december 2014

The Full Moon Newsletter Issue X Volume II December 1, 2014

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The Full Moon Newsletter

Issue X

Volume II

December 1, 2014


TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction……………………………….2 Message from the Editor Message from the President Calendar of Events………………………3 Service……………………………………..4-7 Night of all Nations Passport to Dining Concessions Special Olympics Bowling Urban Roots STEM Career Exploration Leadership………………………………….8 Leading with (Com)passion Reno Training Conference Fellowship…………………………………..9 Capital New Member Installs November DCM Reno New Member Installation…..10 Nap Time………………………………….11 FTC Recap………………………………..12 Graduating Senior……………………..13 Kiwanis Family………………..…….14-15 Kiwanis Family Month Review Kiwanis Bike Shop Kiwanis Takeover Kiwanis Family Spotlight Kiwanis Family Updates Circle K Corner…………………….16-17 March of Dimes Member of the Month District Updates Club Birthdays Ask Charlie Horse Meet Your Board Resources………………………………….18 Club Contact Information………….19

MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Happy December! As finals are quickly approaching, I hope you are

spending your time wisely by having fun, doing community service,

and also studying. Even though winter break is a long time with no

school, realize that there will still be stuff to do for Circle K.

Whether you are in Reno, Las Vegas or somewhere else, talk to any

officer and we can get an event going for you! Service never takes a

break. Enjoy this newsletter and its contents.

Happy winter break and happy holidays!

Yours in service,

Alyssa Yocom, Newsletter Editor




28MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Hello everyone! Do your days seem to suddenly be filled with review sessions, term papers, exam after exam, and a plethora of projects? Congratulations then—you’re almost to the end of the semester! As you begin to spend every waking moment fighting for a space in the Knowledge Center, know that while our club activity might be dying down a bit this December, we’ll never truly be gone. As finals loom closer, keep an eye and ear out for a 24 hour study social in the Joe, our White Elephant Gift Exchange to cap off our meetings for the year, and of course our annual Single Service event. After the semester has ended, we’ll still be keeping the ball going with rides down to Socal for Go West and UCLA’s Pillow Fight and other socials and service events. Additionally, anyone interested in positions for next year? It is still a

bit early but please don’t hesitate to ask anyone on board about their experiences as an officer. After the break, we will be holding a CKI 201 session for those interested in running for a position. That’s it for now! Study hard and keep in touch; I know I will—and that’s a rockfact! Sincerely,

Aldrin M. Santamaria



“I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K

International, to foster compassion and goodwill

toward others through service and leadership, to

develop my abilities and the abilities of all

people, and to dedicate myself to the

realization of mankind’s potential.”


1 2 3 General Meeting Gift Exchange

4 5 Kiwanis Meeting Bike Shop

6 Single Service

7 8 9 10 Dead Day

11 Finals Begin

12 13

14 15 16 17 18 Winter Break!

19 20 Kiwanis DCM

21 22 23 24 Christmas Eve

25 Christmas Day

26 27

28 29 30 31 New Year’s Eve



NIGHT OF ALL NATIONS “Night of All Nations is definitely one of my favorite volunteering events each year. It

combines different cultures, delicious food, amazing talent acts, and FREE t-shirts! What more

could I ask for? This year I had the opportunity to work with the international students from Brazil.

All I did was basically help them set up their cultural booth so they can share with the visitors

more information about their country. After I helped the Brazilians, I was free to roam around and

help where else was needed.

I ended up meeting with other Circle K members from my club and together we decided

to, ‘Explore the world!’ We ate at many different food stops and made sure to try everything that

was put on our plate. I devoured curry from India, crepes from Ethiopia, noodles from Taiwan,

and even udon from Japan. I would have to say that the sweet rice from Brazil was definitely my

favorite item that night.

During the dinner, many different culture acts were also displayed. I saw everything from

people breaking boards of wood with their fists to Irish river dancers. I couldn’t help myself from

getting down when I saw the Hawaiian hula dancers shaking their hips. I am definitely no expert

at hip shaking, but being in the Pacific Islander’s Club for three years helped.

Night of All Nations was an amazing event from start to finish. Not only did I have the

chance to interact with people

from all over the world, I even got

to take pictures with them! I can’t

wait till next year so I can volunteer


- Mickey Rosal, member

PASSPORT TO DINING “At this event, caterers from all over the Tahoe area served their food in

hopes to garner the interest of the locals so that they might decide to regularly

purchase their food and drinks. From fancy wines to barbecue ribs to chicken adobo to ice

cream, all sorts of caterers were there, entertaining and intriguing the guests visiting. Circle K’s

duty was to ensure that the clean-up of the event went smoothly and efficiently.

Like elegant waiters and waitresses, we members skillfully maneuvered throughout the

event, picking up plates and cups in order to free. I personally enjoyed myself during the work, as

I imagined myself as a very fancy waitress who knew her way in and out of the venue as I worked

to clear tables as fast as I could. I also challenged myself to see how many wine glasses I could

hold with my two hands (the max was seven). It was actually quite entertaining, and although

there was some initial reluctance to get my hands dirty with the foods on the plates, the

satisfaction of seeing tables clear themselves quickly was very worthwhile.

By the end of the event, all of the members had the opportunity to try the foods available

there, which was our own sort of reward alongside the service. It was a very fun event, and it kept

us busy and on our toes. I definitely would recommend going to this event, because if you love

service, and if you love food, this is the perfect event for you!” - Hyacinth Ruiz, member


club goal


5,483 6,000 hours

FOOTBALL CONCESSIONS At each home football game, Nevada Circle K serves

concessions. We are the people making burgers and hot

dogs to serve hungry fans. This season, there were a total of

six football games and we had many members of the club

come help us out. Depending on the game, the money

raised from the sales and the money made from tips got

donated to either charity or our general club funds. Members

who attended all six concessions will receive $50 any district

event of their choice. Members who attended fewer than six

games get $5 off for each game they volunteered at.

In addition to this, our club created a Concessions

music video which is a parody to Usher’s “Confessions.” If you

haven’t seen the video yet, you are definitely missing out. Be

sure to look it up on our club’s YouTube by visiting


Concessions allowed those volunteering to get to know

each other better and make great memories. After games,

we got to look through the stands and have found a myriad

of treasures and we often got to keep left over food.

Concessions is one of the biggest fundriasers for our

club and we love all of the support we can get! If you think

that concessions are over, you’re wrong. Next up we will be

serving concessions at basketball games. On the plus side,

we won’t be able to freeze inside of Lawlor like we sometimes

did at Mackay Stadium. Hope to see you there!

This year, our club raised about $4,000 at Concessions!



“Special Olympics of Northern Nevada hosts an annual bowling tournament

for Special Olympics athletes. These athletes travel from all over Northern Nevada

to compete in a weekend full of events. On Friday, the Special Olympics Bowling

Tournament begins with a dance to celebrate and honor each athlete. Volunteers

who attend this portion of the tournament dance and have fun with the athletes.

This reminds athletes and volunteers alike to have fun and celebrate all of the

achievements to come throughout the tournament.

On Saturday the bowling portion of the tournament begins. Here, athletes

compete for the best bowling score. Although each athlete faces his or her own

challenges, each athlete does very well in bowling. The first time I volunteered for

this event, I was surprised to see that nearly every athlete scored a score much

better than my personal best.

As volunteers helping at the bowling tournament Saturday and Sunday, we

help bowlers stay organized and on task. We also cheer on and encourage all

athletes present. It is really rewarding to see athletes get excited about their

accomplishments. Special Olympics is an event that many branches of the Kiwanis

Family volunteer at so each year it is a great chance for us to mingle and volunteer

with Kiwanians and Key Clubbers.”

-Alyssa Yocom, Kiwanis Family Relations Chair



Waking up to the call of a rooster? We did

that. On November 8th, Nevada Circle K visited

Urban Roots, which is a local community farm

located within the city limits of Reno. This farm is an

organization that we have volunteered with in the

past and each time we visit, they have new things

for us to do. This time, we helped the farm prepare

for winter. There was a lot of manual labor involved

but it was also a lot of fun. Most members would

agree that one of the best highlights from the

event was meeting Inch, a pig that resides at

Urban Roots.

STEM CAREER EXPLORATION DAY “The STEM Career Exploration Day was an event that really showed me how

important service is! Throughout this event, Miguel and I got to see how excited

these girls got over how “pretty the campus is” and all their future aspirations to go

to college in the math and science field. Throughout the tours, we also had a

chance to talk to the lady who coordinated the event and she was so

appreciative of us for volunteering that day and it was rewarding to see how much

a simple tour meant to her. Being a first year student here, it was very interesting to

get to see all of the math and science based buildings and get to see the

technology they work with. It was a tour for me as well and I’m lucky to have had

Miguel to help me get around campus in the most efficient way because I

would’ve gotten lost! We got to show the Girl Scouts the insects and animals, the

shake tables, nutrition analysis items, physics lab, the bees, the Knowledge Center,

and the Joe Crowley Student Union! It was a great way to get these girls interested

in college, and it was a rewarding experience getting to watch them all hop in the

BodPod, which is an egg like pod that measures body composition, taste the honey

from all different plants, and play with physics equipment. This event was a great

way for these girls to learn about our campus and get to experience all the

amazing things that out math and science programs have to offer.”

- Dayna Tanaka, member



RENO TRAINING CONFERENCE For the members who were unable to attend Fall Training Conference, we hosted Reno

Training Conference. This gave members in Reno the chance to experience service, leadership,

and fellowship. Reno Training Conference started by volunteering at Urban Roots and was

followed by a game night. Membership Development and Education Chair Sarah Smith said,

“You never really know a person until you play Cards Against Humanities with them. A night that

started with improv turned into a Cards Against Humanities match. People laughed so hard they

lost weight, tears were shed, and it was an amazing night for all who went!”

LEADING WITH (COM)PASSION Our Faculty Advisor, Dr. Derek Furukawa, gave an

inspirational presentation on Leading with Compassion.

He taught all attendees what it means to lead with

passion versus compassion. All attendees left the event

with a better understanding of themselves, their values,

and what they can do to better lead their respective

organizations. We are definitely lucky to have Derek

leading our group, as he always guides us in the right

direction. Students who lead with compassion take all

things into consideration when making decisions, they

act for the better of the whole group and will not

hesitate to put others before oneself. If you are

interested in learning more about how this evening went

and some of the content that was included, I would

encourage you to talk to Derek personally.

This event was a fundraiser for both the Kiwanis

Family House and the Children’s Cabinet. Hosted by

Nevada Circle K and Kharisma, we were able to reach

out to the entire student body and have attendees from

many different organizations. This event was catered by

L&L Barbeque and we fundraised about $700 for both

charities. Congratulations to Derek Furukawa, Jenny Kot,

and Aldrin Santamaria for such a successful event!



NOVEMBER CAPITAL DCM After our New Member Installation Banquet, Lt. Governor Kyle Prado held the November

DCM. At this DCM we got to learn about other schools in the division: University of the Pacific,

Sierra College, UC Davis, Delta College, and Sac State. In addition to hearing about their recent

events, we got to learn a cheer from each school. DCMs are great chances to get to know

members of our division more and would definitely recommend you going to one in the future!

Another division event to look forward to next semester will be penny wars.

SAC STATE & UOP NEW MEMBER INSTALLS Members from UN Reno took a road trip over Donner Pass to visit

both University of the Pacific and Sacramento State CKI for their New

Member Installation Banquet. One thing unique to Capital Division is that

we always support each other at various club events. It is always a blast

to visit other clubs so be sure to sign up for out of town events in the

future. Member Numfon Vilay wrote the following about visiting Sac


“Jeff Soriano and Matt Molloy really made the car ride to Sac

State a lot of fun and I was happy to get to know both of them more.

When we got to the banquet, LTG Kyle Prado greeted us and bought me

raffle tickets. Sac State had amazing talent acts such as flute, singing,

comedy and fashion skit acts. I can definitely say that I would love to

attend this event again next year!”

Numfon also attended University of the Pacific’s New Member

Installation Banquet where she said:

“Prior to the banquet, we had locals show us around the UC Davis

campus and give us a tour. We all had a lot of fun getting to know each

other as we walked around, ate, watched a movie, played games, and

explored Davis. Later we traveled to Stockton for the actual banquet. It

was great to see President David Ngo install about 20 new members,

which is an all time high for UoP. Following this, we played an icebreaker

and our team name was “Just in Reno.” We ended up coming in second

place thanks to Miguel Henares and his music knowledge.”

Banquets are great chances to see old friends, make new friends,

explore new cities, and have fun. Many laughs and great moments were

shared by members of UN Reno and other members of Capital Division.

Numfon stated, “I had the best weekend attending both of these banquets and I would really recommend anyone to go in the future!”



“The New Member Installation Banquet was held on November 15, 2014.

With over seventy new Nevada CKI member and a huge crowd of supporters, the

event was a huge success! Members had the chance to take pictures with the

NevadaCKI Instagram cutout and socialize with many people from UN Reno and

other schools around Capital Division. It was a night to remember for everyone

who attended and it was even more meaningful for the new members. Each new

member that attended was celebrated and got recognized with a membership

certificate, a CKI New Member Handbook, a pin, and an ornament that resem-

bled a message in a bottle. For the past few months, I have enjoyed every mo-

ment that I have spent with my CKI family and friends and I definitely enjoyed the

banquet as well. The banquet was a huge success overall! As an official member

of Nevada CKI, I am looking forward to more exciting events and opportunities.”

- Shirley Siu, member




We can all finally take a nap!


FALL TRAINING CONFERENCE (FTC) “Both returning and new members come together at Fall

Training Conference to meet one another and to induct the new

members from each school across the California-Nevada-Hawaii

District. This three-day event is filled with workshops and fun

activities like the Big Top Brawl, Penny Wars, campfire skits, and a

talent show! I had a great time as a first timer and would highly

recommend for those who have not gone to go next year

considering it is the district event to anticipate in the fall!

Furthermore, my experience at FTC only increased my love for

Circle K.

A big part of this conference consists of

socializing with new people from different divisions or even those

from different schools within your own division! I was excited to

meet and get closer with members of Capital Division as I will be

able to see them in person often at divisional events. Being a part

of the Capital division is phenomenal due to our spirit, passion,

determination, and hard work. We are so supportive of each other

and we shouted our cheers with pride as loud as our vocal cords

allowed, and that made my time at FTC all the better. Divisions

and individual clubs get recognized for

their hard work, so this event creates a great opportunity to see

how far we have come as a division and as a club. I was also

ecstatic that our very own club from Reno, Nevada took home

2nd place for the 2014 FTC Outstanding Video!

In conclusion, it is safe to say that FTC is one of the best

events to attend in Circle K considering members come together

from all over the district to celebrate the arrival of new members,

to bond as a district, division, and club, and to congratulate

ourselves for how far we have come.

Not to mention that this event would not even be possible without

the FTC Committee, so a shout out to them, as well! Attending FTC

made me realize how grateful and proud I am to be a part of

Circle K International and the Kiwanis family. We are a brilliant and

extraordinary organization, and I hope this article will convince

members to attend next year! You will certainly not regret it!”

- Bunny Mo, member


B roP e g s 4 l y f e . “Come home soon!” - Nam

GRADUATING SENIOR: BORIS ZHANG B.S. in Chemistry with Honors

Future Plans: Pharmacy School on the West Coast

Past Circle K Positions: Kiwanis Family Relations Chair, VP of Administration

“If I could relive the past four years of my CKI experience, I would do it in

a heartbeat. It was through CKI that I learned about responsibility,

friendship, and service. My leadership responsibilities have allowed me to

grow as a person, and into the crazy, social person that I am today. It is

really due to all the friends that I have made through my fellowship and

service experiences. I cherish each and every single friend I have made

in both the club and throughout the CNH district. The most important

thing, of course, is all of my service. I would not have enjoyed being in

the freezing cold of Concessions, hiking through Hunter Creek,

driving out to Susanville for their Corndog Booth, camping

overnight for DCMs, spending time with kids in NICU or K-Kids, or

any other event if it wasn’t for all you wonderful people doing

service with me. Honestly, the experience I have

undertaken with you all will last a lifetime.

I’m sad to graduate, but I promise to

come back and visit. I will also leave one

piece of advice: Enjoy your time with CKI,

because all of these experiences only last for

so long and being able to look back with a

smile for all the memories you have made is

the best feeling.”





be m


! Nevad

a CK

I loves





KIWANIS FAMILY MONTH RECAP As you know, November was Kiwanis Family Month. Our club celebrated in many

different ways!

November 9 we hosted Kiwanis Murder Mystery: Death Don’t Speakeasy. This

was a 1920’s themed party where Kiwanians came and tried to solve the

mystery of who killed who with what. It was a lot of fun to plan and be a part of

this event and seeing Kiwanis members all dressed up for the 1920’s was

absolutely adorable. This event served as a fundraiser for our club as well.

November 10-14 we hosted #NevadaCKI Week where many members in our

club celebrated all that Circle K has to offer by using our hashtag throughout the

week. The winner of this event was Bunny Mo and she will be receiving a CKI

sweatshirt. This event promoted our club, encouraged new members to join, and

celebrated the Kiwanis Family.

November 14 was our Kiwanis Takeover where we joined the Reno Sunrisers

Kiwanis Club at their meeting. It was really fun because we had so many Circle K

members attend this event. We held an auction with great prizes and raised

over $600 for our club.

November 14 was our bi-weekly visit to the Kiwanis Bike Shop where we fixed

bikes and worked alongside Kiwanis members to do so. The Kiwanis Family

Relations Committee is currently working on a Bike Shop parody video to be

released soon so be on the look out for that!

November 21 a few members of Nevada Circle K visited North Valleys Key Club

to see what events they are involved with and to support them.

November 22 we attended the Division 23 Kiwanis DCM which is where all of the

Kiwanians gather for breakfast and talk about all of the wonderful things that

each club does for the community. It was a lot of fun for the members who

attended and they were able to learn a lot about our local Kiwanis clubs.

All month long, the Kiwanis Family Committee hosted events or promoted

Kiwanis Family ideas to our cub and overall, the month was very successful.

Check out all of the pictures from the various events!



DIVISION 23 KEY CLUB UPDATE Local Key Clubs have been doing a lot to help their communities. They have

been volunteering at local events such as Special Olympics of Northern Nevada

Bowling Tournament and stuffing care kits for the homeless. We have been trying to

make visits to local Key Clubs and we recently visited North Valleys Key Club and

we will be visiting other Key Clubs in the near future. Similarly to our year, the Key

Club administrative year is coming to a close soon and in order to foster leadership,

Key Clubbers will be attending Candidate Training Conference to learn about

potential leadership positions. This past year, the Reno Sunrisers Kiwanis Club chose

to sponsor North Valleys and Damonte Ranch Key Clubs and we are excited to

share the same sponsoring Kiwanis Club with them.

DIVISION 23 KIWANIS UPDATE Local Kiwanis Clubs have been very busy preparing for the holiday season

through volunteering at the Ronald McDonald house, the Food Bank, collecting

warm winter clothes, and doing so much more. You can stay up to date with the

activities that Kiwanis Clubs are doing by attending the Reno Sunrisers Kiwanis Club

meetings or eve joining in on the Division 23 Kiwanis DCM.

KIWANIS FAMILY SPOTLIGHT: CARLY SWEDER Reno Sunrisers Kiwanian Carly Sweder has been a part of the Kiwanis

Family since 1999! She started in the Kiwanis Family by joining Hug

High school Key Club. She was a member of UN Reno Circle K and

served as the Public Relations Chair, Vice President, President, and

Kiwanis Family Chair. Since joining Reno Sunrisers Kiwanis Club

Carly has been a Vice President, President, Newsletter Editor, and

Kiwanis One Day Chair. In Circle K, Kiwanis Family Day was her

favorite service project. There, members would assist Kiwanis and

REMSA with Child Safety Inspections. Carly said, “My favorite

moments are when all branches of the Kiwanis Family are doing

something together. Being able to see Key Clubbers with Circle Kers

and Kiwanians together. That is what keeps me coming back. There is

a feeling of community and belonging that is essential to me!”





Since joining our club, Marina has been

involved in many different events

including the balloon races, concessions,

and even

attending Fall


Conference. She

has been


Member of the

Month for



CNH UPDATES: At Fall Training Conference, November 7-9, we had record breaking attendance

and we installed the most amount of new members ever. Congratulations to all

of the new members who have joined our CNH Circle K


District Convention is right around the corner! This

convention celebrates all of the wonderful things that

each club achieves in a year. If you are interested in

applying to host a workshop visit


J.O. SALVA—12/06




BUNNY MO—12/18





Did you know that one in eight babies in

the US are born too soon each day?

March of Dimes is one of Circle K

International’s Preferred Charities. This

charity helps prevent prematurity among

newborn babies. They help by raising

awareness of prematurity and reducing

the rate of premature births. Some Circle

K clubs even make blankets for the

premature babies that need to stay a

while in the hospital before they are sent

home to their family.




Do you like things that are sweet, warm, and full of spunk? Well, you’re in luck

because I gotta deal for you. My name is Cody Yamada and I am

your club treasurer. You may think to yourself, “Man, all that

guy does is just take my money and talk about concessions

and stuff.” Well you’re absolutely RIGHT, but there’s a lot

more to it. I like to consider myself caring and

compassionate. I enjoy spending time with every member

of our club and connecting on a personal level, whether

it’s through common interests (like music and sports),

classes or even just seeing people on campus every

night from 6PM-1am in the KC (e’rry day). I am proud

to not only be a part of Circle K but also serve on

board with the club I consider family.

Our “Ask Charlie Horse” column is here for you to ask all of your questions! You can ask about Circle K, life, or anything else! Charlie is here to help you with all the wonders and pains that life may bring your way. Submit your questions via the Google Form posted on the Sign Up Sheet.

Dear Charlie Horse, Is a group of squid called a squad? - Squirtle Squad Dear Mr. Squirtle, A group of squids is actually called “squids” or a “shoal.” Sadly, they have not adopted the bad-a**ery of calling a group of squids a squad, BUT for your entertainment, please refer to the table below for your reading pleasure:

Dear Charlie Horse, If I punch myself and it hurts, am I

strong or am I weak? - Shrimp E. Shrimp Dear Mr. Shrimp, Well if we calculate the force of projection of your punch, we would have to look at it through the fun equation:

The average boxer throws about 776lbs of force. If we convert this

to an actual unit of measurement, we get about 352kg of weight for that mass. The

average speed of a punch from a boxer is about 8.9m/s. I gave you the equation, you do the math. Where am I really going with this? Just imagine getting hit by a modern day car. So if you’re hurting yourself by punching with your own arm that cannot gain enough momentum to reach a proper acceleration and it hurts… yes, you are weak. #sorrynotsorry

Animal Group Name

Alligators Congregation

Badgers Company

Crows Murder

Guinea Fowl Confusion

Leopards Leap

Rattlesnakes Rhumba

Wombats Wisdom



Check out our club’s official website!

It is loaded with information and a

calendar of events:

Subscribe to our weekly emails to

receive all club news and updates!

Like our page:

Nevada Circle K International

Join our group:

Nevada Circle K

Follow us on Instagram:


Follow us on Twitter:


Check out all of our club videos:

Circle K International website:

Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K website:

Capital Division Facebook group:

Capital Division



President Aldrin Santamara

[email protected] (702) 217-2954

VP of Administration Matthew Molloy

[email protected] (702) 334-8775

VP of Service Miguel Henares

[email protected] (702) 418-7856

Secretary Gabriella Murata

[email protected] (702) 278-4394

Treasurer Cody Yamada

[email protected] (808) 936-6654

Fundraising Hailey Brubaker

[email protected] (702) 273-6131

Historian Jared Apostol

[email protected] (775) 771-5174

Kiwanis Family Alyssa Yocom

[email protected] (775) 846-9747

K-Kids Rosa Romero

[email protected] (775) 443-6775

Membership Development & Education

Sarah Smith [email protected]

(775) 313-2009

Public Relations Jenny Kot

[email protected] (480) 789-0801

Single Service Esmond Fung

[email protected] (702) 715-7171

Spirit & Socials Raul Gutierrez

[email protected] (775) 830-4017

Technology Jeff Soriano

[email protected] (775) 544-6113

Faculty Advisor Derek Furukawa

[email protected] (702) 883-4127

Kiwanis Advisor Tom Leahy

[email protected] (775) 230-5882


A Special Thanks To: Miwako Schlageter | Newsletter Committee

Cody Yamada | Newsletter Committee

Boris Zhang | Newsletter Committee

Article Submissions

Hyacinth Ruiz | Passport to Dining

Mickey Rosal | Night of All Nations

Bunny Mo | Fall Training Conference

Dayna Tanaka | STEM Career Exploration Day

Shirley Siu | New Member Installation Banquet

Numfon Vilay | UoP & Sac State New Member Install


Jared Apostol | Historian

Alyza Mijares | Photographer