derek prince portfolio project

Portfolio Derek Prince

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Derek Prince

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 Derek Prince: 23 W. 1St N. Rexburg, ID 83440 541.730.0637derekprince88


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 Montage Logos Letterhead Business Card Brochure Flier Event Ad

 Web PageImaging

Table Of Contents

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 This is a flier for an oldtimey boxing match made in Photoshop.

 Date: Febuary 14, 2014

 Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 04 Cory Kerr

 Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Photoshop

 Objectives: Learn to manage Photoshoplayers. Learn to blend images togethersmoothly, using masks. Use filters. Apply appropriate typography.

 Process:I used Photoshop exclusivelyfor this project. I used the

brush tool in conjunction with masking on almost everylayer. I wanted to do anold time boxing flier so Iknew I wanted to make itlook like it was printed onold parchment or ad paper. The most dofficult part was wrangling all of the differentlayers and making them allbehave properly. Masking isdefinitely the most enjoyable

thing I ve done in photoshop.


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 A few logos I designed for anarcade called Attract Mode

 Date: Febuary 21, 2014

 Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 04 Cory Kerr

 Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Illustrator

 Objectives: Create a variety of logos tofit a company or personalimage. Use the basic tools ofIllustrator.

 Process: A bit of history: When anarcade game or machine doesn thave anyone actively playingit goes in to a demo loop

showing all of the cool stuffthe game has to offer to tryand entice people to play it. This demo loop is a calledthe attract mode. I thought Attract Mode would make agreat name for an arcade.I knew that I wanted to getacross an old school feeling without making it look outof touch. My favorite ofthe three is definitely the Attract Mode star. I feel

like this one would do thebest as a logo for thingslike employee s shirts andbusiness cards. It took a lotof messing wth the size andposition of the shapes.


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 Description: Letterhead for the Attract Mode Arcade company.

 Date: February 27, 2014

 Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 04 Cory Kerr


 Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign

 Objectives: Create a new logo to fit acompany or personal image. Design consistent layoutsfor a business card andletterhead. Use the basic tools ofIllustrator & InDesign.

 Process: Done in adobe inDesign. Made use of the rectangletool, a lot. The eyedroppertool came in handy for matching colors of the text with the colors of thedesign. I liked the idea ofthe vertical stripe on theside but didn t want it tobe solid all the way down.

I thought it would be kindof boring to just have arectangular break so I usedthe star tool.


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 Description: A business card I createdfor the Attract Mode Arcadecompany.

 Date: February 27, 2014

 Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 04 Cory Kerr

 Program(s)/Tools: Adobe InDesign

 Objectives: Create a new logo to fit acompany or personal image. Design consistent layoutsfor a business card andletterhead. Use the basic tools ofIllustrator & InDesign.

 Process: Done in adobe inDesign. Made use of the rectangletool, a lot. The eyedroppertool came in handy for matching colors of the text with the colors of thedesign. I liked the idea ofthe vertical stripe on theside but didn t want it tobe solid all the way down.

I thought it would be kindof boring to just have arectangular break so I usedthe star tool.

Business Card

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 Description: A two sided (duplex)folding brochure.

 Date: March 29, 2014

 Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 04 Cory Kerr


 Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign

 Objectives: Create an attractivebrochure for the cause orcompany of your choice.

 Process:I actually really enjoyedthis project. I knew I wanted to continue with

the theme that I ve been working on for most of thesemester and decided todo it for Attract Mode. Istarted off by searchingfor pictures that woulddisplay the kind of arcadeatmosphere I was after. After that I had to findthe perfect background.I m also really fond of

the fonts I used. Theyreally evoke an old schoolfeel. The toughest part wasclipping the arcade cabinetin the bottom left corner.


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 Black & White promotionalflier to promote a graduateleadership conference.

 Date: January 25, 2014

 Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 04 Cory Kerr


 Adobe InDesign

 Objectives: Apply the design principlesand use appropriatetypography.Incorporate basic InDesignskills to improve basic flierlayout. Create a project folder withimage, logo and InDesigndocument to keep links intact.

 Process: Got my hands dirty withsome work in inDesign. Usedthe frame tool a lot overthe course of this project. Learned how to and developedan eye for alignment. Nothaving ever used a Mac for more than a couple minutes

ata time it was kind of hardto get the hang of all ofthe new key commands andshortcuts. This projectnot only taught me somenew things about the adobeprograms but the Mac OSas a whole. It was a good way to get my start in thedesign world.


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 A color full-bleed event adto promote a fundraiser usingonly Microsoft Word and ascanner.

 Date: February 1, 2014

 Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 04 Cory Kerr

 Program(s)/Tools: Microsoft Word Epson Scanner

 Objectives: Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed design Use text boxes for layout in Word.Insert and edit images in Word.

 Process: The image was taken from the February 2014 edition ofrunner s world magazine. Iscanned the image in and didall other editing in Microsoft Word. This probably the mostdifficult project in termsof having to force a programto do something that it just wasn t that good at. It s goodto know that I could do design

 work using Microsoft Word if Iabsolutely had to but it justcan t compete with the Adobeproducts. I used the rule ofthirds to help give the ad abit more flow from left toright.

Event Ad

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 Description: A web page designed to

showcase a personallycreated logo.

 Date: March 13, 2014

 Course/Instructor: Comm 130 Section 04 Cory Kerr

 Program(s)/Tools: TextWrangler Adobe Photoshop

 Objectives: Size and optimize anoriginal logo as a .png fora web page.

 Write content to describethe process of creatingyour logo and how itappeals to a targetaudience.

 Design a web page using HTML to display a logo andcontent.

 Acquire a working knowledgeof HTML and basic

understanding of CSS.Identify hex colors for webdesign.

 Compress multiple files ina zipped folder to attachas one file.

 Process: This was all done through HTML and CSS. It took quitea lot of doing and waspretty confusing at first.

 A stray left most of mytext a giant link and Icould not figure out whyfor the longest time. Iguess like any new languageor skill, the longer youuse it the more proficientyou become. I altered thesample HTML from the beeone provided and made itfit with my design.

Web Page

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