developmental counseling 3 counseling subordinate-centered communication that outlines actions...

Download DEVELOPMENTAL COUNSELING 3 Counseling Subordinate-centered communication that outlines actions necessary for subordinates to achieve individual and organizational

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3 Counseling Subordinate-centered communication that outlines actions necessary for subordinates to achieve individual and organizational goals. 3 Why should counseling lead to achievement of goals? 3 How is counseling related to leadership?


DEVELOPMENTAL COUNSELING 3 Counseling Subordinate-centered communication that outlines actions necessary for subordinates to achieve individual and organizational goals. 3 Why should counseling lead to achievement of goals? 3 How is counseling related to leadership? 4 The Reason for Counseling - To help subordinates develop in order to achieve organizational or individual goals. - This overriding theme of subordinate development includes helping subordinates to improve performance, solve problems or attain goals. 5 Characteristics of Effective Counseling Purpose: clearly identified Flexibility: adjust style to subordinate Respect: each person has own beliefs and values Communication: open and two-way, where you listen more than speak Support: encourage and guide 6 The Leader as a Counselor Leaders have a responsibility to develop their subordinates. During counseling, the leader acts primarily as a helper, not a judge. 3 When should a leader counsel to develop subordinates? 7 The Leader as a Counselor The following qualities help the leader to assume an effective role during counseling: - Respect for Subordinates - Self and Cultural Awareness - Credibility - Empathy 3How do these qualities assist leaders in counseling? 8 Subordinate-Centered (Two-Way) Communication Subordinates assume an active role in the counseling session and maintain responsibility for their actions. The following skills assist leaders in subordinate- centered counseling: - Active Listening - Responding - Questioning 3 Why should the subordinate be active in the session? 9 Common Counseling Mistakes Leaders: Likes Dislikes Rash decisions Biases Prejudices Improper follow-up 10 Categories of Counseling Personal - Event Oriented Reception and Integration Crisis Separation Positive Performance Promotion Counseling Corrective Training Referrals Performance and Professional Growth OER/NCOER Pathway to Success Developmental Process Based on Potential Near Term 2-5 years 11 Approaches to Counseling Directive Nondirective Combined 12 Directive approach is more counselor- centered versus subordinate- centered. In this approach, the leader does most of the talking and tells the subordinate what needs to be done. 13 Nondirective approach is subordinate- centered. This is the preferred approach in most situations 14 Combined approach, the leader uses part of the directive and nondirective approaches; the combined approach emphasizes that the subordinate must be responsible for the planning and decision making 15 Counseling Process Identify the need for counseling Prepare for counseling Conduct the counseling session Follow-up 16 Prepare for Counseling 1. Select a suitable place 2. Schedule the time 3. Notify the subordinate well in advance 4. Organize the information 3 Can counseling occur spontaneously without formal preparation? 3 What is an appropriate time? 3 What should a leader tell the subordinate? 17 Prepare for Counseling (Cont) 5. Outline components of counseling session 6. Plan a counseling strategy 7. Establish the right atmosphere 3 Why should a leader prepare an outline? 3 What is a counseling strategy? 18 The Counseling Session 1. Open the session 2. Discuss the issue 3. Develop a plan of action 4. Record and close the session 19 1. Open the Session - State the purpose of the session - Establish a subordinate-centered tone 3 Why is it important to state the purpose of the session? 20 2. Discuss the Issue - Jointly develop an understanding of the situation. - Support points with facts or observations. - Establish relevance between the issue and individual or unit goals. 3 How does a counselor jointly develop an understanding of the situation? 3 Why is it important to support points with facts or observations? 21 3. Develop a Plan of Action - Actions should facilitate the attainment of goals. - Actions should be specific enough to drive behavior. - Plan may entail contacting a referral agency. 3 When should the plan include a referral? 22 4. Record and Close the Session - Summarize the counseling session. - Discuss implementation of the plan; check for understanding and acceptance. - Identify leaders responsibilities. 3 What happens when a soldier does not accept the plan of action? 3 What is follow-up and why is it necessary? 3 What is the leaders role in implementing the plan? 23 Assess the Plan of Action If needed, modify the original plan of action Provides useful information for future follow-up counseling sessions DEVELOPMENTAL COUNSELING FORM Rank/Grade Date of Counseling NAME (Last, First, MI) Organization Key Points of Discussion: PART III - Summary of Counseling Name and Title of Counselor PART II - BACKGROUND INFORMATION Purpose of Counseling: Signature of Individual Counseled Plan of Action: Signature of Counselor PART IV - ASSESSMENT OF THE PLAN OF ACTION Assessment: Date Session Closing: Individual counseled: I agree / disagree with the information above Individual counseled remarks: Leader Responsibilities: 26 Summary Counseling 3 Subordinate- centered 3 Goal Oriented The Session 3 Open the session 3 Discuss the issue 3 Develop plan of action 3 Record and close the session Subordinate-Centered Strategy 3 Active Listening 3 Responding 3 Questioning The Process 3 Identify the need 3 Prepare 3 Conduct 3 Assessment Purpose: 3 To develop subordinates