destination finland -the benefits for exchange

Destination Finland –the benefits 2015 Brian Joyce

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Destination Finland –the benefits2015

Brian Joyce

FINNS on exchange

YOU on exchangeYOUR competences

How to enhance yourexchange & competences

Firenze Genova

Lago di Como

The basics

Before going: health insurance, Italian, Sairasvakutuskortti, henkilökortti, snacks, credit card check

When there: records experiences = pictures, video clips; some students do blogs but not me.

Samuli did a vlog.

“Special thanks for the student Dea Mulolliand the teacher Jane Everett for contributing” April 2014

(Here) Under the Northern Star(Täällä Pohjantähden alla)

By Väinö Linna

SisuDevelopImproveSelf-beliefFreedom toFreedom from

Jussi Koskela from Häme

Javier Mirat Navarro (Spain, Antonio de Nebrija)

Reading information

Practiced my English

Talked to some classmates in Spain

Charlotte Daria Callet(France, ESC Saint Etienne)

Love to travel

Could mix study with travelling

Important part of my studies

Christian Freese(Netherlands, Fontys University of Applied Sciences)

Wanted to improve language skills

Focussed on uncommon countries

New cultural experiences

Klára Kléplova(Czech, Anglo American University)

To experience freedom from home.

Meet new friends

Get to know myself better.

Prove myself

How have you developed?

“I learn how to take care of myself because here I had to live alone in one apartment that was the first time for me.” Javier

“ I feel more adult, independent and also I appreciate all opportunities that I can have.” Charlotte

“I noticed I’m better speaking English. I am now more open minded concerning a lot of countries. My stereotypes have decreased.” Christian

“I have got to know what I really want to do in my life. I got better in writing papers and I learned to plan things. But I am still mean … didn’t help ” Klára

“International co-operation is commonly accepted as an important means of improving the quality and outcomes of education and training. International mobility, in particular, has been regarded as an effective way of helping young people develop personally while also improving their employability.”

Hidden Competences ISSN 1798-3657 (pdf) (last viewed1.3.2015

Archiving your experiences for the future.

For your university

For future students

For your portfolio/cv

For your future employers

Make a presentation of HAMK and Finland before you go back