developing learning communities workshop


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Post on 13-Jan-2022




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D R F I O N A H A N D L E Y, C E N T R E F O R L E A R N I N G A N D T E A C H I N G




• Introduce the project

• Hear about your ideas for projects

• Think about partnership working and what it means

• Complete some paperwork


Developing Learning Communities is a cross University initiative that focusses on creating a sense of belonging and developing a community based on mutual respect amongst students and staff, focussing on partnership working to enhance the learning and teaching environment.

It will focus on:

• staff-student partnership working

• inclusive practice

• wellbeing including digital wellbeing

• Internationalising and decolonising the curriculum


Inclusive PracticeInternationalising

and Decolonisation

Staff and students working in partnership


University of Brighton Draft Principles of Inclusive Practice

• Inclusive Practice creates a resource-rich learning eco-system that is collegiate, critical, positive and promotes equality and diversity by mainstreaming accessibility whilst responding to individual students

TYPES OF ACTIVITYStaff and student welcome session(s) incorporated into the curriculum Accessibility guidance met in content of all course materialsEffective use of VLE in sharing course materialsDiversity represented in course materialsAnonymous marking used where appropriatePartnership opportunities embedded in the curriculumReflection on student assessment and feedback literacy undertakenStudent voice in shaping curriculumOpportunities for students to shape their own learning through assessment choiceOpportunities for students to shape their own learning through choosing course contentCreate plan for staff/student partnerships to make and evaluate changes Identify best practice and share

WELLBEING & RESILIENCE"Feeling happy is a part of mental wellbeing, but it’s far from the whole. Feelings of contentment, enjoyment, confidence and engagement with the world are all a part of mental wellbeing. Self-esteem and self-confidence are, too”.

Prof Sarah Stewart-Brown. 5 steps to mental wellbeing. NHS

Mental wellbeing describes our mental state - how we are feeling and how well we can cope with day-to-day life. Our mental wellbeing is dynamic. It can change from moment to moment, day to day, month to month or year to year.

Resilience is a psychological tool that empowers individuals to feel capable of handling uncertainty


Mental wellbeing plays an important part in how staff and students experience life at university. For example, increased pressure from a variety of sources can challenge a students’ resilience and ultimately their success and future career.

One of these sources is digital technology – where information overload, digital distraction, and work-life balance can affect staff and students alike.

TYPES OF ACTIVITYStaff & student session on wellbeing incorporated into curriculum

Have guest lecturers from external agencies and Student Services

Offer reflective document for students to track their personal wellbeing progress

Offer opportunities for students to contextualise wellbeing in their courses and future careers

Identify points in course where resilience is needed most – i.e. when students feel anxious or stressed

Identify issues to do with digital wellbeing for staff and students

Opportunities to use the concept of wellbeing and resilience in assignment work

Opportunities for placements in a wellbeing environment or aspect of their study

Reading lists that offer wellbeing references for the students own wellbeing

Content takes into consideration some of the common issues students experience

Providing link to Mental Health Policy in course book UoB_Mental_Health_Policy -

INTERNATIONALISING AND DECOLONISATION• Internationalising – bringing global perspectives into the curriculum, and

promote opportunities for learning in a global context.

• Decolonising the curriculum involves reflecting on our assumptions about how the world is, and the legacies of Western colonialism and empire on knowledge, education and professions, especially around race.

• Different disciplines have different histories and therefore will approach this in different ways and to different extents. It is a profoundly reflective process that is never really completed.

IDEAS FOR ACTIVITIESStaff & student session on intercultural dialogue incorporated into curriculumHave guest lecturers from abroad either physically or virtuallyHave ethnically diverse lecturers present either physically or virtuallyStudents and staff collaborate with students/staff abroad on research and learning activitiesHave opportunities for staff and students to contribute their international experiences in the curriculumOpportunities to study or work abroadOpportunities for placements in intercultural environmentsReading lists have global/ social justice/ decolonised perspectives addedReading lists include diverse authors with respect to gender and ethnicityContent within sessions includes global and social justice case studiesContent within teaching sessions includes alternative perspectives and/or comparable examplesCourse visual media (PowerPoints, VLE) represents global diversityLearning activities use global and social justice case studiesLearning activities explore alternative and/or decolonised perspectivesEntire curriculum has been decolonised


• A ‘Students-as-Partners’ scheme

• Working in partnership •


• Completing work on projects!

• There are opportunities for us to present the work externally, and students are particularly welcomed to co-present at conferences

• Curriculum Advisers need to complete paperwork, including sending through a brief CV, and showing passport either at the CLT or HR. Once that is sorted we can help with timesheets