportunity to re-build relations

    and make new contacts.

    A number of follow-up activities were discussed to ensure that alumni

    had ways of staying in touch with each other online communities,

    further events as well as looking at ways they can continue to build

    Cranfield's rich history in space engineering through assisting students,

    mentoring and providing employment and projects.

    The forum provided a review of space activities and policies mainly

    within Europe. Dave Parker, Director of Space Science at the British

    National Space Centre, put into context the wide range of activities

    currently involving British space engineers, and expressed the needfor young people to be stimulated and informed to ensure the future

    of space engineering. Presentations were also made by Martine Diss

    of the European Commission and Pierro Messina from the European

    Space Agency, Directorate of Human Spaceflight, Microgravity and

    Exploration. Alumni also gave brief overviews of their organisations


    The event attracted a number of sponsors, allowing the event to be

    heavily subsidised for delegates. VEGA, represented by Cranfield

    alumnus John Loizou were key sponsors, while ABSL Space Products

    also kindly provided support.

    Course Director Peter Roberts said: The event has been a great

    success and the feedback from students, colleagues and staff hasbeen extremely positive. We'd like the Space Alumni Forum to continue

    to be exactly that a forum to discuss ideas and to create new

    business and research collaborations. This is about people who are

    more than just colleagues but, rather, friends who have a common

    connection to Cranfield. I am looking forward to working with the

    alumni in the future.

    'Dodge' Bailey pilots the Bucker Bestmann:picture courtesy of Jenny Forrest

    Spectators look to the skies

    Cranfield amongthe enthusiasts

    sponsors and Cranfield staff to catch up with old friends and

    share their news.

    Following the success of the reunion an Aircraft Engineering

    MSc Special Interest Group is planned within the University

    alumni society. The networking group will help course alumni

    to keep in touch with each other and the University. A websitefor the group should be available by early 2008. For more

    news, check: www.cranfield.ac.uk/alumni

    We'll meet again: celebrating 10th reunion

    Space alumniget together

    One of the two sub-scaled demonstrators of a Blended

    Wing Body (BWB) transport aircraft completed last year

    has taken to the skies for the first phase of its test programme.

    Designed by Boeing and developed by Cranfield Aerospace, a

    limited company of the University, the first was used for wind tunnel

    testing. The 21-foot wingspan remotely piloted X-48B test vehicle

    took off from the NASA Dryden Flight Test Centre, California,

    climbing to an altitude of 7,500ft before landing 31 minutes later.

    Data on stability and flight-control characteristics, especially during

    take-off and landing, will be compared to computer model and

    wind tunnel results. Up to 25 flights are planned to gather data

    and later studies will be conducted to provide detailed understanding

    of this unique aircraft shape to enable a future full-scale design.

    Gary Cosentino, NASA Dryden's BWB Project Manager, said: The

    test flight marked yet another aviation first achieved by a very hard-

    working Boeing, NASA and Cranfield team. The X-48B flew as well

    as we had predicted, and we look forward to many productive

    data flights.

    The BWB owes its name to its design effectively a flying wing in

    that the wing blends smoothly into a lifting, tailless centre body.

    This provides less drag compared to a conventional tube and wing

    design which translates to reduced fuel use at cruise conditions.Since the engines mount high on the back of the aircraft, there is

    less noise inside and on the ground when it is in flight.

    Weighing in at some 500lb, the X-48B is powered by three turbojet

    engines enabling the vehicle to fly at up to 120knots and an

    altitude of 10,000ft. With potential as a long-range bomber or a

    flight refuelling tanker, the full-scale version could be able to fly

    non-stop around the world at 600knots.

    Dave Dyer, the Cranfield Aerospace X-48B Programme Manager

    and Chief Engineer, said: Boeing supplied us with the outer profile

    for the aircraft and a detailed specification. We then implemented

    the design and delivered two aircraft, flight control avionics and a

    ground control system. Boeing came to us for our ability to supply

    a complete system.

    The X-48B banks over desert scrub during theaircraft's fifth test flight: photo courtesy of NASA

    Flying high

    Space alumni listen to Dr David Parker at the June event

  • 7/28/2019 Dave Daggett



    Flight Data Monitoring for Airlines 18-21 February

    This 312-day course will provide delegates with an advancedappreciation of the technical, operational, management and legalissues surrounding a flight data monitoring (FDM) programme,also referred to as flight operational quality assurance (FOQA).The course is run in association with the Civil Aviation Authority.

    Airline Fleet Planning 25-29 February

    Delegates on this five-day course will learn how to structure the

    fleet planning process and how to appreciate and analysecompeting and conflicting proposals. Also included in the courseis a practical workshop. The course is designed for decision-making air transport industry managers as well as air transportprofessionals from operators, suppliers and third parties who areinvolved in the actual evaluation process.

    Airframe Systems Design 25-29 February

    This course aims to expand delegates' knowledge of airframesystems, their role, design and integration. In particular, it willprovide delegates with an appreciation of the considerationsnecessary when selecting aircraft power systems and the effectof systems on the aircraft as a whole.

    Air Transport Engineering - Maintenance Operations 3-7


    This five-day course is aimed at technical and commercial staff inthe aerospace industry whose role is making decisions in a highlytechnical and closely regulated industry. The course covers:

    aircraft maintenance philosophies; maintenance management;control of logistics; the principles of engineering design forreliable service; Reliability Centred Maintenance; and humanfactors in maintenance.

    Infrastructure and Safety Man agement 10-14 March

    The aim of this five-day course is to introduce delegates to theorganisation and operation of air transport infrastructure and thesafety management of both the infrastructure and aircraftoperations. Topics include: strategic airport planning; airports andthe environment; airport design and operations; crisismanagement simulation; international and national regulations;air transport safety; ground operations; navigation systems, ATCownership and performance measures; human factors andairport security.

    Safety Management Systems in Aviation 10-14 M arch

    This new course enhances material contained in the ICAO SafetyManagement Manual. It brings together all the relevant academicexpertise along with industry experts working in regulation and

    accident investigation. This course covers the fundamentalconcepts behind safety management systems and their practicalimplementation into the air transport environment.

    Fundamentals of Aircraft Engine Control 10-14 March

    This course aims to give an introduction to aircraft engine controlissues and systems. On completion of t he course delegatesshould be able to understand both the demands of the engineand the design and performance constraints of the controlsystem. The course will be of benefit to both gas turbineengineers and control engineers.

    Introduction to Avionics 21-25 April

    This one-week course provides the aerospace professional with atechnical and practical introduction to the subject of avionics. Thecourse will focus on functions, supporting technologies andavionic system design considerations. The course is designed forgraduate scientists and engineers who wish to pursue a career inavionics or a related field. It is also intended for airlineprofessionals including pilots.

    Hazards Awareness for Air Accident Responders 30 April

    Personnel that respond to air accident sites are exposed to awide range of health and safety hazards. This one-day courseprovides the required safety awareness training and knowledgeabout common standards of protective equipment and workpractices.


    Radar: An Introduction 2-3 April

    Upon completion of this two-day course participants should havea sound grasp of the principles of operation and the practicallimitations of the techniques currently used in practical radarsystems.

    Imaging Radar 7-8 April

    This two-day course provides an appreciation of the principlesinvolved in imaging radar, with illustrations of their applicationsand limitations in practical imaging radar systems.

    Antennas: An Introduction 9 April

    This one-day course deals with the fundamental characteristicsand operation of antennas. The course covers the design andapplications of both wire and aperture antennas, the concept ofarray antennas, and methods of measuring important antennaparameters.

    Phased Arrays and Multi-Function Radar 10-11 April

    This two-day course addresses the principles andimplementation of phased array, and their use in the design andoperation of modern multi-function radars (MFRs).

    Radar ESM 14-15 April

    This two-day course provides delegates with an appreciation ofthe principles involved in the design and use of radar ElectronicSupport Measures systems. Upon completion of the course,participants should have a sound grasp of the principles ofoperation, and the practical limitations of the techniques used inradar ESM systems.

    Radar Countermeasures 16-18 April

    This two-day course provides an appreciation of the principlesinvolved in the design and use of radar countermeasures. Uponcompletion of the course, participants should have a soundgrasp of the principles of operation, and the practical limitations,of the techniques used in radar ECM systems.

    For further details of professional development

    opportunities please see www.cranfield.ac.uk/short

    For details of postgraduate courses, please see



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    Short courses February to April 2008

    NB: This information is correct at the time of publication, but dates may besubject to change. Please see the website for the most up-to-date information.