design thinking & storytelling - föreläsning på avega group av mathias gullbrandson, the...

Design Thinking och storytelling som metoder för affärs- och erbjudandeutveckling

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A lecture on Design Thinking and storytelling as methods for business innovation by Mathias Gullbrandson, The Story Lab The lecture was hold 2011-05-12 during 4 hours at Avega Group, Stockholm, on the theme - Agile development. This presentation is made in Swedish and English.


Page 1: Design thinking & storytelling - föreläsning på Avega Group av Mathias Gullbrandson, The Story Lab

Design Thinking och storytelling

som metoder för affärs- och erbjudandeutveckling

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Det var en gång senhösten år 2001...

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The Story Lab arbetar med affärs- och erbjudandeutveckling för företag i en tjänste- och upplevelseekonomi

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Erbjudande– som engagerar och

skapar storytelling

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”If growth is what you’re after, you won’t learn much from complex measurements of customer satisfaction or retention. You simply need to know what your customers tell their friends about you.”

”The only path to profitable growth may lie in a company’s ability to get its loyal customers to become, in effect, its marketing department.”

Frederick F. Reichheld

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Design Thinkingvs

traditionell affärsutveckling

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Många (70%) strategiska initiativ når inte sina mål.** ) Charan & Colvin , Dalton, Vickers m.fl.

Det där vill jag vara med på!

Jag förstår inte!

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“You can analyze the past, but you have to design the future”

Edward De Bono

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ThinkingDesign +

Känsla, intuition och inspiration

Rationalitet och analys

Roger Martin,Professor Management Strategies,

University of Toronto

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”A discipline that uses the designer’s sensibility and met-hods to match people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what is a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunity.”

Tim Brown, CEO IDEO

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Design Thinking

Utforska nya mysterium

Bygger idéer

Medskapande mellan experter, medarbetare och kunder

Exploatera vad vi redan vet

Diskuterar idéer

Experter på affärsutveckling

Söker efter att bevisa lösningen (validity)

Abduktivt resonemang– ”hur kan det vara om?”

En absolut lösning

Väljer pålitliga lösningar

Deduktivt/induktivt resonemang– ”vad är rätt och fel?”

Riktlinjer som ska implementeras

Kvalitativ research

En mer utforskande process

Kundvärdet som utgångspunkt

Kvantitativ research

Linjär milstolpebaserad process

Ekonomin som utgångspunkt

Design Thinking

Traditionell affärsutveckling

Traditionell affärsutveckling






Page 21: Design thinking & storytelling - föreläsning på Avega Group av Mathias Gullbrandson, The Story Lab

SpelFlow, deltagande,

engagemang, motivation och lojalitet

DeSignKvalitet i varje touch-point i kundens resa genom upplevelsen

StorytellingFånga, förtydliga och

överföra mening

Design Thinking- hur design thinking bäst kan användas för att skapa kon-

kurrensfördelar i en tjänste- och upplevelseekonomi

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Design- att designa i 3D- produktdesign och arkitektur

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Kvalité i varje touchpoint i KunDenS reSa genom upplevelSen

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needs input

SenSeS emotional Filter

habitual Filter








beSlutSFattanDe viD varje touchpoint

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Kvalité i varje touchpoint i KunDenS reSa genom upplevelSen - arbetSplatSen

interna mötenexterna mötenDigitala möteninstallationsplatser...

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vi bryr oss om apples datore för att apple bryr sig om sina datorer.

vi bryr oss mer om ett café om caféägaren bryr sig mycket om sitt café

SpegeleFFeKten - ju mer man bryr Dig DeSSto mer Kommer anDra bry Sig...

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Med tjänster uppstår ett behov av att designa i tid – storytelling, scenarios och storyboarding

”Akiko and her husband starts their Saturday cleaning their home. They are newly married and enjoy their nice mansion apartment.

When they are done, they surf the Internet for good wines and other things to buy.

Then they go shopping according to a plan, buying some of the things they found good prices for in the web search. They fill the boot of the car with groceries and other things.” [snapshot 1]

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Fånga, FörtyDliga och överFöra meningStorytelling.

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Spel Flow, DeltaganDe, engagemang och motivation

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inre och yttre motivation

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Drawing on four decades of scientific research on human motivation,

pink exposes the mismatch between what science knows and what business does.

while carrots and sticks worked successfully in the twentieth century,

that’s precisely the wrong way to motivate people for today’s challenges.

there are three elements of true motivation—autonomy, mastery, and purpose.


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The Innovation Stack

Competitive lead-time relatively short

Years of competitive advantage

Hamel, 2007Harvard Business Review

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Research, avgränsning och problemformulering

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Kvalitativ semistrukturerad basintervju Deltagande observation

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När vi träffar en person, när personen blir verklig, anpassar vi vårt berättande naturligt till personen. Ett sätt att lyckas med det i masskommunikation är att arbeta med fiktiva personer – personas.

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Master Mirjam – vill hitta en bra master

Om Mirjam Om Stockholms universitet och deras kommunikation

Namn, ålder, bostad

Gör på dagarna Gör på fritiden Drivkraft, önskan om framtiden och oro


Kännedom om SU

Varför  SU?   Om  SUs  kommunika2on  

Budskap  –  huvudbudskap  och  anpassat  budskap  

Lämpliga  beräAelser    

• Mirjam

•  27 år och bor i Karlstad

• Skriver kandidatuppsats i kemi och jobbar på OKQ8

• Hänger med kursarna och surfar runt på olika Mastersutbildningar. Lund, London och Stockholm lockar.

•  Ett bra jobb eller eventuellt forskning.

•  Först en bra mastersutbildning med uppsats på en arbetsplats.

• Orolig för att inte få jobb efter utbildningen.

• Mobil

• Mejl

•  Facebook


• Webb

• Vet att SU finns

• Stockholm har stor arbetsmarkand och nära till Uppsala

•  Forskning i världsklass inom kemi

•  Läser på webben om olika mastersalternativ

•  Forskning på högsta nivå – ett ledande forskningsuniversitet

• SU har en riktigt bra master och en stor arbetsmarknad nära.

• När jag gjorde mitt val till universitetet

• Då insåg jag att…

Typiska citat:”Stockholm lockade för här fanns större utbud av föreningsliv. Jag hade kompisar som flyttat hit””En master här är billig och ganska bra säger kursarna som pluggat utomlands tidigare.””Jag börjar tänka mer på vad som händer sen, efter utbildningen. Vilka jobb som finns och så.”

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Customer Journey Mapping och Service blueprint

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Förstå och beskriva den socio-kulturella kontexten

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Visualisera spelplanen – förstå den socio-kulturella berättelsen

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Avgränsning och problemformulering

KunderVad är önskvärt?

AffärsmodellVad är hållbart?

Tekniskt och kulturelltVad är möjligt?

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Strategi och lösning

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Utforskande resa istället för en linjär process, där medarbetare, intressenter och kunder är med

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Pappersprototyper i workshops

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Kundtester i ett tidigt skede

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Fullskaliga modeller

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Prototyp av system för handel med utsläppsrätter i form av ett spel

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Ny strategi

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Ny organisationsmodell

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Ny organisationsmodell

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Vad är en tjänst?

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6 %

Industriell ekonomi

30,6 %


64,4 %

Källa: CIA, 2009

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Colour Key

Källa: CIA, 2006

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vägleda förändring





icke differentierad

marknad premiumpris

iscensätta upplevelser

leverera tjänster

tillverka produkter

utvinna råvaror









Gilmore & Pine, 1999, Harvard Business School

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Tjänster, betalar för att få en rad aktiviteter utförda på beställning

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Upplevelser, betalar för sitt eget engagemang och den minnevärda händelsen

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Transformations, betalar för förändring och helst en bestående förändring

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Tre sorters kvalitéer avgör tjänsteupplevelsen, och dessa bör vara integrerade för att upplevas äkta

teKniSK Kvalitévad är det som utförs,


FunKtionella Kvalitén

hur utförs tjäns-ten? med vilket en-



var utförs tjänsten?

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Äkta upplevelser skapar lojalitet - men tjänsten i sig står inte för hela upplevelsen utan är beroende av samspelet med kommunikatio-

nen med kunderna och medarbetarnas engagemang


tjänStenDen specifika

tjänstens utform-ning

meDarbetarnaS engagemang

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vägleda förändring





icke differentierad

marknad premiumpris

iscensätta upplevelser

leverera tjänster

tillverka produkter

utvinna råvaror









Gilmore & Pine, 1999, Harvard Business School

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Tjänste- och upplevelseekonomin

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Meaning: purchasing on the basis of lasting consequences

beyond the consumption

Quality: purchasing on the basis of excelling in product


Cost: purchasing on the basis of obtaining an affordable


Availability: purchasing on the basis of accessing a reliable


Authenticity: purchasing on the basis of conforming to

self image

Upplevelseekonomi - äkthet är dominerande köpdrivkraft

CIA, 2006 Harvard, 2007

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Äkthet: Köp baseras på självbild

Kvalitet i upplevelseekonomin är äkthet

En gnutta ”fake” kan ruinera det äkta

Äkta ≠ Sant

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“The authenticity paradox. Everything is fake, fake, fake!”

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0 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | | | |

Success factors when rendering authenticity

10-11-03 Design Thinking och storytelling | Seminarium

Communication Economy Leadership Positive psychology

Authentic Experience

A company’ reputation is a result if two things; its own actions and behaviours, and the perception of its key audiences.

The business imperative in experience economy is render authenticity and management of the customer perception for authenticity become the primary new source of competitive advantage

Life changing and meaningful moments in life create meaning and fuel to be an leader.

Authentic happiness drives from positive feelings that arise from using (authentic experience) my own signature strengths and upon virtue, spontaneously.

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1 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | | | |

Success factors when rendering authenticity

10-11-03 Design Thinking och storytelling | Seminarium

Communication Economy Leadership Positive psychology

Authentic Experience

A company’ reputation is a result if two things; its own actions and behaviours, and the perception of its key audiences.

The business imperative in experience economy is render authenticity and management of the customer perception for authenticity become the primary new source of competitive advantage

Life changing and meaningful moments in life create meaning and fuel to be an leader.

Authentic happiness drives from positive feelings that arise from using (authentic experience) my own signature strengths and upon virtue, spontaneously.

Self image / awareness

Individuals identification with a brand is crucial for the effect of communication

Both consumers and business to business customers now purchasing offerings, not only based on availability, affordability and excellence in product performance, the purchase is based on how well it conform to their self-image

“Leadership demands the expression of a authentic self”.

Focus on self image without self awareness decrease capacity for development

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2 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | | | |

Success factors when rendering authenticity

10-11-03 Design Thinking och storytelling | Seminarium

Communication Economy Leadership Positive psychology

Authentic Experience

A company’ reputation is a result if two things; its own actions and behaviours, and the perception of its key audiences.

The business imperative in experience economy is render authenticity and management of the customer perception for authenticity become the primary new source of competitive advantage

Life changing and meaningful moments in life create meaning and fuel to be an leader.

Authentic happiness drives from positive feelings that arise from using (authentic experience) my own signature strengths and upon virtue, spontaneously.

Self image / awareness

Individuals identification with a brand is crucial for the effect of communication

Both consumers and business to business customers now purchasing offerings, not only based on availability, affordability and excellence in product performance, the purchase is based on how well it conform to their self-image

“Leadership demands the expression of a authentic self”.

Focus on self image without self awareness decrease capacity for development

Playful / meaningful

Meaning and playfulness make your message viral

When people become engaged because the experience is playful or meaningful, they experience it as authentic and valuable.

Employees today seeking meaning in their work, and meeting quartly earning expectations can ruined long-term shareholder value.

your strengths and virtue must be anchored in something larger, a meaning and purpose.

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3 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | | | |

Success factors when rendering authenticity

10-11-03 Design Thinking och storytelling | Seminarium

Communication Economy Leadership Positive psychology

Authentic Experience

A company’ reputation is a result if two things; its own actions and behaviours, and the perception of its key audiences.

The business imperative in experience economy is render authenticity and management of the customer perception for authenticity become the primary new source of competitive advantage

Life changing and meaningful moments in life create meaning and fuel to be an leader.

Authentic happiness drives from positive feelings that arise from using (authentic experience) my own signature strengths and upon virtue, spontaneously.

Self image / awareness

Individuals identification with a brand is crucial for the effect of communication

Both consumers and business to business customers now purchasing offerings, not only based on availability, affordability and excellence in product performance, the purchase is based on how well it conform to their self-image

“Leadership demands the expression of a authentic self”.

Focus on self image without self awareness decrease capacity for development

Playful / meaningful

Meaning and playfulness make your message viral

When people become engaged because the experience is playful or meaningful, they experience it as authentic and valuable.

Employees today seeking meaning in their work, and meeting quartly earning expectations can ruined long-term shareholder value.

your strengths and virtue must be anchored in something larger, a meaning and purpose.

Storytelling “Either you’are going to tell stories that spread, or you will become irrelevant” A great story is true.

"In the next century, the winners of the economy will be the products and services that express the most compelling stories."

All authentic leaders tells about authentic experiences which guide them where to go.

Storytelling help people to create a coherent sense and meaning of how things works at a large and small scale of life.

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4 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | | | |

Success factors when rendering authenticity

10-11-03 Design Thinking och storytelling | Seminarium

Communication Economy Leadership Positive psychology

Authentic Experience

A company’ reputation is a result if two things; its own actions and behaviours, and the perception of its key audiences.

The business imperative in experience economy is render authenticity and management of the customer perception for authenticity become the primary new source of competitive advantage

Life changing and meaningful moments in life create meaning and fuel to be an leader.

Authentic happiness drives from positive feelings that arise from using (authentic experience) my own signature strengths and upon virtue, spontaneously.

Self image / awareness

Individuals identification with a brand is crucial for the effect of communication

Both consumers and business to business customers now purchasing offerings, not only based on availability, affordability and excellence in product performance, the purchase is based on how well it conform to their self-image

“Leadership demands the expression of a authentic self”.

Focus on self image without self awareness decrease capacity for development

Playful / meaningful

Meaning and playfulness make your message viral

When people become engaged because the experience is playful or meaningful, they experience it as authentic and valuable.

Employees today seeking meaning in their work, and meeting quartly earning expectations can ruined long-term shareholder value.

your strengths and virtue must be anchored in something larger, a meaning and purpose.

Storytelling “Either you’are going to tell stories that spread, or you will become irrelevant” A great story is true.

"In the next century, the winners of the economy will be the products and services that express the most compelling stories."

All authentic leaders tells about authentic experiences which guide them where to go.

Storytelling help people to create a coherent sense and meaning of how things works at a large and small scale of life.

Co-creation A billion people has a mobile phone with a video camera and are ready to record and post everything that they it is thrilling.

Co-creation increase loyalty

Transform from “I” to “We”, and that “we” is build up by both leaders and followers authenticity.

Vital engagement is about connecting a persons inner drive to activities, a tradition (story and rituals) and a community

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5 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | | | |

Success factors when rendering authenticity

10-11-03 Design Thinking och storytelling | Seminarium

Communication Economy Leadership Positive psychology

Authentic Experience

A company’ reputation is a result if two things; its own actions and behaviours, and the perception of its key audiences.

The business imperative in experience economy is render authenticity and management of the customer perception for authenticity become the primary new source of competitive advantage

Life changing and meaningful moments in life create meaning and fuel to be an leader.

Authentic happiness drives from positive feelings that arise from using (authentic experience) my own signature strengths and upon virtue, spontaneously.

Self image / awareness

Individuals identification with a brand is crucial for the effect of communication

Both consumers and business to business customers now purchasing offerings, not only based on availability, affordability and excellence in product performance, the purchase is based on how well it conform to their self-image

“Leadership demands the expression of a authentic self”.

Focus on self image without self awareness decrease capacity for development

Playful / meaningful

Meaning and playfulness make your message viral

When people become engaged because the experience is playful or meaningful, they experience it as authentic and valuable.

Employees today seeking meaning in their work, and meeting quartly earning expectations can ruined long-term shareholder value.

your strengths and virtue must be anchored in something larger, a meaning and purpose.

Storytelling “Either you’are going to tell stories that spread, or you will become irrelevant” A great story is true.

"In the next century, the winners of the economy will be the products and services that express the most compelling stories."

All authentic leaders tells about authentic experiences which guide them where to go.

Storytelling help people to create a coherent sense and meaning of how things works at a large and small scale of life.

Co-creation A billion people has a mobile phone with a video camera and are ready to record and post everything that they it is thrilling.

Co-creation increase loyalty

Transform from “I” to “We”, and that “we” is build up by both leaders and followers authenticity.

Vital engagement is about connecting a persons inner drive to activities, a tradition (story and rituals) and a community

Transparancy Digital information has created a global playing field of unpredicted transparency and radically democratized access to information .

People no longer accept fake offerings; they want real offerings from genuinely transparent sources.

The person need to be connected to a transparent larger whole to generate learning's from actions and realise the persons potential.

Mastery and autonomity

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6 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | 10-11-17 Design Thinking & Pervasive games | GM 2020

Pervasive games Use reality and technology to stage meaningful, engaging and sometimes transformational experiences

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7 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | 09-10-23

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9 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | 09-10-23

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10 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | 10-11-17 Design Thinking & Pervasive games | GM 2020

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11 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | 10-11-17 Design Thinking & Pervasive games | GM 2020 © Andrew Sorcini, aka mrbabymn

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12 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | 10-11-17 Design Thinking & Pervasive games | GM 2020

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13 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | 09-10-23

Från TV-serie till din vardag

Exempel: Sveriges Television ”De drabbade”

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14 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | 10-11-17 Design Thinking & Pervasive games | GM 2020


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15 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | 10-11-17 Design Thinking & Pervasive games | GM 2020

Because it is authentic

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16 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | 10-11-17 Design Thinking & Pervasive games | GM 2020

With design strategies of

Pervasive Games

Page 97: Design thinking & storytelling - föreläsning på Avega Group av Mathias Gullbrandson, The Story Lab

17 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | 10-11-17 Design Thinking & Pervasive games | GM 2020

Mental patterns



Transformative experiences Word of mouth



Systems for Co-creation

Design thinking Culture

New behaviours

360° Self images

Page 98: Design thinking & storytelling - föreläsning på Avega Group av Mathias Gullbrandson, The Story Lab

18 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | | | | | 10-11-17 Design Thinking & Pervasive games | GM 2020

"Instead of providing gamers with better and more immersive alternatives to reality, I want all of us to become responsible for providing the world with a better and more immersive reality.”

Jane McGonigal, Pervasive game designer

Page 99: Design thinking & storytelling - föreläsning på Avega Group av Mathias Gullbrandson, The Story Lab

19 © 2010 The Story Lab AB | | |


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