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Deakin Accelerate A distinctive VCE extension studies program

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DeakinAccelerateA distinctive VCE extension studies program

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03 What is Deakin Accelerate?

04 BenefitsofDeakinAccelerate

06 Why Deakin Accelerate?

07 Application

08 Study areas

17 Related Deakin courses

18 Glossaryofterms

19 About Deakin

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What is Deakin Accelerate?Deakin Accelerate is a distinctive VCE extension studies program aimed at high-achieving VCE students.

As part of the program, you’ll have the unique opportunity to study two first-year university units during Year 12.

Studying one unit per trimester, you’ll complete your chosen units with other first-year university students at one of Deakin’s four campuses, or via our Cloud Campus – an innovative online learning environment.

‘The Deakin Accelerate program has made me a better student and allowed me to push my academic limits!’

Anabelle Weinberg2016 Deakin Accelerate Student – CriminologyCurrent Deakin Student – Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Laws

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Boost your ATARWhen you successfully complete two Accelerate units, you’ll achieve between 3 and 5 increment points, which will be added onto your ATAR aggregate.

The table below shows what ATAR increment contribution you can achieve based on your results.

Average mark for Accelerate


ATAR aggregate contribution

Equivalent VCE study


90 or more 5.0 points 50

80–89 4.5 points 45

70–79 4.0 points 40

60–69 3.5 points 35

50–59 3.0 points 30

The ATAR increment points you can earn will be determined based on your average mark achieved across the two Accelerate units. University units are marked out of 100, so your results will be scaled to make them equivalent to VCE.

Benefits of Deakin Accelerate

Ifyouareconsideringcompletingafifthorsixth subjectinYear12,whynotstudyaspartofthe DeakinAccelerateprogram.You’llgetallthesame benefitsofafifthorsixthsubjectcontributingto yourATAR,plusyou’llgainuniversitycredit, andreducethecostofyourfuturedegree.

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Choose how and when you want to studyWe’re one of the world’s leading universities for flexible study and we get that attending a class on campus may not always be convenient for you. That’s why you can choose to study either on campus, online or a blend of both.

Deakin has four campuses available to you – see yourself studying at our Melbourne Burwood Campus, Geelong Waterfront Campus, Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus or Warrnambool Campus.

You can also study fully online via our Cloud Campus, where you’ll have access to study resources 24/7. Accessed on your desktop, tablet or mobile device, the Cloud Campus brings the classroom to you with online lectures, study materials, resources and group seminars where you can get answers in real time.

EarnuniversitycreditYou’ll gain credit on completion of your Accelerate units that can be put towards a related Deakin course – that’s two units ticked off your degree. See page 17 for the related course list.

Even if your Deakin course is unrelated to your Accelerate units, in many cases you’ll still be able to use your completed units as electives. This means you can lighten your first-year study load or fast-track your degree by going straight into second-year units.

StudyforfreeYou won’t have to pay any tuition fees as part of the Accelerate program. This means you’ll complete two university units for free, so your future degree will cost less.

The only cost you may incur is if you need textbooks for your particular study area, however most of the unit study materials and resources are available online.

EaseyourtransitiontouniversityTaking on university units while you’re still at school gives you a great opportunity to experience university and get ahead. You’ll become familiar with university teaching and learning styles, so when you become a full-time student you’ll already know how you learn best.

StandoutfromthecrowdAs a high-achieving student in a rewarding and challenging program, your resume will have a distinctive edge, highlighting your commitment to success. It shows you have an eagerness to learn and the ability to commit yourself to a program that demands advanced time management and maturity.

77%ofDeakinAcceleratestudentschoosetostudyvia ourCloudCampus,soyouwillneverbestudyingalone.

‘I absolutely loved being a part of the Accelerate program, I knew that I wanted to study at Deakin and so I took the opportunity to start a little earlier than most.’

Jaala Davis2016 Deakin Accelerate Student – Psychological ScienceCurrent Deakin Student – Bachelor of Forensic Science

HowismyATARcalculated?Your ATAR is calculated from an aggregate, produced by adding together:

• your highest scaled study score in one of the English studies

• your highest scaled study scores for three additional studies, and

• 10 per cent of the scaled study scores for your fifth and sixth studies (your Deakin Accelerate units).

You’re then ranked in order of your aggregate and a percentage rank is assigned to you – this is your final ATAR score. This means if you receive an ATAR of 60, you performed better than 60 per cent of students that year.

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Why Deakin Accelerate?

FittinginwithyourVCEThe Accelerate program allows you to study two first-year university units, one in Trimester 1 (March–June) and one in Trimester 2 (July–October). You’ll have begun your VCE studies before starting your Accelerate units, and that’s why you can choose to study on campus, online or a blend of both. Choose what suits you best.

Typically, you’ll spend up to 10 hours per week on your Accelerate units. This includes time spent preparing for class, such as completing readings or activities, weekly lectures and seminars, and time spent completing assessments and studying for exams.

When it comes to university exam periods, you’ll find these generally don’t overlap with your VCE exams, so you will have plenty of time to study for both.

SupportingyourstudiesWe want you to succeed in all your studies and enjoy your time at Deakin. To support you, we have a dedicated team available to guide you through the program. We also run Accelerate events such as an Orientation specifically for Accelerate students, and an end-of-year Graduation.

Studying at university is quite different to studying at secondary school, so all Accelerate students have full access to Deakin study support where you can improve your general study skills or get help on a tricky assignment, including referencing. Plus, you’ll have full access to our library, both on campus and online, which can help you with your university and VCE studies.

Deakin study periods Deakin exam periods

Trimester1 Trimester2

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4


School terms


‘Completing the Accelerate units helped me consolidate what I wanted to study at University. I studied the Psychological Science units and by doing this found my real passion was nursing, which I am now studying at Deakin.’

Emma Vescio2016 Deakin Accelerate Student – Psychological ScienceCurrent Deakin Student – Bachelor of Nursing

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Who should apply?The Accelerate program is for students who are:

• high-achievers with above-average Year 11 results

• self-starters who can work independently

• motivated to achieve a higher ATAR score

• keen to make a head-start on their university degree.

What do I need to apply?Some Accelerate units will require you to complete particular VCE Units 3 and 4 to be eligible for the program. For units with prerequisite subjects, you must be completing these prerequisites while you are in Year 11, or you may complete them in Year 12 while studying the Accelerate units.

You will also need:

• a high-performing past academic record

• an endorsement and recommendation from your school

• signed permission from your parent or guardian, and school

• responses to the student supporting statement questions

• up to five additional documents to support your application. These are optional and could include:

– report pages

– awards

– additional written recommendations.

How do I apply?

Step 1 – Research

• What are the study areas you are interested in?

• Are there prerequisite subjects you need to complete?

• Will you complete the units on campus, online or a blend of both?

• Can you obtain all the required documents?

Step 2 – Your application

Ensure you apply by 15 December 2017.

All applications must be submitted online via the application portal.

• Download the application pack at

• Seek approval and supporting documentation from your parent or guardian, and school.

• Complete your responses to the student supporting statement questions.

• Submit your application along with supporting documents at


• You’ll be notified by 19 January 2018 about the outcome of your application.

• Once you have received an offer you need to formally accept it within one week to confirm your place in the program.

• To accept your offer, follow the enrolment instructions in your offer email.

Step 4 – Start Deakin Accelerate

• Orientation will be held in late February 2018

• Check and purchase any required text books

• Trimester 1 commences 5 March 2018.

Applications close 15 December 2017.Download the application pack at

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Deakin Accelerate study areasWe are excited to offer you 12 different study areas in the 2018 Deakin Accelerate program.

Each one of Deakin’s Faculties have units available in the program, giving you a diverse range of study choices to help accelerate your VCE and university studies.

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PrerequisitesYou will have completed in Year 11 or be enrolled to complete in Year 12, Units 3 and 4 VCE Accounting.


MAA103AccountingforDecisionMaking B WB WF C

In this unit you will examine the impact of accounting in society, covering business planning and budgets for management decisions, classification, analysis and summarisation of business transactions, preparation of classified accounting reports and techniques to analyse and interpret financial statements.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 2 hour class, 1 x 1 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): flexible online learning experiences equivalent to campus contact hours per week, including 3 x 3 hour online workshops throughout the trimester

AssessmentsA recording assignment worth 15% A video presentation worth 10% A written business plan worth 15% A written exam worth 60%


MAA261FinancialAccounting B C

In this unit you will examine the financial accounting ‘cycle’, from recording relevant transactions through to preparation of financial statements.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 2 hour class, 1 x 1 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): flexible online learning experiences equivalent to campus contact hours per week, including 3 x 3 hour online workshops throughout the trimester

AssessmentsA group written assignment worth 20% A case study worth 20% A written exam worth 60%

Business Analytics



MIS171 Business Analytics B C

Business Analytics uses quantitative reasoning skills in business decision making. It helps managers to solve complex business problems, improve business performance, anticipate and plan for change while managing and balancing risk. This unit provides you with the analytical knowledge and skills to explore data to find patterns and relationships, assess uncertainty and risk of business decisions and evaluate decisions to forecast and predict trends.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 2 hour class, 1 x 1.5 hour lab per week

Cloud (online): 1 x 2 hour class (recorded), 1 x 1 hour online seminar per week

AssessmentsTwo assessments each worth 20% A written exam worth 60%


MIS203MakingSenseofInformation B WF C

This unit begins by considering the changes that the digital world has made to our lives and how we live in a world immersed in information and social media. We then look at how we can search and analyse information and utilise social media for business, learning and collaboration. You learn how information can be used to assist people but also how to monitor and manage people at work and at home. Finally, we consider how to use ICT in a more secure manner.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 2 hour class, 1 x 1 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): 1 x 2 hours class (recorded) per week, plus 3 x 1 hour online workshops throughout the trimester

AssessmentsA case study worth 40% A reflective exercise worth 20% A written exam worth 40%

Cloud CampusMelbourne Burwood CampusGeelong Waterfront Campus

Geelong Waurn Ponds CampusWarrnambool Campus






Study areas

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ACR101IntroducingCrimeandCriminology B WF WP C

This unit introduces you to the various ways in which we think about and respond to crime and its control. You will explore the key framework for understanding and explaining crime and examine the main types of crime, including crimes between persons, groups and organisations, and crimes at local, national and international levels.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 1 hour class, 1 x 1 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): flexible online learning experiences equivalent to campus contact hours per week

AssessmentsA portfolio worth 10% An online exercise worth 10% A research and writing exercise worth 40% A written exam worth 40%


ACR102IntroducingCrimeandCriminalJustice B WF WP C

In this unit you will be introduced to the structures and procedures of the criminal justice system from a critical perspective. You will learn the major characteristics of the investigation, prosecution, adjudication and correctional processes within the criminal justice system, and the key issues which impinge on contemporary criminal justice administration in Australia.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 1 hour class, 1 x 1 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): flexible online learning experiences equivalent to campus contact hours per week

AssessmentsAn online exercise worth 10% A presentation worth 10% A research and writing exercise worth 40% A written exam worth 40%

Study areas

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HDS101CommunicationandDiversity B WF C

This unit examines the principles of effective communication and how these can be applied in a range of clinical and professional situations. The unit has a focus on communication with people with a disability, and those from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. You will learn about the process involved in spoken, written, and non-verbal communication, and the impact of communication partners and environments. You will examine communication issues specific to physical disability, autism spectrum disorder, brain injury, and vision/hearing impairment. You will also practice applied communication skills including sign language, assertive listening, professional writing and communication resource development.

Contact hoursCloud (online): 1 x 2 hour online seminar per week

AssessmentsAn online multiple choice quiz worth 20% A reflective essay worth 40% A communication profile worth 40%


HDS106Diversity,DisabilityandSocialInclusion B C

Disability is part of the natural diversity of humankind. This unit explores the complex and dynamic interrelationships between people who have a disability and the society in which they live. You will learn about the different models and frameworks used in defining disability, and their impact on social structures and policy. The unit examines the mechanisms behind social inclusion and exclusion of people with disability, including structural, environmental, and personal influences, from childhood to old-age. Throughout the unit you will practice applying inclusion philosophies such as Universal Design, to optimise inclusion across a range of participation settings (e.g., education, recreation, accommodation, sexuality, and family life).

Contact hoursCampus: An average of 2 hours per week, plus additional online learning experiences

Cloud (online): 1 x 2 hour online seminar per week

AssessmentsAn online multiple choice quiz worth 20% An online role play worth 40% A multimedia presentation and bibliography worth 40%

Cloud CampusMelbourne Burwood CampusGeelong Waterfront Campus

Geelong Waurn Ponds CampusWarrnambool Campus






‘Accelerate helped me develop my critical thinking skills and gave me access to a multitude of resources that actually benefited my VCE subjects too. As I studied on campus, it helped me navigate my way around uni life and prepared me for my first year of university in a way that nothing else can.’

Daimon Smith2016 Deakin Accelerate Student – CriminologyCurrent Deakin Student – Bachelor of Information Systems

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PrerequisitesYou will have completed in Year 11 or be enrolled to complete in Year 12, Units 3 and 4 VCE Business Management.


MAE203TheGlobalEconomy B

In this unit you will gain an understanding of the Australian economic system within the world economy, and the ability to identify and assess current macroeconomic problems and policies. You will consider the way the whole economy works, including major sectors such as the household sector, the business sector, the government sector and the international sector. You will evaluate the workings and the impacts of monetary and fiscal policy, and examine issues such as economic growth, unemployment, inflation, balance of payments and exchange rates.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 2 hour class, 1 x 1 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): flexible online learning experiences equivalent to campus contact hours per week, including 3 online workshops throughout the trimester

AssessmentsOnline/in-class test(s) worth 15% An essay worth 25% A written exam worth 60%


MAE101EconomicPrinciples B C

The study of how markets operate is essential to understanding any form of economic behaviour in the global arena. In this unit you will learn about consumer and producer behaviours and their interactions in the marketplace. The tools of market analysis you will develop in the unit provide the foundation to understand issues such as coordinating needs with the world’s limited resources, corporate pricing strategies, monopoly power, government regulation, the environment, income inequality, the economic relationships between countries and foreign trade.

Contact hoursCampus: 2 x 1 hour class, 1 x 1 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): flexible online learning experiences equivalent to campus contact hours per week, including 3 scheduled online seminars throughout the trimester

AssessmentsA written assignment worth 25% Online quizzes worth 15% A written exam worth 60%


Study areas

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Health Practice and Research

PrerequisitesYou will have completed in Year 11 or be enrolled to complete in Year 12, Units 3 and 4 VCE Health and Human Development.


HBS110HealthBehaviour B C

Health behaviour uses a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the impact of lifestyle, behaviours and other factors that impact the health and health behaviours across the life span. You will develop an understanding of the process, challenges and skills involved in health behaviour change.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 2 hour class, 1 x 1 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): 1 x 1.5 hour online seminar per week

Assessments3 health behaviour journal entries worth 45% 10 online quizzes worth 10% A written exam worth 45%


HBS108HealthInformationandData C

This unit will help you develop skills in identifying and evaluating different forms of health evidence. You will learn how to make critical judgments about the many health claims we see every day and the quality of health information available to the public. This will help you to develop the skills needed to make informed evidence-based decisions as both a consumer and a health professional.

Contact hoursCloud (online): 1 x 1 hour online seminar per week

AssessmentsAn assignment worth 20% An assignment worth 30% A written exam worth 50%




ALJ111NewsReporting1 B WP C

This unit introduces you to the practice and theory of multimedia journalism. It sets the social, professional and legal context for journalism practice, and explores the convention of news writing and reporting stories. You will focus on combining text with photos and audio clips to produce news stories; critically examining their own production processes, and learn to report multimedia news stories to a deadline.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 2 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): flexible online learning experiences equivalent to campus contact hours per week

AssessmentsA research file worth 20% A news story for print media worth 40% A multimedia news story worth 40%


ALJ112NewsReporting2 B WF C

In this unit you will focus on the practice and theory of multimedia journalism through the news reporting processes. You will explore professional, social and legal factors that impact on reporting of local, regional and national news. The unit introduces you to key news beats, including reporting stories about politics, business, sport and local newsworthy events and issues.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 2 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): flexible online learning experiences equivalent to campus contact hours per week

AssessmentsSocial media for reporting worth 20% Photojournalism assignment worth 40% Video news story worth 40%

Cloud CampusMelbourne Burwood CampusGeelong Waterfront Campus

Geelong Waurn Ponds CampusWarrnambool Campus






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LAW (new in 2018)

PrerequisitesYou will have completed in Year 11 or be enrolled to complete in Year 12, Units 3 and 4 VCE Legal Studies.


MLL111 Contract B WF C

In this unit you will develop an understanding of the importance of contract law in commercial life and private settings and how contract problems may be approached and resolved. You will be exposed to the policy issues raised by contract law and cover topics including the nature, development and theory of contract law, formation and formalities, contractual capacity, contractual terms and their interpretation, vitiating factors and termination of contracts and remedies.

Contact hoursCampus: 2 x 2 hour class, 1 x 1 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): flexible online learning experiences equivalent to campus contact hours per week

AssessmentsA work memo of advice worth 30% A written exam worth 70%


MLL110LegalPrinciplesandSkills B C

This unit will equip you with fundamental legal skills and knowledge, which are the cornerstone of an excellent legal education. Topics include the nature of the law, legal history, the development of the Australian legal system, legal reasoning, statute law and statutory interpretation, legal research, legal communication and writing and legal ethics.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 3 hour class, 1 x 50 minute seminar per week

Cloud (online): flexible online learning experiences equivalent to campus contact hours per week

AssessmentsA legal research test worth 20% A statutory interpretation problem based question worth 35% An annotated bibliography worth 10% A written exam worth 35%

Study areas

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Management(new in 2018)

PrerequisitesYou will have completed in Year 11 or be enrolled to complete in Year 12, Units 3 and 4 VCE Business Management.


MMM132Management B WF C

This unit will provide you with a critical understanding of the intellectual foundations of the study of management. You will analyse how the solutions to management ‘problems’ have developed under different conditions throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century and explore how management practice influences, and is influenced by, the external environment. You will examine how managerial action impacts on and is shaped by the environment by considering globalisation, ethics, social responsibility and the social and cultural context of management.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 2 hour class, 1 x 1 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): 1 x 2 hour online class, 1 x 1 hour online seminar per week

AssessmentsA written assignment worth 40% A group concept summary worth 10% A written exam worth 50%


MMM241EntrepreneurshipandInnovation B WF C

In this unit you will gain an understanding of the dynamic nature of entrepreneurship, including the challenges and opportunities that are experienced by entrepreneurs. An introduction to a range of processes and strategies will help you develop the necessary tools for identifying, creating and evaluating opportunities across the private, public and non-profit sectors. You will enhance and apply your knowledge towards the creation of positive social or environmental change.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 2 hour class, 1 x 1 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): 1 x 2 hour online class, 1 x 1 hour online seminar per week

Assessments A progress report worth 10% A group report worth 40% A written exam worth 50%


PrerequisitesYou will have completed in Year 11 or be enrolled to complete in Year 12, Units 3 and 4 VCE Business Management.


MMK101MarketingFundamentals B WF WB C

Marketing is the most dynamic area of business and the glue that holds organisations together – it connects organisations with the world, and opens up new and exciting job opportunities. This unit focuses on the creativity involved in the marketing process, ranging from understanding consumer needs to designing customer-driven integrated marketing strategies using the marketing mix. If you are creative, strategic and a critical thinker, then marketing is for you!

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 1 hour class, 1 x 2 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): 1 x 1 hour class, 1 x 2 hour seminar per week

AssessmentsA compulsory online digital literacy module A written report worth 20% A written report worth 40% A written exam worth 40%


MMK266ConsumerBehaviour B C

Consumers lie at the heart of the marketing exchange, so understanding how they think, feel, and respond to the world around them is essential for developing marketing strategies that work. This unit consequently explores some of the psychological, social, and cultural processes that make consumers ‘tick’ and shows how knowledge of these processes can be used to better market both new and existing products and services.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 1 hour class, 1 x 2 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): 1 x 1 hour class, 1 x 2 hour seminar per week

AssessmentsAn analysis worth 10% A literature review worth 20% A communication plan and 2-minute video pitch worth 30% A written exam worth 40%

Cloud CampusMelbourne Burwood CampusGeelong Waterfront Campus

Geelong Waurn Ponds CampusWarrnambool Campus






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PrerequisitesYou will have completed in Year 11 or be enrolled to complete in Year 12, Units 3 and 4 VCE Psychology.


HPS111PsychologyA:FundamentalsofHumanBehaviourB WB WP C

This introductory unit explores the fundamental principles underpinning the study of human psychology. You will cover the definition and scope of the discipline of psychology, the primitive roots of our behaviour, the neurological structures and processes that are responsible for our mental life and the important elements in our adapting to the world as individuals such as learning and intelligence. You will gain new insights into the science of behaviour, a mastery of important research and writing skills, and a strong platform for learning advanced topics in psychology.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 1 hour class, 1 x 1 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): 1 x 1 hour online class, 1 x 1 hour online seminar per week

AssessmentsA deconstructed research report worth 40% A written exam worth 60%


HPS121PsychologyB:IndividualandSocialDevelopment B WB WP C

In this unit you will look at how humans – as both biological and social beings – develop throughout the lifespan as you explore the complex interaction between biological and environmental influences. Through various theoretical perspectives you will explore what makes up our individual personalities, and how personality is assessed. You will consider the impact of psychological disorders on individual and societal wellbeing and analyse the different therapeutic approaches used to treat the disorders.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 1 hour class, 1 x 1 hour seminar per week

Cloud (online): 1 x 1 hour online class, 1 x 1 hour online seminar per week

AssessmentsA laboratory report worth 40% A multiple choice exam worth 60%

Robotics and Data Science (new in 2018)



SIT122 Robotics Studio B C

This unit introduces you to the fundamental computational paradigms of robotic systems (sense-reason-act) in the context of a hands-on, studio based learning environment using the Nao robots. You will learn and practice event-driven programming methods within Choreographe, the visual programming environment for the Nao robot. Problems such as animating movement, responding to stimuli, and creating meaningful behaviours in constrained environmental contexts will form the basis of practical investigations of the robot’s capabilities and limitations, as well as the design and development of programmatic solutions.

Contact hours Campus: 1 x 3 hour face-to-face studio session per week

Cloud (online): 1 x 3 hour online studio session per week

AssessmentsA project worth 40% A set of problem solving tasks worth 30% A written report worth 30%


SIT123DataCaptureTechnologies B C

In this unit you will be introduced to ubiquitous and readily accessible devices for data capture, such as the sensor suite on a mobile smartphone, and those commonly used in homes, vehicles and current examples of cyber-physical systems. You will explore data capture protocols and methodologies, as well as data presentation and visualisation methods. Through practical investigations and analysis, you will investigate issues of robustness, reliability and validity of data and the effects of these on conclusions drawn from data.

Contact hoursCampus: 1 x 2 hour class, 1 x 2 hour practical seminar per week

Cloud (online): 1 x 1 hour online workshop per week

Students will be provided with specialised software to undertake independent learning activities.

AssessmentsA project and poster presentation worth 30% A set of practical tasks worth 30% A written exam worth 40%

Cloud CampusMelbourne Burwood CampusGeelong Waterfront Campus

Geelong Waurn Ponds CampusWarrnambool Campus






Study areas

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Related Deakin coursesThe Deakin Accelerate units you choose to study will give you a great head start on your university degree, allowing you to tick off two first-year university units before you have even begun your course.

Here are some of the Deakin courses and the Deakin Accelerate study areas directly related to them.

Deakin course Deakin Accelerate study areas

Bachelor of Arts Criminology; Journalism

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce Accounting; Criminology; Business Analytics; Economics; Journalism; Law; Management; Marketing

Bachelor of Arts-Chinese/Bachelor of Commerce Accounting; Business Analytics; Economics; Law; Management; Marketing

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws Criminology; Journalism

Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Science Criminology; Journalism

Bachelor of Business Accounting; Business Analytics; Economics; Law; Management; Marketing

Bachelor of Commerce Accounting; Business Analytics; Economics; Law; Management; Marketing

Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Information Science Accounting; Business Analytics; Economics; Law; Management; Marketing

Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws Accounting; Business Analytics; Economics; Law; Management; Marketing

Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science Accounting; Business Analytics; Economics; Law; Management; Marketing

Bachelor of Computer Science Robotics and Data Science

Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Journalism

Bachelor of Creative Writing Journalism

Bachelor of Criminology Criminology

Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of IT Security Criminology

Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws Criminology; Law

Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Psychological Science Criminology; Psychological Science

Bachelor of Computer Science Robotics and Data Science

Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science Disability, Diversity and Inclusion; Health Practice and Research

Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science/Bachelor of Business Accounting; Management; Economics; Business Analytics; Marketing

Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science/ Bachelor of Commerce

Accounting; Business Analytics; Economics; Law; Management; Marketing

Bachelor of Forensic Science/Bachelor of Criminology Criminology

Bachelor of Health Science* Disability, Diversity and Inclusion; Health Practice and Research; Psychological Science

Bachelor of Information Systems Business Analytics

Bachelor of Information Technology Robotics and Data Science

Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Commerce Accounting; Business Analytics; Economics; Law; Management; Marketing

Bachelor of Information Systems/ Bachelor of Information Technology

Accounting; Business Analytics; Economics; Law; Management; Marketing

Bachelor of Property and Real Estate/Bachelor of Commerce Accounting; Business Analytics; Economics; Law; Management; Marketing

Bachelor of Psychological Science Health Practice and Research; Psychological Science

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Psychological Science

Bachelor of Public Health and Health Promotion/ Bachelor of Commerce

Accounting; Business Analytics; Economics; Health Practice and Research; Law; Management; Marketing

Bachelor of Social Work Disability, Diversity and Inclusion

* Dependent on major choice

Remember that there are many other Deakin courses that you can use your Accelerate unit credits towards. Make sure you have a chat to the Deakin Accelerate team if the course you are interested in isn’t listed.

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AcademicsTeaching staff of the University. They will teach you the unit curriculum.

ClassFormally called a ‘lecture’, this is where teaching staff will engage with you through presentations and learning activities.

CloudDeakin’s online learning environment. Both on-campus and online students will participate in scheduled and flexible online learning experiences via Deakin’s Cloud campus.

Contact hoursThe weekly timetabled classes, seminars, workshops or labs for each unit. This does not include the time you will need to allow to prepare for class, such as completing readings or activities, weekly lectures and seminars, and time spent completing assessments and studying for exams.

FacultiesBranches of learning at the University. Deakin’s Faculties are the Faculty of Arts and Education, the Faculty of Business and Law, the Faculty of Health and the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment.

PrerequisiteThe VCE Units 3 and 4 that need to be successfully completed by the end of your VCE to have passed the Deakin Accelerate program.

SeminarAn interactive meeting for smaller groups of students. Formerly referred to as a ‘tutorial’ or ‘workshop’. These are usually held on campus, and give you a chance to work closely with other students and the teaching Academics.

Study areasThe pair of Deakin Accelerate units in one study area available for students to complete as part of the program. There are 12 study areas available in the 2018 Deakin Accelerate program, each consisting of two units.

TrimesterA trimester is the way Deakin organises its teaching year. If you’re enrolled in Deakin Accelerate, you’ll study one unit in Trimester 1 (March–June) and the next in Trimester 2 (July–October).

UnitsA unit is an individual subject, typically studied over 12 weeks, with assessments throughout and at the conclusion of the unit. In the Accelerate program you are required to study two units to successfully complete the program. Think of each unit like your Units 3 and 4 in VCE.

Glossary of terms

Note: These terms are defined in relation to this publication only.


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About DeakinAsaDeakinstudent,you’llbepartofauniversitythat’sagloballeaderininnovativelearning.

We’re proud to be in the top three per cent of universities in the world, as judged by all three of the major international university ranking systems (the Academic Ranking of World Universities, Times Higher Education World University Rankings and QS World University Rankings). This ranking is assessed from 17 000 universities worldwide.

For six consecutive years, we’ve also achieved the highest level of overall student satisfaction amongst Victorian universities. These outstanding results are based on 2010–15 Australian Graduate Survey responses to ‘Overall Satisfaction’ amongst our bachelor-degree graduates.

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Published by Deakin University July 2017. Information is correct at time of printing but is subject to change. Please see for the most up-to-date information

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