da'wah tips

Don't panic here is some Da'wah Tips for you.  Da'wah Tips for a ll the pot ential du'aa t out there.

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Don't panic here is some Da'wah Tips for you. 

Da'wah Tips for all the potential du'aat out there.

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Da'wah Tips:

Buddhism – key concept is to introduce a God (creator) and to dismiss any divinity of personalities....s Buddha God!

They say: yes

"ou: asses the impossi#ility of him #ein$ God%Born& ate death etc lso ask where didBuddha sayhe was God!They say: ot God. there is no God.

"ou:Go to cosmolo$ical ar$ument%where did the universe come from!

Give the eamples of how the world came into eistence.

* Did the universe create itself%has anytin$ ever created itself! +an we eist and not eistat same time! ,r& can a -other $ive #irth to herself!

Did the universe come out of nothin$% /as somethin$ ever come from nothin$!+ausality% 0omethin$ cant12 come out of nothin$3 /ave we ever eperienced or acceptedthis to have ever happened!

4 (/ence) it was created%By process of elimination it can only #e such.

56ere they created of nothin$! or were they perchance& their own creators! or did theycreate the heavens and the earth! surely they have no firm #elief.5(0urah t%Tur 7:47%48)0ee -ore 

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Da'wah Tips:

-ovin$ the sofa – you wish to move a sofa #ut it re9uires two people % so you $o acrossthe streetand ask a nei$h#our to help. /e says he could do #ut must ask his nei$h#our if he

can.This process isrepeated infinitely with... each nei$h#our askin$ a new nei$h#our if they have therauthority to help.Do you thin$ the sofa would ever $et moved! o3 That is why for the 6orld to have comeinto effectthere must #e a cause and that cause must #e one and uni9ue. 

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Da'wah Tips: 

(reddy the fro$)

f you had a fro$ (freddy the fro$)& and then said hey 2ve adopted a fro$ – he sits in histank

net to me when we eat at the dinner ta#le& he has his own #edroom and we also watchTvto$ether! 2 ve sent off the papers to the adoption service (as li#eral as we are) and theyshould #esendin$ throu$h my approval letter any day now. 6ould you consider this a properadoption!%refer to common$ sense;rationale.

To consider humans e9uivalent to animals is de$radin$ as they are a lower #ein$ thanourselves %hence we use terminolo$y such as <"ou cow< or <you son of a =..< since these terms are

dero$atory to humans.n the same contet to refer to -an or >esus as #ein$ related to Godin any way isetremely dero$atory and offensive to God. 

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Da'wah Tips: 

6hy dont2 -uslims #ehave the way you show slam!

?ltimately any reli$ion or or$anisation can #e hi$h>acked for personal reasons%someonecould

come alon$ tomorrow and perform a heinous crime yet claim to #e catholic. /owever weknow that+atholicism doesn2t promote or ascri#e to anythin$ of that the person has done. Thereforeit is2tfair to #lame the reli$ion for the mistake of the people who follow that reli$ion – especiallyif whatthey are doin$ has no #asis in that reli$ion. "ou could $i#e the eample of dictators#elon$in$ to aspecific reli$ion. ,r use the followin$ analo$y to remain non%political:

  Bentley is an incredi#le car& a super# machine and of e9uisite cali#re and presti$e

amon$automotives. /owever $ive that car to a drunken man and if he drives it into a wall – do wesay thatthe car is a #ad or do we #lame the driver! Get t>em to a$ree& that the driver is at faukt notthevehicle. /ence slam is perfect the eponents may not #e. 

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Da'wah Tips: 

 s an eample: f you took a man from +hina& a man from merica& a woman from@n$land& a manfrom laska& a man from frica and a woman from Aussia.ll of whom had memorised theuran

yet who did not speak each others lan$ua$e.... Then take all the urans in the world andthrow theminto the sea%leavin$ not a sin$le #ound version.That team of people could reproduce theuranfrom memory and have one #y the end of the week.

6ould you a$ree that was amaCin$.

uran E7:*%F ndeed& it is a $lorious uran. n a preserved master ta#let. 

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Da'wah Tips: 

0omethin$ cant 2t come out of nothin$%you wake up to find a parrot in your room! +learlywe don<t accept that it >ust appeared%somewhere alon$ the line it entered;was placedeither throu$h the window or via the door : #y someone or flew in.t<s not accepta#let tosu$$est it >ust apperaed3 

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Da'wah Tips: 

f told u that have a fish called flappy and he is my son what would you think!

 nd then eplained that flappy eats at the ta#le& has his own room and that am nowapplyin$ for him to $o school. 6hat would you say to me !

That am craCy ! "ou would say how can flappy #e your son when he is a fish and your ahuman 3

/e can't #e your son as the nature of a fish is different from a human.

n the same way how can +hristians say that $od had a son 3 6hen the nature of a man iscompletely different from $od 3 

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Da'wah Tips: 

Give the eamples of how the world came into eistence.

* Did the universe create itself%has anytin$ ever created itself! +an we eist and not eistat same time! ,r& can a -other $ive #irth to herself!

Did the universe come out of nothin$% /as somethin$ ever come from nothin$!+ausality% 0omethin$ cant12 come out of nothin$3 /ave we ever eperienced or acceptedthis to have ever happened!

4 (/ence) it was created%By process of elimination it can only #e such.

56ere they created of nothin$! or were they perchance& their own creators! or did theycreate the heavens and the earth! surely they have no firm #elief.5(0urah t%Tur 7:47%48) 

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Da'wah Tips: 

0niper eample – sniper locks onto a tar$et and radios in </ tar$et in si$ht % awaitin$the order to fire< ./ replies <hold fire – waitin$ order from hi$her up< % if they were to continue upthe chain

of command infinitely re9uestin$ approval – 6ould the sniper ever $et to shoot! o3Therefore thefact that the world came into eistence (the shot was fired) shows that there was that oneoverallcause (which had the power& will& intelli$ence for it to come into eistence)

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Da'wah Tips: 

t is impossi#le that -uhammed (eace Be ?pon /im) has copied The holy uran fromthe earlier revelations #ecause of this two reasons.

*. /e was a illiterade (he couldn't read or write)

. There was no such thin$ as a ara#ic #i#le in the.time of -uhammed peace #e upon him. 

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Dawah tips. 

(+ommon sense)

"ou ask the person : firstly do you a$ree that we should use common sense& lo$ic and ourreason

 to form conclusions in life.

Then continue to the second part when he or shee a$rees.

*HH people rush into a shop and take thin$s from a shop on creditand in the process cause some dama$e to the fitures and fittin$s. Then one man comesand paysfor all of them their merchandise and the dama$e they did. ow the shop keeper cannotdemandpayment from those people as credit;dama$e lia#ility is settled #y third party. /ence inrelation

we are all sinless (since >esus supposedly dies for our sins) and so can $o to heaven.Ae$ardless of whatever evil we do in life& to the people or animals. s this rational – ask them! Didn2t wea$ree on usin$ common sense!

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Da'wah Tips: 

start with

The key 9uestion3

Do you #elieve that >esus is God or that >esus was sent #y God!

-ost christians will say/e was sent #y Godtell them thatThere is only one reli$ion that says >esus was sent #y lmi$hty God do they knowwhich reli$ion it is!They will say <christianityshow them that christianity says that >esus is God rather than sent #y God.Because the christians say%<God the father&God the son God the /oly spirit.<

They would a$ree that christianity says this: #ut they don<t #elieve that >esus is God."ou can tell them that their #elief a#out >esus is really the same as slam& therefore theyarereally closer to islam than christianity