delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th Delivering Sustainable Residential . Developments Andreas Markides and Chris Pyatt , Directors Colin Buchanan and Partners

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Page 1: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001

Delivering Sustainable Residential.Developments

Andreas Markides and Chris Pyatt, Directors Colin Buchanan and Partners

Page 2: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001

Delivering Sustainable Residential.Developments

Page 3: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001

Delivering Sustainable Residential.Developments

Page 4: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001

3, 47:PPG paragraph

“ Local planning authorities should therefore seek to exploit opportunities to locate largerhousing

developments around majornodes along good quality public transport corridors and seek to ensure that all

-housing developments are accessible by a range of non .carmodes”

Delivering Sustainable Residential.Developments

Page 5: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001

Delivering Sustainable Residential.Developments

Page 6: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001


Delivering Sustainable Residential.Developments

Page 7: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001

Key Principles:

• Location

• Density

• Nature of land uses

• Juxtopositioning of land uses

Delivering Sustainable Residential.Developments

Page 8: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001


Delivering Sustainable Residential.Developments

Page 9: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001

Average Housing Densities

Britain 23 /rooms ha

London 40

Barcelona 200

3NewPPG 400up to

Delivering Sustainable Residential.Developments

Page 10: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001

Delivering Sustainable Residential.Developments

Page 11: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001

Not necessarily

* 47 % The majority of that may actually drive to work

?Is BuckinghamSustainable47 % of employment population work in Buckingham


* 53 % The remaining may need to drive long distances

Delivering Sustainable Residential.Developments

Page 12: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001

Modal Split to Primary Schools

Car Walk Bus

Durham 56% 29% 15%

Henley 61% 38% 1%

Milton Keynes 39% 61% -

Delivering Sustainable Residential.Developments

Page 13: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001

• , Housing allocation at Banbury Oxford

• , Station relocation at Ipswich Suffolk

• , FlitwickStation Bedfordshire

• Transport interchange at ClaphamJunction

Delivering Sustainable Residential.Developments

Page 14: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001

:QUANTIFICATIONof the effects of :QUANTIFICATIONof the effects of

• Level of public transport provision

• Different site locations

• Otherland uses

• Housing mix

• Housing layout

Delivering Sustainable Residential.Developments

Page 15: Delivering sustainable residential development

Aston University Conference Wednesday 14th March 2001

Delivering Sustainable ResidentialDevelopments

Colin Buchanan and Partners