development of midgut (special embryology)

Anatomy of Anatomy of Intestine Intestine Dr. Sherif Fahmy

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Page 1: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Anatomy of Anatomy of IntestineIntestine

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 2: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 3: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 4: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Development Development of Mid-gutof Mid-gut(Page 85)(Page 85)

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 5: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 6: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 7: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)




Pericardial bulge Vitelline ductDefinitive yolk sac

L.S. in folded embryo

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 8: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 9: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 10: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 11: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 12: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 13: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 14: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Anomalies of MidgutAnomalies of Midgut1- 1- Anomalies of mesenteries:Anomalies of mesenteries:

- Mobile cecum.- Mobile cecum.- Reto-colic pocket.- Reto-colic pocket.

2- 2- Body wall defect:Body wall defect:- Omphalocele.- Omphalocele.- Gastroschisis.- Gastroschisis.- Infantile umbilical hernia.- Infantile umbilical hernia.

3- 3- Stenosis or atresia of intestinal Stenosis or atresia of intestinal lumenlumen

4- 4- Subhepatic cecum and appendixSubhepatic cecum and appendix Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 15: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

5- Abnormal rotation of midgut loopA- Arrest of rotation after 90 degree- Ascending colon and cecum are on left side of abdomen.B- Rotation for 90 degree to opposite direction- Transverse colon is deep to duodenum.6- Remenants of vitelline duct-Meckel’s diverticulum.-Vitelline cyst-Vitelline fistula.

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 16: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Dr. Sherif Fahmy

Page 17: Development of Midgut (Special Embryology)

Dr. Sherif Fahmy