dexter's book

DEXTER - the top dawg...

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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DEXTER - the top dawg...

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Published by My Life Chronicles Pvt.

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All dogs are created equal. Except, some of us are more equal than the others.- Dexter ‘Dex’ Top Dawg.

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Some quick facts about me:I’m a Golden Retriever,Born on 27 Nov 2009

Brought home when I was a 5 week old puppy

My Humble Abode- F 511

My Hotline-08042179308

I am on Facebook as-Dexter chickmagnet

As a puppy, I could to do a high five with my paws!

And I love chewing on bones!

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I walk in through doors...

And walk straight into your hearts.

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From cute and adorable...To huge and menacing...

I’ve come a long way!

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My favourite hobby used to be chewing computer wires and power cables.

Of course I used to get yelled at all the time by my owners for that, after which I stopped.

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Once my owner came home 12 hours late from work... I was really mad!I messed up the bed, emptied the dustbin on it. And thendragged the mattress down and peed on it...

Needless to say, he never came back late again.(Not really, I got a sound thrashing after that!)

You mess with me?I mess with you!

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Oh I was also subject to some “disciplining” on two other ocassions...

I once tore apart an expensive leather shoe into pieces. And my owner was really mad!

Another time, I tore apart the last few chapters of a novel that my owner was just finishing!

I’ve been instructed to leave this page blank since my humans apparently have more to add!


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My humans might be strict disciplinarians, but I still love them! I especially love cuddling up with them.

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This is a young me with my buddy, Buddy (heh!).

If a dog is a man’s best friend, Buddy is a dog’s best friend.

Buddy, I’ll always share my bone with you.


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This is an incident my humans LOVE telling everyone who’s willing to listen...

“ Dexter is so friendly and playful, he won’t even bark at a thief!

Once a thief came inside through a door carelessly left open at night. He first took 3 mobiles..Dexter was sleepingin the bathroom..he came out…the thief panicked and ran out, bolting the door from outside.

Dexter did not bark, - we think he may have come out to play with the thief! We woke up in the morning and found mobiles missing and then found the door locked from outside and Dexter’s scratch marks on the door. There were 4 laptops in the house which were not taken!

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They also love saying this about me -

“ If he has ever killed anything, it is a cockroach: He gets excited at anything moving in front of him..poor cockroaches. Whenever he spots them he will get excited and start playing..first he will put one paw on it and then slowly lift it... the cockroach runs out, Dexter will put the second paw on it and then slowly lift it..cockroach runs out, this pattern will repeat till Dexter gets bored and squashes the being with his paw! “

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When Dex was sick...I once had a fever of 103 degrees or so.(I always knew I was hot!)I was given loads of tablets and wrapped in blankets.I secretly loved the way my humans wer-fussing over me!

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My favourite toy...

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Cosy cosy!

My humans think this is a weird habit...when peo-ple are sitting in a cozy bed I jump and grab the best and most comfort-able position.

Invariably, I get thrown out then!

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The All-out incident!

One day scared the licing daylights out of everyone..There were lots of groceries on the bed and I was bored. So I chewed the All out bottle and made a lot of holes…

.....but then I vomited in timeand that saved me!

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I hope you’re enjoyed my tale, as much as I’ve en-joyed telling it to you.


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