dec 2013 kol tikvah

December 2013 • Volume 28 • Issue 11 A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah Temple Beth Tikvah joins with the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta and neighboring synagogues to celebrate Hanukkah Wednesday December 4, 2013 6:45 @ Temple Kol Emeth New Year of the Trees! January 11, 2014 Join us for the seder you probably never heard of ! Celebrate the environment and appreciate the fruits of the Land of Israel. טו בשבטTu B’Shvat Who Family Event For All Ages What Havdalah and Tu B’Shvat Seder When 5:30 PM7:30 PM Where TBT Social Hall Please bring your own Israeli wine & a dish to share. We will provide dairy main course. Last name beginning in: A M Salad or Vegetables N - Z Dessert RSVP at Sign up for events NFTY-SAR Fall Kallah a Huge Success! Don’t BE a Turkey - DONATE One! Our Annual Turkey Drive Continues Through December! Your $10 can make a world of difference to a hungry family!

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December 2013 issue of the Kol Tikvah


Page 1: Dec 2013 Kol Tikvah

December 2013 • Volume 28 • Issue 11 A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Temple Beth Tikvah joins with

the Jewish Federation of

Greater Atlanta and

neighboring synagogues to

celebrate Hanukkah


December 4, 2013

6:45 @ Temple Kol Emeth

New Year of the Trees! January 11, 2014

Join us for the seder you probably never

heard of ! Celebrate the

environment and appreciate the fruits

of the Land of Israel.

טו בשבט

Tu B’Shvat

Who Family Event For All Ages

What Havdalah and

Tu B’Shvat Seder

When 5:30 PM—7:30 PM

Where TBT Social Hall

Please bring your own Israeli wine & a dish to

share. We will provide dairy main course.

Last name beginning in:

A –M Salad or Vegetables N - Z Dessert


Sign up for events

NFTY-SAR Fall Kallah a Huge Success!

Don’t BE a Turkey - DONATE One!

Our Annual Turkey Drive

Continues Through December!

Your $10 can make a world of

difference to a hungry family!

Page 2: Dec 2013 Kol Tikvah


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

For Our Veterans

As I write this, we are not far from Veterans Day. A day that is supposed to be devoted to recognizing and

expressing gratitude to those who have served – and continue to serve – our country in the different arms

of our military. Yet, it is often characterized by sales at the mall with few people who take stock in how

fortunate we are to be in America.

For our own Jewish community, we have veterans who served in World War II through the most recent conflicts in Iraq

and Afghanistan. From our Tradition’s point of view, we know well that there is a time to make war and a time to make

peace. Even when war is about to break out, we are instructed to find a pathway to peace. Some of our greatest heroes

were also warriors – Abraham, Joshua, King David, Deborah, among others. Even God is referred to as Ish Milchamah –

a Man of War – as God brings the Israelites out of Egypt on their way to the Promised Land.

What does this say to me? Jewish Tradition does not embrace a pacifist perspective. While we must be rodfei shalom –

pursuers of peace, there are times when we must defend ourselves or others who are vulnerable.

But as Veterans Day approaches and will pass, I will be thinking about our women and men in our military who will be

putting themselves in harm’s way to protect our nation, its democracy and its interests worldwide. What happens to these

soldiers, sailors, airmen when they return? How has our country expressed its gratitude?

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, it is estimated that 18 veterans die by suicide every day. The

same report in 2010 found that as many as 950 suicide attempts each month occur among veterans receiving services

through the Veterans Administration (VA). The rate is lower, however, among veterans aged 19-29 who are receiving

services when compared to those who are not currently receiving care through the VA.

According to NAMI: While officials speculate that a better screening and reporting system may be a factor in the

increase, it is also likely that repeated deployments during the extended conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan are a part of the

equation. The suicide rate is also impacted by high levels of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in young veterans

who served in one of these regions.

I have been reflecting on this a great deal since last Memorial Day. (Again, it isn’t really supposed to be a day devoted to

shopping.) My family and I always attend Roswell Remembers (, the local Memorial

Day ceremony. There is a time where veterans come up and share their own memories and ideas relating to their fellow

fallen soldiers. They are always moving tributes. But this year, a mom came

up and spoke about her son who served, was recognized for acts of bravery,

and yet could return to “normal life” here in the States. Her son took his own

life. She pleaded to all of us to write our Members of Congress to advocate

for better services through the VA, but also implored us to be better partners

with other organizations to support these men and women who return

wounded – physically, emotionally or spiritually.

For a list of organizations to support or to share with someone in crisis, visit and search for “Veterans and Suicide.”

Let us join together and show our truest sense of gratitude by making sure

that when they return home, they have the tools the need to re-enter their

lives, find meaningful employment, get the emotional and physical support

they need to heal their wounds. And let us join with them as we return to

Isaiah’s ultimate hope: “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor

shall they learn war any more.”

Rabbi Fred Greene

Page 3: Dec 2013 Kol Tikvah


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Notes from Cantor Kassel




The Kaddish prayer (and there are many types of Kaddish

prayers) is a doxology. Doxology comes from the Greek

words “doxa” (glory) and “logia” (saying). For Jews, a

doxology is a liturgical formula of praise to God – praising

God and praising God’s name. The majority of Kaddish

prayers are said in Aramaic but the “Mourner’s Kaddish”

concludes with the Hebrew words of “Oseh Shalom”. The

different types of Kaddish prayers are used to punctuate

larger and smaller rubrics of our prayer service and what

better way to do so than by offering praise to God. A

shorter Kaddish known as the “Chatzi Kaddish” separates

the end of opening prayers from the “Bar’chu” and then

again (although it is not the custom at TBT) just before the

beginning of the “Amidah”. There is a “Kaddish

D’Rabbanan” (Kaddish of the Rabbis) that follows parts of

the service that includes extracts from the Mishnah or

Talmud. And the Kaddish prayer we are probably most

familiar with is the “Kaddish Yatom”, the Mourner’s

Kaddish. It might seem odd to utter words of praise to

God when we are experiencing immediate grief for loss of

a loved one or remembering that person on the yahrzeit,

anniversary of one’s passing. When we recite these words

at this time, the idea is that merit is accrued to the soul of

the departed, for they are no longer here to utter these

words themselves. It’s a powerful prayer and in these days

of fluctuating Hebrew fluency…… I hope its meaning is

not lost. How I wish that every member of TBT who has

lost a parent or close loved one would honor their

memories by coming to services on Shabbat, the 7th day of

Pesach, the morning of Simchat Torah, the morning of

Shavuot and of course – the Yizkor service of Yom

Kippur. The recitation of the Kaddish prayer requires the

presence of a minyan, once again showing us the

importance of community and prayer in Judaism.



Friday night, December 13 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm

For children age 2 through 2nd grade

and their Parents!!

Parents can attend services in the sanctuary while their children

are in:

BABYSITTING (children ages 2 - 4)



(children ages Pre-K thru 2nd grade)


RSVP now!




If so, please contact me at [email protected].

I will start working with a group of interested

learners in January on Sundays when Religious

School is in session.

We will work on Shabbat morning prayers and how

to chant from the Torah. Over the years there have

been groups of TBT congregants who have become

“Ben/Bat Torah” and as a result they have become

more connected to others and more confident in their

ability to participate in services.


“SHABBAT SHIRAH” (Sabbath of Song) - Shabbat

Morning ‘Services’ January 11

“MLK SHABBAT” - Friday night, January 17

“SHABBAT EXPERIENCE” - Friday night, January 24

“RUACH SHABBAT” – Friday night, January 31

Page 4: Dec 2013 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

WOW!!! I finally got to have my very first Jewish

camp experience!! Leslie and I joined about 20 other

Beth Tikvah families for the first Annual TBT Family

Retreat at URJ Camp Coleman. It was an awesome

experience from beginning to end!

Our retreat began with a cool Scavenger Hunt that

guided us on a tour of the Camp. We met for Shabbat

dinner in the Dining Hall and were treated to

Coleman’s famous fried chicken and Apple Brown

Betty. Diet blown! We enjoyed a song session after

dinner lead by our clergy and John Restler, followed

by a creative Shabbat service. After services, young

and old formed teams and rocked the TBT Olympics!

On Saturday, we were able to experience Shabbat

morning services in the idyllic outdoors, in the

Hillman Chapel overlooking the mountains and lake.

We were inspired by the music and again led in

meaningful and creative worship. The committee

planned programming for the rest of the day for the

children and the adults, with sessions such as “Portrait

of an American Jew,” Yoga, Sports, Arts and Crafts,

Music and Mah Jongg. We came together before

dinner for a thought provoking session titled, “Using

Our Past to Build a Jewish Future.” All “campers”

joined together for this session. I was amazed by the

contributions of some of our younger members.

Saturday evening, we shared a special Havdalah

around a roaring fire then made our own S’mores.

The kids had their own special program and the adults

had free time. There were small groups doing

different things, but in the background, we all were

treated to guitars and singing by some very talented

people! We sang favorite camp songs as well as oldie

goldies from the seventies and eighties.

After breakfast on Sunday, there was a Mitzvah

Project and a Closing Circle. Unfortunately, I had an

all-day URJ Presidents meeting and had to miss this,

but I heard it was as memorable as the rest of the


The weather was perfect. Even though the nights

were cool, everyone stayed warm in their cabins. We

made new friends and learned more

about others that we might have known,

but now know much better. We were a

group ranging in age from preschool to

60’s, and I think everyone had a great

time. The committee spent a lot of time and effort to

meticulously plan the entire weekend – no one was

without something to do and everyone seemed to have

as much fun as I did. Wouldn’t it be great if we could

double the families participating next time?

Our Casino Night and Silent Auction on October 19

was another TBT home run! Our social hall morphed

into a huge Casino with Blackjack, Roulette, and other

casino games. There were over 100 Silent Auction

items as well – great trips, restaurants, gifts, art and

gift certificates galore. Special fall cocktails and

beautiful and delicious food rounded out the evening.

This event raised almost $11,000 for our Annual

Campaign. Again, much time and effort went into the

planning of this event but over 200 people attended,

enjoyed and contributed to our fundraising.

In summary, I am so grateful to all the “hands” and

“hearts” that made these two huge events possible. I

could never accurately thank everyone but hope you

know that your efforts are appreciated and know that

you felt rewarded by seeing the success of your hard



Ron Swichkow


Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer

Recognition & Recognition & Recognition &

Ruach ShabbatRuach ShabbatRuach Shabbat

January 31, 2014 January 31, 2014 January 31, 2014

8 pm8 pm8 pm

Great Things Going on at TBT

Page 5: Dec 2013 Kol Tikvah


Campaign TBT: EveryONE Matters Update

In September when we kicked off our 2013-2014 annual campaign we announced that the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation made a very generous matching donation. The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation committed to match dollar-for-dollar up to a total of $25,000 for donations received by December 15, 2013. I am pleased to announce that thanks to the generosity of our congregants this match has been met. Including the matching gift and the proceeds raised from our very successful Casino Night and Silent Auction our campaign has raised over $73,000 so far (as of 11/1/2013).

In addition to our goal of raising $100,000, we also have a goal of 100% participation. To date 16% of families have participated in the campaign. Please consider joining your fellow congregants and participating in this year’s campaign. Remember, there is no minimum pledge amount. You can make your pledge by:

- Returning the response card recently mailed to you in September

- Calling the TBT office (770-642-0434), or

- Visiting and selecting "Annual Campaign - EveryONE Matters" on our donation page (

Campaign TBT: Thank You!

A big thank you goes out to everyone that helped organize the Casino Night and Silent Auction. A HUGE thanks to Lindsay Levin who chaired the event and spent countless hours making this event a success. As with last spring’s Comedy Night, the Casino Night was a sell-out with over 200 people attending.

In addition, the fundraising committee would like to thank the families that have participated in this year’s campaign:

Barry and Shari Alhadeff Cary Goldenthal and Lori Shapiro Drs. Gary and Michal Loventhal Walter and Esther Shultz

Steven and Teri Astren Marshall and Roberta Goldman Gilbert and Ellen Ludwig Carol Shutzberg

Dale and Wendy Bearman Harlan and Ivie Graiser Joel and Aviva Margolies Sandy and Nancy Simon

Andy Berke Rabbi Fred and Deborah Greene Jonathan and Joan Marks Lawrence and Anne Skal

Arnold and Ellen Bernstein Burton and Sara Grossman Thomas and Marsha McMurrain Eric and Victoria Stein

Peter Birnbaum Drs. Larry and Stacey Heit Robert Moss Howard and Cynthia Steinberg

Todd and Jennifer Boehm Michael and Kim Hirsch Hilda Ortiz Steven and Linda Steinberg

Nancy Broudy Peter and Sharon Jedel Larry and Jackie Pepper Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz

Paul J. and Cherie Cervasio Morris and Anna Kagan Jason and Melanie Pickett Lionel Stutz

David and Roberta Coad Cantor Nancy Kassel Saul and Shirley Plotkin Ronald and Leslie Swichkow

Steven and Arlene Cohn Stanley and Bobbie Kopkin Robert and Ellen Rickles Donald and Marilyn Tam

Michael and Marlene Cohn Glen and Veronica Krapf Russell and Gailen Rosenberg Rosalind Taranto

Seymour and Renee Davis Ned and Lisa Kreiss Morray and Susan Scheinfeld

Bruce Turiansky and Mariann Mamberg

Audrey Eisen Fred and Patricia Landsberg Douglas and Lisa Schiffer Mark and Sally Vosk

Daniel Ellison Kenneth Lawler and Ginger Glazer Gary and Debra Schwartz Bruce and Bonnie Walkes

Elliot and Donna Feller Amir Levin and Tanya Blasbalg Rhonda Schweber Douglas Wexler and Jane Greenberger

Andy and Marci Fried Ron and Jennifer Levine Ira and Brenda Share Todd and Rachel Wilson

Matthew and Vanteria Geller Sherwin and Judee Levinson Stacy and Alicia Sher Andrew and Ilana Zalkin

Ed and Cindy Getty Jeffrey and Ellen Levitz Spencer and Debra Shilling Marilyn Zimmer

Arthur Gittelman and Marcia Pearl Emily Lewit Allan and Pessie Shippel

Page 6: Dec 2013 Kol Tikvah


We have had a very busy month at school. Our 5th & 6th Grade Retreat was held here in our building. With the leadership of Rachel

Wilson it was a huge success. We had over 25 kids attend. Rachel put in countless hours of preparation to really create something

special for our students. Friendships were strengthened and new bonds were formed. The children participated in social, religious,

and mitzvah activities. The students worked as a team to complete group tasks and initiatives through ropes course activities.

Teamwork, Judaism, and fun were all interwoven throughout the weekend. The excitement and commitment felt by the students was

contagious. All of our chaperones and volunteers were amazing. Your dedication and enthusiasm throughout the retreat helped

make it such a wonderful event. We couldn't have done it without you!

Thanks to the generosity of Arthur Blank, excitement and anticipation of our Falcons Fundraiser was everywhere! We announced

the winners during school. Two of our first grade students had the honor of drawing the winning tickets. I am pleased to let you

know that we raised almost $2,000. Congratulations to our winners: Sam Herndon was the winner of the Falcons ticket package and

Jill Mattos won the football autographed by Matt Ryan.

Our 6th grade class kicked off the start of the family Shabbats. It was so wonderful seeing the students partake in the service. This

was the culmination of weeks of practicing with the Cantor. They did an amazing job. Our 2nd and 3rd grade families participated in

the family education day for their grade levels. The parents joined their children for Tefilah services, and then attended a special

education program held by the Rabbi. The children rejoined their parents and learned about the Hanukkah/Thanksgiving


Due to the timing of Hanukkah this year, we are asking all students in grades K- 7th to come to school on Tuesday,

December 3rd for our Hanukkah celebration. Our 3rd and 4th grade classes will perform a Hanukkah play and all the students will

sing songs. We will eat latkes, applesauce, donuts and gelt. School starts at 5:00 and ends at 6:30. We hope to see everyone at

school on that night.

As a reminder, our last day of school will be December 17th for winter break. Our first day back in school will be Tuesday, January

7th. Please mark your calendars and enjoy the break!

Chag Hanukkah Sameach,


Educator’s Message

We all know the story of Judah and the Maccabees, how they defeated Antiochus’ army, rebuilt the destroyed Temple and had one

night of oil last for eight. Nes Gadol Hayah Sham- A Great Miracle Happened There. While we are celebrating Chanukah, it is

important that we teach our children the story of Judah and his army because although it occurred over 200 years ago, the meaning is

still very relevant today.

The Maccabees were determined and brave. They were great planners, cooperators, leaders, and helpers. They brought light and

happiness to others and were thankful to G-d. Judah and his crew may have not looked as cool as the superheroes of today, no capes,

leotards or fancy cars, but the characteristics and values that they possessed are all that we as adults can hope for ourselves and our

children. We, as adults can also take heed from Judah and the Maccabees. Great miracles surround us every day. I see that in the

eyes of not only my children, but the 46 children that attend TBT’s Early Childhood Center.

Take the time to channel your inner Maccabee! We all are capable of being great leaders, cooperators, and planners. We all have

the ability to bring light and happiness to others and to be thankful to G-d. By doing this you will be able to really appreciate the

great miracles that happen in your life.

Jenifer Friedman, Director

Early Childhood Education Center

Page 7: Dec 2013 Kol Tikvah


B’nai Mitzvah

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Youth Group

Thank you so much to all of our families who

helped house teens for the NFTY Kallah!!!

Together, we housed 321 teens! Thank you also

to all of our volunteers who pitched in for

planning the Kallah and helping during the

weekend - flipping rooms, setting-up, cleaning-

up, serving meals, and more. This was one of

the biggest events in our region and we

couldn’t have done it without your help! A huge


HOTTY (9-12th Grade)

WHAT DID WE DO THIS PAST MONTH? Fall Kallah was a HUGE success! After the

months and months of planning it was so

awesome to see it finally all come together. We

watched movie clips from tv families,

participated in scenarios about different family

types, and listened to a panel of speakers. In

between we had a blast leading services,

watching the hypnotist, and dancing on

Saturday night!

UP NEXT: Chanukah may be over, but we still have latkes

to eat…join us on December 14th-15th for

HOTTY’s Annual Broomball & Latke-in Lock-

in. We’ll meet at TBT on Saturday night and

then head over to the Cooler to play broomball!

Then, its back to TBT for a lock-in at the

synagogue. Hope you can make it!

Join the HOTTY Facebook Page ( to stay up-to-date on what's happening and to RSVP for HOTTY events!

JYG (6-8th Grade)

WHAT DID WE DO THIS PAST MONTH? JYG had so much fun at Sky Zone in

November. We had a great turnout for this

event and spent the afternoon eating pizza,

playing dodgeball, and jumping on the

trampolines. Sky Zone is always a favorite with

our youth groupers!

UP NEXT: December 8th JYG is hosting Hollywood

Movie “Night”. Watch your email and our

facebook page for this fun event which will

start right after Sunday school. See you there!

Join the JYG Facebook Page ( to stay up-to-date on what's happening and to RSVP and help arrange carpools for events!

Want more info about HOTTY or JYG?

Contact Adam or Bobbee at:

[email protected] or 404) 228–2494.



Dec. 14/15 – Broomball & Latke-in Lock-in

Jan. 12 – Youth Lounge Decorating Night


Dec. 8 – Hollywood Movie “Night”

Jan. 12 – Young Chef’s Academy

Benjamin Ross Mattos will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on December 7, 2013. Ben is the son of Jill

and David Mattos and brother to Jonathan. He is the grandson of Joan and Morrie Berger, the late Elliott and Maryln

Friedman, and Ignacio and Blanca Mattos. Ben attends Elkins Pointe Middle School where he is on the Principal’s

list. Ben is an avid lacrosse player and has participated in the sport since 1st grade with Roswell Recreation and

clubs around town. For one of his many Bar Mitzvah projects, Ben was able to spend time playing cards with his 98

-year-old Great Grandmother, “Gigi”, before she passed away this year. Ben looks forward to sharing his upcoming

simcha with many friends and family from near and far.

Kaela Mical Burton will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on December 7, 2013. Kaela is the daughter of

Rebecca and Derrick Burton of Johns Creek, Georgia. She is the granddaughter of Lorraine and Bob Levan of Silver

Spring, MD, and Doshia Burton of Lutherville, MD. Kaela is an eighth grade honor roll student at Haynes Bridge

Middle School. She enjoys playing rec soccer, and sings both with the Temple Beth Tikvah Junior Choir (soon to

“graduate” to the Teen Choir) and the District Honor Chorus. She is a voracious reader, and an avid writer of fan

fiction. Kaela’s passion for literature has led her to spearhead a book drive for the two elementary schools that were

destroyed by the terrible tornadoes that devastated Oklahoma last spring, so that they can restock the shelves of their libraries.

Gift Shop Volunteers Needed

9:30 am until 12 noon

on Sunday mornings

while religious school is in session

Please contact Rhonda at [email protected]

Gil and Ellen Ludwig Estelle Weinstein

Maddy Kallman Kathy and Larry Feldman

Welcome to the TBT Family!!

Page 8: Dec 2013 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Social Action





The Pinch Hitter Program, which is

organized by B’nai B’rith and chaired by Harry Lutz and Jerry Kravitz, provides

volunteers to work in non-medical positions in area hospitals on Christmas

Day to give employees the day off to spend with their families. We will work in

four-hour shifts at thirteen hospitals and assisted living facilities this year. You can

sign up on line at

Call Harry at 770.392.1175 or Jerry at 770.640.5091 for more information.

It’s the Annual Turkey Drive!

Please send your donations in increments of $10 to TBT marked Turkey and we will do the

rest. New to the Turkey Drive?

Call Marsha Mathis @ 770-992-4256—She loves to talk Turkey!

TBT Seniors Luncheon

Monday, December 9

at 12 PM

Rabbi Donald Tam speaks about

“The Founding Fathers of the United

States Constitution and Religion”

RSVP to Natine at

[email protected]

Please bring a gift card from Publix, Kroger, Wal-Mart or

Target. Jewish Family & Career Services

will distribute them to families in need.

Page 9: Dec 2013 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

December 2013 TBT Happenings

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5th Night of Chanukah 6th Night of Chanukah

6:45pm Kesher /

Confirmation /


7pm Families


7:15pm Melton -


7th Night of Chanukah

9:30am Tai Chi

5pm Religious

School - ALL


6:40pm URJ


Celebration & Info


Last Night of Chanukah

6:45pm Community Chanukah Celebration @ Temple Kol Emeth

7pm HOTTY Board Meeting

6pm Oneg

6:30 pm Family

Shabbat Service

hosted by the 5th


9am Bagels, Learning & Torah

10am Shabbat Service

Bar Mitzvah of Benjamin Mattos

Bat Mitzvah of Kaela Burton

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

9:30am Religious


9:35am Family

Ed Day - K & 1st


10:30am Cantor’s


12;15pm Rosh

Hodesh - It’s a

Girl Thing

12:15pm JYG -

Hollywood Movie


12pm Senior


6:45pm Kivunim /


6:45pm Kesher


Dinner & Class

7pm Families


7:15pm Melton -


9:30am Tai Chi

5pm Religious


7pm Breast

Cancer Support

Group @


Mexican Grill

6pm Oneg

6:30pm Shabbat Service with Shabbat Experience

9am Bagels, Learning & Torah

10am Shabbat


10am Jewish



4pm HOTTY -

Broomball & Lock


15 16 17 18 19 20 21

9:30am Religious







10:30am Cantor’s


12pm Chavurah

Mitzvah Project

12:15pm Gesher

- Bowling

7pm Families


7:15pm Melton -


9:30am Tai Chi

5pm Religious


7:30pm Board of

Trustees Meeting

7pm Women's

Study Group

9:45am ECEC

Family Shabbat

8pm Shabbat

Service w/ Choir

9am Bagels,

Learning & Torah

10am Shabbat


22 23 24 25 26 27 28

No Religious


No Religious


7pm Families


7:15pm Melton -


No Religious


9:30am Tai Chi


TBT Offices Closed

8pm Shabbat


9am Bagels,

Learning & Torah

10am Shabbat


29 30 31 January 1 2 3 4

No Religious


No Religious


7pm Families


7:15pm Melton -


No Religious


9:30am Tai Chi

New Year’s Day

TBT Offices Closed

8pm Shabbat


9am Bagels, Learning & Torah

10am Shabbat Service

Page 10: Dec 2013 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Campaign TBT - EveryONE Matters

Gary and Debra Schwartz in appreciation of Ron Swichkow Lila Stein in memory of Jeanne Laibow and in memory of

Jacob Dutkiewitz

Ellen Frank in memory of Barry Feinberg

Lawrence and Anne Skal in memory of Joseph Cunix

Building Fund

John and Pamela Rosenberg in memory of Maurice Lavine

Campership/Israel Fund

Friends of TBT Family Retreat in appreciation of Mark, Jennifer

and Lily Mosbacher

Cantor Kassel’s Discretionary Fund

Steven and Amy Fine in honor of Paige Dobbins for beautifully

conducting the choir during the High Holy Days

Michael and Lisa Cohen in appreciation of Cantor Kassel

Robert and Karen Kremer in appreciation of Cantor Kassel

Jonathan and Rebecca Bennett in honor of the B'nai Mitzvah of

Jonah Bennett and Kyle Cohen

Caring/Kehillat Chesed Fund

Scott and Rhonda Povlot in honor of Sheryl Blechner and in

honor of Leslie and Ron Swichkow

Gordon and Hollis Decker in memory of Isadore Zierler

Addie Myers in honor of the speedy recovery of Carol Shutzberg Aviv Chavurah in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Spencer Shippel,

grandson of Pessie and Allan Shippel

Douglas Wexler and Jane Greenberger in honor of the 100th

birthday of Sid Cojac

Aviv Chavurah in honor of a speedy recovery for

Carol Shutzberg

Ruth Zeidman in honor of the marriage of Jeff Willard and

Steve Mahan

Ruth Zeidman in memory of Dr. Howard Davis

Endowment Fund

Scott and Rhonda Povlot in honor of Denise and Barry Straus

General Fund

Mariann Mamberg in memory of Kashmira Kiesel

Jane Greenberger in memory of Jacob Stern

Adam Rabinovitz

William & Marjory Segal in memory of Muriel Segal

Matthew and Iris Dunbar in honor of Ron Swichkow

Michael and Lisa Cohen in honor of Jonah Bennett's Bar Mitzvah

Barbara and Al Goldstein in honor of Jeff Willard and

Steve Mahan's wedding

Selma Merbaum wishing Mazal Tov to Belle Kulkin on 3

great granddaughters

Bill and Dale Borer in memory of Carl Borer

Dan and Laura DeRiemer in memory of Sydney DeRiemer

Harris and Suellen Bergman in memory of Abner Bergman

Adam Rabinovitz

Prayerbook Fund

Addie Myers in memory of William L. Myers

Bernie and Gail Natter in memory of Robert Feldser

Mark and Sally Vosk in memory of Irving Vosk

Preschool Fund

Scott and Rhonda Povlot in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of

Cameron Schwartz and in memory of JoAnne Baxter and

Fred Baxter

The ECEC Staff in honor of the birth of Cooper Allen Tucker

Rabbi Greene’s Discretionary Fund

Michael and Wanda Cohen in memory of Gladys Cohen

Stan Reich in memory of Natalie Bronk

June Wallach in honor of Sid Cojac on the occasion of his 100th


Michael and Lisa Cohen in appreciation of Rabbi Greene John Hirsch and Herb Leiman in honor of Jeff Willard and

Steve Mahan's wedding

Lila Singer in honor of the wedding of Steve Mahan and

Jeff Willard

Alan Epstein in appreciation of Rabbi Greene Dan and Brenda Chatfield in honor of Jeff Willard and

Steve Mahan

Addie Myers in honor of Jeff Willard and Steve Mahan

Judith Luger in honor of the marriage of Steve Mahan and

Jeff Willard

Matthew and Sandra Bennett in honor of Jonah Bennett's

Bar Mitzvah

Mariann Mamberg in honor of Isaak Mamberg

Leonard Berger in memory of Doris Klaus Berger

Bob and Bunny Lenhard in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of

Justin Kremer

Pam Burke and Steven Lewis in honor of the wedding of

Steve Mahan and Jeff Willard

Phyllis Kinsler in honor of Jeff Willard and Steve Mahan

Jonathan and Rebecca Bennett in appreciation of Rabbi Greene

June Wallach in honor of the marriage of Jeff Willard and

Steve Mahan

Ronald and Jennifer Levine in appreciation of Rabbi Greene

Robert and Karen Kremer in appreciation of Rabbi Greene

Helane Bernath in honor of the wedding of Jeff Willard and

Steve Mahan

Ralph and Ellen Levy in appreciation of Rabbi Greene

Richard Dillner in honor of Jeff Willard and Steve Mahan

Rabbi Tam’s Discretionary Fund

Andrew and Barbara Sacks in memory of Dorothy Tveit Douglas Wexler and Jane Greenberger in honor of their new

great-grandson, Benjamin, and Lois Clymin's new great-

granddaughter, Morgan

Alan and Barbara Chaiet in memory of Jacob Mellinger

Religious School Fund

Efraim and Bruria Lahav in memory of Ran Shohat

George and Sherrie Warsaw in memory of Ran Shohat

Torah Fund

Morray and Susan Scheinfeld in memory of Leo Snitzer

Youth Group Fund

Gary and Debra Schwartz in appreciation of Rabbi Greene,

Cantor Nancy Kassel and Ron Swichkow

Steve and RoseAnn Gerson with prayers for a speedy recovery

for Marty Soniker and Warren Lampert


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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Submissions for the

January Kol Tikvah are due by

December 4. Please email to

[email protected]


TBT Seniors Luncheon

Monday, December 9

at 12 PM

Rabbi Donald Tam speaks about

“The Founding Fathers of the United

States Constitution and Religion”

RSVP to Natine at

[email protected]

Adult Ed Chavurot

NEW CHAVUROT ARE FORMING NOW Get Connected: Join a TBT Chavurah!

We have congregants interested in forming groups for

young families, single parents, and young professionals,

and there are many more possibilities for groups that might

interest you!

What's a Chavurah?

A Chavurah is a circle of friends. It's a group of people with

similar interests or who are in similar life stages gathering

together regularly to celebrate Jewish holidays, share

simchas, attend TBT events, visit interesting places or

participate in any activities that interest them. Being part of

a Chavurah can enhance your experience at TBT by helping

you develop a strong sense of community and deeper

connections within the congregation.

Who can be part of a Chavurah? Any member of TBT!

Just fill out the application and we'll help find like-minded

families or people to form a group. Drop by the TBT office

to pick one up, or visit

Application%20Form%202013_0.pdf to download.

What does a Chavurah do? You choose the activities

you'll participate in and how often and where you meet.

You might participate in holiday celebrations, adult-only

social events, day trips, and charity projects. We can help

you design a calendar of programs based on your group's


Questions? Please contact Dalia Faupel at

[email protected]

Thank you to

Richard and Susan Staviss and family

and Bernie and Susan Greenberg

for their contributions to help pay for

the uninsured flood losses in the office

Cantor’s Corner

Sunday, December 8 and 15

10:30 - 10:55 am 12/8 - What is "Kabbalat


12/15 - Jewish A Cappella Music

11:00 - 11:25 am Torah Cantillation, continued

11:30 - 11:55 am Prayer Practice

(for Hebrew and non-Hebrew readers)

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

With winter break approaching, many of us will spend time with the older adults in our families. If you have not seen them in a while, you might notice some changes. Holidays offer a good opportunity to observe your parents or older relatives and think about ways to help them remain independent. Thinking back a bit, you might have noticed some changes over Thanksgiving. Following are just a few warning signs that Mom and Dad may be in need of help: 1. Spoiled food in the fridge

2. Difficulty with walking, balance and mobility; unexplained bruising

3. Confusion when performing once-familiar tasks

4. Noticeable decline in grooming habits and personal care

5. Dirty house, extreme clutter and dirty laundry piling up

6. Late payment notices, bounced checks and calls from bill collectors

(continued on next page)

7. Poor diet or weight loss

8. Changes in mood or extreme mood swings

9. Forgetting to take medications —or taking more than the prescribed


10. Unexplained dents and scratches on a car

If you see any of these signs, it might be time to think about home


Legacy Home Care carefully matches caregivers to clients and customize care that can be as little as 4 hours a day to as much as 24 hours. For more information, please call 770-677-9353 or visit Legacy is part of JF&CS’ Aviv Older Adult Services – Tools for

Aging division, which offers a vast range of services and

programs, from counseling and geriatric care management to

neuropsychological evaluations to programs for Holocaust


Breast Cancer Survivor Group

for the Jewish Community

We have had a great start to the Breast Cancer Survivor

Group! The monthly support group meetings are for all

interested people who have had cancer, who are going

through treatment or surgeries, and /or who have been

recently diagnosed, as well as for those who might have

questions pertinent to breast cancer. On December

12th at 7 pm, the Jewish Breast Support Group is

going out to dinner at Tarahumata Mexican Grill

and Tequila Bar in Roswell. All new members and

current members are welcome. Please bring money if

you want to eat. The address is 12050 Etris Road,

Roswell, GA 30075.

This survivor support group is being sponsored by The

Kehillat Chesed/Caring Committee of Temple Beth

Tikvah, 9955 Coleman Rd, Roswell, 30075, who is

also the host synagogue.

For further information or questions, please contact

Valerie Rapowitz at [email protected] or

call 678-643-9672.

JF&CS - Older Adult Warning Signs

Please RSVP so we can best

prepare to:

[email protected]




January 31

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


Your synagogue community wants to be a Caring Community/Kehillat Chesed.

If you have recently experienced a loss or are facing a crisis, or are celebrating a simcha, please let our office know as soon as possible.

Our clergy and friends strive to be a source of support as best as they can. If you know of one of our fellow congregants that has experienced a loss or can use a hand, please contact the office at 770.642.0434.

Mazel Tov to: Jessica Jacobs, daughter of Carol Jacobs, for being

elected Hillel President at UGA.

Jane Greenberger and Doug Wexler on new great-

grandson, Benjamin Carter Findley, who was born

September 29 to Rachel and Daniel Findley of

Raleigh, NC.

Gene and Terry Carasick on the engagement of

Gene’s son, Chris, to Tovah Radowski.

Sharon and Scott Guttman on the engagement of

their daughter, Michelle, to Thomas Clark.

Rob Rickles as he begins a two year term as

President of the Jewish Educational Loan Fund,, providing eligible students with

interest free loans for higher education.

Thank You to our Amazing Office Volunteers!

June Wallach Aaron Stieglitz

Roberta Goldman Richard Staviss

Samantha Staviss Kathy Reiter


Planning a simcha or group gathering?

The Tam-Blank Social Hall is the Place to Be.

For more information on renting our Social Hall,

contact the synagogue office at 770-642-0434.

May God console you among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

In Memorium

Temple Beth Tikvah

acknowledges with sorrow the passing of:

Norine Alltmont Grandmother of Ellen Rickles

and Nan Janis

“It is hard to sing of oneness when our world is

not complete,

when those who once brought

wholeness to our life have gone and naught but

memory can fill the

emptiness their passing leaves behind”.

The following Memorial Plaque

has been placed onto our

Memorial Board this past month:

Rita Mae Weiner

Mother of

Cindy Steuer

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Synagogue Information

Synagogue Office - 770-642-0434

Fax Number - 770-642-0647

School Office (Perri) - 770-642-4168

Preschool (Jenifer) - 678-350-0076

Assistant to Clergy - Michelle Leder

Financial Secretary - Jenny Korsen

Admin. Assistant - Lisa Singer

Office Manager - Becky Sullivan

Adult Education Cindy Getty [email protected] Budget & Finance Harlan Graiser [email protected] Campership Marcia Haber [email protected] Chavurot Dalia Faupel [email protected] College Outreach Lynda Bennett [email protected] Ginger Glazer [email protected] Communications Tom and Marsha McMurrain [email protected] Family Promise Andy Fried [email protected]

Jeff Schultz [email protected] Fundraising Ruben Braiter [email protected] Gift Shop Pam Alterman [email protected] Carrie Bickwit [email protected]

Rhonda Schweber [email protected] House Ted Nathan [email protected] Human Resources Seth Zimmer [email protected] Interior Standards & Marketing Susan Estroff [email protected] Israel Gene Carasick [email protected] Kehillat Chesed (Caring) Leslie Swichkow [email protected] Library Ilana Zalkin [email protected] Membership Recruitment & Retention Mark Rudel

[email protected] Lindsay Levin [email protected] Katie Jaffe [email protected] Men’s Club Peter Hartog [email protected] Mark Greenspan [email protected]

Nominating Committee Vicki Steine [email protected] Ritual Esther Shultz [email protected] Rosh Chodesh Women’s Group Pam Chanin [email protected] Security Jay Sausmer [email protected] Seniors Natine Rosenzweig [email protected] Sisterhood Traci Hartog [email protected] Danielle Rubenstein [email protected] Social Action Rodney Eberhardt [email protected]

Darin Cohen [email protected] Website Development Scott Povlot [email protected] Youth Group Debra Schwartz [email protected] Michal Loventhal [email protected]

Get Involved! TBT Committees and Chairpersons

Page 15: Dec 2013 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta is proud to be one of the founding partners and leading fundraisers of the Atlanta Community Food Bank’s Hunger Walk. Check out this video to see what it is all about! Hunger Walk 2014 is on Sunday, March 9 at Turner Field. The park opens at noon and the walk begins at 2 p.m. How can you help? Join a team, make a donation and spread the word! To make donations and form teams, contact Marni Bronstein. Stay tuned!

Registration opens early December.

URJ Camps Celebration & Info Session

December 3 at 6:40 pm at TBT

Come meet the Directors and Assistant Directors

of our 3 great URJ camps. Summer is about fun

and Camp Coleman, 6 Points Sci-Tech, and 6

Points Sports are great ways to explore, play and

create friendships that will last a lifetime.

Page 16: Dec 2013 Kol Tikvah


Fred Greene


Donald A. Tam

Rabbi Emeritus

Nancy Kassel


Hassia Levin

Education Director

Jenifer Friedman

ECEC Director

Ron Swichkow President

Todd Boehm

Vice President

Marsha Mathis

Vice President

Denise Straus

Vice President

Andy Gutman


Michael Braun


Jill Mattos


Board of Education