design and development of the frequency-doubled q-switched nd: yag laser system for tattoos removal

設計發展倍頻 Q-開關銣:雅鉻雷射系統應用於除刺青 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE FREQUENCY-DOUBLED Q-SWITCHED ND: YAG LASER SYSTEM FOR TATTOOS REMOVAL (國科會計畫編號:DY-01-01-04-98) 林志諺 Chih-Yen Lin 1 曾士育 Shih-Yu Tzeng 1 江昱緯 Yu-Wei Chiang 1 郭奕谷 I-Ku Kuo 2 黃承好 Cheng- Hao Huang 2 鍾高基 Kao-Chi Chung 1 1 國立成功大學醫學工程研究所 Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University 2 成果科技股份有限公司 Kera Harvest Inc. 一、中文摘要 Q-開關銣:雅鉻雷射(1,064 nm)目前主要使 用在除刺青的治療上。它的脈衝時間為 520 ns 穿透深度可達乳突真皮層且深藍色、黑色顏料與 真皮色素對其雷射吸收良好。532 nm 波長(頻率 增加一倍)雷射光束在綠色頻譜範圍且被批准用 於去除淺色的刺青(黃色和紅色)和表皮黑色素。 本研究目的為設計發展倍頻(1,064/532 nmQ- 開關銣:雅鉻雷射系統應用於除刺青。倍頻 Q-開關 :雅鉻雷射系統雛型設計包括:(1)雷射光源, 2)導光機構與 handpiece 設計 ,(3)雷射系統 控制模組介面 ,(4)安全機制設計。最後完成雷 射系統雛型校正。 關鍵詞Q 開關、銣:雅鉻雷射、刺青 Abstract Q-Switched Nd YAG laser 1,064 nmis used mainly in the treatment of tattoos. This laser with an impulse duration of 5 20 ns makes a deep penetration to reach the papillary dermis. It is well absorbed by dark and blue–black colours and dermal pigment. If the frequency is doubled, a wavelength of 532 nm in the green spectrum is used to remove light-coloured tattoos yellow and red and epidermal melanin. The purpose was to design and develop the the frequency-doubled 1,064/532 nmQ-switched Nd: YAG laser system for tattoos removal. The prototype design consists of a laser source, laser beam delivery and handpiece, laser control interface, security mechanism. Finally, the laser system is calibrated through energy meter and profile meter. Keywords: Q-Switched, Nd: YAG Laser, Tattoos 二、緣由與目的 刺青的人口在近幾年來有顯著增加,美國多 24%的人口有刺青,而歐洲德國和英國刺青的 人口分別大約為 9%和 12[1]。在刺青的過程 中,藉由微小的固體針將濕潤的顏料注射到皮膚 的真皮層。有些沉積顏料可能被巨噬細胞認作異 物而透過淋巴系統清除,其餘的顏料則留在真皮 細胞內。由於其不溶性,刺青顏料不容易被酵素 降解,顏料分子被聚集形成大小約 0.110μm 粒子[2]。許多刺青的人為了改善自我形象或不良 皮膚反應,希望擺脫他們的刺青,而使用不同類 型的 Q-開關雷射接受除刺青治療。Q-開關是指創 造極短脈衝(5100 ns)的極高的峰值功率。雷 射除刺青的原理除了選擇性光熱分解(selective photothermolysis)外,Q-開關雷射也會產生附加 的光聲效應,其結果產生衝擊波(shock waves), 這種振動波則造成黑色素與刺青油墨粒子瓦解。 Q-開關雷射已成為皮膚科醫師在除刺青上安全且 有效的治療方式[3]Q-開關銣:雅鉻雷射(1,064 nm)目前主要被使用在除刺青的治療上[4] 。它的 脈衝時間為 520 ns,穿透深度可達乳突真皮層 且深藍色、黑色顏料與真皮色素對其雷射吸收良 [5] 532 nm 波長(頻率增加一倍)雷射光束在 綠色頻譜範圍且被批准用於去除淺色的刺青(黃 色和紅色)和表皮黑色素。因此本研究目的為設 計發展倍頻(1,064/532 nmQ-開關銣:雅鉻雷射 系統應用於除刺青,以提供皮膚科醫師安全且有 效的除刺青治療方式。 三、 材料與方法 本研究整體架構流程如圖一所示。 圖一、本研究整體架構流程

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Q-:DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE FREQUENCY-DOUBLED Q-SWITCHED ND: YAG LASER SYSTEM FOR TATTOOS REMOVAL(DY-01-01-04-98) Chih-Yen Lin Shih-Yu Tzeng Yu-Wei Chiang 2 2 1 I-Ku Kuo Cheng- Hao Huang Kao-Chi Chung 1 Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University 2 Kera Harvest Inc. Q-:1,064 nm 520 ns 532 nm 1,064/532 nmQ: Q- : 1 2 handpiece 3 4 Q : Abstract 0.110m [2] Q-Q- 5100 ns selective photothermolysisQ- shock waves Q- [3]Q-:1,064 nm[4] 520 ns [5]532 nm 1,064/532 nmQ-: 1 1 1

Q-Switched Nd YAG laser 1,064 nmis used mainly in the treatment of tattoos. This laser with an impulse duration of 5 20 ns makes a deep penetration to reach the papillary dermis. It is well absorbed by dark and blueblack colours and dermal pigment. If the frequency is doubled, a wavelength of 532 nm in the green spectrum is used to remove light-coloured tattoos yellow and red and epidermal melanin. The purpose was to design and develop the the frequency-doubled 1,064/532 nm Q-switched Nd: YAG laser system for tattoos removal. The prototype design consists of a laser source, laser beam delivery and handpiece, laser control interface, security mechanism. Finally, the laser system is calibrated through energy meter and profile meter. Keywords: Q-Switched, Nd: YAG Laser, Tattoos 24 9 12[1]

1 fluenceJ/cm2 2 10 J/cm2 3 thermal relaxation time 4 A B CQ- 5100 nsD 1,064/532 nm

Handpiece 34567 mm

1 Q-: Max pulse energy at 1064 nm at 532 nm Pulse duration Max. repetition rate Beam diameter Beam divergence

Handpiece 3 4 A. B.

1,000 mJ 500 mJ 1014 ns 1/5 Hz 8 mm 0.5 mradQ

1,064nm 532nm Energy meterProfile meter a Handpiece 34567 mm 246810 J/cm2b Profile meter Energy meter c (d) e


2 Handpiece 360

1,064/532 nm

[1] Laumann AE, Derick AJ, (2006) J Am Acad Dermatol , 55: 413421. [2] Ferguson JE, Andrew SM, Jones CJ, August PJ (1997) Br J Dermatol , 137: 405410. [3] Sanjeev Aurangabadkar, Venkataram Mysore (2009) Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol, 75:111-26. [4] Brunner F, Hafner R, Giovanoli R et al. (1987) Hautarzt, 38: 61014. [5] Anderson RR, Margolis RJ, Watenabe S et al. (1989) J Invest Dermatol, 93: 2832.

Q 45



Q-: DY-01-01-04-98