designing for multiple devices - sarit arora

Designing for Multiple Devices Sarit Arora, Yahoo!

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Talk by Sarit Arora, Yahoo, at the STC India UX Conference on Saturday, August 27, 2011, conducted at WE School, Bangalore.


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Designing for Multiple Devices Sarit Arora, Yahoo!

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User Profiles are vast and wide.

Evolving Nature of UX Complexity

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Many Languages, Many Cultures

Evolving Nature of UX Complexity

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In the consumer space, just rational and emotional design is not enough

Evolving Nature of UX Complexity

Designs should be meaningful.




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Changing consumer behavior

Evolving Nature of UX Complexity

Social Networks preferred over email for informal communication

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These users are using multiple devices, sometimes to do the same tasks

Evolving Nature of UX Complexity

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People start their Online lives with a Mobile, not a PC

Evolving Nature of UX Complexity

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How do we achieve a seamless experience across devices?

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Study the daily activities and the tasks of the people, in their context

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Uncover how technology can improve local conditions

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See what technology and solutions are in place and how its being used

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Validate that unique solutions are properly designed

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User Research

Conceptual Design

Detailed Design &


Data Analytics and


Concept Evaluation

Evaluation and


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However, to design for the multiple device world… a few more considerations have to be taken into account

Changing Technology Trends

Play on Device Strengths

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Changing Technology Trends

Devices, Apps, HTML 5

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Changing Technology Trends

Design for devices is more than just “apps”

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Changing Technology Trends

Design for devices is more than just “apps” – Think Platforms

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Changing Technology Trends

But for apps consider…..“Native” vs. “web” vs. “hybrid” apps?

Web apps are accessed via the browser & updated automatically (from user’s perspective)

Native apps are downloaded & updates must also be downloaded (unless they are “hybrids.”)

Native apps have greater access to the device hardware & content (though that’s changing.)

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Changing Technology Trends

Gyroscope (Occipital)

Game (BeatTouch)

Web App Examples It  is  easier  to  make  a  cross-­‐pla0orm  applica1on  if  it  is  on  the  web.  It  is  also  easier  to  migrate  an  exis1ng  web-­‐app  to  mobile  pla0orms  through  a  mobile-­‐friendly  web  version,  rather  than  by  making  a  bunch  of  different  na1ve  apps.

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A web grid system that allows designers to use the screen real estate on large monitors and retain great design on smaller ones.

Changing Technology Trends Web App – Fluid Grid

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Changing Technology Trends

However, if you need device access, multi-tasking, or micropayments, in most cases you’ll want to create a native app.

Take calls (Skype)

Listen to music (Pandora) Tapparatus

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Changing Technology Trends

iOS, Android, Web OS, Windows 7…

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Changing Technology Trends

iOS Prototyping

Apple’s iOS Interface Builder

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Changing Technology Trends

Prototyping for Android

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Changing Technology Trends

Prototyping for Windows

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Changing Technology Trends

… and not to forget

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However, to design for the multiple device world… a few considerations have to be taken into account

Changing Technology Trends

Play on Device Strengths

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Play on Device Strength

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It is a small 320x480 pixel screen (163ppi), 640x960 in case of iPhone 4

Mind your gestures and animation

The size of a fingertip is 44x44 pixels

Delight with stunning graphics, add realism

Design for iPhone

Minimum required input

Express information briefly

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Yahoo! Finance Yahoo! Deals Yahoo! Messenger

Thursday, May 24, 12

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One of the longest standing issues in Web design has been the "everything including the kitchen sink problem” On a 1024x768 screen there's lots of pixels to fill!

1. Small Screen

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1. Small Screen

With 80% less screen space, you should know what matters most The app should have a laser-like focus on what customers need and no room for anything else

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1. Small Screen

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1. Small Screen

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1. Small Screen

App should be instantly understandable

Main function should be immediately apparent

Minimize the number of controls

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The average cursor size is 16x16 pixels, but the average size of your fingertip is 44x44 pixels Give tappable elements in your application a target area of about 44x44 pixels

2. Fingertip Targets

Thursday, May 24, 12

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2. Fingertip Targets

Thursday, May 24, 12

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Animation is a great way to communicate effectively, as long as it doesn’t get in the way of users Animation can communicate status, provide useful feedback, and help people visualize the results of their actions

3. Animation & Gestures

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3. Animation & Gestures

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Use complex gestures as shortcuts to expedite a task

Avoid associating different actions with the standard gestures users know

In general, avoid defining new gestures

3. Animation & Gestures

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4. Graphics & Realism

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4. Graphics & Realism

When appropriate, add a realistic, physical dimension to your application. The more true to life your application looks and behaves, the easier it is for people to understand how it works and the more they enjoy using it.

Thursday, May 24, 12

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5. Minimum Required Input

Small screen requires lot of attention to input information

Text field vs. pickers

Thursday, May 24, 12

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6. Express Information Briefly

Short and Direct

Real life/world metaphors

Thursday, May 24, 12

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Example: Yahoo! Cricket

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Example: Yahoo! Cricket

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Example: Yahoo! Cricket

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The Future is here… Websites looking and behaving like apps

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The Future is here… Websites looking and behaving like apps

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The Future is here… Companion Apps…

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A Special Thanks to…

Harshad Kulkarni, Biju Damodaran and Sandeep Datar

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Thanks ! Questions?