dengue hemorrhagic fever dfs

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  • 8/13/2019 Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever DFS


    Dengue fever syndrome (DFS) and dengue hemorrhagic fever(DHF) are acute febrile diseases which occur in the tropics, can be life-threatening, and are caused by four closely related virus serotypesof thegenus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae.It is also known as breakbone fever,since it can be extremely painful. Unlike malaria, dengue is just asprevalent in the urban districts of its range as in rural areas. Eachserotype is sufficiently different that there is no cross-protection andepidemics caused by multiple serotypes (hyperendemicity) can occur.Dengue is transmitted to humans by the Aedes aegypti mosquito ormore rarely the Aedes albopictus mosquito. The mosquitoes that spreaddengue usually bite at dusk and dawn but may bite at any time duringthe day, especially indoors, in shady areas, or when the weather iscloudy.

    The WHO says some 2.5 billion people, two fifths of the world'spopulation, are now at risk from dengue and estimates that there maybe 50 million cases of dengue infection worldwide every year. Thedisease is now endemic in more than 100 countries.

    As of August 2010, there where 70,000 cases reported in thePhilippines by the Department of Health and 501 reported deaths.

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    This case presentation aims to identifyand determine the problems and needs

    of the patient with admitting diagnosis ofdengue. We also intends to help patientto promote health and understand suchconditions through the application of

    nursing skills.

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    We relate this case to FlorenceNightingales Environmental Theory

    because proper management of storedwater and clean environment avoidinsects and mosquitoes to lived at. It alsoprevents acquiring diseases especially

    dengue cases.

  • 8/13/2019 Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever DFS


    Biographical DataName: Lyssa Melandru Barrinuevo RosarioAge: 2 years old

    Address: B 841-A Chrysanthemum St. Camella HomesClassic Don Bosco, Paraaque CityDate of Birth: February 02, 2008Gender: FemaleStatus: Single

    Occupation: NONEDate of Admission: September 09, 2010 at 8:53pm.Attending Physician: Dr. Rodel FontanillaEmergency Contact Person: Her Father, Daniel IanDel Rosario

  • 8/13/2019 Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever DFS


    Chief ComplaintUpon Admission, the client complained of fever

    and cough. History of Present Illness

    Four days prior to admission, the client is having afever and also an unproductive cough.

    Past Health History

    The client has no any history of surgicalprocedures. Her past illnesses are just fever, coughand colds.

    Family Health HistoryThe clients mother has an asthma.

    Social Health HistoryThe client is the only child of Mr. Daniel Ian DelRosario and Mrs. Mary Carla Del Rosario. The patientis a Roman Catholic.

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    The client completed all the vaccineslike BCG given at birth, DPT 1, 2 and 3,

    OPV 1, 2 and 3, Hep B 1, 2 and 3 andMMR given at 11th month.

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    When the client has a fever, her fathergave her Tempra. When she has cough,

    she was given Lagundi.

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  • 8/13/2019 Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever DFS



    Whole blood has two components: (1)blood plasma, a watery liquid matrix thatcontains dissolved substances, and (2)formed elements, which are cells and cellfragments. Blood is about 45% formedelements and 55% plasma. Normally more

    than 99% of the formed elements are red-colored red blood cells. Pale colorless whiteblood cells and platelets occupy less than1% of total blood volume.

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    Substances in Blood Plasma

    Constituent Distribution

    Water (91.5%) Liquid portion of blood. Acts as solvent andsuspending medium for components ofblood;absorbs, transports and releases heat.

    Proteins (7.0%) Exert colloid osmotic pressure, which helpsmaintain water balance between blood andtissues and regulates blood volume.

    Albumins Smallest and most numerous plasma proteins;produced by liver. Function as transportproteins for several steroid hormones and forfatty acids.

    Globulins Produced by liver and by plasma cells, which

    develop from B lymphocytes. Antibodies helpattack viruses and bacteria. Alpha and betaglobulins transport iron, lipids and fat-solublevitamins.

    Fibrinogen Produced by liver. Plays essential role inblood


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    Formed Elements in Blood

    Name Number Characteristics Functions

    Red Blood Cells 4.8million/2L (F)5.4million/2L (M)

    7-82m diameter;biconcave discs, without

    a nucleus; live for about120 days

    Hemoglobin within RBCstransports most of the

    oxygen and part of thecarbon dioxide in theblood

    White Blood Cellds 500010,000/2L Most live for a few hoursto a few days

    Combat pathogens andother foreign substancesthat enter the body

    Neutrophils 60-70% of all WBCs 10 122m diameter;nucleus has 2-5 Lobes

    connected by thinstrands of chromatin;cytoplasm has very fine,pale lilac.

    Phagocytosis.Destruction of bacteria

    with lysozyme, defenses,and strong oxidants,such as super oxideanion, hydrogenperoxide, andhypochlorite anion

    Eosinophils 2-4% of all WBCs 10-122m diameter;nucleus has 2-3lobes;

    large red- orangegranules fill thecytoplasm

    Combat the effects ofhistamine in allergic

    reactions, phagocytesantigen antibodycomplexes, and destroycertain parasitic worms

    Basophils 0.5-1% of all WBCs 8-102m diameter;nucleus has 2 lobes;large cytoplasm granulesappeardeep blue-purple

    Liberate heparin,histamine and serotoninin allergicreactions that intensifythe overall inflammatory


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    Lymphocytes 20-25% of allWBCs

    Small lymphocytesare 6-92m indiameter; largelymphocytes are

    10-14 2m indiameter; nucleusis round or slightlyindented;cytoplasm forms arim around thenucleus that lookssky blue; the largerthe cell, the more

    cytoplasm is visible

    Mediate immuneresponses, includingantigen-antibodyreactions. B cells

    develop into plasmacells, which secreteantibodies. T cellsattach invadingviruses, cancer cellsand transplantedtissue cells. Naturalkiller cells attack awide variety of

    infectious microbesand certainspontaneously arisingtumor cells.

    Monocytes 3-8% of all WBCs 12-202m diameter;nucleus iskidney shaped orhorseshoe shaped;cytoplasm is blue-grayand has foamyAppearance

    Phagocytosis (aftertransforming intofixed or wanderingmacrophages)

    Platelets 150,000-400,000/2L

    2-42m diameter cellfragments that livefor 5-9 days;contain manyvesicles but noNucleus

    Form platelet plug inhomeostasis; releasechemicals thatpromote vascularspasm and bloodclotting

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    Bite of a aedes mosquitocarrying a flavivirus

    Mosquito inject the virus

    to the victims skin

    Virus enters the bloodstream

    Infects cells andgenerate cellular


    Initiate immuneresponse (stimulates

    release of cytokines)

    Cytokines destroycell membrane and

    cell wall

    When treated early with doctorprescribed medication and

    manage to prevent theappearance of the other symptoms

    IVFs and electrolyte replacementsand precaution

    Patient recovers

    When illness becamesevere

    Damage cells due toboth cytokines and virus

    Fluid shift from ICF - ECF

    Bloody vomitus, urineand stool

    Circulatorycollapsed and Shock


    Manifest evanescent rashes Rashes in several

    areas of the body

  • 8/13/2019 Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever DFS


    Pattern Before During Analysis

    Health Perception andHealth Management

    Perceives that she ishealthy

    Perceives that she is notthat healthy for having adengue

    Clients problem at herhealth status

    Nutirtion and Metabolism Preferred rice and fish She preffered more riceand fish

    Client may have anutritional imbalancedue to inconsistent foodintake

    Elimination Client have a regularand routinely bowelmovement

    Experienced diarrhea atfirst day of herhospitalization and now,she is constipated

    Client have a probelmon her elimination

    Cognitive and Sensory Client has no claims ofdifficulty in learning andpercepting differentsensations and have noany vision of hearing


    Client has no claims ofdifficulty in learning andpercepting differentsensations and have noany vision of hearing


    Clients level of cognitionand perception arenormal

    Sleep and Rest Sleeps normally andcontinuously for about 8to 10 hours

    Sleeps normally andcontinuously for about 8to 10 hours

    There is no anydeprivation on hersleeping pattern

    Self Perception and SelfConcept

    Client perceived heremotions according toher feelings andattitudes about herself

    Client perceived heremotions according toher feelings andattitudes about herself

    Client has no anydeprivation in thispattern

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    Role and Relationship Has a strong bondingwith his family andhas no disturbances

    in her roles andrelationship

    Has a strong bondingwith his family andhas no disturbances

    in her roles andrelationship

    Good family ties willpromote support forrecovery and gives

    comfort and feelingof belongingness

    Sexuality andReproductive

    The patient identifyherself according toher orientation andher knowledge abouther sexuality

    The patient identifyherself according toher orientation andher knowledge abouther sexuality

    The client knows howcould she identifywhich group hersexual belong

    Coping and Stress Client has no anyfactor to be stressed

    The client is stressedbecause of herhospitalization

    The client is notcomfortable on herhealth status thattrigger stress to her

    Vakues and Belief Client is a RomanCatholic and go tochurch every

    sundays. Her fatheroriented heraccording to theirbeliefs

    Client is a RomanCatholic and go tochurch every

    sundays. Her fatheroriented heraccording to theirbeliefs

    Good Spiritual tiesthat help her to havea faster recovery and

    spiritually growingthat improve tiesbetween her ansGod

  • 8/13/2019 Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever DFS


    Parts Normal Findings Analysis

    Head and Skull proportional tothe size of the body,round, withprominences in thefrontal areaanteriorly & theoccipital areaposteriorly,

    symmetrical in allplanes, gentlyCurved

    proportional tothe size of the body,round, withprominences in thefrontal areaanteriorly & theoccipital areaposteriorly,

    symmetrical in allplanes, gentlycurved


    Scalp and Hair scalp is white,clean, free frommasses, lumps, nits,dandruff & lesions,with no areas oftenderness uponpalpation; hair isblack, evenlydistributed & coversthe whole scalp,thick & shiny

    scalp is white,presence of wound,nomasses, lumps, nits &dandruff,with no areas oftenderness uponpalpation; hair isblack, evenlydistributed & coversthe whole scalp,thick & shiny

    Due to itching of scalp

    Face oblong shaped,symmetrical, smooth& no involuntary

    muscle movements

    oblong shaped,symmetrical, smooth& no involuntary

    muscle movements


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    Eyes and Vision eyes are parallel & evenly

    placed, symmetrical, non

    protruding, with scant amount

    of secretions, both eyes black

    & clear; sclera is white &

    clear; eyebrows are black,

    symmetrical, thick, can raiseboth symmetrically & without

    difficulty, evenly distributed &

    parallel with each other;

    eyelashes are evenly

    distributed & turned outward;

    upper eyelids cover a small

    portion of the iris, cornea &

    the sclera when the eyes are

    open, when the eyes are

    closed the lids meet

    completely, symmetrical &

    the color is the same as the

    surrounding skin; lid margins

    are clear, without scaling or

    secretions; lower palpebral

    conjunctiva are shiny, moist,

    transparent & salmon pink in

    color; iris are proportional to

    the size of the eye, round &

    symmetrical; pupils are from

    pinpoint to almost the size ofthe iris, round, symmetrical,

    constricts with increasing light

    & accommodation; able to

    move eyes in full range of


    eyes are parallel & evenly

    placed, symmetrical, non

    protruding, with scant amount

    of secretions, both eyes black

    & clear; sclera is white &

    clear; eyebrows are black,

    symmetrical, thick, can raiseboth symmetrically & without

    difficulty, evenly distributed &

    parallel with each other;

    eyelashes are evenly

    distributed & turned outward;

    upper eyelids cover a small

    portion of the iris, cornea &

    the sclera when the eyes are

    open, when the eyes are

    closed the lids meet

    completely, symmetrical &

    the color is the same as the

    surrounding skin; lid margins

    are clear, without scaling or

    secretions; lower palpebral

    conjunctiva are shiny, moist,

    transparent & salmon pink in

    color; iris are proportional to

    the size of the eye, round &

    symmetrical; pupils are from

    pinpoint to almost the size ofthe iris, round, symmetrical,

    constricts with increasing light

    & accommodation; able to

    move eyes in full range of



    Nose nose is in midline,

    symmetrical, patent;

    internal nares are

    clean, dark pink with

    few cilia

    nose is in midline,

    symmetrical, patent;

    internal nares are

    clean, dark pink with

    few cilia


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    Ears and Hearing parallel, symmetrical,proportional to the size ofthe head, bean-shaped,helix is in line with the outercanthus of the eye, skin is

    the same color as thesurrounding area & clean;ear canal is pinkish, clean,with scant amount ofcerumen & a few cilia;able to hear whisperspoken 2 feet away

    parallel, symmetrical,proportional to the size ofthe head, bean-shaped,helix is in line with the outercanthus of the eye, skin is

    the same color as thesurrounding area & clean;ear canal is pinkish, clean,with scant amount ofcerumen & a few cilia;able to hear whisperspoken 2 feet away rightear


    Mouth and Lips lips are pinkish,

    symmetrical, lip margin iswell defined, smooth &moist; gums are pinkish,smooth, moist, no swelling,no retraction, nodischarge; 32 teeth arepresent, aligned, with nodental caries; tongue ispinkish, slightly rough ontop, smooth along thelateral margins, moist, shiny& freely movable; cheeksare pinkish, moist & smooth;frenulum is in midline,straight & thin; soft palate ispinkish, smooth & moist;hard palate is slightlypinkish; uvula is at thecenter, symmetrical

    & freely movable

    lips are pinkish,

    symmetrical, lip margin iscracked & dry lips;gumsare pinkish, smooth, moist,no swelling, no retraction,no discharge; 32 teethare present, aligned,with no dental caries;tongue is pinkish, slightlyrough on top, smoothalong the lateral margins,moist, shiny & freelymovable; cheeks arepinkish, moist & smooth;frenulum is in midline,straight & thin; soft palate ispinkish, smooth & moist;hard palate is slightlypinkish; uvula is at thecenter, symmetrical

    & freely movable

    Sign of Dehydration

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    Neck proportional to thesize of the body &head, symmetrical &

    straight, no palpablelumps, masses orareas of tenderness

    proportional to thesize of the body &head, symmetrical &

    straight, no palpablelumps, masses orareas of tenderness


    Thorax and Lungs chest contour issymmetrical, spine isstraight, no lumps, nomasses, no tenderareas, with clearbreath sounds

    chest contour issymmetrical, spine isstraight, no lumps, nomasses, no tenderareas, with clearbreath sounds


    Abdomen abdominal skin isunblemished, noscars, color is uniformwith thebody color,abdomen is roundedwith symmetricmovements causedby respiration;umbilicus is concave

    abdominal skin isunblemished, noscars, color is uniformwith thebody color,abdomen is roundedwith symmetricmovements causedby respiration;umbilicus is concave


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    Upper Extremities symmetrical, with visibleveins, fine hair evenlydistributed, warm, dry &elastic upon palpation,with area of tenderness onthe left arm; palms arepinkish, warm, soft &elastic; nails aretransparent, smooth &convex with light pink nailbeds & white translucenttips; 5 fingers in each hand;both shoulders, arms,elbows, hands & wrists can

    be moved in differentrange of motion withrelative ease

    symmetrical, with visibleveins, fine hair evenlydistributed, warm, dry &elastic upon palpation,with area of tenderness onthe left arm; palms arepinkish, warm, soft &elastic; nails aretransparent, smooth &convex with light pink nailbeds & white translucenttips; 5 fingers in each hand;both shoulders, arms,elbows, hands & wrists can

    be moved in differentrange of motion withrelative ease


    Lower Extremities skin is smooth, fine hair isevenly distributed, absenceof varicose veins, musclessymmetrical, lengthsymmetrical, 5 toes in eachfoot, sole & dorsal surface is

    smooth with pink nail beds& white translucent tips;both legs, knees, ankles, &toes can be moved indifferent range of motionwith relative ease; scar onboth patellar

    skin is smooth, fine hair isevenly distributed, absenceof varicose veins, musclessymmetrical, lengthsymmetrical, 5 toes in eachfoot, sole & dorsal surface is

    smooth with pink nail beds& white translucent tips;both legs, knees, ankles, &toes can be moved indifferent range of motionwith relative ease; scar onboth patellar


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    Red Blood Cells 3.95.3 4.21 NORMAL

    Hemoglobin 110160 110 NORMAL

    Hematocrit 0.310.43 0.37 NORMAL

    White Blood Cells 515.5 4.4 Infection of the bodyby the DFS strain

    causes in stimulationof the immunesystem to combatthe disease causingdecreased levels ofWBC count in theblood

    Platelet Count 200400 152 DFS can causethrombocytopeniaby direct infection ofbone marrowmegakaryocytes aswell asimmunologicalshortened platelet


  • 8/13/2019 Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever DFS


    Name of theDrug

    Dosage Mechanismof actions

    Indications Contraindications


    Nursing Alert




    5ml every 4hours PRN fortemp >37.8C

    Inhibition of

    cyclooxygenase (COX),While it hasanalgesicandantipyreticpropertiescomparableto those ofaspirin orother NSAIDs

    relief of

    fevers, achesand painsand relievepain in mildarthritis buthas no effecton theunderlyinginflammation, redness,and swellingof the joint

    Should not

    be used inhypersensitivity to thepreparationand insevere liverdiseases


    al problems,allergic skinreactions,Blooddyscrasia,nephropathy, like drugcombinations containingphenacetin,acute liverfailure,hepatotoxicity

    Use liquid

    form forchildren andpatients withdifficulty inswallowing

    In children,dontexceed fivedoses in 24hours



    Apply 3x aday

    Prevent skinlesions

    Indicated forthe topical

    treatment ofimpetigodue to:Staphylococcus aureusandStreptococcus pyogenes.

    Contraindicated in

    individualswith a historyof sensitivityreactions toany of itscomponents.

    Burning,stinging or

    painRash,nausea,erythema,dry skin,tendernessand swelling.

    Check forany

    reactions ofthe skintoward theappliedointment

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    Augmentin 312mg/5ml

    4ml every 8hours

    To reducethedevelopment of drug-resistantbacteria andmaintain theeffectivenessofantibacterialdrugs, shouldbe used onlyto treat or

    preventinfectionsthat areproven orstronglysuspected tobe causedby bacteria

    Indicated inthetreatment ofinfectionscaused bysusceptiblestrains of thedesignatedorganisms intheconditions(UTI, LRTI,Otitis Media,

    Sinusitis, andskininfections)

    Contraindicated inpatients witha history ofallergicreactions toanypenicillin.

    Contraindicated inpatients witha previous

    history ofcholestaticjaundice/hepaticdysfunction.

    Diarrhea orloose stools,nausea andvomiting, skinrashes,urticaria,and vaginitis.

    Assess theclient if she isallergic inPenicillin andpreparemedicationsfor resultingany adversereaction dueto allergyoccur.


    Once a day To Stimulatethe bowelMovement

    For thetreatment ofoccasionalconstipation.

    In patientswith ileus,intestinalobstruction,acutesurgicalabdominalconditions

    Rarely,abdominaldiscomfortand diarrheahave beenreported.

    Check foranyabdominaldiscomfort orreport ofdiarrheal

  • 8/13/2019 Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever DFS


    Cues Diagnosis ExpectedOutcome


    Rationale Evaluation

    Subjective:Ang anak ko

    ilang araw nahindidumudumi. Asverbalized by theclients father.

    Objective:Abdominal pain,urgency, andcramping.

    Altered bowelsounds

    Constipationrelated to

    decreaseddietary intake

    STG:After 8 hours of

    nursinginterventions, thepatient willestablish or returnto normalpatterns ofbowelfunctioning.

    LTG:After 1-2 days ofnursingintervention, theclients motherwill verbalizeways to avoidconstipation ofher child.

    Independent:- Determine stool

    color,consistency,frequency, andamount.

    - Auscultatebowel sounds.

    - Encourage fluidintake of 2500-3000 ml/daywithincardiactolerance.

    - Recommendavoiding gasforming foods.

    - Assist in perinialskin conditionfrequently,noting changesor beginning


    -Assists in

    identifyingcausative orcontributingfactors andappropriateinterventions.

    - Bowel soundsare generallydecreased inconstipation.

    - Assists inimproving stoolconsistency.

    - Decreasegastric distressand abdominaldistension.

    - Prevents skinexcoriation andbreakdown.

    Fully Met-the patients

    bowelmovement returnto its normalpattern.

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    - Discuss use ofstool softeners,mild stimulants,bulk-forminglaxatives, orenemas asindicated.Monitoreffectiveness.

    - Encourage toeat high-fiber richfoods.


    - Consult withdietitian toprovide well-balanceddiet high in fiberand bulk.

    Dependent:- Administrationof laxatives.

    - Facilitatesdefecation whenconstipation ispresent.

    - To enhanceeasydefecation.

    - Fiber resistsenzymaticdigestion andabsorbs liquids inits passage alongthe intestinaltractand therebyproduces bulk,which acts as a

    stimulant todefecation.

    -It helps instimulation orincrease thefrequency ofbowel


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    Cues Diagnosis ExpectedOutcome


    Rationale Evaluation

    Objective:Dry and crackedlips.

    RR: 38

    Temp: 38.6CPR: 130

    Fluid VolumeDeficit related tofailure ofregulatorymechanisms

    STG:Within 8 hours,patient willmaintainadequate fluid


    LTG:After 1-2 days ofnursingintervention theclient will notshow any signs ofdehydration

    Independent:-Monitored vitalsigns; notedchanges in bodytemperature.

    -Monitored I/Oqh; obtaineddaily weightsand compared

    with 24-hr I/O.


    increase in fluidintake andconsumption offoods high in fluidcontent.

    -Turned patientq2h andprovided support

    for bodyprominences.

    -Increased HRalong withdecreased BPand elevatedtemperature,

    is present inconditions withfluid volumedeficit.

    -Fluidreplacementneeds are basedon correction of

    current deficitsand ongoinglosses.Decreasedurinary outputmay requireaggressive fluidreplacement.

    -Relieves thirst

    and aids in bodyfluidreplacement.

    -Patients withfluid volumedeficit are more

    at risk for skinbreakdown.

    Fully met:The Clientmaintains theadequate fluidvolume

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    -Provided skinand mouth care,massaged skin,and appliedemollients as


    -Monitored IVflow ratesregularly;observed formarkedelevations in BP,restlessness, moistcough, dyspnea,basilar crackles,

    and frothysputum.

    Dependent:-Administered IVfluids as ordered.

    -Regular skin andmouth carerelieves drynessand discomfort.Light massage

    promotescirculation. Useof emollients andmild soapspromotes goodhygiene andcomfort withoutexcessive dryingof the skin.

    -Patients on IVfluid therapymay be at risk forcardiopulmonarycompromise.

    -Aggressive fluidreplacementmay be requiredto correct fluidvolume deficit.

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    Cues Diagnosis ExpectedOutcome


    Rationale Evaluation

    Subjective:Apat na arawna maiinit anganak ko. As

    verbalized by theclients father

    Objective:Temp.- 38.6CFlushed skinwarm to touch

    Hyperthermiarelated todisease processas evidence by

    increase bodytemperaturegreater than thenormal range

    After 4 hoursof effectivenursingintervention, the

    patientstemperature willdecrease from38.6C to itsnormal range.

    After 1-2 days ofnursingintervention theclients mother

    will know how toprevent theoccurrence ofhyperthermia

    INDEPENDENT*monitor coretemperatureeveryhour

    *note presence ofsweating as bodyattempts toincrease heat lossby evaporation.

    *increase oralfluid intake

    *promote bedrest, encouragerelaxation skillsand diversionalactivities.

    *temperature of38.9-41.1 Csuggest acuteinfectious diseaseprocess.

    *Evaporation isdecreasedby environmentalfactors ofhigh humidity andhighambient

    temperature aswell as bodyfactorsproducing loss ofability tosweat.

    *to supportcirculatingvolume and tissue


    *to reducemetabolicdemands/oxygenconsumption.

    Fully Met:The clienttemperaturedecrease to 36.5

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    *provide TSB asneeded

    *promote surfacecooling, loosenclothing andcoolenvironment

    *Review specificriskfactors/causes,signs and

    symptoms withthe interventionsrequired

    DEPENDENT*Administermedications asindicated totreatunderlying

    cause,such as:-Paracetamol

    COLLABORATIVE*administerreplacementfluidsand electrolytes

    *heat is loss byevaporationand conduction.

    *heat is loss byconvection,radiation andconduction.

    *to promotewellness.

    *to decrease thebodytemperature

    *to treatunderlyingCondition

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    Medications: Instruct the patient to take her

    medicines as prescribed. Exercise: teach the patient to make or to conduct

    exercises everyday like walking.

    Treatment: Follow the ordered treatment of the

    doctor Health Teaching: Teach the client to maintain a

    clean environment to avoid viral infections

    OPD Follow-up: Instruct the client to come back for

    her follow-up check up. Diet: DAT and increase fluid intake