design and growth of aluminum nitride/gallium nitride high electron mobility field effect transistor

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The use of transistors has evolved the way humans live their lives. Theadvancements in technology enabled by this device far outreach its minimal physicaldimensions. The problem with some current technologies however, is the limit inhigh-frequency operation – predominantly at higher microwave frequencies. Atthese very high frequencies, transistor behaviors are harder to predict and poweroutput is lacking, therefore the scarcity in newer technologies is potentiallyforeboding. High Electron Mobility Transistors (or HEMTs) have great operatingcharacteristics at high frequencies, with GaN (Gallium Nitride) semiconductorspotentially leading the way due to their expected low costs (as compared to othersemiconductors with similar properties) and important material properties. Thisreport will focus on the design and growth of such a device with N-type AluminumGallium Nitride, intrinsic Gallium Nitride (N-AlGaN/GaN), with an InGaN bufferlayer to form a double heterojunction high electron mobility field effect transistor.


  • Lakehead University

    Engineering 4969 YB Degree Project

    Design and Growth of Aluminum

    Nitride/Gallium Nitride High Electron

    Mobility Field Effect Transistor

    Presentation Date

    April 4, 2013

    Report Submission Date

    March 29, 2013


    Dr. Dimiter Alexandrov

    Group Members

    Aleksandar Aleksandrov (# 0501660)

    Joey Mercier (# 0502424)

    Ericson Rede (# 0491931)

  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    - i -


    Design and Growth of Aluminum Nitride/Gallium Nitride High Electron Mobility

    Field Effect Transistor

    By: Aleksandar Aleksandrov, Joey Mercier, Ericson Rede

    The use of transistors has evolved the way humans live their lives. The

    advancements in technology enabled by this device far outreach its minimal physical

    dimensions. The problem with some current technologies however, is the limit in

    high-frequency operation predominantly at higher microwave frequencies. At

    these very high frequencies, transistor behaviors are harder to predict and power

    output is lacking, therefore the scarcity in newer technologies is potentially

    foreboding. High Electron Mobility Transistors (or HEMTs) have great operating

    characteristics at high frequencies, with GaN (Gallium Nitride) semiconductors

    potentially leading the way due to their expected low costs (as compared to other

    semiconductors with similar properties) and important material properties. This

    report will focus on the design and growth of such a device with N-type Aluminum

    Gallium Nitride, intrinsic Gallium Nitride (N-AlGaN/GaN), with an InGaN buffer

    layer to form a double heterojunction high electron mobility field effect transistor.

  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    - ii -

    Table of Contents

    Abstract ........................................................................................................................ i

    Table of Figures ......................................................................................................... v

    List of Tables ........................................................................................................... viii

    List of Equations ....................................................................................................... ix

    List of Acronyms ........................................................................................................ x

    1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1

    1.1 Objective.......................................................................................................... 1

    1.2 Description of Materials ................................................................................. 1

    1.2.1 Gallium Nitride (GaN) ............................................................................. 2

    1.2.2 Aluminum Nitride (AlN) .......................................................................... 2

    1.2.3 Indium Nitride (InN) ................................................................................ 2

    1.3 The High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) ............................................ 3

    1.3.1 Field Effect Transistors and HEMT characteristics ................................. 3

    1.3.2 Heterojunctions and Basic Semiconductor Physics ................................. 6

    1.3.3 Basis of Operation .................................................................................... 8

    1.3.4 Physical Nature ...................................................................................... 14

    1.4 Two-Dimensional Electron Gas (2DEG) ...................................................... 16

    1.5 Application of HEMT Devices....................................................................... 19

    1.6 Potential Economical and Societal Impacts.................................................. 20

    2. Design of the HEMT ......................................................................................... 23

    2.1 Electron Band Diagrams and Resulting Heterojunctions ............................... 23

    2.2 Growth ............................................................................................................. 30

    2.3 Doping and Metal Deposition.......................................................................... 31

    2.4 Final Device Structure ..................................................................................... 34

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    3. Theory of Experimental Measurements ......................................................... 36

    3.1 Overview........................................................................................................ 36

    3.2 Theory............................................................................................................ 36

    3.2.1 Atomic Force Microscope ...................................................................... 36

    3.2.2 X-Ray Diffraction .................................................................................. 38

    3.2.3 Scanning Electron Microscope............................................................... 39

    3.2.4 Hall-Effect .............................................................................................. 39

    4. Experimental Results ........................................................................................ 42

    4.1 AFM Measurements ...................................................................................... 42

    4.1.1 Sample #1 (2012-11-22) ........................................................................... 42

    4.1.2 Sample #2 (2012-12-12) ........................................................................... 42

    4.1.3 Sample #3 (2012-12-19) ........................................................................... 43

    4.1.4 Discussion .............................................................................................. 43

    4.2 XRD Measurements ....................................................................................... 44

    4.2.1 Discussion .............................................................................................. 44

    4.3 SEM Measurements ....................................................................................... 46

    4.3.1 Sample #1 (2012-11-22) ........................................................................... 46

    4.3.2 Sample #2 (2012-12-12) ........................................................................... 48

    4.3.3 Sample #3 (2012-12-19) ........................................................................... 49

    4.3.4 Discussion ............................................................................................. 50

    4.4 Hall-Effect Measurements ............................................................................. 51

    4.4.1 Sample #1 (2012-11-22) ........................................................................... 51

    4.4.2 Sample #2 (2012-12-12) ........................................................................... 52

    4.4.3 Sample #3 (2012-12-19) ........................................................................... 53

    4.4.4 Discussion .............................................................................................. 53

    5. Conclusion and Future Work .......................................................................... 55

    5.1 Future Work and Limitations ........................................................................ 55

    5.2 Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 56

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    - iv -

    6. References .......................................................................................................... 57

    Appendix A Microwave Frequency Bands ...........................................................A

    Appendix B Binary and Ternary Semiconductor Properties .......................... B.1

    Appendix C Overview of Local Diffusion ..........................................................C.1

    Appendix D Quantum Tunneling .......................................................................D.1

  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    - v -

    Table of Figures

    FIGURE 1: SIMPLE OVERVIEW OF DIFFUSION [2] ........................................................... 4

    FIGURE 2: OUTPUT POWER DENSITY VS. FREQUENCY [3] ............................................. 5


    FUNCTION OF FREQUENCY (WITH ID = 100 MA/MM, L = 150NM) [1] .................... 5

    FIGURE 4: THE ANDERSON MODEL ............................................................................... 6

    FIGURE 5: OVERVIEW OF A 2DEG AT THE HETEROINTERFACE [7] ................................ 9




    CONCENTRATION IN ALGAN [IE: X] = 0.2) [7] ................................................. 10



    (IE: M = X) [7] ..................................................................................................... 11



    DOPED LAYER THICKNESSES [8] ......................................................................... 12


    FIGURE 11: PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF THE HEMT DESIGNED .................................... 14


    TO GAN [1] ......................................................................................................... 15



    GAXN AND GAN [16] .......................................................................................... 17


    AND GAN [16] .................................................................................................... 18


    GROWS [16] ......................................................................................................... 18


    FIGURE 18: ANDERSON MODELS FOR GAN AND ALN ................................................ 23

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    FUNCTION OF ALUMINUM CONTENT X [1] ....................................................... 24





    FIGURE 23: ANDERSON MODELS FOR GAN AND INGAN ............................................ 28



    HETEROJUNCTION ............................................................................................... 29


    DEFECTS) [2] ....................................................................................................... 30




    CONTACT FOR P+WITH METAL [9]........................................................................ 33

    FIGURE 29: FINAL STRUCTURE OF THE HEMT (NOT TO SCALE) .................................. 35

    FIGURE 30: AFM MEASUREMENTS FOR SAMPLE #1 ................................................... 42

    FIGURE 31: AFM MEASUREMENTS FOR SAMPLE #2 ................................................... 42

    FIGURE 32: AFM MEASUREMENTS FOR SAMPLE #3 ................................................... 43

    FIGURE 33: XRD MEASUREMENTS FOR SAMPLE #1.................................................... 44

    FIGURE 34: XRD MEASUREMENTS FOR SAMPLE #2.................................................... 44

    FIGURE 35: XRD MEASUREMENTS FOR SAMPLE #3.................................................... 44

    FIGURE 36: SEM SIDE VIEW OF SAMPLE #1 (X60K) ................................................... 46

    FIGURE 37: SEM SIDE VIEW OF SAMPLE #1 (1) (X220K) ........................................... 46

    FIGURE 38: SEM SIDE VIEW OF SAMPLE #1 (2) (X220K) ............................................ 46

    FIGURE 39: SEM SIDE VIEW OF SAMPLE #1 (X250K) ................................................. 46

    FIGURE 40: SEM SURFACE VIEW OF SAMPLE #1 (X60K) ............................................ 47

    FIGURE 41: SEM SURFACE VIEW OF SAMPLE #1 (X110K) .......................................... 47

    FIGURE 42: SEM SURFACE VIEW OF SAMPLE #1 (X400K) ......................................... 47

    FIGURE 43: SEM SURFACE VIEW OF SAMPLE #1 (X500K) .......................................... 47

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    FIGURE 44: SEM SIDE VIEW OF SAMPLE #2 (X110K) ................................................. 48

    FIGURE 45: SEM SIDE VIEW OF SAMPLE #2 (X130K) ................................................ 48

    FIGURE 46: SEM SIDE VIEW OF SAMPLE #2 (X150K) ................................................. 48

    FIGURE 47: SEM SURFACE VIEW OF SAMPLE #2 (X60K) ............................................ 48

    FIGURE 48: SEM SURFACE VIEW OF SAMPLE #2 (X110K) .......................................... 49

    FIGURE 49: SEM SURFACE VIEW OF SAMPLE #2 (X350K) .......................................... 49

    FIGURE 50: SEM SIDE VIEW OF SAMPLE #3 (X120K) ................................................. 49

    FIGURE 51: SEM SIDE VIEW OF SAMPLE #3 (X220K) ................................................ 49

    FIGURE 52: SEM SIDE VIEW OF SAMPLE #3 (X250K) ................................................. 50

    FIGURE 53: SEM SURFACE VIEW OF SAMPLE #3 (X20K) ............................................ 50

    FIGURE 54: SEM SURFACE VIEW OF SAMPLE #3 (X130K) .......................................... 50

    FIGURE 55: SEM SURFACE VIEW OF SAMPLE #3 (X150K) .......................................... 50


    #1 ....................................................................................................................... 51

    FIGURE 57: HALL EFFECT MEASUREMENT RESULTS FOR SAMPLE #1 ......................... 51


    #2 ....................................................................................................................... 52

    FIGURE 59: HALL EFFECT MEASUREMENT RESULTS FOR SAMPLE #2 ......................... 52


    #3 ....................................................................................................................... 53

    FIGURE 61: HALL EFFECT MEASUREMENT RESULTS FOR SAMPLE #3 ......................... 53

    FIGURE 62: PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION OF AFM [24] .................................................. 37

    FIGURE 63: XRD BEAM ON A CRYSTALLINE LATTICE [19]......................................... 38

    FIGURE 64: HALL-EFFECT IN A SEMICONDUCTOR [18] ............................................... 40

    FIGURE 65: ENERGY BAND STRUCTURE OF GAN [6] ................................................. B.1

    FIGURE 66: ENERGY BAND STRUCTURE OF ALN [6] .................................................. B.2

    FIGURE 67: ENERGY BAND STRUCTURE OF INN [6] ................................................... B.2




  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    - viii -

    List of Tables




    GAN [1] .............................................................................................................. 34

    TABLE 4: SUMMARY OF XRD RESULTS ...................................................................... 45

    TABLE 5: SUMMARY OF HALL-EFFECT MEASUREMENTS ............................................ 54

    TABLE 6: MICROWAVE FREQUENCY BANDS .................................................................A


    FORMULAS FROM [1]) ......................................................................................... B.1


    FOR SEMICONDUCTORS ...................................................................................... B.3


  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    - ix -

    List of Equations

    (1.1) NOISE FIGURE ....................................................................................................... 6

    (1.2) ELECTRON EFFECTIVE MASS ................................................................................ 8

    (1.3) ELECTRON ENERGY AS A FUNCTION OF PROPAGATION VECTOR ........................... 8

    (1.4) TRANSCONDUCTANCE OF A TRANSISTOR ............................................................ 13

    (1.5) SHEET DENSITY OF POLARIZATION INDUCED CHARGES ..................................... 17

    (1.6) MAGNITUDE OF ELECTRIC FIELD AT ALGAN/GAN INTERFACE .......................... 18

    (1.7) GAUSS' LAW ....................................................................................................... 19


    (2.2) INTERPOLATION OF ALXGA1-XN CONDUCTION BAND ENERGY ........................... 24




    (2.6) INTERPOLATION OF INXGA1-XN CONDUCTION BAND ENERGY ............................ 28

    (2.7) QUADRATIC INTERPOLATION OF INXGA1-XN BANDGAP ENERGY ........................ 28




    ........................................................................................................................... 32

    (2.11) INTERPOLATION OF ALXGA1-XN DENSITY OF STATES ....................................... 32

    (2.12) GAN DENSITY OF STATES ................................................................................ 32

    (2.13) ALN DENSITY OF STATES ................................................................................. 32

    (3.1) BRAGG'S LAW ..................................................................................................... 38

    (3.2) LORENTZ FORCE EQUATION ............................................................................... 39

    (3.3) HALL COEFFICIENTS IN SEMICONDUCTORS ......................................................... 40

  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    - x -

    List of Acronyms





    AlGaN (or )









    InGaN (or )












    Two-Dimensional Electron Gas

    Three-Dimensional Electron Gas

    Atomic Force Microscope


    Aluminum Gallium Nitride

    Aluminum Nitride

    Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

    Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth

    Electron Volts

    Field Effect Transistor

    Gallium Arsenide

    Gallium Nitride

    High Electron Mobility Transistor

    Indium Gallium Nitride

    Junction Field Effect Transistor

    Molecular Beam Epitaxy

    Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor

    Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition

    Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect


    Scanning Electron Microscope


    Silicon Carbide

    Silicon Dioxide

    Ultraviolet Light

    X-ray diffraction

  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    [This page was left blank intentionally.]

  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    Introduction 1

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Objective

    The objective of this project is to design and grow a high electron mobility field

    effect transistor using different types of nitride semiconductors. The HEMT is to be

    designed primarily with different gallium nitride compounds such as gallium nitride

    itself, aluminum nitride (or aluminum gallium nitride), and indium gallium nitride.

    All of the aforementioned semiconductors are to be grown together to form a high

    electron mobility transistor. This introductory section of the report will deal with a

    description of the materials used (physical and quantum) and provide an introduction

    into the mechanisms of operation behind the HEMT (most notably the two

    dimensional electron gas). It will also cover possible economical and societal

    impacts of the HEMTs using nitride semiconductors.

    The second section of the report will deal with the design of the HEMT, and how it is

    grown and doped. This section will provide insight into the double heterojunction

    structure, along with the equations for doping and will explain the reasoning behind

    the chosen levels of impurities. This section will also briefly discuss growth

    methods, with an emphasis on epitaxial growth.

    The third and fourth sections will include the experimental results and the meaning

    of those results respectively. They will describe the methodology used for the

    experiment and provide information on the theory and testing process.

    In the final section, a brief overview of future work will be explored, along with

    conclusions obtained from doing this experiment.

    1.2 Description of Materials

    Crystal Structures for Electronic Applications, in the group III-N semiconductors,

    can be found in three common crystal structures: Wurtzite, Zincblende, and Rock salt.

  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    Introduction 2

    At room temperature GaN, AlN, and InN are found in the wurtzite structure [1]. The

    properties of the materials used in this report can found in Appendix B.

    1.2.1 Gallium Nitride (GaN)

    GaN band structure is currently thought to be a direct bandgap across the entire alloy

    range, and its wide band gap of 3.4 eV allows the fabrication of high quantum

    efficiency light emitters, high power and high frequency devices [21]. It has low

    dielectric constants with high thermal conductivity pathways, and high melting

    temperatures. Also, its resistance to chemical etching makes it suitable in harsh

    environment operations. GaN is used in all device layers requiring fast carrier

    transport with high breakdown voltage. It is incorporated in most ohmic contact

    layers in any devices [1].

    1.2.2 Aluminum Nitride (AlN)

    AlN is the most important binary material in the III-N material family for electronic

    applications, after GaN. It has high bandgap energy and high activation energy. Its

    mass density is much smaller than in GaN or InN; thermal expansion and Vickers

    hardness of AlN are relatively similar to those of GaN. AlN is an attractive substrate

    material because its high thermal conductivity is better than that of any other

    semiconductor apart from BN, SiC, and diamond. The low-field electron mobility of

    AlN is found to be 135 cm2 V

    1 s

    1 at room temperature and at a doping

    concentration of 1017cm3. The electron high-field transport in wurtzite yields a

    very high critical field of 450 kV cm1, and the peak velocity in the bulk is found to

    be 1.7 107 cm s1

    at a doping concentration of 1 1017 cm3

    . With a high-bandgap

    energy of 6.2eV at room temperature, it possesses a great range to modify the value

    of GaN to AlN on the bandgap of Al1-xGaxN [1].

    1.2.3 Indium Nitride (InN)

    InN and other compounds such as InxGa1xN and InxAl1xN so far are not

    extensively used in electronic devices. A bulk electron mobility of 3,570 cm2 V

    1 s


    at 300 K, and 5,100cm2 V1


    at 300 K can be achieved. Also, an electron mobility

  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    Introduction 3

    of 1,200 cm2 V

    1 s

    1 and a sheet carrier concentration of 1.2 10

    14 cm

    2 have been

    obtained at the interface InN/AlN. InxAl1xN/GaN is important, because the

    polarization-induced charge is a much stronger function of the material composition

    x than in the AlGaN/GaN material system [1].

    1.3 The High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT)

    GaN HEMTs are currently the most widespread and most advanced electronic nitride

    devices. They make full use of heterostructures and the advantageous breakdown and

    transport properties of undoped GaN [1]. Before explaining the operation of the

    HEMT, the details and physics behind the operation of field effect transistors should

    be known, as it will facilitate the understanding of this more exotic quantum


    1.3.1 Field Effect Transistors and HEMT characteristics

    Field Effect Transistors (or FETs, for short), get their name from the effects that

    occur when a field is applied to a certain semiconductor structure [2]. Earlier FETs

    were of a homogeneous structure, meaning that such devices (such as MOSFETs,

    JFETs, MESFETS, etc) where predominantly composed of one material. The

    differences stemmed not from the selection of material (mostly Silicon), but rather in

    the doping of this material. Doping is the term used to describe a process where

    impurities are inserted into the lattice of the semiconductor (most commonly

    interstitially, or in between the atoms of the lattice) typically by diffusion (see

    below figure) or by ion implementation. As it can be seen from this figure, impurity

    atoms move from an area of greater concentration (above the semiconductor lattice)

    to an area of less concentration during diffusion (inside the semiconductor lattice).

    The concentration gradient is the driving force of diffusion [2]. The longer this

    process occurs, the more doped the semiconductor will become. If the atom

    impurities are donors, the semiconductor is referred to as n-type, whereas acceptor

    impurities produce a p-type semiconductor.

  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    Introduction 4

    Figure 1: Simple Overview of Diffusion [2]

    In usual methodology, diffusion is performed on a single type of semiconductor,

    usually leading to the creation of different p and n regions. This is the basis of

    operation of most common solid-state devices (their exact operation will not be

    discussed in this report). The issue with most common electronic devices, however,

    is their behavior at higher microwave frequencies (see Appendix A for a list of

    microwave frequencies). At these frequencies, the speed and output power of these

    devices is usually suboptimal, and these shortcomings are what helped pave the way

    for other forms transistors, such as HEMTs, utilizing promising materials with wide

    band gaps and heterostructures [3]. The following table shows the cutoff frequencies

    (fT) and the maximum frequency of oscillation (fmax) of different wide bandgap FETs

    (with respect to gate length L):

    FET Type L (m) fT (GHz) fmax (GHz)

    SiC 0.45 22 50 SiC 0.5 13.2 42 AlGaN/GaN 0.05 110 140 AlGaN/GaN 0.12 101 155 AlGaN/GaN 0.25 50 100

    *Latest year of data: 2001 Table 1: Frequencies of Experimental Wide Bandgap FETs [3]

    Lattice Atoms

    Impurity Atom



  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    Introduction 5

    It is obvious that high frequencies can be achieved using GaN/AlGaN HEMT

    technology. Initial studies where performed mostly on GaAs and Si, but after nearly

    30 years, these materials are approaching their theoretical limits [3]. The following

    figure illustrates the power density of different types of HEMT devices with respect

    to frequency, and it can easily be seen that AlGaN/GaN has by far the best power


    Figure 2: Output Power Density vs. Frequency [3]

    And with all of these seemingly remarkable advantages, noise performance is still

    relatively comparable to GaAs, as can be seen in the figure below [1]:

    Figure 3: The Minimum Noise Figure (NF,min) for GaAs and GaN HEMTs as a Function of Frequency (with

    ID = 100 mA/mm, L = 150nm) [1]

  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    Introduction 6

    Noise figure is the is the power ratio of the Signal to Noise Ratios (SNR) of the

    output to that of the input, and can be mathematically expressed by referring to the

    following equation:


    ) (1.1)

    This proves that a lower noise figure is better, which is again quite advantageous

    given the increase in power performance of the AlGaN/GaN HEMT. This, among

    the other desirable characteristics mentioned (and surely other ones), has led the way

    for research in nitride semiconductors, which was initially held back due to problems

    with the mismatch between substrates and GaN (which lead to a significant amount

    of defects in the growth phase ie: there was no ideal substrate) [4].

    1.3.2 Heterojunctions and Basic Semiconductor Physics

    The main idea behind the HEMT lies within its structure: unlike common devices,

    HEMTs are built using different semiconductors (for the actual structure of the

    HEMT designed, refer to section 1.3.4), which form heterojunctions at the interface

    between these different materials. The device designed in this report has two

    interfaces of different semiconductor material; therefore it is known as a double

    heterojunction structure. Before getting into the effect of the heterojunction,

    knowledge of the Anderson model for energy bands is needed. A typical Anderson

    model (or the electron affinity model) is depicted in the figure below:

    Figure 4: The Anderson Model








  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    Introduction 7

    In this figure, Evac stands for the vacuum energy level, which is used as the

    reference level and has an energy of 0 eV. This level is of importance to lattice

    structured crystalline materials because electrons above this value of energy are no

    longer bound to the solid (they can move freely throughout space). This implies that

    electrons below this level are bound to the atoms of the lattice. Ec stands for

    conduction band (the energy level where electrons can move freely from atom to

    atom), F stands for the Fermi level (the level at which there is a 50% probability of

    electron presence, as guided by the Fermi-Dirac distribution function [3]), Ei for the

    intrinsic Fermi level, and finally, Ev is for the valence band. The intrinsic Fermi

    level is at the middle of the bandgap (usually known as Eg a gap where there are no

    energy levels for elections/holes), which is in between Ec and Ev (denoted as 3 in

    the figure). The level at which Ec is located is known as the electron affinity, which

    is denoted by 1 in the figure. The work function is denoted as 2 in the figure,

    and is the average amount of work required for an electron to get to the vacuum level

    (it is the difference between Evac and F). When a semiconductor is intrinsic (or not

    doped), the Fermi level F and Ei are the same. As a semiconductor becomes

    extrinsic (or doped), the Fermi level deviates from Ei. If the Fermi level is above Ei,

    then the semiconductor is known as an n-type material, and conversely, if F is below

    Ei, the semiconductor is a p-type material. The Anderson model is revered for its

    simplicity and for the amount of insight it gives into the mechanisms of rather

    complex quantum behaviors such as heterojunctions, but unfortunately it is not the

    most accurate method at predicting band offsets since it assumes idealities [3]. Other

    methods such as energy band structures are much more accurate [2], but much more

    complex and will not be overly discussed in this report. Refer to Appendix B for the

    energy band structures of GaN, AlN, and InN respectively (there is no concise

    structure for AlGaN or InGaN as of yet). The energy band gap used in the simplified

    Anderson model can be taken from the energy band structure at the point where the

    propagation vector, denoted k, (which implies quantum theory is used rather than

    conventional theory; that is, the electron is treated as an electromagnetic wave rather

    than a particle) is zero [2].

  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    Introduction 8

    The band structure also helps explain the change in electron effective mass. When

    an electron moves through a crystal structure (such as a semiconductor), its change in

    velocity can only be explained by a change in its effective mass, which is governed

    by the following equation:




    Where is Plancks constant, and it is multiplied by the inverse of the second

    derivative of the energy band structure function E(k). It must be noted that the

    effective mass is not linked with quantity of matter (which is itself constant and

    unalterable), but rather, it is connected with the inertia of an electron (or how easily it

    can move through a lattice) [2]. The above equation is only pertinent if used in

    conjunction with the following equation:


    Where v is the velocity. The above equation implies that at a certain energy level,

    if the effective mass of an electron goes down, in order to keep the equation true, the

    velocity of that electron must go up, which indicates that the electrons mobility goes

    up as well [2]. This behavior is very important and is the reason behind the high-

    speed operation of the HEMT, and will be discussed in greater detail later in the

    report. The actual heterojunctions will be discussed in section 2 of this report.

    1.3.3 Basis of Operation

    The basis of operation of the HEMT will be briefly discussed; for more information

    on the operation of the HEMT, refer to section 1.4 that deals with the in depth details

    of the 2DEG. As mentioned previously, the driving force behind the HEMT is the

    heterojunction. The figure below shows such a junction and shows the effect of such

    an interface the creation of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG).

  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    Introduction 9

    Figure 5: Overview of a 2DEG at the Heterointerface [7]

    The 2DEG is a triangular quantum well that prevents electron scattering such as in a

    3DEG. The effect is increased mobility in two directions (which is why it was

    named 2DEG). Additionally, the electrons are confined in the 2DEG in discrete

    quantum states. This allows for much greater mobility of electrons as compared to

    the bulk of a material [3]. The figure below compares typical values of electron

    mobility through the bulk of a material and through the 2DEG:

    Figure 6: Electron Mobility in the 2DEG and Bulk of Materials [4]

    It is quite clear that there is an approximate four to fivefold increase in mobility in

    the 2DEG. This is what allows for high-speed operation of the HEMT. The main

    reason for this was introduced in the previous section with the concept of effective

    mass for the electrons. Since when in the 2DEG, the electrons are confined to move

    only in two directions, their movement through that channel is greatly streamlined,

  • ENGI-4969-YB Electrical Engineering Dept. Lakehead University

    Introduction 10

    which has the effect of decreasing their effective mass. As mentioned above, there

    are discrete energy states in the 2DEG, which implies that if an electron occupies

    such a discrete energy state and its effective mass goes down (or is low), its velocity

    (or corresponding mobility) must increase [2]. This generally explains the reasoning

    behind the high electron mobility in the 2DEG as compared to the bulk of the

    material (where the effective mass is higher), and the above figure substantiates this


    The HEMT has a very similar connection scheme as regular field effect transistors

    (eg: MOSFETs, MESFETs, etc), that is, it has a drain, a source, and a gate. The

    former two are typically Schottky contacts, while the latter is typically an Ohmic

    contact (more information on the contacts in section 2.3) [8]. Its operation is also

    quite similar to that of other transistors as is its voltage to current relationship.

    However, as with most common transistors, material composition and the layer

    thickness in the structure of the device play a key role in these relationships. The

    following two figures display the typical relationship between the current (IDS) and

    the drain voltage (VDS) for given values of gate voltage (VG) in an AlGaN/GaN

    HEMT with different doped-layer thickness (dd) and percent concentration x of Al

    in (denoted m in the figure), respectively [7]:

    Figure 7: Voltage (VDS) to Drain Current (IDS) Relationship with Different Gate Voltages (VGS) and Two

    Values of Doped Layer Thickness (dd) (Al concentration in AlGaN [ie: x] = 0.2) [7]

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    Figure 8: Voltage (VDS) to Drain Current (IDS) Relationship with Different Gate Voltages (VGS) and Two

    Values of Al concentration in AlGaN (ie: m = x) [7]

    From the first figure it is obvious that a thicker doped layer results in more drain

    current. This is most likely attributed to the fact that the extrinsic layer contains

    more free electrons, and the thicker it is, the more of these free electrons are in the

    entire structure of the device, thus increasing current [7]. It can be seen in the second

    figure that an change in m (previously named x), or Al composition in AlGaN,

    has an effect on the drain current; that is, an increase in m induces an increase in

    drain current with all else constant. This is due to the strong band discontinuity

    caused by the higher concentration of Al, which in turn affects the 2DEG and the

    concentrations contained therein, which ultimately leads to a greater current [7]. It

    can be argued that the voltage-current characteristics of the HEMT are practically

    identical to that of common FET devices; however, there is one major difference.

    Whereas the drain current reaches saturation due to the pinch off of the channel in

    FETs, in HEMTs, the drain current saturation is due to the saturation of the 2DEG

    (no more holes/room for additional electrons), and there is never a pinch off of the

    channel [2].

    Again, it can be seen that the current voltage characteristics of the HEMT is similar

    to other field effect transistors, however, unlike other devices such as MESFETs, the

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    Introduction 12

    gate voltage in HEMTs has different effects on the device. The gate voltage in

    HEMTs has the effect of altering carrier density in the 2DEG, whereas channel

    height remains essentially the same [3]. As the gate voltage is increased in the

    negative direction, the 2DEG becomes more and more depleted, until there are no

    more free electrons in the heterostructure (this would be the cutoff voltage). When

    the gate voltage is above this threshold value and a positive potential is applied from

    the drain to source, the 2DEG electrons move from the source to the drain, and thus,

    a current flows from drain to source [3]. As discussed above, the gate voltage alters

    the carrier density in the 2DEG in the HEMT, which explains the variations with the

    voltage and drain current with respect to different values of gate voltages, as shown

    in the figures above. The following figure depicts the effect of gate voltage on the


    Figure 9: Variation of the Electronic Density of the 2DEG with Alumimum Concentration = 0.25, Intrinsic

    Layer Thickness of 3nm and Different Doped Layer Thicknesses [8]

    It can be seen that the gate voltage has a significant effect on the electronic density of

    the 2DEG, which explains why increasing the gate voltage has the effect of

    increasing the drain current (if there are more electrons, more current will flow with

    the same applied potential at the drain).

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    Introduction 13

    As discussed above, GaN is a wide band semiconductor. This interesting material

    property leads to high breakdown voltage, which means that GaN can sustain a high-

    applied voltage, making it very useful for high-power, RF (and microwave)

    operations [3].

    Another very important characteristic of a transistor is its transconductance [2]. The

    transconductance can be mathematically expressed with the following expression:



    By inspecting the equation it can be seen that the transconductance is a ratio of

    change in current to that of voltage, and is an important tool for circuit analysis [2].

    A high transconductance generally means high current gain for small changes in

    voltage. The figure below illustrates typical values of transconductance for HEMT

    devices [4]:

    Figure 10: Typical Values of Transconductance for HEMT Devices [4]

    It can be seen that the HEMT shows very great and promising characteristics and is

    therefore a very desirable device to be used at higher frequencies.

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    Introduction 14

    1.3.4 Physical Nature

    The HEMT designed in this report has five layers: a substrate (sapphire), InGaN,

    GaN, and finally, AlGaN. The general physical structure is shown in the figure


    Figure 11: Physical Structure of the HEMT Designed

    Substrates, often overlooked, are one of the most important parts of any device. A

    substrate whose lattice that matches the semiconductor grown on to of it will greatly

    improve device performance. If there is some mismatch between the two lattices,

    there is a much greater probability of defects and imperfections during the growth

    phase. Other important factors such as thermal conductivity, electrical isolation,

    price, along with mechanical and chemical properties must all be considered when

    selecting a substrate [1]. All these properties can in turn affect device performance.

    To substantiate this claim, the following figure can be consulted, which gives an

    overview of the relationship between lattice mismatch and dislocation densities:

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    Figure 12: Dislocation Density as a Function of Lattice Mismatch Relative to GaN [1]

    It can be seen from the above figure that the best options are GaN and ELO (epitaxial

    regrowth techniques [stands for epitaxial lateral overgrowth] used to lower defect

    concentration [1]) in terms of lattice mismatch and dislocation density. It can also be

    seen that although sapphire has a much higher mismatch with GaN than SiC, their

    dislocation densities are very similar. The following table summarizes all pertinent

    properties mentioned above for various substrates:

    Table 2: Properties of Substrates Used for HEMT Devices [1]

    Therefore, one of the best substrates is silicon carbide, or SiC, due to its low

    mismatch, very high thermal conductivity, and very good electrical isolation

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    Introduction 16

    properties [1]. However, price must also be factored into the equation, which are

    substantially high for SiC. Due to the advancements in technologies for growths and

    such, sapphire is becoming a much more viable option to use as a substrate, and it

    this is the main reason it was used.

    The InGaN layer is included in the device in order to give the HEMT its first

    heterojunction. This layer is known as a buffer layer, and the purpose of this first

    interface between the two dissimilar semiconductors is to provide a form of energy

    known as excitons [2]. This will be covered in greater detail in section 2.1.

    Grown on top of the InGaN are the intrinsic GaN and extrinsic AlGaN layers, which

    are the layers that serve the most important function in the HEMT, since they form

    and house the 2DEG. The rationale behind using undoped GaN and doped AlGaN

    will be discussed in section 2.3.

    1.4 Two-Dimensional Electron Gas (2DEG)

    This section is devoted entirely to the driving force behind the HEMT operation: the

    2DEG. Electrons in the conduction band of molecules of a structure form a sort of a

    gas, which can be known as a three-dimensional electron gas (or 3DEG). In this

    case, the electron scattering is at a maximum as they can travel in any direction, with

    their effective mass depending on the direction of travel [2]. In the 2DEG, the

    electrons can only travel in two-directions, which greatly optimizes mobility and

    corresponding velocity. The formation of this channel is therefore of great interest,

    and will be explained herein.

    While in most semiconductor carriers the 2DEG originates from the n-type dopants

    within the barrier, the AlGaN/GaN materials built in polarization field is strong

    enough to induce the formation of the 2DEG [1]. The polarization is both

    spontaneous and piezoelectric: the spontaneous one is due to the fact that AlN, and

    GaN bonds are highly ionic and each carry a strong dipole; the lattice constants a0

    and c0 for GaN are slightly larger than those of AlN, and this results in a tensile

    strained Al1-xGaxN layers grown in GaN, which causes piezoelectric polarization due

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    Introduction 17

    to the deformation of the AlGaN layer [16]. The figure below shows a relationship

    between the conduction band edge and the depth as a function of different types of


    Figure 13: Conduction Band Edge vs. Depth as a Function of Polarization

    Since the total polarization in the Al1-xGaxN is larger, because of spontaneous

    and piezoelectric polarization, as shown in the figure below, the overall result is a net

    positive sheet charge at the Al1-xGaxN/GaN interface [1,16].

    Figure 14: Spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization vectors in Al1-x GaxN and GaN [16]

    The equation below shows the sheet density of the polarization-induced charges:


    Where D1 and D2 are electric displacement vectors, and P1 and P2 are the

    polarization vectors on either side on either side of the intersecting plane with normal

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    Introduction 18

    vector n. The figure below shows the net polarization and the direction of the electric

    field in the Al1-xGaxN layer:

    Figure 15: Net polarization induced charges at interfaces of Al1-x GaxN and GaN [16]

    The equation below represents the magnitude of the electric field [16]:

    | |

    | | (1.6)

    The interface sheet charges formed in the heterojunction both, due to polarization

    and not free charge carriers, and the induced electric field, allow the formation of the

    2DEG. That is, an electron on the Al1-xGaxN surface increases its electronic potential

    linearly with the Al1-xGaxN thickness, which causes the bands in the Al1-xGaxN layer

    to slant upwards towards the free surface due to polarization induced field [3]. The

    figure below shows that the thickness of the barrier increases the valence band, as it

    moves upward from t1 to t2, past the Fermi level, causing electrons from the valence

    band to go into the heterojuntion interface, which is the most energetically favorable

    location, inducing polarization and 2DEG [16].

    Figure 16: Band diagram for Al1-xGaxN/GaN HEMT as barrier thickness grows [16]

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    Introduction 19

    Before going further in the explanation of band bending, a basic understanding of

    Guass Law is useful. Gauss Law constitutes one of the fundamental laws of

    electromagnetism, and it states that the total electric flux through any closed surface

    is equal to the total charge enclosed by that surface [17], and can be mathematically

    expressed through the following equation:


    Where D electric flux density (or electric field) and is the volume charge. If a

    Gauss surface is drawn around the entire system, the net charge is zero. However,

    since there was a transfer of electrons from the Al1-xGaxN into GaN, there is a

    positive charge in Al1-xGaxN because of the ionized donors that balance the negative

    charge due to electron transfer. Therefore, as an electron moves from Al1-xGaxN to

    GaN, it sees a negative charge that acts to raise its energy, causing the Al1-xGaxN

    band to bend upwards. Similarly, as an electron moves from GaN to Al1-xGaxN, it

    sees a net positive charge due to the presence of ionized donors in Al1-xGaxN, which

    reduces its energy and causes its band to bend downwards. Thus, a conduction band

    discontinuity occurs and this forms a notch, or well-like potential, in the conduction

    band of the GaN, known as the 2DEG. In the HEMT design in the report, the 2DEG

    is in fact a triangular quantum well.

    1.5 Application of HEMT Devices

    High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMT) is fairly new component in the

    electronics world, but they are quickly taking over and being used in many

    applications that require high gain and low noise at very high frequencies. Initially

    these transistors were meant to be used to increase the speed of a circuit, but after

    being used in applications, researchers found out that HEMTs reduce the effects of

    noise at very high frequencies [1]. HEMTs are found in many different types of

    electronic equipment such as; cell phones, satellite television receivers, microwave

    and millimeter wave communications, radars, radio transmission and so on. Due to

    its great characteristics; high gain, high power added-efficiency, higher output power,

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    Introduction 20

    and better low noise performance, the HEMT is best choice for high power

    applications [1]. At such high frequencies the operation of the device is separated in

    few different band frequency groups due to the need of different characteristics that

    can change with higher frequencies. Some of these bands are; L-Band and S-Band

    (1-3 GHz), C-Band (4-8 GHz), X-Band (8.2-12.4 GHz), Ku-Band (12.4-18 GHz), K-

    Band (18-26 GHz) and MM-Wave Frequencies are above 30 GHz for the complete

    list of microwave frequency band, kindly refer to Appendix A. For all these different

    bands a slight structural adjustment is needed depending on what the application

    desires. For example, devices that operate in the L-Band Frequency need higher

    impedance and reduced thermal memory effect, on the other hand we have a HEMT

    that is built for applications that use the X-Band Frequencies which require high-gain

    and high-efficiency while maintaining high-speed [1]. By applying slight changes to

    the structure of the transistor these needed characteristics can be modified for better

    result in each application. In the previous sections of this report we have explained

    HEMT based on AlGaN/GaN, here are some useful applications of this particular

    transistor. X-band applications include transmit-receive modules for naval and

    airborne phased array radars. For these devices power-added efficiency is very

    important for both the device and system. By using a modified version of the

    AlGaN/GaN HEMT we are able to focus mostly on the efficiency of the component

    and make it a very good choice for these circuits. For devices that operate in the C-

    band frequencies (4-8 GHz ), most important qualities of the transistor are being able

    to operate at high power and high temperature that is combined with high PAE [1].

    1.6 Potential Economical and Societal Impacts

    Although technical and theoretical research forms the bulk of this report, the

    economical and societal analyses are also a very important portion of any experiment,

    helping determine the viability, survivability and conceivable evolution of the

    experiment over the coming years, and therefore cannot be overlooked. Since this

    experiment contains no immediate environmental impact, this topic was deemed

    irrelevant and was not included in the report.

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    Introduction 21

    The potential economical impacts of utilizing nitride semiconductors (GaN, InN,

    AlN, AlGaN, InGaN) to build HEMTs (and other transistors) are quite promising.

    Due to the advantages of GaN (and nitride devices in general) mentioned above, it

    seems inevitable that technological advancements in microelectronics be intertwined

    with the advancements in this technology. According to [12], the GaN market is

    forecasted to rise from near zero in 2011 to exceeding $1 billion in 2021. This

    implies that there will be much more research and development in GaN (or even

    nitride) devices, such as HEMTs. This new market is particularly attractive in the

    microelectronic scene, since tapping into a rising market can yield economical

    benefits to not only individual corporations, but to an economy as a whole.

    Additionally, using low-cost substrates such as sapphire (as compared to silicon-

    carbide) produces a greater worth to the overall HEMT design due to its lower costs

    of production and similar operating characteristics (this was initially unviable due to

    the lack in epitaxial technologies for growth on sapphire). It can then be argued from

    the arguments above that the most of the potential economic impacts from using GaN

    HEMTs are positive.

    The major drawback of using GaN HEMTs rather than Silicon devices is the initial

    cost associated with those devices. According to the economics, the worth for the

    transistor does not outweigh its production costs (the substrates are quite expensive,

    and so are the growth methods). An alternate means of this is to grow GaN on Si

    substrates, and is currently being done by [13], which, according to them, will yield

    tremendous savings in production costs. Additionally, an independent research firm

    (Lux Research) found that gallium nitride substrates could still displace cheaper

    silicon by offering 360% to 380% better performance [15].

    Another seemingly viable option is the use of GaN itself as a substrate. According to

    LUX research, bulk Gallium Nitride costs will fall 60% by 2020, leading to more

    efficient devices [15]. The following figure depicts some results obtained by this


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    Introduction 22

    Figure 17: Cost Projection for Various Types of GaN Devices [15]

    It can be seen that as of today, GaN on Si is the most viable option, but with increase

    in technologies, GaN on GaN will become feasible cost-wise in the future, maybe

    one day replacing current sapphire and SiC substrates.

    The societal impacts of advancements in HEMTs are also paramount to integrated

    circuits and microelectronics. So far in the microelectronic scene, Moores Law

    (number of transistors on integrating circuits double approximately every two years)

    seemed be proven true, but with reducing size, power scaling has also become an

    issue [14]. New IC chips cannot become much smaller without having more

    expensive means to dissipate power (since lowering operating voltage can no longer

    be done without deteriorating device performance) additional costs that would not

    be beneficial. Using the properties of the HEMT (high mobility, high breakdown

    voltage), one could reap the rewards of small devices without sacrificing too much

    performance [14]. It can then be seen that the many professionals seem to agree that

    the societal and economical benefits of HEMT design and research is positive.

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    Design of the HEMT 23

    2. Design of the HEMT

    2.1 Electron Band Diagrams and Resulting Heterojunctions

    The HEMT designed in this report uses GaN and AlGaN semiconductors to form the

    heterointerface, but before AlGaN can be used, the properties of AlN must be fully

    known. The figure below illustrates the Anderson model for GaN and AlN (not to

    scale), with the values for the levels given in Appendix B.

    Figure 18: Anderson Models for GaN and AlN

    It can be seen that both materials have different bandgaps, and these discontinuities

    are at the heart of the operation of the HEMT. This bandgap discontinuity is the

    result of the conduction and valence band offsets, and the three are usually related

    together (for binary compounds) by the following equation [3]:


    The conduction band discontinuity is found by subtracting the electron affinity of

    both materials together, and the valence band discontinuity can be found by altering

    the above equation when both other discontinuities are known [3]. Since AlGaN is

    used, and not AlN, obtaining an Anderson model for this material is paramount.

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    Design of the HEMT 24

    Fortunately, most parameters for ternary compounds are determined through the

    interpolation of the values from its composite binary compounds (since research to

    their actual structure is still at an infant stage) therefore AlN and GaN can be used

    to determine the properties of AlGaN. The approximate conduction band can be

    obtained by interpolating using both GaN and AlN bands with respect to their

    percent concentrations, as is displayed in the equation below [2] and is included in

    Appendix B:


    In order to find the bandgap of AlGaN, the value of x (or percent concentration of

    Aluminum) in must known. This value is of great importance to the

    operation of the HEMT. The concentration affects the amount of band bending that

    occurs in the conduction band and therefore affects the operation of the device [7].

    Additionally, the Aluminum content must be selected with two other important

    factors taken into account: a good balance of sheet resistance and sheet carrier

    concentration is desired [1]. The following figure illustrates the relationship between

    the sheet resistance and Aluminum content in AlGaN:

    Figure 19: Sheet Resistance of AlxGa1xN/GaN Heterostructures as a Function of Aluminum Content x [1]

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    Design of the HEMT 25

    It can be seen that without using an interlayer, the higher the concentration of

    Aluminum, the lower the sheet resistance in the 2DEG (doping also lowers the sheet

    resistance more on this later in the report).

    Another important factor that cannot be overlooked is sheet carrier concentration in

    the 2DEG. The Aluminum content of AlGaN also plays a crucial role determining

    this concentration [1], as is depicted by the figure below:

    Figure 20: Sheet Carrier Concentration in AlxGa1xN/GaN Heterostructures as a Function of Aluminum

    Content x [1]

    It can be seen upon inspection of both figures above that a higher Aluminum content

    yields good sheet carrier concentration and good sheet resistance. According to this

    information, the Aluminum content as chosen to be 0.5. This should also produce a

    greater band discontinuity between the GaN and AlGaN interface, as stated per [3]

    (Appendix B). Additionally, it was discussed in section 1 of the report that a higher

    Al concentration yields higher sheet density of the 2DEG and therefore higher

    mobility/current. The bandgap for AlGaN is a function of x, and can be computed

    using a quadratic interpolation of both AlN and GaN values as shown in the

    following equation [1]:


    Where the last term is the bowing factor (constant), which is either -0.7 or -1.3 [1].

    Once the bandgap is known, the conduction and valence band discontinuities can be

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    Design of the HEMT 26

    found by using the following two equations [1] (the results of all these calculations

    are included in Appendix B):



    It can be seen that using a ternary compound (AlGaN) complicates the computations

    slightly as compared to only using binary compounds (AlN and GaN). Now that all

    the levels for AlGaN are known, the Anderson model can be constructed for this

    material, and can be seen in the figure below:

    Figure 21: Anderson Model of AlGaN (doped) and GaN (undoped)

    It can be seen that the AlGaN is an extrinsic semiconductor in this figure, and this is

    in fact an accurate depiction, since the HEMT is composed of intrinsic GaN and

    doped (n-type) AlGaN. The actual doping scheme will be thoroughly discussed in

    section 2.3.

    Once the two semiconductors are brought together, their Fermi levels become

    aligned horizontally throughout the entire structure. To obtain this condition, the

    band diagram of the AlGaN must be pulled down and the GaN lifted up while

    pinning the conduction and valence band edges at the heterojunction [3]. This occurs

    because when both materials come in contact, the electrons from the n-type material

    tend diffuse to the undoped material (since there is a higher concentration in the n-

    type material). The process continues until equilibrium is reached [3], and the final

    result of this union is depicted in the figure below.

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    Design of the HEMT 27

    Figure 22: Band Diagram of the N-AlGaN/GaN heterojunction

    It is obvious that with a heterostructure, the Anderson model is quite different then

    with a homogeneous structure, and this is the motivation behind the quantum effects

    of the HEMT, as explained earlier.

    The heterojunction of the GaN and InGaN interface is not as important as the

    AlGaN/GaN one for the simple fact that the 2DEG (and corresponding conducting

    channel of the device) is contained in the interface of the latter semiconductors. The

    InGaN/GaN heterojunction is simply used to introduce excitons to the GaN

    semiconductor, as previously mentioned in section 1 (it is a buffer layer). An exciton

    is the bound state of an electron and a hole that can move freely inside the

    semiconductor that is, it is the combination of the two charges and it can move

    throughout the lattice. Although the exciton is electronically neutral, it is still a

    transport of energy, which is akin to increasing the electron/hole (or energy)

    concentration inside the HEMT and corresponding 2DEG channel [2]. This more

    abstract explanation can be simplified by simply saying that the InGaN is used in

    order to add energy in the form of holes and electrons to the GaN layer, without

    having to dope the semiconductor.

    Now that the purpose of the InGaN is known, its properties can be found in a very

    similar manner than with AlGaN; equation 2.2 is modified in order to find the

    conduction band energy of InGaN:

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    Design of the HEMT 28


    Moreover, the percent composition x of must be known in order to

    proceed with the calculations. The value of x is not as important as with the

    case, and should be kept low in order to achieve lattice match between

    InGaN and GaN [1] (chosen to be 0.1). Hence, equation 2.3 can also be modified in

    order to quadratically interpolate the bandgap energy of InGaN (where the bowing

    factor is constant at -1.4 [1]):


    Now that the bandgap and conduction band energies are known, the valence band

    and corresponding band discontinuities can be determined (the results are included in

    Appendix B)1:



    With these values computed, the Anderson model can now be constructed for InGaN,

    and is depicted in the following figure:

    Figure 23: Anderson Models for GaN and InGaN

    GaN was included into the figure in order to quantitively and visually compare the

    two semiconductors, and it can be seen that their bandgaps and energy levels are very

    1 It must be advised that experimental band values for InGaN are not well

    documented as of yet, therefore theoretical results could not be adequately compared

    with any published experimental data

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    Design of the HEMT 29

    similar; therefore it can be easily rationalized that the union of these two materials

    yields the following approximate heterojunction:

    Figure 24: Band Diagram for the GaN/InGaN Heterojunction

    Finally, when the entire device is considered as a whole, the presence of the two

    heterojunctions gives the double heterojunction structure, as is approximated by the

    figure below:

    Figure 25: Band Diagram for the N-AlGaN/GaN and GaN/InGaN Double Heterojunction

    The above figure depicts the proposed structure of the HEMT device designed in this


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    Design of the HEMT 30

    2.2 Growth

    There are many types of growth methods for semiconductor technologies, the

    prominent ones being epitaxy, molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), metal organic-

    chemical vapor deposition, and so on. It does suffice to say that MOCVD is achieved

    at a much higher temperature than MBE, and MBE enables the growth of very

    precise interfaces that improve transport properties [1]. However, the physics behind

    these growth methods is rather complex and will not be explained in this report. This

    report will simply introduce the concepts behind epitaxial growth, the fundamentals

    of which can be used to understand the other techniques. The figure below illustrates

    an ideal case of epitaxial growth:

    Figure 26: General Overview of Ideal Epitaxial Growth (no mismatch or defects) [2]

    The growth is referred to as ideal because in the case presented in the above figure,

    there is a perfect match between the substrate and semiconductor, and there are no

    imperfections such as dislocations (lattice misalignment) or point defects (vacancies,

    interstitial atoms). It does, however, give a general idea of the process of epitaxial

    growth. Epitaxial growth is a process where a crystal structure (or lattice) is formed

    on top of another crystal structure. To achieve this method of growth, everything

    must be placed in a vacuum to assure optimal temperature, pressure, and contents. A

    substrate (or semiconductor structure) is first inserted inside the vacuum, followed by

    Substrate Lattice Atoms

    Epitaxial Layer Lattice Atoms


    Epitaxial Growth

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    Design of the HEMT 31

    ions of the wanted layer. These ions will then bond themselves to the substrate,

    following the substrates lattice structure, layer after layer [2]. This is why mismatch

    is important: if there is a high percentage of mismatch between the two layers, high

    strain will be present during the growth, which can lead to the aforementioned

    imperfections, among other undesirable effects. This growth is repeated sequentially

    for each different semiconductor layer.

    2.3 Doping and Metal Deposition

    As previously stated on numerous occasions in the design of the HEMT, intrinsic

    GaN is used with extrinsic AlGaN. One of the main reason behind using undoped

    GaN is to not impede electron mobility throughout the channel (or 2DEG) [1].

    Adding impurities into the semiconductor could create potential barriers to the flow

    of electrons through the lattice. Additionally, using undoped GaN is essential for the

    formation of the 2DEG, as mentioned in the previous section (no doping required to

    achieve a 2DEG due to the strong polarization fields in AlGaN/GaN interface) [16].

    Using intrinsic GaN also simplifies the design process.

    Unlike GaN, AlGaN is doped in the HEMT. This doping was done in order to

    achieve a good balance between greater electron concentrations in the 2DEG and

    lower sheet resistance without the use of an AlN interlayer [1]. Also, since the

    channel is located inside the GaN portion of the heterointerface, the impurities

    cannot impede electron mobility. Additionally, as it was seen in section 1, by using

    doped AlGaN, greater currents are achieved for the same values of gate voltage. The

    optimal doping concentration of AlGaN is obtained by inspection of the materials

    energy levels: it is desired to have the Fermi level of AlGaN above the conduction

    band of GaN and close to enough to the conduction band of AlGaN. These

    conditions are desired in order to obtain a 2DEG even when no potential is applied

    (ie: at least one discrete energy state of quantum well in the conduction band be

    above the Fermi level of the heterostructure) [2]. The following equation describes

    an approximation on how the doping concentration can be obtained:

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    Design of the HEMT 32


    ] (2.10)

    Where Nc is the density of states in the conduction band, k Boltzmanns constant

    ( - ), and T is the temperature in Kelvin. The temperature is assumed

    to be 300K and the density of states in the conduction band is obtained by

    interpolating values from GaN and AlN using the following equation:


    Furthermore, values for density of states for both binary compounds were obtained

    from the following equations coming from [6]:



    The calculated values can be found in Appendix B of the report. As previously

    mentioned, the Fermi level of AlGaN was chosen to be above the conduction band of

    GaN, and with equation 2.10, a rough approximation for doping concentration of

    AlGaN was calculated and included in Appendix B2.

    Although the GaN portion of the HEMT is said to be intrinsic, the semiconductor is

    highly doped at the interface with the metal (termed n+ doping). The n-type doping

    is to create the formation of an ohmic contact between the GaN and the metal (Al).

    When a metal and a semiconductor come in contact, their Fermi levels align and

    band bending occurs in the semiconductor. If this band bending yields no barrier to

    the electrons in the conduction band or holes in the valence band, the interface is

    called an ohmic contact. However, if the converse is true (a barrier exists to the

    electrons in the conduction band or holes in the valence band), the contact is known

    as a Schottky barrier and operates in a similar way as a pn junction [2]. However, if

    the width of this Schottky barrier is kept to a minimum, the electrons/holes can

    tunnel through the barrier, which is a phenomenon termed quantum tunneling (can

    only be understood and explained if the electron is modeled to behave like an

    2 The doping concentration calculated is used more as a guideline and is not an exact

    value (due to all the rough approximations used)

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    Design of the HEMT 33

    electromagnetic wave rather than a particle [2]). This quantum tunneling has the

    effect of making the Schottky contact behave more like an ohmic contact, since

    electrons effectively tunnel through the barrier [2]. The following figure depicts the

    two types of contacts that arise in a metal-semiconductor interface (the first being a

    Schottky contact, and the other being a Schottky with quantum tunneling or ohmic

    contact) it can be seen that the barrier width in the bottom figure is lower than the

    barrier width in the upper figure:

    Figure 27: Differences Between Ohmic and Schottky Contacts [11]

    The n+ pockets in GaN are used to assure quantum tunneling occurs at the interface

    between the Al contact and the GaN semiconductor. For more information on

    quantum tunneling, refer to Appendix D. A more general layout of metal-

    semiconductor interface can be seen in the following figure:

    Figure 28: Energy Band Diagrams for (a) Schottky Junction for n-type Si, (b) Schottky Contact with

    Quantum Tunneling for n++and (c) Ohmic Contact for p+with metal [9]

    The n+ pockets can be created by local diffusion, a process that is briefly explained

    in Appendix C [2]. The deposition of Al on the HEMT is achieved in a very similar

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    Design of the HEMT 34

    way as local diffusion (steps 1 thru 6 are practically identical), but instead of doping,

    metal is applied to the structure and then annealed at high temperatures [1]. The

    following table lists typical values of annealing temperatures and contact resistances

    for different types of metals and the type of doping required for GaN:

    Table 3: Ohmic Contact Materials and Properties of Ohmic Contacts on GaN [1]

    The work functions of different types of metals can be found in [10] and therefore

    were not included in this report.

    2.4 Final Device Structure

    The previous sections all covered the design of the HEMT. The reasons for selecting

    each material and for performing the particular growths, depositions, and doping

    were explained in detail. Finally, this brief section is dedicated to the final device

    structure. Section 1.3.4 gave an idea of the physical nature of the device, which is

    the main structure of the HEMT. The figure below illustrates the actual shape of the

    HEMT designed. It can be seen that it is very simple and that it resembles that of a

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    Design of the HEMT 35

    MOSFET device, but instead of a dielectric, a ternary semiconductor is used

    (AlGaN) at the gate. The drain, source, and gate terminals are labeled D, G, and S,

    respectively. As mentioned previously, the metal contacts are Al, and the figure

    shows an approximate location of the 2DEG at the GaN/AlGaN interface. It should

    be noted that the figure does not accurately depict the devices physical dimensions

    to scale; it does not show the actual size of the layers, of the n+ pockets, of the metal

    contacts, or of the substrate. Typically, the AlGaN layer should be approximately

    200 300 3, while the GaN layer can be in the micrometer range ( ) [16].

    The size of the buffer layer should be kept low but be high enough as to no hinder

    device performance [1].

    Figure 29: Final Structure of the HEMT (not to scale)






    n+ n+


    metal metal


    D G S

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    Theory of Experimental Measurements 36

    3. Theory of Experimental Measurements

    3.1 Overview

    The experiments were conducted in the MEAglow semiconductor lab at Lakehead

    University4. Unfortunately, current technologies and processes at this facility do not

    allow the entire fabrication of the HEMT designed in this report (much more testing

    and research must be done on the growth and such), but three separate samples of

    thin GaN on InN were grown on sapphire substrates. The following subsections

    discuss brief theory behind the operation of the measurements taken on the three

    samples. Results were obtained from Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), X-Ray

    diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Hall effect

    measurements (for the actual results, please refer to section 4).

    3.2 Theory

    3.2.1 Atomic Force Microscope

    The Atomic Force Microscope is a very high-resolution type of scanning, which is

    used to visualize the surface of a given sample in the range of nanometers. It is based

    on measuring the force acting between a fine tip and a sample. The tip is attached to

    the free end of a cantilever and it scans very closely to the sample. Then attractive or

    repulsive forces acting on the cantilever will result in positive or negative bending.

    The bending is detected by a laser beam that reflects to a photo detector and creates a

    signal that is sent to a PC and by the help of appropriate software an image of the

    sample is created [24]. The following figure shows the typical arrangement of AFM:

    4 MEAglow: Migration Enhanced Afterglow a hybrid system that utilizes

    principles of both MBE and MOCVD to grow nitride semiconductor devices with


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    Theory of Experimental Measurements 37

    Figure 30: Principle of Operation of AFM [24]

    The AFM has three modes of operation; Contact Mode, Non-Contact and Tapping

    Mode. In contact mode the tip makes a slight contact with the edge of the sample

    surface to sense the surface and create the image. In this mode the tip of the

    cantilever is very important to be soft enough to be able to be deflected by very small

    force to avoid damage to the sample [24]. Non-contact mode uses attractive force

    region, which minimizes the contact between the tip and the sample (also a

    Proportional, Integral, and Derivative (PID) controller is used) [2]. Silicon based tips

    are mostly used for this mode. In tapping-mode the cantilever is oscillating close to

    its resonance frequency, which generates an electronic feedback loop to make sure

    that the oscillation amplitude is constant at all times. The forces acting between the

    sample and the tip will cause change in oscillating amplitude and also change in

    resonant frequency and phase of the cantilever. The image of the sample is created

    by the phase changes. In this mode the amount of contact to the sample is very low,

    which causes in less damage to the sample. Silicon based tips are used in tapping-


    Even if AFM gives a good idea of surface conditions, when there is something of

    interest on the surface, SEM is used to quantify what is actually present at this region

    of interest. Additionally, the aforementioned software used in conjunction with

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    Theory of Experimental Measurements 38

    AFM can provide RMS surface roughness, and values under 9-10nm typically

    indicate a smooth surface [2].

    3.2.2 X-Ray Diffraction

    X-ray diffraction is method of analysis used in crystalline materials; A. W. Hull

    conceptualized it in the early 1900s. Hull stipulated in his paper that every

    crystalline substance has a unique diffraction pattern and, in a mixture of substances,

    each produces its pattern independently of others (it can be seen as a fingerprint to

    a substance) [19]. The theory behind x-ray diffraction can be understood with the

    help of Braggs Law, which is the following equation:


    Where d is the spacing between diffracting planes, is the incident angle, n is

    any integer, and is the wavelength of the beam. These values are better understood

    with the help of the following image:

    Figure 31: XRD Beam on a Crystalline Lattice [19]

    When an X-ray beam is projected into a lattice (as seen in the image above), the

    electrons from the atoms will oscillate at the frequency of the incoming beam. This

    will cause destructive interference (the combining electron waves are out of phase

    with each other) in almost all directions [19]. In some directions (according to

    Braggs Law), there will be constructive interference since the atoms in a lattice are

    usually in a predefined structure. The X-ray reflections occur at angle with respect

    to the incident beam, and generate a reflected beam at an angle 2 from the incident

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    Theory of Experimental Measurements 39

    beam. The angles and such are determined by the arrangement of the unit-cell of the

    atoms in the lattice and arrangement of the lattice itself [19].

    With this theory, when a compound semiconductor is analyzed by XRD, a curve can

    be generated with the help of hardware (the x-ray device) and software. The

    corresponding curve should have peaks at a certain angle 2 that identifies the type

    of semiconductor present. Furthermore, the areas under those peaks are related to the

    amount of each semiconductor present in the sample, ie: a thicker layer of

    semiconductor should have a higher peak [19].

    3.2.3 Scanning Electron Microscope

    The scanning electron microscope (SEM) uses a focused beam of high-energy

    electrons, which interact with the electrons on the sample to produce a detailed

    topography of the samples surface, chemical composition, crystalline structure and

    orientation of materials. It can detect specimens in high vacuum, low vacuum and in

    environmental SEM specimens can be observed in wet conditions while achieving a

    resolution of 25 angstrom (0.25 nm) [22]. The electron beam dissipates energy,

    producing different signals that give information of the characteristics of the material.

    These signals include secondary and backscattered electrons, which are commonly

    used for imaging samples; secondary electrons are suited for s