demand generation handbook

demand generation summit 2013 brought to you by the funnelholic Thursday, May 23, 13

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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Radius sponsored The Funnelholic's Demand Generation Summit, a combination of 4 Webinars with social, marketing, and sales experts Koka Sexton, Scott Albro, Matt Childs, and Matt Heinz. We put together a definitive guide on demand generation based on what we learned from the summit.


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demand generation summit


brought to you by the funnelholic

Thursday, May 23, 13

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the handbook of demand generation

what we learned from

matt heinz, president, heinz marketing inc.koka sexton, social marketing manager, linkedin

scott albro, founder & ceo of topomatt childs, vp sales & strategy, vidcaster

Thursday, May 23, 13

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“To forget one’s purpose is the commonest form of stupidity.” friedrich nietzsche

Thursday, May 23, 13

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best practices for highly effective

demand generation

featuring content from @heinzmarketing


Thursday, May 23, 13

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before you start generating leads, you need to figure out which leads you want, and what to

do with them once you have them.

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a marketing plan in 5 questions:

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Who and what are your targets?

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About what do they care?

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Where do you find them?

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Who or what influences them?

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How do they want to engage and buy?

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“Before you create any more ‘great content,’ figure out how you’re going to market it.” joe pulizzi & newt barrett, authors of get content get customers

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social media marketing that drives real

demand: how to move from likes to leads

featuring content from @kokasexton


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social media is the cheapest & most

pervasive form of lead generation.

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Why?Thursday, May 23, 13

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Because buyers are on social media:

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81% of buyers say their friends’ social posts influence their purchase decisions.

78% of buyers say companies’ posts influence their purchase decisions.

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30Thursday, May 23, 13

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30% of linkedin traffic that comes from social media.

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And because social media leads cost less than all other types of leads

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the % of social media generated leads that cost less than the average lead.

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so how do you build a lead generation channel on social media?

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Step 1: Build a following.

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The size of your following may just be a social vanity metric,

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But a large base of followers gives you an audience to market to.

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Step 2: Nurture the leads in your system with content.

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“You can buy attention (advertising.) You can beg for attention from the media (PR). You can bug people one at a time to get attention (sales). Or you can earn attention by creating something interesting and valuation and then publishing it online for free.”David Meerman Scott, author

Thursday, May 23, 13

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building the ultimate content marketing


featuring content from @scottalbro


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Step 1: Plan it. Thursday, May 23, 13

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ask 10 customers which 3 pieces of content they most want from you.

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goal: drive registration

goal: drive active

prospectsgoal: sell

goal: collect


channelgrow network,

Twitter, Facebook, blog, LinkedIn

drip email & social campaigns

sales reps word of mouth

type of content

ex: 10 tips guides, white papers,

discovery events

newsletter, success stories,

product announcements

competitor comparison,

product demos

referral programs, tell a friend campaigns

map your content to your audience

Thursday, May 23, 13

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Step 2: Make it. Thursday, May 23, 13

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how hubspot publishes 5 blog posts per day:

If you are the best at what you do then you have thought leaders. Every key person we hire at HubSpot is a respective thought leader. The problem is they are all busy running the business with very little time to write. And they don’t often write well. If you are to succeed in Google, you need to pull that content out of them by setting a weekly quota for new content from your thought leaders. So find and hire a journalist or two (or more) who know how to write well under deadlines. There are lots of them moving from the old world of print media to digital. Have them interview each thought leader in rotation for 30 to 45 minutes a week. Turn your journalists loose on your bright engineers, your sales gurus, your marketing wizards, your c-level types, your founders. They know amazing things, but they’re all busy. - Mark Roberge, SVP of Sales and Services at Hubspot

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Step 3: Break it. Thursday, May 23, 13

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a white paper is never just a white paper.

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a white paper is never just a white paper.









blog postblog post

blog postblog post

blog post

facebook post

facebook post

facebook post

facebook post

facebook post

facebook post

facebook post

facebook post

facebook post


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Step 3: Measure it. Thursday, May 23, 13

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stage definition sales action marketing action

open/interacts with content

New lead, has not been contacted by sales.

if qualified, begin 7 step contact process

if not qualified, enter into drip campaign

attempting to contactIn the process of sales follow-up.

qualified lead, 7 steps to schedule meeting

enter into active prospect drip campaign

interestedProspect interacts with content, not yet qualified

no action enter into drip campaign

nurturingProspect expresses interest, but no near term opportunity

no actiondrip marketing 1-2 x per month, value-add content

marketing qualifiedProspect fits initial lead qualification criteria.

no actionprovide thought leadership content

sales acceptedProspect fits all lead qualification criteria

get prospect to commit to meeting

provide thought leadership content

presentation/demoSales has scheduled meeting.

get permission to present proposal

provide case studies/sales enablement content

proposalSales has presented formal proposal.

get verbal agreement provide case studies/sales enablement content

negotiationProspect has verbally agreed to contract, has not signed

maintain communication with prospect

no action

closed won Customer. take a victory lap no action

closed lost Opportunity lost. no action Return to drip marketing campaign.

sample lead measurement chart.featuring content from @heinzmarketing

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Step 4: Score it. Thursday, May 23, 13

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score description follow-up

A1Perfect fit. Aligned on all lead qualification criteria; ideal prospect profile.

Immediate sales call/email within 4 hours of reaching queue.

A2Strong fit. Aligned on most lead qualification criteria; ideal prospect profile

Immediate sales call/email within 4 hours of reaching queue.

A3Good fit. Aligned on some lead qualification criteria; partially ideal prospect profile

Sales call/email within 2 days of reaching queue.

A4Potential fit. Aligned on some lead qualification criteria or partially ideal prospect profile

Sales call/email within 1 week of reaching queue with white paper/case study/content

B1Potential fit. Company is a fit, discovery required to determine need, budget, authority, timing

Sales call/email within 1 week of reaching queue with white paper/case study/content

B2Potential fit. Prospect engages with content campaign, qualification required

Sales call/email within 1 week of reaching queue, entered in marketing nurture campaign

B3Potential fit. Long term opportunity. Lead is a fit, but has no immediate need.

Sales call/email within 1 week of reaching queue, entered in marketing nurture campaign

sample lead scoring chart.

featuring content from @heinzmarketing

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the secrets to successfully using

video in your marketing

featuring content from @mattychilds


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of the us internet audience

74%Thursday, May 23, 13

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online videos


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in january.

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high quality videos may cost a lot of $$$$

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but they’re also the most consumed form of online content.

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How to develop a video marketing

plan that doesn’t suck: Thursday, May 23, 13

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hosting on youtube hosting on your sitevs.

• You send visitors away from your site.

• You don’t get SEO for your website when your content is on Youtube.

• Competitor videos – or completely unrelated videos – show up in the side bar of your videos

• You have no control of user experience on Youtube.

• You can monitor exactly how users engage with your video content.

• Views can become leads in your CRM.

• You can control the user experience.

• You can measure views, clicks, shares, likes, searches, etc.

• You can direct viewers to other videos you’ve made.

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“People shop and learn in a whole new way compared to just a few years ago, so marketers need to adapt or risk extinction.”brian halligan, ceo, hubspot

Thursday, May 23, 13

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are you ready to rethink your demand generation

strategy yet?

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about radius

Radius provides the most accurate and comprehensive index of insights about small businesses in the US. Radius‘ technology collects and monitors data from hundreds of thousands of online and social sources. The easy-to-use dashboard allows marketers and salespeople to discover new prospects, prioritize leads and synchronize data.

see how radius can help you find the right leads for your business.

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