designing utilities for a rural setting in hong kong

Another blot on the landscape How the provision of utilities on Lamma Island has defaced the rural environment

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Post on 26-May-2015




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Government in Hong Kong has no concept of rural design. The installation of basic utilities - for electricity, water, waste, drainage and sewage - have created eyesores and severely damaged the rural character and natural setting of Lamma Island.


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Another blot on the landscape

How the provision of utilities on Lamma Island has defaced the rural


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The planning intention is good….

“The general planning intention is to conserve the natural landscape, the rural character and car-free environment of Lamma Island; to retain Luk Chau in its natural state; and to enhance the role of Lamma Island as a leisure destination. The ecologically and environmentally sensitive areas including the Sham Wan SSSI, the South Lamma Island SSSI, mountain uplands, woodland and the undisturbed natural coastlines should be protected.”

(Lamma Island Outline Zoning Plan)

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The experience has been lousy….

• Unfortunately, the planning intention has not been considered in the provision of electricity, water, waste, sewage and drainage services

• Just one eyesore after another…..

• The overall effect has been to destroy Lamma’s natural landscape and rural character

• Here are some examples….

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ELECTRICITYAs if the power station was not bad enough……..

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Substations are everywhere, and they are all ugly

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Here’s another..

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And another…

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And another…

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And another…

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And another…

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And another (nice view of the harbour)

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WATER SERVICESproviding, most visibly, concrete and fire hydrants

(in duplicate)

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And again…

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And again…

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And again…

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And leaving behind a mess

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That Lamma’s kids and parents cleaned up

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WASTEThe bin areas are a disgrace

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Though FEHD cleans up every day, the mess returns, and the design of the bins does not help

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Recycling is an add on and the facilities are very limited

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And often the bins are misused by well intentioned members of the public (this bin is for cans)

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DRAINAGEThe Drainage Services Department takes away natural

streams and replaces them with concrete nullahs

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Some of these have caused dirty water to back up inland, bringing silt and other rubbish

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All of them have caused eyesores

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There is no sensitivity in design, just concrete, open pipes and metal railings. Is this in keeping with the

planning intention for Lamma?

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SEWAGEPhase 1 of the sewage scheme, turned Yung Shue

Wan into a building site and rubbish dump

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Every neighbourhood affected had a ‘temporary works site’ that became a open rubbish bin

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Kaden, the contractor, responded by cleaning up its sites, other problems included:

• SAFETY: members of the public were not protected from arc welding rays until Living Lamma complained

• HYGIENE: residents reported that the workers were using urinating next to their properties

• EYESORES: ‘temporary’ concrete pathways • DISRUPTION: Dust and noise for prolonged periods

Living Lamma has been working with Kaden to address these problems and very much appreciate the measures they have taken. We hope there will be no need for complaint, particularly on the issues of basic hygiene and safety, with phase 2 contractors.

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Initial Concerns about Phase 2

• WORKABILITY: The sewage scheme is being rolled out without any explanation of cost to the home owner. Government expects every home owner to be responsible for connection. Living Lamma believes there are many practical difficulties with this plan.

• DISRUPTION: If the connection is not made at the time the main pipe is dug, the path will have to be dug up twice causing more cost and disruption than is necessary.

• DESIGN: 3 pumping stations are required. These must not duplicate the insensitive approach of the electricity, water, waste and drainage services. Lamma needs no more eyesores. The terminal manholes and location signs provided by DSD must not be allowed to say “DSD SEWER” as proposed. Lamma residents and visitors do not want to read the word SEWER repeatedly on their walks along the path. There are also concerns about the outlook of the sewage treatment plant located on the harbourfront.

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Some suggestions for Phase 2

• More community involvement in the early stages!• Design to enhance the outlook of the island, not to

destroy it. For example, it would be fun for children to find gecko symbols along the pathways instead of the word SEWER.

• Instruction to workers to keep Lamma clean and oversight to ensure they do.

• Focus on the goal of getting people connected and solve the policy and practical problems associated with the project.

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Despite the planning intention, Lamma’s key features are becoming the concrete,

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The pipes (with concrete!)

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And the metal fences and railings (thankfully the barbed wire came down after residents

complained, and Living Lamma has managed to get government to paint the railings, but there are many more examples)

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Work sites continue to be rubbish dumps

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That members of the public end up tidying up

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Please help us change this

• Join Living Lamma:

• If you are in Government – ask for better ways of doing things – make sure your projects are in keeping with the planning intention

• If you are a contractor – improve your practices and designs